TITLE Cryphaea Mohr (Cryphaeaceae), a genus new to moss flora of Taiwan
AUTHOR Tzen-Yuh Chiang
Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan 115, Republic of China
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ABSTRACT Cryphaea obovatocarpa Okam., a species of Cryphaeaceae, is here reported as a new generic and species record of the moss flora of Taiwan. The Cryphaeaceae consists of twelve genera. Four genera including Cryphaea are distributed in Taiwan. This genus is distinguished from the related genus Forsstroemia by having immersed capsules, well differentiated endostomes, and exostomes. Cryphaea obovatocarpa, which is distributed in Japan and Taiwan, also resembles Schoenobryum concavifolia (Griff.) Gangulee, a south-Asiatic taxon, in sharing a tree-like habit, immersed capsule, oblong-ovate leaves, and rectangular leaf cells. The differentiation of endostomes in C. obovatocarpa distinguish it from S. concavifolia.
KEYWORD Cryphaea obovatocarpa; Immersed capsules; New record; Taxonomy;
ARTICLE INFO Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica, Volume 37 Number 1 January 1996, page 89-91, 3 pages
PUBLISHER Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China