Botanical Studies (2006) 47: 129-136.
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Presoaking with nitric oxide donor SNP alleviates heat
shock damages in mung bean leaf discs
Jia-Ding YANG*, Jian-Ying YUN, Tong-Hui ZHANG, and Ha-Lin ZHAO
Department of Ecology and Agriculture, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, P.R. China
(Received July 25, 2005; Accepted December 5, 2005)
The objective of this study was to examine whether exogenously applied nitric oxide (NO)
have some protective role on mung bean (Phaseolus radiatus) leaf discs under heat shock. Leaf discs were
presoaked in distilled water and sodium nitroprusside (SNP, a NO donor) solution (150 £gM) for 60 min re -
spectively, then submitted to a heat shock at 45¢XC for 90 min in dark. Control materials were presoaked with
distilled water and laid under room temperature (25¢XC). The chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters, membrane
integrity, hydrogen peroxide (H
) content and activities of antioxidant enzymes [catalase (CAT), guaiacol
peroxidase (POD) and superoxide dismutase (SOD)] were assayed. Compared with heat-shocked leaf discs,
the maximal quantum yield of photosystem II (PSII) (measured as F
) was significantly increased, electro-
lyte leakage due to heat shock was reduced by 48%, lipid peroxidation and H
content were kept at control
level by SNP presoaking. The suppressed activities of antioxidant enzymes by heat shock were all recuper-
ated by SNP presoaking. On the other hand, these role of SNP presoaking were reversed fully or partially by
bovine hemoglobin (a powerful NO scavenger), suggesting that protective effect by SNP is attributable to
released NO.
In conclusion, it appears that the exogenously applied NO donor SNP can promote higher leaf
photochemical activity and cell membrane integrity in mung bean leaf discs under heat shock. This role is pu-
tatively due to that the released NO can recuperate suppressed activities of anti-oxidant enzymes, thus elimi-
nating oxidative damage under heat shock stress.
Keywords: Antioxidant enzyme activity; Heat shock; Membrane integrity; Mung bean (Phaseolus radiatus);
Nitric oxide; Photochemical efficiency.
Heat stress can influence many physiological processes
or factors in plants, e.g., inhibition of photosynthesis, limi-
tation of carbohydrate accumulation and destruction of
cell membranes and cytoskeleton (Liu and Huang, 2000).
Usually, the primary site of damage associated with non-
optimal temperatures was indicated to be the photosynthet-
ic apparatus (Yamane et al., 1998; Bukhov et al., 1999),
and PSII (the H
O-oxidising, quinine-reducing complex)
was the most heat sensitive of the chloroplast thylakoid-
membrane protein complexes involved in photosynthetic
electron transfer and ATP synthesis (Heckathorn et al.,
1998). The adverse effects of heat stress may be related
to the overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS)
(i.e. superoxide anion [
], hydrogen peroxide [H
hydroxyl radical [
OH] and singlet oxygen [
]) (Pastori
and Foyer, 2002).
Plants have well-developed enzymatic and nonenzy-
matic scavenging systems to quench ROS (Vranova et
al., 2002). So the ROS is always generated at a controlled
balance under unstressed conditions. When plants are sub-
jected to adverse conditions, the scavenging system may
lose its function and the balance between producing and
quenching ROS can be disturbed, resulting in accumula-
tion of ROS, which in general, cause lipid peroxidation,
protein modification, breakage of DNA strands, chloro-
phyll decay, ion leakage and cell death (Scandalios, 1993).
Nitric oxide (NO) is a bioactive molecule involved in
many biological events, and its effects have been reported
either protective or toxic in plants (Beligni and Lamat-
tina, 2001). It can act as a signal molecule in plant defense
interactions with microorganisms (Dangl, 1998); or as a
compound with hormonal properties (Leshem and Hara-
maty, 1996) to affect photomorphogenesis (Beligni and
Lamattina, 2000), and to play a central role in determining
lateral root development (Correa-Aragunde et al., 2004).
At the same time, NO may act as an antioxidant to reduce
toxicity induced by herbicide paraquat, heavy metal or
and to delay the senescence of rice leaf induced
Botanical Studies, Vol. 47, 2006
by methyl jasmonate or abscisic acid (Hung et al., 2002;
Hung and Kao, 2003, 2004, 2005; Hsu and Kao, 2004;
Laspina et al., 2005). However, mechanical stresses, such
as centrifugation, induced Arabidopsis to produce NO,
which further cause DNA fragmentation (Garces et al.,
The exogenous application of NO donors conferred an
increased tolerance to severe drought stress conditions
in plants, with higher water retention, less transpiration
rate, higher proportion of stomatal closure and so (Garcia
Mata and Lamattina, 2001). Uchida et al. (2002) reported
that NO can increase both salt and heat tolerance in rice
seedlings by sodium nitroprusside (SNP, 1¡V10 £gM) in
the hydroponic solution for 2 days. Considering that the
temperature of an individual plant cell can change in the
time range of a few minutes to hours (Pastenes and Hor-
ton, 1996), being much more rapid than other factors that
cause stress (e.g. water levels or salt levels) (Larkindale
and Knight, 2002), this study aimed to further explore the
protective role of exogenously applied NO in plant tissues
submitted to a rapid heat stress.
Plant material and experimental design
Seeds of mung bean (Phaseolus radiatus) were ger-
minated on moist paper towels and transferred in plastic
pots containing a sterile mixture of soil: vermiculite (3:1,
v/v). Plants were grown in a greenhouse exposed to direct
full sunlight, watered daily and fertilized with a complete
nutrient medium every three days. The fully-expanded
healthy leaflets (on different compound leaves) were ex-
cised during mid-morning (about two hours after sunrise),
midribs removed and cut into discs with a diameter of 1.5
cm. Leaf discs were immersed in small beakers containing
distilled water, or 150 £gM SNP (an NO donor), or SNP
(150 £gM) plus bovine hemoglobin [4 g L
, a powerful NO
scavenger (Takahashi and Yamasaki, 2002)]. After submit-
ted to a pulse of 45 s of vacuum, the beakers were left 1
h in a plant incubator with a temperature of 25¢XC and a
photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) of about 20
£gmol m
. Referred to the method of rapid heat stress
(Law and Crafts-Brandner, 1999), presoaked leaf discs
were put on moist filter papers in Petri dishes and laid in
a plant incubator at a prearranged temperature 45¢XC with
no light illumination for 90 min. One Petri dish containing
water-pretreated leaf discs was left at 25¢XC in dark as the
control. So there were four treatments in the present ex-
periment, i.e. 25¢XC with water presoaking (Control), 45¢XC
with water presoaking (H), 45¢XC with SNP presoaking (S),
45¢XC with SNP and Hb presoaking (S+Hb).
Chlorophyll fluorescence measurement
The initial fluorescence (F
), maximal fluorescence
) in leaf discs after treatments were determined using a
portable fluorometer (Handy PEA, Hansatech Instruments
Ltd., UK) in the dark room. The saturating PPFD of the
actinic light was 3000 £gmol m
(0.8 s). The ratio of F
, where the variable fluorescence yield, F
, is defined as
), is a direct measure of the maximal quantum yield
of PSII (Meyer and Santarius, 1998).
Electrolyte leakage and TBARS contents
Cell membrane permeability was measured via elec-
trolyte leakage (Meyer and Santarius, 1998). Treated leaf
discs were washed in deionised water to remove surface
ions and fully immersed in 50-ml-glass bottles containing
25 ml of distilled water of known conductivity. The bottles
were capped and shaken in plant incubator at 25¢XC with-
out light illumination for 12 h. Then the conductance was
measured using an Multiline P4 Universal Meter (WTW,
Weilheim, Germany). All electrolyte leakage data were
expressed as conductivity readings related to the material
mass after treatments, i.e., unit was £gS cm
The extent of lipid peroxidation in leaf discs was deter-
mined in terms of thiobarbituric acid-reacting substances
(TBARS) content by the method of Fryer et al. (1998).
According to the method of Freguson et al. (1983) with
some modification, treated leaf discs (about fresh weight
1.5 g) were homogenized quickly in 3 ml of cold acetone
with a mortar and pestle in an ice bath, centrifuged at
5,000 g for 10 min at 4¢XC. The supernatant (0.2 ml) was
complement to 1.0 ml with 0.8 ml cold acetone, and fully
mixed with 0.1 ml of 20 % TiCl
-HCl solution and 0.2 ml
strong ammonia hydroxide, centrifuged at 3,000 g for 10
min. The resulted peroxide-Ti compound was washed with
acetone for 3~5 times and dissolved in 3 ml 2 M H
and the absorbance was measured at 410 nm. The content
o f H
(£gmol g
FW) was calculated by comparison
with a standard curve relating H
concentrations to
Enzymes activities
Treated leaf discs (about 0.3~0.4 g) were homogenized
in 2.5 ml cold extraction buffer [50 mM phosphate buffer
(pH 7.0), containing 1% (m/v) polyvinylpyrrolidone] with
a mortar and pestle in an ice bath, centrifuged at 15000
g for 20 min at 4¢XC. The supernatant was used for assays
of catalase (CAT; EC and guaiacol peroxidase
(POD; EC activity. The same process was con-
ducted for extracting superoxide dismutase (SOD; EC except that the extraction buffer was 50 mM
phosphate buffer (pH 7.8) [containing 2% (m/v) poly-
vinylpyrrolidone, 0.3% (v/v) triton X-100, and 0.1 mM
Activities of CAT and POD were measured according
to Liu and Huang (2000) with some modification. The
CAT reaction solution (3 ml) contained 50 mM phosphate
buffer (pH 7.0), 20 mM H
, and 0.05 ~ 0.1 ml enzyme
extract. Reaction was initiated by adding enzyme extract.
The absorbance change at 240 nm per min was recorded
and calculated automatically. The POD reaction solution
YANG et al. ¡X Presoaking with nitric oxide donor SNP
(3 ml) contained 100 mM phosphate buffer (pH 6.0), 20
mM guaiacol, 40 mM H
, and 0.1 ml enzyme extract.
Absorbance changes at 470 nm were monitored as in CAT
activity measurement. One unit CAT or POD activity was
defined as an absorbance change of 0.01 per min.
Exactly according to the method of Cavalcanti et al.
(2004), the activity of SOD was determined by measur-
ing its ability to inhibit the photoreduction of nitro blue
tetrazolium (NBT). One unit of SOD activity was defined
as the amount of enzyme that would inhibit 50% of NBT
photoreduction. Considering that there are three SOD
isoenzymes with different sensibility to KCN and H
(Alscher et al., 2002), enzyme extracts were mixed respec-
tively with the equal volume of KCN (1.5 mM) or H
mM), and incubated at 25¢XC for 10 min. The residual ac-
tivities of these treated enzyme extracts were determined
to calculate the activity of different isoenzymes.
All of the above enzyme activities were measured by
using UV-1601 UV-Visible Spectrophotometer (Shimadzu
Corporation, Japan).
Chlorophyll fluorescence parameter
As shown in Table 1, heat shock caused a significant
decrease about 50% to the maximal quantum yield of
), while SNP presoaking could alleviate this
negative effect about 16.5%, both relative to control.
Presoaking with SNP + bovine hemoglobin (Hb) blocked
the action of SNP. The initial fluorescence (F
) in four
treatments had no statistical difference, meaning that heat
shock and SNP presoaking to influence F
were mainly
through their action on the maximal fluorescence (F
) (Ta-
ble 1). This suggested that exogenous NO could improve
the electron flux from the primary quinine acceptor (Q
to the electron transfer chain (Ortiz and Cardemil, 2001).
Considering that besides NO, NO
and [Fe(CN)
also products when SNP dissolved in water (Ruan et al.,
2004), NaNO
and K
] as well as 2-(4-carboxy-
(cPTIO, another NO scavenger) were used to test if the
role of SNP presoaking was solely due to NO released
(Table 2). After heat shock, SNP presoaking significantly
increased F
compared with H
O presoaking, while
/ F
values had no statistical difference in discs
presoaked with H
O, SNP plus NO scavengers (Hb
or cPTIO) and byproducts of SNP dissolution [NO
]. This result further confirmed that the role of
SNP presoaking was attributed to released NO, not other
derived compounds.
Membrane permeability, lipid peroxidation and
The degree of cell membrane injury induced by stress
may be easily estimated through measurements of electro-
lyte leakage from the cells (Bajji et al., 2002). As shown
Table 1. Chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters in treated leaf discs. Values in brackets are percentage of control. Leaf discs were
treated as described in "Materials and Methods".
S + Hb
658 ¡Ó 6 a
656 ¡Ó 6 a
652 ¡Ó 2 a
653 ¡Ó 5 a
4071 ¡Ó 15 a
1138 ¡Ó 53 b
1486 ¡Ó 67 c
1159 ¡Ó 47 b
0.838 ¡Ó 0.001 a
0.421 ¡Ó 0.030 b
0.559 ¡Ó 0.018 c
0.433 ¡Ó 0.026 b
Control, 25¢XC incubation with water presoaking; H, 45¢XC heat shock with water presoaking; S, 45¢XC heat shock with 150 £gM SNP
presoaking; S + Hb, 45¢XC heat shock with presoaking of 150 £gM SNP plus 4 g L
bovine hemoglobin. In each row values fol-
lowed by the same letter are not significantly different at P<0.05 (n = 8).
Table 2. Values of F
in heat shocked leaf discs presoaked with different solutions. Leaf discs were treated as described in "Ma -
terials and Methods".
Presoaked respectively in following solutions before 45¢XC heat shock
0.423 ¡Ó 0.034 a 0.561 ¡Ó 0.022 b 0.431 ¡Ó 0.031 a 0.429 ¡Ó 0.017 a 0.426 ¡Ó 0.013 a 0.418 ¡Ó 0.024 a
These different solutions were H
O, SNP (150 £gM), SNP (150 £gM) + Hb (4 g L
), SNP (150 £gM) + cPTIO (150 £gM), NaNO
£gM), K
] (150 £gM). Values of F
followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P<0.05 (n = 6).
Botanical Studies, Vol. 47, 2006
in Figure 1, heat shock increased the electrolyte leakage
by 105% in water-presoaked leaf discs, by 57% in SNP-
presoaked and by 81% in SNP + Hb presoaked ones. This
meant that SNP presoaking would decrease the electrolyte
leakage by 48%, while NO scavenger Hb could reverse
the effect of SNP presoaking by 24% (Figure 1).
TBARS are the product of lipid peroxidation, and
higher levels of these substances are found in plants that
are subject to higher levels of oxidative stress (Larkindale
and Knight, 2002). As shown in Figure 1, after heat shock,
TBARS contents in leaf discs with water presoaking or
SNP+Hb presoaking were significantly higher than in
control, while there was no statistical difference between
SNP-presoaked leaf discs and control. This suggested that
SNP presoaking would reduce the lipid peroxidation de-
gree in heat-shocked tissue to the non-heat shocked level
and this role was due to released NO.
A previously suggested role of NO as antioxidants to
scavenge ROS was tested by directly measuring the H
content in present work (Figure 1). Compared with control
discs, H
content in SNP-presoaked leaf discs had no
statistical difference after heat shock, while H
in both water presoaked and SNP+Hb presoaked discs
were significantly higher than control. This suggested that
heat shock would result in H
production while NO
would significantly decrease heat shock-induced H
the control level.
Activities of antioxidant enzymes
The activities of radical scavenger antioxidant enzymes
(CAT, POD and SOD) were declined significantly in
water presoaked leaf discs by heat shock. SNP presoaking
would increase POD activity by 16% and recuperate the
suppressed activities of CAT and SOD to the control
level. However, NO scavenger Hb could fully or partially
reverse these influences (Figure 2).
Activities of SOD isoenzymes
The three isoforms of SOD [i.e. iron SOD (Fe SOD),
manganese SOD (Mn SOD) and copper-zinc SOD (Cu-Zn
SOD)] are located in different compartments of the cell,
and exhibit different responses to the same kind stress (see
Kliebenstein et al., 1998; Alscher et al., 2002). In the pres-
ent research, Mn SOD activity remained approximately
constant in four treatments. Activities of Cu-Zn SOD and
Fe SOD were significantly decreased by heat shock in leaf
discs with water presoaking or SNP+Hb presoaking, while
were recuperated by SNP presoaking (Figure 3).
PSII photochemical activity
Environmental stresses that affect PSII efficiency lead
to a characteristic decrease in the maximal quantum yield
of PSII (measured as F
) (Krause and Weis, 1991). So
was employed to compare the heat stress tolerance
between different plants (Ortiz and Cardemil, 2001; Liu
and Huang, 2000; Law and Crafts-Brandner, 1999), and
to estimate the role of exogenously applied chemicals on
plant tissue submitted to heat stress (Logan and Monson,
1999), referring to that a higher F
after stress stands
for a higher thermotolerance, or higher protective role of
the applied chemical. In the present work, the significantly
increased F
due to exogenous NO, relative to water
Figure 1. Electrolyte leakage (EL), lipid peroxidation level
(TBARS contents) and H
content in four treatments. Control,
25¢XC incubation with water presoaking; H, 45¢XC heat s hock
with water presoaking; S, 45¢XC heat shock with 150 £gM SNP
presoaking; S + Hb, 45¢XC heat shock with presoaking of 150
£gM SNP plus 4 g L
bovine hemoglobin. The unit for electro-
lyte leakage (EL) is £gS cm
FW; for TBARS content is nmol
FW; for H
content is £gmol g
FW. Bars, SE (n = 6).
Figure 2. The activities of catalase (CAT), guaiacol peroxidase
(POD) and s uperoxide dismutas e (S OD) in four treatments .
Control, 25¢XC incubation with water presoaking; H, 45¢XC heat
shock with water presoaking; S, 45¢XC heat shock with 150 £gM
SNP presoaking; S + Hb, 45¢XC heat shock with presoaking of
150 £gM SNP plus 4 g L
bovine hemoglobin. Calculation of
enzyme activity was described in "Materials and methods". The
activity unit for CAT and POD is 10
U min
FW; for SOD is
U min
FW. Bars, SE (n = 6).
YANG et al. ¡X Presoaking with nitric oxide donor SNP
presoaking or SNP+Hb presoking, meant an evident pro-
tective role on leaf discs under heat stress (Table 1). Con-
sidering that decrease in F
was suggested to be associated
with an increased capacity for energy dissipation within
light-harvesting complexes (Demmig-Adams, 1990), and
increase in F
to be related to partly reversible inactiva-
tion or irreversible damage in the reaction centers of PSII
(Yamane et al., 1997), the statistically similar F
in four
treatments (Table 1) meant that PSII reaction centers was
not influenced by heat shock or SNP presoaking in dark.
Cell membrane integrity
Cell membranes are one target of many plant stresses
and it is generally accepted that the maintenance of their
integrity and stability under stress conditions is a major
component of stress tolerance in plants (Bajji et al., 2002).
Lipid peroxidation is commonly taken as an indicator of
oxidative stress and is quantified by the thiobarbituric acid
(TBA) test, which is easy to perform and allows the results
to be conveniently expressed as TBARS (Iturbe-Ormaetxe
et al., 1998). However, results from the TBA test need
to be compared with more specific assays, because the
hydroxyl radical (
OH) and other highly reactive radical
species can oxidize proteins in addition to lipids (Iturbe-
Ormaetxe et al., 1998). In the present study, besides
TBARS contents, membrane integrity was also assayed by
directly measuring the electrolyte leakage from plant tis-
sue because electrolyte leakage from the cell is regarded as
a consequence of an oxidative burst leading to membrane
peroxidation (Bajji et al., 2002). Although the TBARS
content was alleviated to the control level by exogenous
NO, the electrolyte leakage was still significantly higher
than that in control despite of NO action (Figure 1). This
meant exogenous NO could reduce the lipid peroxida-
tion degree in heat-shocked tissue to the control level, but
could not recuperate the membrane integrity fully. The
similar result was reported in wheat plants submitted to
drought and UV-B irradiation in combination (Alexieva et
al., 2001). It was suggested that heat shock may destroy
the cell membrane integrity through some way besides
lipid peroxidation. The possible one was the oxidative
denaturation of membrane protein, and exogenous NO
could not prevent this process.
Antioxidant enzyme activity
After heat shock, activities of antioxidant enzymes
(CAT, POD and SOD) decreased in water presoaked
leaf discs and partially or fully recuperated due to SNP
presoaking (Figure 2). Because the physiological role
of CAT and POD is to break down H
in the cell, de-
creases in activities of these two enzymes would result in
accumulation (Figure 1). SOD is the key enzyme
to catalyze the conversion of
into H
and O
, and
reduction in SOD activity would be related to accumula-
tion of
. Through Herbert-Weiss reaction, H
react and form the most reactive hydroxyl radical
OH), which can directly attack unsaturated fatty acids of
lipid to induce lipid peroxidation in the cell (Bowler et al.,
1992). The decreases in activities of CAT, POD and SOD
suggested that the ROS-scavenging ability was partially
destroyed by heat shock. SNP presoaking recuperated the
antioxidant enzyme activities in heat-shocked leaf discs,
which may eliminate the possible accumulation of ROS
and reduce the oxidative damage induced by heat shock
(Figure 1). Therefore, it was suggested putatively that the
role of exogenous NO may act partially through its capac-
ity to increase the antioxidant enzyme activities.
SOD is unique in that its activity controls the con-
centrations of
and H
and therefore likely to be
central in the defense mechanism (Bowler et al., 1992).
In this study, after heat shock, activities of Cu-Zn SOD
and Fe SOD decreased in water presoaked leaf discs and
was recuperated by exogenous NO (Figure 3). Since Cu-
Zn SOD and Fe SOD both were thermostable in present
experimental conditions (see Asada, 1999), the decrease
in their activity was not caused by enzyme protein de-
naturation in heat shock. However, the inactivation of
scavenging enzymes (CAT and POD) by heat shock
would result in H
accumulation in leaf discs with
water presoaking or SNP+Hb presoaking (Figure 1), thus
decreasing the activities of Cu-Zn SOD and Fe SOD due
to their susceptibility to H
(Asada, 1999). Therefore,
it is indicated that the recuperation of Cu-Zn SOD and Fe
SOD activities should be related to the improved activi-
ties of CAT and POD by exogenous NO (Figure 2). On the
other hand, the activity of SOD can be induced by diverse
stress conditions and the effect of a particular stress on
SOD gene expression is likely to be governed by the sub-
cellular sites at which oxidative stress is generated (Bowler
et al., 1992). For example, in N. plumbginifolia, mitochon-
drial Mn SOD responds to increased oxyradical formation
in the mitochondria while chloroplastic Fe SOD responds
to such an event occurring in the chloroplasts (Tsang et
Figure 3. The activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) isoen-
zymes (i.e. Cu-Zn-SOD, Fe-SOD, and Mn-SOD) in four differ-
ent treatments. Control, 25¢XC incubation with water presoaking;
H, 45¢XC heat shock with water presoaking; S, 45¢XC heat shock
with 150 £gM SNP presoaking; S + Hb, 45¢XC heat shock with
presoaking of 150 £gM SNP plus 4 g L
bovine hemoglobin.
Bars, SE (n = 3).
Botanical Studies, Vol. 47, 2006
al., 1991). Cytosolic Cu-Zn SOD probably responds to
cytosol-localized reactions in a similar fashion (Bowler et
al., 1992). So, that Mn SOD activity remained unchanged
in the four treatments (Figure 3) may putatively indicate
that chloroplast and cytosol were the primary targets of
heat shock under present experimental conditions.
In general, the presented data here show that exogenous
NO could significantly alleviate the negative effects of a
heat shock at 45¢XC for 90 min on photochemical activity
of PSII, cell membrane integrity, and antioxidant enzyme
activities, thus improving the performance of mung bean
leaf discs under heat shock.
Acknowledgments. This work was financially supported
by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.
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Botanical Studies, Vol. 47, 2006