Botanical Studies (2006) 47: 185-190.
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Effects of periodic cutting on the structure of the
Mikania micrantha community
, Wanhui YE
*, Honglin CAO
, Zhimin LAI
, and Shiping LIU
South China Botanical Garden, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, The People¡¦s Republic of China
Dongguan Botanical Garden, Dongguan, 523079, The People¡¦s Republic of China
(Received August 12, 2004; Accepted December 5, 2005)
Mikania micrantha H.B.K., an aggressive exotic climber, has caused significant damage to
many ecosystems in the Guangdong province in recent years. To study the plant community dynamics and
develop methods for control of this weed, we investigated in the effects of periodic-cutting on M. micrantha
in Dongguan, Guangdong province, in south China. We harvested the aboveground biomass of our cut treat-
ment and control plots of M. micrantha once every two months for a year. Results show that periodic-cutting
reduced the competitiveness of M. micrantha, changed the composition of its community, and promoted
growth of native and other non-native species, especially those of Compositae species. Considering costs of
time and labor, resilience of M. micrantha is too high strong that too high to control completely by periodic-
cutting once every two months,
but periodic-cutting is an effective, safe, and easy method to put into practice
for forests and plantation crops.
Keywords: Community structure; Exotic species; Invasion; Mikania micrantha; Periodic-cutting; Species
Invasion of exotic species into native plant communi-
ties is pervasive and widespread, and it has substantial
negative effects on native community structure and func-
tion (Heywood, 1989; Macdonald et al., 1991; Timmins
and Williams, 1991; D¡¦Antonio and Vitousek, 1992;
Berger, 1993; Hobbs and Humphries, 1994; Cronk and
Fuller, 1995; Higgins et al., 1999). We have not found an
effective method that can be used to control all harmful
alien plant species, because of differences in biological
and ecological traits among these species. To control them,
mechanical, chemical, and biological methods, or some
combinations of these, are commonly used (Berger, 1993;
Maffei and Marin, 1999; Peng and Xiang, 1999; Li and
Xie, 2002).
Mikania micrantha H.B.K. (Compositae), a climbing
perennial weed that originated from South and Central
America (Hills, 1999; Maffei and Marin, 1999). Since its
introduction to China in 1919, M. micrantha has spread
extensively. It has been called a plant-killer since it causes
native species to disappear (Zhang et al., 2004). The
species is destructive to forests and plantation crops, such
as tea, teak, rubber, and oil palm, and it causes economic
losses and decline in native biodiversity. Since the 1960s,
various efforts to control M. micrantha have been report-
ed, such as mechanical, biological, and chemical control
(Bogidarmanti, 1989). Herbicides are very effective in
controlling this weed (Zhang et al., 2004), but they cause
serious environmental problems. Removing M. micrantha
manually is the best way to control this weed since her-
bicides and mechanical removal have undesirable effects
on the community. Cutting M. micrantha vines near the
ground once a month can eliminate 90% of them at the
individual level (Kuo et al., 2002). In the growing season
for M. micrantha in 2000, the Shenzhen government hired
thousands of citizens to hand pull the weed. This was quite
effective, and many dying trees damaged by M. micrantha
recovered (Feng et al., 2002). To control M. micrantha
by cutting on the community of M. micrantha in natural
environment in South China, we need to understand how
M. micrantha community is affected by this manipulation.
Therefore, we initiated this project to study the effects of
cutting M. micrantha on plant community dynamics dur-
ing one growing season under a low subtropical climate.
Study site
We set up experiments in an abandoned litchi garden in
a hilly area between main road Dongguan and Dongguan
Avenue, west of Dongguan city center (113¢X31¡¦~114¢X15¡¦E,
22¢X39¡¦~23¢X09¡¦N). The climate is typical subtropical with
Botanical Studies, Vol. 47, 2006
marine monsoon. It is warm and humid with mild winters,
long hot and humid summers, and lots of sunshine. The
rainy season is from April to September. Soil samples
from the 0-10 cm mineral horizon were collected from our
experimental plots at the beginning in June 2002. In recent
years, human activities have badly destroyed the natural
vegetation in this area, which has resulted in favorable
conditions for alien species invasion. Our study site was
dominated by M. micrantha, with coverage of over 80%.
The other dominant plant species in the M. micrantha
community were the non-native Ageratum conyzoides and
Bidens pilosa and the native Urena lobata.
Experimental design
To examine the influence of periodic cutting on M.
micrantha, we set up 10 1 m ¡Ñ 1 m plots. Once every two
months from June of 2002 to June of 2003, we harvested
the aboveground plant biomass by clipping from each of
these plots and from the other 10 uncut control plots each
time. That is, there were 10 cutting plots and 70 control
ones. Then, all plant material was sorted by species as it
was harvested. Biomass was dried at 80
C for 48 h and
weighed to obtain biomass.
Measure of diversity
To assess the species diversity of the different control
treatments, we calculated the effective species richness
) (Dukes, 2002), where,
H ¡¦ = - . p
In p
and p
is the biomass proportion of species i to the total
biomass in a plot at a harvest. Effective species richness
measures the number of equally abundant species
necessary to obtain a given H¡¦.
Statistical analyses
All tests were carried out at a P<0.05 significance level
using SPSS (version 12.0). All variables were analyzed by
a 2-way ANOVA with harvest time and cutting treatment
as main factors. When the interaction was significant, the
treatment effects were tested by a t-test for each harvest
time. As harvest time was not our main interest, we did
not use multiple range tests to compare all the means of
the interaction. Since the interaction was significant for all
variables tested, we will not present its results individually.
Influence of periodic cutting on biomass in M.
micrantha community
Influence of cutting on aboveground community
biomass. Periodic cutting resulted in significantly de-
creases in aboveground biomass of M. micrantha com-
munity on all of our harvest days (Figure 1). In June
2003, the mean total M. micrantha community biomass
in plots with periodic cutting was 46.0% less than of the
uncut plots (215.2¡Ó30.9 g/m
vs. 398.2¡Ó51.6 g/m
). In the
control, aboveground biomass of the M. micrantha com-
munity varied with time of year, with the highest in June,
which was about 2.8 times that of the lowest in February.
During the growing season from June to October 2002 and
from April to June 2003, the biomass of cut plots was only
about half of that of uncut plots (54.0% in August, 52.3%
in October 2002, and 54.0% in June 2003). It is also
clear that the M. micrantha community has great ability
to recover from cutting (Figure 1). In the 2002 growing
season, the ratio of the community aboveground biomass
between June and August was 49.0%, 64.3% between Au-
gust and October. In the non-growing season, the ratio was
28.0% between October and December 2002, and 21.7%
between December and February 2003.
Influence of periodic cutting on biomass of M. micran-
tha. Periodic cutting significantly reduced the biomass of
M. micrantha on all the harvest days (Figure 2a). In June
2003, the mean M. micrantha biomass in the infected plots
was 75.3% less than of the control plots (86.0¡Ó24.2 g/m
vs. 348.1¡Ó51.6 g/m
). The mean aboveground biomass of
M. micrantha per plot varies with time (Figure 2a). In con-
trol plots, the maximum biomass was in August 2002 and
the minimum in February 2003 (Figure 2a). Community
biomass in the control was dominated by M. micrantha,
and the proportion of M. micrantha biomass to the total
was about 90%, except for June 2002 and April 2003 when
it was about 60% (Figure 2b). In cutting plots, M. micran-
tha biomass proportion decreased almost linearly from
August 2002 to February 2003 (Figure 2b). From Febru-
ary to June 2003, the proportion of M. micrantha biomass
increased almost linearly (Figure 2b), and it was less than
40%. It is clear that cutting decreased the proportion of M.
micrantha biomass in the community, except from June
to August 2002 (ANOVA, F=11.766, P=0.006) (Figure
2b). The proportion of M. micrantha biomass of the first
cutting increased from 61.6% to 86.8% though biomass
of community and of M. micrantha decreased from June
to August 2002 (biomass of community from 476.3¡Ó37.2
to 233.3¡Ó38.5 g/m
; biomass of M. micrantha from
Oct -
Figure 1. Total community aboveground biomass (mean¡ÓSE,
n=10) in cutting (¡³) and control (¡´) plots. The asterisks indicate
significant difference between treatments (*P<0.05, ** P<0.01,
*** P<0.001) at individual harvest days.
LIAN et al. ¡X Effects of periodic cutting on the structure of the
Mikania micrantha
293.6¡Ó66.9 g/m
to 202.5¡Ó29.5 g/m
). This indicates that
the ability of M. micrantha to recover is high, so the rate
of the re-growth is high after the first cutting.
Influence of cutting on biomass of companion species.
In control plots, proportions of biomass in both native and
non-native species were about 10% during our experiment
(Figure 3a, 3b). These species were overgrown by M. mi-
crantha (Figure 2b). In the cutting treatment, the biomass
proportion of other invasive species increased from 16.9%
in June 2002 to 65.9% in April 2003. Biomass proportion
of native species was lower than 20%, except in February
2003 (Figure 3b). In February 2003, biomass proportion
of native species was >40%.
In our experimental plots, the main Compositae spe-
cies were Ageratum conyzoides, Bidens pilosa, and Conyz
abonariensis. Their biomass proportions were increased
by cutting (Figure 3c), and they were much higher than
those of the control treatment, except in June and August
2002 (Figure 3c). All three Compositae species are exot-
ics. Their relative biomass increased to 65.0% in April
2003 in the cut plots.
Influence of cutting on litter biomass. Litter biomass
of periodically cut plots was stable and negligible, and the
amount was much lower than that of control (ANOVA,
F=63.886, P<0.001) (Figure 4). Also, litter biomass of
control plots fluctuated with time.
Figure 2. Mean plot biomass (mean¡ÓSE, n=10). (a) and relative
biomass (mean¡ÓSE, n=10); (b) of M. micrantha in cutting (¡³)
and control (¡´) plots. Refer to Figure 1 for the definitions of the
Figure 3. Me an rel at iv e bi om as s (m e an ¡ÓS E , n= 10) o f
companion species in cutting plots (¡³) and control plots (¡´). a,
nonnative species; b, native species; c, Compositae species. Re-
fer to Figure 1 for the definitions of the asterisks.
Figure 4. Mean amount of litter (mean¡ÓSE, n=10) in cutting
plots (¡³) and control plots (¡´). Refer to Figure 1 for the defini-
tions of the asterisks.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 47, 2006
Influence of periodic cutting on structure of the
M. micrantha community
Influence on number of species. Periodic cutting
resulted in increasing in number of species, according
calculating of the total number of species in 10¡Ñ2 plots,
and increases in native species were more pronounced
than in exotic species (Figure 5). In control plots, species
were in both fluctuation and stable states. That is, number
of species in the community was the same on given dates
between years, but it changed with the season. This was
true for both native and non-native species; native species
were in the same dynamic state as all the species. At the
end of our experiment, there were 6 native species while 3
exotic ones.
Compared to control, periodic cutting promoted inva-
sion of non-native species. In cut plots number of species
increased from 7 to 23, as about 3 times the numbering as
the control plots, which was 9. At the end of our experi-
ment, there were totaling 16 native and 7 exotic species.
Influence on species diversity. Periodic cutting resulted
in higher species diversity and in greater variation in (Fig-
ure 6). In control treatment, the diversity index changed
Figure 6. Species diversity in cutting (¡³) and control plots (¡´).
Figure 5. Number of species in cutting (¡³) and control plots
(¡´). a, all the companion species; b, native species; c, other non-
native species.
very little from June 2002 of 1.9 to April 2003 and then
increased to 2.7 in June 2003. In periodic cutting, diversity
was reached a maximum of 10.0 in February 2003, and
then it decreased to 4.1 in June 2003.
Our results indicate that periodic cutting has consider-
able influence on species richness of the M. micrantha
community. Cutting reduced the biomass of M. micrantha
and increased species diversity of the community. These
results supported the intermediate disturbance hypothesis
(Connell, 1978). Connell proposed that species diversity
was maximized under intermediate levels of disturbance.
Thus, bimonthly cutting was likely intermediate distur-
bance for the M. micrantha community. The process of
regrowth showed that dominance of M. micrantha was re-
duced by periodic cutting, which created opportunities for
other species to establish in the community. This is why
the number of species, the index of species diversity, and
biomass ratio of other species increased more in the cut-
ting treatment than it did in the control.
Disturbance by frequent cutting of the M. micrantha
community caused invasion by other non-native and of
native species. These results are in accord with the com-
petitive mechanisms responsible for invader superiority
(Petren et al., 1993). That is, disturbance enhanced com-
munity invasibility. Elton (1958) suggested that low com-
munity diversity caused greater invasion. Our result agrees
with this concept, though some opinions differ from those
of Elton (Robinson et al., 1995; Palmer and Maurer, 1997;
Higgins et al., 1999). After invasion by M. micrantha, the
community accorded with the negative theory of com-
munity diversity to invasibility. In a year of bimonthly
cutting, number of native and other non-native species
increased as did their biomass proportion.
Periodic cutting increased the relative biomass of other
Compositae species. With decrease of the M. micrantha
population, biomass percentages Ageratum conyzoides,
Bidens pilosa and Conyz abonariensis, increased continu-
ously. This result agrees that of with Bao et al. (2003),
who also found that Compositae species increased un-
LIAN et al. ¡X Effects of periodic cutting on the structure of the
Mikania micrantha
der different mowing regime for 19 years in the steppe
dominated by Leymus chinensis.
Periodic cutting effectively controlled M. micrantha
and promoted recovery of native species. However, M.
micrantha has a great ability to recover following cutting.
The proportion of M. micrantha biomass increased after
the first cut. Its relative biomass in the growing season
was still >40% during the bimonthly cuttings, and it was
increasing after senescence in February. It seems that cut-
ting at intervals of less than two months would be more
effective than the 2-month cutting interval. Although cost
of periodic cutting is high, herbicide and mechanical re-
moval can have undesirable affects on non-target species
and on the environment. Thus, for forests and plantation
crops, cutting is an effective, safe, and easy method to put
into practice for controlling M. micrantha.
Acknowledgements. We thank Dr. Wang Zhangming for
advice on data analysis and English language revision, Fu
Qiang, Deng Xiong, Yang Qihe, Shen Hao and Hong Lan
for their reliable assistance with measurements and help
in setting up the experiment, and Cai Chuxiong and Ye
Wanhe for help with harvests. This work was supported
by the State Key Basic Research and Development Plan of
China (No. G2000046803), Guangdong provincial Natu-
ral Science Foundation of China (No. 021536 and No.
05200701) and the National Natural Science Foundation
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