Botanical Studies (2007) 48: 13-23.
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RNA editing is a phenomenon which occurs widely
in very diverse groups of eukaryotes. It modifies the
genetic information at the post-transcriptional level by
exchanging, inserting or deleting standard nucleotides
of the genetic alphabet (Benne, 1996; Smith et al., 1997;
Maier et al., 1996; Steinhauser et al., 1999). In higher-
plant mitochondrial RNAs, this process is characterized
by C-to-U, and more rarely U-to-C, exchanges. When
editing occurs in coding regions, it is found to generate
translational start codons by ACG to AUG conversions,
as in nad1 transcripts in wheat and coxI transcripts in
tomato (Hoch et al., 1991; Kudla et al., 1992; Chapdelaine
and Bonen, 1991; Kadowaki et al., 1995) or remove the
translational stop codons such as in atp6, atp9 and rps10
transcripts in several plant species (Wakasugi et al.,
1996; Yoshinaga et al., 1996; Wintz and Hanson, 1991;
Kempken et al., 1991; Zanlungo et al., 1995). However,
the editing sites are mainly in the first or second positions,
and the corresponding amino acids are usually altered,
which improves the conservation of predicted protein as
compared to other organisms, such as animals and fungi
(Kurek et al., 1997; Bock, 2000). In rare cases, the editing
events are observed at the third positions, and thus do not
result in amino acid changes, a phenomenon that has been
termed silent editing. In the mitochondria of Arabidopsis,
51 such sites have being identified, summing up to 11.6%
of the total 441 sites identified in coding regions (Giege
and Brennicke, 1999). In other cases, some RNA editing
sites are also found outside of the protein-coding regions.
The site, 32nt upstream of psbF i n Ginkgo biloba, is
edited (Kudla and Bock, 1999). Such RNA sites were
also detected in the 5¡¦ untranslated regions of maize and
rice ndhG mRNAs (Corneille et al., 2000). Moreover,
the editing of "structural" RNAs has been described. In
RNA editing analysis of mitochondrial nad3/rps12 genes
in cytoplasmic male sterility and male-fertile cauliflower
(Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) by cDNA-SSCP
Chunguo WANG
, Xiaoqiang CHEN
, Hui LI
, and Wenqin SONG
College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300071, P.R. China
Department of Horticulture, Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin, 300384, P.R. China
(Received December 12, 2005; Accepted May 11, 2006)
ABSTRACT. Characteristics of mitochondrial nad3/rps12 locus have been shown to differ in cytoplasmic
male sterility (CMS) and male-fertile cauliflower (maintainer line of CMS cauliflower). However, nad3/rps12
can normally be co-transcribed in both lines. A specific fragment of about 800-bp has been detected by RT-
PCR analysis. In order to further elucidate whether these two genes undergo different post-transcriptional
modifications in the two lines, the RNA editing status of nad3/rps12 was analyzed by cDNA-SSCP (single-
strand conformation polymorphism). A total of 100 cDNA clones obtained from CMS and male-fertile
cauliflower, respectively, were investigated. In CMS cauliflower, nine RNA editing patterns were identified
while three were found in male-fertile cauliflower. To confirm the reliability of cDNA-SSCP analysis, four
clones, randomly selected from each pattern, were sequenced. In total, 20 RNA editing sites were detected
in the twelve different patterns, all within the coding region. In CMS cauliflower, except for the fact that one
site was fully edited and one site was pre-edited, the editing of other sites (18) was incomplete. In contrast,
in male-fertile cauliflower, 13 of the 20 sites were pre-edited; two sites were fully edited, and only five were
partially edited. These results suggested significant differences in the RNA editing status of nad3/rps12
between the two lines. Further phylogenetic tree analysis indicated that these genes belonged to different
branches. Our data suggested that, given the same nuclear background, and excluding the effects of various
growth conditions and developmental stages, the structure and origin of nad3/rps12 may be the main factors
affecting RNA editing status. Moreover, the relationship between the RNA editing status of nad3/rps12 and
the CMS trait in cauliflower is discussed.
Keywords: Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis); Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS); RNA editing;
SSCP (single-strand conformation polymorphism).
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
Oenothera mitochondria, two editing sites were found
in a subpopulation of 26S rRNA molecules (Schuster et
al., 1991), the first report that RNA editing takes place
in ribosomal RNA. In physarum and dictyostelium
mitochondria, the RNA editing of "structural" RNAs, the
small subunit ribosomal RNAs (SSU rRNAs), was also
observed (Mahendran et al., 1994; Barth et al., 1999).
Although the function of RNA editing in these "structural"
rRNAs is still unclear, some evidence has indicated that
these editing events may be required for the formation of
correct structure, suggesting their importance to efficient,
accurate translation in the mitochondria (Barch et al.,
To date, more than 1000 RNA editing sites have been
found in all examined plant mitochondrial genes (Schuster
and Brennicke, 1994), almost all undergoing specific
post-transcriptional C-to-U conversion by RNA editing,
with the rare exception of a few genes in specific plants.
One of these is T-urf13 in T-CMS maize (Ward and
Levings, 1991), which is unique to the CMS-T cytoplasm
of maize (Dewey et al., 1986). Another is atp6 in radish
(Krishnasamy et al., 1994), the unedited transcripts of
which can produce proteins identical to those from edited
transcripts in other plants, implying that editing of this
gene in radish is unnecessary (Rankin et al., 1996).
Although RNA editing can be detected in a wide range
of plant mitochondrial genes, in some cases the editing
frequencies or editing patterns of certain genes are not
identical in different plants, nor are they always identical
in different tissues of the same plant, in plants of disparate
growth conditions or developmental stages. In maize
mitochondria, incompletely editing of nad3 transcripts
was detected in all tissues, while a temporal increase in
the overall editing status from 50% at 3 days to about 75%
at 7 days was also found (Grosskopf and Mulligan, 1996).
In euplasmic and alloplasmic cytoplasmic male sterility
wheat lines, the RNA editing of atp6 occurred in twelve
codons, all of which were fully edited in the euplasmic
Triticum timopheevi, while in the CMS lines 17% of the
clones were only partially edited. In atp9 transcripts, eight
codons were modified by RNA editing, and all eight were
found fully edited in embryos, roots, shoots, and anthers
in the euplasmic wheat lines, while in the transcripts
obtained from the CMS lines, 19% of the clones were
partially edited (Kurek et al., 1997). More interesting
examples can be found in some cytoplasmic male sterility
plants and their corresponding male-fertile materials,
which usually have different nuclear backgrounds. The
frequency of atp6 RNA editing was specifically reduced in
anthers of A3-CMS sorghum. However, it was increased
in partially restored progeny (Tang et al., 1999; Howad et
al., 1999; Pring et al., 1998). Similarly, the RNA editing of
orf107, which is associated with CMS trait in A3 sorghum,
has shown to be altered in leaf tissues of plants carrying
Rf3, a fertility restoration gene of A3-CMS sorghum.
While orf107 is highly edited in CMS line A3Tx398, the
lines carrying Rf3Rf3 or Rf3rf3 exhibit reduced editing in
the residual, non-processed transcripts (Pring et al., 1998).
In CMS rice, two different N-atp6 and B-atp6 transcripts
coexist, and the extent of RNA editing in the latter mRNAs
was affected in the processing controlled by a nuclear
gene involved in fertility restoration (Iwabuchi et al.,
1993). In S-CMS maize, the sequence of orf77 associated
with the CMS trait, was similar to that of atp9. Although
the atp9 transcripts were fully edited, orf77 nucleotides
corresponding to edited nucleotides in atp9 were either not
edited or edited inefficiently (Gallagher et al., 2002). One
explanation was that the editing sites in chimeric orf77
could cause male sterility by compromising the expression
of atp9. This evidence indicates that the RNA editing
and cytoplasmic male sterility, two important phenomena
associated with higher plant mitochondria, may have a
relationship, although some ambiguous problems still
require to be elucidated.
In previous study, we noticed that the characteristics
of nad3/rps12 locus were different in near-isogenic
cytoplasmic male sterility and male-fertile cauliflower.
To date, we have no further knowledge about these genes
in either line. Here, we conduct the transcription and
RNA editing analysis of nad3/rps12, which have been
reported in several plant species (Rankin et al., 1996;
Pesole et al., 1996; Itani and Handa, 1998; Wilson and
Hanson, 1996). The cDNA-SSCP method, together with
direct sequencing, was performed. The data indicated that
this method was capable of analyzing the RNA editing
of certain genes. Moreover, the origin of nad3/rps12 in
both lines was deduced by phylogenetic tree analysis. The
possible relationship between RNA editing status of these
genes and the CMS trait in cauliflower is also discussed.
Plant materials
The CMS cauliflower, NKC-A and male-fertile
cauliflower, NKC-B (the maintainer line of NKC-A) were
kindly provided by Dr. Deling-Sun, Tianjin Vegetable
Research Institute, Tianjin, China and grown under
normal light conditions (day/light temperature of 25/19
¢XC, 16 h photoperiod). NKC-A had been backcrossed for
twelve generations with the maintainer lines NKC-B, so
theoretically, both lines possessed an identical nuclear
background. The 10-day-old fresh leaves were used for
total DNA and RNA extraction.
DNA and RNA isolation
Total DNA was isolated using the CTAB method
(Murray and Thompson, 1980) with some modifications.
Fresh leaves (0.2 g) were ground in liquid nitrogen, and
the frozen power was then directly added to 2 mL lysis
buffer (100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 50 mM EDTA, 1.4 M
NaCl, 0.2% £]-mercaptoethanol, 2% PVP and 1¡ÑCTAB).
After incubation at 56¢XC for 30 min, 2 mL phenol :
chloroform : isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1) was added. The
supernatant was obtained by centrifugation at 10,000 g
WANG et al. ¡X RNA editing analysis of
for 10 min and extracted once with an equal volume of
chloroform : isoamyl alcohol (24:1). After centrifuging
at 11,000 g for 15 min, a two-thirds volume of cold
isopropanol was added to the supernatant. The mixture
was incubated for 30 min at -20¢XC. DNA was pelleted by
centrifugation at 11,000 g for 30 min at 4¢XC and dissolved
in 100 £gL TE (pH 8.0) buffer. After the RNA was digested
in the presence of 200 £gg/£gL RNase A for 1 h at 37¢XC, the
DNA was detected by 1.0% agarose gel in 0.5¡ÑTBE and
stored at -20¢XC.
Total RNA was isolated using TRIZOlR (BBI, Canada),
according to the manufacturer ¡¦s instructions. After the
contaminated DNA was digested with DNase I (TaKaRa,
Japan) for 30 min at 37¢XC, total RNA was tested by 1.2%
denaturing agarose gel and stored at -70¢XC.
cDNA synthesis and PCR amplification
DNase I-treated total RNA (5 £gg) were reverse
transcribed to cDNA using 0.2 £gg reverse primer of nad3/
rps12, NR4, and 200 unit M-MLV reverse transcriptase
under conditions specified by the enzyme supplier
(Promega, USA) in a final volume of 10 £gL. Following
reverse transcription, PCR reactions were performed
following the program for initial denaturation at 94¢XC for 2
min: 35 cycles of denaturation at 94¢XC for 30 s, annealing
at 55¢XC for 1 min, and extension at 72¢XC for 1 min 15 s,
and a final extension at 72¢XC for 8 min in a final volume
of 25 £gL containing 1 unit of Taq DNA polymerase
(TaKaRa, Japan), 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.3), 50 mM KCl,
1.5 mM MgCl
, 200 £gM dNTPs, 0.2 £gM of each forward
and reverse primer, and about 50 ng of total DNA or 1 £gL
of the single-stranded reaction. After the amplification, the
PCR products were separated by electrophoresis on 1.5%
agarose gel. After being stained with ethidium bromide,
gel was photographed under ultraviolet light using the
GeneGenius (Syngene, USA). Oligonucleotide primers
used for cDNA synthesis and PCR amplification are listed
below. Primers ND1 and ND2 were designed to amplify
long sequences containing nad3/rps12 from total DNA.
Primers ND3 and ND4 were used to amplify nad3/rps12
from both total DNA and cDNA.
Cloning of nad3/rps12 from DNA and cDNA
PCR products containing target sequences were
extracted with the QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit
(QIAGEN, USA), and were then directly cloned in
pUCm-T easy vectors (BBI, Canada) according to
the manufacturer¡¦s instructions and transformed into
Escherichia coli DH5£\. Positive clones were identified by
the PCR method, and the PCR conditions were performed
as described above. The positive clones with the insertion
of nad3/rps12 and flank sequence were directly sequenced
by the ABI3730 sequencer (Applied Biosystems, USA).
Those positive clones with the insertion of nad3/rps12
coming from both cDNA and total DNA were, prior to
being sequenced, analyzed by the following cDNA-SSCP
method to detect the RNA editing status in CMS and male-
fertile cauliflower.
cDNA-SSCP analysis and sequencing
1 £gL samples of nad3/rps12 amplified from positive
clones were added to an equal volume of denaturing
loading buffer (95% formamide, 0.05% bromo phenolblue,
0.05% xylene cyanol FF, and 20 mM EDTA), denatured
at 97¢XC for 8 min, and immediately placed on ice for
2 min. After loading on a neutral 6% polyacrylamide
gel (29:1, acryamide: bisacrylamide), the samples were
electrophoresed in 1¡ÑTBE buffer at 20¢XC and run at 120v
for 10-12 h. The gel then was stained with Silver Stain
Kit (ATTO, Japan). Based on the results of SSCP, four
clones randomly selected from each RNA editing pattern
were sequenced by the ABI3730 sequencer (Applied
Biosystems, USA). All the sequences were further
analyzed by the Clustal W program (Thompson et al.,
Phylogenetic tree analysis
The sequences of nad3/rps12 in other plant species,
obtained from the DNA database of NCBI, and the two
sequences in CMS and male-fertile cauliflower were
aligned by the Clustal W program, After that, an unrooted
neighbour-joining phylogenetic tree was constructed
using the Phylip3.63 software (http://evolution.genetics. with the neighbor-joining
(NJ) method (Saitou and Nei, 1987). The reliability of the
tree was established by conducting 1000 neighbor-joining
bootstrap sampling steps (Felsenstein, 1985). Phylogenetic
trees were visualized using the Tree View, 1.6 program
The nad3/rps12 locus structure is different
between the two lines; however, the genes can
normally be co-transcribed
Previous research identified a 21nt reverse repeat in the
nad3/rps12 locus of CMS cauliflower NKC-A that was
not present in male-fertile cauliflower. In order to further
clarify whether the nad3/rps12 locus was different in CMS
and fertile cauliflower, specific primers (ND1 and ND4)
were designed to amplify the corresponding region of the
nad3/rps12 locus. A predicted fragment of approximately
2 kb was detected in CMS cauliflower NKC-A, but not
in male-fertile cauliflower (Figure 1). Further sequence
analysis revealed that this fragment contained nad3/rps12
genes, found both in CMS and fertile cauliflower, as well
as an unknown upstream region of nad3/rps12 that was
divergent in both lines (accession number: DQ219816,
DQ219817). This suggested that the structure of the nad3/
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
rps12 locus in the corresponding 2 kb region is different.
Considering that structural differences may affect nad3/
rps12 expression, transcriptional analysis was performed.
However, no significant differences were noted, as
measured by RT-PCR. A specific cDNA fragment of nad3/
rps12 of about 800-bp was detected in both lines (Figure
Different RNA editing patterns were detected by
cDNA-SSCP in the two lines
A total of 100 cDNA clones with nad3/rps12 insertion
obtained from CMS and male-fertile cauliflower,
respectively, were investigated. In CMS cauliflower
NKC-A, nine distinguishing RNA editing patterns
were identified, while three were found in male-fertile
cauliflower NKC-B (Figures 3 and 4). According to the
number of cDNA clones representing each RNA editing
pattern and the total number of cDNA clones (100)
detected in each line, the frequency of each RNA editing
pattern was calculated (Table 1). In CMS cauliflower
NKC-A, the frequency was 2% to 36%. However, in male-
fertile cauliflower NKC-B, the frequency was 28% to
42%. These results indicated that the RNA editing patterns
in CMS cauliflower NKC-A were more complex than
those in male-fertile cauliflower NKC-B.
RNA editing frequencies in corresponding sites
are also different in the two lines
To confirm the reliability of cDNA-SSCP analysis and
obtain further information regarding RNA editing sites,
four clones, randomly selected from each pattern¡Xexcept
pattern 7, from which only two clones were selected¡X
were sequenced. Analysis of these sequences indicated that
the clones selected from the same RNA pattern exhibited
identical sequences. A total of 20 RNA editing sites were
detected within twelve different patterns (Figure 5), all
within the coding region. In CMS cauliflower NKC-A, 19
sites were C-to-U edited. 18 of these were incompletely
edited, and the one at position 5 was fully edited.
Interestingly, the RNA editing site at position 5 could be
detected in all nine RNA editing patterns, and another site
at position 605 was pre-edited. The editing frequency was
6% to 98%. In male-fertile cauliflower NKC-B, 13 of the
20 sites were pre-edited, with two sites at positions 80 and
Figure 1. PCR amplified products of the nad3/rps12 locus using
primers ND1 and ND4 in CMS and male-fertile cauliflower,
respectively. F : male-fertile cauliflower. S: cytoplasmic male
sterility cauliflower. M: molecular weight marker (100-bp
Figure 2. PCR and RT-PCR analysis of the nad3/rps12 using
primers ND2 and ND3 in CMS and male-fertile cauliflower,
respectively. cF : RT-P CR amplified products of nad3/rps12
in male-fertile cauliflower. cS: RT-PCR amplified products of
nad3/rps12 in cytoplasmic male sterility cauliflower. F: PCR
amplified products of nad3/rps12 in male-fertile cauliflower. S:
PCR amplified products of nad3/rps12 in CMS cauliflower. M:
molecular weight marker (100-bp ladder).
Table 1. The frequency of RNA editing pattern detected by
cDNA-SSCP (Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
listed in the editing pattern column correspond with those in
Figure 3).
10 42
11 30
12 28
WANG et al. ¡X RNA editing analysis of
Figure 3. Different RNA editing patterns of nad3/rps12 in CMS
and male-fertile cauliflower, respectively, detected by cDNA-
SSCP. Lanes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 indicate different RNA
editing patterns of nad3/rps12 in CMS cauliflower. Lanes 10, 11
and 12 indicate different RNA editing patterns of nad3/rps12 in
male-fertile cauliflower. Prior to the analysis of cDNA-SS CP,
the corresponding cDNA clones were firstly detected by agarose
Figure 4. Distribution of RNA editing sites of nad3/rps12 in
each RNA editing pattern detected by cDNA-SSCP. Numbers
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 corres pond with those
in Figure 3. Drawing is approximately to scale, with C-to-U
edits shown as vertical lines and those pre-edited sites shown
as vertical broken lines (CMS cau.= CMS cauliflower; Fertile
cau.= Fertilie cauliflower).
Figure 5. Organization and sequence of the nad3/rps12 locus in CMS cauliflower. The genes of trnfM, nad3 and rps12 are indicated
by black boxes. The repeat sequences found in this sequence were indicated by shaded boxes. Horizontal arrows showed the positions
of primers used in reverse transcription (ND4) and PCR amplification experiments (ND1, ND2, ND3 and ND4). The sequence of
nad3/rps12 was shown in triplets. RNA editing sites (corresponding C-to-U changes at mRNA level) are boxed, and the altered
nucleotides are italic and lowercase. The start and stop codons are marked by shadow following that. * indicates the corresponding
stop signal in amino acids level.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
605 fully edited and five sites, at positions 23, 61, 146,
208 and 209, also incomplete edited. However, the editing
frequency was from 30% to 72% (Table 2).
The origin and structure of nad3/rps12 may
be associated with the RNA editing status in
CMS and male-fertile cauliflower in this study
possess an almost identical nuclear background while
the RNA editing status of nad3/rps12 in these two lines
is significantly different. Excluding the effect of growth
conditions and developmental stages, it may result from
the genes themselves. The phylogenetic tree analysis
was performed. Besides the two DNA sequences of
nad3/rps12 from CMS and male-fertile cauliflower,
respectively, 21 other corresponding sequences from
different species were available in the NCBI database
(Table 3). The phylogenetic tree indicated that all these
species could be distinguished by sequences of nad3/
rps12 (Figure 6). The nad3/rps12 of CMS cauliflower
NKC-A had a phylogenetic distance similar to that of R.
sativus (accession numbers: U43506). The genes in male-
fertile cauliflower NKC-B, on the other hand, obviously
had a phylogenetic distance similar to that of B. napus
(accession numbers: AP006444). This result implied
that the origin of nad3/rps12 in CMS and male-fertile
cauliflower was different.
RNA editing, in higher plants, is essential to modifying
mitochondrial genes at the post-transcriptional level. It
affects not only the function genes, but also the structure
genes. Direct sequencing of several cDNA clones is
regarded as an ideal method of studying the RNA editing
status of certain genes. However, in some cases, the
balance between the sequencing cost and the accuracy
must be considered. Here, we establish a method, cDNA-
SSCP (single-strand conformation polymorphism), and
combine it with direct sequencing to investigate the RNA
editing status of nad3/rps12 in cauliflower, dramatically
reducing the cost without compromising accuracy. SSCP
analysis depends on the conformation change of single-
strand DNA having nucleotide substitutions (Orita et
al., 1989; Nataraj et al., 1999). Because of the sensitive,
inexpensive, and comparatively fast nature of this
method, it has been widely used in detecting mutation
sites, and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) and
in mapping and tracking candidate genes (Nataraj et al.,
1999; Slabaugh et al., 1997; Sato and Nishio, 2002).
C-to-U RNA editing in higher plant mitochondria can
also be regarded as a mutation at the mRNA level and
can, theoretically, be analyzed by SSCP. However, to
date, little research has been reported in this field, with
the exception of RNA editing of the ndhA gene in maize
Table 2. The RNA editing sites of nad3/rps12 and the editing frequency of each site in CMS and male-fertile cauliflower,
respectively. (cau.= cauliflower).
Editing position
Coden change
Residue change
Editing frequency
CMS cau. (%)
Fertile cau. (%)
L (silent)
L (silent)
AT t*
S (silent)
WANG et al. ¡X RNA editing analysis of
(Fuchs et al., 2001). This may be due to the complexity
of the RNA editing status, which reduces the sensitivity
of SSCP analysis. In the present study, nad3/rps12 RT-
PCR products from CMS and male-fertile cauliflower,
respectively, were cloned. Each cDNA clone was then
analyzed by SSCP, a process termed cDNA-SSCP.
Because each cDNA clone represented only one status of
RNA editing, the RNA editing pattern was dramatically
simplified compared with the RT-PCR products directly
used as samples. In 200 detected cDNA clones, each can
produce distinguishable single-strand conformation. With
strict control of the electrophoresis conditions, sample
quantity and repeated experimentation (n=3/cDNA clone),
a total of 12 different RNA editing patterns were detected
(Figures 3 and 4). Random sequencing of four cDNA
clones from each detected pattern confirmed this result.
Our data demonstrated that SSCP analyzed the RNA
editing of nad3/rps12 of cauliflower nearly as efficiently
as direct sequencing. However, as mentioned above, the
complexity of the RNA editing in different genes, the
condition of the electrophoresis, and the G+C content can
all affect the accuracy of SSCP analysis (Nataraj et al.,
1999), so further experiments will be conducted to confirm
whether SSCP can analyze other genes as efficiently as it
did nad3/rps12 in cauliflower. Our results strongly suggest
that cDNA-SSCP is a powerful tool that can be used to
analyze the RNA editing status of target genes, especially
the rudimental RNA editing status.
Figure 6. Phylogenetic analysis of nad3/rps12 genes in CMS and male-fertile cauliflower and other species, which sequences of nad3/
rps12 now can be obtained from the databases of NCBI. The phylogenetic tree was constructed by neighbour-joining method, and the
bootstrap values were below the branches. The nad3/rps12 genes of CMS cauliflower were indicated as CMS cauliflower while that of
male-fertile were indicated as male-fertile cauliflower. The other species and their accession numbers are listed in Table 3.
Table 3. Species and corresponding accession numbers of nad3/rps12 obtained from the NCBI database.
numbers Species
numbers Species
A. cepa
Z49771 M. grandiflora
X84106 P. ginseng
A. thaliana
Y08501 N. tabacum
BA000042 P. sativum
B. napus
AP006444 N. sylvestris
X96741 P. sativum subsp. abyssinicum AY043192
H. annuus
X84008 O. berteriana
X52199 R. sativus
L. albus
AF035356 O. sativa
M57904 S. tuberosum
L. mutabilis
AF035357 P. axillaris subsp. parodii M16770 S. bicolor
Magnolia ¡Ñ soulangeana Z49796 Petunia ¡Ñ hybrida
U30458 V. radiata
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
Based on SSCP analysis combined with direct
sequencing, 12 different RNA editing patterns and
20 RNA editing sites (Table 2) have been found in
cauliflower nad3/rps12, a number greater than found in
Ogura and normal radish (Rankin et al., 1996), but smaller
than in Allium cepa, Triticum aestivum, Helianthus
annuus, Oenothera berteriana, Petunia hybrida, and
Magnolia soulangeana (Pesole et al., 1996; Wilson and
Hanson, 1996; Perrotta et al., 1996). In Ogura radish,
two different RNA editing patterns and three nad3/rps12
RNA editing sites have been described while no RNA
editing has been found in normal radish genes. In the
other six plants mentioned above, these genes contain
from 25 to 35 editing sites, implying that although nad3/
rps2 genes are conserved in evolution, their RNA editing
statuses may differ significantly. This may result from
differences in the nuclear background or from the need
to regulate gene expression. Interestingly, in both CMS
and male-fertile cauliflower, the nuclear background is
almost identical. However, the nad3/rps12 RNA editing
status is significantly different. In the 19 detected RNA
editing sites of CMS cauliflower NKC-A, partial editing
events are dominant (18/19), and each site can produce
nine different RNA editing patterns (Figure 3 and 4). In
contrast, in male-fertile cauliflower NKC-B more pre-
edited and fully edited sites were detected (15/20), and
only three different RNA editing patterns. Given that the
differences in nuclear background, growth conditions,
and developmental stages can be almost neglected, we
speculate that the differences in nad3/rps12 RNA editing
status between the two lines may have resulted from the
origin of these genes. Phylogenetic tree analysis data
demonstrated this (Figure 6), indicating that nad3/rps12
in CMS and fertile cauliflower belonged to different
branches and suggesting these genes may have derived
from different ancestors of the two lines. In addition,
the nad3/rps12 locus structure in both lines is different
in the 5¡¦ untranslated regions. We can speculate then
that given an identical nuclear background, the origin
and the structure of the nad3/rps12 locus may be the
main factors affecting RNA editing status in cauliflower.
Another unexpected result can also be obtained from the
analysis of the phylogenetic tree: almost all the species
can find their corresponding taxonomic positions in this
tree reconstructed based on the nad3/rps12. This implies
that the nad3/rps12 genes may become very valuable
candidates to evaluate the evolutionary relationships
between higher plants. In previous studies, they have been
used to analyze several angiosperms (Pesole et al., 1996).
Like RNA editing, cytoplasmic male sterility is an
important phenomenon in higher plant mitochondria
(Howad et al., 1999). Previous research has suggested that
novel chimeric genes, resulting from the mitochondrial
DNA rearrangements, were closely associated with the
CMS trait, which are believed to interfere with normal
pollen development (Schnable and Wise, 1998). Examples
include T-urf13 in T-maize (Dewey et al., 1986), orf355/
orf77 in S-maize (Zabala et al., 1997), orf79 in Bo-rice
(Akagi et al., 1994, 1995), pcf in petunia (Young and
Hanson, 1987), orf522 in PET1 sunflower (Sabar et al.,
2003), pvs in bean (He et al., 1995), orf138 in Ogura radish
(Bonhomme et al., 1992), orf224 and orf222 in pol and
nap Brassica napus, respectively, (L¡¦Homme and Brown,
1993; L¡¦Homme et al., 1997), orf107 in A3-sorghum (Tang
et al., 1996), and orf215 in sugar beet (Ivanov et al., 2004).
However, the molecular mechanism of CMS in cauliflower
is, to date, poorly understood. In our other study, a specific
chimeric open reading frame similar to orf138 in Ogura
radish was confirmed to be closely associated with the
CMS trait in cauliflower. It is of interest to note that all the
progenies of CMS cauliflower NKC-A, used as the female
parent, were 100% sterile, regardless of the status of the
male parent. To our knowledge, over the past two decades,
all attempts to create a restorer line of CMS cauliflower
NKC-A have been unsatisfactory. These results suggest
that the molecular mechanism of CMS in cauliflower
NKC-A may be more complex than those in other CMS
plants. We speculate that other factors, in addition to the
novel chimeric genes found in CMS cauliflower NKC-A,
may directly or indirectly affect this trait. Here, our study
confirmed that the RNA editing status of nad3/rps12 in
CMS cauliflower NKC-A and male-fertile cauliflower
NKC-B were significantly different, although no obvious
differences were found at the transcriptional level. More
RNA editing patterns and incomplete editing events were
detected in CMS cauliflower NKC-A. The diversity of
RNA editing patterns and insufficiency of certain RNA
editing sites in some genes have been identified associated
with the CMS trait in several plants such as atp6 and
orf107 in CMS sorghum (Tang et al., 1999; Howad et
al., 1999; Pring et al., 1998); atp6 and atp9 in CMS
wheat (Kurek et al., 1997), and orf77 in S-CMS maize
(Gallagher et al., 2002). This implies that the RNA editing
status of nad3/rps12 in CMS cauliflower NKC-A may
also be associated with the CMS trait. One possibility
is that the chimeric genes similar to the orf138 in Ogura
radish, the functional mitochondrial genes nad3/rps12,
and other unknown factors together affect the CMS trait
in cauliflower NKC-A. However, no direct experiments
have been done to confirm this hypothesis. To gain further
insight into the different RNA editing status in CMS and
male-fertile cauliflower and increase our knowledge of
RNA editing and the CMS trait, further investigations are
required. Our results offer significant clues toward their
Acknowledgments. We are grateful to Dr. Deling-Sun
and Dr. Qiancheng-Zhao, Tianjin Vegetable Research
Institute, Tianjin, China for advice and encouragement
during the course of this work and for kindly providing
the plant materials. We thank Dr. Suai-Zhang, and
Dr. Xuhong-Miao, College of Life Sciences, NanKai
University, Tianjin, China for discussion and critical
reading of the manuscript.
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