Botanical Studies (2007) 48: 25-34.
Corresponding author: E-mail:;
Tel: +886-2-28610511 ext. 31132.
APX (EC is a hydrogen peroxide-scavenging
enzyme with a presumed function of protecting cells
from hydrogen peroxide accumulation, particularly under
stressful conditions. It catalyzes the reduction in hydrogen
peroxide, using ascorbate as an electron donor, to yield
water and oxidized ascorbate. The lack of suitable electron
acceptors leads to the saturation of redox chains, the
accumulation of NADPH, and a decline in ATP generation.
The ascorbate-glutathione cycle has been shown to be of
great importance in multiple stress reactions (Blockina et
al., 2003). In flooded soil, oxygen limitation is one of the
primary threats to plants. Excess production of reactive
oxygen species (ROS)¡Xsuperoxide radicals, hydrogen
peroxide, singlet oxygen, and hydroxyl radicals¡Xcauses
oxidative damage to cellular components, and their
involvement in a number of biotic and abiotic stresses is
well documented (Shigeoka et al., 2002). APX has been
found in higher plants, algae, and some cyanobacteria, but
not in animals (Shigeoka et al., 2002). In higher plants,
APX isozymes are distributed in at least four distinct
cellular compartments: stromal APX (sAPX) and thylakoid
membrane-bound APX (tAPX) in chloroplasts, microbody
(including glyoxysome and peroxisome) membrane-
bound APX (mAPX), mitochondrial membrane-bound
APX (mitAPX), and cytosolic APX (cAPX) (Kawakami
et al., 2002). For example, in Arabidopsis, the APX gene
family includes two cytosolic isoforms, APX1 and APX2,
microsomal enzyme APX3, cAPX, sAPX, and tAPX
(Jespersen et al., 1997). Heat stress induces oxidative
stress and triggers the expression of APX1 and APX2
genes at the RNA level in Arabidopsis. Excessive light
stress also induces APX1 expression (Karpinski et al.,
1997; Panchuk et al., 2002).
Antioxidant enzymes and their corresponding genes
have been studied in many species. We have already
demonstrated that flooding stress raised ROS levels in
plants and induced various kinds of antioxidative enzymes
to overcome oxidative stress (Lin et al., 2004). APX was
at its most active in eggplant roots under flooding stress
and played an important role in detoxifying the H
that flooding had generated in eggplant root. Saturation
Cloning and expression analysis of ascorbate
peroxidase gene from eggplant under flooding stress
Kuan-Hung LIN
*, Hsiao-Feng LO
, Chun-Hung LIN
, and Ming-Tsir CHAN
Department of Horticulture, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan
Graduate Institute of Biotechnology, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan
Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
(Received February 3, 2006; Accepted June 23, 2006)
Previously, we found that flooding leads to an increase in APX enzymatic activity in the roots
of eggplants. The objectives of this work were to clone the ascorbate peroxidase (APX) gene, and measure
the regulation of APX gene expression in different tissues of eggplant under flooding stress conditions.
Different tissues from eggplants displayed wide variations in their expression profiles using Real-Time
PCR. The highest level of APX transcripts were detected in roots of EG117 at 72 h of flooding treatment.
The differential expressions of each tissue and genotype were directly associated with flooding stress
responses. After screening and comparing APX gene sequences at the NCBI database, the degenerate primer
sets designed from tomato and potato were used to amplify the APX cDNA of eggplant with the reverse-
transcription PCR method. The completion of a full-length of APX cDNA was performed using 5¡¦ and 3¡¦
rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) technique. The open reading frame of cDNA clone was 753 base
pair long encoding a cytosolic APX (cAPX). The sequence of eggplant APX gene had 96%, 95%, 93% and
91% homology to that from the potato, tomato, pepper and tobacco APX gene, respectively. A phylogenetic
analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence of APX by Neighbor-Joining method indicated that the plant
cAPXs diverge into two major clusters, and eggplant cDNA is more closely related to potato than to tomato.
Southern blot analysis revealed that the eggplant gene encoding APX had two copies. These results indicate
that the cAPX of eggplant may be involved in hydrogen peroxide-detoxification and thus helps overcome the
stress induced by flooding.
Ascorbate peroxidase; Eggplant; Flooding; Phylogenesis; Real-Time PCR.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
of soil fills air pockets with water, creating hypoxic
conditions followed by anoxia. During flooding stress,
many physiological changes occur that result in increased
flooding tolerance. One of these may be increased
expression of APX genes to protect against oxidative
stress. cDNAs which encode APX of pea (Mittler and
Zilinskas, 1992), tomato (Gadea et al., 1999; Zou et
al., 2006), sweet potato (Tseng et al., 2002; Park et al.,
2004; Lin et al., 2006), potato (Kawakami et al., 2002),
Arabidopsis (Kubo et al., 1992; Santos et al., 1996),
pumpkin (Yamaguchi et al., 1996), spinach (Webb and
Allen, 1995; Ishikawa et al., 1996), maize (Bresegem et
al., 1995), strawberry (Kim and Chung, 1998), tobacco
(Ovar and Ellis, 1997), and barley (Shi et al., 2001) have
been isolated. However, eggplant APX cDNA has not
been cloned, and it is not known which form of APX
efficiently detoxifies H
in eggplant roots under flooding
stress. Nothing is known about the response of APX gene
expression and regulation under flooding stress. In this
study, we investigate how APX gene expresses in different
tissues of eggplants in response to flooding treatment. We
also clone a full-length APX cDNA, and analyze evolution
of the APX gene among plant species.
Plant materials, cultivation and flooding
¡¥Pingtong Long Eggplant¡¦ (EG117) and eggplant
¡¥EG203¡¦ were sown on April 2004 in the greenhouse
of the Chinese Culture University. EG117 is more
flood tolerant than EG203, and is used as rootstock for
tomatoes in Taiwan (Lin et al., 2004). The seedlings were
transplanted into 5-inch plastic pots containing a medium
consisting of peat moss, loamy soil, and sand in a ratio
of 2:1:1 (v/v/v) on May 2004. Plants were watered every
other day, and an optimal amount of compound fertilizer
solution (N-P
O, 20-20-20) was applied once a
week. The two mentioned varieties (EG117 and EG203)
and ten flooding treatments (0 min, 15 min, 30 min, 1 h,
3 h, 6 h, 12 h, 24 h, 48 h and 72 h) were carried out on
July, 2004, when the plants were 15 cm high. All pots for
three replications of each flooding time for the treatment
group were randomly placed in a 28 cm ¡Ñ 14 cm ¡Ñ 14
cm plastic bucket containing a tap water level 5cm above
the medium surface. At different points in time following
flooding, plants were taken out of the medium, and their
roots were washed by rinsing with tap water. Roots, leaves
and flowers from each plant were clipped and carried
in an icebox to the laboratory in less than five min, and
immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen. They were then
stored in a -70¢XC freezer for subsequent analysis.
DNA sequence database analysis
Database searches were performed at the National
Center of Biotechnology Information (NCBI) server
( with Entrez, BLAST. At
the time, no eggplant APX had been characterized and
therefore a Solanum cDNA was used as a query. APX
genes were identified by sequence similarities to known
APX genes of tomato (Gene Bank accession number
Y16773) and potato (Gene Bank accession number
AB041343). Only full length APX sequences were
included in the analysis. After homology searches using
BLAST, sequence alignments were constructed with the
Clustal-X program (Thompson et al., 1997). Specific
primer sets for APX gene were designed using Vector
NTI Suite 8.0 software within the manufacturer¡¦s default
criteria (InforMax, Frederick, MD, USA). The designed
sequences (20 mers) of APX 1, 2 and 3 were as follows:
APX2, 5¡¦ ATGGGTAAGTCCTATCCCAC 3¡¦ (antisense),
APX3, 5¡¦ TTAAGCTTCAGCAAATCCCA 3¡¦ (antisense).
These sense and antisense primers were custom
synthesized by Bioengineer Biotech (Taipei, Taiwan) and
designed to amplify a 753 bp region of the APX gene
Amplification of eggplant cDNA using primer
sets (APX1, APX2) and (APX1, APX3)
Total RNA was isolated from different flooding times
from different parts of eggplants with a NucleoSpin
RNA Plant Kit (Macherey Nagel, Duren, Germany) and
quantified with GeneQuant (Amersham Biosciences,
Buckinghamshire, UK) at 260 nm. First strand cDNA was
synthesized from 1 £gg of total RNA using AMV-reverse
transcriptase with random hexamers according to the
manufacture¡¦s instructions (Boehringer Mannheim). Paired
primers (APX1, APX2) and (APX1, APX3) were used
for amplification. PCR was carried out in an Eppendorf
Mastercycler Gradient Thermal Cycler (Hamberg,
Germany) with the following thermal program: initial
denaturation at 95¢XC for 3 min, followed by 35 cycles of
95¢XC for 1 min, 47¢XC for 1 min, and 72¢XC for 2 min, with
a final extension at 72¢XC for 7 min. PCR products were
electrophoretically separated on a 1% agarose gel, and the
predicted size of 753 bp was verified with a 100 bp DNA
ladder of DNA marker (see Figure 1). The products were
then sequenced using the same primer in combination
with the Big Dye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kit and
ABI Prism 310 Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystem,
Foster City, CA, USA). DNA sequences were compared
with sequences deposited in the aforementioned BLAST
DNA gel blot analysis
Leaves of EG117 and EG203 were ground to a fine
powder with a mortar and pestle in liquid nitrogen.
Genomic DNA was prepared essentially as previously
described (Doyle and Doyle, 1990). Fifteen micrograms
of DNA was digested with 30 units of ECoRI, BamHI
and HindIII (Boehringer Mannheim, Germany), and then
separated on 1% agarose gel. The separated DNA bands
were transferred to a nylon membrane (Hybond-N
LIN et al. ¡X Cloning APX gene from flooded eggplant
Amersham) by downward capillary alkaline transfer.
The DNA was crosslinked to the membrane by UV
crosslinker (SpectroLine, Westburg, NY, USA). The
753 bp product was amplified using the aforementioned
¡¥Mastercycler gradient¡¦ in an annealing temperature of
47¢XC. APX probe (753 bp) was labeled with the DIG
Probe Synthesis Kit (Roche, Mannheim, Germany) as
recommended by the manufacturer. The membrane was
incubated in 1% blocking agent for 30 min and in an
antibody solution-diluted anti-DID-AP conjugate for 30
min. After washing, the membrane was equilibrated and
detected following the protocol of the CDP-Star Detection
Kit (Roche). Autoradiography was carried out with Kodak
Chemiluminescent Detection Film for 15 min, and the
result is presented in Figure 2.
Rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE)
The amplification of the remaining part of the
corresponding APX gene was obtained by RACE.
For the isolation of the 5¡¦-end of APX cDNA, the 5¡¦-
RACE technique was performed according to the
protocol provided with the FirstChoice RLM-RACE
Kit purchased from Ambion (Austin, TX, USA). For
the completion of the 3¡¦-end of the obtained cDNA
fragments, the 3¡¦-RACE method was also performed
as described in the manufacturer¡¦s instructions. The
following oligonucleotide sequences were used as inner
and outer primers of nested PCR for 5¡¦ and 3¡¦ RLM-
specific inner primer), TGTCAAAGATAAGGGGA
TTGGTGGT (5¡¦ RACE gene specific outer primer),
AA (3¡¦ RACE gene specific outer primer). The PCR steps
were: 3 min at 95¢XC, then 35 cycles of 95¢XC for 30 s, 60¢X
C for 30 s and 72¢XC for 40 s, followed by 72¢XC for 7 min.
The primer sets for 5¡¦ cDNA and 3¡¦ cDNA were designed
to produce 950 bp and 500 bp fragments, respectively (see
Figure 5).
Cloning of APX gene
The amplified PCR products were separated on
1% agarose gel, purified with the High Pure Product
Purification Kit (Roche) and cloned into yT&A vector
(Yeastern Biotech. Coop., Taipei, Taiwan, see Figure 6),
following the protocol supplied. Transformations were
carried out using DH-5£\ competent cells (Invitrogen,
San Diego, CA, USA) and plated on LB plates with
ampicillin (50 £gg/ml), 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-B-
D-gaalctosidase (0.4%) and isopropyl-B-D-thiogalacto-
pyrano-side (0.1 mM). White colonies were selected for
plasmid isolation, and digested BamHI and HindIII were
used to release the insert. Sequencing was performed by
ABI Prism 310 Genetic Analyzer as described earlier.
DNA sequences were compared with sequences deposited
in the GeneBank database using the BLAST program.
Figure 1. Paired primer sets APX1, APX2 and APX1, APX3
de s igne d fro m t om at o AP X g ene an d pot at o AP X ge ne ,
res pec tive ly, were use d to am pli fy a 753-bp in l engt h of
AP X cDNA in different tissues of eggplants. Lanes from 1
to 6 represent EG117 root, EG203 root, EG117 leaf, EG203
leaf, EG117 flower and EG203 flower, respectively. Reverse
transcription PCR products from lanes 1, 3 and 5 were generated
from APX1 and APX2 primers; furthermore, the bands of lanes
2, 4 and 6 were generated from APX1 and APX3 primers. M=
100 bp ladder DNA marker (Gibco-BRL).
Figure 2. Southern blot hybridization of the PCR product for
analysis of the APX gene. Eggplant genomic DNA (15 £gg/lane)
wa s diges ted with restriction enzymes and electrophores ed
through 1% agarose gel. V1=EG117, V2= EG203. M=Molecular
Weight Marker II DIG-labeled (Roche).
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
Real-Time PCR (RT-qPCR) and quantification of
RNA levels
The expression levels of APX gene at various
flooding times were determined by RT-qPCR using
a Roter-Gene G3000 Detection System (Corbett
Research, Sydney, Australia). Ubiquitin gene was
used as a reference gene. After screening the database
for Solanum sequences, specific primer sets for
ubiquitin and APX gene were designed using the
mentioned Vector NTI Suite 8.0 software. The primers
for ubiquitin (Hoffman et al., 1991) and APX were:
CCAGGGTGAAAGGGAACA 3¡¦. Amplification of PCR
products was monitored via intercalation of SYBR-Green
(Molecular Probes; 1:1,000 dilution of 10,000x stock
solution). The following program was applied: initial
polymerase activation: 95¢XC, 5 min; then 40 cycles at 95¢X
C, 10 s; 58¢XC, 10 s; 72¢XC, 20 s. The Roter-Gene software,
Version 6.0 was used for threshold selection and standard
curve interpolation to derive RNA concentrations relative
to the RNA standard. These relative RNA quantities of
RNA samples are presented as ¡¥Expression¡¦ values in
Figures 3 and 4 and allowed the comparison of relative
RNA amounts among treatments.
Phylogenetic relationship analysis
The deduced amino acid sequence of the eggplant
APX was aligned and compared with other plant APX
using the Cluster-W software (Thompson et al., 1994)
with the default settings. Phylogenetic trees were inferred
using MEGA, Version 3.0 (Kumar et al., 2001). The
neighbor joining, minimum evolution and maximum
parsimony methods of tree generation were used to assess
evolutionary relationships (Rzhetsky and Nei, 1992;
Saitou and Nei, 1987). The significance of clustering was
evaluated by bootstrap with 1,000 replications.
Primer design for APX gene in eggplant
Degenerate paired primers (APX1, APX2 and APX1,
APX3) were designed by comparing the APX cDNA
conserved sequences from Solanum lycopersicum
and Solanum tuberosum, respectively. The paired
oligonucleotides were used to amplify a cDNA fragment
(753 bp) from a single-strand cDNA made from RNA
extracted from different tissues (root, leaf and flower)
of each genotype (EG117 and EG203). The reverse
transcription-PCR products were shown in Figure 1. The
bands (lanes 1, 3 and 5) generated from APX1 and APX3
primers appeared higher in intensity and brightness than
the bands (lanes 2, 4 and 6) generated from APX1 and
APX2 primers. This indicates that the APX1 and APX3
primer set had a higher specificity to eggplant DNA than
the APX1 and APX2 primer set, and it was therefore used
Figure 3. Real-Time PCR of APX transcripts response from
root, leaf and flower of EG117 exposed to 0- to 72-h flooding.
Relative amounts were calculated and normalized with respect
to ubiquitin RNA.
Figure 4. Real-Time PCR of APX transcripts response from
root, leaf and flower of EG203 exposed to 0- to 72-h flooding.
Relative amounts were calculated and normalized with respect
to ubiquitin RNA.
Figure 5. yT&A vector with multiple cloning sites . Am p=
ampicilline gene.
LIN et al. ¡X Cloning APX gene from flooded eggplant
for Southern hybridization, RT-qPCR and RACE.
Southern blot analysis
To prove the existence of APX DNA in the EG117 and
EG203, genomic Southern hybridization was carried out
using the 753 bp fragment as a probe. Figure 2 presents
those two hybridization bands for DNA digested with
ECoRI, BamHI, and HindIII enzymes. This result indicates
that two copies of APX gene exist in the eggplant genome.
In addition, no recognition sites of ECoRI, BamHI and
HindIII were found within the cDNA of the APX (see
Figure 7).
Changes in the RNA level of APX gene in
different tissues under flooding treatments
Quantification of the RNA levels of APX gene was
performed using RT-qPCR of reverse transcripts of RNA
from root, leaf, and flower of EG117 and EG203 that had
been subjected to flooding from 0 h to 72 h (Figures 3 and
4). The data were normalized with respect to the RNA
level of ubiquitin, a housekeeping gene that is constantly
expressed in plants. The trend and level of the increase
in APX RNA expression over time were different in EG
Figure 6. Nested RT-PCR for 5¡¦ RLM-RACE product (lane 1)
and nested RT-PCR for 3¡¦ RLM-RACE product (lane 2). M=
100 bp ladder DNA marker (Gibco-BRL).
Figure 7. Nucleotide sequence of the full-length APX clone from eggplant (892 bp). APX cDNA contains an open reading frame
(753 bp), 5¡¦ untranslated region (18 bp), 3¡¦ untranslated region (21 bp), and the locations of each primer (APX1, APX3 and M13), T7
promoter and restriction enzymes (BamHI and HindIII). *ATG, start codon. ¡÷TAA, stop codon. GGATCC, BamHI site. AAGCTT,
HindIII site.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
117 (Figure 3). The RNA level of APX gene in the root of
EG117 was accumulated at different rates from 0 h (3.34)
to 72 h (12.6) of flooding. APX RNA expression in EG117
leaf increased from 0 h (3.57) to 1 h (6.52) of flooding,
fell to 3.51 at 6 h of flooding, and then peaked (11.5) after
72 h of flooding treatment. The transcript of the APX gene
for EG117 flower initially increases up to 3 h of flooding
(8.81) and then begins to decrease to 6.44 at 12 h of
flooding. At 24 h of flooding, the level peaked at 9.77 and
began to drop thereafter. Waterlog stress over time caused
a change in APX transcript, which was found to be more
abundant in the root and leaf compared to flowers at 72 h
of flooding.
Figure 4 presents the effect of flooding time on the
expression of APX gene in EG 203. The level of APX
gene in EG203 root showed irregular changes. The
maximal increase (7.83) was found at 48 h of flooding
treatment and was threefold the level at 0 h flooding time
(2.09). APX gene transcript of EG203 leaf was affected
during the time course of flooding, and the highest (8.48)
and lowest (1.85) levels were observed at 12 h and 0 h of
waterlog treatment, respectively. A slight increase in APX
transcript was noted in EG203 flower as the flooding time
was extended, with the exception of a decreased level
from 7.25 (48 h) to 3.88 (72 h). The APX gene was more
expressed in the root (5.18) than in the leaf (4.00) and
flower (3.88) at 72 h of flooding.
Cloning of APX cDNA from RACE
The inner and outer fragments (nested primers) were
used to amplify a full-length of APX cDNA, using the 5¡¦
and 3¡¦-RACE method. Figure 5 shows the 5¡¦ and 3¡¦
reverse transcription PCR products of 950 bp (lane 1) and
500 bp (lane 2), respectively. These PCR products were
purified, cloned and sequenced, and the sequences were
compared with sequences deposited in the GeneBank
database of NCBI BLASTN. The full length clone
contains an eggplant APX cDNA that is 892 bp in length
and has an open reading frame of 753 bp in length (Figure
7). The cDNA is initiated by an ATG, terminated by TAA,
and contains an 118-bp 5¡¦ untranslated region and 21-bp
3¡¦ untranslated region. The GC content of the coding
region was 48%. Figure 7 also shows the locations of
BamHI and HindII, and sequences of M13 primers and T7
Evolutionary analysis of plant APX gene
The sequence of the APX cDNA (753 bp) showed a
significant level of similarity with Solanum tuberosum
(AB041343), Solanum lycopersicon (Y16773), Nicotiana
tabacum (U15933), and Capsicum annum (AY078080).
The deduced APX amino acid sequences from five plant
species were aligned and compared. Figure 8 represents
a phylogenetic tree from the conserved region using the
Neighbor-Joining method. Phylogenetic analysis revealed
that eggplant APX is more closely related to potato cAPX
than to tomato cAPX. Eggplant and potato showed 64%
homology of identity to cAPX. Specific groups of cAPX
evolved and expanded independently into two groups.
Moreover, these two trees inferred from the cAPX protein
sequences did not show a violation of the plant taxonomy.
Eggplant, potato, and tomato are members of Solanum,
and were clustered together. However, pepper was
clustered with tobacco with a bootstrap 99, which formed
a clade with Solanum species.
Increased RNA levels were sustained up to 72 h after 6
h of flooding treatment in leaf and root of EG117 (Figure
3). Therefore, APX transcripts were up-regulated in
response to flooding. Higher RNA levels were induced by
the elevated flooding stress. This result is consistent with
our previous report that APX activity increased markedly
in roots of EG117 subjected to flooding stress (Lin et al.,
2004). In addition to flooding, several other environmental
factors, such as chilling, light, drought, ozone, paraquat
treatment, and air pollutants, have also been known to
up-regulate APX expression in higher plants (Mittler and
Zilinskas, 1994; Ovar and Ellis, 1997; Morimura et al.,
1999; Yoshimura et al., 2000; Kornyeyev et al., 2003;
Murgia et al., 2004).
The APX gene of eggplant differs greatly in its
expression pattern in different plant tissues. Although the
APX transcripts were detected in all tissues, this gene
was most strongly active in root. In contrast, APX gene
Figure 8. Phylogenetic tree inferred from the APX protein sequences by the Neighbor-Joining method. Numbers indicate bootstrap
support for individual nodes. The scale on the bottom shows the number of substitutions per amino acid site.
LIN et al. ¡X Cloning APX gene from flooded eggplant
showed a rather low activation in flowers (Figures 3 and
4). This clearly suggests the functional differentiation
of plant tissues. Furthermore, the genotypic response to
APX transcript under flooding was inconsistent and did
not follow any pattern. Different plant genotypes were
prepared for oxidative injury by up-regulating their APX
transcripts during waterlogged conditions. In general, the
RNA levels of EG117 tissues at 0 h, 1 h, 3 h, 24 h and 72
h of flooding were higher than those of EG203 tissues.
Particularly, when flower tissues across flooding time were
compared, EG117 (Figure 3) exhibited a higher APX RNA
level than EG203 (Figure 4). These results indicate that
APX transcripts responded differently under waterlogged
conditions for different plant genotypes.
No strong visible effects on the leaves, flowers and
roots in response to early flooding were observed. After 24
h exposure, EG203 exhibited clear stress symptoms, such
as epinasty and senescence (i.e. chlorosis) in most of the
leaves and flowers; however, most leaves and flowers of
EG117 looked green and healthy in the pots (photos not
shown). The roots of EG203 appeared brownish in color
following 48 h of flooding while those of EG117 appeared
brownish only after 72 h of flooding. When significant
flooding-injury became apparent, the APX level of oxy-
radical production might have increased. The APX gene
was affected by flooding stress over different hours of
the treatment. The degree and speed of flooding-injury
were the result of an accumulation of APX transcripts.
Plant development plays a role in the regulation of APX
gene expression. Flooding stress imposed disturbances in
this expression, causing alterations in transcript profiles
of different tissues. APX gene was differently expressed
in plant tissues and spatially regulated in eggplants. APX
gene expression and regulation interacted with both plant
development and stress response. Flooding stress in
eggplant triggered a defense mechanism against oxidative
stress. Hence, APX defenses were concretely regulated
to ensure proper protection against ROS generated after
exposure to flooding.
Southern analysis of ECoRI-, HindIII-, and BamHI-
digested DNA was performed to estimate the copy number
of the APX gene. The result showed that two restriction
fragments from eggplant genomic DNA hybridized to the
APX cDNA clone (Figure 2). Among these two bands,
bands of high molecular size appeared less intense than the
faster migrating bands. The intensity of the hybridization
bands reflected the extent of hybridization due to fragment
similarity to the APX cDNA probe. The brighter band
represents a fragment bearing a greater similarity to the
probe than the faint band. Southern blot was repeated to
exclude these fragments with different intensities resulting
from partial digestion of genomic DNA. In short, two
highly homologous genes to APX genes may exist in
A cDNA of APX was cloned from eggplant, and the full
sequence was subsequently subjected to NCBI database
comparison using BLASTN algorithms. The sequence
showed very high homology to other known cytosolic
APXs, with the closest match to S. tuberosum (96%)
(Kawakami et al., 2002), S. lycopersicum (95%) (Gadea
et al., 1999), C. annuum (93%) (Schantz et al., 1995) and
N. tabacum (91%) (Ovar and Ellis, 1997). Therefore, the
isolated clone proved to be the most similar to cAPX of
the other plants in nucleotides sequence. The cloned APX
cDNA contains an open reading frame of 753 bp, which
was a cytosolic type in the eggplant (Figure 7). Most full-
length APX cDNAs cloned to data have been about 1,000
bp long, such as 1042 bp of maize (Bresegem et al., 1995),
1044 bp of strawberry (Kim and Chung, 1998), 1102 bp of
spinach (Webb and Allen, 1995), 1040 bp of tobacco (Ovar
and Ellis, 1997), 1040 bp of pea (Mittler and Zilinskas,
1992), 1046 bp of sweet potato (Park et al., 2004), and
1039 bp of potato (Kawakami et al., 2002).
cAPX is a dimer consisting of identical subunits with
a molecular mass of 28 kDa. It is localized in the cytosol
of both photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic tissues.
The function is still obscure although it has been reported
that RNA for cAPX was induced by environmental
stimuli such as heat stress. The cytosolic APX gene
transcript from pea strongly increased following treatment
with methyl viologen, drought stress, and heat stress
(Mittler and Zilinskas, 1992; Mittler and Zilinskas,
1994). Storozhenko et al. (1998) indicated that the heat
shock response was very fast in the case of cAPX1 in A.
thaliana, and this quick response to heat shock was due
to the existence of a heat shock element in the promoter
region of cAPX1. The expression of the cAPX gene in
rice was mediated by high temperature; furthermore, rice
seedlings previously subjected to high temperature showed
increased tolerance to chilling stress (Sato et al., 2001).
Yoshimura et al. (2000) reported that among the four APX
isozymes tested, the steady-state transcript level of cAPX
type markedly increased in response to high light stress
and paraquat treatment, but not in response to drought and
salt treatments. In the present report, we have measured
the level of transcription of the APX gene in different
plant tissues exposed to various flooding treatments,
and concluded that the transcript level of cAPX gene
increased under flooding stress. Under stress conditions,
more H
is generated in the microbody matrix and
readily diffuses into the cytosol. The gene expression for
cAPX is a response to environmental changes, resulting
in the protection of important cellular compartments from
oxidative stress and in strict control of the level of H
in intercellular signaling. APX has a high affinity to H
and therefore is able to scavenge it. In plant cells, an
alternative and effective detoxification mechanism against
exists, operating both in chloroplasts and the cytosol.
In this detoxification mechanism, H
is reduced to H
with the ASA-GSH-NAPDH system catalyzed by APX
(Asada, 1992) in addition to catalase. The regulation of
APX gene expression by H
has been reported by Lee
et al. (1999). They concluded that treatment of cultured
soybean cells with exogenous H
resulted in the
alteration of cytosolic APX transcription levels.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
A phylogenetic tree constructed using the deduced
amino acid sequences of APX from five species showed
the division of the sequences into two classes. Some
lineages appear to be conserved across plant species with
large evolutionary differences between them. Eggplant and
potato contain smaller-subunit APX sequences (64%) than
pepper and tobacco (99%). The APX gene from eggplant
and potato is highly conserved, suggesting that the
domestication of eggplant to potato substantially affects
the evolution of APX in these plants. The divergence of
APX genes is in the context of the phylogenetic separation
between Solanaceae. The diversity of APX genes is
probably an adaptive function to counteract the rapid
evolution of plants.
Shigeoka et al. (2002) demonstrated that APX isozyme
evolution in higher plants and algae can be divided into
four groups: cAPXI, cAPXII, chlAPX and mAPX. The
cAPXI, chlAPX and mAPX share common features
conserved among plant species while the cAPXII group
may have evolved from cAPX in species-species manner.
Genes encoding cAPX respond to stress-related signals
of a biotic or abiotic nature, and are believed to play key
roles in these processes. Phylogenetic analysis indicates
that in eggplant and potato the expression degree of cAPX
gene may correlate with flooding stress.
In conclusion, we cloned the full-length cDNA of
APX in eggplant. The transcripts regulated by flooding
stress encode cytosolic APX isoform, and the genome of
eggplant contained two related cAPX genes. Phylogenetic
relationships among the plant APX sequences were
separated into two classes. The results suggest that the
induction of APX during the flooding stress is affected
through a transcriptional mechanism. The differential
and coordinated tissue and genotype specific expressions
of APX gene occurred in response to flooding stress
conditions. This is consistent with our previous report
that plant roots under waterlogged conditions generate
that may then be removed by APX. The elevated
APX activity may be one factor adding to the increased
waterlogging tolerance of eggplant roots. The assessment
of transcript kinetic accumulation of APX may help to
propose new strategies to analyze APX gene knockout
or to engineer transgenic plant (ie. tomato) tolerance
to flooding stress. To our knowledge, this is the first
suggestion that APX-encoding gene expression in eggplant
is regulated by flooding stress.
Acknowledgements. This research was supported by the
National Science Council, Taiwan, ROC. The authors are
grateful to D.L. Lo, Z.Y. Chang, and numerous students
for assistance in the greenhouse at Chinese Culture
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Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007