Botanical Studies (2007) 48: 147-154.
Qiang-Sheng WU: E-mail:; Tel:
Corresponding author: E-mail:
cn; Tel: +86-27-87286913.
Arbuscular mycorrhiza symbiosis, a natural association
between the roots of higher plants and arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), are rather important in
horticultural crops, because AMF are believed to improve
host plants growth, water relations and acquisition of
nutrients especially P from soil (Maronek et al., 1981).
There is a role played by AMF in alleviating drought
stress of higher plants as it appears that drought resistance
is enhanced (Auge, 2001; 2004). Fidelibus et al. (2001)
showed that four Glomus species isolated from arid,
semiarid and mesic areas stimulated the root growth
(dry weight and length) of Citrus volkameriana, an d
leaf P concentration were 12-56% higher in arbuscular
mycorrhizal (AM) plants than in non-AM plants under
well-watered conditions. Mycorrhizal infection appeared
to improve establishment of citrus into transplant situations
by improving P uptake and reducing plant stress (Johnson
and Hummel, 1985). Most effects of the mycorrhizal
association were on stomatal regulation rather than on root
resistance (Levy and Krikun, 1980). However, the precise
mechanisms underpinning changes in water relations are
still in doubt.
In higher plants, metabolism of reactive oxygen
species (ROS), such as superoxide, hydrogen peroxide
and hydroxyl radicals is kept in dynamic balance under
well-watered conditions. Drought stress often induces
cellular damage and photo-oxidative damage, through the
accumulations of ROS. As a consequence, higher plants
evolve cellular responses like up-regulation of oxidative
Five Glomus species affect water relations of Citrus
tangerine during drought stress
Qiang-Sheng WU
, Ying-Ning ZOU
, Ren-Xue XIA
*, and Ming-Yuan WANG
College of Horticulture and Forestry, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, Hubei Province, 430070, P. R. China
College of Horticulture and Gardening, Yangtze University, Jingzhou, Hubei Province, 434025, P. R. China
(Recieved June 12, 2006; Accepted November 22, 2006)
. The efficacy of five Glomus species, Glomus mosseae, G. geosporum, G. versiforme, G.
etunicatum and G. diaphanum was studied for the ability to improve water relations of Citrus tangerine Hort.
ex Tanaka under well-watered and drought stress conditions in terms of growth, carbohydrate, photosynthetic
characteristic and antioxidant enzymes activities. The ranking of five Glomus species for mycorrhizal
dependency of C. tangerine was as follows: G. mosseae . G. geosporum > G. versiforme > G. etunicatum
> G. diaphanum. In general, the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi used in this study showed benefical effects in
these parameters. The colonization by G. geosporum showed the highest plant height, leaf number per plant,
stem diameter, relative water content, soluble sugar, starch and total non-structural carbohydrates under well-
watered and drought stress conditions and G. etunicatum colonization the least effects. G. mosseae seedlings
showed the highest soluble protein concentration and catalase activity in leaves, G. diaphanum seedlings
showed the highest superoxide distumase activity, and G. versiforme seedlings showed the highest guaiacol
peroxidase activity. Both G. mosseae and G. geosporum colonization showed greater transpiration rates and
stomatal conductance. In addition, five Glomus species significantly decreased leaf temperature of mycorrhizal
seedlings. The different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal species differed in their ability to improve water
relations of C. tangerine. Both G. mosseae and G. geosporum were more efficient fungi in improving water
relations of C . tangerine, and G. etunacatum was less efficient fungi. Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis
improved water relations of C. tangerine in part due to increases of antioxidant enzymes.
Keywords: Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi; Citrus; Drought; Glomus; Water relations.
Abbreviations: AM, arbuscular mycorrhizal; AMF, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi; C AT, catalase; DS, drought
stressed; E, transpiration rates; G-POD, guaiacol peroxidase; g
, stomatal conductance; Lt, leaf temperature;
NSC, total non-structural carbohydrates; Pn, photosynthetic rates; ROS, reactive oxygen species; RWC, leaf
relative water content; SOD, superoxide distumase; WW, well-watered.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
stress protectors (Reddy et al., 2004). Antioxidant
defense enzymes, such as superoxide distumase (SOD),
catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase, guaiacol peroxidase
(G-POD), and glutathione reductase, are designed to
minimize concentrations of superoxide
and hydrogen
peroxide. The antioxidants containing ascorbate and
glutathione are involved in scavenging ROS primarily
via the Halliwell-Asada pathway (Apel and Hirt, 2004).
Ruiz-Lozano (2003) reported that AM symbiosis might
increase the drought resistance of higher plants by
promoting antioxidant enzymes. However, the relationship
between AMF and antioxidants is poorly known. Although
antioxidants in bean (Lambais et al., 2003), red clover
(Palam et al., 1993) and some shrub species (Alguacil et
al., 2003) inoculated with AMF have been investigated,
the differences in antioxidant enzymes due to drought
and AMF have not been reported in citrus. We wanted to
determine whether the presence of AMF would influence
the antioxidant enzymes activities of citrus.
Citrus is one of the most important commercial fruit
crops grown in wide areas of China. Most citrus species
are fairly dependent on AMF as they have a positive
growth response to AMF (Graham and Syversten, 1985)
that are mostly Glomus species (Davies and Albrigo,
1994). Moreover, C. tangerine is one main citrus species
cultivated in southwest regions of China and is a fine
rootstock. Hence, basing on the positive effects of AMF
on citrus, we also investigated the responses to different
Glomus species on growth, carbohydrate, antioxidant
enzymes activities and photosynthesis characteristics of C.
tangerine, in order to select an efficient AM fungus from
plant culture and biological materials
Seeds of Citrus tangerine Hort. ex Tanaka were
surface sterilized in 70% alcohol for 5 min, subsequently
rinsed with sterilized water and germinated on wet filter
paper in Petri dishes in dark at 28¢XC. Seven-day-old
uniform seedlings were transplanted into plastic pots
(15¡Ñ20 cm) containing 4.010 kg autoclaved (0.11 MPa,
121¢XC, 2 h) growing mixture of yellow soil (from Fruit
Sample Garden, Huazhong Agricultural University), plus
vermiculite and perlite (6:2:1, v/v/v), with pH 5.6, 0.9%
organic matter, 9.99 mg kg
available phosphorus, 84.53
mg kg
alkali hydrolyzable nitrogen and 84.13 mg kg
available potassium. The experimental pots were placed
in a plastic greenhouse under natural light conditions from
March to September, which had no controlling temperature
equipment. The midday photosynthetically active photon
flux density ranged from 550 to 900 £gmol m
. The
average day/night temperature was 25/18¢XC and the
relative humidity was 60-95%.
The AMF used in this study were Glomus versiforme
(Karsten) Berch, G. mosseae (Nicol. & Gerd.) Gerdemann
& Trappe, G. geosporum (Nicol. & Gerd.) Walker, G.
diaphanum Morton & Walker, and G. etunicatum Becker
& Gerdemann obtaining from Institute of Plant Nutrition
and Resources, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and
Forestry Sciences. The inoculated dosage was approx.
1100 spores per pot. Non-AMF treatments (control
seedlings) received the same weight of autoclaved growth
mixture. The inocula were placed 5 cm below citrus at
transplanting time.
Drought treatments began 90 days after transplant.
Well-watered (WW) pots were maintained at 75% of the
relative soil water content (corresponding to field capacity)
by weighing the substrate before and after drying at 105¢XC
for 24 h), and drought stressed (DS) pots were maintained
at 55% of the relative soil water content (corresponding
to 73% of field capacity). The water status in the substrate
was determined daily and the amount of water loss was
added to each pot in order to maintain the designed soil
water content.
Experimental design
The experimental treatments were made up of two soil
water regimes (WW and DS) and six AM inoculations (G.
versiforme, G. mosseae, G. geosporum, G. diaphanum,
G . etunicatum and non-AMF) and were arranged in a
randomized complete block design. Three replicates of
each AMF treatment were performed, totaling 36 pots with
four seedlings per pot.
parameter measurement
Eighty days after drought stress treatment were begun,
plant height, stem diameter and leaf number per plant
were recorded and the AM and non-AM seedlings were
harvested. Half of seedlings were separated into roots
and shoots, dried in hot-air oven at 75¢XC for 2 d, and dry
weights of shoots and roots were recorded.
Part of fresh roots was carefully washed, cut into
1-cm long root segments and fixed by FAA at least 24 h.
The root samples were cleared with 10% KOH solution,
stained with 0.05% trypan blue in lactophenol (Phillips
and Hayman, 1970), and examined microscopically for
root colonization. At the same time, the number of entry
points, vesicules and arbuscules were calculated in the
infected root. The AMF infected percentage was calculated
by the following formula: AM colonization (%) = 100¡Ñ
root length infected/root length observed. Mycorrhizal
dependency was defined as the ratio of the dry weight (dry
wt.) of the AM seedlings and non-AM seedlings (Graham
and Syvertsen, 1985).
Fresh leaf samples were homogenized in 5 mL of
phosphate buffer (0.1 mol L
, pH 7.8), centrifuged at 4,200
¡Ñg for 10 min at 4¢XC, and the supernatant was used for
assays of soluble protein, SOD, G-POD and CAT. SOD
activity was analyzed using the methods of Giannopolitis
and Ries (1987) and was expressed as Unit g
fresh weight
(fwt.). One SOD unit was defined as the amount of enzyme
that inhibited 50% nitro blue tetrazolium by light. CAT
activity was measured according to Aebi (1984). G-POD
WU et al. ¡X Mycorrhizal effects on
Citrus tangerine
activity was determined using the method
of Chance
and Maehly (1955). Soluble protein was evaluated using
bovine serum albumin
as the standard (Bradford, 1976).
Soluble sugar and starch contents were determined
by the anthrone method (Wu and Xia, 2006). Total non-
structural carbohydrates (NSC) were the sum of soluble
sugars and starch.
Stomatal conductance (g
), transpiration rates (E ),
photosynthetic rates (Pn) and leaf temperature (Lt) were
measured using TPS-1 Photosynthesis System (USA) on
four replicated leaves randomized from three replicate
pots of each treatment from 10:00 to 11:00 am. The
fifth full leaf from the apices of these seedlings was
measured in the place where they grew. The reference
concentration ranged from 354 to 368 £gmol mol
the cuvette air temperature ranged from 30 to 34¢XC; the
natural photosynthetically active radiation ranged from
175 to 381 £gmol m
The fifth full leaf from the apices of these seedlings was
used for leaf relative water content (RWC) assays (Wu and
Xia, 2006).
Statistical analysis
The experimental data were subjected to analysis of
variance (ANOVA) with Statistical Analysis System (SAS)
8.1 software (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, N.C.) and Fisher¡¦s
Protected least significant difference (LSD) (p=0.05) was
used to compare treatment means. CORR program was
used to analyze the correlation of two variables.
No mycorrhizal structure was found in any of the non-
AM seedlings (Table 1). The roots of C. tangerine were
infected by each Glomus species as shown by the presence
of entry points, vesicules and arbuscules. Drought stress
strongly reduced AM infection but the reduction in AM
infection was the least pronounced with G. versiforme.
Entry points, vesicules, arbuscules and AM colonization
were highest in seedlings colonized by G. mosseae than
in those colonized by other Glomus species under WW
conditions. The mycorrhizal developments in the roots
of AM seedlings inoculated with G . mosseae and G .
versiforme were higher than with other Glomus species
under DS conditions.
The highest shoot dry wt. was reached in seedlings
inoculated with G . mosseae under WW conditions
and G. geosporum under DS conditions (Table 2). The
enhancement of root dry wt. and plant dry wt. growth
under WW and DS conditions was highest by G. mosseae
and lowest by G. diaphanum. The ranking of five Glomus
species for the mycorrhizal dependency under WW
conditions was as follows: G. mosseae > G . geosporum
Table 2. Effects of five Glomus species inoculation and drought stress on shoot dry wt., root dry wt., plant dry wt. and mycorrhizal
dependency in Citrus tangerine.
AMF status Shoot dry wt. (g plant
) Root dry wt. (g plant
) Plant dry wt. (g plant
) Mycorrhizal dependency
G. mosseae 0.87¡Ó0.27a 0.42¡Ó0.03b 0.65¡Ó0.24a 0.47¡Ó0.06a 1.45¡Ó0.51a 0.90¡Ó0.06a 309
G. versiforme 0.81¡Ó0.54ab 0.25¡Ó0.07c 0.50¡Ó0.20abc 0.30¡Ó0.11bc 1.33¡Ó0.74ab 0.54¡Ó0.17b 283
G. geosporum 0.83¡Ó0.35ab 0.57¡Ó0.19a 0.53¡Ó0.18ab 0.39¡Ó0.11ab 1.39¡Ó0.52a 0.96¡Ó0.28a 296
G. diaphanum 0.41¡Ó0.15bc 0.25¡Ó0.04c 0.28¡Ó0.10cd 0.20¡Ó0.06cd 0.69¡Ó0.25bc 0.45¡Ó0.06b 147
G. etunicatum 0.36¡Ó0.10c 0.23¡Ó0.05c 0.35¡Ó0.14bcd 0.26¡Ó0.12c 0.72¡Ó0.23bc 0.48¡Ó0.16b 153
Non-AMF 0.30¡Ó0.03c 0.22¡Ó0.02c 0.17¡Ó0.01d 0.13¡Ó0.02d 0.47¡Ó0.04c 0.34¡Ó0.01b 100
Mean¡ÓSD (n=6) followed by the same letter within a column shows non-significant difference at p<0.05 level.
Table 1. Effects of five Glomus species inoculation and drought stress on AM colonization, entry points, vesicules and arbuscules in
Citrus tangerine.
AMF status AM colonization (%) Entry points (no. cm
root) Vesicules (no. cm
root) Arbuscules (no. cm
G. mosseae 64.09¡Ó7.86a 34.60¡Ó3.61b 7.4¡Ó2.4a 4.2¡Ó1.1a 4.6¡Ó1.5a 2.0¡Ó0.7a 8.7¡Ó2.4a 3.1¡Ó0.6b
G. versiforme 47.80¡Ó5.16b 44.37¡Ó4.33a 4.3¡Ó1.3bc 4.6¡Ó1.1a 1.9¡Ó0.7b 1.7¡Ó0.7abc 4.6¡Ó0.7b 4.4¡Ó0.6a
G. geosporum 63.43¡Ó11.91a 29.91¡Ó3.49b 3.7¡Ó0.3bc 1.3¡Ó0.4bc 3.0¡Ó0.1ab 1.8¡Ó1.0ab 3.0¡Ó0.1bc 1.4¡Ó0.4c
G. diaphanum 25.76¡Ó0.92c 16.69¡Ó1.34c 6.3¡Ó2.1ab 2.2¡Ó0.4b 2.4¡Ó1.6b 0.8¡Ó0.3cd 5.5¡Ó3.2b 1.4¡Ó0.4c
G. etunicatum 27.07¡Ó4.55c 17.60¡Ó4.92c 3.6¡Ó0.3cb 1.4¡Ó0.4b 1.7¡Ó0.9bc 0.9¡Ó0.1bcd 2.5¡Ó1.2bc 1.1¡Ó0.4cd
0¡Ó0c 0¡Ó0d
Mean¡ÓSD (n=3) followed by the same letter within a column shows non-significant difference at p<0.05 level.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
> G. versiforme > G. etunicatum > G. diaphanum. Under
DS conditions the ranking of Glomus species for the
mycorrhizal dependency was as follows: G. geosporum
> G. mosseae > G. versiforme > G . etunicatum > G .
Plant height, leaf number per plant, stem diameter and
RWC were stimulated by AM colonization (Table 3).
Glomus geosporum inoculated seedlings had the highest
values and G. etunicatum inoculated seedlings the lowest
The five Glomus species used in this experiment all
significantly increased the soluble sugar and NSC levels
in leaves of both WW and DS seedlings (Table 4). The
highest soluble sugar and NSC content were observed
in seedlings colonized by G . geosporum regardless of
water status. The AMF colonization also stimulated
starch accumulation in leaves of seedlings. Glomus
geosporum seedlings had the highest starch contents, but
G. etunicatum seedlings had the lowest starch contents.
The soluble protein, SOD, G-POD and CAT activities
were increased by the five Glomus species colonization
regardless of water status (Table 5). The soluble protein
concentration was significant higher in G. mosseae,
G . versiforme and G . diaphanum seedlings than in
the non-inoculated control seedlings under WW and
DS conditions. Except for G . etunicatum colonized
treatment, other Glomus species colonized treatments
significantly increased the SOD activities of leaves under
WW conditions, whereas the beneficial increments of
AMF were found only in G. mosseae and G. diaphanum
inoculated treatments under DS conditions. Except
for G. versiforme, other Glomus species colonization
did not affect the G-POD activities of leaves under
WW conditions. However, under DS conditions, other
Glomus species except for G . diaphanum significantly
increased the G-POD activities of leaves. Although AMF
colonization did not affect the CAT activities of leaves
under WW conditions, G. mosseae and G . versiforme
colonization notably increased the CAT activities of leaves
under DS conditions. Glomus mosseae seedlings showed
the highest soluble protein concentration and CAT activity
in leaves, G. diaphanum seedlings showed the highest
SOD activity, and G. versiforme seedlings showed the
highest G-POD activity.
Glomus mosseae and G. geosporum inoculations
significantly increased leaf E under two water regimes
compared with control treatment (Table 6). Comparison
of five Glomus species efficiency showed that G. mosseae
under WW conditions and G . versiforme under DS
conditions significantly increased Pn compared with non-
inoculated control treatment. Glomus mosseae-seedlings
showed the highest gs and G . etunicatum seedlings the
lowest value. The AM colonization usually decreased
Lt regardless of water treatments, and G. diaphanum
seedlings had the lowest Lt under WW and DS conditions.
Table 3. Effects of five Glomus species inoculation and drought stress on plant height, leaf number per plant, stem diameter and
relative water content in Citrus tangerine.
AMF status
Plant height (cm) Leaf number per plant Stem diameter (cm)
Relative water content (%)
G. mosseae 18.90¡Ó7.00ab 12.33¡Ó1.91b 22.3¡Ó3.3a 15.7¡Ó4.2ab 0.314¡Ó0.032ab 0.263¡Ó0.028a 94.54¡Ó3.10ab 92.08¡Ó2.72ab
G. versiforme 15.65¡Ó3.01bc 9.78¡Ó1.38bc 19.0¡Ó3.2a 13.8¡Ó2.9abc 0.269¡Ó0.038bc 0.217¡Ó0.023bc 94.84¡Ó4.27ab 94.25¡Ó3.01a
G. geosporum 21.40¡Ó4.27a 17.43¡Ó4.57a 22.2¡Ó3.9a 17.7¡Ó4.5a 0.323¡Ó0.040a 0.268¡Ó0.034a 96.04¡Ó1.97a 94.75¡Ó3.02a
G. diaphanum 17.25¡Ó5.49ab 9.62¡Ó2.06bc 20.8¡Ó7.4a 12.0¡Ó3.0bcd 0.315¡Ó0.067ab 0.231¡Ó0.031ab 92.74¡Ó1.47ab 90.26¡Ó3.13ab
G. etunicatum 11.27¡Ó2.42cd 8.22¡Ó1.46c 13.7¡Ó2.9b 10.7¡Ó2.5cd 0.250¡Ó0.042cd 0.205¡Ó0.046bc 90.97¡Ó0.32bc 88.18¡Ó4.19b
Non-AMF 8.70¡Ó1.88d 7.28¡Ó0.89c 10.8¡Ó1.7b 9.8¡Ó2.4d 0.201¡Ó0.028d 0.189¡Ó0.026c 88.25¡Ó1.86c 86.52¡Ó2.44b
Mean¡ÓSD followed by the same letter within a column shows non-significant difference at p<0.05 level. N=6 for plant height, leaf
number per plant and stem diameter; n=3 for relative water content.
Table 4. Effects of five Glomus species inoculation and drought stress on soluble sugar, starch, and total non-structural
carbohydrates (NSC) of leaf in Citrus tangerine.
AMF status
Soluble sugar (% fwt.)
Starch (% fwt.)
NSC (% fwt.)
G. mosseae
9.65¡Ó0.32a 10.30¡Ó0.17a 8.44¡Ó1.33b 8.60¡Ó0.40bc 18.09¡Ó1.08b 18.90¡Ó0.37b
G. versiforme 10.01¡Ó1.53a 10.25¡Ó1.37a 7.95¡Ó1.24b 8.97¡Ó0.23bc 17.96¡Ó2.30b 19.22¡Ó1.17b
G. geosporum 10.13¡Ó0.70a 11.18¡Ó0.85a 13.50¡Ó0.46a 12.69¡Ó0.96a 23.62¡Ó1.02a 23.87¡Ó0.28a
G. diaphanum 9.85¡Ó0.64a 10.20¡Ó0.34a 9.26¡Ó0.56b 9.80¡Ó0.07b 19.11¡Ó0.89b 20.00¡Ó0.28b
G. etunicatum 9.75¡Ó0.69a 9.97¡Ó1.42a 7.79¡Ó1.40b 8.16¡Ó1.66cd 17.54¡Ó1.02b 18.13¡Ó1.91b
7.49¡Ó0.49b 7.95¡Ó1.11b 5.60¡Ó0.79c 6.79¡Ó0.55d 13.10¡Ó1.07c 14.74¡Ó1.56c
Mean¡ÓSD (n=3) followed by the same letter within a column shows non-significant difference at p<0.05 level.
WU et al. ¡X Mycorrhizal effects on
Citrus tangerine
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
Different Glomus species inoculated on C. tangerine
showed different mycorrhizal development (Table 1).
Glomus species apparently responded differently to
soil conditions and host plant affected mycorrhizal
development. Moreover, plant species of low mycorrhizal
dependency tended to limit mycorrhizal colonization
(Graham et al., 1991). Under WW conditions, AM
colonization was significantly positive correlated
(r=0.9664, p<0.01) with corresponding mycorrhizal
dependency, whereas there was no correlated (r=0.3891,
p>0.05) between AM colonization and corresponding
mycorrhizal dependency under DS conditions. Thus,
variations of the correlation in this experiment were due
to different soil water status, which affected the responses
of AMF. The correlation between AM colonization and
mycorrhizal dependency in low P soil could represent
a functional response of the fungus to host carbon
availability (Graham et al., 1991).
In general, AM fungal efficiency is measured in
terms of growth status of host plant under different
environmental conditions (Ruiz-Lozano et al., 1995). In
this study, we observed that G. mosseae and G. geosporum
colonization resulted in higher plant biomass (shoot dry
wt., root dry wt. and plant dry wt.) and plant growth
responses (plant height, leaf number per plant, and stem
diameter) than other three Glomus species regardless of
water status (Tables 2, 3). Moreover, for mycorrhizal
dependence, C. tangerine highly depended on G. mosseae
and G. geosporum under two water regimes. Thus, the two
more efficient AMF used in this study were G. mosseae
and G. geosporum under WW and DS conditions. Our
study showed that AM seedlings had the higher levels of
soluble starch, soluble sugar and NSC in leaves than non-
AM seedlings regardless of water status (Table 4). These
results are supported by higher rates of Pn perhaps in
response to great carbon demand by its allocation to roots.
The result was in accord with the finding of Nemec and
Guy (1982), who reported that G. macrocarpus inoculation
increased the levels of total soluble sugars, starch and NSC
in leaves of Cleopatra mandarin.
It is well documented that AM symbiosis causes the
increases of antioxidant enzymes activities of host plants.
In an early study, SOD activity was higher in the roots of
mycorrhizal Lactuca sativa plants than those of non-AM
plants (Ruiz-Lozano et al., 1996). Lambais et al. (2003)
reported that, under low P soil conditions, CAT activity
was induced in Phaseolus vulgaris roots colonized by
G. clarum. Inoculation with G. claroideum increased the
activities of SOD and CAT in Rhamnus lycioides. We
also observed that inoculation with five Glomus species
usually increased the SOD, G-POD and CAT activities
in leaves of C. tangerine (Table 5). Moreover, Glomus
species had different responses to SOD, G-POD and CAT.
For example, G . diaphanum colonization significantly
increased SOD activity, G . versiforme colonization
G-POD activity, and G . mosseae colonization CAT
activity. It is known that SOD converts superoxide into
hydrogen peroxide, which is then eliminated by CAT.
When mycorrhizal plants had higher antioxidant enzymes
activities, cellular and photo-oxidative damages would
be decreased by AMF colonization. Thus, mycorrhizal
plants may have important ecological implications for
adaptation to adverse environmental conditions. Nodules
from stressed mycorrhizal Anthyllis cytisoides exhibited
higher antioxidant enzyme activities, which were
related to the removal of ROS (Goicoechea et al., 2005).
Although external hyphae, stomatal regulation and indirect
P nutrition can enhance water uptake by mycorrhizal
roots (Nelsen and Safir, 1982; Faber et al., 1991; Ruiz-
Lozano and Azcon, 1995; Goicoechea et al., 1997), it
seems that AM symbiosis may lead to a lower drought-
induced oxidative stress in mycorrhizal plants due to
higher antioxidant enzymes. Enzymatic polymorphism
in different strains of AMF might be related to their
efficiency in root colonization and their influence on
plant growth (Garcia-Garrido et al., 2000). In addition,
our results indicated that the level of AM colonization
was negative correlated with SOD activities (r=-0.6579,
Glomus mosseae and G. versiforme had no significant
effect on gs of Vigna unguiculata under WW and DS
conditions (Diallo et al., 2001). Mycorrhizal infection
improved gs in Rosmarinus officinalis plants under DS
conditions (Sanchez-Blanco et al., 2004). The g s of
citrus taxa was usually not changed by AM colonization
(Auge, 2001). Our results found that C . tangerine
inoculated with G. mosseae, G . diaphanum and G.
geosporum had significant higher gs than non-inoculated
seedlings regardless of water status (Table 6), whereas
the inoculation of G. etunicatum used in this study did
not affect gs (Table 6). Mycorrhizal effects on g
attributable to mycorrhizal roots and mycorrhizal soils,
as well as to mycorrhizal infection of roots alone (Auge
et al., 2004). Ruiz-Lozano et al. (1995) reported that
the effect on gs was related to growth promotion. In
addition, we observed in this study that five Glomus
species significantly decreased Lt of mycorrhizal seedlings
compared with non-inoculated control treatment (Table 6).
This was likely due to the greater evaporative cooling of
higher E in mycorrhizal seedlings (Wu and Xia, 2006).
In conclusion, all the data suggested that five Glomus
species used in the present study had an ability to improve
the water relations of C. tangerine and higher antioxidant
enzmyes activities of leaves. The more efficient fungus
in C. tangerine was G. mosseae or G. geosporum and
the least was G . etunicatum under both WW and DS
Acknowledgements. We are grateful to Y.-S. Wang
for providing the AM fungal inocula. This work was
supported by Science and Technology Exploitation Special
Item (2003EP090018; 2004EP090019) for Three-Gorge
migrant, Ministry of Science and Technology Department
of the People¡¦s Republic of China.
WU et al. ¡X Mycorrhizal effects on
Citrus tangerine
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Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007