Archangiopteris contains about ten species and belongs
to an ancient family of ferns, the Marattiaceae (Ching,
1958; Tryon and Lugardon, 1991). The genus has been
traced to the Middle Jurassic period in the fossil record
(Hill and Camus, 1986) and is thought to be a lineage
derived from Angiopteris (Ching, 1958; Chang, 1973).
Extant species occur primarily in China, including Yunnan,
Kwangsi, Kwangtung and Hainan, Tonkin and Taiwan,
with high levels of endemism in local floras (Tryon
and Lugardon, 1991). Achangiopteris somai Hayata is
endemic to Taiwan (DeVol and Shieh, 1994) and is listed
as an endangered species (Kuo, 1997). There are two
populations of A. somai: one in Wulai (north Taiwan) and
one in Lienhwachi (central Taiwan). Altogether, less than
1000 individuals survive. To aid conservation of this rare
fern, we studied their reproductive biology, especially the
gametophyte generation.
In the Marattiaceae, gametophytes have been
Botanical Studies (2007) 48: 205-213.
Corresponding author: E-mail:; Tel:
886-2-23039978; Fax: 886-2-23076220.
documented for a number of species, including Angiopteris
evecta (Farmer, 1892; Haupt, 1940), Danaea simplicifolia
(Brebner, 1896), Marattia sambucina (Stokey, 1942),
Marattia douglasii (Campbell, 1894), and Macroglossum
smithii (Stokey, 1942). The gametophytes of these spe-
cies are large, conspicuous
and perennial. They are dark
green, relatively thick, and look more like liverworts than
the gametophytes of leptosporangiate ferns. The antheridia
and archegonia are sunken (Nayar and Kaur, 1971).
Endophytic fungi are found in some species (Haupt, 1940).
The shapes of field-collected A. somai gametophytes
and young sporophytes were first described, though
not in great detail, by Sasaki (1928). Yang et al. (2004)
successfully induced spore germination of A. somai
cultured in soil collected from its natural habitat. However,
the spore germination type and detailed information on
gametophyte development and sporophyte formation await
further study.
Ploidy is the primary indicator of the reproductive
mode. Most diploid and tetraploid ferns undergo sexual
reproduction to form new sporophytes, but triploid ferns
usually produce sporophytes apomictically (Moore et
al., 2002; Chiou et al., 2006; Huang et al., 2006). In the
Observations on gametophytes and juvenile sporophytes
of Archangiopteris somai hayata (marattiaceae), an
endangered fern in Taiwan
Hsueh-Mei CHOU
, Yao-Moan HUANG
, Shau-Lian WONG
, Tsung-Hsin HSIEH
, Sheng-Yuan
, and Wen-Liang CHIOU
Department of Biotechnology, Yuanpei University, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan
Division of Forest Biology, Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, Taipei 100, Taiwan
Division of Interpretation and Education, Endemic Species Research Institute, Nantou 552, Taiwan
Department of Biological Science and Technology, National University of Tainan, Tainan 700, Taiwan
(Received February 15, 2006; Accepted August 30, 2006)
. Archangiopteris somai is an endemic eusporangiate fern in Taiwan. It is classified as an
endangered species because there are only a few small populations. In culture, spores germinated two weeks
after sowing. Gametophyte development is of the "Marattia" type. Gametophyte shape changed from circular,
to cordate, to branched. Antheridia and archegonia appeared 10 and 12 months, respectively, after spores were
sown. Antheridia occurred in the cushion on the dorsal and ventral surfaces of gametophytes while archego-
nia were observed on the ventral surface only. On hermaphroditic gametophytes, antheridia and archegonia
were usually intermingled. Both types of gametangia were eusporangiate. After 13 months culture, sporo-
phytes began to form. Each gametophyte had several archegonia, and only one sporophyte was produced per
gametophyte. The first sporophyte frond was simple and had pinnate venation. After 3 years of culture, only
3% of the gametophytes produced a sporophyte. It took a minimum of 13 months after a spore sowing for a
sporophyte to be produced by a gametophyte. Increasing the wild population will likely be slow and difficult.
Keywords: Archangiopteris somai; Chromosome; Eusporangiate fern; Gametophyte; Juvenile sporophyte;
Marattiaceae; Spore.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
Marattiaceae, sporophytes are either diploid (2n = 78,
80, Li, 1989; Nakato, 1988, 1996) or tetraploid Marattia
(2n = 156 or 160, Manton and Sledge, 1954; Ninan,
1956; Brownlie, 1961; Ghatak, 1962; Walker, 1966). The
chromosome number of Archangiopteris has not been
published previously.
In this study, the sporophyte chromosome number of
A. somai was determined, and the spores, gametophytes,
and young sporophytes were described and imaged. Based
on these findings, recommendations for conserving this
endangered species ex situ are provided.
plant materials
Three mature plants were randomly sampled from
Lienhwachi, Nantou County, Central Taiwan (23¢X54¡¦N,
120¢X54¡¦E, elevation 650-660 m). The root tips of the plants
were collected to observe the number of chromosomes.
Spores were collected from one, mature, spore-bearing
frond from each of these three plants using the method de-
scribed by Huang et al. (2003) and Yang et al. (2004) for
To observe the early stages of the gametophyte, spores
were sown directly on a membrane filter (pore size 0.45
£gm, 47 mm in diameter, Gelman Laboratory) lying on
soil collected from the ferns¡¦ native habitat. The num-
ber of gametophytes cultured from the spores of each
plant was counted once a month. After 6 months culture,
gametophytes were transferred from the filter to a new
medium containing soil from the native habitat. Ten
gametophytes cultured for 12 months were collected to
observe the development of gametangia. All cultures were
maintained under white fluorescent illumination at about
24 £gmole m
, 12 h/d. Temperature ranged from 20 to 28
light microscopy
The root tips of three plants were pretreated for 3-4 h
with a mixture of 70 ppm cycloheximide and 250 ppm
8-hydroxyquinoline (1:1) at about 18-20¢XC. These root tips
were fixed for 1-3 h in a mixture of 45% acetic acid and
absolute ethanol (1:3) at about 20¢XC, and preserved in 70%
ethanol at 4¢XC. Then they were macerated for 1-3 min in 1
N HCl at 60¢XC, washed for 10 s and digested for 1-2 h in
4% pectinase. Finally, the root tips were squashed in modi-
fied Sharma¡¦s solution (Sharma, 1982). The chromosomes
were counted using Leica Wild M8 and Leitz Dialux 20
light microscopes (Wetzlar, Germany), and they were
photographed with a Nikon Coolpix 995 digital camera
(Tokyo, Japan). Moreover, gametophytes were processed
through fixation (in FAA, 37% formalin: 99% propionic
acid : glycerin : 95% ethanol : ddH
O v/v = 5 : 5 : 15 : 35 :
40, 2 days), dehydration (in an ethanol-acetone series), and
were then embedded in Spurr¡¦s resin (Spurr, 1969). Semi-
thin sections (1 £gm) were made using an Leica Ultracut
R ultramicrotome (Wien, Austria) and were stained with
0.5% toluidine blue O in Ca
buffer, pH 11.1. Sections
were imaged with a Leitz Dialux 20 light microscopes
(Wetzlar, Germany). The outline of each new frond and
venation was observed and imaged. The cumulative rate
of sporophyte production during the three years of culture
was calculated.
Scanning electron microscopy
To observe the fine external feature of spores, air-
dried spores were mounted on double-stick mending tape,
coated with gold, and imaged with a Hitachi Scanning
Electron Microscope S2400 (Tokyo, Japan). Further, the
gametangia of gametophytes were processed through
fixation in FAA for 2 days, dehydration (in an ethanol-
acetone series), critical point drying, being coated with
gold and imaged with the same Scanning Electron Micro-
scope described above.
Chromosome number of sporophytes
Assuming the basic chromosome number is 40, all A.
somai were tetraploid (2n = 4x = 160) (Figure 1).
External feature of spore
The spores were globose in shape, pale to yellowish-tan
in color, and had dense unbranched spines. The proximal
surface was concave and lacked an arm (Figure 2A-B).
Spore germination and gametophyte
After one week of spores sowed, the spore cell
synthesized numerous chloroplasts and became distinctly
green before the spore coat ruptured (Figure 2C). In two
weeks culture, the first unicellular rhizoid formed from the
basal cell (Figure 2D). The first gametophyte cell began to
form after three weeks culture, and by four weeks it had
grown into a round plate with four cells (Figure 2E). The
shape of the gametophyte changed gradually from round
to spatulate (Figure 2E-H). After five months culture, the
gametophyte was cordate.
mature gametophyte
Mature gametophytes of A. somai were dark-green,
naked, and more or less cordate (Figure 3A). The midrib
of the gametophyte was very thick and protruded strongly
from the ventral surface. Unicellular white rhizoids, less
than 5 mm long, appeared only on the ventral side of the
midrib. The margin of the wings was only one cell thick
while other parts of the wings were two or more cells
thick. Because both the midrib and the wings are several
cells thick where they join, the boundary between them is
vague. Gametophytes grew vigorously for 3 years. Game-
tophytes elongated with time (Figure 3B), and produced
CHOU et al. ¡V Gametophytes and sporophytes of
Archangiopteris somai
several branches, each with a meristem, gametangia, and
rhizoids. Branches varied in shape from cordate to oblong
strap-like (Figure 3C, D).
Gametophytes were potentially monoecious. An-
theridia formed two months earlier than archegonia.
Both gametangia were completely embedded in the
gametophyte tissue. Some of the gametophytes that grew
vigorously only produced archegonia while some that
grew slowly only produced antheridia. On hermaphroditic
gametophytes, antheridia and archegonia usually intermin-
gled with each other on the ventral surfaces (Figure 3E,
F). Antheridia and archegonia were distinguished by their
triangular or rectangular apertures, respectively (Figure
The first antheridia formed on 10-month-old
gametophytes, mainly on the midrib behind the apical
meristem with a smaller number forming on the wings.
The development of the antheridia resembled that of other
Marattiaceae (Nayar and Kaur, 1971). At first, a superficial,
initial cell underwent periclinal division to form an outer
primary wall cell and an inner primary spermatogeneous
cell. The primary wall cell then underwent three anticli-
nal divisions, which formed a triangular cover cell in the
central position. The inner primary spermatogeneous cell
underwent a series of mitotic divisions that eventually pro-
duced a large number of sperm (Figure 4A). Finally, sperm
were liberated from the antheridium when the cover cell
opened (Figure 4B).
In one-year of culture, the superficial cell divided into
an outer primary neck cell and an inner cell on the ventral
midrib (Figure 4C). The inner cell divided periclinally
to form a ventral cell and a neck canal cell. Soon, the
ventral cell formed the ventral canal cell and egg. This was
followed by division of the nucleus of the neck canal cell
to form two nuclei that were not separated by a wall. The
primary neck cell formed four neck cells by two succes-
sive anticlinal divisions at right angles to each other. The
neck cells increased in number, forming three tiers of four
cells each (Figure 4D). Fertilization was followed by the
breakdown of the ventral canal cell, neck canal cell, and
neck cells (Figure 4E, F). As soon as fertilization occurred,
an embryo began to develop. Although many archegonia
formed on each gametophyte, only one archegonium
produced the new sporophyte (Figure 5C).
Juvenile sporophyte
After 13 months from spore sown, the embryo
protruded from the dorsal surface of the gametophyte
(Figure 5A, B) and formed its first frond. At the same time,
the first root appeared on the ventral surface. The first
frond was simple and had a midrib and a serrated margin
(Figure 5C). The first four fronds were similar in shape
and venation. The fifth frond was pinnatifid. The sixth and
all later fronds were pinnate (Figure 5D-L). During this
study, female/hermaphroditic gametophytes
totaled 1419, but only 3% (42/1419) of the gametophytes
produced a sporophyte.
In summary, this observation of the culturing life cycle
of A. somai included the spore germination, antheridium
Figure 1. Chromosomes of a root tip cell of A. somai. Bar = 10 £gm.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
Figure 2. External feature of spores and young gametophytes of A. somai. A, Spore lateral view; B, Spore proximal view; C, Spore
germination; D, The first rhizoid; E-F, Circular gametophytes; G-H, Spatulate gametophytes. A-D, Bars = 10 £gm; E, Bar = 30 £gm; F-H,
Bars = 40 £gm.
CHOU et al. ¡V Gametophytes and sporophytes of
Archangiopteris somai
and archegonium formation, and young sporophyte
production. Those events occurred 2 weeks, 10 months, 12
months, and 13 months, respectively, after the spore had
been sown.
Cytogenetic studies have found that the sporophytes of
Marattiaceae, including Angiopteris, Marattia, Danaea,
are either diploid (2n = 78, 80, Li, 1989; Nakato, 1988,
1996) or tetraploid (2n = 156 or 160, Manton and Sledge,
1954; Ninan, 1956; Brownlie, 1961; Ghatak, 1962; Walker,
1966). The chromosome number of A. somai, 2n = 160, is
the first number reported for this genus.
Previously, some taxonomists considered A. somai a
variety of A. henryi, which grows in Yunnan, southern
China (Wu and Ching, 1991). Other taxonomists treated
A. somai as a separate species (Chang, 1973; DeVol, 1975;
Figure 3. Mature gametophytes in different shapes. A, Cordate; B, Elongate cordate; C-D, Branched. Bars = 1 cm; E, Ventral view of
hermaphroditic gametophyte. Bar = 1 mm; F, Enlarged view of the midrib near the notch. An: antheridium, Ar: archegonium. Bars = 1
mm; G, Antheridium; H, Archegonium. Bars = 50 £gm.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
DeVol and Shieh, 1994). Based on characteristics of the
exine, Zhang et al. (1990) divided A. somai and A. henryi
into two separate species. The exine of A. henryi spores
bears branched spines (Hill and Camus, 1986). In this
study, we found that the exine of A. somai spores bore
unbranched spines only.
The shape of marattiaceous gametophytes is
quite uniform (Stokey, 1942). They differ from the
gametophytes of leptosporangiate ferns by having a
distinctly more massive body (Campbell, 1894). The
development of A. somai gametophytes (marattia-type)
and young sporophytes (midribbed-type) is almost
identical to that of other species of Marattiaceae (Wagner,
1952; Nayar and Kaur, 1971). Gametophytes are evidently
long-lived and can achieve considerable sizes by forming
multiple branches, a common phenomenon in the
Figure 4. Longitudinal sections of A. somai antheridia and archegonia. A, Sperm in antheridium; B, Sperm have been released. Bars
= 50 £gm; C-F, Developing archegonia; E, A mature archegonium with egg; F, A mature archegonium, neck cells open. NC = neck cell;
NCC= neck canal cell; PNC = primary neck cell; VC = ventral cell; VCC= ventral canal cell. Bars = 50 £gm.
CHOU et al. ¡V Gametophytes and sporophytes of
Archangiopteris somai
Figure 5. Developing A. somai sporophytes. A, An embryo (dashed loop) embedded in the gametophyte; B, An embryo (dashed loop)
protruding from the dorsal side of a gametophyte. Bars = 200 £gm; C, A new sporophyte arising from the dorsal side of gametophyte;
D, A young sporophyte with its first four fronds. Bars = 1 cm; E-F, First frond; G, Second frond; H, Third
frond; I-J, Fourth fronds; K,
Fifth frond; L, Sixth frond. Bar = 5 cm.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
Marattiaceae (Campbell, 1914). Endophytic fungi have
been found within gametophytes of some Marattiaceae,
such as Angiopteris evecta (Haupt, 1940), but none was
found in A. somai during this study.
Most ferns have young leaves that lack midribs. Howev-
er, ferns in the Ophioglossaceae and Gleicheniaceae, some
in the Marattiaceae, and ferns in the genus Nephrolepis
have midribs in juvenile leaf-blades (Wagner, 1952). A.
somai also has leaves with midribs.
Some species of Marattiaceae, such as Marattia
sambucina, are apomictic (Stokey, 1942). However, in
this study, all A. somai sporophytes resulted from sexual
reproduction. Only 3% of the gametophytes produced
sporophytes. It may be that A. somai has a high genetic
load that limits reproduction and contributes to its
endangered status (e. g., Peck et al., 1990). However, the
low reproduction observed in this study may also be due
to the culture condition being ill-suited to the sporophyte
formation of A. somai.
The best strategy for the long-term protection of a
rare and endangered species is the preservation of natural
communities and populations in the wilds, known as in
situ preservation (Primack, 2004). However, if the last
surviving populations are in continuous decline, and the
original habitats are not protected, as is the case with A.
somai, the only way to prevent extinction is to maintain
individuals in culture (Primack, 2004). Sowing spores and
growing gametophytes yielded few sporophytes (3%).
However, a single A. somai plant may produce billions of
viable spores every year, so it should be possible to obtain
numerous sporophytes. Sporophytes grown in culture
can be released periodically into the wild to augment the
original population and maintain the existence of this rare
Acknowledgements. The authors thank Mr. Shih-Min
Yang for taking photographs (Figure 2), and Dr. Alan
Warneke for editing assistance. This research was partly
supported by the National Science Council of Taiwan
(NSC 91-2313-B-003-004) and Taiwan Forestry Research
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