Botanical Studies (2007) 48: 445-451.
Corresponding author: E-mail:; Tel. &
Fax: +886-2-33664845.
Anoectochilus formosanus (Orchidaceae) is a native
perennial and terrestrial orchid plant grown in the forests
of Taiwan. It is an orchid with beautiful netted-veins
on the upper surface and purple-red color on the lower
leaf surface. It has come to be known as a jewel orchid
(Teuscher, 1978) and is regarded as the "king medicine"
by the aboriginal population of Taiwan. It has been used
to cure diseases, such as cancer, high blood pressure,
diabetes, snake bite, and even liver, heart and lung diseases
(Yen et al., 1996). It has been also used as a special feed
for doves to prolong their stamina during long distance
races (Shiau et al., l995; Liu et al., l987). In recent years,
wild Anoectochilus plants have been intensively collected
and have thus become scare, resulting in a market value
as high as 3-4 times the price of greenhouse cultivated
plants. For the profit in the medicine market, many florists
have started to grow them on a large scale by using
micropropagated seedlings (Shiau et al., 1995; Tang et al.,
1996). Now, in 2006, the greenhouse-cultivated products
are still around 120 USD/kg on a fresh weight basis.
This is mainly due to the fact that the plants are highly
susceptible to Fusarium, Pythium spp, and mites. Also the
growing of this orchid has to be restricted to those areas
with temperatures around 20¢XC or lower. Additionally,
fungicides and pesticides must be applied intensively
to assure good growth. Since this plant is used as an
herb, minimizing the use of chemicals has been of great
The germination and growth of this orchid could
be stimulated by the inoculation of specific isolates of
OMF (R01, R02 or R04) (Tsai, l997; Chou and Chang,
2004). Differences in enzyme activities and in some
component contents between the non-mycorrhizal control
and the mycorrhizal plants of this orchid are lacking in
the literature and were thus presented in this study. Our
goal was to evaluate the benefits of using OMF in the
commercial production of this orchid.
Growth responses, enzyme activities, and component
changes as influenced by Rhizoctonia Orchid mycorrhiza
on Anoectochilus formosanus Hayata
Doris Chi-Ning CHANG
and Ling-Chin CHOU
Department of Horticulture, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 10617, ROC
Department of Life Sciences, National Science Council, Taipei, Taiwan, 10622, ROC
(Received November 6, 2006; Accepted August 8, 2007)
Rhizoctonia spp. of binucleate R02 and multi-nucleate R04 (Rhizoctonia solani, AG-6) of
orchid mycorrhizal fungi (OMF)¡Xcollected and isolated from terrestrial orchid roots in Taiwan, including
Anoectochilus formosanus Hayata, an orchid native to Taiwan¡Xenhanced the growth of A. formosanus plants
to a high degree, both in vitro and ex vitro. OMF (R02 or R04) inoculation used oatmeal agar (OMA) in vitro,
in which mycorrhizal seedlings were larger than non-mycorrhizal controls on Hyponex # 3 agar medium.
Both Rhizoctonia isolates (R02, R04) inoculated alone or mixed could significantly enhance plant grown
ex vitro in terms of plant height, leaf number, root length, and fresh weight. Light and scanning electron
microscopy showed that the infection of OMF on A. formosanus was a type of tolypophagy, with hyphal coils
and pelotons (mycelial masses) formed in the cortical region of the roots. Mycorrhizal plants showed higher
enzyme activities (superoxide dismutase; SOD in leaf; acid and alkaline phosphatases in roots) and markedly
higher constituent contents, like ascorbic acid, polyphenols, and flavonoids, which made the mycorrhizal plants
a better source of antioxidants, and of polysaccharides and phosphates indicating a more potent medicinal
value. Mycorrhizal plants were also susceptible to diseases and mites, so a plastic bag cultivation method was
applied and showed itself to be a very effective and labor saving way to grow fungicide- and pesticide-free A.
formosanus plants.
Keywords: Inoculation; Pelotons; Plastic bag cultivation method; Rhizoctonia spp.; Tolypophagy.
Abbreviations: OMF, orchid mycorrhizal fungi; R02, Rhizoctonia sp.; R04, Rhizoctonia solani; AG-6, Anas-
tomosis group 6.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
Usually 20 to 60 plants were grown for each experiment
to assure that at least 12 replicates for each of the follow-
ing treatments could be performed.
Inoculum of Orchid Mycorrhizal Fungi
Orchid mycorrhizal fungi (OMF) of R02 and R04
grown in crushed peatmoss of Rhizoctonia spp. were
used as the so-called solid form of inoculum (Chang and
Chou, 2001; Chou and Chang, 2004). R02 was binucleate
and R04 (Rhizoctonia solani, Anastomosis group 6; Lee,
2001a) was multinucleate Rhizoctonia sp. About 0.2-0.3 g
of fresh solid form inoculum was applied under the roots
of seedlings ex vitro on Sunshine growth medium, which
was a peat mixture.
light microscopy and SEM observation of
orchid mycorrhiza
Root segments, surrounded by mycelia, were selected
for mycorrhizal samples. After being stained with 0.05%
of aniline blue in lactoglycerin for 15-20 min, they were
examined by light microscopy (Koske and Gemma, l989).
For SEM observation, roots were collected and sterilized,
cut and fixed by 3% glutaraldehyde for 1-2 days, then
were dehydrated with acetone series, and critical point
dried (CPD) by liquid carbon dioxide. Finally, the root
segments were coated with gold for 90 s by an Biorad Ion
Coater (Dawes, l971). The SEM samples were examined
by ABT-60 of SEM and digital images were recorded.
Growth of seedlings in vitro and ex-vitro
For symbiotic germination, seeds were collected
in a lamilar flow hood and sprinkled on the following
growth media (Warcup, l973): In vitro symbiotic growth
seedlings were cultivated on oatmeal agar (OMA; 2.5 g l
of oat meal and 11.5 g Difco agar). No-symbiotic growth
seedlings were on: 1. Hyponex # 3 agar, containing 3 g
of Hyponex # 3, 3 g tryptone, 30 g sucrose, and 8 g agar
(modified from Kano, l968); 2. WM medium (including
0.3 g NaNO
, 0.2 g KH
, 0.1 g MgSO
O, 0.1 g
KCl, 10 g cellulose powder, 0.1 g malt extract and 8 g
Sigma agar in 1 liter); and 3. WY medium (including
0.3 g NaNO
, 0.2 g KHPO
, 0.1 g MgSO
O, 0.1 g
KCl, 10 g cellulose powder, 0.1 g yeast extract, and 8 g
Sigma agar in 1 liter). One week after being sown, seeds
were inoculated with OMF (R02 or R04 isolate). Only
one isolate was inoculated for each treatment. Growth
responses of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal seedlings
were compared 6 months after inoculation in vitro.
Ex vitro growth of seedlings were cultivated on
Sunshine growth medium for 4 months in a greenhouse at
Puli in central Taiwan. Rhizoctonia spp. of OMF, namely
R02, R04 and a mixture of R02+R04 were used for the
inoculation of OMF.
A plastic bag cultivation method for A. formosanus
(Lee, 2001a) was applied to the cultivation of fungicide
and pesticide-free plants. By this method, polyethylene
or polypropyrene plastic bags were used to cover the
container with the ex vitro grown A. formosanus plants as
protection against diseases and mites. Field capacity water
(i.e. squeezing the growth medium, yielded only a few
drops of water) and slow-release fertilizer were applied to
the growth medium. The plastic bag was then sealed with
a paper clip.
Estimation of enzyme activities
For the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), the
method of Hung (2002) was used. Sigma enzyme kits for
both acid and alkaline phosphatases were obtained, and
methods described in the Sigma technical bulletins # 386
(for acid phosphatase) and # 85 (for alkaline phosphatase)
were applied. Naphthol AS-BI phosphoric acid and
naphthol AS-BI phosphoric alkaline were used as the
substrates for both enzymes, respectively.
Estimation of several component contents
Ascorbic acid, nitrate (Cheng, 1997) and phosphate
were measured by a Merck, RQ flex spectrophotometer.
Also flavonoids (Chang, 2000), polyphenols (Kujala et al.,
2000) and polysaccharides (Lee, 2001b) were estimated
and compared between non-mycorrhizal and mycorrhizal
tissues in root, stem, and leaves.
The morphology and flower of A. formosanus is shown
in Figure 1A & B. This orchid has netted veins on the
upper surface and red surfaces on its leaves and stems.
The OMF inocula, namely R02 and R04, were Rhizoctonia
spp. (Tsai, l997), isolated from wild grown terrestrial
orchid roots, including A. formosanus of Taiwan. The
chosen isolates R02 and R04 enhanced the growth of this
orchid more than R01 (Chou and Chang, 2004). Thus,
R02 and R04 inocula were used for subsequent symbiotic
germination and growth responses.
Light microscopy showed that the hyphae of OMF
could infect the orchid roots either by root hairs or through
root epidermal cells (Figure 1C) and formed pelotons
in the cortical region of the roots (Figure 1D). SEM
observation showed that typical orchid mycorrhiza were
formed in the cortex region of A. formosanus roots (Figure
2). In mycorrhizal root, hypha could penetrate the cell
wall (Figure 2A); also noted was the presence of young
and old pelotons in the cortex cells of the roots (Figure
2B-D), indicating that it was a tolypophagy-type infection,
in which definite layers of host cells and digestion cells
occurred. This is a common relationship characteristic of
the majority of orchids (Hadley, 1982). It should be noted
that there were connections between the pelotons in the
adjacent cells across cell walls (Figure 2C). The size of the
connections showed that they were hyphae (H).
Growth of plantlets in either Murasgige & Skoog (MS)
medium or other common micropropagated media would
CHANG and CHOU ¡X Mycorrhizal
Anoectochilus formosanus
Figure 1. Morphology (A) and flower (B) of Anoectochilus formosanus Hayata. The Rhizoctonia hyphae (H) of orchid mycorrhizal
fungi (C) could infect either through root hair (RH) or root epidermal cells (E) and then formed pelotons (P) in cortex (D) of root.
Figure 2. Orchid mycorrhizal development processes as revealed by scanning electron microscopy. Note the hypha (H) could pass
through cell wall (CW) in A and form peletons (P) in B-D in the cortex cells of orchid roots. Later the peleton in D would be digested.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
cause the overgrowth of the OMF hyphae, and result
in the death of seedlings or plantlets. Thus, OMA was
chosen for the growth of mycorrhizal plantlets in vitro
(Chou, 1997, 2004) while the growth of non-mycorrhizal
plantlets was better in Hyponex # 3 agar (H3A) medium
(Figure 3; Chou and Chang, 2004). After inoculation with
Rhizoctonia sp. isolate and 4 months of ex vitro growth,
results showed that both isolates (R02 and R04) could
enhance plant height, number of leaves, root length, and
fresh weight (Figure 4). The mixed inoculum of R02+R04
showed higher growth enhancement for strains L1 and P
of A. formosanus than the single kind of inoculum (R02 or
R04). Thus the mixed inoculum of Rhizoctonia spp. could
be considered for practical use. The inoculation of R02 or
R04 for plantlets ex vitro, was tested for more than 10,000
plantlets both in Taipei and at Puli (central Taiwan), and
all showed enhanced growth. Many growers asked for a
continuous supply of OMF inoculum in their commercial
production of A. formosanus. Thus R02 or R04 isolates
are recommended for such production of A. formosanus
ex vitro. A commercial supply of pathogen-free OMF
inoculum would become a practical trend in the near
future. Also the plastic bag cultivation method had proven
to be an effective and labor-saving method of cultivating
fungicide and pesticide-free plants against disease- and
mite-susceptible A. formosanus plants grown ex vitro. If
field capacity water and a small amount of slow release
orchid fertilizer were applied before sealing the bag with a
paper clip, then watering or applying fertilizer to the plants
in the plastic bag was unnecessary for 6-8 months.
Figure 5. Acid (A & B) and alkaline (C & D) phosphatas es enzymatic histochemistry in non-mycorrhizal (A & C) and orchid
mycorrhizal roots (B & D) of Anoectochilus formosanus Hayara, Mycorrhizal roots (B & D) showed higher enzyme activities than the
non-mycorrhizal control (A & C). Note that the alkaline phosphatase activity was only shown in fungal structures (D).
Figure 4. Growth of five Anoectochilus formosanus Hayata lines
(C, L1, L3, P & T) in greenhouse as cultivated in plastic bag
and inoculated with Rhizoctonia sp. of orchid mycorrhizal fungi
(R02, R04) for 4 months ex vitro.
Figure 3. Growths of Anoectochilus formosanus Hayata in H3A,
WM, WY and OMA media of non-mycorrhizal control (NM)
and inoculated with orchid mycorrhizal fungi (R02 or R04) for 6
months in vitro.
CHANG and CHOU ¡X Mycorrhizal
Anoectochilus formosanus
Changes in SOD activity and acid and alkaline
phosphatases as well as some component contents in non-
mycorrhizal and mycorrhizal tissues were estimated.
Results showed that in root: acid and alkaline phospha-
tases activities (Figure 5); in leaf: SOD activity and ascor-
bic acid, flavonoid, polyphenol (Figure 6), phosphate and
polysaccharide contents (Figure 7), in stem: polyphenol
and polysaccharide contents and meanwhile ascorbic acid,
polyphenol and polysaccharides contents (Figures 6 & 7)
all increased significantly more in the mycorrhizal tissues
than in the non-mycorrhizal control. The only exception
was the nitrate content, which showed no difference be-
tween non-mycorrhizal and mycorrhizal tissues (Figure
7). The alkaline phosphatase activity was present only in
the fungal structures (Figure 5-D). This meant that this
enzyme was brought in by the OMF, indicating a more
effective way for phosphate metabolism. The results indi-
cated that mycorrhizal tissues were better antioxidants than
the non-mycorrhizal control, with higher SOD activity and
more ascorbic acid, polyphenol, and flavonoids (Figure
6). Thus, as a medicine, mycorrhizal plants would become
more effective.
There are six important findings in this paper: 1. An in -
vestigation of the mycorrhizal literature indicates that this
is the first paper to report on the application of Rhizoctonia
spp. to the successful commercial-scale cultivation for A.
Figure 6. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and chemical
components of non-mycorrhizal (NM) and mycorrhizal (R02,
R04) Anoectochilus formosana Hayata.
Figure 7. Chemical components of non-mycorrhizal (NM) and
mycorrhizal (R02, R04) Anoectochilus formosana Hayata.
formosonus orchids; 2. Previously we were told that only
bi-nucleated Rhizoctonia spp. were useful in enhancing
the growth of orchids. Our data clearly indicated that both
bi-nucleate (R02) and multi-nucleate (R04) Rhizoctonia
isolates can enhance the germination (Chou and Chang,
2004) and growth of A. formosonus (Chou, 2004); 3. The
Hyponex #3 agar medium was very easy to prepare and
resulted in the highest A. formosonus growth rate in our
study. Previously some scientists used only Hyponex #1
agar medium (Kano, l968; Liu et al., 2001) while others
used more complex agar media, such as MS medium for
orchids; 4. Our data clearly demonstrated the applicabil-
ity of single or mixed isolates of Rhizoctonia spp. to the
practical horticulture production of orchids, especially for
the inoculation of outplanted seedlings ex vitro; 5. This is
the first report to compare the differences between non-
mycorrhizal and mycorrhizal tissues for their enzyme
activities and component contents, and to prove that the
mycorrhizal tissues of A. formosanus become more effec-
tive as a medicine; 6. Before disease and mite-resistant A.
formosanus strains are found, the plastic bag cultivation
method developed by our group, has proved to be a very
effective and labor saving way to grow fungicide- and
pesticide-free A. formosanus plants.
To date, we have tested more than five commercial
strains of A. formosanus and concluded that both R02 and
R04 (R solani, Anatomosis group 6) definitely enhance
their growth. However, mycorrhizal plants were also
susceptibe to diseases and mites. Thus the plastic bag
cultivation method was developed to cultivate fungicide-
and pesticide-free A. formosanus plants.
It is highly recommended that H3A medium be used
for the asymbiotic growth and OMA for mycorrhizal
plantlets of A. formosonus in vitro. The inoculation of
R02 or R04 enhances the growth of A. formosonus in vitro
and ex vitro. We also strongly recommend inoculating
OMF (R02 or R04) during outplanting of the plantlets for
practical production of A. formosanus. The mycorrhizal A.
formosanus plants would be a better antioxidants than the
non-mycorrhizal control plants. The plastic bag cultivation
method is a very effective and labor saving way to grow
fungicide- and pesticide-free A. formosanus plants.
Acknowledgments. This research was financially
supported by NSC grants: NSC- 88-2313-B-002-060 and
NSC - 88- 2317- B-002-001. The orchid mycorrhizal fungi
(R02 and R04) were isolated by Ms. Ching-Yi Tsai and
were highly appreciated.
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CHANG and CHOU ¡X Mycorrhizal
Anoectochilus formosanus