Botanical Studies (2008) 49: 199-213.
These authors have equal contribution to the study.
Corresponding author: E-mail: chaiyourong1@163.
com;; Tel: +86-23-68250744, Fax:
Purple acid phosphatases (PAPs; E.C. are a
class of tartrate-resistant enzymes that contain a metal-
binding dinuclear center in their active sites and catalyze
the hydrolysis of activated phosphoric acid esters and
anhydrides at a pH range from 4 to 7 (Klabunde et al.,
1995). These enzymes are readily distinguished from
other acid phosphatases (APases) by their characteristic
purple color, which is attributed to a charge transfer from
tyrosine to Fe(III) at ~560 nm (Vincent et al., 1992).
The Arabidopsis thaliana genome is annotated with 29
PAPs, while only 1 histidine APase, 4 vegetative storage
protein type of APases, and 10 phosphatidic APases,
suggesting that PA P genes may play crucial roles in plant
P metabolism (Li et al., 2002).
PAPs from animals, plants and microbes have been
isolated and characterized (Schenk et al., 2000b).
The mammalian PAPs are monomeric proteins of
approximately 35 kDa and exist in 2 forms: an oxidized,
purple form containing an Fe(III)-Fe(III) center, which
exhibits little if any catalytic activity; and a pink, reduced
form containing a mixed-valent Fe(III)-Fe(II) center,
which is the enzymatically active species (Vincent et
al., 1992). They mainly distribute in porcine uterine
fluid (uteroferrin, Uf), bovine spleen, human bones and
macrophages, and function in in vivo iron transport, bone
resorption, antigen presentation and some redox reactions
(Olczak et al., 2003).
Isolation, characterization and phosphate-starvation
inducible expression of potential Brassica napus
Kun LU
, Jia-Na LI
, Wei-Ran ZHONG
, Fu-You FU
, and You-Rong CHAI
Chongqing Rapeseed Technology Research Center; Chongqing Key Laboratory of Crop Quality Improvement; Key Lab
of Biotechnology & Crop Quality Improvement of Ministry of Agriculture; College of Agronomy and Biotechnology,
Southwest University, Tiansheng Road 216#, Beibei, Chongqing, 400716, P. R. China
State Key Laboratory of Plant Genomics, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing 100101, P. R. China
(Received September 20, 2007; Accepted February 26, 2008)
Three members of a Brassica napus PURPLE ACID PHOSPHATASE 17 (BnPAP17) gene
family were isolated. The full-length cDNAs of BnPAP17-1, BnPAP17-2 and BnPAP17-3 are 1277, 1356 and
1349 bp, with corresponding genomic sequences of 1466, 1594 and 1598 bp, respectively. The deduced 337-aa
BnPAP17-1, 333-aa BnPAP17-2 and 333-aa BnPAP17-3 proteins are all secretary low molecular weight (LMW)
PAPs, containing a metallophos domain, 5-block conserved motifs and 7 metal-ligating residues. BnPAP17-2
and BnPAP17-3 are highly similar to each other, but distinct from BnPAP17-1. Southern analysis suggests that
these three genes comprise the entire BnPAP17 gene family. They are all mainly transcribed in reproductive
organs especially in bud. In vegetative organs, BnPAP17-2 and BnPAP17-3 are expressed in root, hypocotyl
and stem, while BnPAP17-1 expression is limited to root. In seedlings, these genes are all strongly induced
by phosphate-starvation, and return to basal levels after phosphate resupply. Thus they are suggested to play
important roles in reproductive development and adaptation to phosphorus deficiency.
Keywords: Brassica napus; Gene family; Purple acid phosphatase; Phosphate starvation.
Abbreviations: aa, amino acid; bp, base pair; DOI, days of induction; DOR, days of Pi resupply; HOI, hours
of induction; ORF, open reading frame; P, phosphorus; PA P, purple acid phosphatase; Pi, phosphate; RACE,
rapid amplification of cDNA ends.
Database Accession Nos: EU107164 (BnPAP17-1 gene), EU107165 (BnPAP17-1 mRNA), EU107166
(BnPAP17-1 premature mRNA), EU107167 (BnPAP17-2 gene), EU107168 (BnPAP17-2 mRNA), EU107169
(BnPAP17-3 gene), and EU107170 (BnPAP17-3 mRNA).
moleCulAR BIology
Botanical Studies, Vol. 49, 2008
In plants, PAPs have been divided into 2 groups: high
molecular weight (HMW) and low molecular weight
(LMW) PAPs. Plant HMW PAPs are homodimeric
proteins with ~55-kDa subunits. The precise crystal
structures, biochemical and biophysical properties of
plant HMW PAPs have been studied in a few instances,
such as the KbPAP (P80366) from red kidney bean and
IbPAP1 (AAF19821) from sweet potato (Strater et al.,
1995; Schenk et al., 2005). Though many plant HMW
PA P genes have been obtained, their biological functions
remain poorly known. The LaSAP1 mRNA (AB023385)
from white lupin accumulated in both roots and shoots
under Pi deficient conditions, while LaSAP2 (AB037887)
was only induced in roots. Mature LaSAP1 and LaSAP2
were suggested to be located to plasma membrane and
extracellular respectively (Wasaki et al., 1999; Wasaki et
al., 2000). Potato StPAP1 (AY598343) encodes a LMW
PAP similar to mammalian PAPs, and is highly expressed
in stem and root and insensitive to Pi-starvation, while
StPAP2 (AY598341) and StPAP3 (AY598342) encode
2 typical plant HMW PAPs, and are induced by Pi
deprivation in roots or both stem and roots respectively
(Zimmermann et al., 2004). Under low-Pi conditions,
the transcript level of alfalfa MtPAP1 (AY804257) was
reduced in leaves and increased in roots, with the strongest
signal detected in roots. MtPAP1 may function to improve
P acquisition in plants under Pi stress (Xiao et al., 2006).
In Arabidopsis, AtPAP11 (NM_127370) an d AtPAP12
(NM_128277) were up-regulated by Pi deficiency (Li et
al., 2002). Further study on AtPAP12 promoter showed
that it was specifically activated by Pi-starvation, while
salicylic or jasmonic acids and other inducers of gene
expression could not activate it (Haran et al., 2000). NaCl
stress and oxidative stress but not Pi-starvation induced
the expression of soybean GmPAP3 (AY151271) which
exhibited phytase activity in germination (Liao et al.,
2003). Moreover, two isoforms of tobacoo PAPs, NtPAP12
(BAC55155) and NtPAP21 (BAC55157), were associated
with cell wall generation (Kaida et al., 2003). These
studies indicate that plant HMW PAPs are multi-functional
proteins, which are necessary for plant P metabolism and
adaptation to low P conditions.
Plant LMW PAPs are much less well characterized
than plant HMW PAPs. Except for AtPAP17 (AtACP5,
NP_566587), most LMW PAPs are deduced from
corresponding cDNAs, e.g. AtPAP3 (NP_172923),
AtPAP4 (NP_173894), AtPAP7 (NP_178297), AtPAP8
(NP_973397) from A. thanalia, GmPAP (AAF60316)
from soybean, IbPAP (AAF60315) from sweet potato,
PvPAP (AAF60317) from common bean, and StPAP1
(AAT37529) from potato (Del Pozo et al., 1999; Oddie
et al., 2000; Li et al., 2002; Zimmermann et al., 2004).
AtPAP17 was purified as a 34-kDa monomer, containing
5-block conserved motifs and 7 metal-binding sites, and
its C-terminal sequence showed significant similarity with
mammalian PAPs. AtPAP17 transcript accumulation is
strongly induced by Pi starvation and is also responsive
to salt stress, abscisic acid, peroxide and senescence
(Del Pozo et al., 1999). Consequently, AtPAP17 has
been regarded as an important control index in several Pi
metabolism researches (Muller et al., 2004; Todd et al.,
Rapeseed (Brassica napus) is the second largest oil
bearing crop in the world, and is the most widely grown oil
crop in China (Yang et al., 2007). However, it is sensitive
to Pi limitation, which has become a crucial yield-limiting
factor for this crop, especially in the Yangtze River
rapeseed belt, despite the increased use of Pi fertilizers
(Guo et al., 2002). Owing to strong interactions of Pi with
other metal ions in soils, the majority of soil Pi is locked
in organic and immobile inorganic complexes. Less than
20% of applied fertilizer Pi could be assimilated by crops
during the first growth season, leading to an excess amount
of soil Pi that contributes to environmental problems
such as Pi-enrichment of water ecosystems. Screening
of P-efficient B. napus genotypes and study of their
adaptation mechanism to Pi-starvation are basic strategies
to improve Pi utilization efficiency as well as reduce Pi-
related water contamination with limited application of
non-renewable Pi-fertilizers. Here we report the isolation,
molecular characterization, and Pi-starvation induced
expression of the 3-member B. napus PAP17 (BnPAP17)
gene family that is othologous to AtPAP17, which adds
clues for functional and evolutionary characterization of
plant PAP17 genes and molecular biological elucidation of
Pi-deficiency responses in rapeseed.
Plant materials
Seed of inbred line W17 of typical B. napus genetic type
(AACC, 2n=4x=38) were kept by Chongqing Rapeseed
Technology Research Center and grown under normal field
conditions. Root (Ro), hypocotyl (Hy), cotyledon (Co),
stem (St), leaf (Le), bud (Bu), flower (Fl), silique pericarp
(SP), and seed of 10 (10D), 20 (20D) and 30 d (30D)
after flowering were sampled. For Pi-starvation treatment,
W17 seedlings were cultured in full-strength Hoagland's
solution with a cycle of 16 h of artificial light at 25¢XC and
8 h dark at 18¢XC (Hoagland and Arnon, 1950). Four-week
old seedlings were subjected to Pi-starvation treatment (0.5
£gM KH
), and seedling leaves (SL) and seedling roots
(SR) were harvested after 0 h, 12 h, 24 h, 2 d, 4 d and 8 d
of treatments respectively, and sampled again after 4 d of
Pi resupply. All samples were immediately frozen in liquid
nitrogen, and stored at -80¢XC.
Isolation of total RNA and DNA
Total genomic DNA was isolated from mixed young
leaves of 3 representative plants using a CTAB-based
method (Saghai-Maroof et al., 1984), while total RNA
from various organs was isolated using a slightly modified
CTAB method (Jaakola et al., 2001). Total RNA from
SR and SL was extracted using the Plant RNA Mini Kit
(Watson Biotechnologies, Inc., China). Each RNA sample
LU et al. ¡X Rapeseed
was treated with RNase-free DNase I (TaKaRa) to remove
contaminating DNA. Quality and concentration of total
RNA and genomic DNA samples were assessed by agarose
gel electrophoresis and spectrophotometry, and stored at
Amplification of the 3
and 5
cDNA ends of
BnPAP17 genes
RACE-ready total first-strand cDNA was synthesized
from 5 £gg of equally proportioned (w/w) mixture of total
RNA from SR and SL induced by varied degrees of Pi-
starvation using the GeneRacer kit (Invitrogen, USA).
According to multi-alignment of 29 A. thaliana PAP
genes, the sites conserved in AtPAP genes and specific for
AtPAP17 were chosen to design conserved-site primers for
amplification of 3¡¦ and 5¡¦ cDNA ends of BnPAP17 genes.
For 3¡¦-RACE, conserved-site sense primers FPAP17-31
AT-3¡¦) were designed. Using primers FPAP17-31 and
CTACGTAACG-3¡¦), the 50-£gl primary polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) was conducted using 2 £gl of total
first-strand cDNA as template on a MyCycler gradient
thermocycler (Bio-Rad, USA): predenaturation at 94¢XC
for 2 min, followed by 30 cycles of amplification (94¢XC
for 1 min, 52¢XC for 1 min, and 72¢XC for 1 min), and by 72
¢XC for 10 min. Then 0.2 £gl of primary PCR product was
used as template for nested PCR using primers FPAP17-32
and GeneRacer
3¡¦ Nested Primer (5¡¦-CGCTACGTAA
CGGCATGACAGTG-3¡¦) with other conditions similar to
the primary PCR. In 5¡¦-RACE, kit primers GeneRacer
and GeneRacer
5¡¦ Nested Primer (5¡¦-GGACACTGACA
TGGACTGAAGGAGTA-3¡¦) were paired with conserved-
site antisense primers RPAP17-51 (5¡¦-GAGTCGTGTCA
nested PCRs respectively, with other conditions identical
to those for 3¡¦ primary PCR. PCR products were gel
purified then subcloned into pMD18-T vector (TaKaRa),
and transformed into E. coli DH5£\. Positive colonies were
sequenced using primers M13F and M13R at Invitrogen
Corporation, Shanghai, China.
Amplification of full-length cDNAs and genomic
sequences of BnPAP17 genes
Sense primers FPAP17-7 (5¡¦-ATTTCCTTCTCCCT
GCACCTTAACC-3¡¦), and antisense primers RPAP17-9
ATCTTAAATATATG-3¡¦), were designed corresponding
to the utmost ends of the sequenced 5¡¦- and 3¡¦-RACE
products respectively. Primers were combined into 4 pairs,
FPAP17-7/RPAP17-9, FPAP17-12/RPAP17-9, FPAP17-7/
RPAP17-19 and FPAP17-12/RPAP17-19, for amplification
of full-length cDNAs of BnPAP17 members. In each
50-£gl PCR, 0.5 £gl of first-strand total cDNA was used as
template. After 2 min at 94¢XC, 35 cycles of amplification
were performed (94¢XC for 1 min, 52¢XC for 1 min, 72¢XC for
2 min), followed by 72¢XC for 10 min. Primer combinations
successful in full-length cDNA amplifications were used
to amplify the corresponding genomic sequences by
replacing the template with 0.5 £gg of total genomic DNA
of line W17 under the same conditions. PCR products
were purified and subcloned, followed by sequencing.
Bioinformatic analysis
Sequence alignment, ORF translation, and calculation
of obtained sequences were conducted using Vector NTI
Advance program v. 10.3.0 (Invitrogen, USA). BLAST
and Conserved Domain search were carried out on the
NCBI website ( Protein
structures were predicted using online bioinformatic tools
linked by Expasy ( ) and SoftBerry
( ) websites. BnPAP17 proteins
and other PAPs retrieved from GenBank were aligned with
ClustalX program v. 1.83. Subsequently, a phylogenetic
tree was constructed using Neighbor-Joining method with
MEGA program v. 3.1 (Thompson et al., 1997; Kumar
et al., 2004). The reliability of the tree was measured by
bootstrap testing with 1000 replicates.
Southern hybridization detection
Sixty-£gg aliquots of genomic DNA of line W17
were digested overnight at 37¢XC with either DraI,
EcoRI, EcoRV, SacI o r XbaI (New England BioLabs,
USA) respectively. None of these enzymes cut
within the hybridization region of cloned BnPAP17
members. Digested DNA samples were fractionated
by electrophoresis on 0.8% agarose gel, transferred
to a positively charged nylon membrane (Roche,
Germany) through standard capillarity method.
Using primers FPAP17S (5¡¦-CGTTAAAGAATA
GTGGCCTTGGATCTTTTTAAGG-3¡¦), a 126-bp highly
conserved fragment was amplified using BnPAP17-1 full-
length cDNA as template at an annealing temperature of
58¢XC and labeled with Digoxigenin-11-dUTP using PCR
DIG Probe Synthesis Kit (Roche, Germany). Hybridization
was performed at 40.5¢XC for 16 h (DIG Easy Hyb, Roche,
Germany). Membrane washing and immunological
detection (DIG Wash and Block Buffer Set and DIG
Nucleic Acid Detection Kit, Roche, Germany) were
carried out according to the manufacturer¡¦s protocols.
RT-PCR detection of tissue specificities and
Pi-starvation induced expression patterns of
BnPAP17 genes
Semi-quantitative reverse transcription-PCR (RT-
PCR) was adopted to detect the expression profiles
of the 3 BnPAP17 members in 11 organs. One-£gg
aliquots of total RNA extracted from each sample
Botanical Studies, Vol. 49, 2008
were used as templates in reverse transcription with
the Oligo dT-Adaptor Primer using RNA PCR Kit
(AMV) Ver. 3.0 (TaKaRa). The RT-PCR reaction for
a house-keeping gene using specific primers F26S (5¡¦
according to a 534-bp conserved region of A. thaliana 26S
rRNA gene was performed to monitor sample uniformity
of initial RNA input and RT efficiency (Singh et al.,
2004). RT-PCRs were carried out in a 25-£gl volume.
26S rRNA gene amplification was performed under the
following condition: 94¢XC for 2 min, followed by 21
cycles of amplification (94¢XC for 1 min, 60¢XC for 1 min
and 72¢XC for 1 min), then 72¢XC for 10 min. Primer pairs
ATTCATATAG-3¡¦), and FPAP17-23S / RPAP17-3S (5¡¦-
member-specific detection of BnPAP17-1, BnPAP17-2
and BnPAP17-3 respectively. Based on gradient PCR
results using W17 genomic DNA as template, the
highest annealing temperatures for efficient exponential
amplification of the 3 primer pairs were determined as 60
¢XC, 61¢XC and 61¢XC respectively, and the specificity was
proved by no cross amplification among the 3 members
using colony plasmids as templates. For investigation
of expression patterns of BnPAP17 members under Pi-
starvation stress conditions, RNA samples from SR and SL
of different treatments were reverse-transcribed and genes
were amplified for 31 cycles respectively using above
conditions. PCR products were detected with agarose gel
electrophoresis and analyzed with UTHSCSA ImageTool
for Windows v. 3.00. In order to control experimental
error, all RT-PCRs were done with 3 replicates.
Isolation of full-length cDNAs and genomic
sequences of 3 BnPAP17 genes
5¡¦-RACE yielded 6 products that appear to represent 2
different genes. One gene was represented by products of
496, 498, 499 and 529 bp, which were identical to each
other except for alternative initiation sites, and another
605-bp product that shared sequence identity but possessed
a 109-bp unspliced intron corresponding to the 1st intron
of AtPAP17. The second gene was represented by a related
but unique 488-bp product. NCBI BLASTn indicated that
all of the 5¡¦ cDNA products showed highest identities to
AtPAP17 mRNA (NM_112660).
3¡¦-RACE also yielded 6 products, all of which share
identity with AtPAP17. These products also appear to
represent 2 different genes, one corresponding to 4
fragments (363, 360, 359 and 354 bp, poly A tail not
included) and another corresponding to 2 fragments (483
and 462 bp), with alternative polyadenylation sites in each
Four pairs of primers designed based on 5¡¦- and 3¡¦-
RACE results were used to amplify full-length cDNAs.
Only primer pairs FPAP17-7 / RPAP17-19 and FPAP17-12
/ RPAP17-9 yielded specific products. Amplification with
primer pair FPAP17-7 / RPAP17-19 resulted in a 1277-bp
unique full-length cDNA named BnPAP17-1, while
amplification with primer pair FPAP17-12 / RPAP17-9
yielded 2 homologous but obviously distinct full-length
cDNAs named BnPAP17-2 (1356 bp) and BnPAP17-3
(1349 bp). No full-length cDNA clone was identified that
retained intron I, suggesting that the non-excision event
detected with 5¡¦-RACE is rare. It is unknown if this event
is biologically relevant. These same primer pairs were used
to amplify genomic sequences corresponding to the above
3 full-length cDNAs by substituting the template with total
genomic DNA of line W17. Gel detection indicated that
primer pair FPAP17-7 / RPAP17-19 yielded a bright band
of about 1450 bp, whereas a 1600-bp band for primer pair
FPAP17-12 / RPAP17-9. Sequenced genomic sequences
of BnPAP17-1, BnPAP17-2 and BnPAP17-3 were 1466
bp, 1594 bp and 1598 bp, respectively. The genomic
sequences were identical to respective full-length cDNAs
in exon regions.
molecular characterization of nucleotide
sequences of the 3 BnPAP17 genes
Genomic sequences of all members of BnPAP17 gene
family contain 2 introns with standard GT¡KAG splicing
boundaries at the positions of those of AtPAP17: 391-499
bp and 657-736 bp in BnPAP17-1, 350-510 bp and
668-744 bp in BnPAP17-2, and 350-509 bp and 667-755
bp in BnPAP17-3 (Figure 1). The cDNA of BnPAP17-1
possesses a 1014-bp ORF (with stop codon) flanked by
a 189-bp 5¡¦ UTR and a 74-bp 3¡¦ UTR. The cDNAs of
BnPAP17-2 and BnPAP17-3 both have a 160-bp 5¡¦ UTR
and a 1002-bp ORF, but differed in 3¡¦ UTR length (187 bp
for BnPAP17-2 and 194 bp for BnPAP17-3). BnPAP17-1
has 4 alternative transcriptional start sites at A
, A
, T
and A
, 4 alternative polyadenylation sites right after C
, T
and C
, respectively, and a polyadenylation
signal A
. BnPAP17-2 and BnPAP17-3 both
have 2 sites of polyadenylation signal AATAAA in their
3¡¦ UTRs, and BnPAP17-2 also possesses 2 alternative
polyadenylation sites at T
and T
. Containing the
109-bp non-excised intron I, BnPAP17-1PM is 1386 bp
and its ORF is pre-terminated by intron-derived stop
codon TGA at 418-420 bp (Figure 1).
BnPAP17-2 and BnPAP17-3 share as high as 95.8%
genomic and 97.5% mRNA identities to each other, but
they are quite divergent from BnPAP17-1. AtPAP17,
BnPAP17-1 and BnPAP17-2/ BnPAP17-3 form a nearly
triangle relationship (Table 1).
Furthermore, PlantCARE (http://bioinformatics.psb. ) predicted that several
types of cis-acting regulatory elements, such as light
responsive elements Sp1, GT1-motif, I-box and TCCC-
motif, core promoter element TATA-box and elements for
LU et al. ¡X Rapeseed
Botanical Studies, Vol. 49, 2008
the anaerobic induction ARE and in endosperm expression
GCN4_motif were identified in the leader sequences of the
3 BnPAP17 genes, implying their possible regulation by a
wide range of environmental signals.
Southern hybridization detection for possible
members of BnPAP17 gene family
Southern analysis was used to investigate the number
of BnPAP17 gene family members. Three distinct bands
were detected for EcoRI, SacI and XbaI digests, while 2
bands were detected for DraI and EcoRV digests (Figure
6). Because these enzymes do not cut within the probed
region of the 3 cloned BnPAP17 genes, it is likely that the
BnPAP17 gene family consists of only the 3 members that
were isolated in this study. It is possible that other gene
members exist but these would have to share identical
digestion patterns for all the 5 enzymes.
Conservation and features of the 3 deduced
BnPAP17 proteins
The deduced BnPAP17-1, BnPAP17-2 and BnPAP17-3
proteins are 337, 333 and 333 aa respectively (Figure 2).
BnPAP17-1 possesses a calculated MW of 38.24 kDa
and a predicted isoelectric point (pI) value of 5.86, while
BnPAP17-2 and BnPAP17-3 are 37.80 kDa and 37.82 kDa
with pI values of 5.27 and 5.28 respectively. BnPAP17-1,
BnPAP17-2 and BnPAP17-3 are rich in S (10.09%, 9.61%
and 9.31% respectively). The ORF of BnPAP17-1PM
encodes a polypeptide of only 76 residues with a Mw of
8.40 kDa and a pI of 9.11. Its first 67 residues are identical
to those of BnPAP17-1, while the C-terminal 9 residues
have no homology to known proteins since they are
translated from the unspliced intron I.
BnPAP17 proteins show high similarities to one another
and other plant PAPs. Homology analysis on protein
sequences showed the same trend among BnPAP17-1,
BnPAP17-2, BnPAP17-3 and AtPAP17 as revealed on
nucleotide scale (Table 1). BnPAP17 proteins also share
55-63%/73-80% of identities/positives to yellow lupine
LlPAP (CAE85073), IbPAP, StPAP1, GmPAP and PvPAP,
with significant similarities mainly at the C-terminal
Figure 1. Nucleotide alignment of AtPAP17 and the 3 BnPAP17 genes. The coding regions are underlined, with the start codon ATG
and the stop codon TGA in bold face and solid-underlined. The (alternative) initiation sites and (alternative) polyadenylation sites are
boxed, and the putative polyadenylation signals are double-underlined. Two conserved 3¡¦-intron|5¡¦-exon boundary sequences are in
bold italics. In 5¡¦ and 3¡¦ UTRs, conserved motifs (motifs 1-6), G-poor region and variable ATG context are marked. In BnPAP17-1, the
bases in the first intron participating in coding and premature termination in BnPAP17-1PM mRNA are dash-underlined.
Table 1. Sequence homology of BnPAP17 genes.
Identities (%) on genomic/mRNA level
Protein identities/similarities (%)
BnPAP17-1 BnPAP17-2 BnPAP17-3
BnPAP17-1 BnPAP17-2 BnPAP17-3
77.2/80.5 73.5/77.1 73.4/77.0 AtPAP17
85.2/90.2 82.8/88.2 83.4/88.8
77.0/81.9 77.2/82.1 BnPAP17-1
89.3/93.5 89.6/94.1
95.8/97.5 BnPAP17-2
LU et al. ¡X Rapeseed
Figure 2. Multi-alignment of amino acid sequences of AtPAP17 and the 3 BnPAP17 proteins. In the consensus line, the predicted
conserved metallophos (pfam00149) domain between F
and C
is dash-underlined, the predicted signal peptide is solid-underlined,
five motifs of conserved amino acid sequences (GDWG, GDNF Y, GNHD, VVGH, and GHDH) are in gray background, those
conserved metal-binding residues (D
, D
, Y
, N
, H
, H
and H
in BnPAP17-1, and D
, D
, Y
, N
, H
, H
and H
BnPAP17-2 and BnPAP17-3) are boxed.
Figure 3. Phylogenetic relationship of deduced BnPAP17 proteins and related PAPs. Plant PAP sequences are: A. thaliana AtPAP3
(NP_172923), AtPAP4 (NP_173894), AtPAP5 (NP_564619), AtPAP7 (NP_178297), AtPAP8 (NP_973397), AtPAP10 (NP_179235),
AtPAP11 (NP_179405), AtPAP12 (NP_180287), AtPAP15 (NP_187369) and AtPAP17 (NP_566587), Solanum tuberosum StPAP1
(AAT37529) and StPAP3 (AAT37528), Glycine max GmACP5 (AAF60316), GmPAP3 (AAN85416) and GmPhy (AAK49438),
Phaseolus vulgaris PvPAP (AAF60317) and KbPAP (P80366), Ipomoea batatas IbPAP (AAF60315), IbPAP2 (AAF19822) and
IbPAP3 (CAA07280), Oryza sativa OsPAP (AAL34937), Nicotiana tabacum NtPAP12 (BAC55155) and NtPAP21 (BAC55157).
Vertebrate PAPs are: Danio rerio hypothetical protein LOC436725 (NP_001002452) and DrACP5 (NP_999938), Tetr aodon
nigroviridis (CAG03307), Xenopus laevis MGC78938 protein (AAH72062), Bos taurus BtACP5 (B27035), Homo sapiens Human
ACP5 (P13686), Sus scrofa Pig TRAP (P09889), Mus musculus Mouse AP5A (Q05117), Rattus norvegicus Rat TRRAP (P29288).
Bacterial PAPs are: Acidiphilium cryptum JF-5 (ZP_01144272) and Caulobacter sp. K31 (ZP_01419115). The analysis is performed
with ClustalX program and Mega program, and the tree is constructed by Neighbor-Joining method with p-distance. The number
for each interior branch is the percent bootstrap value (1000 replicates), and only values greater than 80% are shown. The scale bar
indicates the estimated number of amino acid substitutions per site.
Figure 3 shows the phylogenetic relationships of
BnPAP17 proteins with PAPs from plants and other
kingdoms based on ClustalX alignment and Neighbor-
Joining construction. Conforming to previous reports
(Zimmermann et al., 2004), these PAPs were classified
into 2 major groups (LMW PAPs and HMW PAPs), and
the LMW PAPs could be further divided into 3 distinct
subgroups (plant LMW PAPs, bacterial PAPs and
vertebrate PAPs). The BnPAP17 family is grouped with
AtPAP17 to form a highly related cruciferous cluster
within the LMW PAP subgroup. Deduced plant PAPs
such as AtPAP3, AtPAP4 and AtPAP8, GmPAP, PvPAP
and StPAP1 are also grouped within the plant LMW
PAP subgroup (Schenk et al., 2000a; Li et al., 2002;
Zimmermann et al., 2004). NCBI Conserved Domain
(CDD) search detected a metallophos (pfam00149)
conserved domain located at the C-terminal region of
BnPAP17 proteins. The domain resides between F
and C
of BnPAP17-1 with 89.5% alignments of the
184-residue CD-Length and F
of BnPAP17-2 and
Botanical Studies, Vol. 49, 2008
BnPAP17-3 with 89.5% alignments for both (Figure 2).
Within this domain, the 3 BnPAP17 proteins bear the
same 5-block conserved motifs and 7 metal-binding
residues (GD
, GN
and GH
, bold letters for metal-ligating residues)
corresponding to those reported previously (Del Pozo et
al., 1999). These features suggest that the 3 BnPAP17
proteins are typical plant LMW PAPs.
SignalP 3.0 analysis suggests that BnPAP17-1,
BnPAP17-2 and BnPAP17-3 each possess a signal peptide,
with the most likely cleavage sites at G
, G
, respectively. TargetP 1.1, WoLFPSORT (http:// ) and PSORT also predict that these
proteins are secreted. Based on predictions by TMpred,
TMHMM and ConPred II (, BnPAP17 proteins all have a significant
N-terminal transmembrane helix occupying the main part
of their signal peptides, e.g. from L
to V
BnPAP17-1, from T
to M
of BnPAP17-2, and
from T
to M
of BnPAP17-3. Thus, it is likely
that the 3 BnPAP17 proteins are extracellular
proteins, like
the reported AtPAP17 (Del Pozo et al., 1999).
Glycosylation is a typical feature of secreted plant
enzymes including PAPs (Olczak et al., 2003). NetNGlyc
1.0 predicted that the 3 BnPAP17 proteins all have
a potential N-glycosylation site NQSK. NetPhos 2.0
predicted 22-28 significant phosphorylation sites in each
BnPAP17 member (13-16 for S, 5-7 for T, and 4-5 for Y),
suggesting that phosphorylation may also be involved in
functional regulation of them.
Analysis of secondary and tertiary structures of
BnPAP17 proteins
Based on SOPMA prediction, BnPAP17-1, BnPAP17-2
and BnPAP17-3 contain 34.72%, 35.44% and 31.83%
of random coils, 29.97%, 31.53% and 31.83% of alpha
helices, 27.89%, 25.23% and 27.93% of extended strands,
and 7.42%, 7.81% and 8.41% of beta turns, respectively
(Figure 4). They all have 9 sites of obvious alpha helices
and 15-16 sites of obvious extended strands along the
whole molecule. It is noteworthy that there are 5 alpha
helices in the metallophos domain, and 6 of 7 metal-
binding sites are composed of random coil.
Crystal structures have been dissected for some plant
HMW PAPs (such as KbPAP and IbPAP1) and some
animal LMW PAPs, e.g. pig (PDB ID code 1UTE) and
rat (PDB ID code 1QHW) (Schenk et al., 2005). Tertiary
structures of BnPAP17 proteins were predicted by SWISS-
MODEL based on their 28%-29% identities to 1UTE
and 1QHW (Schwede et al., 2003). Displayed by Swiss-
PdbViewer 3.7 (SP5), BnPAP17 proteins are similar to one
another, especially that BnPAP17-2 and BnPAP17-3 show
only a slight difference at £]
(Figure 5). For BnPAP17
proteins, the main body is composed of 2 large sandwiched
£]-£\-£]-£\-£] folds (£]
and £]
). Each
sandwiched fold contains 3 parallel strands (£]
), and the 2 sandwiched folds are connected by 2
small helices (£\
). Based on homologous alignment,
the binuclear metal centers of BnPAP17 proteins might
involve the D
coordination and the N
coordination to bind the 2 ions, and the 2 metal
ions in the active centers are bridged by the carboxylate
group of D
. The predicted tertiary structures proved these
residues and signified 2 Fe ion binding centers (Figure 5).
Expression of the 3 BnPAP17 genes in various
organs tested
Expression of each BnPAP17 gene family member
could be detected in all tested organs by 31-cycle RT-PCR,
with the highest in bud, followed by flower and 10D seed,
while lowest in cotyledon (Figure 7). For organ specificity,
though the 3 BnPAP17 genes show similar trends,
BnPAP17-2 is more similar to BnPAP17-3 than either
to BnPAP17-1, consistent with their sequence similarity
Figure 4. Predicted secondary structures of BnPAP17 proteins. Numbers 50, 100, etc., are counts of amino acids of each protein.
£\-helix, extended s trand, £]-turn and random coil are denoted as the longest, m iddle long, short and the shortest vertical bars
LU et al. ¡X Rapeseed
relationships. BnPAP17-1 is more organ-specific, while
BnPAP17-2 and BnPAP17-3 are more constitutive. The
highest transcript level of BnPAP17-1 could be detected
in bud, followed by 10D seed, flower, silique pericarp and
root, whereas its expression is weak in 20D seed and 30D
seed and almost non-detectable in hypocotyl, cotyledon,
stem and leaf. BnPAP17-2 and BnPAP17-3 also show the
strongest expression in bud, followed by flower, stem, root,
10D seed, hypocotyl, silique pericarp, leaf, and cotyledon.
While BnPAP17-2 shows weak expression in 20D seed
and 30D seed, BnPAP17-3 is almost undetectable in these
2 stages of seed.
Pi-starvation induced expression of BnPAP17
The Pi-starvation induced expression patterns of
BnPAP17 family genes in seedling leaf (SL) and seedling
root (SR) were determined in line W17 treated for 0 h,
12 h, 24 h, 2 d, 4 d and 8 d of Pi-starvation and 4 d of Pi
resupply respectively. Only small amounts of BnPAP17
transcripts could be observed in SL and SR under Pi-
sufficient conditions (Figure 8). Under Pi-starvation
conditions, similar induction trends could be observed
between SL and SR. After 12 h of Pi-starvation, slight
induction could be observed both in SL and SR. The
expression levels continuously increased with time, and
reached the maximal levels after 8 d of treatment, which
was the most severe stress in this study. After 4 d of Pi
resupply, BnPAP17 expression dropped to near the basal
levels. BnPAP17-2 and BnPAP17-3 showed similar trends
to each other, but BnPAP17-1 differed in that it returned
to basal levels more slowly after Pi resupply. In SR,
BnPAP17-1 could be induced to an early peak level after
24 h of induction, while BnPAP17-2 and BnPAP17-3
needed 2 d.
Possible gene loss of the triplicated PAP17
genes in Brassica ancestor
There were close evolutionary relationship and strong
colinearity between the genomes of Brassica sepcies
and Arabidopsis (Lagercrantz and Lydiate, 1996). The
ancestor of Brassiceae triplicated its genome 13-17
million years ago (MYA), very soon after its divergence
from the ancestor of genus Arabidopsis about 17-18
MYA (Yang et al., 2006). "Diploid" Brassica species
such as B. oleracea and B. rapa are likely derived from a
hexaploid ancestry (Lukens et al., 2004). Their genomes
contain 3 representations of a basic genome, with each
representation being extensively collinear with A. thaliana
genome (Lysak et al., 2005). Brassica napus genome (1132
Mbp, 2n=38) is an amphidiploid of B. rapa AA-genome
(529 Mbp, 2n=20) and B. olerala CC-genome (696
Mbp, 2n=18), and is more than 6 times of the A. thaliana
genome (157 Mbp, 2n=10) (Johnston et al., 2005). It
Figure 5. Tertiary structures of BnPAP17-1, BnPAP17-2 and BnPAP17-3. Pig LMW PAP (1UTE) was used as the model in SWISS-
MODEL prediction, and Swiss-PdbViewer was adopted to show the results.
F igu re 6. Southern hybridization detection of homologous
BnPAP17 members in B. napus.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 49, 2008
is suggested that in B. napus there might exist about 6
orthologous genes corresponding to each gene from A.
thaliana (Cavell et al., 1998).
In this study, 3 BnPAP17 genes were isolated from B.
napus, and Southern analysis also detected just 3 (EcoRI,
SacI an d XbaI) or 2 (DraI and EcoRV) hybridization
bands. BnPAP17-1 shares only ~77% genomic identities to
the highly homologous BnPAP17-2/BnPAP17-3 sisters. As
the probe was a labeled BnPAP17-1 full-length cDNA, the
thickest band in each digestion may represent BnPAP17-1
itself, while the weaker band(s) may represent BnPAP17-2
or/and BnPAP17-3. The Southern hybridization result is in
good agreement with the cloned 3 members, thus it could
be postulated that B. napus probably contains only the 3
BnPAP17 genes isolated here.
AtPAP17, BnPAP17-1, and BnPAP17-2/ BnPAP17-3
form a nearly triangle relationship among them in
pairwise alignments, since AtPAP17 is 77.2% identical to
BnPAP17-1 and 73.4%/73.5% identical to BnPAP17-2/
BnPAP17-3 while BnPAP17-1 is 77.0%/77.2% identical
to BnPAP17-2/BnPAP17-3. BnPAP17-1 is a little more
orthologous to AtPAP17 than the other 2 members do. In
the phylogenetic tree constructed using protein sequences,
the 3 BnPAP17 proteins group together first and then
with AtPAP17 soon. So it is obvious that a duplication
event (most probably one event of the "triplication")
right after the Arabidopsis-Brassiceae split resulted in the
origination of BnPAP17-2/BnPAP17-3 from BnPAP17-1.
Loci in B. napus usually occur in homoeologous pairs, one
originating from B. rapa AA genome and another from B.
oleracea CC genome (Parkin et al., 2003). BnPAP17-2 and
BnPAP17-3 show high similarities in sequence structures,
tissue specificities and induced expression patterns, so they
are probably from respective subgenome-donor species,
i.e. they were orthologous to each other before the AA-CC
From above analysis, it can be assumed that gene
loss might have occurred on the triplicated PAP17
genes in Brassica ancestor, and current B. rapa and B.
oleracea both might have only 1-2 PAP17 genes. But this
assumption needs to be identified by comparative cloning
of PAP17 genes from the 2 subgenome-donor species.
Several gene structure features deserve further
Alternative transcriptional initiation and
polyadenylation sites. BnPAP17-1 has 4 alternative
transcriptional initiation sites (A
, A
, T
and A
and 4 alternative polyadenylation sites (C
, C
and C
), and BnPAP17-2 also has 2 alternative
polyadenylation sites (T
and T
) (Figure 1). Length
of UTRs may influence the mRNA stability and translation
Conservative and variable regions in the 5¡¦ UTRs.
The ~70-bp region just prior to the start codon ATG
is highly variable among AtPAP17, BnPAP17-1 and
BnPAP17-2/BnPAP17-3 (Figure 1). In conservative motifs
2 and 5, BnPAP17-1 is more similar to AtPAP17 than to
BnPAP17-2/BnPAP17-3, while in some other 5¡¦ UTR
short motifs BnPAP17-1 is distinct from AtPAP17 and
BnPAP17-2/BnPAP17-3. These imply possible directional
evolution of the start codon context for certain regulatory
patterns in distinct PAP17 genes. The 11-bp motif 1
(CTCCCTCCTTC) and the 13-bp motif 3 (CTCTCT(A/
C)TTTCTC) is pyrimidine-rich and highly conservative,
implying possible important cis-element of PAP17 genes.
However, the 21-bp purine-rich motif 4 (AGAGA(A/
T)AGAGA(T/G)ATACAGATT) is just conserved among
BnPAP17 genes, suggesting its possible role in species-
specific regulation. Like B. napus F3¡¦H-1 (Xu et al., 2007),
the first 121, 69, and 69 bp of 5¡¦ UTRs of BnPAP17-1,
BnPAP17-2 and BnPAP17-3 respectively are also G-poor.
These features offer structural models for investigating 5
UTR cis-elements involved in transcription or translation
of PAP17-type genes.
Figure 7. Tissue s pecificities of BnPAP17 genes in various
organs tested. Ro: root; Hy: hypocotyl; Co cotyledon; St: stem;
Le: leaf; Fl: flower; Bu: bud; SP: silique pericarp; 10D: seed
of 10 D; 20D: s eed of 20 D; and 30D: s eed of 30 D. Band
intens it ies (c olumns ) were norma lize d to 26S rR NA band
intensity and expressed as relative transcript level. Error bars
indicate standard deviation (n=3).
LU et al. ¡X Rapeseed
3¡¦ UTR conserved motifs. Within the variable
3¡¦ UTR, a cononical polyadenylation signal
AATAAA and a 26-bp T-rich motif 6 (GTTT(C/
among PAP17 genes analysed (Figure 1). These kinds of
motifs are suggested essential for accurate and efficient 3¡¦-
end formation (Ingelbrecht et al., 1989).
Conserved intron splicing border sequences. Most
introns in nuclear mRNA precursors follow GT¡K
AG splicing sites, but further structure features should
be involved in (Breathnach and Chambon, 1981).
The 2 introns are highly variable among AtPAP17,
BnPAP17-1 and BnPAP17-2/BnPAP17-3, but their border
sequences are relatively conserved especially at the right
borders. The "3¡¦-intron|5¡¦-exon" boundary sequences
"intron I-TACAG|ATGGGAA-exon II" and "intron II-
GATGCAG|T-exon III" might be important for proper
intron splicing of PAP17 genes.
Intron retention. Alternative splicing creates
diversification of mRNA and protein products from a
gene and defines a means of genetic regulation (Black,
2003). Intron retention is assumed to be an ancient form of
alternative splicing in plants (Ast, 2004). In Arabidopsis,
about 30% of alternatively spliced gene products were
reported as intron retention (Ner-Gaon et al., 2004). In
cloning of B. napus phenylpropanoid pathway genes,
intron retention is often found on regulatory loci such
as TT2 (Wei et al., 2007). In this study, phenomenon of
intron retention was detected in BnPPA17-1 in GeneRacer
handling. The encoded 76-aa premature polypeptide
BnPPA17-1PM should be catalytically non-active as it
lacks almost the whole metallophos domain (Figure 1).
Since most of capped and polyadenylated BnPPA17-1
mRNA molecules are normally spliced, and BnPPA17-
1PM is unlikely to serve as a negative regulator, BnPPA17-
1PM might be a result of leaky splicing.
orthologous to AtPAP17, BnPAP17 proteins are
typical plant lmW PAPs
Plant PAPs could be divided into LMW PAPs of
~35-kDa and HMW PAPs of ~55-kDa based on their
MWs. Divergence between LMW PAPs and HMW PAPs
Figure 8. Pi-starvation induced expression patterns of BnPAP17 gene family. SL (A) and SR (B) were sampled after 0 h, 12 h, 24 h,
2 d, 4 d and 8 d of Pi-starvation treatments (P-) and 4 d after Pi resupply (RP), respectively. HOI: h of induction; DOI: d of induction;
DOR: d of Pi resupply. Band intensities (columns) were normalized to 26S rRNA band intensity and expressed as relative transcript
level. Error bars indicate standard deviation (n=3).
Botanical Studies, Vol. 49, 2008
was a very early event, probably occurred before the plant-
animal divergence (Del Pozo et al., 1999). In phylogenetic
tree, BnPAP17 proteins are closer to bacterial and
vertebrate PAPs rather than to plant HMW PAPs (Figure
4). So BnPAP17 proteins, which are 37.80-38.24 kDa,
are typcal plant LMW PAPs. Resembling AtPAP17, all
BnPAP17 proteins contain a metallophos domain, 5-block
conserved motifs and 7 metal-binding residues typical for
PAPs (Del Pozo et al., 1999). The OrthoMCL database
( ) searching revealed
that BnPAP17 proteins have highest identities/positives
(85%/92%) to ath14038 (AtPAP17). So, all BnPAP17
genes are orthologous genes of AtPAP17, and could be
assumed to be involved in Pi mobilization and in the
metabolism of reactive oxygen species (Del Pozo et al.,
As shown in Figure 5, BnPAP17 proteins are mainly
composed of 2 large sandwiched £]-£\-£]-£\-£] folds, which
were connected by 2-3 continuous £\ helices, implying that
BnPAP17 proteins have typical tertiary structure features
of PAPs. The binuclear metal centers of pig and rat PAPs
are Fe(III)-Fe(II) type, differring from Fe(III)-Zn(II) or
Fe(III)-Mn(II) center from plants (Olczak et al., 2003). To
date there is no report on crystal structure of plant LMW
PAPs, and there is also no evidence about the actual metal
ions bound in plant LMW PAPs. But the basic tertiary
structure together with a Fe-Fe binding center of BnPAP17
proteins was still predicted out based on mammalian PAPs,
suggesting that the core of three-dimensional structures of
plant LMW PAPs basically resembles mammal PAPs.
Implied functional importance and diverged
expression of PAP17 genes
In Arabidopsis, although 28 PA P genes differed in
their expression patterns in vegetative organs, but all
transcribed in flower, strongly implying that PA P genes
may play crucial roles in flower and seed development
(Zhu et al., 2005). AtPAP17 has been reported with the
highest expression in senescent leaf, followed by flower,
while weak expression in silique, root 1and stem (Del
Pozo et al., 1999). However, systemic RT-PCR detection
of AtPAPs indicated that AtPAP17 has the highest
expression in silique, while relatively low expression in
root, stem, leaf and flower (Zhu et al., 2005). In this study,
11 different organs were adopted to detailedly characterize
BnPAP17 member-specific expression patterns. Favoring
the results of Zhu et al. (2005), our results demonstrated
that BnPAP17 genes are also dominantly expressed
in reproductive organs. But BnPAP17 genes are most
intensively transcribed in flower bud, though also
intensive in mature flower and young seed (Figure 7).
Combinatorially, our results support a very important role
of BnPAP17 genes in the development of reproductive
organs of B. napus via their intensive expression through
the whole reproductive developmental stages, i.e. from
flower buds to mature flowers, then to developing seeds.
Our results also provide strong evidence suggesting the
involvement of BnPAP17 genes in Pi activation, absorption
and inter-organ transferring especially to the developing
reproductive organs in B. napus. First, relatively high
expression of BnPAP17 gene family was detected in
vascular tissues such as root, hypocotyl and stem, then
a path from root to vascular tissue then to reproductive
organs can be imagined along which BnPAP17 genes
show intensive expression. Second, expression of
BnPAP17 genes are strongly induced by Pi-starvation.
The degree of induction increased along with the severity
of the stress, and rapidly returned to near basal levels
after Pi resupply. Similar Pi resupply expression trend of
AtPAP17 was reported by Del Pozo et al. (1999). Muller
et al. (2004) also demonstrated that AtPAP17 showed a
clear reduction in transcript level after 1 h of Pi resupply,
especially in roots notable decrease only required 30 min,
preceding the change in shoots. The activity of AtPAP17
has been used as a marker for Pi deficiency researches in
Arabidopsis (Muller et al., 2004; Todd et al., 2004). Our
results basically conform to those of AtPAP17. Third, the
response of BnPAP17 genes to Pi-starvation was faster
in SL than in SR, which is in agreement with AtPAP12
(Haran et al., 2000). The most possible implication of
the phenomenon is that plants usually strive to utilize
endogenous P storage pools in the shoots by mediating
APase activity before to hydrolyze organic P complex in
soils via activation of APase in roots (Haran et al., 2000).
In this study, BnPAP17 members show distinct
differences in tissue specificities. BnPAP17-2 and
BnPAP17-3 show more similar organ specificity than either
to BnPAP17-1. BnPAP17-1 is more organ-specific, and
BnPAP17-2 and BnPAP17-3 are more widely expressed.
Besides important roles in developing reproductive organs,
intensive expression of BnPAP17-2 and BnPAP17-3 in
vascular tissues also indicates their roles in Pi absorption,
activation and transferring. However, the expression
of BnPAP17-1 is more limited to reproductive organs,
and root is the only vegetative organ with intensive
expression, implying its possible major roles in aspects of
Pi metabolism except long-distance Pi transferring. These,
together with the certain difference of organ specificity
between AtPAP17 and BnPAP17 family, suggest both
orthologous and paralogous divergence of expression
patterns of PAP17 genes, maybe for functional division,
complementation, and diversification.
Acknowledgements. This work was supported financially
by the National High Technology Research and
Development Program of China (863 Program) (Grant No.
2006AA10A113 and 2006AA100106).
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LU et al. ¡X Rapeseed