Botanical Studies (2008) 49: 363-372.
Corresponding author: E-mail:; Tel:
+30-2310-998365; Fax: +30-2310-998389.
Aromatic plants of Labiatae are economically important
due to the essential oils they produce. The exclusive
sites of essential oil production are the glandular hairs
(Mc Caskill and Croteau, 1995), which are epidermal
structures covering the aerial parts of the plants. Two
distinct types of glandular hairs are distinguished, the
peltate hairs and the capitate hairs, which mainly differ in
the volume of their secretory head. The density of these
epidermal structures on the leaves has been found to be
positively correlated with the essential oil content of the
plants (Bosabalidis, 2002). Efforts have been made to
determine the factors affecting the essential oil production
(Chalchat et al., 1997; Hudaib et al., 2002), as well as
the effects of various abiotic stresses on it (Yamaura et
al., 1989; Karousou et al., 1998; Panou-Filotheou et al.,
2001). However, little information is available about the
morphological, cytological, and physiological features of
aromatic plants associated with their adaptation to their
natural environment (Kofidis et al., 2003, 2007).
The genus Nepeta (Labiatae) includes approximately
250 species, many of which are used for pharmaceutical
purposes. Terpenoids, mainly of the nepetalactone type,
are usually the principal constituents of Nepeta species,
commonly known as catmints. Nepetalactones have
been found to possess antimicrobial and insect repellent
activities, but they are also strong feline attractants
(De Pooter et al., 1987; Handjieva et al., 1996). These
substances are observed to accumulate in the subcuticular
chamber of the peltate glandular hairs (Clark et al., 1997).
Nepeta nuda is the most widespread species of
the genus Nepeta in Greece. It is divided into two
morphologically and geographically distinct subspecies,
i.e. subsp. nuda and subsp. albiflora, mainly differing
in their corolla colour and their geographic distribution
Effects of altitude and season on glandular hairs and
leaf structural traits of Nepeta nuda L.
George KOFIDIS and Artemios M. BOSABALIDIS*
Department of Botany, School of Biology, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki 54124, Greece
(Received March 9, 2007; Accepted May 1, 2008)
The effects of altitude (950, 1,480 and 1,760 m) and season (April to October) on some
morphological (including glandular hairs), anatomical, and ultrastructular leaf traits of Nepeta nuda were
studied. During the whole vegetative period, plants at 1,760 m were significantly shorter than plants at the
lower elevations. At all altitudes, the leaves obtained their maximal surface in July. Leaves emerging in the
autumn were smaller than summer leaves. Remarkable fluctuations were noticed in leaf thickness at the three
altitudes during the growing period. Stomata occurred in higher density on the abaxial leaf surface than on
the adaxial one. As related to altitude, leaves of 1,480 m plants possessed more stomata than leaves of plants
at the two altitudinal extremes. Non-glandular hairs were denser on the adaxial leaf surface (no significant
differences were noticed between plants of the three populations). However, leaves at 950 m were the less
pubescent on the abaxial leaf surface during the whole sampling period. Glandular hairs of N. nuda were of
two morphologically distinct types, i.e. capitate hairs (composed of a basal cell, a stalk cell and a head cell)
and peltate hairs (composed of a basal cell, a stalk cell and a voluminous head of 4 cells). The density of
capitate hairs tended to increase from spring to autumn on both leaf surfaces, in all populations examined.
Peltate hairs were numerous on the abaxial leaf surface, but they could hardly be observed on the adaxial
one. Leaves of 950 m had significantly higher peltate hair density on early summer compared to leaves of the
higher altitudes (1,480 m and 1,760 m), but later on, in late summer and early autumn, just the opposite held
true. At all three altitudes, summer leaves contained phenolics in their epidermal cells while autumn leaves
seemed devoid of such substances. Differences also existed in mesophyll chloroplasts of plants at the three
populations. In all altitudinal populations, the relative volume of starch grains became decreased from summer
to autumn, when starch grains occupied only a small portion of the chloroplast stroma. On the other hand,
during the same period, the relative volume percentage of grana per chloroplast increased.
Keywords: Altitude; Chloroplasts; Glandular hairs; Leaf structure; Nepeta nuda; Season.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 49, 2008
(Kokkini and Babalonas, 1982). Nepeta nuda plants
mostly occur in forest clearings and meadows, at montane
and subalpine altitudes up to 2,100 m (Baden, 1991).
Essential oils of N. nuda have been found to exhibit
significant variations in their composition in relation to
the plants¡¦ origin (De Pooter et al., 1987; Handjieva et al.,
1996; Kokdil et al., 1996; Kokdil et al., 1998).
The present work deals with the seasonal variability
(April to October) of some morphological (including
glandular hairs), anatomical, and ultrastructural leaf traits
of Nepeta nuda in three populations along an altitudinal
gradient (950 m, 1,480 m and 1,760 m). The observed
fluctuations are discussed in relation to growth and
adaptation of N. nuda to its native habitat.
plant material and sampling
Native populations of Nepeta nuda L. subsp. nuda
(Labiatae) were studied at three sites along the altitudinal
gradient of Mt. Pangeon, N. Greece. The two sites at lower
elevations (40¢X55¡¦ N / 24¢X11¡¦ E, 950 m above sea level
and 40¢X54¡¦ N / 24¢X07¡¦ E, 1,480 m a. s. l.) occur within
the beech forest where soil is poor in inorganic elements
(Ca, K, Mg, Fe, Mn). The upland site (40¢X55¡¦ N / 24¢X06¡¦
E, 1,760 m a. s. l.) is located within the alpine meadow
vegetation, where soil is rich in Mg and Mn. Average
temperatures for July are 19, 16 and 14¢XC, and for October
10, 7 and 5¢XC, respectively, from the lowland to the upland
site. The mean annual rainfall on the mountain varies
between 600-800 mm, with the maximum values being
observed at the highest elevation. Light intensities also
increase with altitude, and other environmental factors
like wind exposure, ozone concentration, and partial CO
pressure may differ between altitudes. Collections and
measurements were performed repeatedly in the years
1998-1999 during the growing period (April to October).
Weather conditions were more or less the same over the
two years. Sampling and biometrics were conducted
on the same sites of the populations, so that results are
comparable. Fully expanded leaves from the fifth node
(from the top) of annual stems were used. Leaves sampled
were from different plants, had the same age and a south
side exposure.
Leaf blade area
Leaf blade area was measured with an MK2 area meter
(Delta-T Devices Ltd, Cambridge, UK) connected to a
TC7000 Series Camera (Burle Industries Inc., Lancaster,
microscopy (Lm, TEm, SEm)
Small pieces of leaves were initially fixed i n
situ (between 9.00 and 9.30 a.m.) for 3 h with 5%
glutaraldehyde in 0.05 M phosphate buffer at pH 7.2. After
being washed in buffer, the specimens were postfixed
for 2 h with 2% osmium tetroxide, same buffered. The
temperature in all solutions was kept at 0¢XC to avoid
leaching of phenols during fixation. Samples were then
dehydrated in an alcohol series followed by propylene
For light microscopy (LM) and transmission electron
microscopy (TEM), the tissue was afterwards embedded
in Spurr¡¦s (1969) resin. Semithin sections for LM were
obtained with a Reichert Om U
ultramicrotome, stained
with toluidine blue O and photographed in a Zeiss III
photomicroscope. Histochemical identification of the
phenolic compounds was conducted according to Reeve
(1951). Free-hand sections were treated with equal
volumes of reagents in the following succession: 10%
sodium nitrate, 20% urea, 10% acetic acid and after 3-4
minutes with two volumes of 2N NaOH. Positive reaction
produces a range of colours from red to yellow.
Ultrathin sections for TEM were cut using a Reichert-
Jung Ultracut E ultramicrotome, stained with uranyl
acetate and lead citrate and examined in a JEM 2000 FXII
transmission electron microscope.
For scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the
specimens, after fixation and dehydration, were critical
point dried in a Balzers CPD 030 device and then coated
with carbon in a JEE-4X vacuum evaporator. Observations
were made with a JSM 840-A scanning electron
For the morphometric assessment of the relative volume
of the leaf phenolic compounds, a transparent sheet
bearing a square lattice of point arrays, 10 mm apart, was
laid over light micrographs of leaf cross-sections (¡Ñ 800).
The point-counting analysis technique was then applied
(Steer, 1981). Similar sections were used to estimate leaf
lamina thickness. The densities of stomata, glandular, and
non-glandular hairs on both leaf surfaces were determined
using leaf paradermal sections and SEM micrographs. The
technique of point-counting analysis was further applied
to TEM micrographs to assess the volume fraction of
chloroplasts per cell and the volume fractions of starch
grains, plastoglobuli, and grana per chloroplast.
Statistical analysis
The data were subjected to analysis of variance
(ANOVA). For comparisons of the means, the Duncan¡¦s
multiple range test was employed.
Populations of Nepeta nuda subsp. nuda at three
successive altitudinal levels (950 m, 1,480 m, 1,760 m)
were studied. In the population at 950 m, the vegetative
period starts in April, and those at 1,480 m and 1,760 m,
two months later, in June. Growth for all populations ends
in October. At the beginning of their growing cycle, plants
of all three populations are short, and they progressively
become taller, reaching a maximum height from mid-
KOFIDIS and BOSABALIDIS ¡X Altitudinal and seasonal variations in
summer until early-autumn (Table 1). Later on, a slight
reduction in height is observed, mainly due to grazing.
During the whole vegetative period, plants at 1,760 m are
significantly shorter than those at 950 m and 1,480 m.
The leaves of N. nuda at 950 m are small in the early
spring (April), but they grow fast (with a 4-fold increase
in leaf area from April to June), obtaining their maximal
surface in July (Table 1). At all altitudes, the leaves
emerging in the autumn are smaller than the summer
leaves. The shape of leaves differs in the three populations
only in August, when the higher altitude leaves are more
rounded (higher width/length ratios) than those at the 950
m altitude. The thickness of the leaves at the three altitudes
exhibits remarkable fluctuations during the vegetative
period (Table 1).
Leaves of N. nuda bear stomata on both surfaces
(Figure 1). Stomata on the abaxial leaf surface are locally
projecting. Generally, stomata occur in a higher number
on the abaxial leaf surface (400-700 st. mm
) than on the
adaxial one (110-250 st. mm
) (Table 2). Observations on
stomatal density related to elevation showed that leaves
at 1,480 m have more stomata on both of their surfaces
compared to leaves at the two altitudinal extremes (950 m
and 1,760 m). Seasonally, the density of stomata does not
appear to significantly fluctuate on the abaxial leaf surface
for any of the three populations (Table 2).
Apart from stomata, leaves also bear numerous
epidermal non-glandular hairs (Figure 1). These hairs
are multicellular, composed of 4-7 cells in line, with the
apical cell acute. At their basis, they are surrounded by 4-6
radially arranged and locally projecting epidermal cells.
Table 1. Effects of altitude and season on plant height, leaf area, leaf width / length ratio, and leaf thickness.
Altitude (m) April May June July August September October
Plant height (cm)
14.5 33.0 a 40.1 a 66.8 a 64.1 a 64.0 a 58.0 a
* 33.3 b 58.9 a 67.3 a 71.3 a 64.2 a
* 24.7 c 45.7 c 61.7 a 50.7 c 46.0 c
Leaf area (mm
149 801 a 949 a 1010 a 909 a 848 a
804 a
906 a 1122 a 845 a 807 ab 735 a
999 a 1022 a 832 a 700 b
709 a
Leaf width/length ratio
0.39 NM 0.40 a NM
0.36 a NM
0.44 a
* 0.40 a NM 0.41 ab NM
0.43 a
* 0.40 a NM 0.47 b NM
0.43 a
Leaf thickness (£gm)
202 NM 276 a NM
277 a NM
208 b NM
200 b NM
238 b
299 a NM
197 b NM
228 b
n=50 (for leaf thickness n=10). Means of the same column marked with the same letter are not significantly different (P<0.05). Bold
letters indicate significantly different values (P<0.05) compared to the previous measurement of the same line.
*Plants have not yet started growing, NM= not measured.
Table 2. Effects of altitude and season on stomatal density on
the adaxial [D
] and abaxial [D
] leaf surfaces and on non-
glandular hair density on the adaxial [D
and the abaxial
] leaf surfaces.
Altitude (m) April June August October
950 120 170 a 153 a 113 a
) 1480 * 235 b 250 b 192 b
1760 * 178 a 151 a 188 b
950 400 426 a 414 a 410 a
) 1480 * 635 b 645 b 701 b
1760 * 440 a 443 a 499 c
950 8.4 10.2 a 11.0 a 10.6 a
) 1480 * 11.0 a 11.4 a 11.4 a
1760 * 10.2 a 10.8 a 11.2 a
950 2.5 3.0 a 2.8 a 2.8 a
) 1480 * 4.6 b 5.0 b 4.8 b
1760 * 4.2 b 4.0 c 4.2 b
n=12. Means of the same column marked with the same letter
are not significantly different (P < 0.05). Bold letters indicate
significantly different values (P < 0.05) compared to the
previous measurement of the same line.
* Plants have not yet started growing.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 49, 2008
Non-glandular hairs are much denser on the adaxial leaf
surface than on the abaxial one. No significant differences
were noticed in the hair density on the adaxial leaf surface
between the three populations, but leaves at 950 m were
the less pubescent on the abaxial leaf surface, during the
whole sampling period (Table 2).
Among non-glandular hairs, glandular hairs also
occur (Figure 1). They are the sites of the essential oil
production, and they are of two morphologically distinct
types. The smaller ones, the capitate hairs, are composed
Figure 2. LM micrographs of glandular hairs. A, A capitate hair (leaf cross section) consisting of a basal cell (bc), a stalk cell (sc) and
a head cell (hc); B, A peltate hair (leaf cross section) consisting of a basal cell (bc), a stalk cell (sc) and head cells (hc). A subcuticular
space (ss) filled with essential oil is over the head; C, A peltate hair (leaf paradermal section) at the level of the head consisting of four
cells (hc). (Bar=30 £gm).
Figure 1. SEM micrographs of leaf surfaces of June plants at the two altitudinal extremes showing stomata (short arrowheads),
capitate hairs (long arrowheads), peltate hairs (short arrows) and non-glandular hairs (long arrows). A, 950 m, adaxial surface; B, 950
m, abaxial surface; C, 1,760 m, adaxial surface; D, 1,760 m, abaxial surface. (Bar=100 £gm).
KOFIDIS and BOSABALIDIS ¡X Altitudinal and seasonal variations in
of a single basal cell, a stalk cell, and a head cell (Figure
2A) and are present in high densities on both leaf
surfaces. There is a trend toward a seasonal increase in
their density from spring to autumn on both leaf surfaces,
in all populations examined (Table 3). The other type
of glandular hairs, the peltate hairs, are anatomically
composed of a single large basal cell, a single flattened
stalk cell, and a voluminous head of four cells (Figures 2B
and C). The essential oil accumulates in a space between
the secretory head cells and the detached cuticle (Figure
2B). Peltate hairs are numerous on the abaxial leaf surface,
but they can hardly be observed on the adaxial leaf surface
(Figure 1; Table 3). Leaves of 950 m have significantly
higher peltate hair density in early summer compared
to leaves of the higher altitudes (1,480 m and 1,760 m),
but later on, in late summer and early autumn, just the
opposite holds true (Table 3).
Cross-sections of N. nuda leaves showed the typical
anatomy of the dicot leaf (Figure 3). At all three altitudes,
summer leaves appear to contain phenolics (up to 10.0 ¡Ó
4.4%) in their epidermal cells (Figure 3A) while autumn
leaves seem devoid of such substances (Figure 3B).
Observations on the chloroplasts of the leaf mesophyll
cells disclosed some differences between the three
populations (Table 4). The highest relative volume of
chloroplasts per cell was noticed in the June leaves of
1,760 m. The most remarkable differences on chloroplasts
were found in the relative volume of starch grains within
the chloroplast stroma. In all altitudinal populations, the
relative volume of starch grains decreases from summer
to autumn, when they occupy only a very small portion
of the chloroplast stroma (Figure 4; Table 4). On the
other hand, values of the relative volume percentages of
grana per chloroplast increase from summer to autumn.
As concerns the chloroplast plastoglobuli, these were
more numerous in the August leaves of 950 m. In all
populations, plastoglobuli appear more developed in
August and October. In addition, they seem to negatively
correlate with chloroplast grana (Table 4).
Plants growing along an altitudinal gradient exhibit
differences in their height which generally become
Table 3. Effects of altitude and season on peltate hair density
on the adaxial [D
] and abaxial [D
] leaf surfaces and
on capitate hair density on the adaxial [D
and the abaxial
] leaf surfaces.
Altitude (m) April June August October
950 0.4 0.7 a 0.5 a 0.4 a
) 1480 * 0.5 ab 0.8 b 0.6 b
1760 * 0.4 b 0.5 a 0.5 ab
950 14.0 23.5 a 20.5 a 18.4 a
) 1480 * 11.2 b 23.1 ab 25.2 b
1760 * 10.6 b 27.3 b 22.8 b
950 22.4 28.6 a 29.6 a 30.5 a
) 1480 * 25.0 a 32.5 a 34.2 a
1760 * 17.0 b 30.5 a 32.4 a
950 30.0 40.0 a 45.2 a 45.6 a
) 1480 * 39.0 a 46.8 a 51.5 ab
1760 * 36.7 a 50.2 a 54.2 b
n=12. Means of the same column marked with the same letter
are not significantly different (P < 0.05). Bold letters indicate
significantly different values (P < 0.05) compared to the
previous measurement of the same line.
* Plants have not yet started growing.
Figure 3. LM micrographs of leaf cross sections showing epidermal cells filled with phenolics (phen). ph= peltate hair, ngh= non-
glandular hair. A, 1,760 m, June; B, 1,760 m, October. (Bar=50 £gm).
Botanical Studies, Vol. 49, 2008
expressed by a shortening of their stems at high elevations.
Stem shortening allows plants to avoid the damaging
effect of the strong winds blowing at high altitudes and to
improve photosynthetic conditions by keeping the leaves
closer to the warmer soil surface (Korner and Chochrane,
1983). In Nepeta nuda, a significant decrease in stem
length of the upland plants was observed in all months
during the growing period, except for the August stems. A
similar reduction in plant height from the lowland to the
upland habitats has been also observed in other Labiatae
species grown wild on the same mountain (reduction by
45% and 37%, respectively) (Kofidis et al., 2003, 2007).
Stem shortening may be due to the fact that high-altitude
plants develop more slowly than low-altitude plants
(Atkin and Day, 1990), a fact that is more obvious in the
temperate and subarctic locations (Korner, 1989).
Because plants have to rapidly complete their growing
cycle when their growth period is short, it is expected that
leaf phenology may differ between the lowland and upland
plants (Kudo, 1995). Indeed, many plants developing
along altitudinal gradients have been found to have smaller
leaves in their upland habitats (Morecroft and Woodward,
1996; Cordell et al., 1999; Kao and Chang, 2001; Kofidis
et al., 2003). In N. nuda, no significant differences in leaf
size were found as concerns altitude. However, the leaves
of the plant were observed to undergo major alterations
in relation to season. In all three populations, the leaves
had the largest size by the middle of summer (in July).
Along the growing season, leaves generally undergo a
progressive decrease of their total surface from summer
to autumn although the xerothermic conditions of summer
are often associated with smaller leaves (Sutcliffe, 1979;
Ristic and Cass, 1991).
Table 4. Effects of altitude and season on the relative
volume percentages of chloroplasts per cell (RV
), grana per
chloroplast (RV
), starch grains per chloroplast (RV
) and
plastoglobuli per chloroplast (RV
Altitude (m) April June August October
950 15.0 18.0 a 26.0 a 30.0 a
1480 * 24.0 a 25.5 a 27.2 a
1760 * 40.2 b 20.0 a 28.4 a
950 22.6 20.0 a 9.0 a 26.2 a
1480 * 16.6 a 26.7 b 31.2 ab
1760 * 14.4 a 30.2 b 36.0 b
950 17.8 20.3 a 27.5 a 13.0 a
1480 * 33.7 b 14.4 b 7.2 b
1760 * 36.5 b 9.5 b 6.5 b
950 4.0 4.6 a 18.5 a 5.6 a
1480 * 2.0 b 5.8 b 6.2 a
1760 * 2.5 b 6.5 b 8.1 a
n=10. Means of the same column marked with the same letter
are not significantly different (P < 0.05). Bold letters indicate
significantly different values (P < 0.05) compared to the
previous measurement of the same line.
*Plants have not yet started growing.
Figure 4. TEM micrographs of chloroplasts of mesophyll cells. A, A large portion of the chloroplast stroma is occupied by starch
grains (sg) and plastoglobuli (pg), while grana (gr) possess only a small volume (950 m, August); B, Grana (gr) occupy most of the
chloroplast stroma, while starch grains (sg) and plastoglobuli (pg) possess only a small volume (1,760 m, October). (Bar=1 £gm).
KOFIDIS and BOSABALIDIS ¡X Altitudinal and seasonal variations in
In a considerable number of species, upland plants
have been found to have smaller leaves, a fact principally
attributed to the low air temperature (Woodward,
1983; Cordell et al., 1998; Kao and Chang, 2001). The
photosynthetic process itself does not appear to be
associated with the reduction of leaf size in the high-
altitude plants since these plants have been measured to
have photosynthetic rates close to those of the low-altitude
plants (Korner and Diemer, 1987).
Leaf thickness in Nepeta nuda, does not seem to follow
a common pattern in reference to altitude. In general,
altitude and leaf thickness show no clear correlation. Thus,
in some cases leaves of high-altitude plants were found to
be thicker than those of low-altitude plants (Kofidis et al.,
2003; Cordell et al., 1998; Codignola et al., 1987) while
in some others just the opposite held true (Suzuki, 1998;
Morecroft and Woodward, 1996). This fact is undoubtedly
associated with genetics and environmental pressure.
Accumulation of phenolics in the summer leaves
is a common characteristic of Mediterranean plants
(Christodoulakis and Bazos, 1990; Kofidis et al., 2003).
At low elevations, where the drought conditions during
summer are more stressful, this phenomenon is more
pronounced than at high elevations. In N. nuda (the
plant of our study, occurring at mid and high elevations),
phenolic compounds are present only in the epidermal cells
of the June and the August leaves. Their presence, except
for a defensive role against pests, may also contribute to
the protection of the mesophyll chloroplasts and nuclei
from the excessive UV-B radiation (Karabourniotis et al.,
Anatomical (LM) and morphological (SEM) studies
disclosed that N. nuda leaves bear stomata on both of their
surfaces. Stomata, which have their guard cells raised
in relation to the epidermal level, are more numerous
on the abaxial leaf surface. Leaves of 1,480 m exhibited
higher stomatal densities for both surfaces than leaves
of 950 and 1,760 m. Generally, altitude has been found
to be positively correlated to stomatal density, and this
beneficial effect of altitude on stomatal density has
been also reported for other plants like Clinopodium
vulgare (Kofidis et al., 2007) Origanum vulgare (Kofidis
et al., 2003), Sedum atratum (Codignola et al., 1987),
Miscanthus ssp. (Kao and Chang, 2001), Picea crassifolia
(Qiang et al., 2003) and some C
plants of New Zealand
(Korner et al., 1986). The probable cause for stomatal
increase at high altitudes is the higher solar intensity and
not CO
concentration, which might significantly fluctuate
(Furukawa, 1997; Apel, 1989). On the other hand, the
low stomatal density at low altitudes presumably reflects
the arid conditions (higher temperature, lower humidity)
dominating at the foot of the mountains (Kofidis et al.,
2003). In the case of N. nuda leaves, it would be expected
for plants at 1,760 m to have a higher stomatal density
than those at 1,480 m. However, this is not true, probably
due to site and microclimate attributes of this elevation
(an open site and thus more xeromorphic than the 1,480 m
Leaves of N. nuda were found to possess more
numerous non-glandular hairs on their adaxial leaf
surfaces regardless of altitude and season. No significant
differences in non-glandular hair density were observed
between the leaves of the three populations, except for the
case of the 950 m population, in which leaves bore fewer
non-glandular hairs on their abaxial surface compared to
the leaves of the 1,480 and 1,760 m populations. Leaves at
higher altitudes have to be more protected from excessive
UV-B irradiance, and the flavonoid-containing non-
glandular hairs aid this (Karabourniotis et al., 1998). Apart
from UV-B protection, the dense leaf cover with non-
glandular hairs at higher altitudes may further contribute
to protection from low temperatures. Seasonally, the
number of non-glandular hairs does not fluctuate during
the growing period from spring to autumn. Since non-
glandular hair density on leaves is generally considered
to be positively correlated with xerothermic conditions,
it would be expected that their number would be higher
during summer. However, even in summer, climatic
conditions at 950 m and along this elevation are not so
stressful as those dominating at the foot of the mountain.
Beside non-glandular hairs, leaves of N. nuda also bear
glandular hairs, which produce the essential oil. Glandular
hairs are of two morphologically distinct types, the
capitate hairs (smaller) and the peltate hairs (larger). The
capitate hairs, are composed of a basal cell, a stalk cell,
and a head cell. The peltate hairs, are composed of a single
basal cell, a single stalk cell, and a large secretory head
of four cells. These peltate hairs are also found in other
members of Labiatae, like Salvia blepharophylla, Ocinum
basilicum, Teucrium chamaedris, Teucrium siculum,
Sideritis syriaca, and Pogostemon cablin (Henderson et
al., 1970; Bini-Maleci and Servettaz, 1991; Karousou et
al., 1992; Werker et al., 1993; Servetazz et al., 1994; Bisio
et al., 1999). Capitate and peltate hairs have also been
observed in Nepeta racemosa, where they are primarily
located on the abaxial leaf surface (Bourett et al., 1994).
The same holds true for N. nuda, with the capitate and
peltate hairs being more numerous on the abaxial leaf
surface. However, peltate hairs, which are believed to be
responsible for the bulk of the essential oil secreted (Fahn,
1988), can hardly be observed on the adaxial leaf surface.
Seasonally, leaves of 950 m have significantly higher
peltate hair density in early summer compared to leaves of
the higher altitudes (1,480 m and 1,760 m), but later on in
summer and early autumn, just the opposite is true. As the
vegetation period at 950 m starts early in spring, essential
oil secretion, maturation and disintegration of the peltate
hairs at this altitude occurs earlier than in the peltate hairs
of 1,480 and 1,760 m plants. This is why the essential
oil content of plants at 950 m peaks in June and why the
content of plants at 1,480 and 1,760 m peaks at the end of
summer (data not shown).
The submicroscopic examination of the leaf mesophyll
chloroplasts of N. nuda disclosed some remarkable
results. The chloroplast starch grains decrease in volume
from summer to autumn, when they occupy only a small
Botanical Studies, Vol. 49, 2008
portion of the chloroplast stroma. The diminishing of the
chloroplast starch grains at high altitudes from August, and
their disappearance in October, is in accordance with the
results of other plant species growing along an altitudinal
gradient (Zellnig and Gailhofer, 1989; Miroslavov and
Kravkina, 1991). Starch degradation at high elevations
reflects an adaptation to the cold conditions associated
with increased respiration rates. Upland plants turn their
growing cycle within a short period of time, and they
thus develop higher respiration rates and possess more
mitochondria than their lowland counterparts (Handley
and Bliss, 1964). A negative correlation also seems to exist
between the relative volumes of grana and plastoglobuli.
This is in accordance with the fact that plastoglobuli
represent a reservoir for excess amounts of plant lipids
that cannot be stored in the thylakoids. The number and
size of plastoglobuli increases, particularly in sun-exposed
leaves and leaves that regularly receive enough light
to perform photosynthesis at good rates (Lichtenthaler,
2007). On the other hand, the end of summer (August) and
onset of autumn (September, October) are characterized
by a decrease in the chlorophyll (grana):carotenoids
(plastoglobuli) ratio.
Acknowledgements. G. Kofidis wishes to thank the
Greek State Scholarship Foundation for a postgraduate
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Botanical Studies, Vol. 49, 2008