Botanical Studies (2008) 49: 385-391.
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The competitive performance of invasive species is
often habitat-dependent (Daehler, 2003). Some invasive
species possess higher tolerance to environmental stress
(e.g., excess cations, salinity, low temperature and
pollution), which can drive the species invasion into
new ranges (Uveges et al., 2002; Kercher and Zedler,
2004; Funk and Vitousek, 2007). Experiments have
shown that tolerance to drought (Cleverly et al., 1997),
flood (Newman et al., 1996), turbidity (Thomsen and
McGlathery, 2007), and low resources (Funk and Vitousek,
2007) allowed some invasive species to outperform natives
in a stressful environment.
An exotic plant species¡¦ ability to be highly competi-
tive is widely recognized as an important attribute in plant
invasion (Bakker and Wilson, 2001; Levine et al., 2003;
Vila and Weiner, 2004; Minchinton et al., 2006). When an
exotic species is introduced, competition for limited re-
sources is probably the first interaction that the species has
with native species in the recipient community. Studies
have shown that the magnitude and outcome of such inter-
actions may shift due to disturbance or other habitat modi-
fications (Petren and Case, 1998; D¡¦Antonio et al., 1999),
resources and fluctuations in their availability (Davis et
al., 2000; Davis and Pelsor, 2001), stressful conditions
(Claassen and Marler, 1998; Daehler, 2003), and adapta-
tion of the exotic species to its new habitat in relation to its
multiple introductions (Besnard et al., 2007; Broennimann
et al., 2007; Facon et al., 2008). Thus linking biotic inter-
actions such as competition to environmental changes may
be critical to our understanding of how and why an exotic
plant species is likely to invade successfully or expand its
Competitive interaction between the invasive Solidago
canadensis and native Kummerowia striata in lead
contaminated soil
Qian ZHANG, Ruyi YANG, Jianjun TANG, and Xin CHEN*
College of Life Sciences, Agroecology Institute, Zhejiang University, Zijingang Campus, Zijinhua Road, Hangzhou
310058, P.R. China
(Received January 30, 2008; Accepted June 18, 2008)
Higher tolerance to stressful environments may result in exotic plants being more competitive
than native ones, thus promoting plant invasion. We conducted a greenhouse experiment to test this hypoth-
esis by using invasive Solidago canadensis and native Kummerowia striata as model plant species under lead
contamination. Lead was applied as Pb(AC)
O in solution at three levels (0, 300 mg kg
and 600 mg
soil) to simulate control and two pollution sites on which S. canadensis was found. Invasive Solidago
canadensis, native Kummerowia striata, and their combination were grown under each Pb treatment. Under
monoculture no differences of biomass, nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P) contents in S. canadensis were found
among treatments, but the growth of native K. striata was significantly depressed at higher soil Pb concentra -
tion. When both species were mixed, elevated soil Pb concentrations significantly increased shoot biomass
ratio of S. canadensis to K. striata, implying that Pb enhanced the competition of S. canadensis over K. stri-
ata. Compared to monoculture, biomass and N and P contents of S. canadensis significantly increased under
mixture with K. striata in each Pb treatment. Under both monoculture and mixed culture, Pb concentrations
in shoots, roots, and rhizomes of S. canadensis increased with soil Pb content, but Pb concentrations in both
above- and below-ground tissues of S. canadensis were significantly lower in mixture than that in monoculture
under each Pb treatment. Both Pb treatments and mixture with native K. striata did not change biomass al-
location to shoot, root and rhizome of S. canadensis. Evidence from our experiment supported the hypothesis
that higher tolerance to Pb stress enabled the invasive S. canadensis to outperform the native K. striata and
may have promoted its rapid invasion in Pb contaminated soil.
Keywords: Heavy metal contaminated soil; Invasive Solidago canadensis; Native Kummerowia striata;
Monoculture; Mixture.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 49, 2008
In the present study, we examined whether and how
soil lead pollution affects the outcome of competitive
interaction between exotic and native species, and we
used the invasive Solidago canadensis and native Kum-
merowia striata as model species. Solidago canadensis L.
(goldenrod), one of the most destructive invasive weeds in
southeastern China, was introduced from North America.
Solidago canadensis adapted well to low pH and was tol-
erant to shading, drought, and nutrient deficiency (Dong
et al., 2006; Song et al., 2007). Its response to soil N and
P, light, temperature, and soil water differed from that
of local species (Guo and Fang, 2003; Ruan et al., 2004;
Guo, 2005; Huang and Guo, 2005; Lu et al., 2005). Our
preliminary studies also showed that S. canadensis was
highly tolerant to Pb and could easily colonize and estab-
lish itself in heavy metal polluted areas (Yang et al., 2007),
but whether heavy metal could alter the interaction of S.
canadensis with native species remains a question. Kum-
merowia striata Thumb. is a Chinese native and common
weedy species in many crop fields and natural habitats
(Chen et al., 2004, 2005). Kummerowia striata also com-
monly coexists with S. canadensis in lands invaded by the
latter (Yang et al., 2007). Understanding the effects of soil
pollution stress on the interaction of invasive and native
plants will provide insights into the invasion mechanisms
of S. canadensis and possibly also into potential methods
of controlling this species.
Soil and plant species
The soil for experiments was collected from a citrus
orchard situated at 28¢X54¡¦ N, 118¢X30¡¦ E in southwestern
Zhejiang Province, southeastern China. It was a clayey
red soil, equivalent to Ultisols in US soil taxonomy, with a
pH of 4.59 (determined in CaCl
). The soil had 34.4 g kg
organic matter, 28.1 mg kg
extractable N, 8.99 mg kg
extractable P, and 108.2 mg kg
extractable K. Total lead
concentration in the soil was 23.3 mg kg
Seeds of K. striata and propagules (un-germinated
buds) of S. canadensis were collected from their natural
populations in a field in Hangzhou city, Zhejiang Province.
Experimental design
The experiment was a two-factorial design with differ-
ent Pb levels and culture types. Three levels of Pb (0, 300
and 600 mg kg
soil) were used to simulate uncontami-
nated soil and two levels of Pb pollution at sites where
S. canadensis was spreading. Culture types included two
monocultures of each plant species (invasive S. canadensis
and native K. striata) and a combination of the two species
at an equal plant number (1:1). There were four replicates
for each treatment.
Mesocosms (47.5 cm ¡Ñ 34.5 cm ¡Ñ 15.4 cm) were used
in this experiment, and each was filled with 16 kg soil.
Pb was applied as lead acetate (Pb(CH
Seeds and propagules were surface sterilized with 3%
NaClO before being sown in the soil. Twelve propagules
of S. canadensis, 12 seeds of K. striata and their mixture
(6 propagules and 6 seeds, respectively) were planted in
each mesocosm, and these were arranged in a greenhouse
in a completely randomized block design. Plants were
maintained under natural light and temperature conditions.
Natural air temperature varied from 18 to 30¢XC during the
experiment from April to October. Plants were watered
daily to keep soil moisture at 70-90% of water-holding
capacity. No additional nutrients were given during the ex-
Sampling and measurements
Plants were harvested 120 days after seeding. Plant
roots were washed with tap water to remove soil particles
and separated from shoots. For S. canadensis, rhizome was
separated from root and shoot. Plant samples were oven-
dried (80¢XC for 48 h) and weighed. The oven-dried sam-
ples were milled with a stainless steel micronizing miller.
Above- and below-ground plant tissues were analyzed for
their N concentrations by Kjeldahl procedures (2200 Kjel-
dahl Auto Distillation). Plant P concentrations were mea-
sured by spectrophotometry (UV-1600 spectrophotometer,
Beijing, Murphy and Riley, 1962). The fine-ground plant
samples were dried to ash at 600¢XC for 2 h and then dis-
solved in 1:1 nitric acid (Bao, 2000). Concentrations of Pb
in the solutions extracted from plant materials (recovery
rate 99.5%) were analyzed by the AAS (Atomic Absorp-
tion Spectrometry) method using an atomic absorption
spectrometer (Shimadzu Model AA-6650).
Statistical analysis
Two-way ANOVA was done for each dependent vari-
able using the general linear model (GLM) design in the
SPSS V.10.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago). The independent
variables were Pb concentrations and types of plant cul-
ture (monoculture or mixture). Least significant difference
(LSD) at the 5% confidence level was used for comparison
between treatments.
The total biomass of invasive S. canadensis under both
monoculture and mixed culture with K. striata was not af-
fected by Pb treatments (P>0.05) (Figure 1), but elevated
Pb concentration significantly reduced total biomass of
native K. striata (P<0.05). Biomass allocation to shoots,
roots and rhizomes of S. canadensis was not significantly
affected by Pb treatments under either culture condition
(P>0.05) (Figure 2a). Compared with the control, elevated
Pb treatments significantly reduced (P<0.05) biomass al-
location to roots in K. striata (Figure 2b), but no differ-
ence (P>0.05) in biomass allocation was found between
monoculture and mixed culture under any Pb treatment
(Figure 2b). In cohabitation, the shoot biomass ratio of S.
canadensis to K. striata significantly increased (P<0.05)
ZHANG et al. ¡X Interaction of invasive and native plants in contaminated soil
with the soil Pb concentration (Figure 3).
N and P contents in plants of S. canadensis
Pb treatments significantly increased (P>0.05) the total
N content in plants of S. canadensis under mixed culture
but not in monoculture (Figure 4a). P content in S. ca-
nadensis was significantly higher (P<0.05) in elevated Pb
treatments than in control in both monoculture and mixture
(Figure 4b). No difference in total P content was found
between monoculture and mixture under elevated Pb treat-
ments (Figure 2b), but under control, P content was sig -
nificantly higher (P<0.05) in monoculture than in mixture
(Figure 4b).
Pb concentration in shoots and roots
Shoot and root Pb concentrations in native K. striata
were significantly higher (P<0.05) than those in the inva-
sive S. canadensis, regardless of Pb treatment and culture
mode (Figures 5 and 6). Elevated soil Pb levels signifi-
cantly increased (P<0.05) Pb concentrations of the above-
and below-ground parts in both S. canadensis and K.
striata (Figures 5 and 6). Shoot, root and rhizome Pb con-
Figure 1. Shoot, root and rhizome biomass of S. canadensis and
shoot and root biomass of K. striata as affected by soil Pb treat-
ments under monoculture and mixture. CK means no Pb addition
treatment; Pb1 means 300 mg kg
treatment; Pb2 means 600 mg
treatment. S.C means S. canadensis; K.S means K. striata.
MONO means monoculture; MIX means mixture. IDV means
individual plant. Values are means ¡Ó S.E.
Figure 2. Biomass allocation of S. canadensis and K. striata.
MONO means monoculture; MIX means mixture. S.C means S.
canadensis; K.S means K. striata. Values are means ¡Ó S.E.
Figure 3. Total shoot biomass ratio of S. canadensis to K. stria-
ta in a mesocosm under mixture. S.C means S. canadensis; K.S
means K. striata. Values are means ¡Ó S.E.
Figure 4. Nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) content in shoot,
root, and rhizome of individual plant of S. canadensis plant as
affected by soil Pb treatments under monoculture and mixture.
MONO means monoculture; MIX means mixture. IDV means
individual plant. Values are means ¡Ó S.E.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 49, 2008
centrations of S. canadensis in mixed culture were lower
(P<0.05) than those under monoculture (Figure 5), but the
reverse was true for the shoot and root Pb concentrations
in K. striata (Figure 6).
Solidago canadensis is a successful invader with a
high tolerance to shading, drought, nutrient depletion, and
Pb contamination (Dong et al., 2006; Yang et al., 2007).
Higher soil Pb did not affect its growth, but it greatly
reduced native plants under monoculture (Yang et al.,
2007). When grown in the presence of native K striata,
Pb treatments enhanced the success of S. canadensis over
K striata in our experiments. The shoot biomass ratio of
S. canandensis to K striata was 1.8 in the control with-
out Pb addition, but under higher soil Pb concentrations
the ratio increased to 4.1 (300 mg kg
treatment) and 6.1
(600 mg kg
treatment). This suggested that S. canadensis
gained less advantage over K. striata in terms of biomass
in normal soil while under elevated Pb soils, it became a
superior competitor. Plant species with higher competi-
tive ability often possesses a greater capacity to acquire
resources (Thorsted et al., 2006), an ability to more rapidly
occupy space (Williams, 1963; Sekimura et al., 2000), and
a higher tolerance to disturbances or environmental stress
(del-Val and Crawley, 2004; Rogers and Siemann, 2004).
The higher competitiveness of S. canadensis is probably
attributable to its higher tolerance to soil Pb than K. striata
(Yang et al., 2007), thus higher soil Pb levels could be
a crucial selective factor that enhances the growth of S .
canandensis and drives the outcome of the competitive in-
teraction in the metal contaminated soil.
One of the strategies for tolerance to metal toxicity is
that plants avoid accumulation of heavy metals through
exclusion or reducing uptake (Wei et al., 2005). In our
experiments, S. canadensis outperforming K. striata in
higher Pb soil concentrations could be probably explained
by differential Pb accumulation in exotic and native plant
species under monoculture and mixture. Pb concentrations
in the shoots, roots, and rhizomes of S. canadensis were
significantly lower under mixture than monoculture (Fig-
ure 5), and this disparity was particularly obvious under
higher Pb treatment (600 mg kg
). However, for native
K. striata, shoot and root Pb concentrations were higher
under mixture than under monoculture, particularly in the
300 and 600 mg kg
treatments (Figure 6). Solidago ca-
nadensis reduced or excluded Pb uptake, which resulted
in a higher Pb concentration in rhizospheric soil. This may
have enhanced the Pb uptake and accumulation by the
neighboring K. striata in the mixture. The enhanced Pb ac-
cumulation would have inhibited the growth and nutrient
(N and P) uptake of K. striata; resulting in an increase in
resources (space and nutrients) for S. canadensis. These
alterations of the rhizosphere environment may have par-
tially contributed to the increase in biomass and N and P
contents in S. canadensis under coinhabitation. One alter-
native explanation is that S. canadensis altered the rhizo-
spheric soil environment through reducing and excluding
Pb uptake in polluted soil, which had a negative impact on
K. striata and in turn favored itself.
Differences in phenotypic plasticity in characters (e.g.,
photosynthetic rate, shoot height, leaf number and area,
and biomass allocation to shoot and root) between invasive
and native species may also attribute to the aggressiveness
of exotic species (Schweitzer and Larson, 1999; Kaufman
and Smouse, 2001) although different results were found
in other experiments (Williams and Black, 1994; DeWalt
et al., 2004). Biomass allocation to functionally distinct
tissues was thought to be important in enhancing access
to a specific resource in shoot supply (Sultan, 2003). In
our experiments, we examined the biomass allocation of
Figure 6. Lead concentration in shoot (a) and root (b) of K.
striata as affected by soil Pb treatments under monoculture and
mixture. MONO means monoculture; MIX means mixture. Val-
ues are means ¡Ó S.E.
Figure 5. Lead concentration in shoot (a), root (b), and rhizome
(c) of S. canadensis as affected by soil Pb treatments under
monoculture and mixture. MONO means monoculture; MIX
means mixture. Values are means ¡Ó S.E.
ZHANG et al. ¡X Interaction of invasive and native plants in contaminated soil
S. canadensis under Pb contaminated conditions, with or
without the native plant. Biomass allocation to shoots,
roots, and rhizomes did not significantly change after the
addition of Pb or in the presence of K. striata, suggesting
that plasticity in biomass allocation was not an important
driving factor in Solidago¡¦s adaptation to Pb contamina-
In conclusion, our results indicated that the invasive
S. canadensis had higher Pb tolerance than the native K.
striata, probably because the former reduced its Pb uptake.
Elevated soil Pb concentrations enhanced the growth of
S. canadensis over K. striata in mixture. Neither soil Pb
nor the presence of K. striata changed the biomass alloca-
tion to shoots, roots, and rhizomes of S. canadensis. These
results supported the hypothesis that Pb contamination af-
fects the interaction between S. canadensis and K. striata,
attributable to the greater tolerance of S. canadensis to Pb
Acknowledgements. This study was supported by the
Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China
(No. R505024) and the Natural Science Foundation of
China (No. 30730020 and 30870405). We thank Dr. Chu
Leemin for language revision.
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