Botanical Studies (2009) 50: 193-204.
All authors contributed equally.
Corresponding author: E-mail:
tw; Tel: +886-8-7703202 ext. 6364 (Yu-Chung Chiang);
E-mail:; Tel: +886-2-29326234 ext.
229; Fax: +886-2-29312904 (Jenn-Che Wang).
Geographic isolation is considered to be a major
cause of population differentiation (Braillet et al., 2002;
Roy et al., 2006; Liao et al., 2007) and speciation (Near
and Benard, 2004; Stevens and Hogg, 2004; Hoskin
et al., 2005; Hayashi and Kawata, 2006; Starrett and
Hedin, 2007; Sheue et al., 2009). The best-known cases
are marine organisms that are isolated by isthmuses.
For example, the Isthmus of Panama, which emerged
approximately 3.5 Mya (Coates et al., 1992), caused
substantial differentiation of populations and divergence
of species in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans (Steeves
et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2006). Similar barriers have
Gene flow of Ceriops tagal (Rhizophoraceae) across the
Kra Isthmus in the Thai Malay Peninsula
Pei-Chun LIAO
, Yu-Chung CHIANG
*, Shong HUANG
, and Jenn-Che WANG
Department of Life Science, National Taiwan Normal University, No. 88, Sec. 4, Tingzhou Rd., Wenshan District, Taipei
11677, Taiwan, Republic of China
Department of Life Science, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung 91201, Taiwan, R.O.C.
(Received April 21, 2008; Accepted November 24, 2008)
The Malay Peninsula (formerly ancient Sundaland) is regarded as a barrier that isolates
organisms of the South China Sea from those of the Bay of Bengal. During the interglacial period,
approximately 5 Mya, sea levels rose and organisms migrated across the narrowest part of this peninsula, the
Kra Isthmus. In the present study, we examine the chloroplast genomes of Ceriops tagal along the coasts of
both sides of the Kra Isthmus to retrace divergence events and to evaluate the probability of previous long
distance dispersal. The haplotype distributions support the hypothesis that the Kra Isthmus was an effective
geographic barrier that caused genetically differentiated populations. Based on comparison of the chloroplast
genomes, the estimated time of divergence between the two populations is consistent with the emergence time
of the Kra Isthmus. However, ancient and recent gene flow obscures the phylogenetic relationships between
eastern and western haplotypes. We used nested clade analysis (based on user-defined-distances corresponding
to the distances across the peninsula and the sea route around it) and provide evidence of pre-isthmus range
expansion and restriction of gene flow that resulted from geographic isolation. Trans-isthmus long distance
dispersal probably occurred at the pre-isthmus region ~5 Mya via the southern Malay Peninsula. Our results
indicate that the Malay Peninsula has had separate populations on opposite sides of the Kra Isthmus since
its formation, but that interglacial migration at the Strait of Malacca may have provided a corridor for gene
flow. This is an instance of arrested allopatric speciation due to genetic homogenization via rare long distance
Keywords: Ceriops tagal; Dispersal; Divergence time; Kra Isthmus; Land barrier; Vicariance.
been documented in the Malay Peninsula (Karns et al.,
2000; Lessios et al., 2001; Heatwole et al., 2005) and the
Baja California Peninsula (Muniz-Salazar et al., 2005).
During short periods of geological history, organisms that
are isolated by such isthmuses can rapidly accumulate
genetic differences and drive population differentiation.
However, population differentiation will not occur if there
is insufficient time for accumulation of genetic differences
(i.e. genetic drift has not completed to fix to one allele)
or if occasional dispersal and migration maintains
connections between the populations (Trakhtenbrot et al.,
2005; Berthier et al., 2006; Wiens et al., 2006).
Most plant seeds cannot disperse over long distances,
but long distance dispersal (LDD) and colonization can
prevent speciation of geographically isolated populations
(Cain et al., 2000). Thus, population divergence generally
proceeds slowly, often via short incremental steps over
long periods of time. For instance, the average seed
dispersal rates of forest understory species generally
range from 0.0 to 2.5 m/yr (Cain et al., 2000). However,
Botanical Studies, Vol. 50, 2009
for plants near oceans, a small number of seeds can be
dispersed over very long distances (Portnoy and Willson,
1993), especially by sea currents.
Salinity can harm seeds or fruits that have prolonged
contact with the sea, as originally discussed by Darwin
(1859). Even mangrove seeds, commonly considered to
be salt-tolerant, may be harmed by prolonged soaking in
saline solutions, e.g. only 8.3¡Ó3.3% of the propagules of
Ceriops tagal developed roots after 23 days of soaking
(Clarke et al., 2001). In addition, establishment success
and niche availability are important determinants of long-
distance colonization (Moore and Elmendorf, 2006; Viard
et al., 2006).
The globally discontinuous distribution of mangrove
species (Duke et al., 2002) indicates that they can
overcome problems associated with LDD and can
effectively colonize geographically distant areas (Cain et
al., 2000). However, mangrove LDD and colonization is
likely to be stochastic and unpredictable (Duke et al., 2002;
Minchinton, 2006). Many researchers have examined the
disjunct geographic distribution of mangroves (Duke,
1995; Duke et al., 2002) and discontinuities in their of
genetic composition (Duke et al., 1998; Chiang et al.,
2001; Tan et al., 2005; Su et al., 2006, 2007; Liao et al.,
2007). However, little research has been devoted to the
underlying processes (e.g. Chiang et al., 2001; Liao et al.,
Our previous study examined chloroplast genetic
differentiation in C. tagal between populations of the
South China Sea (SCS) and the Bay of Bengal (BOB)
(Liao et al., 2007). Ceriops tagal typically grows in
inner mangroves and is geographically widespread from
East Africa through India and Malaysia to South China
(Tomlinson, 1986). Seeds of C. tagal germinate in its
viviparous fruit (hypocotyl), which is defined as the
propagule. These are slender, long, and sharply angular.
We found that ancient Sundaland (which connected the
Philippines and the islands of Borneo, Java, and Sumatra
with the Thai-Malay Peninsula during the glacial epochs)
was a geographic barrier that hindered dispersal of
mangrove propagules (Liao et al., 2007). Based on Voris¡¦s
description of the ancient basin of Sundaland (Voris,
2000), the Sundaland river system provided dispersal
routes for mangroves, and this explains their present
distribution. Recently, a large-scale phylogeographic
study of Ceriops (Huang et al., 2007) indicated that the
limited ability for LDD in Ceriops tagal propagules led to
low genetic diversity and substructured populations. This
is consistent with the field experiments of McGuinness
(1997). Furthermore, based on analysis of inter-simple
sequence repeats (ISSR), the phylogenetic split of C. tagal
populations between SCS and BOB was not completed
(Huang et al., 2007). The population substructure indicates
these populations have been sorted well. However, the
unresolved phylogenetic relationships and incomplete
lineage sorting suggest that propagule dispersal across the
Malay Peninsula has occurred recently, perhaps during
the interglacial period. If recent LDD between the SCS
and BOB has occurred, it may have been via the Strait of
Malacca (which connects the SCS and BOB) or via the
Kra Isthmus (the narrowest and lowest part of the Thai-
Malay Peninsula) when the sea level rose during the
warmer interglacial climate.
The Thai-Malay Peninsula appears to be a dispersal
barrier for mangroves, but it is unclear whether it can
stop all mangrove gene flow between the SCS and BOB,
which may occur via the Kra Isthmus or around the Malay
Peninsula. In this paper, we use Ceriops tagal (Perr.) C. B.
Rob., a species present on both sides of the Kra Isthmus, to
investigate the divergence of high-diversity cpDNA neutral
spacers (atpB-rbcL and trnL-trnF) among these separate
populations, and we consider various mechanisms of
trans-isthmus LDD of mangroves. The cpDNA properties
of high variability and maternal inheritance are useful in
tracing the propagule dispersal of mangroves.
Sample collection and cpDNA analysis
We sampled leaves from a total of 89 C. tagal
individuals on the east and west coasts of the Malay
Peninsula (Table 1 and Figure 1). There were four
populations on the east coast and five populations on the
west coast. All sampled individuals were separated by at
least 10 m. The collected leaves were dried immediately
with silica gel prior to DNA extraction. Total genomic
Figure 1. Map of the sampling sites. The sum of the dis-
ta nce s of dot ted li nes is the shorte st distance bet ween the
most southern populations of the east and west Kra Isthmus
around the Malay Peninsula and is roughly equal to 2,100 km
(a+b +c+d +e¡Ü2,100 km). This distance was used for the sea-
route-distance based NCA. Location abbreviations are given
in Table 1.
LIAO et al. ¡X Gene flow in
Ceriops tagal
DNA was isolated from samples using a commercial DNA
extraction kit (BIOMAN Co.), dissolved in TE buffer (10
mM Tris, 0.1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0), and stored at -20¢XC
until analysis. Two chloroplast regions (atpB-rbcL and
trnL-trnF) were selected for amplification and sequencing.
The primers, PCR conditions, and sequencing protocols
are described in Liao et al. (2007). Sequences obtained
in this study have been deposited in the NCBI database
under the accession numbers: DQ983274-DQ983276,
DQ983280-DQ983281 and DQ983284-DQ983307 (trnL-
trnF); DQ983241, DQ983245, DQ983248, DQ983250-
DQ983252, DQ983257-DQ983260 and DQ983262-
DQ983273 (atpB-rbcL).
Population genetic analyses
The local alignment with default settings was performed
by ClustalX (Thompson et al., 1997). After sequence
alignment, nucleotide diversity (£k), haplotype diversity
( Hd), and £c (based on the total number of mutations
[£b] and segregating sites [S]) were estimated for each
population using DnaSP 4.0 (Rozas et al., 2003). Pairwise
population differentiation was estimated by calculating
with 1000 permutations using ARLEQUIN v. 3.0.1
(Excoffier et al., 2005), and the index of gene flow ( Nm)
was calculated from Nm=(1-F
. A neighbor-joining
tree, based on the matrix of pairwise F
values, was
drawn to visualize the magnitude of genetic differentiation
and relationships among the populations using MEGA 3.1
(Kumar et al., 2004). The overall magnitude of population
differentiation (£X
) and the variance of the hierarchical
structure of populations were measured by Analysis of
Molecular Variance (AMOVA) using ARLEQUIN v. 3.0.1
(Excoffier et al., 2005).
Phylogeographic analyses
For phylogeographic analyses, every long-fragment
indel was treated as arising from a single evolutionary
event and recoded as described by Liao et al. (Liao et al.,
2007). The phylogenetic relationships among haplotypes
were determined with the unrooted neighbor-joining
method performed by TOPALi, version 2.17 (Milne et
al., 2004). The model was selected for F84+Gamma
with the transition/transversion ratio=0.51, alpha shape
parameter=0.10, and Kappa parameter=1.22. The
statistical significance of phylogenetic groups in the
resulting tree was tested by bootstrap resampling (1000
replicates in each case), using MEGA 3.1.
A haplotype network was constructed by the minimum
spanning network method, using ARLEQUIN v. 3.0.1
(Excoffier et al., 2005). The genetic data and geographic
information of the populations were entered into GEODIS
v. 2.0 (Posada et al., 2000) to assess the significance of
associations between genetic and geographic distributions.
This was accomplished by examining the clade distance,
(average distance of an individual from the geographic
center of all individuals within the same nesting clade) and
nested clade distance, D
(relative geographic distribution
to other clades in the same higher-level nesting clade),
generated from the population data (Templeton et al.,
1995; Templeton, 2001). Two nested clade analyses
(NCAs) were performed, one using geographic (great
circle) distances, and the other using sea-route distances.
The great circle distances among populations were
determined from latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates
(Table 1), and the sea-route distances were determined as
described in Figure 1. The approximate sea-route distance
from an eastern Kra population (pop E) to a western Kra
population (pop W) is:
= D
+ 2,100 km + D
where ST and PK are the most southerly populations of the
eastern and western Kra Isthmus, respectively, D
is the
distance from pop E to pop ST, and D
is the distance
from pop W to pop PK. Templeton¡¦s (2004) inference
key was then applied to the results to determine the NCA
outcome. In this analysis, we ignored C. tagal populations
that were present in the southern Malay Peninsula, so
some answers from the inference key may yield the result
"Sampling Design Inadequate."
Table 1. Sampling sites.
Abbreviation Longitude
Geographic area
Ao Phangna National Park
08¢X24¡¦ N
98¢X31¡¦ E
West Kra, Bay of Bengal
08¢X24¡¦ N
98¢X30¡¦ E
West Kra, Bay of Bengal
Southern Phuket island
07¢X52¡¦ N
98¢X23¡¦ E
West Kra, Bay of Bengal
09¢X55¡¦ N
98¢X37¡¦ E
West Kra, Bay of Bengal
Sirinat National Park
08¢X11¡¦ N
98¢X17¡¦ E
West Kra, Bay of Bengal
Mu Ko Chumphon National Park
10¢X22¡¦ N
99¢X10¡¦ E
East Kra, Gulf of Thailand
Surat Thani (Korn Nan)
09¢X07¡¦ N
99¢X20¡¦ E
East Kra, Gulf of Thailand
Thungkra-Swi Amphur Sawi
10¢X15¡¦ N
99¢X05¡¦ E
East Kra, Gulf of Thailand
Tumethong Amphur Patew
10¢X02¡¦ N
99¢X08¡¦ E
East Kra, Gulf of Thailand
Botanical Studies, Vol. 50, 2009
Genetic diversity
We used sequence data of the atpB-rbcL and trnL-
trnF cpDNA spacers for all of the genetic analyses in
this study. We obtained 1198 base-pair length fragments
after alignment, containing 110 polymorphic sites,
which included 10 long-fragment indels and several
substitutions and one-base indels. When we recorded
each long-fragment indel as a single mutation event (site),
there were 78 variable sites, including 20 singletons and
58 informative mutations. Among the 89 samples, we
obtained 43 haplotypes and an overall haplotype diversity
of 0.974. The diversity within individual populations
ranged from 0.400 (AP) to 1.000 (RN). Overall nucleotide
diversity (£k ) was 0.00949 and ranged from 0.00037
(AP) to 0.01861 (RN) within populations. Estimates for
£c ranged from 0.00044 (AP) to 0.01589 (MK) within
populations and had an overall value of 0.01703.
The average number of nucleotide differences between
populations on the east and west sides of the isthmus was
9.479, and nucleotide substitutions averaged 0.00918 per
site (K) between them. Eastern and western populations
shared 28 mutations, excluding gaps. Thirty-seven
mutations were polymorphic in western populations but
monomorphic in eastern populations; 24 mutations were
polymorphic in eastern populations but monomorphic
in western populations. Thus, western populations had
slightly higher genetic diversity than eastern populations.
This result is supported by the £k and £c estimates (Table 2).
Population differentiation and gene flow
All of the pairwise F
values were significant at the
P<0.05 level, except for those in the following four pairs
of populations: RN-PN, MK-ST, SW-PT, and PT-ST. Both
members of each of these pairs were located on the same
side of the Kra Isthmus (Table 3). The pairwise Nm values,
estimated from the reciprocal F
values between eastern
populations, were mostly higher than 1.0. This indicates
that gene flow via propagule dispersal of C. tagal has
occurred frequently among eastern populations. We also
obtained high Nm values in several pairwise comparisons
of western populations (AP-RN, PN-RN, AP-SN, PN-SN,
and RN-SN). However, these Nm values were greater than
Table 3. Matrix of F
(below) and Nm (above) between nine populations of Ceriops tagal based on chloroplast atpB-rbcL and
trnL-trnF spacers. Bold values indicate comparisons between populations on the two coasts of the Kra Isthmus.
East Kra populations
West Kra populations
TR 0.756 1.279 0.426 0.462 0.744 0.227 0.253 0.614 0.246 0.475
Kh 0.398
24.500 0.184 0.173 2.064 0.069 0.064 0.546 0.031 0.975
MK 0.281 0.020 2.293 3.021 28.912 0.592 0.559 0.870 0.779 1.273
SW 0.540 0.731 0.179
9.704 8.272 0.097 0.052 0.352 0.052 0.772
PT 0.520 0.743 0.142 0.049* 28.912 0.095 0.050 0.377 0.043 0.901
ST 0.402 0.195 0.017* 0.057 0.017*
0.520 0.306 0.573 0.498 1.332
PN 0.688 0.878 0.458 0.838 0.840 0.490 0.127 0.601 0.230 2.104
PK 0.664 0.886 0.472 0.906 0.909 0.620 0.797
0.759 0.081 1.006
SN 0.449 0.478 0.365 0.587 0.570 0.466 0.454 0.397 0.614 0.789
AP 0.670 0.942 0.391 0.905 0.921 0.501 0.685 0.860 0.449
RN 0.513 0.339 0.282 0.393 0.357 0.273 0.192* 0.332 0.388 0.161
*Denotes insignificant statistical support from 1023 permutations (P>0.05).
Table 2. Genetic diversity of Ceriops tagal populations,
according to estimates of haplotype diversity (Hd), nucleotide
diversity (£k), and genetic diversity index (£c) (estimated by
segregating sites using the equation 10 from Tajima, 1996). N
is the sample size and H is the number of haplotypes.
Population ¡@
atpB-rbcL + trnL-trnF
N H Hd £k
9 8 0.972 0.01104 0.01589
10 8 0.956 0.00217 0.00232
8 7 0.964 0.00191 0.00181
9 7 0.917 0.00410 0.00410
10 10 1.000 0.01861 0.01546
5 2 0.400 0.00037 0.00044
21 13 0.957 0.00940 0.00940
8 3 0.607 0.00215 0.00250
9 5 0.806 0.00268 0.00239
36 22 0.967 0.00584 0.01228
53 26 0.966 0.01160 0.01381
89 43 0.974 0.00949 0.01703
LIAO et al. ¡X Gene flow in
Ceriops tagal
1.0 for just two of the pairwise comparisons of eastern and
western populations (MK-RN and RN-ST). These results
indicate that the cpDNA gene flow (propagule dispersal)
was higher within eastern and western populations than
between these populations. Thus, the Kra Isthmus appears
to reduce dispersal of mangroves between the east and
west coasts, but it is not an absolute barrier that prevents
all dispersal.
Population genetic structure
The results of the hierarchical AMOVA indicate
that within-population variation accounts for 52.0% of
the observed genetic variation and variation between
populations on the east and west sides of the isthmus
accounts for 31.6% of the variation. Variation among
populations within these groups accounted for 16.5% of
the total variation. The hierarchical £X statistics revealed
the same pattern. It showed that most of the genetic
variation is within populations (£X
= 0.480), followed
by variation among groups (£X
= 0.316), and variation
among populations within groups (£X
= 0.241). All of the
£X statistics and differences in percentages of variation are
statistically significant (p<0.005, Table 4). The grouping
of populations in the NJ tree derived from the pairwise F
values is consistent with their geographical distribution
although the short branch length between the east and west
populations indicates minor divergence between these
groups (Figure 2). Taken together, the AMOVA results and
NJ population tree indicate that the Kra Isthmus has a hand
in structuring the C. tagal populations although the genetic
distance between populations on the east and west sides is
Phylogeographic inferences from NCA
The apparent discrepancies between the groupings in
the haplotype phylogenetic tree and actual geographic
distribution result in unresolved, ambiguous, and
statistically weak relationships of gene-tree topology.
This tree indicates recent gene flow (Bernardi et al.,
2003) but provides no evidence of population history. By
contrast, the minimum spanning network separates the
east and west clades although only by one or a few steps
(Figure 4). Roughly speaking, eastern populations were
located in the interior clades and western populations in
the terminal clades. The central clades, with presumably
the most ancient evolutionary information, included
Figure 2. Neighbor-Joining tree of Ceriops tagal const ruct-
ed by pairwise F
. The scale ba r indicates F
and divergence time. The time scale, based on the estimated
time of divergence of the Gulf of Thailand and the Bay of
Bengal populations, is approximately 5 Mya.
Table 4. Summary of results of molecular variance (AMOVA)
for East and West Kra areas of Ceriops tagal. The significance
(P) of the variance was based on 1000 permutations.
Source of Variation
d.f. % total
variance £X P
Among groups
1 31.56 0.31560 <0.005
Among populations within
7 16.48 0.24079 <0.0001
Within populations
80 51.96 0.48040 <0.0001
Figure 3. Unrooted Neighbor-Joining t ree of Ceriops tagal
haplot ypes. Numbers on branches a re bootst ra p values of
1,000 replicates. Diamonds indicate haplotypes on the east
side of the isthmus, and squares indicate haplotypes on the
west side of the isthmus. The scale bar indicates the inferred
frequency of substitutions per nucleotide site.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 50, 2009
eastern and western haplotypes (subclades I-7 and I-16).
Furthermore, several haplotypes located in the terminal
clades were loosely connected with the long-missing links
(Figure 3), suggesting a longer evolutionary separation
of these haplotypes than merely an accumulation of a
few step mutations. Great-circle and sea-route distance-
based analyses detected insignificant nested-clade distance
associations among lower level clades. This indicates that
the null hypothesis of no association between haplotype
and geographical distribution should not be rejected for
these clades.
However, great-circle-distance and sea route distance-
based nested clade analyses generated four clades that
showed significant associations (permutational chi-
squared probabilities for geographic structure less than
0.05) with D
, D
or I-T values (Table 5). Both analyses
yielded similar inferences for three of these four clades.
We infer a restricted gene flow with isolation by distance
(IBD) evolutionary scenario for Clade II-10. This indicates
that within this centrally located clade of the western Kra
Isthmus, short-distance dispersal may have occurred,
but only rarely. In contrast, we infer that Clade II-5 (an
eastern clade connected to two western haplotypes by
single missing links), arose from long distance dispersal
Figure 4. Nesting scheme for one-step (1
class) and higher (2
and 3
class) clades. Small open circles in the 1
class clades
are inferred missing haplotypes we did not observe in the dataset. The haplotypes or clades observed in the east Kra Isthmus
are presented in white and those observed in west Kra Isthmus are black. In the higher class clades, the size of circles represents
sample size. The Arabic numbers within the 1
-class-clades circles are haplotype numbers; the Rom an numbers followed by
Arabic numbers are assigned numbers for hierarchical clades.
(LDD), according to the analyses based on both types
of geographic-distance. Clade III-3 is a clade of western
haplotypes, with many long missing links (inferred to be
consequences of "contiguous range expansion") and one
eastern haplotype.
In contrast, the inferences from the total cladograms
generated using the great circle and sea route distances are
distinctly different. The great circle distance-based results
indicate there was "inadequate sampling" to discriminate
IBD from LDD. The sea route distance-based results
indicate a restricted gene flow with an IBD scenario. The
highest-clade inferences indicate a better use of the sea
route distance mode on tracking the evolutionary events of
mangrove dispersal (Table 5).
The Thai-Malay Peninsula as a barrier
Previously, we showed a significant genetic
difference between the SCS and the BOB populations
o f C. tagal and speculated that the Sundaland served
as a geographic barrier (Liao et al., 2007). Research on
mangrove population genetics by Shi and colleagues
(Tan et al., 2005; Huang et al., 2007; Su et al., 2006,
LIAO et al. ¡X Gene flow in
Ceriops tagal
2007) also concluded that a biogeographic event
caused differentiation of SCS and BOB populations.
Population genetic studies of starfish (Benzie, 1999)
and vetigastropods (Imron et al., 2007) also revealed an
isolation of populations in the western Pacific and the
eastern Indian Oceans. It thus seems that the Thai-Malay
Peninsula (formerly Sundaland) is an effective geographic
barrier to the migration of species.
However, oceanographic data (Woodruff, 2003) and a
biogeographic study of populations of the giant freshwater
prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) between northern
and southern sites of the Kra Isthmus (de Bruyn et al.,
2005) suggest that species have migrated between the SCS
and BOB in the past. In the case of C. tagal, the similar
genetic composition of eastern and western Kra Isthmus
populations implies that gene flow may have occurred
across the peninsula, before and/or after the formation
of the Kra Isthmus. According to Wolfe et al.¡¦s (1987)
estimation of the evolutionary rate of cpDNA (1.0-3.0¡Ñ
per site per year), the divergence time between east
and west Kra Isthmus populations was about 4.59-1.53
Mya. This is similar to the estimated time of formation
of the Thai-Malay Peninsula land barrier after the last
marine transgressions during the Pliocene era, 5.5-4.5
Mya (Woodruff, 2003). Although dating the variation
of cpDNA markers includes a large margin of error, the
approximate agreement between the dates of the genetic
and paleoclimatic data suggests that geographical and
climatic changes caused a divergence of eastern and
western populations of C. tagal.
The geographic isolation imposed by the Kra Isthmus
contributes to about one-third of the total genetic variation
present in the C. tagal populations that we studied (Table
4). This divergence apparently began in the Pliocene,
when a land barrier emerged that separated the eastern
and western populations. In addition, 30% of the pairwise-
compared Nm values between the eastern and the western
populations are higher than 0.8, and 56.7% are higher than
0.5 (Table 3). This indicates that the Thai-Malay Peninsula
might allow some gene flow across the Kra Isthmus
(Figure 3).
The haplotypes located at the center of a network
are usually considered the most ancestral. Thus, clades
II-3 and II-10 (Figure 4) probably include the most
ancient haplotypes of eastern and western populations
and presumably carry the maximum amount of genetic
information regarding the ancestral populations of C.
tagal ~5 Mya. In addition, the star-like topology that
we observed, with short interior branches that lead to
long terminal clades with missing links, is indicative
of exponential growth events (Anderson et al., 2003).
Populations of other organisms in the Indo-Malay
region, such as the mollusc Haliotis asinina (Imron et
al., 2007), also seem to have rapidly expanded ~5 Mya.
The rapid expansion of C. tagal populations is supported
by the unresolved splitting of phylogenetic relationships
among haplotypes (Figure 3). The unresolved haplotype
relationships of the eastern and western populations
may be due to ancient gene flow and incomplete lineage
sorting, caused by climatic changes that led to fluctuations
of sea level.
Comparison of geographic distance-based
The two geographic distance-based NCAs yielded the
same inferences for the lower-class network, but different
inferences for the total cladograms. It may be that in our
network the lower class clades are almost exclusively
composed of populations on the same side of the isthmus,
between which great-circle and sea-route distances are
similar. For the highest clade, a different interpretation
is necessary due to the substantial differences between
the great-circle and sea-route distances that separate the
eastern and western populations. The great-circle distance-
based analysis failed to discriminate between IBD and
LDD. This may be due to the short great-circle distances
between populations on the two sides of isthmus and
between populations on the same sides of the isthmus.
Thus, cross-isthmus dispersal of propagules cannot be
distinguished from around-peninsula dispersal using great-
circle distances. However, using the more realistic sea
route-based geographic distances, we infer a scenario
Table 5. Summary of nested clade phylogeographic analyses for clades showing statistically significant associations between
haplotypes and geographical distances.
Clade nesting
Great circle distance
Sea-route distance
Chain of inference
Chain of inference
Clade II-5 1¡÷2¡÷11¡÷12¡÷13¡÷
Long-distance movement
Long-distance movement
Clade II-10 1¡÷2¡÷3¡÷4No Restricted gene flow with isolation
by distance
1¡÷2¡÷3¡÷4No Restricted gene flow with
isolation by distance
Clade III-3 1¡÷2¡÷11¡÷12No Contiguous range expansion 1¡÷2¡÷11¡÷12No Contiguous range expansion
Sampling design inadequate to
discriminate between isolation
by distance (short distance
movements) versus long distance
1¡÷2¡÷3¡÷4No Restricted gene flow with
isolation by distance
Botanical Studies, Vol. 50, 2009
with restricted gene flow and IBD. This is supported by
the absence of tight connections between haplotypes
representing eastern and western populations within all but
two clades (Clades II-5 and II-7).
This pattern excludes the possibility of propagule
exchange across the Kra Isthmus mediated by changes in
stream drainage patterns or rising sea levels. Indications
of migration around the peninsula in the 5 million years
since the Malay Peninsula emerged are also provided by
the high pairwise-Nm values derived from the F
(Table 4). Since different inferences can be drawn from
analyses using the two types of distances, Fetzner and
Crandall (2003) suggested utilization of both types of
distances to provide insight to historical and contemporary
processes. However, the sea-route-distance mode provides
more precise inferences of mangrove dispersal that
reflect the difficulties of LDD, and are consistent with
the field experiment results of McGuinness (1997). We
cannot completely exclude the possibility of LDD. In
particular, when verifying other analytic results (i.e. Nm)
and geological evidence (i.e. glacial/interglacial cycles),
it is realistic to consider rare instances of LDD. We
conclude that (a) dispersal events have occurred between
populations on the same side of the Kra Isthmus and
between populations on different sides of the isthmus;
(b) cross-side dispersal has been far less frequent than
within-side dispersal; and (c) since its emergence, the Kra
Isthmus has played an important role in differentiating and
structuring the populations of C. tagal.
Potential means of dispersal across the Kra
Our network analysis (Figure 4) revealed unexpected
associations of eastern and western populations in
subclades II-5 and II-7. Dates based on the estimated
evolutionary rate of cpDNA indicate that the contiguous
range expansion of subclade II-7 (III-3) occurred ca.
7.04-2.35 Mya, and the LDD of subclade II-5 occurred
0.49-0.17 Mya. Thus, contiguous range expansion of
III-3 occurred at about the same time as the Kra Isthmus
formed. This indicates that haplotype exchanges may have
occurred before the isthmus formed. In other words, the
NCA concluded that rapid range expansion of C. tagal
occurred ~5 Mya, at which time rising sea levels promoted
frequent gene flow between mangrove populations situated
on the SCS and BOB coasts. However, LDD events also
seem to have occurred less than one million years ago,
indicating that propagules have dispersed across the Kra
Isthmus via a sea route or land bridge.
There are two possible mechanisms by which C. tagal
may have dispersed from one side of the Kra Isthmus to
the other. The first is directly across the isthmus, perhaps
through openings in the Kra Isthmus during interglacial
periods or through human-assisted introductions. There
is no evidence that sea levels have risen by more than
20 meters above present levels in the past 0.5 million
years (Rohling et al., 1998). This is much less than the
100 meters required for such openings. Human-mediated
dispersal also seems unlikely because ancient "Heidelberg
Man" (Homo heidelbergensis) and/or their relatives
living in the area roughly 0.2 to 0.6 Mya had no apparent
uses for mangrove seedlings or reasons to aid dispersal.
Although we cannot exclude the possibility of animal-
mediated dispersal, there is no evidence that mangroves
are dispersed this way. Thus, human- or animal-mediated
LDD is unlikely to account for the apparent cross-isthmus
gene flow that we detected.
The second mechanism of dispersal across the isthmus
is LDD around the Malay Peninsula, presumably via the
Malacca Strait. Straits are generally considered to provide
corridors for species migration in the waters they connect.
A classic example is the Strait of Gibraltar, in which
organisms passed between the Atlantic and Mediterranean
(Seidenkrantz et al., 2000; Betzler et al., 2006; Gonzalez-
Wanguemert et al., 2006). Similarly, the Malacca Strait
plays an important role in the passage of marine organisms
(and merchant vessels) between the Indian Ocean and the
SCS. In addition, the eastern and western populations of C.
tagal may have been isolated during glacial periods (when
the Sunda Shelf emerged above sea level) and reconnected
during interglacial periods. The likely dates for the LDD
interglacial events are apparently associated with subclade
II-5 of C. tagal and range from 0.49-0.17 Mya (including
the last part of the Gunz-Mindel, ~ 0.62-0.45 Mya and
all of the Mindel-Riss ~0.3-0.2 Mya). Thus, despite the
uncertainty of molecular dating, it is consistent with the
proposal that interglacial sea-level rises facilitated trans-
isthmus gene flow of mangroves.
On the other hand, irrespective of the routes involved,
we provided evidence of a few rare LDD events between
eastern and western populations, and these appear to have
hindered allopatric speciation. The unresolved nature of
our haplotype tree, which make determining the time of
divergence between haplotypes of the two coasts difficult,
also indicates recent contact between eastern and western
populations (Figure 3). A similar phenomenon has been
reported for Baja California¡¦s marine fishes (Halichoeres
semicinctus, Semicossyphus pulcher, Hermosilla azurea,
and Sebastes macdonaldi). Bernardi et al. (2003)
suggested that the lack of tree topology resolution for
these species was probably due to recent or ongoing
dispersal, with high levels of gene flow (although they
could not exclude the possibility of insufficient time for
lineage sorting due to the use of slowly evolving markers).
Thus young isthmuses, such as Baja California and the
Kra Isthmus, appear to inhibit migration and dispersal but
do not entirely prevent low-frequency LDD.
In summary, our results suggest that populations of
C. tagal diverged by a vicariance mechanism during
formation of the Kra Isthmus. The formation of this land
barrier is considered to have prevented gene exchange
between SCS and BOB populations of other organisms,
including sea snakes (Karns et al., 2000; Heatwole et
al., 2005), sea urchins (Lessios et al., 2001), and other
LIAO et al. ¡X Gene flow in
Ceriops tagal
mangrove species (Tan et al., 2005; Su et al., 2006).
However, we detected gene flow between the eastern
and western sides of the Kra Isthmus after increasing
sample sizes. We consider two types of gene flow: (a)
ancient gene flow by direct exchange across a leak in the
Kra area approximately 5 Mya, and (b) infrequent but
repeated LDD around the Malay Peninsula and through
the Strait of Malacca during interglacial periods. These
ancient and recent gene flows caused a mixed haplotype
distribution and unresolved phylogenetic relationships
among the eastern and western populations of C. tagal.
In other words, the Malay Peninsula does not completely
prevent gene flow of mangroves between the SCS and
BOB. Thus, in agreement with previous studies (Tan et
al., 2005; Su et al., 2006; e.g. Su et al., 2007; Liao et al.,
2007) our results challenge the common belief that the
Thai-Malay Peninsula has stopped the LDD of mangroves
between SCS and BOB. Most researchers have ignored the
significance of rare LDD and have only focused on "major
events," such as the vicariance caused by Sundaland.
However, some minor dispersal events can have large
impacts of population structure and even retard or impede
the process of allopatric speciation. Our study of C. tagal
provides important insight into the significant role of rare
LDD in the prevention of allopatric speciation.
Acknowledgements. We are grateful to Dr. Tzen-Yuh
Chiang for valuable suggestions on this manuscript. We
also thank Dr. Suhua Shi, Dr. Chiou-Rong Sheue, and Dr.
Sonjai Havanond for kindly providing the plant material
used in this study. This research was supported by an
Academia Sinica Thematic Grant (2001-2004), NSC92-
2311-B003-005 to S. Huang, and a partial NSC grant to
Y. C. Chiang from the National Science Council, ROC.
We thank two anonymous reviewers for their valuable
comments on this work.
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