Botanical Studies (2006) 47: 83-88.
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Migration of
Trochodendron aralioides
in Taiwan and its adjacent areas
Shing-Fan HUANG
* and Tsan-Piao LIN
Department of Applied Science, National Hsinchu University of Education, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan
Institute of Plant Biology, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan
(Received March 23, 2005; Accepted October 3, 2005)
A migratory history of Trochodendron aralioides was postulated by integrating the published
fossil records and the data sets of chloroplast (cp) DNA and allozyme. The populations from Taiwan, the
Ryukyus, and Japan were investigated. The haplotype network of Trochodendron was constructed by the
computer program TCS by taking Tetracentron as outgroup to direct the haplotype network. The paper
shows that Japan¡¦s populations were clearly distinguished from those of the Ryukyus and Taiwan, with
Japan¡¦s being more primitive. Nine substitutions were found between Tetracentron and Japan¡¦s population
of Trochodendron. Based on fossil evidence, taking 50 My (million years ago) as divergence time between
Tetracentron and Trochodendron, the date of separation between Japan and Taiwan¡¦s populations can be dated
to 5.5 My, and the standard error is ¡Ó 2.8 My. Given a likely temperate origin and no extant or fossil plants
discovered in eastern China, the migratory route that led Trochodendron to move into Taiwan was likely
from Japan via the Ryukyus. However, the ancient populations in the Ryukyus should have vanished at least
once as the Ryukyus were submerged around 1.0 My. As a result, the populations now in the Ryukyu Islands
were derived from Taiwan, which is exemplified by the shared haplotype of cpDNA between Taiwan and the
Ryukyus and less heterozygosity in the Ryukyus compared to Taiwan based on allozyme data.
Keywords: Migration; petG-trnP; Taiwan; Trochodendron aralioides.
Historical biogeography is the study of taxa in
space and time including their origin, migration, and
diversification (Myers and Giller, 1988). Explaining
how geological events and/or fluctuations in climate
have shaped the distribution of extant taxa is one of the
main aims of historical biogeography. However, when
the hypotheses of historical events are uncertain, the
distribution pattern of the genetic polymorphisms of the
focused taxa may provide another line of evidence with
which to test their soundness.
Taiwan is a continental island adjacent to mainland
China, the Ryukyus, and Japan. Migration of plants
through oceanic barriers to Taiwan may be due to former
landbridges or to long distance dispersal. Landbridges
are the direct connection between landmasses that make
the migration of taxa possible. Three hypotheses on
landbridges between Taiwan, the Ryukyus and Japan since
the late Miocene have been proposed (Ota, 1998). They
can be summarized as follows: Hypothesis I, proposed
by Kizaki and Oshiro (1977), postulated that a landbridge
connecting southeastern China, Taiwan, and the Ryukyus
was formed in the early Pleistocene about 1.5 My
(million years ago) and might have lasted to the middle
Pleistocene about 1 My. Hypothesis II, developed by Ujiie
and his colleague (Ujiie, 1990; Ujiie et al., 1991; Ujiie
and Nakamur, 1996), postulated (1) that one landbridge
connected the Asian continent, Taiwan, the central and
northern Ryukyus, and Japan in the late Miocene and
that the connection between Taiwan, the Ryukyus, and
Japan was broken during the Pliocene; (2) that another
landbridge connected southeastern China, Taiwan, and
the Ryukyus (excluding the islands of southern Ryukyus)
during the late Pleistocene about 20000 years ago; (3)
that another landbridge might have connected Taiwan
and the islands of the southern Ryukyus about 3800 years
ago. Hypothesis III was proposed by Kimura (2000). It
postulated (1) that one large landbridge connected the
Asian continent, Taiwan, the Ryukyus, and Japan during
the period of 1.6-1.3 My; (2) that the other landbridge
connected southeastern China and Taiwan, and extended
in one direction to eastern China and in the other direc-
tion to the Ryukyus during the period of 1.3-1.0 My; (3)
that the other landbridge connected the Asian continent,
Taiwan, and the Ryukyus and might have extended to
Japan about 0.2 My. After 0.2 My, only the southern
Ryukyus connected with Taiwan.