Botanical Studies (2006) 47: 89-96.
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Novelties in
for China:
, sp. nov. and
B. xanthina
Hook., a new distributional
Ching-I PENG
*, Wai-Chao LEONG
, and Yu-Min SHUI
Herbarium, Research Center for Biodiversity, Academia Sinica, Nangang, Taipei 115, Taiwan
Kunming Institute of Botany, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650204, P. R. China
(Received August 18, 2005; Accepted December 3, 2005)
Begonia crocea C.-I Peng, a new species from Yunnan province, China and B. xanthina Hook.,
a new distributional record for China are here reported and fully illustrated. Both of them are assignable
to Begonia sect. Platycentrum. Unlike the great majority of Chinese species with white to pink flowers, B.
crocea and B. xanthina are remarkable for bearing orange-red and yellow flowers respectively, which is of
much horticultural attraction. Begonia crocea resembles B. megalophyllaria in aspect, differing mainly in
having densely pilose petioles, the leaves being sparsely pilose abaxially, and having orange-red tepals. Plants
of B. megalophyllaria are glabrous throughout and their tepals are white, sometimes tinged greenish. Begonia
xanthina is somewhat similar to B. rex, a notable plant of tremendous horticultural interest, but is readily
distinguishable by the yellow tepals and leaves that lack long setose hairs and horseshoe-shaped maculation.
In B. rex the tepals are pinkish to pink and the leaves are setose and marked with a distinct grayish to pale
greenish horseshoe-shaped band on the adaxial surface.
Keywords: Begonia; Begonia crocea; Begonia megalophyllaria; Begonia rex; Begonia xanthina; China; New
distribution; New species; Plant taxonomy; Yunnan.
In the course of preparing a taxonomic revision of
Begoniaceae for the Flora of China in recent years, the
senior author and his associates reported the discovery of
a number of new species in Begonia sect. Coelocentrum
[B. curvicarpa and B. luochengensis (Ku et al., 2004);
B. fangii (Peng et al., 2005c); B. liuyanii (Peng et al.,
2005b); B. picturata (Liu et al., 2005); B. ningmingensis,
B. ningmingensis var. bella and B. retinervia (Fang et al.,
2006)], B. sect. Diploclinium [B. chuyunshanensis and B.
tengchiana (Peng et al., 2005a)] and B. sect. Platycentrum
[ B. coptidifolia (Ye et al., 2004); B. bouffordii, B.
pinglinensis, B. wutaiensis (Peng et al., 2005a); B. rubinea
(Li et al., 2005)]. Nearly all of them are narrow endemics
and many are stunningly handsome plants. In this paper
we report an additional new species, Begonia crocea, and
a new distributional record, B. xanthina, both assignable
to B. sect. Platycentrum (cf. Shui et al., 2002), for China.
Unlike the great majority of Chinese species with white to
pink flowers, B. crocea and B. xanthina are remarkable for
bearing orange-red and yellow flowers respectively, and
thus are of much horticultural potential.
Begonia crocea C.-I Peng sp. nov. (B. sect.
Platycentrum) ¡V TYPE: CHINA. Yunnan Province,
Jiangcheng Xian, Jiahe Xiang, on moist rocky slope in
broad-leaved forest, 22¢X45¡¦03"N, 101¢X53¡¦33"E, elev.
1,200 m. Sterile living collection made on 11 Jun 2000;
type specimens (in flower and fruit) pressed from plants
cultivated in the experimental greenhouse at Academia
Sinica, 15 Aug 2005, Ching-I Peng 18032-A (holotype:
HAST; isotype: KUN). ¾íªá¬î®ü´Å ¡@ (Figures 1, 2)
Species nova similis Begoniae megalophyllariae C. Y.
Wu, sed foliis infra sparse pilosis, petiolis dense pilosis,
tepalis croceis facile distinguitur.
Herbs, perennial, acaulescent, monoecious. Rhizomes
elongate creeping, to 2 cm thick, pilose, internodes
congested. Stipules triangular, to 1.5 cm long, to 1 cm
wide, glabrous or pilose along midrib, margin entire, apex
cuspidate, caducous. Leaves fasciculate, alternate; petiole
green, reddish toward base, 34-41 cm long, 0.9-1 cm
thick, densely whitish pilose, denser toward junction with
leaf blade; leaf blade herbaceous, green, not variegated,
somewhat lustrous on adaxial surface, broadly ovate,
asymmetric, to 30.5 cm long, to 24 cm wide, sparsely
pilose along veins on abaxial surface, glabrous on adaxial
surface, base oblique, deeply cordate, not overlapping,
margin remotely minutely serrulate, apex acute; venation