Botanical Studies (2006) 47: 111-118.
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Gene Investigation into the Inner bark of Taiwania
(Taiwania cryptomerioides)
Chen-Hsien LEE
, Ming-Hsun CHAN
, Ya-Nan WANG
, and Fang-Hua CHU
School of Forestry and Resource Conservation, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Experimental Forest, College of Bio-Resource and Agriculture, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
(Received June 23, 2005; Accepted November 16, 2005)
Taiwania (Taiwania cryptomerioides Hayata) is a conifer tree indigenous to Taiwan and one of
the most economically important forest tree species on the island. More than 100 secondary metabolites have
been isolated from this species. Essential oils and extracts from Taiwania possess many bioactivities, includ-
ing antibacterial, antifungal, antitermite, antimite, antioxidiant and antitumor activities. In order to research
those genes involved in biochemical synthesis and wood formation, we constructed a cDNA library from the
inner bark of Taiwania. Using single-pass sequencing of cDNA clones, 973 expressed sequence tags (ESTs)
were generated. A BLASTX search revealed that ESTs related to cell rescue, defense and cell aging were
abundant in the inner bark library, especially genes that respond to pathogen infection. In addition, homology
analysis revealed that ESTs related to cell wall structure and secondary metabolism represented about 2.3% of
the clones. However, 57% of the ESTs from Taiwania showed no significant similarity to any other protein
sequences in the public databases. These sequences indicate the uniqueness of Taiwania, and its consequently
remarkable value.
Keywords: Expressed SequenceTags (ESTs); Inner bark; Taiwania (Taiwania cryptomerioides Hayata).
Taiwania (Taiwania cryptomerioides Hayata) is a native
species of Taiwan. Along with Ginkgo biloba, Sequoia-
dendron giganteum and Metasequoia glyptostroboides,
Taiwania is a relict from the Tertiary period of the Ceno-
zoic era. It is indigenous to the central part of Taiwan and
lives at altitudes of 1,800~2,600 meters above sea level.
It has been planted and flourished at heights as low as 800
meters. Taiwania is an important species economically as
it provides good quality wood for construction. The wood
of Taiwania has good properties, being able to withstand
harsh weather, bacteria and termites. It is durable enough
for long-term use (Wang et al., 1997). Large volumes of
Taiwania bark residues are processed by the forest indus-
try. The bark can be converted into fuel, chemical mate-
rials, and wood charcoal for various uses. Experiments
on the chemical compounds found in Taiwania and other
conifers have been conducted for years (Chang et al.,
Many researches have proved that the bioactivity of
wood has a correlation with the extractives of wood. Es-
sential oils and extractives from Taiwania heartwood,
sapwood, and leaves have antibacterial, antifungal, antiter-
mite, and antimite properties (Chang et al., 2000a). Addi-
tionally, lignans isolated from the heartwood of Taiwania
have been shown to have excellent cytotoxicity against
different tumor cell lines (Chang et al., 2000b). More than
a hundred secondary metabolites¡Xincluding terpenoids,
lignans, isoflavones, and other compounds¡Xhave been
isolated from this species over the past 70 years (Chang
et al., 2003). The secondary metabolites of woody plants
make the trees resistant to natural stresseslike drought and
insects (Barnes et al., 1998). To develop a better under-
standing of the biochemistry of this tree, it is necessary to
investigate the genes and/or enzymes, which participate
in its physiological functions. Inner bark consists of sieve
elements. These delicate cells are short-lived and undergo
partial autolysis upon maturation, resulting in cell nuclear
degradation, which is related to aging and cell death (Pia
and Mart, 1998; Raver et al., 1999). Therefore, the cor-
responding genes are expected to be investigated in Tai-
A rapidly growing area of genome research is the
generation of expressed sequenced tags (ESTs) in which
large numbers of randomly selected cDNA clones are
partially sequenced. Among forest trees, poplar (Sterky
et al., 1998), loblolly pine (Allona et al., 1998), and sugi
Ujino et al., 2000) have been studied using EST analysis.
cDNA libraries for these species have been constructed
from wood-forming tissues, xylem and inner bark, in the
expectation that the libraries would include information
sequences related to secondary compounds and wood