Botanical Studies (2006) 47: 191-197.
Corresponding author: E-mail:; Tel:
86-731-8871052; Fax: 86-731-8883310.
Natural hybridization between Aster ageratoides var.
scaberulus and Kalimeris indica (Asteraceae): evidence
from morphology, karyotype, and ITS sequences
Wei-Ping LI
College of Life Sciences, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, P. R. China
(Received April 14, 2004; Accepted November 4, 2005)
A new natural hybrid from the Hengshan Mountain in Hunan Province, China, was found.
Comparisons of morphology, karyotype, and ITS sequences among the hybrid and its parental species show
that the hybrid represents F
progeny from hybridization between Aster ageratoides var. scaberulus and Ka-
limeris indica. Based on morphological and karyotypical observations of the hybrid, this study suggests that
natural hybridization between Aster and Kalimeris could have lead to the shortening of the pappus and a
special karyotype (LS-type) and makes the delimiting of Aster and Kalimeris difficult. This study also indi-
cates that karyotype investigations may be particularly useful in resolving some of the taxonomic confusion
between Aster and Kalimeris.
Keywords: Aster; Kalimeris; Karyotype; Natural hybridization; Pappus.
Natural hybridization is a frequent phenomenon in
plants and plays an important role in plant evolution,
leading in at least some cases to formation of new spe-
cies. In addition, hybridization often generates consider-
able taxonomic confusion by facilitating introgression of
plant traits. Therefore, confirmation of the hybrid nature
and parentage is important in studying plant evolution,
and may help to resolve certain taxonomic problems.
Unfortunately, many hybrids described in the botanical
literature (e.g. Hsieh and Wang, 1989; Chang, 1991; Sun
and Huang, 1994; Zhang et al., 1995; Zhang and Zhao,
1995; Qian and Sun, 1998; Ren, 1996; Zhou and Wu,
2001; Zhang et al., 2003) were determined based only on
their morphological intermediacy between their putative
parents. However, morphological intermediacy may result
from continuous variation and the high plasticity of many
traits (Xu, 1998; Craft et al., 2002). In recent years, mo-
lecular data have played an increasing role in the detection
and verification of putative hybrids (Smith et al., 1996;
Morrell and Rieseberg, 1998; Milne, 1999; Durand, 2002;
Denda and Yokota,
Tara (1972, 1977, 1978a, 1978b, 1979) first described
intergeneric hybridization between Aster and Kalimeris
(Asteraceae, Astereae, Asterinae). Based on cytological
analyses, Tara suggested that hybridization had occurred
between Aster ovatus (Franch. et Sav.) Soejima et Mot.
Ito (A. ageratoides subsp. ovatus (Franch. et Sav.) Ka-
tam.) and Kalimeris incisa (Fisch.) DC., and that in fact
A. ovatus was an amphidiploid that originated following
intergeneric hybridization between Aster and Kalimeris.
However, many subsequent authors have overlooked the
morphological characters of hybrids and the potential
impact of intergeneric hybridization on the complex and
uncertain relationship between these two genera. This
study provides the first report of hybridization between
Aster ageratoides var. scaberulus (Miq) Ling and Kalim-
eris indica (L.) Sch.-Bip. with verification of the parent-
age. This study demonstrates the use of karyotyping and
of molecular sequencing as a means to detecting hybrids
and discusses the implication of these results for the phy-
logeny of Aster and Kalimeris.
Study site and materials
Plant materials for this study were collected from
Hengshan Mountain, located in the middle-subtropical
monsoon zone in central Hunan Province, in China, at
112¢X34¡¦ to 112¢X44¡¦E and 27¢X10¡¦ to 27¢X20¡¦N. The putative
hybrid plants were found at a sunny deforested site near a
subtropical coniferous forest at 300 m alt. These hybrids
appeared to have leaves and inflorescences intermedi-
ate between two sympatric taxa, Aster ageratoides var.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 47, 2006
scaberulus and Kalimeris indica, which were common
at the site. Aster ageratoides var. laticorymbus (Vant.)
Hand.-Mazz. also occurs at Hengshan Mountain, but the
population was found to be a hexaploid (Li, unpublished)
and was spatially distant from the putative hybrid, sug-
gesting that it could not be one of the parents of the puta-
tive hybrid. It is thus excluded from this study.
Twelve putative hybrid individuals were collected and
prepared as specimens for morphological analyses, and
rhizomes of three individuals were transplanted to Hunan
Normal University for cytological and molecular investi-
gation. Thirty plants each of A. ageratoides var. scaberulus
and K. indica that grew near the putative hybrids were
prepared as specimens for morphological analyses, and
five each were transplanted for cytological and molecular
investigation. All specimens were identified according to
Ling and Chen (1985) and were deposited as herbarium
vouchers at Hunan Normal University (HNNU).
After preliminary observation, 16 morphologi-
cal characters¡Xincluding features of branches, middle
leaves, phyllaries, florets, and achenes¡Xwere found
to differ between the two putative parental species. All
field collections were scored for these 16 characters. For
quantitative features, such as size of middle leaves and
number of florets, the measurements are presented as a
range of variation.
Actively growing root tips for chromosome
observations were cut from living plants, pretreated with
0.1% colchicine at 8-12¢XC for 4 h, fixed in Carnoy I
(glacial acetic acid: 95% ethanol=1:3) at room temperature
for 12 h, then macerated in 1 mol/L hydrochloric acid
at 60¢XC for 8 min, stained in 5% NH
, at room
temperature for 3 h, stained in 0.75% hematoxylin for
3 h, washed in distilled water for 30 min, and finally
depigmented and squashed in 45% acetic acid.
Four samples for ITS analysis, one each from A. ag-
eratoides var. scaberulus and K. indica, and two, respec-
tively, from putative hybrid individuals were obtained
from plants cultivated at Hunan Normal University. Total
genomic DNA was isolated from fresh leaf tissue using
the CTAB method of Roger and Bendish (1988). The
two internal transcribed spacers (ITS-1, ITS-2) and 5.8S
nrDNA were amplified using the primers "ITS1" (5 ¡¦ AGT
CGT AAC AAG GTT TCC GTA G 3¡¦) and "ITS4" (5¡¦
TCC TCC GCT TAT TGA TAT GC 3¡¦). The amplification
reaction was performed in 50 £gL volumes using 10-20 ng
of genomic DNA, 5 £gl MgCl
(25 mmol/L), 4 £gl dNTP (2.5
mmol/L), 1 £gl (6.25 pmol) of each primer, and 0.25 £gl (5
U/£gl) Taq DNA polymerase. The following temperature
and time profile was used in the amplification of the Poly-
merase Chain Reaction (PCR): an initial denaturation step
of 94oC for 5 min; 36 cycles of 94oC for 1 min, 57oC for 1
min, and 72oC for 2 min, and a final extension of 10 min
at 72oC. The amplified double stranded DNA fragments
were purified and then directly sequenced on an ABI 377
automated sequencer (PE Applied Biosystems, Inc.). Prim-
ers were the same as those of the initial PCR. For each
sample, both forward and reverse sequences of ITS1, 5.8S
and ITS2 were obtained. Each base position was examined
for agreement between complementary strands.
A morphological comparison among the three taxa is
summarized in Table 1. The two putative parents differ
significantly in all 16 characters. By contrast, the pre-
sumed hybrids have intermediate character states in eight
characters, including distribution of stomata, number of
florets, size of achenes, and especially length of pappus.
The hybrids resemble A. ageratoides var. scaberulus, in
five characters, such as lack of stomata on upper leaves,
shape of inner phyllaries, width of middle phyllaries, and
lack of glands on phyllaries and ovaries, and resemble K.
indica in the other three, including number of branches
above, size of middle leaves, and color of ray florets.
The metaphase chromosomes and the karyotype of the
three taxa are shown in Figure 1. All three taxa are tetra-
ploid with 2n=4x=36. However, there are significant dif-
ferences in karyotype among them. All 36 chromosomes
in A. ageratoides var. scaberulus are L-type (large chro-
mosomes), with the length varying from 2.51-4.35 £gm
while all 36 chromosomes of K. indica are S-type (short
chromosomes), ranging in length from 1.4-1.93 £gm. The
longest chromosome pair of K. indica, 1.93 in length, is
shorter than the shortest pair of A. ageratoides var. scab-
erulus. The putative hybrid is intermediate in karyotype,
with 18 L-type chromosomes (2.49-4.1 £gm) and 18 S-type
chromosomes (1.35-1.85 £gm).
ITS sequences
The boundaries of the ITS region (ITS1, 5.8S, and
ITS2) were determined by comparison to published ITS
sequences of Aster amellus L. and Kalimeris integrifolia
(L.) Less (Noyes and Rieseberg, 1999). The length of
the ITS sequence of all the materials studied is 630 bp.
The sequences of A. geratoides var. scaberulus and K.
indica differ from one another at 13 sites (2%; Table 2).
At each of these 13 sites the sequence spectrum of the
putative hybrid individuals shows two overlapped bands
with the peak about half as high as those of neighboring
sites, indicating that two different base pairs are at each
of these sites that correspond with those of A. geratoides
var. scaberulus and K. indica, respectively (Table 2),
exhibiting a combination of the ITS sequences of the
two putative parent species. The forward and reverse
sequences agree with each other for complementary
strands. The ITS sequences from the two hybrids
were identical. Therefore, the overlapped bands, as a
polymorphism, can be attributed to the fact that there are
LI ¡X Natural hybridization between
A. ageratoides
K. indica
two kinds of ITS sequences in each hybrid plant instead of
to a test error.
Confirmation of the hybrid
Sympatry of parents is one of preconditions for
hybridization. The putative hybrid, A. ageratoides var.
scaberulus, and K. indica co-occurred at a sunny deforest-
ed site of the Hengshan Mountain with no other Kalimeris
or Aster species nearby. Their spatial
distribution indicates
the possibility that the putative hybrid is derived from
A. ageratoides var. scaberulus and K. indica. A hybrid is
usually morphologically intermediate between its parents
(Stebbins, 1950), and may also share some features with
them (Rieseberg and Ellstrand, 1993). According to Table
1, the putative hybrid had eight intermediate characters be-
tween A. ageratoides var. scaberulus and K. indica, three
similar to K. indica, and five similar to A. ageratoides var.
scaberulus, supporting the notion that the putative hybrid
was the product of A. ageratoides var. scaberulus and K.
Even though both Aster ageratoides var. scaberulus
and K. indica at this locality are tetrapolid with 2n=4x=36,
their karyotypes are fortunately quite different (Figure 1),
which makes it easy to test the hybrid cytologically. Since
the karyotype of the two taxa was investigated simultane-
ously with the same method and in the same reagents,
length of the chromosomes was comparable. The shortest
chromosome pair (L-type) of A. ageratoides var. scaberu-
lus was found to be longer than the longest of K. indica
(S-type), and the putative hybrid had 18 chromosomes
each of L- and S-Type, both resembling in size and
morphology the presumed parental species.
Tara (1972, 1978a, 1978b, 1979) studied intergeneric
hybridization between Aster and Kalimeris based on
karyotypical comparisons among hybrids and their parents
as well as observations of meiosis. Tara reported that there
were several hybrid types, such as 2n=72=18 L-chromo-
somes + 54 S-chromosomes, 2n=72=9 L-chromosomes
+ 63 S-chromosomes, 2n=81=27 L-chromosomes + 54
S-chromosomes, and 2n=108=18 L-chromosomes + 90
S-chromosomes, which resulted from the natural hy-
bridization of A. ovatus and K. incisa and the backcross
Table 1. A morphological comparison among Aster ageratoides var. scaberulus, Kalimeris indica and their putative hybrid.
Aster ageratoides var. scaberulus The putative hybrid Kalimeris indica
Branches above
None or rarely 1-3
Many (>5)
Many (>5)
Size of middle leaves (Length ¡Ñ
Width) (cm)
Stomata on the upper surface of
middle leaves
Present, but rare
Size of leave on branches
(Length ¡Ñ Width) (cm)
Length of peduncles (cm)
No. of layers of phyllaries
Shape of inner phyllaries
Linear oblanceolate
Linear oblanceolate Ovate in the upper 2/3, and
constricted and lanceolate in
the lower 1/3
Glands on middle phyllaries None
Width of middle phyllaries 0.8-1
No. of florets per head
No. of ray florets per head
No. of disc florets per head
Coloure of ray florets
Glands on ovary
Length of pappus (mm)
Size of achenes (Length ¡Ñ
Width) (mm)
Botanical Studies, Vol. 47, 2006
Figure 1. Photomicrographs of the metaphase chromosomes
and the karyotype of Aster ageratoides var. scaberulus, the puta-
tive hybrid, and Kalimeris indica (Scale bar=2
. A, D: Aster
ageratoides var. scaberulus; B, E: the putative hybrid; C, F: Ka-
limeris indica.
Table 2. ITS comparison among Aster ageratoides var. scaberulus, Kalimeris indica and their putative hybrid.
Positions 43 73 74 117 136 142 179 236 419 488 492 555 583
...A & C...T & C A & G.....T & C.....T & A......A & G......A & T......G & T.......G & A......G & C......T & C......G & T......G & T......3
AST: Aster ageratoides var. scaberulus; HYB: The putative hybrid; KAL: Kalimeris indica.
between the F
and K. incisa. Moreover, the hybrid chro-
mosome behavior at meiosis confirmed the origin of the
two types of chromosomes. On the other hand, A. ovatus
was verified to be an amphiploid (2n=4x=36=18 L-chro-
mosomes + 18 S-chromosomes), with 18 L-chromosomes
and 18 S-chromosomes derived from Aster and Kalimeris,
respectively (Tara, 1977). Since L-chromosomes are one
of the important traits of Aster and S-chromosomes are a
specific character of Kalimeris (Huziwara, 1957a, b, 1958;
Chen et al., 1992a, b; Soejima and Peng, 1998; Li, 2002,
2003; Li and Zhang, 2004), karyotypical investigation is
useful in testing intergeneric hybridization between Aster
and Kalimeris.
The sequence of the nrDNA of the hybrid should
possess ITS sequences of both parental species, and as
expected, the results (Table 2) showed this to be the case.
Generally, it is expected that concerted evolution in hy-
brids should result in a homogeneous nrDNA with seg-
ments from one or both parents. The fact that concerted
evolution in the hybrid studied had not begun indicates
that this is a recent F1 hybrid.
The taxonomic relationship between Kalimeris
and Aster
Kalimeris, native to East Asia, is a difficult taxon. This
is reflected mainly in its complicated relationship with
Aster. Since the name Kalimeris was first published as a
subgenus of Aster by Cassini in 1822, the species group
has changed many times in its taxonomic position, being
treated as part of Asteromoea Blume, a genus (Calimeris
Ness), a section of Aster L. (sect. Calimeris Hoffmann or
sect. Asteromoea Makino), a section of Boltonia (sect. As-
teromoea Benth. et Hook. F.), or the genus Kalimeris Cass
(see Ling and Chen, 1985; Nesom, 1994, 2000; Ito and
Soejima, 1995; Gu and Hoch, 1997). Most Asian botanists
consider the types of Kalimeris and Asteromoea to be con-
generic (Gu and Hoch, 1997), so Asteromoea is regarded
as a synonym of Kalimeris. Although Boltonia shares
several floral and achene characters with Kalimeris, the
long-discussed possibility of a close relationship between
the New World Boltonia and Old World Kalimeris was re-
jected by Ling and Chen (1985) and Gu and Hoch (1997).
However, the relationship between Kalimeris and Aster
is still controversial. Some botanists treated Kalimeris as
LI ¡X Natural hybridization between
A. ageratoides
K. indica
a genus (Ling and Chen, 1985; Nesom, 2000), and some
maintained that it should be a section (sect. Callimeris) of
Aster (Ito and Soejima, 1995). Still others thought that its
taxonomic position was pending (Gu and Hoch, 1997).
The primary morphological character that differentiates
Aster from Kalimeris is length of pappus. The pappus of
Kalimeris is less than 2 mm long while that of Aster usu-
ally exceeds 3 mm (Ling and Chen, 1985; Gu and Hoch,
1997). Over-dependence upon the generic diagnostic
character is what has caused taxonomic confusion. Some
species were classified into Kalimeris based on their short
pappus, but other evidence suggested different taxonomic
Ling and Chen (1985) thought that some species with
a short pappus such as Aster prorerus Hemsl., blur dif-
ferences between Aster and Kalimeris. Aster prorerus
(Kalimeris prorerus (Hemsl.) S. Y. Hu) is controversial
in taxonomic position (Hu, 1967; Ling and Chen, 1985).
Aster giraldii Diels was placed in Aster sect. Calimeris
Ness by Diels in 1905 (see Ling and Chen, 1985). Aster
prorerus and A. giraldii, as well as A. smithianus Hand.-
Mazz., A. dolichopodus Ling, A. hunanensis Hand.-Mazz.,
and A. menelii Levl., were thought to resemble Kalimeris
because all of them have a short pappus (Ling and Chen,
1985). According to the description of Ling and Chen
(1985), these six species are also similar to Kalimeris in
other features. For instance, their heads are terminal and
solitary on leafy peduncles with few to numerous heads
forming a loosely corymboid inflorescence. Wang et al.
(1999) reported that A. procerus and A. smithianus share
the same characters of pollen grains with Kalimeris. Of
course, these six species also possess features of Aster,
hence their placement in Aster (Ling and Chen, 1985).
Based on the fact that these species are similar to Aster in
some characters and to Kalimeris in others, it is necessary
to provide karyotypical and molecular data to determine
their taxonomic positions.
By contrast with pappus, karyotype is more reliable in
discriminating between Aster and Kalimeris. As shown
here, the karyotype is one character that can verify that a
putative hybrid is a true hybrid. Aster ovatus possesses a
mixed LS karyotype (2n=18 long chromosomes + 18 short
chromosomes) and appears to be derived from hybrid-
ization between Aster and Kalimeris (Tara, 1977). Aster
miquelianus Hara was treated as a species of Kalimeris
(namely K. miquelianus) because it has short pappus
britles (Kitamura, 1937; Ling and Chen, 1985). However,
Ito and Soejima (1995) and Gu and Hoch (1997) excluded
it from Kalimeris and left it as part of Aster, a m ov e
which is supported strongly by cytological evidence (Gu,
1989). Gu (1989) reported that 18 chromosomes of A.
miquelianus (2n=2x=18) are much longer than those of
Kalimeris and like those of Aster. Therefore, karyotypi-
cal studies may be particularly useful in clarifying the
taxonomic confusion produced by the six species such as
A. procerus, for which cytological study has not been re-
Acknowledgments. I thank two anonymous reviewers
for very valuable comments and important improvements
on the manuscript. Support for this research was provided
by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation
of China to Li Weiping (Grant No. 30470131, 39899400).
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LI ¡X Natural hybridization between
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