Botanical Studies (2006) 47: 199-205.
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Tripterospermum lilungshanensis (Gentianaceae), a new
species in Taiwan
Chih-Hsiung CHEN
, Jenn-Che WANG
*, and Yung-Chan CHANG
Department of Botany, National Museum of Natural Science, 1, Guancian Road, Taichung, Taiwan
Department of Life Science, National Taiwan Normal University, 88 Ting-Chow Road, Sec 4, Taipei, Taiwan
Department of Life Science, National Chung-Hsing University, 250, Kuo Kuang Road, Taichung, Taiwan
(Received April 12, 2005; Accepted November 10, 2005)
A new species Tripterospermum lilungshanensis C. H. Chen & J. C. Wang from Taiwan is
described. Line drawing, color photos, and SEM micrographs of pollen and seed are also provided to aid
in the identification. This species was found at the altitude of ca. 600-1,000 m from Mt. Lilungshan in the
southern part of the Central Mountain Range. The new species is most similar to T. alutaceifolium (T. S. Liu
& C. C. Kuo) J. Murata, which is mainly restricted to northern Taiwan, but differs from the latter by having
shorter leaf blades (2-5 cm vs. 4-9 cm), lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate and slightly spreading calyx-lobes (vs.
ensiform and straight), and an elongated gynophore which results in fruit exerting from the calyx-tube when
Keywords: Gentianaceae; New species; Taxonomy; Taiwan; Tripterospermum; Tripterospermum
Tripterospermum Blume (Gentianaceae) is a genus of
climbing perennials restricted to Asia (Murata, 1989).
Twenty-five species have been recognized by Murata
(1989) in his worldwide revision. Recently, Hul (2002)
described three new species from Vietnam. The genus is
the sister group of Crawfurdia and Gentiana based on
recent studies from morphology and molecular phylogeny
(Ho et al., 1996; Yuan and Kupfer, 1995). Most members
of the Taiwanese Tripterospermum have been published
by early Japanese taxonomists (Hayata, 1911; Yamamoto,
1929; Masamune, 1938). The first revision was made
by Satake (1951), who recognized four species. Liu and
Kuo (1970) treated Taiwanese Tripterospermum as three
species. Later, they added two infraspecific taxa (Liu and
Kuo, 1974) and subsequently gave it a similar treatment
in the Flora of Taiwan, First Edition (Liu and Kuo, 1978).
Murata (1989) made a comprehensive revision according
to the morphological survey in which six Taiwan species
were treated. Basically, later treatments of Taiwanese
Tripterospermum, e.g. Flora of China (Ho and Pringle,
1995) and Flora of Taiwan, Second Edition (Wang and
Chen, 1998), were the same as Murata¡¦s.
Recently, in our botanical exploration in southern
Taiwan, an unknown species of Tripterospermum was
found. After further field observations and comparisons
with the herbarium specimens in the HAST, NMNS, TAIF,
TAI, and TNU herbaria, we concluded that the taxon is a
new species.
Materials used in the present studies were collected
from field, pressed and dried for voucher specimens, and
deposited in the herbaria NMNS and TNU. Seeds and
pollen grains for scanning electron microscope (SEM)
study were collected from fresh capsules and flowers of
holotype (Y. C. Chang 21, NMNS).
Pollen grains were treated by the acetolysis method
(Erdtman, 1952) before being dried to the critical point.
Seed and pollen were coated with gold and examined
under Hitachi S3000N scanning electron microscope.
For the comparison of calyx-lobes, eight individuals
o f T. lilungshanensis in Lilungshan and twelve
individuals from four populations of T. alutaceifolium
in northern Taiwan were measured and plotted. The
voucher specimens with geographic information are as
follows: T. lilungshanensis: Pingtung, Lilungshan, Y. C.
Chang 21 (NMNS), C. H. Chen 6267 (NMNS), Lu & Li
1663 (TNU); T. alutaceifolium: Taipei, Chihsingshan,