Botanical Studies (2006) 47: 207-222.
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Four new species of Begonia sect. Coelocentrum
(Begoniaceae) from limestone areas in Guangxi, China
Shin-Ming KU
, Yan LIU
, and Ching-I PENG
Herbarium (HAST), Research Center for Biodiversity, Academia Sinica, Nangang, Taipei 115, Taiwan
Department of Life Sciences, National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan
Guangxi Institute of Botany, Guangxi Zhuangzu Autonomous Region and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guilin
541006, P.R. China
(Received October 22, 2005; Accepted February 1, 2006)
. Four new species of Begonia (sect. Coelocentrum), namely B. debaoensis, B.
pseudodaxinensis, B. pseudoleprosa and B. semiparietalis, from the limestone areas in Guangxi Zhuangzu
Autonomous Region, southern China are described and illustrated. A somatic chromosome number of 2n = 30
is determined for three of them. Begonia debaoensis resembles B. bonii Gagnep., differing in having smaller
leaves; a slender rhizome with long internodes; bicolored outer tepals that are pink toward the margins and
whitish in the middle; and bearing abnormal, feminized stamens on staminate flowers. It is perhaps of hybrid
origin. Begonia pseudodaxinensis is similar to B. daxinensis T.C. Ku, differing in the leaves being entirely
green and without white maculation; the stipule apex obtuse or emarginate; and the rhizome stout and nearly
glabrous. Begonia pseudoleprosa bears a superficial resemblance to B. leprosa Hance (sect. Leprosae),
differing in the fruits being winged, trigonous obovoid-ellipsoid and with parietal placentation. It also
resembles B. bonii Gagnep., differing in the leaves being subcoriaceous, nearly flat and very sparsely
setulose or subglabrous on the adaxial surface; and petioles and the main veins on the lower leaf surface
being appressed hairy. Begonia semiparietalis is also somewhat similar to B. bonii Gagnep., differing in
the leaves having white maculation along main veins and the upper surface sparsely setose-pilose; ovaries
and fruits long glandular-pilose; placentation parietal on upper half of the ovary and axile on the lower
Keywords: Begonia debaoensis; Begonia pseudodaxinensis; Begonia pseudoleprosa; Begonia sect.
Coelocentrum; Begonia semiparietalis; Begoniaceae; China; Chromosome number; Guangxi; Limestone flora;
New species.
In continuation of our research on eastern Asian
Begonia (Peng et al., 1988; Peng and Chen, 1990, 1991;
Peng and Sue, 2000; Peng and Chiang, 2000; Chiang et
al., 2001; Oginuma and Peng, 2002; Shui et al., 2002;
Ye et al., 2004; Ku et al., 2004; Peng et al., 2005 a, b, c;
Liu et al. 2005; Li et al., 2005; Peng et al., 2006; Fang et
al., 2006; Peng et al., 2006), we report the discovery of
four new species of Begonia sect. Coelocentrum from the
limestone areas in Guangxi, China.
1. Begonia debaoensis C.-I Peng, Yan Liu & S. M.
Ku, sp. nov.¡XTYPE: China. Guangxi Zhuangzu
Autonomous Region, Baise Shi, Debao Xian, Jixingyan,
ca. 12 km S of Debao. 23¢X15¡¦10¡¦¡¦N, 106¢X38¡¦16¡¦¡¦E,
elevation ca. 600 m, grassy vegetation, at entrance of
a limestone cave at base of a steep rocky hill, on rocky
slope face, shaded, moist, frequent. Living collection
made on 25 May 2004; type specimens (in flower)
pressed from plants in cultivation on 30 Nov 2005,
Ching-I Peng, Wai-Chao Leong, Shin-Ming Ku & Yan Liu
19712-A (holotype: HAST; isotypes: IBK). ¼w«O¬î®ü´Å
Figure 1, 2
Similis Begoniae bonii Gagnep., sed a qua differt foliis
parvis, rhizomate gracili internodiis longis instructo,
tepalis exterioribus bicoloribus margine roseis alibi
albidis, floribus staminatis staminibus abnormalibus
femineis praeditis.
Herbs, monoecious; epipetric; perennial; rhizomatous.
Rhizome slender, 20-60 cm or longer, 2.5-6 mm thick,
internodes (15-)18-30(-35) mm long, sparsely villous.
eventually deciduous, triangular to ovate-
triangular, apex acute or obtuse, 4-9 mm long, 4-6 mm
wide, reddish-hyaline, weakly keeled, without reddish
Botanical Studies, Vol. 47, 2006
Figure 1. Begonia debaoensis C.-I Peng, Yan Liu & S. M. Ku. A, Habit. B, Stipules; C, Portion of leaf, adaxial surface; C¡¦,
abaxial surface; C¡¦¡¦, cross section. D, Bracts. E, Abnormal staminate flower. F, Abnormal stamen. G, Carpellate flower, face view;
G¡¦, side view. H, Serial cross sections of ovary. (All from C.-I Peng et al. 19712, HAST).
KU et al. ¡X Four new species of
in China
Figure 2. Begonia debaoensis C.-I Peng, Yan Liu & S. M. Ku. A, Habit and habitat. B, Leaf. C, Leaf upper surface, showing
setulose trichomes. D, Stipules. E, Abnormal staminate flower. F, An abnormal stamen with placentae and ovule-like structures
near the base and with stigmatic papillae at the tip. G, Ovule-like structures. H, A carpellate flower with two normal styles and
one abnormal style. I, Side view of carpellate flower. J, Middle cross section of ovary. (All from C.-I Peng et al. 19712, HAST).
Botanical Studies, Vol. 47, 2006
nerves, with sparse minute subsessile brown glandular
hairs on abaxial surface, villous along midrib, margin
serrulate and ciliate, apex aristate, arista 1-3 mm long,
hair-like. Leaves 5-14 or more, alternate, simple,
asymmetric, unlobed, broadly ovate or suborbicular, base
deeply cordate, margin denticulate and ciliolate, apex
shortly acuminate or acute, (5-)6-8(-9.5) cm long (basal
lobes included), (3.6-)4-6(-6.8) cm wide, green or dark
green on adaxial surface, pale green to silver white (with
white maculation on intercostal area in juvenile plants)
and with green or brownish green veins, usually reddish
on abaxial surface, texture thinly herbaceous, surface
slightly rugose, adaxially sparsely setulose (trichomes
0.3-1 mm long, whitish-hyaline), abaxially sparsely
pilose on veins; venation basally palmate, veins 5 or
6, midrib distinct, with 1-3 major lateral veins on each
side, other primary veins branching dichotomously or
nearly so, tertiary veins percurrent and loosely reticulate,
forming a divergence angle of 80-90¢X to major veins,
minor veins reticulate, all veins on abaxial surface slightly
raised; petiole terete, (5-)6-10(-12) cm long, 1.5-3 mm
thick, brownish or brownish red, villous. Inflorescences
axillary, 1-3, arising directly from rhizome, flowers 4-7,
in a dichasial cyme, cyme branched 1-3 times; staminate
flowers 3-5, carpellate flowers 1 or 2; peduncle well
developed, terete, erect or ascending, 6-15 cm long, 1.5-2
mm thick, glabrous or subglabrous. Bracts caducous, ovate
to orbicular, margin denticulate and ciliate, apex obtuse
or rounded, 3-5 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, membranaceous.
Staminate flowers: pedicel 9-17 mm long; tepals 4, outer
2 tepals suborbicular, base rounded or slightly cordate,
margin entire (or dentate and ciliate when abnormal),
apex rounded, 6-11 mm long, 7-12 mm wide, glabrous or
with sparse minute, subsessile, brown glandular hairs on
outer surface, bicolor, pink toward margin, whitish in the
middle, inner 2 tepals oblong or narrowly obovate, apex
obtuse, 8-10 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, white, glabrous (or
dentate and ciliate when abnormal); stamens abnormal,
feminization, filaments 2-4 mm long, base with exposed
structures, tip forming a stigma-like structure,
without anthers. Carpellate flowers: pedicel 7-11 mm
long, sometimes with a bracteole on upper part; tepals 3,
caducous, if persistent not thickened when fruiting, outer
2 tepals suborbicular, margin entire, eciliate, (5-)7-9(-11)
mm long, (5-)8-9(-11) mm wide, bicolor as staminate
flowers, inner tepal oblong or narrowly obovate, apex
obtuse, 4-7 mm long, 2.5-3.5 mm wide, white, glabrous;
ovary trigonous ellipsoid, 5-8 mm long, 3.7-4.1 mm thick
(wings excluded), with sparse, minute, subsessile, brown
glandular hairs, 3-winged; wings unequal or subequal;
lateral wings 1-1.7 mm tall; abaxial wing crescent-
shaped or nearly so, 3-5 mm tall, 5-7 mm wide; locule
1, placentation intruded parietal from lower 1/3 of ovary
to summit; placentae 3, each 2-branched; styles 3, fused
in lower 1/4, yellow, 3-3.3 mm long, apically C-shaped;
stigmatic band slightly spiraled. Fruits not seen. Somatic
chromosome number, 2n = 30 (Figure 3).
Additional specimens examined. CHINA. Guangxi
Zhuangzu Autonomous Region, Baise Shi, Debao Xian,
Jixingyan, ca. 12 km S of Debao (where the type was
collected). 23¢X15¡¦10¡¦¡¦N, 106¢X38¡¦16¡¦¡¦E, elevation ca.
600 m, 25 May 2004, C.-I Peng et al. 19712 (HAST).
Ecology. On wall of a cave at base of a steep limestone
Distribution. Southwestern Guangxi, China (Figure 4).
Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the
type locality, Debao Xian, Guangxi, China.
Phenology. Flowering August to January.
Notes. Like many species of Begonia sect.
Coelocentrum, B. debaoensis is highly restricted in
distribution, currently known only from one limestone
cave in western Guangxi. It resembles B. bonii Gagnep.
in being sparsely or moderately setulose on the upper
surface of the leaves, differing by the smaller leaves;
Figure 3. Mitotic chromosome spread of Begonia. A, Begonia debaoensis (2n=30); B, Begonia pseudodaxinensis (2n=30); C,
Begonia semiparietalis (2n=30), arrow indicating a probable B-chromosome. (A from C.-I Peng et al. 19712; B from W.C. Leong
et al. 3360; C from C.-I Peng et al. 20327. All vouchers at HAST).
KU et al. ¡X Four new species of
in China
slender rhizome and with long internodes (vs. stout and
with congested internodes); showy bicolored outer tepals
that are pink toward margins and whitish in the middle
(vs. white or pink throughout); and bearing abnormal,
feminized stamens in the staminate flowers (Figure 2: E,
F, G). It does not produce normal stamens and fruit set
is impossible. Nevertheless, it reproduces vegetatively,
forming large, uniform colonies in the cave. We suspect
that B. debaoensis represents a natural hybrid involving
B. bonii as one of the putative parents. The other parent
is not obvious to us. Further biosystematic studies are
in progress. Table 1 summarizes the morphological
differences between Begonia debaoensis and other
somewhat similar species.
Begonia pseudodaxinensis S. M. Ku, Yan Liu, & C.-I
Peng, sp. nov.¡XTYPE: China. Guangxi Zhuangzu
Autonomous Region, Chungzuo Shi, Daxin Xian,
Naling Xiang, along province road 316, SE side
of road, behind a small village, 22¢X55¡¦09¡¦¡¦N, 107¢X
01¡¦11¡¦¡¦E, elevation ca. 400 m, mixed bamboo
and broadleaf forest, at base of limestone hill, on
limestone rock face, semishaded, frequent. Living
collection made on 26 May 2004; type specimens
pressed from plants in cultivation on 26 Jan 2005,
Ching-I Peng, Wai-Chao Leong, Shin-Ming Ku & Yan
Liu 19747-A (holotype: HAST; isotypes: IBK).
Figure 5, 6
Similis Begoniae daxinensi T. C. Ku, sed a qua differt
foliis omnino viridibus haud albo-maculatis, stipulis apice
obtusis vel emarginatis, rhizomate crasso subglabro.
Herbs, monoecious; epipetric; perennial; rhizomatous.
Rhizome stout, distinctly woody when older, 10-30 cm
or longer, (6-)11-15(-30) mm thick, internodes 6-12 mm
long, nearly glabrous. Stipules deciduous, ovate-triangular,
subcucullate to cucullate, 10-20 mm long, 7-18 mm wide,
weakly keeled, nearly glabrous, margin more or less
entire and eciliate, or sometimes ciliate, apex
obtuse or emarginate, aristate, arista 1-2 mm long, hair-
like. Leaves 2-7, alternate, simple, asymmetric, unlobed,
broadly ovate or suborbicular, base deeply cordate,
margin denticulate and ciliolate, apex shortly acuminate
or acute, (16-)20-30(-38) cm long (basal lobes included),
(12-)15-20(-26) cm wide, green, without maculation (but
with white maculation in seedlings), texture herbaceous,
surface slightly rugose, adaxially sparsely setose
(trichomes 0.2-0.6 mm long), abaxially sparsely shortly
pilose on major veins; venation basally palmate, veins (6
or )7 or 8, midrib distinct, with 1-3 major lateral veins on
each side, other primary veins branching dichotomously
or nearly so, tertiary veins loosely reticulate and weakly
percurrent, forming a divergence angle of 60-75¢X to major
veins, minor veins reticulate, all veins on abaxial surface
raised; petiole terete, (15-)20-30(-35) cm long, 4.5-7
mm thick, greenish, reddish at base, sparsely reflexed
pilose. Inflorescences axillary, 1 or 2, arising directly from
rhizome, flowers slightly fragrant, 25-57, in dichasial
cymes, cymes branched 3-6 times; first staminate flowers
opening before elongation of peduncle,
staminate flowers
20-50, carpellate flowers 4-7; peduncle well developed,
terete, erect or ascending, 14-28 cm long, 3-5 mm thick,
greenish, subglabrous or sparsely pilose. Bracts caducous,
widely ovate to rounded, margin denticulate and ciliate,
2-5.5 mm long, 2-5 mm wide, greenish, membranaceous.
Staminate flowers: pedicel 10-20(-30) mm long, pilose;
tepals 4, outer 2 suborbicular, base rounded or slightly
cordate, margin entire, eciliate, apex rounded, 15-21
mm long, 18-23 mm wide, pinkish or whitish, abaxially
sparsely pilose; inner 2 tepals oblong or obovate, apex
obtuse, 6-10 mm long, 4-7 mm wide, white, glabrous;
androecium zygomorphic, subglobose, stamens 28-40,
golf club shaped; filaments subequal, 1.5-2 mm long,
nearly free; anthers ¡Ó ascending, locules 2, slightly
compressed, oblong-obovoid or shortly so, apex of
slightly emarginate, 1-1.5 mm long, 0.8-1 mm
wide, yellow. Carpellate flowers: pendent, pedicel 13-19
mm long, bracteole absent; tepals 3, caducous, if persistent
not thickened in fruit, outer 2 tepals suborbicular or
oblate, margin entire, eciliate, 11-14.5 mm long, 14-17
mm wide, pinkish, glabrous or subglabrous; inner tepal
oblong or obovate, 5-10 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, white,
glabrous; ovary trigonous ellipsoid or ovoid-ellipsoid,
8-10 mm long, 3-5.5 mm thick (wings excluded), with or
without few pilose trichomes (0.3-1 mm long), 3-winged;
wings equal or subequal; abaxial wing crescent-shaped
or subrectangular, 4-5 mm tall, 9-11 mm wide; locule 1,
placentation intruded parietal from lower 1/4 of ovary to
summit; placentae 3, each 2-branched; styles 3, fused in
lower 1/4, yellow, ca. 2-4 mm long, apically C-shaped;
stigmatic band slightly spiraled. Capsule nodding, stipe
20-25 mm long, fruit body 13-14 mm long, 5-6 mm thick,
greenish or reddish when fresh, apex with persistent
Figure 4. Distribution of Begonia debaoensis („S ), B.
pseudodaxinensis (
), B. pseudoleprosa (¡¶ ) an d B .
semiparietalis (¡¹) in Guangxi Zhuangzu Autonomous Region,
Botanical Studies, Vol. 47, 2006
Figure 5. Begonia pseudodaxinensis S.M. Ku, Yan Liu & C.-I Peng. A, Habit. B, Rhizome. C, Leaf margin, adaxial surface; C¡¦,
abaxial surface. D, Portion of leaf, adaxial surface; D¡¦, abaxial surface. E, Stipules, abaxial side; E¡¦, adaxial side; E¡¦¡¦, lateral
side. F. Inflorescences. G, Bracts. H, Staminate flower. I, Stamens. J, Carpellate flower, face view; J¡¦, side view. K, Pistil. L, S erial
cross sections of ovary. M. Fruit. N. Seeds. (All from W.-C. Leong 3360, HAST).
KU et al. ¡X Four new species of
in China
Figure 6. Begonia pseudodaxinensis S.M. Ku, Yan Liu & C.-I Peng. A, Habit and habitat. B, Cultivated plant at anthesis. C, Setose
hair on leaf upper surface. D, Young rhizome with stipules. E, Woody rhizome. F, Carpellate flower. G, Side view of carpellate
flower. H, Staminate flower. I, Fruit. J, Middle cross section of ovary. K. Seed SEM micrograph. (A from C.-I Peng et al. 19747;
B-K from W.-C. Leong 3360. All at HAST).
Botanical Studies, Vol. 47, 2006
styles; abaxial wing 4-7 mm tall. Seeds numerous, brown,
ovoid-ellipsoid or ellipsoid, 0.4-0.48 mm long, 0.23-0.29
mm thick, chalazal end rounded, micropylar end obtuse
or slightly constricted, outer periclinal walls of mature
seeds concave; collar cells elongated, straight, nearly
rectangular, 11-13 cells in a ring, occupying 1/3-1/2
of seed length. Somatic chromosome number, 2n = 30
(Figure 3).
Additional specimens examined. CHINA. Guangxi
Zhuangzu Autonomous Region, Chungzuo Shi, Daxin
Xian, Naling Xiang, along Province Road 316, SE side
of road, behind a small village, 22¢X55¡¦09¡¦¡¦N, 107¢X01¡¦
11¡¦¡¦E, elevation ca. 400 m, mixed bamboo and broadleaf
forest, at base of limestone hill, on limestone rock face,
semishaded, frequent, 26 May 2004, C.-I Peng et al.
19747 (HAST); same locality, 22¢X49¡¦55¡¦¡¦N, 107¢X01¡¦
11¡¦¡¦E, 28 Aug 2004, W.C. Leong et al. 3360 (HAST),
3360-A (HAST: specimen pressed from plant grown
in the greenhouse on 21 Jan 2005), 3360-B (HAST:
specimen pressed from plant grown in the greenhouse
on 5 Feb 2005).
Ecology. On limestone hills.
Distribution. Southwestern Guangxi, China (Figure 4).
Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from its
resemblance to Begonia daxinensis T.C. Ku.
Phenology. Flowering November to March; fruiting
February to June.
Notes. Begonia pseudodaxinensis is similar to B.
daxinensis T.C. Ku, differing in the leaves being entirely
green and without white maculation (vs. adorned with a
showy white ring); apex of stipules obtuse or emarginate
(vs. acute); and rhizome stout, nearly glabrous (vs.
less stout and moderately villous). They also differ in
phenology: B. pseudodaxinensis flowers from December
to March, whereas B. daxinensis flowers from March to
June. For a detailed morphological comparison see Table
Begonia pseudoleprosa C.-I Peng, Yan Liu & S. M.
Ku, sp. nov.¡XTYPE: China. Guangxi Zhuangzu
Autonomous Region, Chungzuo Shi, Daxin Xian,
Shuolong Zhen, Rendi Hydroeletric Power Station, 22
¢X49¡¦10¡¦¡¦N, 106¢X51¡¦16¡¦¡¦E, elevation ca. 250 m.14 Mar
2005, Ching-I Peng, Yan Liu, Shin-Ming Ku & Huan-
Yu Chen 20335 (holotype: HAST; isotype: IBK).
Figure 7, 8
Similis Begoniae leprosae Hance, sed a qua
differt fructibus alatis trigono-obovoido-ellipsoideis,
placentatione parietali; etiam similis B. bonii Gagnep.,
sed a qua differt foliis subcoriaceis, subplanis, supra
sparissime setulosis, petiolis et costis subtus appresse
Herbs, monoecious; epipetric; perennial; rhizomatous.
Rhizome 20-60 cm or longer, 4-7.5 mm thick, internodes
3.5-5 mm long, brown, initially with sparely appressed
hairs, glabrescent. Stipules eventually deciduous,
triangular, narrowly triangular, 5-10 mm long, 3-4 mm
wide, weakly keeled near apex, glabrous or with sparse
minute subsessile brown glandular hairs on abaxial
surface, margin
entire and eciliate, apex
acute, aristate,
arista 1.5-3 mm long, hair-like. Leaves 5-12, alternate,
simple, asymmetric, unlobed or sometimes shallowly
lobed, broadly ovate to suborbicular, base shallowly
cordate, margin sparsely and weakly denticulate and
ciliolate, apex shortly acuminate or acute, (5-)7-9(-11)
cm long (basal lobes included), (4-)5-7(-8.5) cm wide,
adaxial surface entirely green, abaxial surface pale green,
subcoriaceous, surface nearly flat, adaxially sparsely
setulose (trichomes 0.2-0.5 mm long) or nearly glabrous,
abaxially appressed hairy along major veins; venation
basally palmate, veins 5 or 6, midrib distinct, with 1-3
major lateral veins on each side, other primary veins
branching dichotomously or nearly so, tertiary veins
weakly percurrent and reticulate, forming a divergence
angle of 65-80¢X to major veins, minor veins obscure or not
seen, major veins slightly raised or flat on adaxial surface
and raised on abaxial surface; petiole terete, (5-)7-13(-20)
cm long, 2-3 mm thick, brownish or brownish red, with
appressed hairs. Inflorescences axillary, 1-3, arising
directly from rhizome, dichasial cymes, branched 2 or 3
times, flowers 5-15; staminate flowers 3-11, carpellate
flowers 1-4; peduncle well developed, terete, erect or
ascending, 4-14 cm long, 1.5-2 mm thick, glabrous.
Bracts caducous, lanceolate, ligulate or oblong, margin
denticulate and ciliate or ciliolate, 3-7 mm long, 1.5-2.5
mm wide. Staminate flowers: pedicel 8-20(-30) mm long,
glabrous or with few minute subsessile glandular hairs;
tepals 4, outer 2 suborbicular, rarely oblong-ovate, base
rounded or slightly cordate, margin entire, eciliate, apex
rounded, 10-13(-20) mm long, 10-11(-12) mm wide,
white or pinkish, glabrous or outer surface sparsely pilose;
inner 2 tepals oblong, 5-13 mm long, 2.5-4.5 mm wide,
white; androecium zygomorphic, subglobose, stamens
(15-)20-30(-40), golf club-shaped; filaments subequal,
0.8-1.5 mm long, nearly free; anthers ¡Ó ascending, locules
2, slightly compressed, oblong-obovoid, connective
apex slightly emarginate, 0.9-1.3 mm long, 0.6-0.8 mm
wide, yellow. Carpellate flowers: pedicel 6.5-13 mm
long, bracteole absent; tepals 3, caducous, if persistent
not thickened in fruit, outer 2 tepals suborbicular, margin
entire, 10-12 mm long, 12-14 mm wide, white or pinkish;
inner tepal oblong or narrowly obovate, 5-8 mm long,
2.5-4 mm wide, white; ovary trigonous obovoid-ellipsoid,
7-8 mm long, 3.5-4.5 mm thick (wings excluded), with
or without few pilose trichomes (0.4-0.8 mm long)
and sparse, minute, subsessile, brown glandular hairs,
3-winged; wings unequal or subequal; lateral wings
1-2 mm tall; abaxial wing crescent-shape, 1.5-3 mm
tall; locule 1, placentation intruded parietal from lower
1/4 of ovary to summit; placentae 3, each 2-branched;
styles 3, fused in lower 1/4, yellow, ca. 3.5-4 mm long,
apically C-shaped; stigmatic band slightly spiraled.
Capsule nodding, stipe 6-11 mm long, fruit body 10-12
mm long, 4.5-5.5 mm thick, greenish when fresh, apex
KU et al. ¡X Four new species of
in China
Figure 7. Begonia pseudoleprosa C.-I Peng, Yan Liu & S.M. Ku. A, Habit. B, Cross section of leaf. C, Leaf margin, adaxial
surface; C¡¦, abaxial surface. D, Stipules, abaxial side. E, Petiole, showing appressed pilose or villous hairs. F, Bracts. G,
Staminate flower, face view; G¡¦, side view
H, Stamen, side view; H¡¦, dorsal view; H¡¦¡¦, ventral view
I, Carpellate flower, face
view; I¡¦, side view. J, Pistil.
K, K¡¦, Fruits. L, Serial cross sections of ovary. M. Seeds. (A, B, C, E, F, K, K¡¦ from C.-I Peng et al.
20347; D, G, G¡¦, H, H¡¦, H¡¦¡¦, I, I¡¦, J, L, M from C.-I Peng et al. 20335. All at HAST).
Botanical Studies, Vol. 47, 2006
Figure 8. Begonia pseudoleprosa C.-I Peng, Yan Liu & S.M. Ku. A, Habit & habitat, the leaves unlobed. B, Habit & habitat, the
leaves shallowly lobed. C, Cultivated plant at anthesis. D, Leaf abaxial surface showing venation. E, Stipule. F, Portion of leaf
abaxial surface, showing appressed hair on the major vein. G, Staminate flower. H, Carpellate flower, face view. I, Carpellate
flower, side view. J, Middle cross section of ovary. K, Fruit. L, Seed SEM micrograph. (A, D, F, G, H from C.-I Peng et al.
20347; B, C, E, I, J, K, L from C.-I Peng et al. 20335. All at HAST).
KU et al. ¡X Four new species of
in China
Botanical Studies, Vol. 47, 2006
with persistent styles; lateral wings 2-2.5 mm tall; abaxial
wing crescent-shaped or nearly so, 4-6 mm tall. Seeds
numerous, brown, ellipsoid or obliquely triangular with
obtuse apex, 0.35-0.53 mm long, 0.23-0.29 mm thick,
chalazal end rounded, micropylar end obtuse or slightly
constricted, outer periclinal walls of mature seeds
concave; collar cells elongate, straight, nearly rectangular,
11-13 cells in a ring, 1/4-1/2 of seed length.
Additional specimens examined. CHINA. Guangxi
Zhuangzu Autonomous Region, Chungzuo Shi, Daxin
Xian, Shuolong Zhen, Rendi Hydroeletric Power
Station, 22¢X49¡¦10¡¦¡¦N, 106¢X51¡¦16¡¦¡¦E, on concave
limestone face, N-facing, semishaded, abundant. Living
collection made on 14 Mar 2005; specimen pressed
from cultivated plant on 30 Nov 2005, C.-I Peng et
al. 20355-A (HAST); same locality, along cement trail
to a waterfall, on rock face, broadleaf forest margin,
semishaded, moist to dry, abundant, C.-I Peng et al.
20347 (HAST).
Ecology. On limestone hills in broad-leaved forests.
Distribution. Southwestern Guangxi, China (Figure 4).
Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from its
superficial resemblance to B. leprosa Hance.
Phenology. Flowering November to December;
fruiting December to March.
Notes. Begonia pseudoleprosa bears a superficial
resemblance to B. leprosa Hance (sect. Leprosae),
differing in the fruits being winged, trigonous obovoid-
ellipsoid (vs. clavate and wingless) and in the parietal
(vs. axile) placentation. It also resembles B. bonii
Gagnep., but differs in the leaves being subcoriaceous,
nearly flat and the upper surface sparsely setulose (vs.
chartaceous, slightly rugose and sparsely to moderately
setulose); and petioles and main veins on the lower
leaf surface appressed hairy (vs. villous). Detailed
morphological comparison is shown in Table 1.
Begonia semiparietalis Yan Liu, S.M. Ku & C.-I
Peng, sp. nov. ¡XTYPE: China. Guangxi Zhuangzu
Autonomous Region, Chungzuo Shi, Fusui Xian,
Bapen Xiang, Nongyixiu, 22¢X27¡¦46¡¦¡¦N, 107¢X52¡¦
39¡¦¡¦E, elevation ca. 120 m, on limestone rock
face, shaded, moist to dry, occasional. Associated
with Monocladus, Buxus, Cephalomappa sinense,
Diospyros siderophylla, Radermachera sinica,
Justicia, Callicarpa, Drynaria, Alocasia odora.
Living collection made on 12 Mar 2005; types pressed
from cultivated plant on 4 Oct 2005, Ching-I Peng,
Yan Liu, Shin-Ming Ku & Huan-Yu Chen 20327- A
(holotype: IBK; isotype: HAST). ¥b°¼½¬î®ü´Å
Figure 9, 10
Similis Begoniae bonii Gagnep., sed a qua differt foliis
ad costas albo-maculatis, supra sparse setoso-pilosis,
ovariis et fructibus longe glanduloso-pilosis, placentatione
parietali in superiore 1/2 parte, sed axili in inferiore 1/2
Herbs, monoecious; epipetric; perennial; rhizomatous.
Rhizome 10-30 cm or longer, 9-12 mm thick, internodes
4-17 mm long, nearly glabrous or sparsely villous near
petiole base and leaf scars. Stipules eventually deciduous,
triangular or ovate-triangular, 7-10 mm long, 5-9 mm
wide, scarcely keeled, margin
entire, apex aristate, arista
2-4 mm long, hair-like. Leaves 4-8, alternate, simple,
asymmetric, unlobed, broadly ovate or suborbicular, base
deeply cordate, margin denticulate and ciliolate, apex
shortly acuminate or acute, rarely obtuse, (3.5-)8-12(-15)
cm long (basal lobes included), (3-)6-10(-13) cm wide,
green, dark green or dark brown on adaxial surface,
adorned with white maculation (these areas pale green
abaxially) along major veins, sometimes dark brown
with pale green major veins (without white maculation),
rarely entire green, abaxial surface reddish or pale green
with reddish venation, texture thinly herbaceous, surface
rugose, adaxially sparsely pilose-setose (trichomes
0.7-1 mm long), abaxially shortly villous or tomentose,
particularly pronounced on veins; venation basally
palmate, veins 5-7, midrib distinct, with 1-3 major
lateral veins on each side, other primary veins branching
dichotomously or nearly so, tertiary veins percurrent
and loosely reticulate, divergence angle 90-120¢X to
major veins, minor veins reticulate, all veins on abaxial
surface raised; petiole terete, (4-)12-20(-25) cm long,
3.5-4(-6) mm thick, villous. Inflorescences axillary, 1-6
or more, arising directly from rhizome, flowers 6-11(-25)
in a dichasial cyme branched 2-3(- 5) times; staminate
flowers 5-10(-20), carpellate flowers 1-5; peduncle well
developed, terete, erect or ascending, 12-30 cm long,
1.5-2 mm thick, glabrous. Bracts caducous, ovate, oblong
or rounded, margin denticulate and ciliate, 3-11 mm
long, 2.5-5 mm wide, reddish. Staminate flowers: pedicel
13-42 mm long, glabrous or pilose with few glandular
hairs; tepals 4, outer 2 suborbicular, base rounded, margin
entire, eciliate, 8-13 mm long, 6.5-12 mm wide, reddish or
pinkish, abaxially glandular pilose; inner 2 tepals narrowly
obovate or oblanceolate, apex obtuse, 7-10 mm long, 3-4.5
mm wide, white; androecium zygomorphic, subglobose,
stamens 13-40, golf club-shaped; filaments subequal,
2.5-3 mm long, nearly free; anthers ¡Ó ascending, locules
2, slightly compressed, oblong-obovoid, connective
apex slightly emarginate, 1.5-2 mm long, 0.7-0.9 mm
wide, yellow. Carpellate flowers: pedicel 12-14 mm
long, bracteole absent; tepals 3, caducous, if persistent
not thickened when fruiting, outer 2 tepals suborbicular,
margin entire, eciliate, 6.5-8.5 mm long, 7-9.5 mm wide,
pinkish or reddish, abaxially glandular pilose; inner tepal
oblanceolate or narrowly obovate, 6-7 mm long, 2.5-3 mm
wide, pinkish white, glabrous; ovary trigonous ellipsoid,
5.5-7 mm long, 3-4 mm thick (wings excluded), reddish,
with long glandular pilose trichomes (0.6-2.4 mm long),
3-winged; wings unequal or subequal; lateral wings 1-2
mm tall; abaxial wing crescent-shaped or nearly so, 2.5-4
mm tall, 6-7 mm wide; locule 1, placentation intruded
parietal from lower 1/2 of ovary to summit; placentae 3,
each 2-branched; styles 3, fused in lower 1/5 or nearly
KU et al. ¡X Four new species of
in China
Figure 9. Begonia semiparietalis Yan Liu, S. M. Ku & C.-I Peng. A, Habit. B. Portion of leaf upper surface, showing trichomes. C,
Stipules. D, Bracts. E, Staminate flower, face view; E¡¦, back view; E¡¦¡¦, side view. F, Stamens. G, Carpellate flower, face view; G¡¦,
side view. H, Serial cross sections of ovary. I, Fruit, side view; I¡¦, back view. J, Seeds. (All from C.-I Peng 20327, HAST).
Botanical Studies, Vol. 47, 2006
Figure 10. Begonia semiparietalis Yan Liu, S. M. Ku & C.-I Peng. A, B, Habit and habitat. C, Leaf, abaxial surface of leaf.
D, Leaf, cross section, showing trichomes. E, Leaf margine. F, Cross section of leaf in LM, showing trichome morphology on
adaxial surface. G, Stipule. H, Bracts, left to right, showing one of the first to third bracts. I, Staminate flower. J, Carpellate
flower, side view. K, Carpellate, face view. L, M, Fruits. N, Cross sections of ovary. O, Seed SEM micrograph. (All from C.-I
Peng 20327, HAST).
KU et al. ¡X Four new species of
in China
free, yellow, 3-4.8 mm long, apically C-shaped; stigmatic
band slightly spiraled. Capsule nodding, stipe 11-15 mm
long, fruit body 7-10 mm long, ca. 4 mm thick, reddish
when fresh, apex with persistent styles; lateral wings
1.5-2.3 mm tall; abaxial wing crescent-shaped or nearly
so, 4-5 mm tall. Seeds numerous, brown, ellipsoid or
broadly so, 0.45-0.5 mm long, 0.26-0.3 mm thick, chalazal
end rounded, micropylar end obtuse or slightly constricted,
outer periclinal walls of mature seeds concave; collar
cells elongated, straight, nearly rectangular, 10-14 cells
in a ring, occupying 1/4-2/3 of seed length. Somatic
chromosome number, 2n = 30 (Figure 3).
Additional specimens examined. CHINA. Guangxi
Zhuangzu Autonomous Region: Chungzuo Shi, Fusui
Xian, Bapen Xiang, Bapen Reserve, limestone hill,
valley or hill slope, sparse forest, elev. ca. 110 m, 18
Aug 2004, Comprehensive Expedition Team of White-
headed Langur Reserve B0095 (IBK); Chungzuo Shi,
Fusui Xian, Bapen Xiang, Nongyixiu, 22¢X27¡¦46¡¦¡¦N, 107
¢X52¡¦39¡¦¡¦E (type locality), Ching-I Peng et al. 20327,
20327-B (HAST).
Ecology. On limestone hills in broad-leaved forests.
Distribution. Southwestern Guangxi, China (Figure 4).
Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from its
semi-parietal placentation.
Phenology. Flowering August to December; fruiting
October to February. In cultivation, B. semiparietalis
just started to flower in late March at the time this
manuscript was sent to the printer.
Notes. Begonia semiparietalis is somewhat similar
to B. bonii Gagnep., differing in the leaves having white
maculation along the main veins and the upper surface
sparsely setose-pilose; ovaries and fruits long glandular-
pilose; placentation parietal on upper half of ovary and
axile on lower half of ovary. Detailed morphological
comparison is shown in Table 1.
Acknowledgments. We thank David E. Boufford (A/GH)
for improving the manuscript; Qiner Yang (PE) for the
Latin diagnosis; Wai-Chao Leong and Huan-Yu Chen
(HAST) for field assistance. This study was supported in
part by the Guangxi Natural Science Foundation to Yan
Liu (IBK) and grants from the National Science Council
and Academia Sinica, Taiwan, to Ching-I Peng (HAST).
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Botanical Studies, Vol. 47, 2006