Botanical Studies (2006) 47: 231-237.
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Ya m ( Dioscorea species) is a member of the
monocotyledonous family Dioscoreaceae and is a staple
food in West Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Caribbean
(Akoruda, 1984). Yam is recognized as an herbal plant
since the tuber dried slices have freqently been used as
Chinese herbal medicines. The tuber storage proteins
of yam, dioscorin, exhibited carbonic anhydrase,
trypsin inhibitor activities (Hou et al., 1999a; Hou et
al., 2000), and both dehydroascorbate reductase and
monodehydroascorbate reductase activities (Hou et al.,
1999b). Chang et al. (2004) reported that Chinese yam (D.
alata cv. Tainong No. 2) feeding had antioxidant effects in
hyperhomocysteinemia rats. However, the component in
the freeze-dried powder of Chinese yam was responsible
for this activity was not clear. We reported previously that
the storage proteins (dioscorin) from Japanese yam (D.
batatas) exhibited scavenging activities against DPPH and
hydroxyl radicals (Hou et al., 2001). We also reported
that the crude and purified mucilages from Japanese yam
exhibited antioxidant activities (Lee et al., 2003). We
discovered this by testing anti-DPPH and anti-hydroxyl
radicals, reducing powers, and anti-lipid peroxidation
activities (Hou et al., 2002).
Liao et al. (2004) used near infrared Fourier transform
Raman spectroscopy to analyze the secondary structure of
dioscorin from three yam species [D. Japonica (Japanese
yam), D. alata L., and D. alata L. var. purpurea].
Although the dioscorin from three species has a similar
molecular mass, the amino acid compositions and the
secondary structure of dioscorin from D. alata L., and
D. alata L. var. purpurea were apparently different from
those of D. Japonica (Japanese yam). Dioscorin from
D. Japonica had lower contents of Cys, Ile, Lys, and
total essential amino acids than did the other two yam
species. The dioscorin from D. alata L., D. alata L. var.
purpurea, an d D. Japonica exhibited structures mostly
of the
-helix, antiparallel
-sheet, mixed
-helix, and
-sheet types, respectively. These differences
among yam species might result in different biological
activities. In this work we used dioscorin from two
different yam species, Chinese yam (D. alata cv. Tainong
No. 1, TN1) and Japanese yam (D. batatas Decne,
imported from Japan, JP), and compared their antioxidant
activity, using DPPH radical and hydroxyl radical
scavenging activity assay, reducing power test, anti-lipid
peroxidation test, DNA damage protection, and inhibition
of dihydrorhodamine 123 oxidation by peroxynitrite.
The results showed that dioscorins from two species
exhibited different scavenging activities even with heating
100oC for 5 min against DPPH and hydroxyl radicals.
The peptic hydrolysates of TN1 dioscorin were separated
Comparisons of in vitro antioxidant activities of storage
proteins in tuber of two Dioscorea species
Yuh-Hwa LIU
, Hong-Jen LIANG
, Huey-Chuan CHENG
, Yen-Wenn LIU
, and Wen-Chi HOU
Division of Gastroenterology, Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital, Taipei, TAIWAN
Department of Food Science, Yaunpei University of Science and Technology, Hsinchu 300, TAIWAN
Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taipei 104, and Mackay Medicine, Nursing and Management College, Taipei 112, TAIWAN
Graduate Institute of Pharmacognosy, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, TAIWAN
(Received November 8, 2005; Accepted March 1, 2006)
Dioscorin was purified by DE-52 ion exchange chromatography from two yam species, Dioscorea
alata L. cv. Tainong 1 (TN1) and Dioscorea batatas Decne (imported from Japan, JP). By different in
vitro antioxidant tests, including DPPH radical and hydroxyl radical scavenging activity assay, a reducing
power test, an anti-lipid peroxidation test, DNA damage protection, and inhibition of dihydrorhodamine 123
oxidation by peroxynitrite, it was shown that dioscorins from the two species exhibited different scavenging
activities against DPPH and hydroxyl radicals, even after heating 100.C for 5 min. Dioscorins from TN1 were
hydrolyzed by pepsin for different durations and the peptic hydrolysates exhibited DPPH radical scavenging
activities. Peptic hydrolysates separated by Sephadex G-50 (F) gel filtration were tested for anti-DPPH radical
activity. Results showed that fractions of smaller molecular weight still have antioxidant activities.
Keywords: Antioxidant; Dioscorin; Peptic hydrolysates; Storage protein; Yam.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 47, 2006
by Sephadex G-50(F) column and were then analyzed
for anti-DPPH activity. It was found that the smaller
molecular weight fractions still had antioxidant activities.
Peroxynitrite was obtained from Calbiochem-
Novabiochem Co. (Darmstadt, Germany). Calf thymus
DNA (activated, 25 A
units) was purchased from
Amersham Biosciences (Uppsala, Sweden). Hydrogen
peroxide (33%) was from Wako Pure Chemical Industry
(Osaka, Japan). Reduced glutathione, dihydrorhodamine
123 (DHR 123), 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH),
2-deoxy-ribose, and other chemicals and reagents were
purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO,
Dioscorin extractions and purifications from
TN1 and JP yam
Tubers of fresh yams, D. alata L. cv. Tainong No. 1
(TN1) and D. batatas Decne (JP), were purchased from
Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Co., Wanhua
District, Taipei. After washing and peeling, the tubers were
cut into strips for dioscorin extraction and purification.
After extraction and centrifugation, dioscorins were
purified from crude extracts successively by a DE-52 ion
exchange column according to the methods of Hou et al.
(2001). The concentrated dioscorin solution was dialyzed
against deionized water overnight and lyophilized for
further use.
DPPH radical scavenging activity of dioscorin
The DPPH radical scavenging activity of dioscorin
with or without heating at 100oC for 5 min and peptic
hydrolysates from TN1 and JP yams were measured
according to the method of Hou et al. (2001, 2002). Every
0.6 mL dioscorin solution (10, 20 and 40 nanomoles) was
added to 0.05 mL of 1 M Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.9) and
then mixed with 0.6 mL of 50
M DPPH in methanol for
20 min under light protection at room temperature. The
absorbance at 517 nm was measured. Deionized water was
used as a blank experiment. The scavenging activity of
DPPH radicals (%) was calculated following the equation:
- A517
) ÷ A517
× 100%.
Scavenging activity of dioscorin against metal
ion-dependent hydroxyl radicals
The hydroxyl radical scavenging activity of dioscorin
with or without heating at 100oC for 5 min from TN1
and JP yams was determined by the deoxyribose method
(Halliwell et al., 1987). Every 0.5 ml sample containing
different amounts of dioscorin (0.357, 1.785, 3.57, 7.14,
and 17.85 nanomole) were added to 1.0 ml solution of
20 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.4), 2.8 mM
2-deoxy-ribose, 104
M EDTA, 100
M FeCl
, 100
ascorbate, and 1 mM hydrogen peroxide. The mixtures
were incubated for 1 h at 37oC. After incubation, an equal
volume of 0.5% thiobarbituric acid in 10% trichloroacetic
acid was added and the mixtures were boiled at 100oC for
15 min. Deionized water was used as a blank experiment.
The absorbance at 532 nm was measured. The scavenging
activity of hydroxyl radicals (%) was calculated with the
equation: (A532
- A532
) ÷ A532
× 100%.
The reducing power of dioscorin
The reducing power of different amounts (1.785, 3.57,
7.14, and 17.85 nmole) of dioscorin from TN1 and JP
yams in a 1.25 mL sample solution was measured by ferric
chloride-potassium ferricyanide methods (Yen and Chen,
1995) at a wavelength of 700 nm. Deionized water was
used as a blank experiment, and the reduced glutathione
(4.69, 9.37, 10.07, and 18.74 nmole) was used a positive
control. Increase of absorbance of the reaction mixture at
a wavelength of 700 nm (
A700 nm) indicates an increase
of reducing power.
Anti-linoleic acid peroxidation of dioscorin
The antiperoxidation activity of 5 μg (0.018 nmole)
dioscorin from TN1 and JP yams against 2.5 mL of 0.02
M linoleic acid emulsion at intervals after reactions at
37oC was measured by the thiocyanate method (Pham et
al., 2000). At intervals during incubation, a 0.1-mL aliquot
of the reaction mixture was mixed with 4.7 mL of 75%
ethanol, 0.1 mL of 30% ammonium thiocyanate, and 0.1
mL of 20 mM ferrous chloride in 3.5% hydrochloric acid.
Precisely 3 min after the addition of ferrous chloride to the
reaction mixture, the absorbance at a wavelength of 500
nm was determined. Deionized water was used in a control
experiment. Increase of absorbance at a wavelength of
500 nm indicates a decrease of antioxidant activity against
linoleic acid peroxidation.
Protecting hydroxyl radical-induced damages
of calf thymus DNA by TN1 dioscorin
The hydroxyl radical was generated by Fenton reaction
according to the method of Kohno et al. (1991). The 45
reaction mixture included TN1 dioscorin (20, 50, 100, and
g), 15
L of calf thymus DNA, 18 mM FeSO
, and
60 mM hydroxygen peroxide at room temperature for 15
min or 30 min. Ten
L of 10 mM EDTA was added to stop
the reaction. The only calf thymus DNA was used for the
blank test, and the control test was without TN1 dioscorin
additions. After agarose gel electrophoresis, the treated
DNA solutions were stained with ethidium bromide and
observed under UV light.
Protecting peroxynitrite-mediated DHR 123
oxidation by TN1 dioscorin
The protection against peroxynitrite-mediated DHR
123 oxidation was according to the methods of Kooy et
al. (1994). The total 175
l reaction mixture included
different amounts of TN1 dioscorin (9, 12, and 16
M DHR and 10
l peroxynitrite in 50 mM phosphate
LIU et al. — Antioxidant activity of two species of yam tuber storage proteins
buffer (pH 7.4), containing 90 mM NaCl. After a 10-min
reaction, the fluorescent intensity was measured at the
excitation and emission wavelengths of 473 and 520 nm,
respectively, and at excitation and emission slit widths
of 2.5 nm and 3.0 nm, respectively. The control test was
without dioscorin additions.
Determination of the DPPH scavenging activity
of peptic hydrolysates of TN1 dioscorin
The 7 mg TN1 dioscorin was dissolved in 1 mL, 0.1 M
KCl-HCl buffer (pH 2.0). The 0.1 mL, 14 mg pepsin was
added for hydrolysis at 37oC for 8, 12, 24 and 32 h. After
hydrolysis, 0.5 mL of 0.5 M Tris-HCl buffer (pH 8.3) was
added and heated at 100oC for 5 min to stop hydrolysis.
The pepsin was heated before dioscorin hydrolysis for
zero hour reaction. Each dioscorin hydrolysate was used
for determination of DPPH scavenging activity.
Chromatograms of peptic hydrolysates of TN1
dioscorin on Sephadex G-50 column and their
DPPH scavenging activities
The peptic hydrolysates of TN1 dioscorin at 8, 12, 24
and 32 h were lyophilized and separated by Sephadex
G-50(F) chromatography (1×75 cm). The column was
eluted with 20 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.9). Flow rate
was 30 mL/h, and each fraction contained 2 mL. Each
fraction was determined at the absorbance of 210 nm for
peptide contents and for DPPH scavenging activity (570
Statistical analysis
Student’s t-test was used for comparisons between
control and each experimental test. A difference was
considered statistically significant when P< 0.05 (*) or P<
0.01 (**).
Owing to the different amino acid compositions and the
secondary structures of dioscorin from Chinese yam and
Japanese yam (Liao et al., 2004), the antioxidant activity
of the dioscorin from two different yam species, Chinese
yam (D. alata cv. Tainong No. 1, TN1) and Japanese
yam (D. batatas Decne, imported from Japan, JP), was
compared. Our results show that dioscorin from Chinese
yam (TN1 yam) had higher antioxidant or scavenging
activities than did Japanese yam (JP yam) according to the
DPPH radical and hydroxyl radical scavenging activity
assay, reducing power test, anti-lipid peroxidation test.
Figure 1 shows the dioscorin scavenging activity
against DPPH radical from TN1 and JP with or without
heating at 100oC for 5 min. When DPPH radical was
scavenged, the color of the reaction mixture changed
from purple to yellow with the decrease of absorbance
at wavelength 517 nm. It was found that the dioscorin
from TN1 and JP exhibited dose-dependent DPPH radical
scavenging activity (Figure 1). Under the same 40 nmole
of dioscorin (28 kDa), the scavenging activity of JP
dioscorin decreased from 46% to 34% after heating at
100oC for 5 min. However, an activation of scavenging
activity (from 49% to 56%) was found in TN1 dioscorin.
Dioscorin from D. Japonica was found to have a content
of Cys roughly tenfold lower than the other two Taiwanese
yam species (Liao et al., 2004). The Cys in patatin (Liu
et al., 2003) and in sweet potato TIs (Hou et al., 2005)
was reported to contribute to DPPH scavenging activities.
It was proposed that the heating process could affect
JP dioscorin stability and reduce the DPPH scavenging
activity. However, it might also expose other inner Cys
residues in TN1 dioscorin and elevate TN1 dioscorin
scavenging activity.
Figure 2 shows the dioscorin scavenging activity
against hydroxyl radical from TN1 and JP with or without
heating at 100oC for 5 min. The dioscorin from TN1 and
JP was also found to exhibit dose-dependent hydroxyl
radical scavenging activity, even after heating at 100oC
for 5 min (Figure 2). Under the same 17.85 nmole of
dioscorin (28 kDa), the scavenging activity of TN1 (62%)
was higher than that of JP (48%). The heating processing
affected the hydroxyl radical scavenging activity in
dioscorins from two yam species. The higher hydroxyl
radical scavenging activity of the dioscorin from TN1
might be due partly to the different contents of Trp since
dioscorin from D. Japonica had less Trp (intensity ratio
of Raman spectra, I
) than the other two Taiwanese
yam species (Liao et al., 2004). The Trp in patatin (Liu
et al., 2003) and in sweet potato TIs (Hou et al., 2005)
was reported to contribute to hydroxyl radical scavenging
activities. Water spinach constituents were also reported to
have antioxidant activity (Huang et al., 2005). The heating
process could affect dioscorin stability and reduced
hydroxyl radical scavenging activity.
Figure 1. The scavenging activity against DPPH radical of
dioscorin from TN1 and J P yams with or without heating at
100oC for 5 min. Means of triplicates were measured. Deionized
water was used as a blank experiment. The scavenging activity
of DPPH radical (%) was calculated according to the following
equation: (A517
- A517
) ÷ A517
× 100%.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 47, 2006
The reducing power of dioscorin from TN1 and JP
is shown in Figure 3. The reduced glutathione was used
as a positive control. TN1 dioscorin exhibited a dose-
dependent reducing power activity within the applied
concentrations (1.785, 3.57, 7.14, and 17.85 nmole) and
had higher activities than glutathione under the same
nmole concentration basis. The reducing power of TN1
dioscorin was about tenfold that of JP (Figure 3), which
was comparable to the reported ratio of Cys content in
each yam species (1.18±0.13 vs 0.13±0.07 mg/g protein,
Liao et al., 2004).
The products of lipid peroxidation (such as
malondialdehyde) could cause damage to proteins and
DNA (Esterbauer et al., 1991). The anti-lipid peroxidation
of 5 μg dioscorin from TN1 and JP is shown in Figure 4.
Both the dioscorin from TN1 and JP could retard linoleic
acid peroxidation during the intervals of 8 h at 37oC
compared to that of the control. Dioscorin from TN1
and JP were able to effect retardations of linoleic acid
peroxidation that were about 15.60 and 8.3-fold of control,
respectively, in the 12 h reaction.
Liao et al. (2004) reported the Cys content of dioscorin
in Chinese yam was about tenfold that of Japanese yam.
The secondary structures of dioscorin from D. alata L.
(Chinese yam) and D. Japonica (Japanese yam) were
-helix, a mixed
-helix type, and an antiparallel
-sheet type, respectively. From our present results,
under the same weight basis, dioscorin from Chinese yam
(TN1) had higher antioxidant or scavenging activities
than Japanese yam (JP yam) based on DPPH radical and
hydroxyl radical scavenging activity assay, a reducing
power test, and an anti-lipid peroxidation test. These
results might be attributable to the different amino acid
compositions and protein conformations. Therefore,
TN1 dioscorin was further studied in the following
Figure 3. The reducing power of dioscorin from TN1 and JP
yam (1.785, 3.57, 7.14, and 17.85 nmole). The glutathione (4.69,
9.37, 14.07, and 18.74 nmole) was used as a positive control.
Means of triplicate were determined at the absorbance of 700
Figure 5. The effects of TN1 dioscorin on the Fe
DNA oxidation. Lane B was native calf thymus DNA; lane C
was metal-mediated oxidized DNA; and lanes 1 to 4 were metal-
mediated oxidized DNA with 20, 50, 100, and 200
g TN1
dioscorin additions. The reaction was stopped after 15 min or 30
min by adding 10 mM EDTA. After electrophoresis, the gel was
stained with ethidium bromide and observed under UV light.
Figu re 4. The effects of dioscorin from TN1 and JP yam on
the anti-linoleic acid peroxidation. Each of 5
g dioscorin was
added to the emulsion and incubated at 37oC for 0, 2, 4, and 8 h.
At each time interval, 0.1 mL was picked and was determined
by thiocyanide method (A500 nm).
Figure 2. The scavenging activity against hydroxyl radical
of dioscorin from TN1 and JP yam with or without heating at
100oC for 5 min. Means of triplicates were measured. Deionized
water was used as a blank experiment. The absorbance at 532
nm was measured. The scavenging activity of hydroxyl radicals
(%) was calculated with the equation: (A532
- A532
) ÷
× 100%.
LIU et al. — Antioxidant activity of two species of yam tuber storage proteins
Figure 7. The DPPH scavenging activity (A) and chromatograms on Sephadex G-50(F) column (B) of peptic hydrolysates of TN1
dioscorin. TN1 dioscorin was hydrolyzed by pepsin at 37oC for 8, 12, 24 and 32 h. After hydrolysis, 0.5 mL of 0.5 M Tris-HCl buffer
(pH 8.3) was added and heated at 100oC for 5 min to stop hydrolysis. The pepsin was heated before dioscorin hydrolysis for zero
hour reaction. Each dioscorin hydrolysate was used for determinations of DPPH scavenging activity and was separated by Sephadex
Figu re 6. The TN1 dioscorin (9, 12, and 16
g) protected
peroxynitrite-mediated dihydrorhodamine 123 oxiadtion. The
total 175
l reaction mixture included different amounts of
TN1 dioscorin, 10
M DHR, and 10
l peroxynitrite in 50 mM
phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) containing 90 mM NaCl. After 10 min
reaction, the fluorescent intensity was measured at the excitation
and emission wavelengths of 473 and 520 nm, res pectively,
and excitation and emission slit widths of 2.5 nm and 3.0 nm,
respectively. The control test was without dioscorins additions.
A difference between the control and the experimental test was
considered statistically significant when p<0.05 (*) or p<0.01
experiment of DNA damage protection, inhibition of
dihydrorhodamine 123 oxidation by peroxynitrite,
and DPPH scavenging activity of dioscorin peptic
Free radicals can damage macromolecules in DNA,
protein and the lipid cells in membranes (Halliwell, 1999).
Figure 5 shows TN1 dioscorin protected against hydroxyl
radical-induced calf thymus DNA damage in 15 or 30
min. The only calf thymus DNA was used for a blank
test (lane B), and the control test (lane C) was without
TN1 dioscorin additions. Compared to the blank test and
control test, it was found that the added TN1 dioscorin
above 50 μg (lane 2) could prevent hydroxyl radical-
induced calf thymus DNA damage in both 15 min or 30
min reactions.
Peroxynitrite is formed from a nearly diffusion-
limited reaction between nitric oxide and superoxide
anion and as an initiator of potentially harmful oxidation
reaction (Brannan et al., 2001). The results of Figure 6
demonstrate that the protective effect of peroxynitrite-
mediated DHR oxidation of TN1 dioscorin was dose-
dependent. Significant variation was observed among the
peroxynitrite, peroxnitrite + 12 μg TN1 dioscorin (p<
0.05), and peroxynitrite + 16 μg TN1 dioscorin (p<0.01).
Botanical Studies, Vol. 47, 2006
Figure 7(A) shows the DPPH scavenging activity
of TN1 dioscorin hydrolysates at different pepsin
hydrolysis times. As the results of Figure 7 make clear,
the scavenging activity against DPPH radical increased
from 7.1% (0 h) to about 21% (32 h). Figure 7(B) shows
the chromatograms of peptic dioscorin hydrolysates of 8,
12, 24 and 32 h on Sephadex G-50 chromatography. The
smaller peptides were found to increase with increasing
pepsin hydrolytic time and also exhibited DPPH radical
scavenging activities. The purifications of antioxidant
peptides will be investigated in the future.
Acknowledgments. The authors want to thank the
financial support (SKH-TMU-94-03) from Shin Kong Wu
Ho-Su Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.
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LIU et al. — Antioxidant activity of two species of yam tuber storage proteins
  兩品種山藥〈台農一號與日本山藥〉塊莖儲藏性蛋白½ dioscorin 經由 DE-52 離子交換層析法純
化。經由一系列體外抗氧化實驗,包括清除 DPPH 與氫氧自由基,還原能力,抗脂½過氧化能力,保
護去氧核糖核酸傷害能力,及抑制 peroxynitrite 氧化 dihydrorhodamine 123 能力。結果顯示,兩品種山
藥 dioscorin 具有不同的抗氧化能力,即使 100℃ 加熱五分鐘也仍具有不同的清除 DPPH 與氫氧自由基
的能力。以胃蛋白.水解台農一號 dioscorin 不同時間之水解產物也具有清除 DPPH 自由基的能力。以
Sephadex G-50 (F) ½濾層析進行分離並進行 DPPH 自由基清除實驗,結果顯示小分子水解產物也具有抗