Corresponding author: E-mail: bopeng@sinica.edu.tw;
Fax: +886-2-2789-1623.
Begonia pulvinifera (sect. Diploclinium, Begoniaceae), a
new species from limestone areas in Guangxi, China
Ching-I PENG
*, Wai-Chao LEONG
, Shin-Ming KU
, and Yan LIU
Herbarium (HAST), Research Center for Biodiversity, Academia Sinica, Nangang, Taipei 115, TAIWAN
Department of Life Sciences, National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan 701, TAIWAN
Guangxi Institute of Botany, Guangxi Zhuangzu Autonomous Region and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guilin
3410006, China
(Received June 6, 2005; Accepted May 16, 2006)
Begonia pulvinifera, a new species of sect. Diploclinium from limestone areas in southwestern
Guangxi Zhuangzu Autonomous Region, China, is described and illustrated. This new species is unique in
having pulvinate petioles, a feature not known in any other species of Begonia in China. Begonia pulvinifera
is similar to B. wangii T. T. Yu, differing in the lower surface of the leaf being pale green; petiole with
a reddish brown swollen base; tepals obtuse; tepals of staminate flowers 4; tepals of carpellate flowers 3
and ovary with axile placentation throughout. Begonia pulvinifera also resembles B. cavaleriei Lev., but is
distinguishable by the narrower leaf; pulvinate petiole; stipules triangular with apex acuminate or cuspidate;
and ovate bracts with apex acute or acuminate. Begonia pulvinifera is rare, currently known only from one
population near the border of China and Vietnam.
Keywords: Begonia pulvinifera; Begonia wangii; Begonia cavaleriei; Begoniaceae; China; Guangxi;
Limestone flora; New species; Rare species; sect. Diploclinium; Taxonomy.
While preparing an account of Begoniaceae for the
Flora of China, the senior author made a number of
botanical inventories in the karst areas in Guangxi, China.
Field surveys in these poorly explored areas proved
to be rewarding: 12 new taxa of Begonia, all of sect.
Coelocentrum, were reported in recent years (Fang et al.,
2006; Ku et al., 2004, 2006; Liu et al., 2005; Peng et al.,
2005a, b). In this paper, we report the discovery of a new
species in Begonia sect. Diploclinium from the limestone
areas in southwestern Guangxi, China, which is the
distribution center of the Asiatic sect. Coelocentrum (Shui
et al., 2002). In aspect this new taxon bears a superficial
resemblance to B. wangii T. T. Y u an d B. cavaleriei
H. Lev., but a careful study of the plants grown in the
experimental greenhouse reveals its distinct identity.
Begonia pulvinifera C.-I Peng & Yan Liu, sp. nov. (sect.
TYPE: CHINA, Guangxi Zhuangzu
Autonomous Region, Baise Shi, Jingxi Xian, Huren
Zhen, at base of a limestone hill in broadleaf forest, on
rock face, 22¢X59¡¦19"N, 106¢X40¡¦53"E, elev. 320 m, 26
May 2004, specimens pressed from cultivated plants on
5 Feb 2005, Ching-I Peng 19741-A (holotype, HAST;
isotype, IBK).
Figures 1, 2
Haec species similis Begoniae wangii T. T. Yu, sed a
qua differt foliis subtus pallido-viridibus, petiolis pulvinis,
tepalis obtusis, floribus masculis tepalis 4 instructis,
eis femineis tepalis 3 instructis, placentatione omnino
axili; etiam similis Begoniae cavaleriei Levl., sed a qua
differt foliis angustioribus, petiolis pulvinis, stipulis
triangularibus, apice acuminatis vel cuspidatis.
Herbs, perennial, acaulescent, monoecious. Rhizomes
elongate creeping, to 2 cm thick, glabrous, nodes dense;
stipules triangular, 2.8-3 cm long, 1.7-1.9 cm wide,
Botanical Studies (2006) 47: 319-327.