Molecular and serological characterization of a distinct
potyvirus causing latent infection in calla lilies
Chin-Chih CHEN
, Hei-Ti HSU
, Ying-Huey CHENG
, Chun-Huei HUANG
, Jye-Yann LIAO,
Hei-Ting TSAI
, and Chin-An CHANG
Plant Pathology Division, Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Wu-Feng, Taichung 413, TAIWAN
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD
20705, USA
(Received September 19, 2005; Accepted March 10, 2006)
ABSTRACT. A virus (isolate: Ca-M19) capable of inducing local lesions on Chenopodium quinoa Willd.
was isolated from calla lilies (Zantedeschia spp.). Subculture of Ca-M19 was easily maintained in C. quinoa,
but a back inoculation from single lesion of C. quinoa to calla lilies has so far not been successful. Typical
potyvirus-like flexuous particles were consistently detected in Ca-M19 infected plants, and a 1.3-kb DNA
fragment was amplified
from these plants by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)
using potyvirus degenerate primers. The PCR product was cloned and its sequence analyzed (AF469171).
The amplicon was revealed to correspond to the 3¡¦ terminal region of a potyviral genome. After comparing
this sequence with known potyvirus sequences in the GenBank, we considered the virus a new species
of Potyvirus based on the uniqueness in its coat protein gene (CP) and the 3¡¦ non-coding region (NCR).
Comparative studies showed that Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) and Watermelon mosaic virus 2 (WMV 2)
were the two most similar potyviruses with Ca-M19, but they shared only 80% of nucleotide identities in CP
and NCR with Ca-M19. Attempts to purify a sufficient quantity of Ca-M19 from C. quinoa for preparation
of antibodies were unsuccessful. Alternatively
Ca-M19 CP was expressed by the vector pET28b and puri-
fied from E. coli culture, and polyclonal antibodies were prepared in rabbits. The antibody was applied in
ELISA, Western blotting, SDS-immunodiffusion and immuno-specific electron microscopy for the detection
of Ca-M19 in calla lilies. It did not react with at least five calla lily infecting potyviruses, including Dasheen
mosaic virus, Bean yellow mosaic virus, Konjak mosaic virus, Turnip mosaic virus, and Zantedeschia mild
mosaic virus. Indirect ELISA and SDS-immunodiffusion tests showed that Ca-M19 was serologically related,
but distinct from Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV), Black cowpea mosaic virus (BlCMV), Melon vein
banding mosaic virus (MVbMV), Passionfruit mottle virus (PaMV), Passionfruit crinkle virus (PCV), Pas-
sionfruit woodness virus (PWV), Soybean mosaic virus (SMV), Watermelon mosaic virus 2 (WMV 2), and
Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV). Besides serological techniques, a primer pair (M19u/M19d) and a
DNA probe were designed which could also specifically detect and differentiate Ca-M19 from other viruses.
By the use of specific antibodies in ELISA, Ca-M19 was frequently detected in calla lily plants collected
from several major calla lily production townships in Taiwan. Among 86 field samples positively reacting
to the antibody, 77 of them exhibited evident systemic mosaic symptoms, but these symptomatic plants were
confirmed to be infected simultaneously by other viruses. Nine plants were found to be infected by Ca-M19
alone. These plants were confirmed to have remained symptomless throughout a 6-month observation period.
Therefore, we propose naming this isolate Calla lily latent virus (CLLV) for its inability to develop any
visible symptoms on calla lily.
Keywords: Calla lily; Coat protein expression; Potyviruses; Sequence analysis; Serology.
Botanical Studies (2006) 47: 369-378.
Corresponding author: E-mail:
tw; Fax: 886-4-23331089; Tel: 886-4-23302803.
mosaic virus (DsMV) is considered the most prevalent
and widespread in the family Araceae, including Zant-
edeschia spp. (Zettler et al., 1978; Zettler and Hartman,
1995). In addition to DsMV, several Potyvirus species¡X
including Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV) (Pham et al.,
2002), Konjak mosaic virus (KoMV) (Chang et al., 2001;
Hu, 2001; Kwon et al., 2002; Pham et al., 2002), Turnip
mosaic virus (TuMV) (Chen et al., 2003a)
and Zantede-
schia mild mosaic virus (ZaMMV) (Chen et al., 2003b;
Calla lily (Zantedeschia spp.), an aroid plant species, is
a popular ornamental crop in Taiwan and many parts of the
world. Viral diseases and bacterial soft rot are the major
factors limiting its production. Among viruses, Dasheen
Botanical Studies, Vol. 47, 2006
Huang and Chang, 2002,
2005)¡Xwere identified from cal-
la lilies. These potyviruses always induce systemic mottle
or mosaic symptoms with variable degree of severity on
leaves. Diagnosing the causal potyviruses simply based
on visual inspection of symptoms is difficult. Besides
potyviruses, spherical viruses such as Carnation mottle
virus (Chen et al., 2002b), Calla lily chlorotic ringspot vi-
rus (Lin et al., 2003), Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)
Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus have also been reported to
occur naturally in calla lilies (Zettler and Hartman, 1995).
In general, these spherical viruses induce more severe
symptoms, such as chlorotic spotting, necrotic streaks,
ringspotting, and distortion of leaves, than those caused
by potyviruses (Chen et al., 2002b; Zettler and Hartman,
1995). Based on our observation, some calla lily cultivars
develop color breaking on their inflorescences when
infected by CMV (unpublished data).
In 2001, we isolated an unknown virus from a calla
lily plant dually infected with DsMV and KoMV. A
pure culture was established by single lesion isolation on
Chenopodium quinoa Willd. Although back inoculation
using the extract of the lesion to calla lily was not
successful, the virus was consistently detected from calla
lily plants in the field. The virus was later found to be
biologically, serologically and molecularly different from
previously described calla lily-infecting potyviruses. In
this paper, we provide evidence that this virus is unique.
Due to its inability to induce symptoms on calla lily, we
have christened this novel virus Calla lily latent virus
(CLLV) (Chen et al., 2004).
Virus source and maintenance
In the beginning of our study, an unknown virus
designated Ca-M19 was isolated from a calla lily plant
doubly infected by DsMV and KoMV, as determined by
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Leaf ex-
tracts from this plant, however, induced local lesions on C.
quinoa which normally was not susceptible to DsMV or
KoMV. After three consecutive single lesion passages, a
pure culture of Ca-M19 in the infected leaves of C. quinoa
was preserved in 50% glycerol and stored in a freezer at
-20¢XC. The bulb of the original Ca-M19 infected calla lily
plant was grown in 7-inch pots under greenhouse condi-
tions for subsequent studies.
Host reaction tests
Ca-M19 induced lesions on C. quinoa were ground in
potassium phosphate buffer (50 mM, pH 7.5) at 1:10 dilu-
tion (g/ml) and used to mechanically inoculate tissue-cul-
ture derived calla lily plantlets cv. Black magic, Nicotiana
benthamiana Domin, Glycine max (L) Merrill., and C.
quinoa was used as control. Plants were kept in an insect-
proof greenhouse for 2 months for symptom development.
Ten plants each were inoculated, and inoculation tests
were repeated thrice.
Virus purification
was mass propagated in C. quinoa, and the in-
oculated leaves were collected 7-10 days after inoculation
for virus purification. Virus was purified according to a
procedure described previously (Chen and Chang, 1998).
Yields of virions were determined by absorbance at 260
nm (HITACHI 220S spectrophotometer), and calculated
using an extinction coefficient of 2.4 for potyviruses with-
out light scattering correction (Holling and Brunt, 1981).
Purified virus samples were treated with an equal volume
of dissociation buffer (250 mM Tris-HCl, containing 2%
[w/v] of SDS, 4% [v/v] of 2-mercaptoethanol and 10% [w/
v] of sucrose) (Laemmli,
1970) before analysis by 12% of
sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
(SDS-PAGE) (Sambrook and Russell, 2001).
Electron microscopy
Virus particles of Ca-M19 from leaf dips of C. quinoa
or purified samples were negatively stained with 2% PTA
(phosphotungstic acid) (Hall et al., 1945) and examined
with an electron microscope (HITACHI H-7000). Modal
length of
Ca-M19 virus particles was calculated by mea-
suring 100 virions. Immuno-sorbent electron microscopy
was used to determine the reaction of Ca-M19
with its
homologous antiserum. Grids were first coated with
infected tissue extract, incubated with 1:1000
(v/v) diluted immunoglobulin G against
CP, and
finally stained with 2% PTA before observation.
Cloning of 3¡¦-terminal region of
Ca-M19 and
nucleotide sequence analysis
A potyvirus-degenerate primer Hrp-5 (5¡¦-ATgATH-
gARKCNTgggg) designed by Pappu et al. (Pappu et al.,
1998) and an oligo d(T)
primer were used to amplify the
3¡¦-terminal region of
Ca-M19 by the reverse-transcription
polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Extraction of viral
RNA and reverse transcription of the first strand cDNA
were conducted as described previously (Chen et al.,
2003a, Chen et al., 2002a). PCR amplification was car-
ried out by 26 repeated cycles (Perkin Elmer GeneAmp
system 2400): denaturing at 94¢XC for 1 min, annealing at
50¢XC for 45 s, and DNA synthesis at 72¢XC for 1 min 30
s. An elongation step at 72¢XC for 6 min was conducted at
the last cycle. DNA fragment amplified by RT-PCR was
cloned into a pCRII-TOPO vector (Invitrogen, California)
according to manufacturer¡¦s instructions. Nucleotides
were sequenced
by an automatic DNA sequencer (ABI
PRISM 377, Perkin-Elmer, CA). Three independent
clones were selected for alignment to determine the
complete nucleotide sequence. Sequence data were ana-
lyzed and compared with potyvirus species in GenBank
using the Vector NTI Suite (InforMax, Inc., Bethesda,
MD). In order to confirm the existence of
infected calla lilies, a specific primer set was designed for
RT-PCR detection. A biotinylated DNA probe specific to
Ca-M19 prepared by a BrightStar
kit (Psoralen-Biotin,
Ambion Inc. Texas) was further used to hybridize with
CHEN et al. ¡X Characterization of a distinct potyvirus infecting calla lily
RT-PCR products for confirmation. Hybridization were
determined by SEQ-Light Chemiluminscent Sequencing
system (Tropix Inc., MA, USA) and exposed to Kodak
intensifying screen (Eastman Kodak Co., New York). One
field isolate (Ca2) that positively reacted with
specific primers was cloned, sequenced, and compared
with that of the type culture.
Expression of viral coat protein in Escherichia
Based on the sequence data, a primer set was designed
for the amplification of Ca-M19 putative complete CP
gene. The recognition sites for restriction enzymes, NcoI
and XhoI, were created at the 5¡¦ end of the upstream
AAAAGACAGGT, NcoI site underlined) and down-
GGACCCATAC, XhoI site underlined) primers, respec-
tively. Viral RNAs from purified virions were used as a
template for RT-PCR amplification of
Ca-M19 CP gene,
which was then constructed into expression plasmid vector
pET28b (Novagen, Inc., Madison, WI) by
cloning technique (Chen et al., 2002a). Constructed
pET plasmids were subsequently transformed into Esch-
erichia coli strain DH5£\ and later into E. coli strain BL21
(DE3) pLysS (Novagen) for protein expression. Protein
expression was induced by the addition of isopropyl £]-D-
thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) as an inducer, and the
results were analyzed by SDS-PAGE
on 12% gels (Sam-
brook and Russell, 2001). The size and expression level of
CP were determined by western blotting analysis
using the potyvirus-specific monoclonal antibody (Agdia
Inc., Elkhart, IN). Bacteria expressed
CP was
eluted from the SDS-PAGE gel as described previously
(Chang et al., 1988).
Antiserum preparation and serological tests
Antiserum against bacterial expressed Ca-M19
was prepared by immunizing New Zealand white rab-
bits. The immunization protocols were the same as those
described (Chang, 1992; Chen and Chang, 1998). Se-
rological relationships between
Ca-M19 and 20 known
potyviruses were analyzed by an SDS-immunodiffusion
test and ELISA as described previously (Chen and Chang,
1998; Purcifull and Batchlor, 1977). Antigens of four
calla lily-infecting potyviruses were used for comparison.
These included: S isolate of DsMV (Chen et al., 2003a),
R7 isolate of KoMV (Chen et al., 2003a), YC5 isolates of
TuMV (Chen et al., 2003a), and T17Q isolate of ZaMMV
(15) and the following potyviruses: Bean common mosaic
virus (BCMV) (Chang, 1993), Scott isolates of BYMV
(BYMV-Scott) (Chang, 1993), Blackeye cowpea mosaic
virus (BlCMV) (Chang, 1993), TP1 isolate of Lily mottle
virus (LiMV-TP1) (Chang et al., 1995), Lycoris mild
mottle virus (LyMMV) (Chang et al., 2002), Lycoris po-
tyvirus (LPV) (Chang et al., 2002), Melon vein banding
mosaic virus (MVbMV) (Liu et al., 1999), type W strain
of Papaya ringspot virus (PRV-W) (Purcifull and Hiebert,
1979), Passionfruit crinkle virus (PCV) (Chang and Lin,
1989), Passionfruit mottle virus (PaMV) (Chang, 1992),
Passionfruit woodness virus (PWV) (Chang, 1992), Ts
isolate of Peanut stripe virus (PStV-Ts) (Chang et al.,
1990), Pea seed-borne mosaic virus (PSbMV) (Chang et
al., 1989), Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) (Chang, 1993),
Tuberose mild mosaic virus (TMMV) (Chen and Chang,
1998), Watermelon mosaic virus 2 (WMV 2) (Purcifull
and Hiebert, 1979), and Zucchini yellow mosaic virus
(ZYMV) (Purcifull et al., 1984).
Surveys for the occurrence of
Ca-M19 in calla
lily fields
Symptomatic and asymptomatic plants were randomly
collected from various calla lily fields and indexed with
antisera against calla lily-infecting potyviruses by indirect
ELISA as described previously (Chen et al., 2003a).
Host reaction and symptomatology
Among the test plant species inoculated with Ca-M19
in the experiment, only C. quinoa responded consistently
with local lesion reactions. Nicotiana benthamiana, G.
max, and tissue-culture-derived calla lily plantlets, did
not show symptoms throughout the 2-month observation
period, nor did they react with antibody against Ca-M19
in ELISA within one month of mechanical inoculation.
Again, five different calla lily cultivars were subsequently
inoculated with
Ca-M19, but none were infected, as
confirmed by ELISA.
Virus purification and electron microscopy
Flexuous rod particles, typical of potyviruses, were
consistently observed in negatively stained leaf dips
Ca-M19 infected calla lilies and C. quinoa (Figure
1A). Inoculated leaves from C. quinoa 7-10 days af-
ter inoculation were used for virus purification,
approximately 0.6 mg Ca-M19 per 100 g of leaf tissue
was obtained. The UV absorption ratio (260/280) was
1.02, indicating that the purity of the sample was not
satisfactory (Stace-Smith and Tremaine, 1970). EM ex-
amination showed numerous flexuous rod particles similar
to those observed in negatively stained leaf dips, measured
about 755 nm in length as calculated from 100 purified
virus particles.
Particles either purified or from leaf dips
were readily decorated by the Ca-M19 CP antibodies (Fig-
ure 1B).
Nucleotide sequences and molecular
A 1.3-kb DNA product was consistently amplified
from the RNA templates of purified Ca-M19 virions or
total RNA extracted from Ca-M19 infected tissue by RT-
PCR using the potyvirus degenerate primer sets (data not
shown). The amplicon was cloned, sequenced, and filed
Botanical Studies, Vol. 47, 2006
to the GenBank with the accession number AF469171.
Disregarding the length of the poly A tail, the amplified
sequence comprises 1339 nucleotides (nts) corresponding
to the 3¡¦-terminal region of a potyvirus. The deduced ami-
no acid sequence contains 362 residues encoding part of
the 3¡¦-terminal region of the nuclear inclusion b gene (80
residues) and the complete sequence of the coat protein
(CP) gene (282 residues). A 253 nts non-coding region
(NCR) was found at the 3¡¦-terminal region of the DNA.
When the sequence was compared with known
potyviral sequences available in GenBank, the results
showed that Ca-M19 is unique in the coat protein gene
(CP) and 3¡¦ non-coding region (NCR). Comparisons also
showed that Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) and Watermelon
mosaic virus 2 (WMV 2) are most similar to Ca-M19 but
sharing only about 80% of nucleotide identities in CP and
NCR (Table 1). All other potyviruses share less than 72%
sequence identities with Ca-M19. Our analyses of a sec-
ond isolate of Ca-M19 (Ca2) from calla lily showed that it
was serologically and biologically indistinguishable from
Ca2 isolate, with a more than 98% sequence homology
(Table 1).
Based on the sequence data, we designed a primer set
(M19u: 5¡¦-ACAGGTGAGGATTTAGAT / M19d: 5¡¦-
AAATAAGTGCGACACAAT) that specifically amplified
a 850 bp product from the CP region of Ca-M19 ge-
nomic RNA. Using this primer set, Ca-M19 associated
calla lilies were identified from the field (Figure 2A).
This specific primer did not amplify four different calla
lily potyviruses including DsMV, KoMV, TuMV and
ZaMMV in RT-PCR (Figure 2A). Reciprocally, the
Ca-M19 specific DNA probe did not hybridize with RT-
PCR products of these potyviruses amplified by potyvirus-
degenerate primers (Figure 2C and 2D). The results
confirmed that Ca-M19 has a unique CP gene sequence
that is different from other known potyviruses infecting
calla lily.
Figure 1. Electron micrographs of virus particles of Calla
lily latent virus isolate M19 (Ca-M19). (A) Negative staining
of filamentous virus particles observed in leaf dip of Ca-M19
infected calla lily; (B) Virus particles decorated with antiserum
against bacteria expressed coat protein of CLLV.
Table 1. Comparisons of nucleotide and amino acid identities
of the coat protein (CP) genes and the 3
-noncoding regions
(NCRs) of Calla lily latent virus isolate M19 (Ca-M19) with
those of known potyviruses species.
Percent identity
Potyvirus (Acc. No.)
CP nt CP aa 3
Ca-M19 (AF469171) 100 100 100
AzMV (U60100)
BCMV (AJ293576)
BlCMV (AF395678)
BYMV (S77515)
CABMV (AF24123)
DeMV (U23564)
DsMV (AF511485)
KoMV (AF470620)
LMV (Z78227)
LPV (AF511486)
LyMMV (AF399672) 59
PSbMV (D10453)
PStV (NC001732)
PWV (AF208662)
SMV (NC002634)
SMV (S42280)
SMV (X96665)
TMMV (AF062926)
TuMV (AF530055)
WMV 2 (L22907)
WMV 2 (D13913)
WMV 2 (AB001994) 79
ZYMV (NC003224)
Percent identities of the respective nucleotide and amino acid
sequences were analyzed by the Vector NTI Suite program
(InforMax, Inc., Wisconsin).
The potyviruses listed are: Ca-Ca2 (Ca 2 isolate of Calla lily
latent virus), AzMV (Azukibean mosaic virus), BCMV (Bean
common mosaic virus), BYMV (Bean yellow mosaic virus),
BlCMV (Blackeye cowpea mosaic virus), CABMV (Cowpea
aphid-borne mosaic virus), DsMV (Dasheen mosaic virus),
DeMV (Dendrobium mosaic virus), KoMV (Konjak mosaic
virus), LMV (Lettuce mosaic virus), LiMV (Lily mottle virus),
LPV (Lycoris potyvirus), LyMMV (Lycoris mild mottle vi-
rus), MVbMV (Melon vein banding mosaic virus), PaMV
(Passionfruit mottle virus), PCV (Passionfruit crinkle virus),
PSbMV (Pea seedborne mosaic virus), PWV (Passionfruit
woodness virus), PStV (Peanut stripe virus), SMV (Soybean
mosaic virus), TMMV (Tuberose mild mosaic virus), TuMV
(Turnip mosaic virus ), WMV 2 (Watermelon mosaic virus 2 ),
ZYMV (Zucchini yellow mosaic virus).
CHEN et al. ¡X Characterization of a distinct potyvirus infecting calla lily
Expression of Ca-M19 CP in E. coli and
preparation of its antiserum
A 850-bp DNA product equivalent to the entire CP
gene of Ca-M19 was amplified by RT-PCR using the
aforementioned specific primer set. This product was
constructed directionally into expression vector pET28b
and transformed into E. coli strain BL21(DE3)pLys S for
protein expression. A protein about 35 kDa in size, similar
to that of purified Ca-M19 CP, was detected by SDS-
n the lysate of bacteria transformed with BL21
clone, but not in the lysate of control bacteria (Figure 3A).
Using antiserum against a potyvirus-specific monoclonal
antibody in western blotting test, the potyviral CP nature
of the 35 kDa protein was confirmed (Figure 3B). The
protein was subsequently purified from the lysate of a
large volume culture of the transformed bacteria (Figure
3A). The estimated yield of expressed CP in 1000 ml of
bacteria culture was about 2 mg. A polyclonal antiserum
(#097) against the bacteria-expressed Ca-M19 CP was
thus prepared. It reacts strongly with both the CP from
purified virions and the bacteria expressed 35 kDa protein
(Figure 3C).
Serological tests
The Ca-M19 antiserum (#097) reacted strongly in
ELISA, SDS-immunodiffusion, and western blotting tests
against homologous antigens of Ca-M19 infected plants
but not with uninfected controls (Table 2, Figure 4). In
indirect ELISA, the antiserum cross reacted with some
potyviruses tested including BCMV, MVbMV, PaMV,
PCV, PStV, WMV 2, SMV, and ZYMV (Table 2). Among
them, SMV and WMV 2 showed ELISA readings as high
as those in homologous reactions. SDS-immunodiffusion
tests confirmed that these viruses were serologically
Figure 2. Molecular identification of Calla lily latent virus (CLLV) by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)
and DNA probe hybridization. (A) Amplification of CLLV and four different calla lily infecting potyviruses in RT-PCR using CLLV
specific primers; (B) Southern blot hybridization of the gel from figure (A) using biotin-labeled DNA probe specific to CLLV; (C)
Amplification of four different calla lily infecting potyviruses by RT-PCR using potyvirus-degenerate primer designed by Pappu et al.
(1998). (D) Southern blot hybridization of the gel from figure (C) by biotin-labeled DNA probe specific to CLLV. Lane M, kb DNA
ladder markers; lanes L and C are CLLV-infected tissues of Chenopodium quinoa and calla lily, respectively; lanes 1-6 are field col-
lected calla lily samples infected by CLLV; lanes H1 and H2 are uninfected control of C. quinoa and calla lily, respectively; lanes N, T,
D, K are four potyvirues infecting calla lily including Zantedeschia mild mottle virus, Turnip mosaic virus, Dasheen mosaic virus and
Konjak mosaic virus, respectively.
Figu re 3. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel elec-
trophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and western blotting analyses of the
bacteria express ed coat protein (CP ) of M19 isolate of Calla
lily latent virus (Ca-M19). P roteins separated in SDS-PAGE
(A) were blotted onto nylon membrane and reacted with the
potyvirus-specific monoclonal antibody (Agdia Inc.) (B) and
antis erum against Ca-M19 (C); and subse quently detecte d
by alkaline phosphatase conjugated coat anti-rabbit antibody.
Lane M, protein markers; lane 1, IPTG-induced bacteria (E.
coli BL21(DE3)pLysS) lysate containing non-inserted expres-
sion vector pET28b; lane 2, IPTG-induced bacteria lysates of
pET28b inserted with Ca-M19 CP gene; lane 3, purified bacteria
expressed Ca-M19 CP; lane 4, purified Ca-M19 virions.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 47, 2006
Table 2. Reactions of antisera against bacteria expressed coat protein of M19 isolate of Calla lily latent virus (Ca-M19) with dif-
ferent potyviruses in enzyme linked immunosorbent assay
and SDS-immunodiffusion tests
Ca-M19 CP
Indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), described previously (Chang et al., 1990), was conducted to determine
the serological relatedness between Ca-M19 and other potyviruses. Purified immunoglobulins of antiserum #097 were diluted to
1:1000 to react with antigens diluted to 1/25, 1/50, and 1/100.
SDS-immunodiffusion test, described previously (Chen et al., 2003a), was performed by the use of undiluted antiserum (#097)
against bacteria expressed Ca-M19 coat protein to react with undiluted SDS-treated antigens of different potyviruses as listed in
the table.
The antigens listed are: BCMV (Bean common mosaic virus), BlCMV (Blackeye cowpea mosaic virus), BYMV (Bean yellow
mosaic virus), DsMV (Dasheen mosaic virus), KoMV (Konjak mosaic virus), LPV (Lycoris potyvirus), LyMMV (Lycoris mild
mottle virus), LiMV (Lily mottle virus), MVbMV (Melon vein banding mosaic virus), PaMV (Passionfruit mottle virus), PSbMV
(Pea seedborne mosaic virus), PCV (Passionfruit crinkle virus), PRSV-W (Papaya ringspot virus type W), PWV (Passionfruit
woodiness virus), PStV (Peanut stripe virus), SMV (Soybean mosaic virus), TMMV (Tuberose mild mosaic virus), TuMV-YC5
(YC5 isolate of Turnip mosaic virus), WMV 2 (Watermelon mosaic virus 2), ZYMV (Zucchini yellow mosaic virus), Ca-M19 CP
(bacteria expressed coat protein of M19 isolate of Calla lily latent virus), Ca-M19 (infected tissue of M19 isolate of Calla lily
latent virus), and Ca-Ca2 (infected tissue of Ca2 isolate of Calla lily latent virus).
Reactivities in ELISA are shown as the absorbance readings (A
) taken about 40 min after addition of enzyme substrate
solution. The absorbance values are an average of two replicate wells. Readings lower than 0.2 were considered negative
reactions and are underlined.
Reactivities in SDS-immunodiffusion tests are shown as the reactions between homologous and heterologous antigens: I =
precipitation lines of homologous and heterologous reations fused without spur formation; S = homologous reactions spurred over
heterologous reactions; - = no reaction.
CHEN et al. ¡X Characterization of a distinct potyvirus infecting calla lily
related but distinct from Ca-M19 because the precipitin
lines formed spurs with those formed by homologous
reactions (Table 2). Furthermore, our data showed that
those calla lily-infecting potyviruses, including DsMV,
KoMV, TuMV and ZaMMV, were serologically unrelated
to Ca-M19 in ELISA and the SDS-immunodiffusion test
(Table 2, Figure 4), indicating the feasibility of using the
antiserum to specifically detect the presence of Ca-M19 in
calla lilies.
Surveys for the occurrence of Ca-M19 in calla
lily fields
A total of 245 calla lily samples were collected from
various fields in Taiwan. They were indexed by ELISA
using antisera against five different calla lily infecting
potyviruses including Ca-M19, DsMV, KoMV, TuMV
and ZaMMV. Ca-M19 was found in 86 of 245 sampled
calla lilies. Among these 86 Ca-M19-infected plants, 77
of them exhibited viral symptoms while the other nine
samples did not. Interestingly, all these symptomless
healthy looking plants were found to be infected only
by Ca-M19 while the other 77 symptomatic plants were
all found co-infected with other potyviruses. These as-
ymptomatic plants were transplanted from the field and
grown in a greenhouse for continuous observation. They
remained symptomless throughout a 6-month observation
period. During the 6-month observation, we routinely
checked these symptomless plants by ELISA and RT-
PCR (data not shown). They were confirmed consistently
infected by Ca-M19 only.
Based on the size and morphology of virus particles,
serological reactivities to potyvirus-specific monoclonal
antibodies, and the cross reactivities of the antiserum with
other potyviruses, Ca-M19 isolated from calla lilies was
identified as a member of the genus Potyvirus. Further-
more, the uniqueness in the nucleotide and the amino acid
sequences of coat protein gene and 3¡¦-NCR confirm that
the virus from calla lilies is a new species of Potyvirus
(Shukla et al., 1991; Ward et al., 1992). Thus, we conclude
that Ca-M19 isolate is a distinct potyvirus and designated
it Calla lily latent virus (CLLV). Like most potyviruses,
Ca-M19 has a very narrow host range. Besides calla
lilies, it only infects C. quinoa and induces local lesions
on the inoculated leaves in our experiment. Recovery
inoculation using extracts of an infected single lesion from
C. quinoa to calla lilies was not successful, making it diffi-
cult to conclude what specific symptoms on calla lilies are
induced by Ca-M19. Further studies showed that when
infected by Ca-M19 alone, calla lilies did not exhibit any
symptoms within a 6-month observation period. Our sur-
veys showed that symptomatic calla lilies observed in the
fields, when tested positive with Ca-M19 antiserum, were
always found co-infected by other viruses. The results
confirm our observation that Ca-M19 causes symptomless
infection in calla lilies. Therefore, we propose Calla lily
Figure 4. Serological comparison of M19 isolate of Calla lily
latent vir us (Ca-M19) with some potyviruses infecting calla
lily in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) immunodiffusion tests.
The center wells were charged with antiserum (#097) against
bacteria-expressed coat protein of Ca-M19, and the peripheral
wells were filled with SDS-treated antigens of Dasheen mosaic
virus (D), Konjak mosaic virus (K), Ca-M19 (M), Turnip mosaic
virus (T), Zantedeschia mild mottle virus (N), healthy calla lily
(H), bacteria-expressed coat protein of Ca-M19 (Bep), and two
CLLV-infected calla lily antigens collected from fields (F1 and
latent virus (CLLV) as the name of this novel virus (Chen
et al., 2004). To our knowledge, CLLV is the first virus
reported to cause latent infection in calla lilies. CLLV-
associated symptomless calla lilies are indistinguishable
from uninfected plants in both growth vigor and flowering
potential, including yield and quality. However, possible
synergistic effects resulting from simultaneous infection
of CLLV with other viruses need to be clarified.
In this study, we developed DNA probes, specific
RT-PCR primers, and antiserum against bacteria-
expressed CP for the detection of CLLV. As in our
previous studies (Chen et al., 2002a), antiserum prepared
to bacteria-expressed CP was useful in ELISA, SDS-
immunodiffusion, immuno-specific electron microscopy,
and western blotting tests. Using these indexing tools,
CLLV was frequently detected in calla lily plants collected
from several major calla lily production townships in Tai-
wan. Although we did not carry out an insect transmission
test, we considered these infected plants to be vectored
by aphids. This is based on the fact that, as in most
potyviruses, a DAG triplet, the genetic code for aphid
transmissibility, is found in the N-terminus of CLLV CP.
CLLV is shown serologically related to at least eight
potyviruses, including BCMV, MVbMV, PaMV, PCV,
PStV, WMV 2, SMV, and ZYMV (Table 2). These
potyviruses were shown serologically to be closely related
to each other in our previous studies (Chang, 1992; Chang
and Lin, 1989; Chang et al., 1990). When the amino acid
sequence of CLLV CP gene is examined and aligned with
those of WMV 2 and SMV, the two most closely related
viruses based on ELISA readings, an extra 17-residues
were present at the N-terminus of CLLV CP (Figure
5). In the same region, an extra sequence is present in
WMV 2, but it is different from that of CLLV (Figure 5).
Botanical Studies, Vol. 47, 2006
Other than this variable N-terminal portion, the core and
C-terminal regions of CLLV CP are very similar to those
of SMV and WMV 2. This explains the close serological
relatedness among these three potyviruses.
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