Botanical Studies (2006) 47: 403-408.
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Light is one of the most important environmental fac-
tors affecting plant survival, growth, reproduction, and
distribution. First, light intensity affects photosynthesis,
and this, in turn, is related to the accumulation of organic
matter and biomass. Moreover, to sustain higher photosyn-
thetic capacity or survival, plants modify their morphol-
ogy and biomass allocation at different light conditions
(Sims and Pearoy, 1992; Den Dubbleden and Oosterbeek,
1995; Feng et al., 2004). For example, plants grown at
low light intensities have higher specific leaf areas (SLA)
and leaf area ratios (LAR), and lower biomasses and root
shoot ratios (R/S) (Semb, 1996; Lentz1 and Cipollini,
1998; Kremer and Kropff, 1999). Different species, how-
ever, respond differently to light intensity. Light-demand-
ing species are more flexible in both morphology and
biomass allocation in response to light change than shade-
tolerant species (Lortie and Aarssen, 1996; Valladares et
al., 2000). Ryser and Eek (2000) suggested the adaptive
phenotypic plasticity differences among species may
contribute to their different abilities to occupy variable
and diverse habitats in the nature. Thus, studies on the
plasticity responses of plants, especially endangered and
rare species, to light environments will contribute to
our understanding of the ecological mechanism of plant
distribution and assist in the development of conservation
approaches to endangered and rare species.
Mosla is an annual herb in the family Labiatae. As
an endemic plant in China, M. hangchowensis only has
several small local populations, which were found along
the coast in China¡¦s subtropical zone. It has become en-
dangered because the number and size of its distribution
areas are decreasing quickly due to recent human activities
(Chang et al., 1999; Ge and Chang, 2001). Mosla chinen-
sis is distributed in the southern Yangtze River drainage
area in China, and it is usually the concomitant species in
a community because it has just a few individuals in each
population (Guan et al., 2003, 2004). In contrast, M. dian-
thera and M. sacbra are widely distributed in most parts
of the subtropical and tropical zones in China and in other
countries in East and Southeast Asia, where they are often
dominant in their communities (Fang et al., 1989). In the
field ecology studies, we found that the habitats of the four
species were open land, forest edge, and forest understory.
But M. hangchowensis, M. dianthera and M. chinensis are
mainly distributed in open land or forest edge with ample
sunlight while M. scabra is often found in shaded and
moist conditions, such as the forest understory (Zhang and
Xu, 1988). In this study, we grew the four Mosla species
under three light intensities. The objectives were to com-
Effects of light intensity on growth of four Mosla species
Jian-Xiong LIAO
, Xiao-Yan ZOU
, Ying GE
, and Jie CHANG
College of Life Sciences, Zhejiang University, 368 Zijinghua Road, Hangzhou 310058, P.R. China
Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430074, P.R. China
(Received February 22, 2005; Accepted April 11, 2006)
Abstract. We compared the growth characteristics of four Mosla species that occurred under three light
conditions that simulated shaded forest understory, forest edge, and open land. Root mass (M
), stem
mass (M
), leaf mass (M
), total mass (M
), root mass ratio (RMR), and root shoot ratio (R/S)
all decreased with decreasing light intensity while specific leaf area (SLA), leaf area ratio (LAR), and
height ratio (HR) increased as growth light declined. At low light intensity, M. scabra, acclimating to a
shade environment, had the highest biomass, RMR, R/S, SLA, and LAR, but its plasticity in response to
light intensity was lower than that of the other three shade-intolerant species. The results supported the
hypothesis that shade-intolerant species have greater plasticity than shade-tolerant species. Compared with
M. scabra and M. dianthera, M. hangchowensis and M. chinensis had lower competitive ability for water,
nutrients and light (indicated by lower RMR, R/S and HR values), which could cause their endangerment
and rarity, respectively.
Keywords: Endangerment; Growth; Light intensity; Molsa chinensis; M. dianthera; M. hangchowensis; M.
scabra; Plasticity; Rarity.