Botanical Studies (2006) 47: 435-441.
Corresponding author: E-mail:; Tel:
86-20-37252779; Fax: 86-20-37252692; Dr. Hui YU:
Globally, there are over 750 species of Ficus (Mora-
ceae) (Berg, 2003). Figs are distinguished as a genus by
the syconium, a unique enclosed inflorescence which
also functions as a pseudocarp. Syconia are considered
to be key plant resources in tropical rainforests owing to
their heavy and continuous production, providing food
for a range of frugivores (especially birds) during periods
of fruit scarcity (Janzen, 1979; McKey, 1989). The pol-
lination of figs by highly specific wasps (Hymenoptera:
Agaonidae) is arguably the most widely known example
of obligate mutualism between plants and their pollinators
(Ramirez, 1970; Janzen, 1979; Herre, 1996; Machado et
al., 2001). Approximately half of all fig species are mon-
oecious. In these species each inflorescence bears male
flowers and female flowers with varying style lengths.
When pollen-loaded female wasps enter a syconium, they
pollinate the female flowers and oviposit in some of the
ovaries. Hence, monoecious figs produce a mixture of pol-
linators, seeds and pollen in every fruit. In dioecious fig
species, the syconium of functionally male trees bear male
flowers and modified female flowers with short styles for
wasp production, though some species also produce a few
viable seeds (Galil, 1973; Valdeyron and Lloyd, 1979;
Jousselin and Kjellberg, 2001). Dioecious figs also have
true female trees with syconia that do not have male flow-
ers and only very long-styled female flowers. The pollina-
tors cannot lay eggs in these flowers because the styles are
too long and thin for their ovipositors (Verkerke, 1987;
Weiblen, 2000), so only seeds are produced.
The major developmental phases of the syconia of
monoecious figs (Galil and Eisikowitch, 1968) can be ap-
plied, with appropriate modifications, to dioecious figs
(Patel, 1996; Yu et al., 2003). An immature syconium (A-
phase) develops to the receptive phase (B-phase) when it
is entered by the first female wasp. During the developing
phase (C-phase), each wasp larva feeds on the contents
of a single ovary in male trees, and seeds develop in fe-
male trees. During the brief wasp-releasing phase (D-
phase) in male trees, mature wasp offspring mate within
the syconium and then the female pollen-bearing wasps
leave the natal syconium to search for another receptive
syconium. After the departure of the wasps, the syconia
fall to the ground and rot. Female syconia, which do not
have wasps, bypass the D-phase and develop further to the
mature phase (E-phase). These mature syconia become
soft and fleshy, and are attractive to seed dispersers such
as birds.
Phenology and reproductive strategy of a common fig in
Hui YU, Nan-Xian ZHAO, Yi-Zhu CHEN, Yuan DENG, Jin-Yan YAO, and Hua-Gu YE*
South China Botanical Garden, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, P.R. China
(Received December 6, 2005; Accepted April 14, 2006)
Ficus spp. (Moraceae) and their pollinator wasps (Chalcidoidae: Agaonidae) have co-evolved
a highly mutualistic relationship, and depend completely on each other for
reproductive success. Here, we
present data on syconia, seed and pollinator production of the dioecious fig Ficus hirta Vahly, which were
gathered to investigate the phenology and sexual specialization
of individual trees. Syconia were produced
asynchronously within trees, and there were sufficient degrees of both synchrony and asynchrony among
trees to maintain pollinator production
throughout the year. Production of receptive syconia and mature male
syconia peaked at the same time to facilitate both pollination and pollinator production. The duration of crop
development in female trees was longer than that in male trees, and the mean interval between syconia pro-
duction was also longer in female trees. The mean diameter and total number of female syconia in receptive
and ripe phase were lower, but the proportion of female flowers utilized in them was higher than that in male
syconia. Syconium production was not correlated with the height of either female or male trees. The num-
ber of syconia produced was significantly correlated with the amount of branches on female trees but not on
Keywords: Dioecy; Ficus hirta; Fig wasps; Mutualism; Sexual specialization.