Botanical Studies (2007) 48: 43-54.
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Cadmium (Cd) is one of the most toxic of heavy
metals and is widely released into agricultural soils. Due
to its high mobility in soil, cadmium is readily taken up
and accumulated by plants. Excess Cd
in plants leads to impaired growth and development and
even death (Sanita di Toppi and Gabbrielli, 1999). Several
mechanisms have been proposed for Cd toxicity in plants
(Clemens, 2001). Cd-induced generation of hydrogen
peroxide and other reactive oxygen species has been
correlated with the damage to plasma membrane lipids
and alteration of secondary metabolism (Schutzendubel et
al., 2001; Shah et al., 2001; Kuo and Kao, 2004). Plasma
membrane H
-ATPase activity and other enzymes related
to nitrogen metabolism are also sensitive to cadmium
(Astolfi et al., 2004, 2005). In addition, cadmium has been
shown to influence the sulfate uptake and assimilation in
plants (Lee and Leustek, 1999; Heiss et al., 1999; Nocito
et al., 2002).
Although most of plant species can not thrive under
the excessive heavy metal environment, some other
species have evolved sophisticated strategies for tolerating
high levels of heavy metals. Plants possess a range
of cellular mechanisms for detoxicification of heavy
metals (Rauser, 1999; Clements, 2001). Cd-induced
synthesis of metal chelating compounds like glutathione
(GSH), phytochelatins (PCs), and other sulfide-
enriched compounds is considered one of the important
mechanisms allowing plants to tolerate higher levels of
Cd in cells (Zenk, 1996; Cobbett and Goldsbrough, 2002).
Cd-induced PCs alleviate Cd toxicity by formation of Cd-
PC complexes, known as low-molecular-weight (LMW)
Cd complexes (Speiser et al., 1992; Cobbett, 2000). The
Cd-PC complexes are formed in cytosol and actively
Coordinated expression of sulfate transporters and
its relation with sulfur metabolites in Brassica napus
exposed to cadmium
Xue Mei SUN
, Bo LU
, Surya Kant MEHTA
, Lai Lang XU
, and Zhi Min
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, College of Life Science, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing,
210095, P.R. China
Department of Chemistry, College of Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, 210095, P.R. China
(Received March 7, 2006; Accepted June 5, 2006)
Full-length cDNAs encoding a putative low-affinity sulfate transporter (LAST), designated
BnSultr2;2 (accession number DQ091257) were isolated from Brassica napus 72 h after sulfate deficiency.
BnSultr2;2 shows significant similarity at an amino acid level with the available LASTs from the dicoty-
ledonous Arabidopsis and Brassica juncea. It displays the typical twelve-membrane spanning domains of
other plant species’ sulfate transporters. Examination of steady-state mRNA levels reveals that BnSultr2;2
transcripts were enhanced in leaves of sulfate-deficient plants. The leaf BnSultr2;2 expression was also up-
regulated under 20-120 μM Cd exposure, but under the same conditions, the BnSultr2;2 expression in roots
was severely suppressed. To understand the relationship between sulfate uptake and Cd stress, we simulta-
neously isolated another cDNA encoding a known high-affinity sulfate transporter (BnSultr1;1, accession
number AJ416460) from roots. RT-PCR analysis demonstrates that BnSultr1;1 was expressed only in roots,
and its expression was upregulated by both sulfate-deficiency and Cd exposure. To link up the expression of
sulfate transporters to sulfur accumulation and assimilation, the concentrations of sulfate, sulfide, glutathione,
and thiol-containing compounds in plant tissues were measured. Elevating Cd concentrations in the culture
medium up to 40 μM increased the accumulation of sulfate, sulfide, glutathione, and non-protein thiols in
roots. These results suggest that a coordinated regulation of sulfate transporters enables plants to tolerate Cd
stress via an efficient sulfate uptake and assimilation.
Keywords: Brassica napus; Cadmium; Sulfate transporter; Transcriptional expression.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
transported from cytosol to the vacuole, where more
complicated and stable Cd-PC complexes are formed
(Erika and Laszlo, 2002; Hrustioger, 2000). Substantial
evidence shows that Cd-induced PC synthesis and metal
detoxification mechanisms involve a variety of molecular
and biochemical processes (Meuwly et al., 1995; Keltjens
and van Beusichem, 1998; Clemens, 2001). The process
of metal-induced synthesis of PCs most often leads to a
short-term depletion of the glutathione pool, one of the
major sources of thiol groups responsible for biological
redox processes and a precursor for the synthesis of PCs
(Leustek and Saito, 1999; Cobbett, 2000; Wang et al.,
2004). However, recovery in the glutathione pool up to
the level of or above controls has been demonstrated after
a prolonged exposure of plants to Cd (Vogeli-Lange and
Wagner, 1996; Schutzendubel et al., 2001). Enzymes
involved in GSH synthesis such as γ-glutamylcysteine
synthetase (γ-ECS, EC and GSH synthetase (EC have been examined in plants under metal stress,
and the activity of γ-ECS was found to be enhanced
upon Cd exposure (Schafer et al., 1998; Cobbett, 2000).
Molecular responses to Cd exposure have also been
identified in plants, such as Brassica juncea (Zhu et
al., 1999), Arabidopsis (Xiang and Oliver, 1998), and
the other plant species in which Cd exposure induced a
coordinated transcriptional regulation of genes encoding
γ-ECS, GSH synthase, and PC synthase (Schafer et al.,
1998; Zhu et al., 1999; Vatamaniuk et al., 2000; Sun et al.,
Cd-induced GSH and PC synthesis have a well es-
tablished relationship with sulfate uptake, transport, and
assimilation in plants (Lee and Leustek, 1999; Nocito
et al., 2002; Astolfi et al., 2004). For example, under Cd
stress a large amount of sulfate accumulates and the level
of thiol-containing compounds surges (Leustek and Saito,
1999; Nocito et al., 2002). Plants have a specific group of
root carriers for uptake of sulfate from soil (Leustek and
Saito, 1999; Hawkesford, 2003; Mendoza-Cozatl et al.,
2005). Equally, translocation of sulfate or thiol-containing
metabolites between the root and shoot is performed by
an array of sophisticated transport systems (Hawkesford,
2000; Howarth et al., 2003). In higher plants, sulfate
transporters are subdivided into five groups. Group 1
sulfate transporters have a high affinity for sulfate, and
normally facilitate primary uptake of sulfate from soils
into roots. AtSultr1;1, AtSultr1;2, and AtSultr1;3, isolated
from Arabidopsis (Vidmar et al., 2000), HVST1 from
barley (Smith et al., 1997) and SHST1, SHST2 from
Stylosanthes hamata (Smith et al., 1995) are typical high
affinity sulfate transporters, and they express mainly in
roots. Group 2 members such as AtSultr2;1 (AST56) and
AtSultr2;2 (AST68) from Arabidopsis and SHST3 from S.
hamata have a low affinity to sulfate and are expressed in
both roots and shoots (Smith et al., 1995; Takahishi et al.,
1996; Takahishi et al., 1997; Takahishi et al., 2000). Sug-
gestions have been made that this group of transporters
are principally involved in translocation, distribution
or reallocation of sulfate in plants (Smith et al., 1995;
Takahashi et al., 1997). Group 3 sulfate transporters are
localized in root, stem, leaf and even in root nodules of
Lotus japonicus (Takahashi et al., 1999; Buchner et al.,
2004a; Krusell et al., 2005), and the group 4 transporters
are positioned in tonoplast, suggesting that they facilitate
the efflux of sulfate from vacuoles (Kataoka et al., 2004).
Compared to Groups 1-4, the sequence divergence of
group 5 suggests that these may be functionally distinct
transporters. So far, genes encoding sulfate transporters
from a variety of higher plants have been identified and a
majority of these transporters are up- or down-regulated
at the transcriptional level under sulfate starvation
and restored (Hawkesford, 2003). However, a fine and
coordinated expression pattern of these genes in response
to heavy metal (e.g. Cd) stress has not been described.
Brassica napus falls into the same family as Brassica
juncea, which as a heavy metal accumulator has the poten-
tial to remove excessive heavy metals from contaminated
soils (Banuelos and Meek, 1990; Salt et al., 1995). Some
genotypes of B. napus exhibit a comparable or even
stronger tendency to accumulate heavy metals (Ebbs
and Kochian, 1997; Su and Huang, 2002). Since B.
napus produces as much high biomass as B. juncea, it is,
therefore, suitable for use in phytoremediation. The use
of higher plants in the phytoremediation of heavy metal-
contaminated soils is not only based on their ability to take
up and accumulate the metals, but also on mechanisms
able to alleviate their toxic effect (Salt et al., 1998; Nocito
et al., 2002). However, little is known about the process of
Cd tolerance in B. napus. Understanding of the molecular
and physiological regulatory mechanisms of plant sulfate
transporters may provide a better insight into our un-
derstanding of Cd tolerance in plants. The present study
examined the Cd-induced transcriptional expression of
BnSultr2;2 and BnSultr1;1 and its correlation with the
sulfur accumulation and assimilation in B. napus.
Plant material and treatment
Seeds of B. napus L. (cv. Youyan No. 9) were sterilized
with 5% NaClO for 10 min, washed several times with
distilled water, and germinated for 3 d in the dark on float-
ing plastic net. After germination, nine young seedlings
were transferred to 1 L polyethylene containers containing
1/4-strength modified Hoagland nutrient solution (0.7 mM
, 1.5 mM K
, 0.5 mM
, 0.25 mM NH
, 2.9 mM
, 0.25 mM
, 0.5 mM
, 4.75 μM Fe
, 0.32
μM Cu
, 0.2 μM Zn
, 1.25 μM Mn
, 11.5 μM H
0.025 μM MoO
). Seedlings were grown at 22±1oC, with a
light intensity of 200 μmol
and a 14-h photoperiod.
After growing for 14 days, plants were treated with 0, 20,
40, 80, and 120 μM Cd as CdCl
in the 1/4-strength nutri-
ent solution as indicated above for 72 h, or with 0 and 40
μM Cd for 0, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h. In the experiment
of sulfate deficiency, a sulfur-free solution was prepared
using MgCl
instead of MgSO
. The pH of culture as well
SUN et al. — Sulfate transporters in response to Cd
as of treatment solutions was adjusted to 5.6. Treatment
solutions were renewed with freshly prepared nutrient so-
lution each day. After treatment, root and leaf tissues were
separately harvested and immediately frozen in liquid ni-
trogen and stored at -80°C in a freezer.
RNA isolation and cDNA synthesis
Total RNA was extracted from root or leaf tissues using
Trizol (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) according to the manu-
facturer ’s instructions. Reverse transcription was carried
out at 37oC in 25 μL reaction mixture containing 3 μg
of RNA, 0.5 μg oligo (dT) primer, 12.5 nmol dNTPs, 25
units of RNase inhibitor and 200 units of M-MLV reverse
transcriptase (Promega, Madison, WI). The first strand
cDNA was then used as a template for polymerase chain
Cloning of a putative low-affinity sulfate
The amplification primers for partial BnSultr2;2 in B.
napus were 5’-AAC CCT AAT CGT GTA TTT-3’ (sense)
and 5’-GGA CAA TAT ATC ATT TAT TCT G-3’ (anti-
sense) based on Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) partial
low affinity sulfate transporter mRNA (accession number
AJ223495). The amplification product was cloned into the
vector pGEM-T (Promega, Madison, WI) and sequenced
(SEQLAB, Gottingen, Germany). The resulting partial
cDNA sequence containing 3
UTR showed a 93% identity
with Brassica juncea and an 86% identity with Arabidop-
sis thaliana putative sulfate transporter mRNA (accession
number AY074516). Another pair of primers was designed
to amplify 5’-region to obtain the full-length cDNA. The
sense primer based on Arabidopsis thaliana was 5’-CAC
TTC AAT AAC CCA CAA-3’, and the antisense primer
based on partial BnSultr2;2 was 5’-GCA AGA AGT TAA
AGA GCC-3’. The amplified 1.2 kb fragment was cloned
into the vector pGEM-T and sequenced. To obtain 5’ UTR,
the gene-specific primers for 5’-RACE were: RACE-5A:
In order to create the full-length cDNA of BnSultr2;2
from B. napus by RT-PCR, a 2144 bp fragment was am-
plified with ExTaq DNA polymerase (Takara) and cloned
into the vector pGEM-T for sequencing.
Determination of BnSultr1;1 and BnSultr2;2
gene expression by RT-PCR
The first-strand cDNAs derived from the total RNA of
different treatments were used to analyze transcripts of
BnSultr1;1 (accession number AJ416460, Buchner et al.,
2004a) and BnSultr2;2 (accession number DQ091257,
this study). PCR was carried out using primers: Hast-S (5
’-AGA TGA TCG CAT TGG GTA-3’) and Hast-A (5’-
CCT TTC TCG GAC ATA GTT G-3’) for BnSultr1;1;
Last-S (5’-TAC TTC ACA AAT TGA AAC GAG-3’) and
for BnSultr2;2. Expression of EF-1
gene (sense 5’-
5’-CCACCAATCTTGTACACATCC-3’) was used as a
control. RT-PCR products were obtained after 32 PCR
cycles. The PCR products were applied to 1% (w/v) aga-
rose gel electrophoresis and stained with ethidium bro-
mide. The strength of the fluorescent signal derived from
ethidium bromide in each lane was determined by the
software GIS Gel-ID produced by the Tanon Company.
Sequence analysis
Protein sequence homologies were calculated by the
DNAMAN program. Two protein alignments were per-
formed by the same program. The phylogenetic tree of
sulfate transporters was drawn using TreeView32 (Page,
1996) based on the multiple alignments performed by
Clustal X (Thompson et al., 1997). The transmembrane
analysis was carried out using TopRed (http://bioweb.pas- html).
Determination of non-protein thiols and
Non-protein thiols (NPT) were extracted by homog-
enizing 0.5 g plant material in 1 mL ice-cold 5% (w/v)
sulfosalicylic acid solution. After centrifugation at 10,000
g and 4°C for 30 min, the supernatants were collected and
immediately assayed for determination of NPT. NPT lev-
els in samples were measured with Ellman’s reagent (Ell-
man, 1959). Briefly, 300 μL of the supernatant was mixed
with 1.2 mL of 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.6).
After reaching a stable absorbance at 412 nm, 25 μL of 5,
5’-dithiobis (2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) solution (6 mM
DTNB dissolved in 5 mM EDTA and 0.1 M phosphate
buffer, pH 7.6) was added, and the increase in absorbance
at 412 nm was recorded.
Reduced glutathione (GSH) contents were determined
fluorimetrically (Hissin and Hilf, 1976). Plant material (0.5
g) was ground in 0.5 ml 25% H
and 1.5 ml of 0.1 M
sodium phosphate-EDTA buffer (pH 8.0). The homogenate
was centrifuged at 10,000 g for 20 min. The supernatant
was further diluted 5 times with sodium phosphate-
EDTA buffer (pH 8.0). 100 μL of diluted supernatant
was incubated with 1.8 ml of phosphate-EDTA buffer
and 100 μL .-phthalaldehyde (1 mg ml
) for 15 min at
room temperature to interact with the GSH in the solution.
Finally, the solution was transferred to quartz cuvette, and
the fluorescence at 420 nm was measured after excitation
at 350 nm.
Determination of total sulfate and sulfide
For determination of sulfate content in plant tissues,
plant samples were digested using HNO
solution and turbidimetry was used to determine sulfate
according to method of Tababai and Bremner (1970).
Total sulfide in fresh plant tissues was assayed by the
methylene blue spectrophotometric method as described
by Huang and Wang (1997) with a few modifications.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
Plant samples were homogenized in an iced-cold 10 mM
buffer (pH 10). The homogenate was centri-
fuged at 15,000 g at 4°C for 10 min. Supernatants from
the root sample were directly used to measure sulfide.
To avoid the interference of chlorophylls and pigments
with measurements, the supernatant from leaf tissues was
mixed with the CCl
(3:1) extraction solution to
remove these pigments. The proportion of the supernatant
to extraction solution was 1:1. The supernatant was used
for sulfide determination. Sulfide content was spectropho-
tometrically measured at 412 nm in a reaction mixture
containing 2 mL of 1% p-amino-N, N-dimethylaniline
(dissolved in 2 M H
), 1 mL of 10 mM Fe
and 1 mL
of supernatant.
Cadmium measurement
Root and leaf tissues were thoroughly rinsed with
deionized water and blotter dried. Samples were dried at
C in a forced-air oven, weighted, and digested with a
solution containing nitric acid and perchloric acid (1:1,
v/v). Cd in solution was determined by atomic absorption
spectrometry (Yang et al., 2001).
Statistical analysis
Each result shown in a table and figure was the mean
of at least three replicated treatments. Each treatment
included at least nine seedlings for determination. The
significance of differences between treatments was statisti-
cally evaluated by standard deviation and Student’s t-test
Cloning and analysis of a putative BnSultr2;2
from B. napus
The Arabidopsis genome contains at least 14 members
of sulfate transporter genes that are assumed to function
independently for the uptake and distribution of sulfate
in various cell types (Hawkesford, 2003). In Brassica
napus, five different sulfate transporter genes have
been cloned (accession number: AJ311389, AJ311388,
AJ581745, AJ416461, AJ416460). In this study, a
cDNA encoding a putative B. napus low-affinity sulfate
transporter, designated as BnSultr2;2, was cloned by
RT-PCR and 5’ RACE. The BnSultr2;2 cDNA is 2150
bp long with an open reading frame (ORF) of 1959 bp,
a 35-nucleotide(nt)-5’ untranslated region (UTR), and
a 153-nt 3’ UTR. The ORF encodes a 653-amino acid
protein with a predicted molecular weight of 72 kDa and
an isoelectric point of 9.5.
The deduced protein includes twelve putative mem-
brane-spanning domains (Figure 1), consistent with the
general features of sulfate transporters (Smith et al.,
2000). The predicted protein was compared with a sulfate
transporter from A. thaliana (Figure 1) (Takahashi et al.,
1996) and several other higher plant sulfate transporters
(Table 1). The comparison shows a higher protein se-
quence similarity to low-affinity sulfate transporters than
to high-affinity sulfate transporters. To further analyze
the relationship between the B. napus sulfate transporter
and other higher plant sulfate transporters cloned so far,
a phylogenetic tree was constructed based on Clustal X
(Figure 2). The phylogenetic relationships among the plant
sulfate transporters indicated that the predicted protein of
BnSultr2;2 falls into the group 2 together with BjSultr2;2
from B. juncea (Heiss et al., 1999), BoSultr2.1 from B.
oleracea (Buchner et al., 2004a), AtSultr2;1 (Takahashi
et al., 1997) and AtSultr2;2 (Takahashi et al., 1996) from
A. thaliana, and SHST3 from Stylosanthes hamata (Smith
et al., 1995), respectively. This group of sulfate transport-
ers is clearly different from others, particularly the high-
affinity sulfate transporters of group 1, like SHST1 and
SHST2 in S. hamatus (Smith et al., 1995). Therefore, the
putative sulfate transporter BnSultr2;2 cloned from B. na-
pus should encode a low-affinity sulfate transporter.
Plant growth and Cd accumulation under the
Cd stress
Two-week-old plants of B. napus grown in the presence
of 10, 20, 40, 80 and 120 μM Cd
for 7 d showed a
concentration-dependent inhibition of growth (Figure
3A and 3B). A significant decline in root biomass was
observed at a 40 μM external concentration of Cd, under
which the root dry weight decreased by 46% as compared
to the control. Shoot growth appeared to be more sensitive
to Cd as a relatively low concentration (20 μM) of Cd lead
Table 1. Comparison of protein sequence similarity between BnSultr2;2 cDNA and other higher plant sulfate transporters.
Sulfate transporters accession number (species)
Sequence identity (%) with
BnSultr2;2 protein
Sulfate transporter (ST) type
AJ223495 (B. juncea)
Partial low-affinity ST (putative)
D85416 (A. thaliana, AtSultr2;2)
Low-affinity ST
AB003591 (A. thaliana, AtSultr2;1)
Low-affinity ST
X82454 (S. hamata, SHST3)
Low-affinity ST
X82455 (S. hamata, SHST1)
High-affinity ST
X82456 (S. hamata, SHST2)
High-affinity ST
SUN et al. — Sulfate transporters in response to Cd
Figure 1. Alignment of the predicted amino acid sequences of BnSultr2;2 and AtSultr2;2. Nucleotide sequences are deposited with
GenBank under accession number DQ091257 (BnSultr2;2) and D85416 (Arabidopsis AtSultr2;2), respectively. The 12 membrane-
spanning domains (1-12) were identified by the boxes. The alignment was performed using the DNAMAN program.
Figure 2. Phylogenetic relationship of plant sulfate transporters. The phylogenetic tree was based on the alignment of protein
s equences of sulfate transporters using the Clustal X program. Accession number: Arabidopsis thaliana AtSultr1;1, AB018695;
AtSultr1;2, AB042322; AtSultr1;3, AB049624; AtSultr2;1, AB003591; AtSultr2;2, D85416; AtSultr3;1, D89631; AtS ultr3;2,
AB004060; AtSultr3;3, AB023423; AtSultr3;4, AB054645; AtSultr3;5, AB061739; AtSultr4;1, AB008782; AtSultr4;2, AB052775;
AtSultr5;1 NP_178147; AtSultr5;2, NP_180139; Stylosanthes hamata: SHST1, X82255; SHST2, X82256; SHST3, X82454; Brassica
oleracea: BoS ultr1;3, AJ633707; BoS ultr2;1, AJ633705; BoS ultr3;1, AJ581745 BoSultr3;2, AJ601439; BoSultr3;3, AJ704373;
BoSultr3;4, AJ704374; BoSultr3;5, AJ633706; BoSultr4;2, AJ555124; Brassica napus: BnSultr1;1, AJ416460; BnSultr1;2, AJ311388;
BnSultr2;2, DQ091257 (this study), BnSultr4;1, AJ416461; BnSultr5;1, AJ311389; Brassica juncea: BjSultr2;2, AJ223495.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
to a significant inhibition of leaf growth. Treatment with
Cd at 40 μM decreased the shoot growth by 43%. Since
40 μM Cd triggered a moderate effect on the plant growth,
this concentration was selected to examine transcriptional
and physiological responses of B. napus to Cd stress.
Figure 4 illustrates the time-course of Cd accumulation
in the root and shoot of seedlings from nutrient solution
containing 40 μM Cd. Cd accumulation in roots began
immediately after exposure of seedlings to Cd. The
accumulation of Cd in root was rapid and nearly linear
during the first 12 h of exposure and then slowed down
up to experiment end. A maximum of 3634 mg kg
accumulated in roots after a 96-h exposure of seedlings
to 40 μM Cd. Meanwhile, less Cd accumulated in shoots
than in roots. The highest Cd level in shoots was 371.4 mg
effects of sulfur deficiency on the transcri-
ptional expression of sulfate transporters
To examine the response of BnSultr2;2 expression to
different sulfur conditions, 2-week-old plants grown on
the sulfur-sufficient medium, were transferred into the
sulfur-deficient solution for 3 days. Withdrawal of external
sulfate supply did not affect the level of root BnSultr2;2
mRNA (Figure 5A). However, significant BnSultr2;2
mRNA did accumulate in leaves under the sulfur deficien-
cy. The abundance of BnSultr2;2 mRNA in sulfur-deficient
leaves was 8.8 times higher than in sulfur-sufficient
leaves. To understand further the regulation of sulfate
uptake and accumulation, we simultaneously isolated
another cDNA encoding a known high-affinity sulfate
transporter BnSultr1;1 (accession number AJ416460) from
roots. In contrast to BnSultr2;2, BnSultr1;1 appeared to
be specifically expressed in roots, and its transcript level
there increased by 5.2 fold over the control (Figure 5C).
effects of Cd on the expression of BnSultr2;2
and BnSultr1;1
To examine whether BnSultr2;2 and BnSultr1;1
expressions were regulated by Cd concentration in nutri-
ent medium, 2-week-old plants were grown continuously
for 72 h in hydroponic culture containing 0, 20, 40, 80 and
120 μM Cd. In roots, BnSultr2;2 transcript level declined
progressively with increasing concentration of Cd in
media (Figure 6A). At the 40 μM external concentration
of Cd, the mRNA transcript level of BnSultr2;2 was only
12% of the control. The BnSultr2;2 transcript level in
leaves increased with increasing Cd concentration in the
nutrient solution, and at a 40 μM external concentration
of Cd the highest increase in mRNA level was noted. Fur-
ther increase in Cd concentration resulted in a decreased
expression of BnSultr2;2 in leaves of B. napus (Figure
6B). The level of BnSultr1;1 transcripts in the root of Cd-
treated plants was higher than in the control, and the maxi-
mum accumulation of BnSultr1;1 transcripts was observed
at 80 μM of Cd in nutrient solution (Figure 6C).
A time-course experiment was also performed to
investigate the transcriptional response of BnSultr2;2
and BnSultr1;1 to Cd exposure. The root BnSultr2;2
expression was inhibited during the time-course of Cd
exposure (Figure 7A). BnSultr2;2 expression in leaf
showed a different time-course pattern when com-
pared with root (Figure 7B). Only a small amount of
BnSultr2;2 transcript was detected during the first 12 h of
Cd treatment. A rapid induction in level of mRNA tran-
script level was found after 12 h of exposure to Cd. The
BnSultr2;2 expression in leaf peaked 48 h after Cd treat-
Figu re 3. Effect of Cd on growth of B. napus roots (A) and
shoots (B). Seedlings were incubated on the 1/4 strength of Hoa-
gland solutions containing the indicated concentrations of Cd
for 7 days, and then roots and shoots were harvested, dried, and
analyzed for biomass. Vertical bars represent standard deviation
of the mean (n=20). Asterisks indicate that mean values are sig-
nificantly different between the treatment and control (p<0.05).
Figure 4. Time-course of Cd accumulation in roots and shoots
of B. napus seedlings subjected to 40 μM Cd. Vertical bars rep-
resent standard deviation of the mean (n=3). Asterisks indicate
that mean values are significantly different between the treat-
ment and control (p<0.05).
SUN et al. — Sulfate transporters in response to Cd
ment. After peaking, however, it sharply decreased and
returned to the level of control. For BnSultr1;1, treatment
with 40 μM Cd did not induce its expression during the
first 12 h, but a progressive increase in expression was
observed thereafter. The highest expression was reached at
72 h (Figure 7C).
effects of Cd on the accumulation and sulfate,
sulfide, and non-protein thiols
To relate expression of the sulfate transporters to
sulfur accumulation and assimilation, the content of
sulfate, sulfide, and non-protein thiols in plant tissues
were measured. Treatments of seedlings with Cd at
concentrations ranging from 0-120 μM induced a consis-
tent enhancement in sulfate accumulation in roots (Figure
8A). A significant increase in sulfate content was evident
at 40 μM. Time-course study demonstrated that roots
treated with 40 μM Cd also exhibited an accumulation of
sulfate with the time, but significant increases occurred
only after 24 h of the treatment with Cd (Figure 8C). By
contrast, sulfate accumulation in leaves consistently de-
creased as evinced by dose-response (Figure 8B) as well
as time-course (Figure 8D) study.
Figure 5. Analysis of transcript amounts of BnSultr2;2 (A and B)
and BnSultr1;1 (C) in the tissues of B. napus under the sulfate
deprivation. Plants were grown hydroponically for 2 weeks
before transfer to sulfate-deficient medium for 72 h. Control
plants (+S) were maintained on sulfate-containing hydroponic
medium. RNA was extracted from root and leaf tissues. EF-1α
was used for cDNA normalization.
Figure 6. Analysis of transcript amounts of BnSultr2;2 (�S) in
roots (A) and leaves (B) and BnSultr1;1 (�S) in roots (C) of B.
napus in response to Cd. Plants were grown hydroponically for
2 weeks and then transferred to the same solution containing Cd
at 0, 20, 40, 80, and 120 μM for 72 h. RNA was extracted from
root and leaf tissues. EF-1α (�T) was used for cDNA normaliza-
Figure 7. Analysis of transcript amounts of BnSultr2;2 (�S) in
roots (A) and leaves (B) and BnSultr1;1 (�S) in roots (C) of B.
napus in response to Cd. Plants were grown hydroponically for
2 weeks and then transferred to the same solution containing
40 μM Cd for 0, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h. RNA was extracted
from root and leaf tiss ues . EF-1α (�T ) was us ed for cDNA
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
Sulfide (S
) is one of the important intermediates
in the reductive SO
assimilation pathway, in which
the incorporation of sulfide into cysteine is the last step
(Leustek and Saito, 1999). Thus, the level of sulfide
plants may reflect their capacity for sulfate reduction
and assimilation. Our results show that elevating Cd
concentrations from 0 to 80 μM in the culture medium
resulted in a massive accumulation (12-fold of control)
of sulfide in roots (Figure 9A). However, only a little
induction was observed in leaves. Because reduced
glutathione (GSH) is thought to play an important role in
heavy metal detoxification, the concentration of GSH in
Cd-treated plants was measured. Cd exposure (40 and 80
μM) significantly increased the concentrations of GSH in
roots. Compared with roots, the content in leaves was not
obviously affected by Cd (Figure 9B).
The total non-protein thiols were measured because
these thiols represent the compounds of monothiols (e.g.
cysteine and glutathione) and polythiols (phytochelatin)
(Cobbett, 2000). As shown in Figure 10A, the presence
of 20 μM Cd was sufficient to stimulate the production
of total non-protein thiols in roots. A concentration-
dependent change in thiol abundance was observed.
The production of total non-protein thiols in Cd-treated
roots also gradually elevated over the time (Figure 10C).
However, in the present study, Cd exposure did not induce
any leaf non-protein thiol accumulation (Figure 10B and
In this study we isolated and partially identified a
novel cDNA (BnSultr2;2, accession number DQ091257)
encoding Brassica napus low-affinity sulfate transporter.
Sequence comparison of deduced protein of BnSultr2;2
with other sulfate transporters—in particular those of
A. thaliana (Takahashi et al., 1996, 1997), S. hamata
(Smith et al., 1995), and B. juncea (Heiss et al., 1999)—
has shown that the cloned putative LAST should be
classified as a member of group-2 sulfate transporters. The
Figu re 8. Cd-induced changes in s ulfate content in roots (A
and C) and leaves (B and D) of B. napus. Plants were grown
hydroponically for 2 weeks and then transferred to the same
solution containing 0, 20, 40, 80, 120 μM Cd for 72 h (A and B),
or 0
�T) and 40
�S) μM Cd for 0, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h (C
and D). Vertical bars represent standard deviation of the mean
(n=3). Asterisks indicate that mean values are significantly dif-
ferent between the treatment and control (p<0.05).
Figure 9. Change in sulfide (A) and glutathione (B)
content in
roots and leaves of B. napus under Cd stress. Plants were grown
hydroponically for 2 weeks and then transferred to the same
solution containing 40 and 80 μM Cd for 72 h. Vertical bars rep-
resent standard deviation of the mean (n=3). Asterisks indicate
that mean values are significantly different between the treat-
ment and control (p<0.05).
Figure 10. Changes in non-protein thiols (NP T) contents in
roots (A and C) and leaves (B and D) of B. napus. Plants were
grown hydroponically for 2 weeks and then transferred to the
same solution containing 0, 20, 40, 80, 120 μM Cd for 72 h (A
and B), or 0 (�T) and 40 (�S) μM Cd for 0, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 and
96 h (C and D). Vertical bars represent standard deviation of the
mean (n=3). Asterisks indicate that mean values are significantly
different between the treatment and control (p<0.05).
SUN et al. — Sulfate transporters in response to Cd
expression of BnSultr2;2 in different tissues indicates that
it is localized in the root and leaf of B. napus. This result
is consistent with the previous observations in A. thaliana,
where a cloned low-affinity sulfate transporter was also
expressed in roots and leaves (Takahashi et al., 2000).
Although we did not make a further identification of the
low-affinity sulfate transporter, the low phylogenetic
distance between BnSultr2;2 and AtSultr2;2 suggested that
they share a similar funtion.
Regulation of the sulfate transporter activity that is
dependent on S-nutritional status has been investigated
in a variety of plants (Hawkesford, 2003). Expression
of low-affinity sulfate transporter genes in response to
sulfur deficiency has been proposed to be behind im-
provements in S-utilization efficiency within plants
(Hawkesford, 2000). However, little is known about
the detailed expression pattern of LAST in response to
Cd exposure. It has been demonstrated that a gene for a
putative low-affinity sulfate transporter from B. juncea
exhibited a significantly reduced expression in roots upon
treatment (Heiss et al., 1999). We have likewise found
that the root BnSultr2;2 expression was progressively
down-regulated by Cd exposure (Figure 6A). In A.
thaliana, expression of AtSultr2;2 was detected in root
phloem and leaf vascular bundle sheath cells, suggesting
that the low affinity sulfate transporter AtSultr2;2 was
involved in the release of sulfate from xylem vessels to
palisade and mesophyll cells (Takahashi et al., 2000). In
the present study, the reduced expression of BnSultr2;2 in
Cd-treated roots indicates that the B. napus plants might
prevent a sulfate transfer from roots to shoots because
synthesis of PCs and other low or high-molecular-weight
complexes in roots requires sufficient sulfate (Heiss et al.,
1999), thus causing more sulfate to be retained in roots for
local assimilation. The result could be supported by the
increased sulfate content in root (Figure 8). On the other
hand, expression of BnSultr2;2 was up-regulated in leaf in
response to Cd exposure (Figure 6B), which is consistent
with the expression pattern under sulfur starvation (Figure
5B). The pattern of BnSultr2;2 expression above-ground
suggests Cd-induced short-term sulfur starvation, and
more sulfate uptake into leaf mesophyll cells may be re-
quired for sulfur-containing metabolite synthesis for metal
To get an insight into the expressional pattern of
sulfate transporters in response to Cd stress, we simulta-
neously isolated and analyzed another gene encoding a
high affinity sulfate transporter (BnSultr1;1) in B. napus.
BnSultr1;1 was expressed only in roots, suggesting that
BnSultr1;1 belongs to the Group-1 high-affinity sulfate
transporters involved in the uptake of sulfate into roots
at low sulfate availability. BnSultr1;1 in roots showed a
base level expression (Figure 5C). However, both sulfur
starvation and Cd exposure resulted in a strong expression
o f BnSultr1;1 in roots (Figure 5C and 6C). Sulfate
starvation could lead to a decrease of GSH (Leustek
and Saito, 1999), and PC synthesis induced by Cd could
also lead to a transient depletion of GSH pools in roots
(Scheller, 1987). This depletion may be what increases the
uptake of sulfate. It was interesting to find a 12-h lag phase
between the Cd treatment and the increased BnSultr1;1
expression (Figure 7C). This suggested that before the on-
set of a considerable expression of BnSultr1;1 could occur,
time for cadmium to induce GSH depletion was required.
It has been proposed that both low- and high-affinity
sulfate transporters play key roles in sulfate uptake,
translocation, and distribution in higher plants (Buchner
et al., 2004b; Sun et al., 2005). However, the mechanism,
by which Cd influences the sulfur status and modifies
the gene expression of both group-1 and group-2 sulfate
transporters is not fully understood. To relate Cd-induced
alteration in the expression of BnSultr1;1 and BnSultr2;2
to sulfate uptake, accumulation, and assimilation in B.
napus, the total sulfate accumulation and other reduced
metabolite content was measured. Our results shows that
the accumulation of sulfate and sulfide in Cd-treated roots
increased significantly. Also, the level of glutathione
and non-protein thiols in the roots with Cd was found to
increase. The observed modifications of sulfate content
and increased metabolite production may reflect the local
effects of Cd in the organs or the Cd-driven demand
for sulfur nutrients for the whole plant. Indeed, the the
regulatory signals orginated from either the Cd-stressed
shoot or the treated roots. We noted that the B. napus
plants accumulated Cd rapidly upon Cd exposure (Figure
4). The accumulation long preceded the the enhanced
expression of BnSultr2;2, the sulfate accumulation rate,
and the synthesis of reduced products of sulfur. Taken
together, all of these results suggest an inter-organ
signal during Cd exposure responsible for sulfate uptake
regulation and reduction within different organs.
Acknowledgements. This study was supported by the
National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.
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