Botanical Studies (2007) 48: 117-126.
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Tel: 886-4-7232105, ext. 3436.
There are six genera in the Family Characeae. Both
Chara Linnaeus and Nitella Agardh are widespread and
abundant species; both Lamprothamnium J. Groves and
Tolypella (A. Braun) A. Braun have a few species; and
both Nitellopsis Hy and Lychnothamnus (Ruprecht)
Leohardi are represented each by only one extant species.
The single extant species of Lychnothamnus, L. barbatus
(Meyen) Leonhardi, is actually a rare charophyte species
considered in decline (Casanova et al., 2003). The species
is the first charophyte declared endangered in Australia
(Garcia, 2003).
In Taiwan, freshwater algal studies have mainly
focused on microalgae (Yamagishi, 1992; Moriwaka and
Chyi, 1996; Wang and Chen, 2000; Wang et al., 2002)
and very little on macroalgae (Wu, 1999, 2001; Liu and
Wang, 2004). Reports on Characeae from Taiwan seldom
appear, except for some by Imahori (1951, 1953, 1954a,
1957) and Yang and Chiang (1978). In total, 21 species,
4 subspecies, and 10 varieties from two charalean genera
have been recorded in Taiwan (Imahori, 1951, 1953,
1954a, 1954b, 1957). Recently, observations of oospore
wall ornamentation using scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) have been used to identify the species of the
Order Charales (John and Moore, 1987; John et al., 1990;
Leitch et al., 1990; Casanova, 1991, 1997). Furthermore,
molecular phylogenetic analysis based either on the
large subunit of Rubisco (rbcL) or 18S ribosomal DNA
sequences has been carried out to resolve phylogenetic
relationships at the species or genera levels (McCourt
et al., 1996, 1999; Meiers et al., 1999). In addition,
the chloroplast-encoded atpB gene is a photosynthetic
gene that has also been used in the phylogeny of certain
algae and land plants (Lockhart et al., 1992; Wolf, 1997;
Sakayama et al., 2004a). However, Wolf (1997) and
Nozaki et al. (1999) pointed out similarities between the
divergences of the atpB gene and the rbcL gene among the
fern genera and the colonial Volvocales.
In this study, we collected three charalean algae from
southeast, northeast, and northern Taiwan, respectively.
We use SEM characters of oospores and the rbcL, atpB
gene and combine data from sequences to define the
species taxonomic relationships of our materials. Their
morphological characters are also described in detail.
Morphological observations
Specimens were collected from southeast, northeast,
and northern Taiwan. Some specimen parts were preserved
in 95% alcohol for molecular analysis while other parts
were preserved in 4-5% formalin solution or dried as
herbarium specimens for morphological observations.
The liquid or cultural specimens were favored for detailed
examination. In LM observations, the vegetative and
reproductive structures were examined under a light
microscope at 100x and 200x magnification (Zeiss
Axioskop 2) and under a dissecting microscope (Zeiss
Stemi SV11). In SEM observations, matured oospores of
these species were cleaned before examination, and then
the tube cells were removed from the mature oospores by
a fine needle and forceps under a dissecting microscope.
Three new members of Characeae (Charales,
Chlorophyta) from Taiwan, including one endangered
monospecific genus
, Wei-Lung WANG
*, and Jui-Sheng CHANG
Department of Biology, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua 500, Taiwan
Center of General Education, Yu-Da University, Miaoli 361, Taiwan
(Received September 12, 2005; Accepted May 17, 2006)
. From morphological and molecular analysis, three charalean species, Lychnothamnus barbatus
(Meyen) Leonhardi, Nitella japonica Allen, and N. inversa Imahori are recorded for the first time to the
freshwater algal flora of Taiwan. The endangered monospecific genus, Lychnothamnus (Ruprecht) Leohardi, is
the first genus recorded to the freshwater algal flora of Taiwan. In this study, we describe their morphological
characters in detail and use rbcL and atpB sequences to confirm their phylogenetic relationships.
Keywords: atpB gene; Characeae; Lychnothamnus; Nitella; rbcL gene; Taiwan.