Botanical Studies (2007) 48: 127-132.
Corresponding author: Email:
; Tel:
+886-2-2789-3821; Fax: +886-2-2789-1623.
We report a handsome Begonia that has been
commonly propagated for sale in the flower markets in
northern Taiwan since 2006, but without a scientific name.
The owner of the flower shop from whom we purchased
the plants and made the type specimen indicated that this
highly ornamental species was a contaminant of other
horticultural plants imported from Vietnam. During the
first author’s visit to the Institute of Ecology and Bio-
logical Resources, Hanoi in 2004, Prof. Nguyen Tien
Hiep showed us his collection of images of Begonia he
photographed in the field in northern Vietnam. One of
them, from Thai Nguyen Province, clearly matches the
flower shop species in every respect. Since species of
Begonia in sect. Coelocentrum are adapted to limestone
and are highly restricted in distribution, we believe
that this handsome new species is endemic to northern
Vietnam. The conservation status of this species is not
known. However, like most species of Begonia, it can be
propagated with ease by seeds or leaf cuttings.
Begonia kui C.-I Peng, sp. nov.—TYPE: Original locality
not known; possibly from Thai Nguyen Province in
northern Vietnam. Type specimens pressed from plants
purchased from a floral market in Dali City, Taichung
County, Taiwan and cultivated in the experimental
greenhouse of Academia Sinica, 17 Jul 2006, Ching-I
Peng 20847 (holotype: HAST; isotypes: A, HN, IBK,
MO, NY). 麗紋秋海棠 (Figures 1, 2)
Begonia kui aspectu similis B. variegatae Y. M. Shui &
W. H. Chen, sed foliis apice obtusis vel rodundatis, mar-
gine albo-maculatis, inflorescentiis pilosis, tepalis exteri-
oribus subroseis vel rubellis subtus brevipilosis, androecio
zygomorpho vel subzygomorpho, capsulis glabris differt.
Herbs monoecious, epipetric, perennial, rhizomatous.
Rhizome 5-10 cm or longer, 5-15 mm thick, internodes
6-10 mm long, sparsely hirsute. Stipules caducous, ovate-
triangular, 7-14 mm long, 7-11 mm wide, weakly keeled,
abaxially hirsute-villous, margin ciliate or ciliolate, apex
aristate, arista 1-2.5 mm long, hair-like. Leaves 3-6, al-
ternate, simple, asymmetric, unlobed, suborbicular, base
cordate, margin denticulate and ciliolate, apex obtuse
or subrounded, rarely acute, 9-20 cm long (basal lobes
included), 8-16 cm wide, adaxially dark brown, adorned
with white stripes in intercostal area and with white spots
near the margins, abaxially red or reddish, texture thickly
papery, surface rugose, adaxially pilose-setose or villous-
setose (trichomes 1-2 mm long, with a conically swollen
base), abaxially villous, villosity pronounced on veins and
veinlets; venation basally 6-7-palmate, midrib indistinct,
veins pinnate along midrib, with 1-3 major lateral veins on
each side, other primary veins branching dichotomously
or nearly so, tertiary veins reticulate and weakly percur-
rent, minor veins densely reticulate, all veins on abaxial
surface prominently raised; petiole terete, 5-9 cm long,
4-8 mm thick, brownish, densely hirsute-villous. Inflores-
Begonia kui (sect. Coelocentrum, Begoniaceae), a new
species from Vietnam
Ching-I PENG
*, Tung-Yu HSIEH
, and Quang Hieu NGYUEN
Herbarium (HAST), Research Center for Biodiversity, Academia Sinica, Nangang, Taipei 115, Taiwan
Department of Horticulture Science, National Chung-Hsing University, 250 Kuo Kuang Road, Taichung, Taiwan
New York Botanical Garden, 200
Street and Southern Boulevard, New York, NY 10458, USA
(Received September 5 2006; Accepted December 4, 2006)
. Begonia kui, a new species of sect. Coelocentrum, is described and illustrated. Begonia kui is
somewhat similar to B. variegata Y. M. Shui & W. H. Chen, differing in the leaf apex obtuse or rounded (vs.
shortly acuminate); leaf margin with a white maculation (vs. with a dark brown band); inflorescences pilose (vs.
glandular-hispid); outer tepals pinkish or reddish (vs. greenish or greenish-yellow), abaxially shortly pilose (vs.
glandular-hispid); androecium zygomorphic or nearly so (vs. actinomorphic); and ovaries and fruits glabrous (vs.
glandular-hispid). Begonia kui is available from floral markets in northern Taiwan, possibly originated from
Thai Nguyen Province in northern Vietnam.
Keywords: Begonia kui; Begonia variegata; New species; sect. Coelocentrum; Vietnam.