Botanical Studies (2007) 48: 133-140.
Corresponding author: Guan-Jhong Huang, E-mail:; Yaw-Huei LIN, E-mail:, Fax: 886-2-2782-7954, Tel:
886-2-2789-9590 ext. 321.
It is commonly accepted that in a situation of oxidative
stress, reactive oxygen species such as superoxide (O
hydroxyl (OH¡P) and peroxyl (¡POOH, ROO¡P) radicals are
generated. The reactive oxygen species play an important
role related to the degenerative or pathological processes
of various serious diseases, such as aging (Burns et al.,
2001), cancer, coronary heart disease, Alzheimer¡¦s dis-
ease (Ames, 1983; Gey, 1990; Smith et al., 1996; Diaz
et al., 1997), neurodegenerative disorders, atheroscle-
rosis, cataracts, and inflammation (Aruoma, 1998). The
use of traditional medicine is widespread and plants still
present a large source of natural antioxidants that might
serve as leads for the development of novel drugs. Sev-
eral antiinflammatory, antinecrotic, neuroprotective, and
hepatoprotective drugs have recently been shown to have
an antioxidant and/or antiradical scavenging mechanism
as part of their activity (Perry et al., 1999; Repetto and
Llesuy, 2002). In the search for sources of natural anti-
oxidants and compounds with radical scavenging activity
during the last few years, some have been found, such
as whey proteins (Allen and Wrieden, 1982; Tong et al.,
2000), phenolic compounds (Rice-Evans et al., 1997), an-
thocyanin (Espin et al., 2000), echinacoside in Echinaceae
root (Hu and Kitts, 2000), water extract of roasted Cassia
tora (Yen and Chuang, 2000), both thioredoxin h protein
(Huang et al., 2004a) and mucilage (Huang et al., 2006a, b)
from sweet potato root.
Sporamin was the major storage protein in sweet potato
tuberous roots, first described by Maeshima et al. (Mae-
shima et al., 1985). It accounted for 60% to 80% of the to-
tal soluble protein in the sweet potato tuber. Expression of
Recombinant sporamin and its synthesized peptides
with antioxidant activities in vitro
Guan-Jhong HUANG
*, Hsien-Jung CHEN
, Yuan-Shiun CHANG
, Ming-Jyh SHEU
, and Yaw-
Huei LIN
Institute of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences, China Medical University, Taichung 404, Taiwan
Department of Horticulture, Chinese Culture University, Taipei 111, Taiwan
Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, China Medical University, Taichung 404, Taiwan
Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei 115, Taiwan
(Received October 17, 2006; Accepted November 29, 2006)
Recombinant sporamin B overproduced in E. coli (M15) was purified by Ni
-chelated affinity
chromatography. The molecular mass of sporamin B is ca. 26 kDa as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Total antioxidant status, 1,1-dipheny-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)
staining, reducing power method, Fe
-chelating ability, ferric thiocyanate (FTC) method, and protecting
calf thymus DNA against hydroxyl radical-induced damage were studied. The sporamin B protein with a
concentration of 100 £gg/mL exhibited highest activity (expressed as 4.21 ¡Ó 0.0078 mM Trolox equivalent
antioxidative value, TEAC) in total antioxidant status test. In the DPPH staining sporamin B appeared as
a white spot when the concentration was diluted to 25 mg sporamin B/mL (with an absolute amount of 75
£gg). Like total antioxidant status, the reducing power, Fe
-chelating ability, FTC activity and protection
calf thymus DNA against hydroxyl radical-induced damage all showed that sporamin B polypeptides have
significant antioxidant activities. It was found that antioxidant activities of sporamin B increased from 19% (0 h)
to about 29% (24 h) after 24 h hydrolysis by pepsin. Smaller peptides increased with hydrolytic times. Eight
peptides for testing antioxidative activity were synthesized according to peptic hydrolysis simulation. The
obtained SNIP, VRL, SYCQ, GTEKC, RF, VKAGE, AH, KIEL showed IC
values of 8.36, 4.23, 0.206, 0.0884,
9.72, 14.9, 13.8 and 24.9 mM, respectively, when scavenging activity of DPPH radicals (%) was measured.
These findings mean that cysteine residue is most important in antiradical activities. It was suggested that
sporamin B might contribute to its antioxidant activities against hydroxyl and peroxyl radicals.
Keywords: Antioxidant activity; Recombinant protein; Gene expression; Sporamin; Sweet potato.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
sporamin was shown to be mainly associated with tubers
(Hattori et al., 1990). Sporamin was found to strongly in-
hibit trypsin activity, and insect-defense capabilities were
confirmed in insect bioassays with transgenic tobacco (Yeh
et al., 1997). These showed that sporamin functions not
only as a storage protein for nutrient supply but also as a
factor against herbivore attacks. Sporamin genes belonged
to a large multigene family that was divided into subfami-
lies A and B. There was over 90% nucleotide homology
among intrasubfamily genes, and about 80% nucleotide
homology among inter-subfamily genes (Hattori et al.,
1989). The objectives of this work were to investigate the
antioxidant property of sporamin B from sweet potato in
comparison with chemical compounds such as butylated
hydroxytoluene (BHT), reduced glutathione or ascorbate
in a series of in vitro tests.
expression of sporamin B in
E. coli
Sporamin B (Gene Bank accession number: M16883)
was expressed in E. coli. The coding sequence was ampli-
fied from sporamin B cDNA using an oligonucleotide (5¡¦
site (underlined) at the putative initial Met residue, and an
oligonucleotide (5¡¦-TCAGA AGCTT TGATC ACA-3¡¦),
with a HindIII site at the 3¡¦ end. The PCR fragment was
subcloned in pGEM T-easy vector. And the plasmid was
then digested with BamHI and HindIII and subcloned in
pQE-30 expression vector (QIAexpress expression system,
Qiagen). The resulting plasmid, termed pQE-sporamin
B, was introduced into E. coli (M15). Cultures of the
transformed E. coli (M15) overexpressed a protein of the
expected molecular mass, which was purified by affinity
chromatography in Ni-nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) columns
(Qiagen), according to the manufacturer¡¦s instructions.
Protein staining on 15% SDS-PAGe gels
Sporamin B was detected on 15% SDS-PAGE gels.
Samples treated with sample buffer and
(2-ME) with a final concentration of 14.4 mM were heated
at 100¢XC for 5 min before 15% SDS-PAGE.
measurement of total antioxidant status
Total antioxidant status of the sporamin B protein
was measured using the total antioxidant status assay
kit (Calbiochem
Corp) according to the manufacturer¡¦s
instructions. The
assay relies on the antioxidant ability
of the protein to
inhibit oxidation of 2, 2¡¦ azino-bis-[3-
acid] (ABTS) to ABTS*
by metmyoglobin. The amount of ABTS*
monitored by reading the absorbance at 600 nm. Under
reaction conditions, the antioxidant ability of
sporamin B protein decreases
the absorbance at 600 nm
in proportion
to its concentration. The final antioxidant
capacity of
sporamin B protein was calculated by the
following formula: Trolox equivalent value (mmol/L)=
[factor ¡Ñ (absorbance of blank-absorbance of sample)];
factor=[concentration of standard/(absorbance of blank-
of standard)].
Rapid screening of antioxidant by dot-blot and
DPPH staining
An aliquot (3 £gl) of each diluted sample of the sporamin
B was carefully loaded on a 20 cm ¡Ñ 20 cm TLC layer
(silica gel 60 F254; Merck) and allowed to dry (3 min).
Drops of each sample were loaded in order of decreasing
concentration along the row. The staining of the silica
plate was based on the procedure of Huang et al. (2005).
The sheet bearing the dry spots was placed upside down
for 10 s in a 0.4 mM DPPH solution. Then the excess of
solution was removed with a tissue paper and the layer
was dried with a hair-dryer blowing cold air. Stained silica
layer revealed a purple background with white spots at the
location where radical scavenger capacity presented. The
intensity of the white color depends upon the amount and
nature of radical scavenger present in the sample.
Scavenging activity against DPPh radical
The effect of sporamin B on the DPPH radical was
estimated according to the method of Huang et al. (2004b).
An aliquot of sporamin B (30 £gL) was mixed with 100
mM Tris-HCl buffer (120 £gL, pH 7.4) and then 150 £gL
of the DPPH in ethanol with a final concentration of 250
£gM was added. The mixture was shaken vigorously and
left to stand at room temperature for 20 min in the dark.
The absorbance at 517 nm of the reaction solution was
measured spectrophometrically. The percentage of DPPH
decolourization of the sample was calculated according to
the equation: % decolourization= [1- Abs
Determination of antioxidant activity by
reducing power measurement
The reducing powers of the sporamin B and glutathione
were determined according to the method of Yen and Chen
(1995). Sporamin B (0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1 mg/mL)
or glutathione was mixed with an equal volume of 0.2 M
phosphate buffer, pH 6.6, and 1% potassium ferricyanide.
The mixture was incubated at 50¢XC for 20 min, during
which time ferricyanide was reduced to ferrocyanide.
Then an equal volume of 1% trichloroacetic acid was
added to the mixture, which was then centrifuged at 6,000
g for 10 min. The upper layer of the solution was mixed
with deionized water and 0.1% FeCl
at a radio of 1:1:2,
and the absorbance at 700 nm was measured to determine
the amount of ferric ferrocyanide (Prussian Blue) formed.
Increased absorbance of the reaction mixture indicated in-
creased reducing power of the sample.
Determination of antioxidant activity by Fe
-chelating ability
The Fe
-chelating ability was determined according
to the method of Decker and Welch (1990). The Fe
HUANG et al. ¡X Sporamin and its peptides with antioxidant activities
monitored by measuring the formation of ferrous iron-fer-
rozine complex at 562 nm. Sporamin B (0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6
and 2 mg/mL) was mixed with 2 mM FeCl
and 5 mM fer-
rozine at a ratio of 10:1:2. The mixture was shaken and left
to stand at room temperature for 10 min. The absorbance
of the resulting solution at 562 nm was measured. The
lower the absorbance of the reaction mixture the higher
the Fe
-chelating ability. The capability of the sample to
chelate the ferrous iron was calculated using the following
Scavenging effect (%) = [1- Abs
/ Abs
Determination of antioxidant activity by the
ferric thiocyanate (FTC) method
The FTC method was adapted from the method of
Osawa and Namiki (1981). Twenty mg/mL of samples
dissolved in 4 ml of 99.5% (w/v) ethanol were mixed with
linoleic acid (2.51%, v/v) in 99.5% (w/v) ethanol (4.1
ml), 0.05 M phosphate buffer pH 7.0 (8 ml) and deionized
water (3.9 ml) and kept in a screw-cap container at 40¢XC in
the dark. Then, to 0.1 ml of this solution was added 9.7 ml
of 75% (v/v) ethanol and 0.1 ml of 30% (w/v) ammonium
thiocyanate. Precisely 3 min after the addition of 0.1 ml
of 20 mM ferrous chloride in 3.5% (v/v) hydrochloric
acid to the reaction mixture, the absorbance at 500 nm
of the resulting red color [Fe (SCN)
, Fe
was formed
after linoleic acid peroxide was produced and Fenton
reaction occurred.] was measured every 24 h until the day
when the absorbance of the control reached the maximum
value. The inhibition of linoleic acid peroxidation was
calculated as (%) inhibition = 100 - [(absorbance increase
of the sample/absorbance increase of the control) ¡Ñ 100].
All tests were run in duplicate and analyses of all samples
were run in triplicate and averaged.
Protection of sporamin against hydroxyl
radical-induced calf thymus DNA damage
The hydroxyl radical was generated by Fenton reaction
according to the method of Kohno et al. (1991). The 15
£gL reaction mixture containing sporamin B (0, 50, 100,
or 200 £gg), 5 £gL of calf thymus DNA (1 mg/mL), 18 mM
, and 60 mM hydrogen peroxide were incubated at
room temperature for 15 min. Then 2 £gL of 1 mM EDTA
was added to stop the reaction. Blank test contained
only calf thymus DNA and the control test contained all
reaction components except sporamin B. The treated DNA
solutions were subjected to agarose electrophoresis and
then stained with ethidium bromide and examined under
UV light.
Determination of the antioxidative activity of
sporamin B peptic hydrolysates
Six mg of sporamin B was dissolved in 1 mL of 0.1
M KCl buffer (pH 2.0). Then 0.1 mL (12 mg) of pepsin
was added at 37¢XC for 0 and 24 h. After hydrolysis, 0.5
mL of 0.5 M Tris-HCl buffer (pH 8.3) was added, and the
solution was heated at 100¢XC for 5 min to stop enzyme
reaction. The pepsin was heated before sporamin B
hydrolysis for the 0 h reaction. Each of the 60 £gL sporamin
B hydrolysates was used for determinations of the DPPH
antioxidative activities by spectrophotometry.
Chromatograms of peptic hydrolysates of
trypsin inhibitor on a Sephadex G-50 column
The unhydrolyzed sporamin B and peptic sporamin B
hydrolysates at 24 h were separated by Sephadex G-50
column chromatography (1 ¡Ñ 60 cm). The column was
eluted with 20 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.9). The flow rate
was 30 mL/h, and each fraction contained 2 mL of which
the absorbance at 280 nm was then determined.
Statistical analysis
Means of triplicates were calculated. Student¡¦s t test
was used for comparison between two treatments. All data
(expressed as percent of control value) were means ¡Ó SE.
A difference was considered to be statistically significant
when p < 0.05, p < 0.01 or p < 0.001.
Purification of expressed sporamin B
Sporamin B cDNA clones from sweet potato storage
roots were isolated. Sporamin B was subcloned in a
pQE-30 expression vector in E. coli and sporamin B was
produced with a 6x His-tag at the N-terminus. SDS-PAGE
analysis of crude extracts from transformed E. coli (M15)
showed a high level of a polypeptide with the expected
molecular mass (ca. 26 kDa). This polypeptide was found
as a soluble protein in the supernatant (Figure 1, lane 2),
and was absent in protein extracts obtained from E. coli
transformed with pQE-30 vector (Figure 1, lane 1). The
expressed protein was purified from crude extracts by Ni
-chelate affinity chromatography, which yielded highly
purified His-tagged sporamin B (Figure 1, lane 3).
measurement of total antioxidant status
This was measured using the total antioxidant status
assay kit (Figure 2). Sporamin B protein exhibited a dose-
dependent total antioxidant activity within the applied
concentrations (0, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 £gg/mL),
the highest at 100 £gg/mL (expressed as 4.21 ¡Ó 0.008 mM
Trolox equivalent antioxidative value, TEAC). At 5 £gg/
mL, sporamin B displayed the lowest total antioxidant
status (1.95 ¡Ó 0.002 mM TEAC).
Rapid screening of antioxidant by dot-blot and
DPPh staining
Antioxidant capacity of expressed sweet potato
sporamin B was eye-detected semi-quantitatively by a
rapid DPPH staining method in TLC. Each diluted sample
was applied as a dot on a TLC layer that was then stained
with DPPH solution (Figure 3). This method is typically
based on the inhibition of the accumulation of oxidized
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
products, since the generation of free radicals is inhibited
by the addition of antioxidants and scavenging the free
radicals shifts the end point. The appearance of white
color spot vs a purple background has a potential value
for the indirect evaluation of antioxidant capability of the
expressed sporamin B in the dot blots (Soler-Rivas et al.,
2000). Fast-reacted and strong intensites of white spots
appeared up to the dilutions of 25 mg sporamin B/mL (with
an absolute amount of 75 £gg). The reduced glutathione
was used as a positive control.
measurement of reducing power
We investigated the Fe
transformation in the
presence of the samples of sporamin B to measure its
reducing capacity. The reducing capacity of a compound
may serve as a significant indicator of its potential
antioxidant activity (Meir et al., 1995). The antioxidant
activity of putative antioxidants have been attributed
to various mechanisms, among them are prevention of
chain initiation, binding of transition metal ion catalysts,
decomposition of peroxides, prevention of continued
hydrogen abstraction, and radical scavenging (Diplock,
Figure 1. SDS-PAGE analysis of purified recombinant sweet po-
tato sporamin B. Crude extracts from E. coli (M15) transformed
with pQE30 (lane 1) or with pQE30-spormin B1 (lane 2) were
analyzed by 15% (w/v) SDS/PAGE with 10 £gg protein applied
on each lane, and then the gel was stained with Coomassie blue
G-250. Molecular masses of standard proteins are indicated at
the left of the figure. His-tagged sporamin B was purified by
-chelated affinity chromatography (lane 3). The experiments
were done twice and a representative one is shown.
Figure 2. Total antioxidant activity of recombinant sporamin B
from sweet potato, as measured by the total antioxidant status
assay. Absorbance value represents average of triplicates of dif-
ferent samples analysed.
Figure 3. Dot blot assay of recombinant sporamin B from sweet
potato on a silica sheet stained with a DPPH solution in metha-
nol. Each 3 £gl of sporamin B (100, 50, 25, 12.5, 6.25, and 3.125
mg/mL) was applied from left to right in sample row; while each
3 £gl glutathione (10, 5, 2.5, 12.5, and 6.25 mg/mL) was applied
from left to right in control row.
Figure 4. Antioxidative activities of recombinant sporamin B
from sweet potato, as measured by the reducing power method.
Each absorbance value represents average of triplicates of dif-
ferent samples analysed. Results represent the means ¡Ó SE from
at least 3 separate experiments. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 and ***p
< 0.001 (unpaired t test) compared to sporamin unsupplemented
HUANG et al. ¡X Sporamin and its peptides with antioxidant activities
1997). The reducing power of sporamin B is shown in
Figure 4 with ascorbic acid served as a positive control.
The reducing power activity of sporamin B exhibited a
dose-dependence (significant at p<0.05) within the applied
concentrations (0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1 mg/mL).
Measure of Fe
-chelating ability
The metal chelating capacity of sporamin B and stan-
dard antioxidants was determined by assessing their ability
to compete with ferrozine for the ferrous ions. The Fe
-chelating ability of the sporamin B is shown in Figure 5.
EDTA was used as a positive control. The Fe
ing ability of sporamin B was lower than that of EDTA
and this difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).
Sporamin B at doses of 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6 and 2 mg/mL
exhibited 65.26, 70.15, 72.41, 74.61 and 76.03% iron
binding capacity, respectively. On the other hand, EDTA
at doses of 0.02, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 mg/mL had 33.74,
78.16, 95.68, 96.68 and 96.69% chelating activity of iron,
Ferric thiocyanate (FTC) method
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) peroxidation has been
reported to contribute to atherosclerosis development
(Steinbrecher, 1987). Therefore, delay or prevention of
LDL peroxidation is an important function of antioxidants.
Figure 6 shows the time-course curve for the antioxidative
activity of the sporamin B from sweet potato, BHT and
O by the FTC method. The BHT was used as a positive
control, and H
O as a negative control. The results indicate
that sporamin B has antioxidative activity. Sporamin
B may act as a significant LDL peroxidation inhibitor
Protection against hydroxyl radical-induced calf
thymus DNA damage by sporamin B
Free radicals could damage macromolecules in cells,
such as DNA, protein, and lipids in membranes (Kohno
et al., 1991). Figure 7 shows that sporamin B protected
against hydroxyl radical-induced calf thymus DNA
damages. The blank contained calf thymus DNA only,
and the control contained all components except sporamin
B. Compared to the blank and control, it was found
that 100 £gg sporamin B could protect against hydroxyl
radical induced calf thymus DNA damages during 15-min
Determination of the antioxidative activity
of peptic sporamin B hydrolysates and their
peptide distributions
We used pepsin to hydrolyze sporamin B to mimic
the hydrolysis course during digestion in human¡¦s (or
animal¡¦s) stomach. Figure 8 shows the antioxidative
activity of peptic sporamin B hydrolysates and the
antioxidative activity (scavenging activity of DPPH
radicals, percent) of peptic sporamin B hydrolysates
collected at different pepsin hydrolysis times. From
the results, it was found that the antioxidative activity
increased from 19% (0 h) to about 29% (24 h). It was
found that smaller peptides increased with pepsin
hydrolytic time. The purifications of potential peptides
of antioxidative activity need further investigations. We
used synthetic peptides to measure antioxidative activity.
Synthetic peptides were designed by simulating pepsin
cutting sites of sporamin A and B gene products from
sweet potato (pH>2,
peptidecutter/). New peptides (Table 1) for antioxidative
activity, that is, SNIP, VRL, SYCQ, GTEKC, RF,
VKAGE, AH, KIEL were synthesized according to
simulation. IC
values of individual peptides were 8.36,
4.23, 0.206, 0.0884, 9.72, 14.9, 13.8 and 24.9 mM,
Figure 5. Antioxidative activities of recombinant sporamin B
from sweet potato, as measured by the Fe
-chelating ability
method. Each absorbance value represents average of triplicates
of different samples analysed. Results represent the means ¡Ó SE
from at least 3 separate experiments. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 and
***p < 0.001 (unpaired t test) compared to sporamin unsupple-
mented samples.
Figure 6. Inhibition of linoleic acid peroxidation by recombinant
sporamin B from sweet potato, as measured by the FTC method.
Each absorbance value represents average of triplicates of differ-
ent samples analysed.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
respectively, when scavenging activity of DPPH radicals
(%) was measured. Cysteine residues with free-SH in
whey proteins (Allen and Wrieden, 1982; Tong et al.,
2000) were reported to have antioxidant activities. Our
results further indicate that cysteine residues (GTEKC
or SYCQ) in sweet potato sporamin B contribute to the
antiradical activities. The synthetic peptide, GTEKC, has
the highest antioxidant activity (IC
is 0.0884 mM) as
good as reduced glutathione (IC
is 0.0748 mM). Another
synthetic peptide, SYCQ, also has a good antioxidant
activity (IC
is 0.206 mM). These results demonstrated
that simulated synthetic peptides from peptic sporamin B
hydrolysates exhibited antioxidative activity.
In conclusion, the results from in vitro experiments,
including total antioxidant status assay (Figure 2), DPPH
staining (Figure 3), reducing power method (Figure 4),
-chelating ability (Figure 5), FTC method (Figure 6),
and hydroxyl radical-induced calf thymus DNA damage
(Figure 7), demonstrated that sporamin B in sweet potato
may have significant antioxidant activities. Sporamin B
may contribute significantly to change the redox states and
as a potent antioxidant against both hydroxyl and peroxyl
radicals when people consume sweet potato. The ex vivo
or in vivo antioxidant activity of sporamin B should be
performed in near further.
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