Improvement of citrus by conventional method is
hampered by polyembryony, sexual incompatibility and
male or female sterility (Guo and Deng, 2001; Grosser and
Gmitter, 2005). Genetic transformation is an alternative to
overcome these difficulties. For successful transformation,
regeneration of whole plants from the transformed cells
is a prerequisite. Cut modes and hormones may affect
in vitro citrus shoot regeneration. Transversal cut, the
most popular cut mode (Moore et al., 1992; Pena et al.,
2004), is simple to manipulate but produces the fewest
adventitious buds. Longitudinal cut, a newly developed but
infrequently used cut mode (Yu et al., 2002; Kayim et al.,
2004), producing the most adventitious buds, is laborious
and difficult to manipulate especially when the epicotyl
Botanical Studies (2007) 48: 165-171.
explants are thin or weak. For hormones, the effect of
auxin on shoot regeneration was rarely concerned, though
the main hormone effect on bud formation was due to the
addition of BA (Garcia-Luis et al., 1999). Till now, little
was known on the effect of IAA and its interaction with
BA in citrus regeneration.
The green fluorescent protein gene (gfp) from the
jellyfish Aequorea victoria as a vital marker has attracted
increasing interest and is considered to have several
advantages over other visual marker genes (Ghorbel
et al., 1999). Expression of GFP5 results in greatly
improved levels of fluorescence and using the modified
gene (mgfp5-ER) has potential to regenerate intensely
fluorescent and fertile plantlets (Siemering
et al., 1996;
Haseloff et al., 1997). The goal of this study was: 1) to
find a moderate and efficient cut mode and optimize a
hormone combination for multiple shoot induction and
regeneration of citrus seedling epicotyls, and 2) to rapidly
achieve transgenic plants of an elite citrus cultivar with
the GFP gene, which will be promising for further genetic
transformation with agronomic traits.
Multiple shoot induction from seedling epicotyls and
transgenic citrus plant regeneration containing the
green fluorescent protein gene
Yan-Xin DUAN
, Xin LIU
1, 2
, Jing FAN
, Ding-Li LI
, Reng-ChaoWU
, and Wen-Wu GUO
National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, National Center of Crop Molecular Breeding, Huazhong
Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China
(Received May 8, 2006; Accepted October 3, 2006)
This research aimed to optimize the organogenesis of epicotyl segments and to efficiently
obtain transgenic plants of ¡¥Bingtang¡¦ sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osb.), an elite citrus cultivar in China.
Organogenesis induction was induced in epicotyl segments of 2 weeks old seedlings of this cultivar. Two
important factors influencing organogenesis in vitro viz.
hormone combination (IAA and BA) and cut modes
were characterized. IAA had a positive effect on bud formation only when BA was used at the concentration
of 2.0 mg/l, and an inhibitive effect was observed with higher or lower concentration of BA. The number
of regenerated buds reached up to 8.9 per explant with the combination of IAA 0.2 mg/l and BA 2.0 mg/l.
Among cut modes, oblique cut performed the best for its effect on the number and quality of regenerated
shoots and its convenience to manipulate. With the optimized hormone combination and oblique cut mode,
citrus transformation with green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene was performed and twelve independently
transformed plant lines were achieved. Southern blot hybridization confirmed the stable integration of GFP
gene into the citrus genome. The successful transformation of this cultivar revealed that it is possible to
introduce other genes with agronomic traits into it. Furthermore, these GFP expressing transgenic plants could
serve as a visual marker material for citrus somatic fusion and sexual hybridization.
Keywords: Auxin; Citrus; Genetic transformation; Green fluorescent protein; Oblique cut; Shoot formation.
Abbreviations: AS, acetosyringone; BA, 6-benzyladenine; Cef, cefotaxime; GFP, green fluorescent protein
gene; Km, kanamycin; IAA, indole-3-acetic acid; LB, (Luria-Bertani) medium; MBI medium, solid MT
medium containing 2.0 mg/l BA, 0.2 mg/l IAA and 30 g/l sucrose; MT medium, Murashige and Tucker.
The first two authors contributed equally to this paper.
Corresponding author: E-mail:;
Tel: 86-27-87281543; Fax: 86-27-87280016.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
Etiolated seedlings of ¡¥Bingtang¡¦ sweet orange (Citrus
sinensis L. Osb.) were used as explant sources. Seeds were
decontaminated as described by Moreira-Dias et al. (2001)
and germinated at 26¢XC in the dark in test tubes containing
MT medium (Murashige and Tucker, 1969) with 25 g/l
sucrose, 7.5 g/l agar, and pH 5.7. Epicotyl cuttings (1 cm
long) from 2 weeks old seedlings were plated horizontally
on the culture medium. Twenty-five explants were
evenly distributed in 90 ¡Ñ 20 mm Petri plates containing
approximately 20 ml medium. Hundred cuttings from
20 seedlings were measured per treatment with three
repetitions. At the end of the incubation period (45
d), the
number of visible buds and shoots were counted.
Effect of hormones on bud formation
The epicotyl explants were cut obliquely and incubated
on solid MT medium (containing 30 g/l sucrose),
supplemented with BA (1.0, 2.0, 3.0 mg/l) alone or
combined with 0.2 mg/l IAA, in the dark/light condition
(two weeks of darkness followed by 31 d in the light).
Effect of cut modes on the formation of buds
and shoots
In addition to longitudinal and transversal cut modes,
oblique cut was used in the present study. To manipulate
the oblique cut mode, the epicotyls were cut obliquely
with 3-4 mm end. Segment cuttings were incubated on
MBI medium (solid MT medium containing 2.0 mg/l BA,
0.2 mg/l IAA and 30 g/l sucrose, PH 5.7) and cultured in
the dark/light condition.
Transformation and regeneration
The disarmed A. tumefaciens strain EHA-105 harboring
a binary vector plasmid pBin-mgfp5-ER (Haseloff et al.,
1997) was used. Two experiments each with 60 epicotyl
segments were performed. The transformation procedure
was: a fresh single colony of disarmed A. tumefaciens
strain EHA105 was selected and multiplied on solid LB
(Luria-Bertani) medium with 50 mg/l kanamycin (Km)
for 48 h at 28¢XC. The bacteria were collected, transferred
to liquid MT medium in an orbital shaker at 28¢XC and
180 rpm for 2 h, and then adjusted to an absorbance A
0.5-0.8. Epicotyl cuttings were infected with the adjusted
A. tumefaciens for 30 min, and then dried by sterile filter
paper and co-cultured on solid MT medium containing
2 mg/l AS (acetosyringone) for 3 days in the dark at 23
¢XC. After co-cultivation, the explants were screened on
selective medium [MBI medium supplemented with
cefotaxime (Cef) 400 mg/l
and 50 mg/l Km] under dark/
light condition. Explants were screened every four weeks
on the same medium till resistant shoot regenerated. GFP
expressing shoots were excised from the cut end and
enlarged on the Km free (but containing Cef 200 mg/l)
medium. Well-developed shoots were either induced to
root as described by Guo et al. (2002)
or grafted onto
rootstocks to obtain whole transgenic plants as described
by Deng et al. (1993).
Detection of gFp by fluorescence stereomi-
croscopy and molecular analysis
After co-cultivation, the explants were screened for
GFP transient fluorescence and periodical examination
was done under a fluorescent stereomicroscope equipped
with a Leica fluorescence stereomicroscope
comprising a 480/40 nm exciter filter, a 505 nm LP
dichromatic beam splitter and a 510 nm LP barrier filter.
Buds and shoots expressing green fluorescence were
considered as putative transgenics.
Southern blot analysis was performed to confirm the
stable integration of the GFP in the transgenic plants.
DNA was extracted from leaves according to Cheng
et al. (2003). Genomic DNA of three GFP expressing
plants and one non-transformed plant was digested with
EcoRI, separated on 0.8% (w/v) agarose gels and blotted
onto nylon membranes (Hybond-N
, Amersham). Films
were probed with a P
-labelled fragment of the GFP
prepared by PCR. The PCR specific primers of GFP were
AGGACCATGTGGTCTCTCTT-3¡¦, which resulted in
a 500 bp fragment amplified from the plasmid template.
PCR reactions were the same as described by Shi et al.
Effect of growth regulators and cut modes on
indirect bud and shoot organogenesis
Under dark/light condition, the buds differentiated from
the callus formed at the cut end. Bud formation increased
when BA concentration was enhanced (Figure 1).
Meanwhile, the number of quiescent shoots regenerated
increased. When combined with 0.2 mg/l IAA, the additive
effect appeared at 2.0 mg/l of BA. The mean number
of buds reached a maximum of 8.9 per explant, among
which about five buds could elongate to shoots. Therefore,
MBI medium was chosen as the optimal medium for use
during transformation of ¡¥Bingtang¡¦ sweet orange epicotyl
Figure 1. Influence of BA and IAA (mg/l) on adventitious bud
formation in epicotyl segments of ¡¥Bingtang¡¦ (Citrus sinensis L.
Osb.) sweet orange.
IAA 0 mg/1
IAA 0.2 mg/1
The concentration of BA (mg/1)
DUAN et al. ¡X Citrus multiple shoot induction and transformation
Concerning easiness of manipulation for different cut
modes, oblique cut proved as simple as transversal cut
but more efficient and convenient, longitudinal cut was
difficult and laborious. Both oblique and longitudinal
cuts could increase the wound area of epicotyl explants,
resulting in more callus formation and shoot regeneration
than transversal cut (Figure 2, A1-C3). Longitudinal cut
gave the highest number of buds per explant followed by
oblique cut and transversal cut (Table 1). However, most
buds regenerated by longitudinal cut were weaker and
smaller than those regenerated by oblique cut (Figure 2,
C3). In addition, regarding shoots with at least two leaves
regenerated, there was no significant difference between
those produced by oblique and longitudinal cuts, while
transversal cut still resulted in the least (Table 1). Taken
together, oblique cut performed the best in vitro.
gFp as a visual marker to localize the sites
of transgene expression at early stages after
GFP expression could be detected transiently during
co-cultivation. The cut end of the non-transformed and
transformed epicotyl showed red autofluorescence (Figure
3A) and green fluorescence (Figure 3B), respectively. Four
weeks later, that small green fluorescent buds sprouted
and more than 2 transgenic buds expressing the GFP
gene formed at one cut end were often observed (Figure
3C). Simultaneously, non-transformed shoots could also
regenerate at the same cut end on selective medium (Figure
3E). Well-grown non-transformed shoots exhibited strong
red fluorescence after one more month of growth on MBI
medium (Figure 3D). GFP expressing shoots (longer than
0.5 cm) were physically separated in vitro and elongated
on Km
free medium (MBI medium containing 200 mg/l
Cef) (Figure 3F). Transgenic plants recovered by rooting
or by grafting onto trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata)
rootstock were transferred to soil in the greenhouse
and showed normal growth like the controls after six
months (Figure 4). Totally, twelve independent transgenic
plant lines were obtained and transplanted; the ultimate
transformation efficiency was 10%.
Different integration patterns of gFp
Genomic DNA from randomly selected GFP expressing
Figure 2. Comparison of three different cut modes on callus and bud formation with transversal cut (A1-A3), oblique cut (B1-B3) and
longitudinal cut (C1-C3). A1, B1, C1, Callus formation after 2 weeks culture under darkness; A2, B2, C2, Bud formation one week
after being transferred to light; A3, B3, C3, Shoot elongation under light conditions. Scale bars, 1.0 mm.
Table 1.
Effect of different cut modes on buds and shoots regeneration.
Different cut modes
Longitudinal cut Oblique cut Transversal cut
The mean number of buds per explant
19.5 a
8.9 b
2.5 c
The mean number of developed shoots with two leaves per explant
5.5 a
5.2 a
1.8 b
Data are the means of 100 epicotyl segments from three independent experiments. Numbers with same letters were not significantly
different at £\=0.05 according to Duncan¡¦s multiple range tests.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
plants and a non-transformed plant was analyzed by
Southern blot. The GFP gene fragment (500 bp) was
used as a probe to confirm the presence of the transgene.
Different integration patterns in the transgenic plants,
with one to 4 copies at different loci were identified when
EcoRI (only one enzyme site in the T-DNA) was used.
As was shown in Figure 5, all the three GFP expressing
plants contained the target gene (Lanes G2, G3, and G5).
No hybridization signal was detected in non-transformed
control plant (Lane G28). No correlation between copy
number and levels of GFP expression was revealed in this
Establishment of highly efficient regeneration protocol
for existing cultivars will help to improve and broaden the
usage of genetic transformation technique in citrus. In the
present study, bud formation increased with the enhanced
BA concentration, and similar results were previously
demonstrated by several authors (Goh et al., 1995; Costa
et al., 2004). However, IAA enhanced bud formation at 2.0
mg/l concentration of BA, and inhibited bud formation at
1.0 or 3.0 mg/l. This was different from previous report
in which the contribution of auxins was marginal on bud
formation (Garcia-Luis et al., 1999) and different from the
result of Moreira-Dias et al. (2000). Using different citrus
genotypes or different concentrations of hormones might
be responsible for the different results. The results here
show that an additive effect might have produced between
BA and IAA when they were combined at the proper
proportions. Such results have not been reported in citrus
previously and need further validation. Though giving
approximately same number of buds, elongated shoots
produced by 3.0 mg/l
BA were less than those produced
by 2 mg/l of BAP + 0.2 mg/l of IAA (data not shown).
This may be correlated with the concentration of BA: the
lower concentration of BA, the larger the size of the shoots
produced (Gutierrez-E et al., 1997).
Bud formation was significantly affected by different
cut modes (i.e. transversal cut, oblique cut and longitudinal
cut); and the number of regenerated buds increased
with the enlarged cut area (Yu et al., 2002). In addition,
transformation mostly occurred in dividing cells such as
cambium callus formed at the cut ends of the explants
(Cervera et al., 1998; Pena et al., 2004). Longitudinal
and oblique cuts are more efficient than transversal
cut in producing wound area and cambial callus, and
should perform better in transgenic shoot regeneration.
Several papers have clarified that longitudinal cut gave
Figure 3. GFP expression in trans formed and non-transformed epicotyl cut end, buds and shoots. A, Red fluorescence in non-
transformed epicotyl cut end; B, Green fluorescence in transformed epicotyl cut end after co-cultivation; C, Three transformed buds
sprouted along the cut end 4 weeks after cultivation on selective medium (arrow indicates the transformed buds); D, Non-transformed
shoots with red fluorescence; E, Two transgenic shoots and one escape regenerated from the cut end 8 weeks after cultivation (arrow
indicates the escape); F, Well-developed transgenic shoot with bright green fluorescence. Scale bars, 1.0 mm.
Figure 4. Transgenic citrus plant growing in the greenhouse.
DUAN et al. ¡X Citrus multiple shoot induction and transformation
higher transformation efficiency in Carrizo citrange
than transversal cut (Yu et al., 2002; Kayim et al.,
2004). However in this study, except for difficulty in
manipulation, most buds regenerated by longitudinal cut
remained quiescent and poor, which might be correlated
with the nutrition competition between buds and shoots;
the more buds formed, the fewer shoots elongated. Taken
together, oblique cut performed the best in this study.
Citrus transformation based on the optimized
regeneration protocol was successful, and totally twelve
putative transgenic lines were obtained which grew
normally in the greenhouse. The transformation efficiency
of Bingtang sweet orange (C. sinensis) obtained in this
study (10%) was much higher than that of ¡¥Xuegan¡¦ (4.3%)
(Yu et al., 2002) and Ridge pineapple (2%) (Gutierrez-E
et al., 1997), lower than that of Hamlin (15%) (Mendes et
al., 2002) and Valencia (23.8%) (Boscariol et al., 2003).
These results revealed that the transformation efficiency
was genotype-dependent, and the regeneration protocol
in this study was suitable for transformation and it may
be possible to introduce other agronomic traits into this
elite cultivar. Using nptII as a selectable marker, more
than 60% regenerated shoots were escapes (Costa et al.,
2002; Almeida et al., 2003). Contrastingly, GFP as a non-
destructive and vital marker gene could discriminate
escapes and chimerical shoots at an early stage, thus saved
time, significantly improved efficiency and expedited the
molecular breeding process.
Transgenic citrus plants obtained in this study could
serve as mesophyll parent (citrus mesophyll protoplasts
are not regenerable) for protoplast isolation and then fused
with protoplasts from embryogenic calluses of another
parent using GFP as a visual marker. Somatic hybrid
cells at an early developmental stage during somatic
hybridization could be screened and monitored (Guo and
Grosser, 2005). Furthermore, since most citrus species
are polyembryonic, it is hard to obtain sexual hybrids by
crossing; using transgenic citrus plants expressing the
GFP gene as the pollen parent, sexual embryos will be
easily detected and separated for further in vitro culture
to recover sexual hybrid progenies facilitated by in vivo
fluorescence of GFP expression. The transgenic plants
expressing GFP gene produced herein are valuable
materials for these studies in the future.
Acknowledgments. This research was financially
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of
China (No. 30571288), the Ministry of Education of China
(705037, IRT0548, NCET-04-0734), the Huoyingdong
Education Foundation (91030), and the International
Foundation for Science in Stockholm, Sweden (IFS,
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