Species of Nectria (Fr.) Fr. sensu lato are characterized
by bright-colored, mainly red to orange perithecia, which
are mostly formed superficially on their substrata and
solitary or aggregated into pustules. Most of the species
have two-celled, hyaline ascospores, which are smooth,
warted or striated. Unitunicate asci, with or without an
apical apparatus, and apical paraphyses place these fungi
in the order Hypocreales. Fungi of Nectria sensu lato have
been segregated from the genus and redistributed among
a number of genera mainly in the families Nectriaceae
and Bionectriaceae (Rossman et al., 1999; Samuels et
al., 2002). These two families are separated primarily by
ascomatal color, color reactions in KOH and lactic acid
(Rossman et al., 1999). Species with red or orange-red
perithecia, which change color in KOH or lactic acid are
assignable to the Nectriaceae, whereas those with orange,
pale yellow or white perithecia, which lack a color reaction
in either reagent, are assignable to the Bionectriaceae.
Nectriaceous fungi have anamorphs in several
hyphomycetous form-genera (Seifert, 1985; Samuels
and Seifert, 1987) and in most cases the form-genera
do not overlap in the two families, with Acremonium as
the only exception which can be found in taxa of both
families, such as Cosmospora vilior (Nectriaceae) and
Hydropisphaera suffulta (Bionectriaceae). Common
Botanical Studies (2007) 48: 187-203.
Corresponding author: E-mail:
tw; Tel: +886-2-27899590 ext 314.
anamorphs of Nectriaceae are in Acremonium Link,
Actinostilbe Petch, Antipodium Piroz., Chaetopsina
Rambelli, Cylindrocarpon Wollenw., Fusarium Link,
Tubercularia Tode, and Volutella Fr., whereas those of
Bionectriaceae are in Acremonium, Clonostachys Corda,
Dendrodochium Bonord., and Stilbella Lindau (Schroers,
2001). The recognition of these two families is also
supported by molecular phylogenetic studies (e.g., Rehner
and Samuels, 1994, 1995; Ogawa et al., 1997).
Ninteen nectriaceous fungi have previously been
reported in Taiwan. Sawada (1928, 1931, 1959a, b)
recorded Nectria citri Henn., N. diversispora Petch, N.
durantae Sawada, N. elephatopodis Sawada, and N.
pterospermi Sawada, and Gibberella fujikuroi (Sawada)
Wollenw. Nectria swieteniae-mahogani C.-C. Chen was
reported to grow on Swietenia mahogani (Chen, 1965).
Nectria flammea (Tul. & C. Tul.) Dingley was found on
scale insects on Paulownia (Chen, 1975). Calonectria
theae Loos and C. crotalariae (Loos) D. K. Bell &
caused a root rot (Chang, 1992) on Cinnamomum
osmophloeum Kanehira and a black rot on Sassafras sp.
(Chang, 1994), respectively. Nectria galligena Bres., now
accepted as Neonectria galligena (Bres.) Rossman &
Samuels (Rossman et al., 1999), caused an apple canker
in Li-shan (Sun and Yu, 1975). Nectria haematococca
Berk. & Broome [¡Ý Haematonectria haematococca (Berk.
& Broome) Samuels & Rossman], with the anamorph
Fusarium solani (Mart.) Sacc., caused a collar and root rot
on passion fruit Passiflora edulis Sims (Lin and Chang,
1982). Chen and Hsieh (1996) recorded Thyronectria
pseudotrichia (Schwein.) Seeler a common encounter
Nectriaceous fungi collected from forests in Taiwan
Jia-Rong GUU
, Yu-Ming JU
*, and Huan-Ju HSIEH
Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan
Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei 11529, Taiwan
(Received June 9, 2006; Accetped November 2, 2006)
Nineteen fungi of the family Nectriaceae collected from forests in Taiwan are reported,
including Albonectria albida, A. rigidiuscula, Cosmospora cf. consors, C. diminuta, C. cf. glabra, C. joca, C.
triqua, C. vilior, Haematonectria haematococca, Lanatonectria flavolanata, L. flocculenta, Nectria
N. pseudotrichia, Neonectria coronata, Neo. discophora, Neo. jungneri, Neo. lucida, Neo. rugulosa, a nd
Ophionectria trichospora. Most of them were found on recently dead broad-leaved trees. Only A. rigidiuscula,
H. haematococca, and N. pseudotrichia have previously been reported in Taiwan; others represent new
records. Nectria albida is newly combined into Albonectria as A. albida on the basis of its ascomatal color
and Fusarium anamorph. A dichotomous key to these species is also given.
Keywords: Albonectria; Bionectriaceae; Cosmospora; Haematonectia; Hypocreales; Neonectria; Nectria;
Nectriaceae; Neonectria; Ophionectria; Systematics.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
on dead branches. Wang (2000) described a new species
Nectria caricae C.-L. Wang from dead papaya stems.
Sun and Huang (1996) reported two Nectria species, N.
haematococca and N. rigidiuscula Berk. & Broome [¡Ý
Albonectria rigidiuscula (Berk. & Broome) Rossman &
Samuels] and six Gibberella species. Unlike most of the
specimens included in our study, which were collected
from recently dead, broad-leaved trees in forests, those
previously recorded species were mostly reported from
crops. This apparently accounts for the fact that the
majority of the species that we deal with herein have not
been recorded in Taiwan before.
In the present study, we report nineteen species of the
Nectriaceae found in Taiwan, including two Albonectria
species, seven Cosmospora species, one Haematonectria
species, two Lanatonectria species, one Nectria species,
five Neonectria species, and one Ophionectria species. In
addition, efforts were made to show teleomorph-anamorph
connections of these taxa via culturing. Anamorphs of
these nineteen nectriaceous fungi are distributed among
eight form-genera, with Cosmospora connected to
Acremonium, Chaetopsina and Volutella, Lanatonectria to
Actinostilbe, Ophionectria to Antipodium, Neonectria to
Cylindrocarpon, Haematonectria to Fusarium, and Nectria
to Tubercularia and Zythiostroma
Hohn. ex Falck.
Perithecia were immersed in 10% KOH and lactophenol
to observe color changes. Perithecia becoming purple
or deeply red in 10% KOH but pale red or yellowish in
lactophenol were recorded as positive color changes.
Perithecial wall layers were described based on
longitudinal sections made by a freezing microtome
(Yamatokohki FX-801). Sections of perithecia were
approximately 15 £gm thick. Cultures were initiated from
single or multiple ascospores on Difco potato dextrose
agar (PDA). Resulting colonies were transferred to 9-cm
plastic Petri plates containing PDA, from which the culture
descriptions were made. Cultures were incubated under
12-hour fluorescent light at 20¢XC. The cited specimens
were deposited in HAST (Botanical Herbarium, Academia
Sinica, Taipei). Obtained cultures were deposited in the
BCRC (the Bioresource Collection and Research Center)
in Taiwan. Descriptions of teleomorphs, cultures, and
anamorphs were prepared in brief formats due to detailed
descriptions can readily be found in recent literature.
Terminology used in descriptions of teleomorphs and
anamorphs follows Kirk et al. (2001). The numbers of
ascospores, conidia, perithecia, asci, and conidiophores
that were measured to form the size ranges in the
descriptions are 20, 20, 5, 5, and 5, respectively.
Key to the nectriaceous fungi studied
1. Perithecia not changing color in 10% KOH or lactophenol ............................................................................................... 2
1. Perithecia red, becoming purple or deeply red in 10% KOH but pale red or yellowish in lactophenol ....... 4 (Nectriaceae)
Ascospores mostly two-celled; anamorph often Acremonium-like or Clonostachys .......................................................
....................................................................................................................... Bionectriaceae (not further treated herein)
2. Ascospores phragmosporous; anamorph Fusarium ............................................................ 3 (Albonectria, Nectriaceae)
Perithecia white or pale yellow, with coarsely concolorous warts on the surface; ascospores 3-septate, 22.5-27 ¡Ñ 6.5-8.5
£gm ..................................................................................................................................................................A. rigidiuscula
3. Perithecia light yellow, smooth; ascospores 3-septate, 32-39 ¡Ñ 7-8 £gm
.................................................................A. albida
4. Ascospores muriform ......................................................................................................................................5 (Nectria)
4. Ascospores didymosporous or phragmosporous ............................................................................................................ 6
Perithecia red, covered with white scales; asci filled with ascoconidia; ascospores (18-)20-25.5(-30) ¡Ñ 4.5-)5.5-6(-6.5)
£gm ..................................................................................................................................................................... N. balsamea
Perithecia red to dark red, covered with concolorous scales; asci not filled with ascoconidia; ascospores (15-)19-25(-30)
¡Ñ 9-11(-13) £gm ............................................................................................................................................N. pseudotrichia
6. Ascospores scolecosporous, 13- to 20-septate, 190-210 ¡Ñ 9-11 £gm ....................................... Ophionectria trichospora
6. Ascosporous didymosporous .......................................................................................................................................... 7
7. Perithecia covered with echinulate, golden-yellow hairs ......................................................................... 8 (Lanatonectria)
7. Perithecia lacking hairs on the surface
................................................................................................................................ 9
8. Ascospores 11-13 ¡Ñ 3-4 £gm; anamorph sporodochial .................................................................................L. flocculenta
8. Ascospores 15-20 ¡Ñ 5-5.5 £gm; anamorph synnematous ............................................................................. L. flavolanata
9. Perithecia greater than 250 £gm diam; anamorph Cylindrocarpon
............................................................... 10 (Neonectria)
Perithecia less than 250 £gm diam, smooth or coarsely warted; anamorph Fusarium, Volutella, Chaetopsina,
Acremonium-like, often found on natural substrata .......................................................................................................... 14
GUU et al. ¡X Nectriaceae in Taiwan
Albonectria albida (Rossman) J.-R. Guu & Y.-M. Ju,
comb. nov.
Figures 1B, 2F-I
Basionym. Nectria albida Rossman, Mycol. Pap. 150: 79.
Anamorph. Fusarium sp.
Stromata well-developed, pulvinate, white or buff-
colored. Perithecia aggregated, superficial, light
yellow, not changing color in 10% KOH or lactophenol,
obpyriform, 200-260 ¡Ñ 160-180 £gm, smooth, not collapsed
when dry; perithecial wall 15-20 £gm thick, two-layered;
ostioles obtuse. Asci clavate, 55-87 ¡Ñ 14-16 £gm, lacking
an apical ring. Ascospores hyaline, fusiform, 3-septate,
32-39 ¡Ñ 7-8 £gm, smooth.
Cultures and anamorph. Colonies attaining 2.5 cm diam
in 14 days at 20¢XC, with scanty aerial hyphae, diffusing
luteous to light yellow pigments into the medium.
Conidiophores producing macroconidia only, aggregated
into sporodochia, irregularly branched, bearing a phialide
at each terminus, with the phialides cylindrical, 10-22 ¡Ñ
4-6 £gm. Macroconidia hyaline, fusiform, slightly curved,
with a pointed tip and foot cell, 3- to 7-septate, 72-90 ¡Ñ
6-7 £gm.
Specimens examined. Nantou County, Luku, Shitou, on
bark, with Haematonectria haematococca and Valetoniella
sp., 19 Apr 2003, Ju, Y.-M. 92041906 (cultured) &
92041907 (cultured). Taipei County, Hsintien, Shih-tzu-
tou-shan, on bark, 11 Dec 2004, Guu, J.-R. 93121106
Notes. The perithecia of Albonectria do not change
color in KOH or lactophenol and are therefore atypical for
the Nectriaceae. Nonetheless, the Fusarium anamorphs
and molecular phylogenies based on sequences of the
28s rDNA suggest the disposition of Albonectria in the
Nectriaceae rather than Bionectriaceae (Guadet et al.,
1989; O¡¦Donnell, 1993; Rehner and Samuels, 1995).
Rossman (1983) described the anamorph of A. albida and
assigned it to Fusarium. The anamorph that we obtained
from the Taiwan specimens fits well her description. We
feel justified to combine the epithet of Nectria albida
with Albonectria due to its possession of light yellow
perithecia and a Fusarium anamorph. Also see notes on A.
Albonectria rigidiuscula (Berk. & Broome) Rossman &
Samuels in Rossman, Samuels, Rogerson & Lowen,
Stud. Mycol. 42: 105. 1999.
Figures 1D, 2A-E
Anamorph. Fusarium decemcellulare Brick, Jahresber.
Vereinigung Angew. Bot. 6: 277. 1908.
Stromata flattened to pulvinate, sometimes
inconspicuous. Perithecia solitary to aggregated in groups
of up to 30, white or pale yellow, not changing color in
10% KOH or lactophenol, globose to subglobose, 225-350
¡Ñ 180-325 £gm, uncollapsed when dry, ornamented
with large, concolorous, coarse warts up to 50 £gm
high; perithecial wall 25-80 £gm thick, three-layered;
ostioles slightly papillate, darker than perithecial body.
Asci clavate, 70-90 ¡Ñ 10-14 £gm, lacking an apical ring.
Ascospores hyaline, oblong-ellipsoidal, 3-septate, 22.5-27
¡Ñ 6.5-8.5 £gm, faintly striated.
10. Ostioles encircled with a crown ..............................................................................................................Neo. coronata
10. Ostioles not encircled with a crown ...........................................................................................................................11
11. Perithecia with apapillate ostioles, tending to be orange-red, covered with red warts .................................Neo. rugulosa
11. Perithecia with papillate ostioles, smooth, red to blood-red ........................................................................................... 12
12. Ostiloes slightly papillate .................................................................................................................... Neo. discophora
12. Ostioles coarsely papillate
......................................................................................................................................... 13
Ascospores echinulate, 13-15 ¡Ñ 5-6 £gm
............................................................................................................ Neo. lucida
13. Ascospores striated, 20-21.5 ¡Ñ 8-9.5 £gm ...................................................................................................... Neo. jungneri
14. Perithecia roughened or scaly, cupulate when dry ...................................................... Haematonectria haematococca
14. Perithecia smooth, laterally pinched or not deformed when dry........................................................15 (Cosmospora)
15. Ascospores longer than 20 £gm ........................................................................................................................................ 16
15. Ascospores shorter than 20 £gm ....................................................................................................................................... 17
16. Ascospores (28-)34-48 ¡Ñ (6-)7-8(-9) £gm, smooth..................................................................................... C. cf. glabra
16. Ascospores 22-40 ¡Ñ 7.5-10.5 £gm, striate ....................................................................................................C. diminuta
17. Ascospores less than 3 £gm broad, 7.5-9(-9.5) ¡Ñ 2-2.5 £gm; anamorph Volutella sp. ..................................... C. cf. consors
17. Ascospores more than 3 £gm broad; anamorph Acremonium sp. ..................................................................................... 18
18. Ascospores warted ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
18. Ascospores granulated ..................................................................................................................................... C. triqua
19. Ascospores constricted at the septum, 5-8.5 ¡Ñ 3-4 £gm .......................................................................................... C. vilior
19. Ascospores not constricted at the septum, 9.5-13 ¡Ñ (4.5-)5-5.5(-6) £gm .................................................................. C. joca
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
Figure 1. Macroscopical details of ascomata of selected nectriaceous fungi on their natural substrata. A, Nectria pseudotrichia; B,
Albonectria albida; C, Haematonectria haematococca; D, Albonectria rigidiuscula; E, Neonectria discophora; F, Neonectria lucida;
G, Neonectria rugulosa; H, Neonectria jungneri; I, Neonectria coronata; J, Lanatonectria flocculenta; K, Lanatonectria flavolanata;
L, Ophionectria trichospora; M, Nectria balsamea; N, Cosmospora cf. consors; O, Cosmospora cf. glabra; P, Cosmospora joca; Q,
Cosmospora vilior. Scale bars: A, D = 500 £gm; E, L, M = 400 £gm; C, H, K, T = 300 £gm; B, F, G, J, N, O, Q = 200 £gm; P = 100 £gm; I
= 100 £gm.
GUU et al. ¡X Nectriaceae in Taiwan
Cultures and anamorph. Colonies attaining 7 cm
diam in 14 days at 20¢XC, with short aerial hyphae,
diffusing a rosy pigment into the medium. Conidiophores
producing macroconidia and microconidia; those bearing
macroconidia densely aggregated into slimy, pale luteous
sporodochia, arising from the aerial hyphae and agar
surface, scarcely branched, producing a phialide at each
terminus, with the phialides cylindrical, up to 100 £gm long;
those bearing microconidia simple, producing verticillate
phialides, 25-37 ¡Ñ 4-5 £gm. Macroconidia slightly curved,
cylindrical to fusiform, 7-septate, hyaline, smooth, 55-120
¡Ñ 6-9 £gm. Microconidia formed in chains, ovoid, aseptate
or, occasionally, 1-septate, hyaline, smooth, 5-8 ¡Ñ 2-4 £gm.
Chlamydospores absent.
Specimens examined. Taipei County, Sunshai, Mann-
yue-yuan, on bark, 27 Sep 2000, Ju, Y.-M. and Hsieh,
H.-M. 89092703 (cultured). Taipei City, Nankang, Hu-
shih park, on bark, 6 Apr 2003, Ju, Y.-M. and Hsieh, H.-M.
92040603 (cultured). Taipei City, Nankang, Hu-shih
park, on bark, 31 Jul 2003, Guu, J.-R. 92073104. Taipei
City, Songshan, Hu-shan trail, on bark, 4 Aug 2003, Guu,
J.-R. 92080404. Taipei County, Hsintien, Jih-tan-shan,
on bark, with Bionectria ochroleuca, 9 Oct 2003, Guu,
J.-R. 92100905. Taipei County, Hsintien, Yinhodong, on
bark, mixed with Bionectria ochroleuca, Cosmospora sp.,
and Haematonectria haematococca, 16 Oct 2003, Guu,
J.-R. 92101603. Taipei County, Pingshi, Chung-yang-
chien-shan, on bark, 20 Nov 2003, Guu, J.-R. 92112003
(cultured). Taipei County, Sungi, Datunshi historical trail,
on bark, 6 Dec 2003, Guu, J.-R 92120603 (cultured).
Taipei County, Jingtung, Shu-lung-chien, on bark,
5 Jan
2004, Guu, J.-R 93010503 (cultured). Taipei County,
Hsintien, Shih-tzu-tou-shan, on bark, 2 May 2004, Guu,
J.-R. 93050203. Pingtung County, Chaochou, on bark of
Leucaena leucocephala, 27 Aug 2004, Shih, H.-H. and
Chao, T.-H. 93082702. Taipei County, Jingtung, Jingtung
historical trail, on bark, 4 Sep 2004, Kuo, H.-P. 93090406.
Taipei City, Muja, on bark, 25 Sep 2004, Shih, H.-H.
93092507. Taipei County, Pingshi, Chou-tou-shan, on
bark of Ficus septica, 31 Oct 2004, Guu, J.-R. 93103107.
Taipei County, Hsintien, Yinhodong, on bark, 25 Nov
2004, Shih, H.-H. 93112501 (cultured). Taipei County,
Hsintien, Shih-tzu-tou-shan, on bark, 11 Dec 2004, Guu,
J.-R. 93121103. Kaohsiung County, Maolinn, on bark,
mixed with Haematonectria haematococca, 14 Sep 2005,
Guu, J.-R. 94091405.
Notes. Although both four- and eight-spored asci have
been found in this species (Rossman, 1983), only four-
spored asci were observed among the Taiwan collections.
Some of the cultures that we obtained produced the
teleomorph. The teleomorph, cultures, and anamorph of
the Taiwan material match those described by Rossman
(1983) and Rossman et al. (1999). Albonectria rigidiuscula
differs from A. albida in having warted perithecia and
smaller, oblong-ellipsoidal ascospores ornamented with
faint striations.
Cosmospora cf. consors (Ellis & Everh.) Rossman &
Samuels in Rossman, Samuels, Rogerson & Lowen,
Stud. Mycol. 42: 119. 1999.
Figure 1N, 2Q
Anamorph. Volutella sp.
Stromata lacking. Perithecia mostly solitary, superficial,
rarely aggregated, red, changing color to dark red in 10%
KOH and yellow in lactophenol, obpyriform, 200-270 ¡Ñ
150-200 £gm, smooth; perithecial wall 15-20 £gm thick,
two-layered; ostioles papillate. Asci narrowly clavate,
45-60 ¡Ñ 5-8 £gm, with an apical ring. Ascospores hyaline,
fusiform, 1-septate, 7.5-9(-9.5) ¡Ñ 2-2.5 £gm, smooth.
Anamorph not obtained in culture but found on natural
substrate, sporodochial, produced among the perithecia.
Sporodochia stipitate, white to pale yellow, bearing
hemispherical conidial masses. Setae arising from the
sporodochial base, cylindrical, ca 240 £gm long, septate,
tapering toward the tip. Conidiophores aggregated,
branched, bearing 1, 3 or 4 cylindrical phialides. Conidia
hyaline, ellipsoidal, aseptate, (4.5-)5.5-6.5 ¡Ñ 1-1.5 £gm.
Specimens examined. Taipei City, Muja, campus of
National Chengchi Univ., on bark, mixed with Albonectria
rigidiuscula and Haematonectria haematococca, 2 5
Sep 2004, Shih, S.-H. 93092505. Taipei County, Sungi,
Datunshi historical trail, on bamboo culm, 10 Jul 2005,
Guu, J.-R. 94071001.
Notes. Our specimens have ascospores smaller than
those reported in Samuels (1977), i.e., 7.5-9(-9.5) ¡Ñ 2-2.5
£gm vs. (9-)10-11(-13) ¡Ñ (2.5-)3-4 £gm. While typical
C. consors was reported to be constantly associated
with decaying herbaceous debris (Samuels, 1977), our
specimens were collected from the bark of a woody
plant and bamboo culm. The anamorph of C. consors is
Volutella minima Hohn. (Samuels, 1977). Unfortunately,
we were unable to obtain cultures from our specimens.
However, the anamorph produced on the natural substrate
is in general as described by Samuels (1977) except for
the conidia being slightly narrower, i.e., 1-1.5 £gm vs.
1.5-2.5(-3) £gm. It is likely that our specimens represent an
undescribed taxon of Cosmospora, but we prefer to defer
the decision of making a new taxon until further culturable
material is available. The present fungus differs from the
other species of the genus found in Taiwan in
having a
purported Volutella anamorph.
Cosmospora diminuta (Berk.) Rossman & Samuels in
Rossman, Samuels, Rogerson & Lowen, Stud. Mycol.
42: 120. 1999.
Figure 2P
Anamorph. Unknown.
Stromata lacking. Perithecia solitary, superficial, red,
changing color to dark red in 10% KOH and yellow in
lactophenol, obpyriform, 150-190 ¡Ñ 160-210 £gm, smooth;
perithecial wall 15-20 £gm thick, two-layered; ostioles
obtuse. Asci clavate, 55-70 ¡Ñ 17-22 £gm, lacking an apical
ring. Ascospores hyaline, of two types; one type fusiform,
1-septate, 30-40 ¡Ñ 8.5-10.5 £gm, striate; the other type
oblong-ovoid, 3-septate, 22-28.5 ¡Ñ 7.5-9 £gm, granulated.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
Specimen examined. Taipei County, Hsintien, Shih-tzu-
tou-shan, on bark, 21 Mar 2004, Guu, J.-R. 93032101.
Notes. This fungus has previously been reported from
North America and Sri Lanka only (Samuels and Brayford,
1994). The Taiwan material is much as described by
Samuels and Brayford (1994) and Rossman et al. (1999).
Unfortunately, we were unable to obtain cultures from
our material. Rossman et al. (1999) observed a Volutella-
like hyphomycete associated with the type material of
Dialonectria gigaspora Cooke & Massee, which was
considered a synonym of C. diminuta by these authors,
and suspected that the hyphomycete is the anamorph of
Figure 2. A-E, Albonectria rigidiuscula. A, Median section of ascomata; B, Lateral wall; C, Macroconidium; D, Ascus; E, Ascospore.
F-I, Albonectria albida. F, Median section of ascoma; G, Lateral wall; H, Ascus; I, Ascospores. J-M, Cosmospora vilior. J, Ascus; K,
Median section of ascoma; L, Ascospores; M, Conidiophores. N-O, Cosmospora cf. glabra. N, Ascospores; O, Ascal tip with an apical
ring; P, Ascospores of Cosmospora diminuta; Q, Sporodochium of Cosmospora cf. consor. Scale bars: A = 100 £gm; B = 20 £gm; C, O
= 12 £gm; D, G = 15 £gm; E, J = 6 £gm; F = 30 £gm; H, I, L, P = 8 £gm; K = 50 £gm; M, N = 10 £gm; Q = 250 £gm.
GUU et al. ¡X Nectriaceae in Taiwan
C. diminuta. As with Samuels and Brayford (1994) and
Rossman et al. (1999), we also observed two types of
ascospores in the Taiwan specimen.
Cosmospora cf. glabra (Rossman) Rossman & Samuels
in Rossman, Samuels, Rogerson & Lowen, Stud.
Mycol. 42: 122. 1999.
Figures 1O, 2N, O
Anamorph. Unknown.
Stromata lacking. Perithecia solitary to aggregated,
superficial, red, not changing color in 10% KOH but
becoming yellow in lactophenol, obpyriform, 220 ¡Ñ 190
£gm, smooth; perithecial wall 10-14 £gm thick, one-layered;
ostioles obtuse. Asci clavate, 60-75 ¡Ñ 9-15 £gm, with an
apical ring. Ascopores hyaline, fusiform, 1- or 3-septate,
usually constricted at septa in 3-septate ascospores,
(28-)34.5-48 ¡Ñ (6-)7-8(-9) £gm, smooth.
Specimen examined. Taipei County, Hsintien,
Yinhodong, on bark, 16 Oct 2003, Guu, J.-R. 92101604,
mixed with A. rigidiuscula and H. haematococca.
Notes. Rossman (1983) described C. glabra possessing
3-septate ascospores in most of her cited specimens. Three
of her specimens, however, were described as having
mainly 1-septate but also some 3-septate ascospores.
Both 1-septate and 3-septate ascospores can be found in
the Taiwan specimen. Although our specimen in general
agrees with the protologue of C. glabra in Rossman
(1983), it deviates in having an ascal apical ring. Our
specimen is also similar to C. kurdica (Petr.) Rossman &
Samuels, which has a distinct ascal apical ring, but differs
in having larger ascospores. Therefore, we are uncertain in
respect to the conspecificity of the Taiwan specimen and
C. glabra. The former probably represents another taxon.
It is rather unfortunate that we were unable to germinate
ascospores from the Taiwan specimen.
Cosmospora joca (Samuels) Rossman & Samuels in
Rossman, Samuels, Rogerson & Lowen, Stud. Mycol.
42: 122. 1999.
Figure 1P
Anamorph. Acremonium sp.
Stromata inconspicuous. Perithecia solitary, superficial,
red, changing color to dark red in 10% KOH and yellow in
lactophenol, obpyriform, 200-235 ¡Ñ 175-200 £gm, smooth,
laterally collapsed when dry; perithecial wall 15-20 £gm
thick, one-layered; ostioles obtuse. Asci cylindrical, 55-70
¡Ñ 6-8 £gm, lacking an apical ring. Ascospores yellowish,
broadly ellipsoidal, 1-septate, not constricted at septum,
9.5-13 ¡Ñ (4.5-)5-5.5(-6) £gm, warted.
Cultures and anamorph. Colonies attaining 1 cm diam
in 21 days at 20¢XC, lacking aerial hyphae, usually slimy,
salmon-colored. Conidiophores scarcely produced, usually
unbranched, unseptated; phialides cylindrical, 10-25 ¡Ñ 1-3
£gm, tapering to 1 £gm near apex. Conidia hyaline, oblong
ellipsoidal, aseptate, 3-5 ¡Ñ 1-2.5 £gm, smooth.
Specimens examined. Pingtung County, Hengchun,
Kenting, on Biscogniauxia stromata, 12 Apr 2000, Ju,
Y.-M. 89041201 (cultured). Taipei County, Hsintien, Shih-
tzu-tou-shan, on depauperate Biscogniauxia stromata, 11
Dec 2004, Guu, J.-R. 93121108 (cultured).
Notes. This fungicolous species is not commonly
encountered and has only been reported once from Brazil
(Samuels, 1991). It greatly resembles C. vilior but differs
in having broader ascospores and producing a salmon-
colored pigment in culture. The Acremonium anamorph
produced by the Taiwan material much agrees with that
reported by Samuels (1991).
Cosmospora triqua (Samuels) Rossman & Samuels in
Rossman, Samuels, Rogerson & Lowen, Stud. Mycol.
42: 125. 1999.
Anamorph. Acremonium sp.
Stromata absent. Perithecia solitary, superficial, red,
changing color to dark red in 10% KOH and yellow
in lactophenol, obpyriform, 180-210 ¡Ñ 160-190 £gm,
smooth, laterally collapsed when dry; ostioles obtuse.
Asci cylindrical, 50-65 ¡Ñ 6-8 £gm, with an apical ring.
Ascospores yellowish, broadly ellipsoidal, 1-septate, not
constricted at septum, 8-11 ¡Ñ 4-5 £gm, warted.
Cultures and anamorph. Colonies attaining 1 cm diam
in 20 days at 20¢XC, lacking aerial hyphae, slimy, salmon-
colored around the inoculation points. Conidiophores
scarcely produced, mostly unbranched, unseptated;
phialides cylindrical, 12-25 ¡Ñ 1.5-2 £gm, tapering to 1 £gm
near apex. Conidia hyaline, oblong ellipsoidal, aseptate,
2.5-4 ¡Ñ 1-2 £gm, smooth.
Specimen examined. Pingtung County, Hengchun,
Kenting, on Eutypella stromata, 29 Jul 2001, Ju, Y.-M. &
Hsieh, H.-M. 90072904 (cultured).
Notes. This is another fungicolous Cosmospora species
that is uncommonly encountered. It has only been reported
from French Guiana previously (Samuels, 1991). The
Acremonium anamorph that we obtained is consistent
with that reported by Samuels (1991). Cosmospora triqua
greatly resembles C. joca but differs in having an ascal
apical ring and granulated ascospores.
Unlike the colonies
of C. joca, which diffused a salmon-colored pigment into
the medium, those of the present fungus form a salmon-
colored pigment that remain restricted to the inoculation
Cosmospora vilior (Starb.) Rossman & Samuels in
Rossman, Samuels, Rogerson & Lowen, Stud. Mycol.
42: 126. 1999.
Figures 1Q, 2J-M
Anamorph. Acremonium berkeleyanum (P. Karst.) W.
Gams, Netherlands J. Pl. Pathol. 88: 76. 1982.
Stromata inconspicuous. Perithecia solitary, rarely
aggregated, superficial, red, changing color to dark red
in 10% KOH and yellow in lactophenol, obpyriform,
212-250 ¡Ñ 187-215 £gm, smooth, laterally collapsed when
dry; perithecial wall 20-40 £gm thick, one-layered; ostioles
obtuse. Asci cylindrical, 51-65 ¡Ñ 5-7 £gm, with an apical
ring. Ascospores yellowish, broadly ellipsoidal, 1-septate,
constricted at septum, 5-8.5 ¡Ñ 3-4 £gm, warted.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
Cultures and anamorph. Colonies attaining 1-1.8 cm
diam in 7 days at 20¢XC, with abundant aerial hyphae,
usually slimy, yellow-green; aerial hyphae often
aggregated into acute strands. Conidiophores arising
from aerial hyphae and agar surface, usually unbranched,
aseptate; phialides cylindrical, 40-60 ¡Ñ 2-4 £gm, tapering
to 1 £gm near apex. Conidia hyaline, oblong ellipsoidal,
aseptate, 3-5 ¡Ñ 1-2.5 £gm, smooth.
Specimens examined. Tainan County, Hsinhwa, on
Kretzshmaria sp., 15 May 2000, Ju, Y.-M & Hsieh, H.-M.
89051501 (cultured). Taipei County, Wulai, Hsinsian
elementary school, on Rosellinia, 29 Jun 2000, Ju, Y.-M.
89062901 (cultured). Ilan County, Fu-shan, on Rosellinia,
27 Oct 2001, Ju, Y.-M & Hsieh, H.-M. 90102708. Pingtung
County, Hengchun, Kenting, on decaying stromata of a
fungus, 26 Nov 2000, Ju, Y.-M & Hsieh, H.-M. 89112603.
Pingtung County, Hengchun, Kenting, on decaying
Hypoxylon stromata, 23 Sep 2002, Ju, Y.-M & Hsieh,
H.-M. 91092332 (cultured). Miaoli County, Taiann, on
decayed twigs, 8 Jul 2005, Ju, Y.-M & Hsieh, H.-M.
94070809 (cultured). Taipei City, Tienmu historical trail,
on bark, 25 Aug 2005, Ju, Y.-M & Hsieh, H.-M. 94082503
(cultured). Taipei County, Nankang-shan, on stromata
of Krezschmaria pavimentosa, 1 Nov 2005, Guu, J.-R
94110102(cultured). Hwalien County, Showlinn, Sacadung
trail, on stromata of Kretzschmaria pavimentosa, 10 Dec
2005, Guu, J.-R. 94121003 (cultured).
Notes. This fungus is commonly encountered in tropical
and subtropical areas. It has been found to grow on the
stromata of various xylariaceous fungi in Taiwan. Cultures
of C. vilior are peculiar in abundantly diffusing a yellow-
green pigment into the medium. The anamorph produced
by the Taiwan material is much as described in Samuels et
al. (1990).
Haematonectria haematococca (Berk. & Broome)
Samuels & Nirenberg in Rossman, Samuels,
Rogerson & Lowen, Stud. Mycol. 42: 135. 1999.
Fiugres 1C, 5G-K
Anamorph. Fusarium solani (Martius) Saccardo, Michelia
2: 296. 1881.
Stromata lacking. Perithecia solitary to aggregated
in groups of 20, superficial, red, becoming dark red in
10% KOH and yellow in lactophenol, subglobose to
broadly obpyriform, 225-270 ¡Ñ 230-250 £gm, surface
with red to yellowish warts up to 70 £gm high, collapsed
when dry; perithecial wall 60-95 £gm thick, two-layered;
ostioles acute, paler than perithecial body. Asci cylindrical
to clavate, 55-90 ¡Ñ 8-11 £gm, lacking an apical ring.
Ascospores yellowish, oblong-ellipsoidal, 1-septate, 10-14
¡Ñ 4-6.5 £gm, striate.
Cultures and anamorph. Colonies averaging 7 cm
diam in 7 days at 20¢XC, floccose, white, sometimes
becoming pale brown in the center. Conidiophores
producing macroconidia and microconidia; those bearing
macroconidia aggregated into cream-colored sporodochia,
cylindrical, 9-12 ¡Ñ 5-7 £gm, irregularly branched, bearing
1-3 phialides at each terminus, with the phialides
cylindrical, 11-23 ¡Ñ 3-5 £gm; those bearing microconidia
usually unbranched, with the phialides cylindrical, 22-31
¡Ñ 3-4 £gm. Macroconidia hyaline, cylindrical to fusoid,
with wedge-shaped to obtuse foot cells, 3- to 5-septate,
32-77 ¡Ñ 4-6 £gm, smooth. Microconidia hyaline, allantoid
to cylindrical, (6-)9-13 ¡Ñ 2-4 £gm, smooth, produced singly
or in small, slimy droplets. Chlamydospores globose,
hyaline, smooth to roughened, 7-10 £gm, produced singly
or in chains.
Specimens examined. Kaohsiung County, Maolinn, on
bark, 14 Sep 2005, Guu, J.-R. 94091406 (cultured). Taipei
County, Wanlee, Ruei-chuan historical trail, on bark, 23 Jul
2005, Guu, J.-R. and Kuo, H.-P. 94072307. Taipei County,
Pingshi, Chou-tou-shan, on bark, Guu, J.-R. 94043010
(cultured). Ilan County, Fu-shan botanical garden, on bark,
24 Jan 2005, Guu, J.-R. 94012410. Taipei County, Sungi,
Datunshi historical trail, on bark, 22 Jan 2005, Guu, J.-R.
94012205. Taipei County, Wanlee, Linnshih historical
trail, on bark, 15 Jan 2005, Guu, J.-R. 94011504 (cultured).
Ilan County, Guei-shan-dao, on bark, 9 Jun 2003, Ju, Y.-M.
92060901 (cultured); Nantuo County, Tsuifong, on bark, 6
Apr 2003, Ju, Y.-M. 92040605 (cultured). Taipei County,
Hsintien, Shih-tzu-tuo-shan, on bark, 11 Dec 2004, Guu,
J.-R. 93121104. Taipei City, Shilinn, Shengren waterfall,
on bark, 10 Oct 2004, Guu, J.-R. 93101003. Taipei County,
Sijih, Hsin-shan-mon-hu, on bark, 14 Nov 2004, Guu,
J.-R. 93111402. Taipei County, Pingshi, Chou-tuo-shan,
on bark, 31 Oct 2004, Guu, J.-R. 93103104. Taipei City,
Muja, campus of National Chenchi Univ., on bark, 25 Sep
2004, Shih, H.-H. 93092506. Taipei County, Hsintien, Ta-
tung-shan, on bark, 19 Sep 2004, Kuo, H.-P. 93091906.
Ilan County, Tatung, Chi-lan-shan, on bark, 7 Sep 2004,
Ju, Y.-M. 93090706; Hwalien County, Jaofong farm, on
bark, 22 Jul 2004, Shih, H.-H. 93072201 (cultured). Taipei
County, Jingtung, Jingtung historical trail, on bark, 21
Dec 2003, Guu, J.-R. 92122103 (cultured). Taipei County,
Pingshi, Chung-yang-chien-shan, on bark, 4 Dec 2003,
Guu, J.-R. 92120403. Taipei County, Pingshi, Chung-
yang-chien-shan, on bark, 20 Nov 2003, Guu, J.-R.
92112007 (cultured). Taipei County, Hsintien, Yinhodong,
on bark, 16 Oct 2003, Guu, J.-R. 92101606. Taipei City,
Shihlinn, Ping-ding-gu-jyun, on bark, 9 Aug 2003, Guu,
J.-R. 92080906.
Notes. The teleomorph of this species is frequently
encountered on decaying branches and fruits. As with
Samuels (1976) and Samuels et al. (1990), the teleomorph
was also produced in cultures obtained from the Taiwan
collections. The anamorph that we obtained from the
Taiwan material fits well the description
in Booth (1960).
It is interesting to note that perithecia of Ophionectria
trichospora and H. haematococca were found to be mixed
on the same substrata in several occasions.
Lanatonectria flavolanata (Berk. & Broome) Samules &
Rossman in Rossman, Samuels, Rogerson & Lowen,
Stud. Mycol. 42: 139. 1999.
Figures 1K, 3H, I
GUU et al. ¡X Nectriaceae in Taiwan
Anamorph: Actinostilbe sp.
Stromata usually erumpent from the bark, sometimes
with conidiomata. Perithecia sometimes accumulating at
base of synnemata or formed without anamorph, mostly
aggregated, in groups of 5-15, rarely solitary, superficial,
red, changing color to dark red in 10% KOH and yellow in
lactophenol, subglobose to broadly obpyriform, 300-450
¡Ñ 200-320 £gm, uncollapsed when dry, with surface
slightly roughened with perithecial hairs; perithecial wall
25-35 £gm thick, two-layered; perithecial hairs septate,
unbranched, flexuous, verrucose, golden yellow, hooked,
40-60 ¡Ñ 4-6 £gm, usually collapsed in age; ostioles slightly
papillate, paler than perithecial body. Asci clavate, 45-60 ¡Ñ
7-8 £gm, with an apical ring. Ascospores hyaline, oblong-
ellipsoidal, 1-septate, 15-20 ¡Ñ 5-5.5 £gm, striated.
Cultures and anamorph. Colonies 2-3 cm in 7 days
at 20¢XC, with abundant aerial hyphae; reverse yellowish
brown. Synnemata abundant, 0.5-5 mm long ¡Ñ 0.1-0.3
mm broad, white, furfuraceous with short, golden, septate,
3-4-£gm-wide hairs along the length, bearing a terminal,
hemispherical conidial mass; hairs often covered with
droplets of golden exudates. Conidiophores aggregated
at top of synnemata, anastomosing laterally, branched,
bearing 2-3 phialides at each terminus; phialides smooth or
finely roughened, cylindrical, 20-35 ¡Ñ 1.5-3 £gm. Conidia
hyaline, oblong-ellipsoidal, 1-septate, 10-14 ¡Ñ 4-5 £gm,
smooth, with a flat base.
Specimens examined. Nantou County, Luku, Shitou,
o n Brugmansia suaveolens (Willd.) Bercht. & Presl, 19
Apr 2003, Ju, Y.-M. & Hsieh, H.-M. 92041910 (cultured).
Taipei County, Jingtung, Jingtung historical trail, 21 Dec
2003, Guu, J.-R. 92122105
(cultured). Taipei County,
Jingtung, Jingtung historical trail, 18 Mar 2004, Guu, J.-R.
Notes. Lanatonectria is mainly characterized by the
golden-yellow hairs covering the perithecia. Our material
o f L. flavolanata produced an Actinostilbe anamorph in
culture, which is much as that described by Rossman
et al. (1999). Lanatonectria flavolanata differs from L.
flocculenta in having larger ascospores and a synnematous
anamorph. The anamorph of L. flocculenta is sporodochial.
Lanatonectria flocculenta (Henn. & E. Nyman) Samuels
& Rossman in Rossman, Samuels, Rogerson & Lowen,
Stud. Mycol. 42: 138. 1999.
Figures 1J, 3A-G
Anamorph. Actinostilbe macalpinei (Agnihothr. & G.C.S.
Barua) Seifert & Samuels, Stud. Mycol. 42: 138. 1999.
Stromata erumpent from bark, usually associated with
conidiomata, inconspicuous. Perithecia solitary or in
groups of 2-20, superficial, red, changing color to dark
red in 10% KOH and yellow in lactophenol, globose to
subglobose, 180-300 ¡Ñ 200-295 £gm, uncollapsed when
dry, slightly roughened with perithecial hairs on the
surface; perithecial wall 25-30 £gm thick, two-layered;
perithecial hairs straight or hooked, septate, unbranched,
golden yellow, conspicuously verrucose, 30-70 ¡Ñ 4-6 £gm;
ostiols usually papillate, paler than perithecial body. Asci
clavate, 35-70 ¡Ñ 6-10 £gm, with an apical ring. Ascospores
hyaline, oblong-ellipsoidal, 1-septate, 11-13 ¡Ñ 3-4 £gm,
Cultures and anamorph. Colonies attaining 5 cm diam
in 7 days at 20¢XC, with abundant floccose aerial hyphae;
reverse yellow. Conidiophores aggregated into well-
developed, solitary or gregarious sporodochia, irregularly
branched, usually anastomosing laterally. Conidia hyaline,
yellow in masses, oblong ellipsoidal, 1-septate, 6-8 ¡Ñ 2-3.5
£gm, smooth.
Specimens examined. Tainan County, Hsinhwa, on
bark, 14 May 2000, Ju, Y.-M & Hsieh, H.-M. 89051406
(cultured). Taipei City, Nankang, campus of Academia
Sinica, 8 Jun 2001, Ju, Y.-M. 90060801. Nantou County,
Luku, Shitou, on Brugmansia suaveolens (Willd.)
Bercht. & Presl, 19 Apr 2003, Ju, Y.-M. & Hsieh, H.-M.
92041905 (cultured). Taipei City, Nankang, Tu-ku-
yue, on bark, 10 Aug 2003, Guu, J.-R. 92081001. Taipei
County, Shihding, Huang-di-dian north peak trail, on
bark, 27 Nov 2003, Guu, J.-R. 92112705 (cultured). Taipei
City, Muja, Jihnan temple, on bark, 7 Dec 2003, Guu,
J.-R. 92120701 (cultured). Taipei City, Muja, Chanshan
temple, on bark, 11 Apr 2004, Guu, J.-R. 93041104.
Hwalien County, Jaofong farm, on bark of Zelkova serrata
(Thunb.) Makino, 22 Jul 2004, Shih, S.-H. and Chao,
T.-H. 93072202
(cultured). Taipei City, Muja, Changshan
temple, on bark, 25 Sep 2004, Shih, S.-H. 93092511
(cultured). Taipei County, Wulai, Chia-jiou-liao trail, on
bark, 21 Aug 2005, Guu, J.-R. 94082102 (cultured). Tainan
County, Meilinn, on Areca catechu L., 29 Aug 2005, Ju,
Y.-M. & Hsieh, H.-M. 94082904 (cultured).
Notes. This species is one of the most commonly
encountered nectriaceous fungi in pantropical regions
(Rossman et al., 1999; Samuels et al., 1990; Samuels
and Brayford, 1994). The other Lanatonectria species
found in Taiwan has larger ascospores and a synnematous
anamorph. The cultures from specimen 94082904
produced the teleomorph on PDA. Like Rossman et al.
(1999), we also observed an Actinostilbe macalpinei
anamorph produced in the cultures initiated from our
collections of L. flocculenta.
Nectria balsamea Cooke & Peck in Cooke, Grevillea 12:
81. 1884.
Figures 1M, 5E, F
Anamorph. Zythiostroma sp.
Stromata inconspicuous. Perithecia solitary, superficial,
red, changing color to dark red in 10% KOH and yellow
in lactophenol, subglobose, 250-380 £gm, overlain with
white scales, uncollapsed when dry; ostioles papillate.
Asci clavate, 72-89 ¡Ñ 9-13 £gm, lacking an apical ring.
Ascospores hyaline, broadly fusiform, muriform,
(18-)20-25.5(-30) ¡Ñ (4.5-)5.5-6(-6.5) £gm, smooth.
Cultures and anamorph. Colonies attaining 3 cm diam
in 10 days at 20¢XC, submerged, with scarce aerial hyphae,
slimy at the inoculation points; reverse light yellow first
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
but becoming brown after 14 days. Conidiomata dark
red, pulvinate, multiloculate. Conidiophores cylindrical,
5-10 ¡Ñ 1-2 £gm. Conidia hyaline, allantoid, 4-6 ¡Ñ 1-2 £gm,
smooth, usually aggregated into orange-red, slimy masses
at ostioles.
Specimen examined. Taichung County, Pilushi, on twig
of Pinus taiwanensis Hayata cone, 24 May 2005, Guu,
J.-R. 94052402 (cultured).
Notes. Nectria balsamea features
muriform ascospores
that produce ascoconidia within asci. It is the only Nectria
species found to be associated with a conifer in Taiwan.
Our specimen agrees well with the descriptions and
illustrations given by Seeler (1940), Booth (1959), and
Rossman (1985) [as Thyronectria]. The anamorph that
we obtained from the Taiwan material closely resembles
that described and illustrated in Booth (1959). Rossman
et al. (1999) assigned the anamorph to the form-genus
Nectria pseudotrichia (Schwein.) Berk. & M. A.
Curtis, J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 2, 2: 289. 1853.
Figures 1A, 5A-D
Anamorph. Tubercularia lateritia (Berk.) Seifert, Stud.
Mycol. 27: 119. 1985.
Stromata inconspicuous. Perithecia solitary or
aggregated, superficial, red, changing color to dark red
in 10% KOH and yellow in lactophenol, globose or
subglobose, usually associated with synnemata, 250-400
£gm, scaly, cupulate when dry; perithecial wall 50-85 £gm,
three-layered; ostioles slightly papillate. Asci clavate,
60-90 ¡Ñ 12-22 £gm, lacking an apical ring. Ascospores
hyaline, light yellow in age, broadly ellipsoidal, muriform,
19-24 ¡Ñ 9-12 £gm, smooth.
Cultures and anamorph. Colonies attaining 9 cm in 5
days at 20¢XC with scanty aerial hyphae, a pink pigment
diffusing into the medium. Conidiophores mononematous,
monoverticillate or biverticillate, bearing cylindrical
phialides; stipes warted, cylindrical, straight, curved
or twisted. Conidia ellipsoidal, hyaline, 3-7 ¡Ñ 2-3 £gm.
Synnemata produced in nature but lacking in culture,
solitary to aggregated, erected, unbranched, 500-5000 ¡Ñ
50-250 £gm, red-brown, grading into light cream-yellow
towards the top, bearing a spherical conidial mass.
Specimens examined. Taipei County, Wulai, Chia-jiou-
liao trail, on bark, 21 Aug 2005, Guu, J.-R. 94082103
(cultured). Taipei County, Wanlee, Ruei-chuan historical
trail, on bark, 23 Jul 2005, Guu, J.-R. and Kuo, H.-P.
94072304 (cultured). Taipei City, campus of National
Taiwan Univ., on bark, 17 Jul 2005, Guu, J.-R. 94071701
(cultured). Kaohsiung County, Lioguei, Shanping, on
bark, 10 Mar 2005, Guu, J.-R. 94031010 (cultured). Taipei
County, Wanlee, Linnshih historical trail, on bark, 15 Jan
2005, Guu, J.-R. 94011505 (cultured). Taipei County,
Hsintien, Shih-tzu-tuo-shan, on bark, 11 Dec 2004, Guu,
J.-R. 93121109; Taipei County, Hsintien, Yinhodong,
on bark, 25 Nov 2004, Shih, H.-H. 93112506 (cultured).
Pingtung County, Hengchun, Kenting, on bark, 28 Aug
2004, Ju, Y.-M and Hsieh, H.-M. 93082818. Pingtung
County, Meinong, on bark of Swietenia macrophylla King,
27 Aug 2004, Shih, H.-H. 93082701. Taipei City, campus
of National Taiwan Univ., on bark, 1 Aug 2004, Guu, J.-R.
93080101. Taipei City, Wolong street, on bark, 8 May
2004, Shih, H.-H. 93050801; Taipei County, Hsintien,
Shih-tzu-tuo-shan, on bark, 2 May 2004, Guu, J.-R.
93050201 (cultured). Tainan County, Tungshan, on bark of
Mangifera indica, 4 Apr 2004, Guu, J.-R. and Chang, K.-T.
93040403. Taipei County, Shihding, Huang-di-dian north
peak trail, on bark, 27 Nov 2003, Guu, J.-R. 92112708
(cultured). Taipei County, Shihding, Huang-di-dian, on
bark, 13 Nov 2003, Guu, J.-R. 92111301 (cultured). Taipei
County, Mudan, Diaoshan historical trail, on bark, 2 Nov
2003, Guu, J.-R. 92110201 (cultured). Taipei County,
Hsintien, Yinhodong, on bark, 16 Oct 2003, Guu, J.-R.
92101605. Taipei County, Hsintien, Jih-tan-shan, on bark,
9 Oct 2003, Guu, J.-R. 92100904. Taipei City, Shihlinn,
Ping-ding-gu-jyun, on bark, 14 Sep 2003, Guu, J.-R.
92091404. Taipei City, Songshan, Hu-shan trail, on bark,
10 Sep 2003, Guu, J.-R. 92091003. Ilan County, Fu-shan,
on fruit of persimmon, 12 Nov 2002, Ju, Y.-M. 91111221;
Ilan County, Fu-shan, on bark, 19 Aug 2001, Ju, Y.-M.
90081911. Taipei County, Sunshai, Mann-yue-yuan, on
bark, 27 Sep 2000, Ju, Y.-M. 89092709. Pingtung County,
Hengchun, Kenting, on bark, 16 Sep 2000, Ju, Y.-M and
Hsieh, H.-M. 89091638. Taipei City, Nankang-shan, on
bark, 22 Mar 2000, Ju, Y.-M and Hsieh, H.-M. 89032211.
Notes. This is a frequently encountered species in
the tropics and subtropics (Seifert, 1985; Samuels et al.,
1990). It features muriform ascospores and a synnematous
anamorph, with which the perithecia are constantly
associated. Chen and Hsieh (1996, as Thyronectria) has
previously reported this speices in Taiwan. Also see Seifert
(1985) for a description of the anamorph.
Neonectria coronata (Penz. & Sacc.) Mantiri & Samuels,
Canad. J. Bot. 79: 339. 2001.
Figures 1I, 4F-I
Anamorph. Cylindrocarpon coronatum Brayford &
Samuels, Mycologia 85: 620. 1993.
Stromata inconspicuous. Perithecia solitary to
aggregated, superficial, red, changing color to dark red
in 10% KOH and yellow in lactophenol, subglobose or
broadly obpyriform, 200-450 ¡Ñ 150-300 £gm, slightly
roughened, uncollapsed when dry; perithecial wall 15-30
£gm thick, one-layered; ostioles papillate, located in the
center of a black disc 150-200 £gm diam,
encircled with a
conspicuous crown of saccate cells. Asci clavate, 60-75
¡Ñ 10-15 £gm, lacking an apical ring. Ascospores hyaline,
becoming yellowish, broadly fusiform, 1-septate, 19-23 ¡Ñ
6.5-8 £gm, with discontinuous striations.
Cultures and anamorph. Colonies attaining 2-5 cm
diam in 10 days at 20¢XC, floccose, light brown, with scanty
aerial hyphae. Conidiophores producing macroconidia
and microconidia; those bearing macroconidia aggregated
into slimy, scattered sporodochia, branched, producing a
GUU et al. ¡X Nectriaceae in Taiwan
phialide at each terminus, with the phialides cylindrical,
10-20 ¡Ñ 3-5 £gm, with periclinal thickening at the apex;
those bearing microconidia cylindrical, unbranched, 12-26
¡Ñ 2-4 £gm. Macroconidia curved, fusiform, mostly 5- to
7-septate, 60-81 ¡Ñ 6-9 £gm, with blunt rounded apical cell,
less frequently, 1-septate, 30-40 ¡Ñ 6-7 £gm, or 3-septate,
40-52 ¡Ñ 6-7 £gm. Microconidia ellipsoidal, hyaline, 6-8 ¡Ñ
2-3.5 £gm, smooth.
Specimens examined. Taipei County, Hsintien, Jhih-
tan-shan, on bark, 9 Oct 2003, Guu, J.-R. 92100902
(cultured). Taipei County, Pingshi, Chung-yang-chien-
shan, on bark, 20 Nov 2003, Guu, J.-R. 92112005. Taipei
County, Jingtung, Jingtung historical trail, on bark, 21
Dec 2003, Guu, J.-R. 92122102 (cultured). Taipei County,
Jingtung, Jingtung historical trail, on bark, 18 Mar 2004,
Guu, J.-R. 93031807. Taipei County, Hsintien, Shih-tzu-
tou-shan, on bark, 21 Mar 2004, Guu, J.-R. 93032105. Ilan
County, Fu-shan, Hapenshi, on bark, 21 Aug 2004, Guu,
J.-R. 93082102 (cultured). Taipei County, Hsintien, Shih-
tzu-tou-shan, on bark, 11 Dec 2004, Guu, J.-R. 93121102.
Taipei County, Wanlee, Linnshih historical trail, on bark,
15 Jan 2005, Guu, J.-R. 94011502 (cultured). Taipei
County, Pingshi, Chou-tou-shan, on bark, 30 Apr 2005,
Guu, J.-R. 94043006 (cultured).
Notes. Neonectria coronata is commonly found on the
bark of recently dead trees. It is easily recognized by the
conspicuous crown around the ostiolar disc. It should be
noted that perithecia were formed on PDA from cultures
obtained from specimen 94043006. The anamorph that
we obtained from our collections is much as described by
Brayford and Samuels (1993).
Neonectria discophora (Mont.) Mantiri & Samuels,
Canad. J. Bot. 79: 339. 2001. Figures 1E, 4A-E
Anamorph. Cylindrocarpon ianthothele Wollenweber var.
majus Wollenweber, Z. Parasitenk. (Berlin) 1: 161.
Stromata inconspicuous. Perithecia solitary to
aggregated, superficial or partially immersed in
substratum or basal stroma, red, changing color to dark
red in 10% KOH and yellow in lactophenol, smooth and
shining, globose to subglobose, 293-355 ¡Ñ 390-430 £gm,
uncollapsed when dry; perithecial wall 39-45 £gm thick,
two-layered; ostioles blackened in age, slightly papillate.
Asci cylindrical, 60-72 ¡Ñ 6-9 £gm, with an apical ring.
Ascospores yellowish, broadly fusiform, 1-septate, 14-16
¡Ñ 5.5-6.5 £gm, echinulate.
Cultures and anamorph. Colonies attaining 2 cm
diam in 7 days at 20¢XC, aerial hyphae scanty, mostly flat,
arising from the inoculum; hyphae often filled with brown
inclusions, diffusing a violet pigment into the medium.
Conidiophores producing macroconidia only, aggregated
into slimy sporodochia, cylindrical, smooth, usually
unbranched, each producing a phialide, with the phialides
cylindrical, 10-15 ¡Ñ 2-4 £gm. Macroconidia hyaline,
oblong-ellipsoidal, slightly curved, with rounded ends, 3-
to 5-septate, 32-80 ¡Ñ 6-8 £gm, smooth.
Specimens examined. Ilan County, Fu-Shan, on bark,
23 Jun 2001, Ju, Y.-M. and Hsieh, H.-M. 90062304.
Taipei County, Jingtung, Jingtung historical trail, on bark,
21 Dec 2003, Guu, J.-R. 92122107 (cultured). Taipei
County, Jingtung, Jingtung historical trail, on bark, 18
Mar 2004, Guu, J.-R. 93031802. Ilan County, Fu-Shan,
on bark, 24 Jan 2005, Guu, J.-R. 94012407 (cultured).
Kaohsiung County, Liou-guei, Shan-ping, on bark, 10
Mar 2005, Guu, J.-R. 94031007 (cultured). Taipei County,
Pingshi, Chou-tou-shan, on bark, 30 Apr 2005, Guu, J.-R.
94043003 (cultured). Chiayi County, Shijuo, on bark, with
Neonectria lucida, 20 Nov 2005, Guu, J.-R. 94112003.
Notes. This fungus and N. lucida are the most
commonly encountered species in the N. discophora group
(Samuels et al., 1990). These two species are mainly
separated by colony color. The colonies of N. discophora
diffuse a violet pigment into the culture medium, while
those of N. lucida yield a tan-colored pigment restricted to
the surrounding area of inoculation points. The anamorph
that we obtained from the Taiwan material fits well
Cylindrocarpon ianthothele (Brayford et al., 2004).
Neonectria jungneri (Henn.) Samuels & Brayford,
Mycologia 96: 580. 2004.
Figures 1H, 4O-R
Anamorph. Cylindrocarpon victoriae Wollenw., Zentbl.
Bakt. ParasitKde, Abt. II 1: 161. 1928.
Stromata absent. Perithecia aggregated, superficial,
red, changing color to dark red in 10% KOH and yellow
in lactophenol, obpyriform, 350-400 ¡Ñ 220-330 £gm,
roughened, uncollapsed when dry; perithecial wall 20-35
£gm thick, two-layered; ostioles coarsely papillate, red
or gray, slightly constricted below. Asci clavate, 75-90
¡Ñ 15-22 £gm, lacking an apical ring. Ascospores hyaline,
broadly fusiform, 1-septate, 20-21.5 ¡Ñ (7.5-)8-9.5 £gm,
Cultures and anamorph. Colonies attaining 4 cm diam
in 7 days at 20¢XC, velutinous, white to light yellow first,
becoming brown from center outwards. Conidiophores
producing macroconidia only, aggregated into slimy
sporodochia, irregularly branched, producing 1 or 2
phialides at each terminus, with the phialides cylindrical,
15-22 ¡Ñ 3-5 £gm. Macroconidia oblong-ellipsoidal, hyaline,
5- to 7-septate; 5-septate conidia 93-100 ¡Ñ 10-10.5 £gm;
6-septate conidia 113-115.5 ¡Ñ 10 £gm; 7-septate conidia
106-121.5 ¡Ñ 10-10.5 £gm.
Specimens examined. Kaohsiung County, Meinong,
on bark of Swietenia macrophylla King, 16 Sep 2005,
Guu, J.-R. 94091601 (cultured). Pingtung County,
Machia, Liang-shan waterfall, on bark, 14 Sep 2005,
Guu, J.-R. 94091407 (cultured). Nantou County, Yuchee,
Lienhwachee, on bark of Castanopsis carlesii (Hesml.)
var. sessilis Nakai, 19 Jul 2001, Ju, Y.-M. 90071905
(cultured). Pingtung County, Hengchun, Kenting, on bark
of Castanopsis carlesii var. sessilis, 26 Nov 2000, Ju, Y.-M
and Hsieh, H.-M. 89112623.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
Notes. This species resembles N. coronata but differs
from the latter in lacking an ostiolar disc, in the ostiole
not being surrounded with a crown, and in the ascospores
ornamented with discontinuous striations. Also see
Samuels and Brayford (1994) for a description of the
Neonectria lucida (Hohn.) Samuels & Brayford,
Mycologia. 96: 590. 2004. Figure 1F
Anamorph. Cylindrocarpon lucidum Booth, Mycol. Pap.
104: 21. 1966.
Stromata absent. Perithecia solitary or aggregated,
superficial, red, changing color to dark red in 10% KOH
and yellow in lactophenol, obpyriform, 400-460 £gm diam,
slightly roughened, uncollapsed when dry; perithecial wall
20-35 £gm thick, two-layered; ostioles coarsely papillate,
80-110 £gm diam, 12-30 £gm high, slightly darker than
the perithecial bodies. Asci cylindrical, 58-70 ¡Ñ 7-9 £gm,
with an apical ring. Ascospores hyaline, broadly fusiform,
1-septate, (12.5-)13-15 ¡Ñ (4.5-)5-6 £gm, echinulate.
Cultures and anamorph. Colonies attaining 3 cm diam
in 7 days at 20¢XC, tan-colored close to the inoculation
points, becoming white towards the edges. Conidiophores
producing macroconidia only, aggregated into slimy
sporodochia, irregularly branched, producing 1-2 phialides
at each terminus, with the phialides cylindrical, 15-22
¡Ñ 3-5 £gm. Macroconidia oblong-ellipsoidal, sometimes
curved, 3- to 5-septate; 3-septate conidia 40-82 ¡Ñ 5-7 £gm;
4-septate conidia 50-60 ¡Ñ 5-8 £gm; 5-septate conidia 60-85
¡Ñ 6-8 £gm.
Specimens examined. Nantou County, Tsuifong, on
bark, 23 Sep 2002, Ju, Y.-M and Hsieh, H.-M. 91092333.
Taipei County, Jingtung, Jingtung historical trail, 27 Nov
2003, Guu, J.-R. 92112704 (cultured). Taipei County,
Pingshi, Chou-tou-shan, on bark, 30 Apr 2005, Guu, J.-R.
94043002 (cultured). Kaohsiung County, Meinong, on
bark of Swietenia macrophylla King, 16 Sep 2005, Guu,
J.-R. 94091602 (cultured). Chiayi County, Shih-jhuo, on
bark, with Neonectria discophora, 20 Nov 2005, Guu,
J.-R. 94112004.
Figure 3. A-G, Lanatonectria flocculenta. A, Median section of ascoma; B, Lateral wall; C, Ascus; D, Verrucose perithecial hairs; E,
Ascal tip with an apical ring; F, Sporodochium; G, Conidia; H-I, Lanatonectria flavolanata; H, Striated ascospores; I, Synnema bearing
a conidial mass. Scale bars: A = 50 £gm; B, C = 10 £gm; D, G, H = 8 £gm; E = 3 £gm; F = 50 £gm; I = 500 £gm.
GUU et al. ¡X Nectriaceae in Taiwan
Figure 4. A-E, Neonectria disccophora. A, Median section of ascoma; B, Ascus; C, Ascospores; D, Ascal tip with an apical ring;
E, Macroconidia; F-I, Neonectria coronata. F, Median section of ascoma; G, Macroconidia and microconidia; H, Ascospores with
discontinuous striations; I, Lateral wall. J-N, Neonectria rugulosa. J, Median section of ascoma; K, Lateral wall; L, Ascus; M,
Ascospores with continuous striations; N, Macroconidia and microconidia. O-R, Neonectria jungneri. O, Macroconidia; P, Coarsely
papillate ostiole (arrow); Q, Median section of ascoma; R, Lateral wall. Scale bars: A, P = 50 £gm; B, E, G, K, M, O = 10 £gm; C, D = 5
£gm; F, R = 20 £gm; H = 8 £gm; I = 15 £gm; J, N, Q = 30 £gm; L = 12 £gm.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
Notes. Cultures from specimens 92112704 and
94091602 produced the teleomorph on PDA. Also see
notes on Neonectria discophora. The anamorph obtained
from the Taiwan material is much as described in Booth
(1966) and Brayford et al. (2004).
Neonectria rugulosa (Pat. & Gaillard) Mantiri
& Samuels, Canad. J. Bot. 79: 339. 2001.
Figures 1G, 4J-N
Anamorph. Cylindrocarpon rugulosum Brayford &
Samuels, in Samuels & Brayford, Sydowia 46: 148.
Figure 5. A-D, Nectria pseudotrichia. A, Median section of ascoma; B, Lateral wall; C, Ascus; D, Ascospore. E-F, Nectria balsamea. E,
Ascospores forming ascoconidia in ascus; F, ascospores germinating into ascoconidia. G-K, Haematonectria haematococca. G, Median
section of ascoma; H, Ascus; I, Ascospores; J, Conidiophores and macroconidia; K, Macroconidium; L-P, Ophionectria trichospora; L,
Median section of ascoma; M, Lateral wall; N, Ascus; O, Ascospore with spiral striations; P, Conidia. Scale bars: A = 60 £gm; B, J, M, N,
P = 20 £gm; G = 100 £gm; L = 50 £gm; C, F, H, I, K, O = 3 £gm; D, E = 8 £gm.
GUU et al. ¡X Nectriaceae in Taiwan
Stromata absent. Perithecia solitary to aggregated, red
or orange-red, changing color to dark red in 10% KOH and
yellow in lactophenol, globose to subglobose, 300-450 £gm,
roughened by red warts, uncollapsed when dry; perithecial
wall 15-23 £gm thick, two-layered; ostioles apapillate.
Asci clavate, 55-79 ¡Ñ 9-13 £gm, lacking an apical ring.
Ascospores hyaline, broadly fusiform, 1-septate, 22-25 ¡Ñ
7.5-9.5 £gm, striate.
Cultures and anamorph. Colonies attaining 7 cm in 14
days at 20¢XC, velutinous, white, or light brown, diffusing
a light brown pigment into medium. Conidiophores
producing macroconidia and microconidia; those bearing
macroconidia aggregated into slimy sporodochia, rarely
branched, producing 3-5 phialides at each terminus, with
the phialides cylindrical, 10-20 ¡Ñ 2-3 £gm; those bearing
microconidia cylindrical, unbranched, 30-90 ¡Ñ 2-3 £gm.
Macroconidia hyaline, oblong-ellipsoidal, sometimes
curved, 4- to 7-septate, 53-82 ¡Ñ 4.5-6.5 £gm. Microconidia
hyaline, ellipsoidal or oblong-ellipsoidal, aseptate, 7-13 ¡Ñ
2.5-3.5 £gm.
Specimens examined. Ilan County, Fu-shan, on bark
o f Castanopsis carlesii var. sessilis, 23 Jun 2001, Ju,
Y.-M 90062306 (cultured). Nantou County, Yuchee,
Lienhwachee, on bark of Castanopsis carlesii var. sessilis,
19 Apr 2001, Ju, Y.-M. 90041902 (cultured). Nantou
County, Yuchee, Lienhwachee, on bark of Castanopsis
carlesii var. sessilis, 19 Jul 2001, Ju, Y.-M. 90071903
(cultured). Taipei County, Yong-ming-shan, Lu-jiao-
keng shi, on bark, 10 Jul, Guu, J.-R. 93071001 (cultured).
Kaohsiung County, Liouguei, Shanping, on bark, 10 Mar
2005, Guu, J.-R. 94031008. Tainan County, Meilinn, on
Areca catechu L., 29 Aug 2005, Ju, Y.-M. & Hsieh, H.-M.
94082904 (cultured). Pingtung County, Machia, Liang-
shan waterfall, on bark, 14 Sep 2005, Guu, J.-R. 94091408
Notes. Among the Neonectria species included in the
present study, only this species and N. discophora have
globose perithecia. They differ in the former having
apapillate ostioles, striate ascospores, and producing
both macroconidia and microconidia in culture. Samuels
and Brayford (1994) reported the production of the
teleomorph in culture, but no perithecia formed in cultures
that we obtained from ascospores of our collections. The
anamorph obtained from the Taiwan material agrees well
with the description in Samuels & Brayford (1994).
Ophionectria trichospora (Berk. & Broome) Sacc.,
Michelia 1: 323. 1878.
Figures 1L, 5L-P
Anamorph. Antipodium spectabile Piroz., Canad. J. Bot.
52: 1144. 1974.
Stromata absent. Perithecia solitary to aggregated,
red, changing color to dark red in 10% KOH, yellow in
lactophenol, ovoidal, 400-600 ¡Ñ 250-300 £gm, roughened
by concolorous warts, sometimes collapsed when dry;
perithecial wall 30-90 £gm thick, two-layered; ostioles
inconspicuous. Asci clavate, 180-220 ¡Ñ 25-30 £gm, lacking
an apical ring. Ascospores hyaline, vermiform, 13- to
20-septate, 190-210 ¡Ñ 9-11 £gm, inconspicuously striate.
Cultures and anamorph. Colonies attaining 2 cm diam
in 14 days at 20¢XC, white, flat, scanty, yielding a brown
pigment at the inoculation point, slowly diffusing to the
colony margins with age. Conidiophores arising from the
colony surface, cylindrical, septate, smooth, 100-200 ¡Ñ
10-15 £gm, hyaline, unbranched, each producing a phialide;
phialides cylindrical, 35-50 £gm, with conspicuous
periclinal thickening at tip, collarette, unflared. Conidia
hyaline, fusiform, 3- to 5-septate, 110-140 ¡Ñ 25-29 £gm,
smooth to slight roughened.
Specimens examined. Taipei County, Shihding, Huang-
di-dian north peak trail, on bark of Ficus fistulosa Reinw.
ex Bl., 27 Nov 2003, Guu, J.-R. 92112702. Taipei County,
Jingtung historical trail, on bark, 21 Dec 2003, Guu,
J.-R. 92122101 (cultured). Nantou County, Luku, Shitou,
on stem of Brugmansia suaveolens (Willd.) Bercht. &
Presl, 19 Apr 2003, Ju, Y.-M. 92041904 (cultured). Taipei
County, Hsintien, Ta-tung-shan, on bark of Syzygium
samarangense (Bl.) Merr. & Perry, 9 Oct 2004, Guu, J.-R.
Notes. This species is easily recognized by its ovoidal
perithecia, cylindrical ascospores, and the Antipodium
anamorph. The anamorph that we obtained is typical for
A. spectabile as described in Rossman (1983). Perithecia
of this fungus are frequently mixed with those of H .
haematococca on the same substrata. The teleomorph
was produced on PDA in those cultures initiated from
specimen 92122101.
Acknowledgments. This study was supported by National
Science Council of R.O.C. Grant NSC 94-2621-B-001-001
to Y.-M. J. We highly appreciate two anonymous reviewers
for critically reviewing the manuscript and providing
invaluable suggestions.
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GUU et al. ¡X Nectriaceae in Taiwan