Botanical Studies (2007) 48: 255-261.
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The Multinational Brassica Genome Project, using
diploid Brassica rapa L. (AA, 2n=20) and Brassica ol-
eracea L. (CC, 2n=18) as two model species, is advancing
rapidly in several laboratories (Rana et al., 2004; Park et
al., 2005; Yang et al., 2005; Ayele et al., 2005; Katari et
al., 2005). It has become another plant genome research
hotspot. The genus Brassica includes many important oil
and vegetable crops, and they play an increasing role in
improving the lives of human beings. For B. oleracea,
including a group of the most important vegetable crops,
such as cauliflower, cabbage, calabrese and Brussels
sprouts, the scientific community is anxious to perform cy -
togenetics research from an evolutionary or breeding point
of view. However, karyotyping B. oleracea and exactly
recognizing all individual chromosomes within a mitotic
metaphase spread is very difficult. This is primarily due to
the small size of the chromosomes as well as the similarity
of chromosome lengths and/or arm ratios for some of the
At present, distinguishing chromosomes from each
other and the karyotyping of B. oleracea are mainly based
on the number and position of the 45S (or 25S) and 5S
rDNAs on the chromosome (Snowdon et al., 1997; Hast-
erok et al., 2001). FISH signals of 45S rDNA could be
detected on two pairs of chromosomes of B. oleracea.
The copy number of rDNA on the end of the short arm of
chromosome 7 exceeds that on the end of the short arm
of chromosome 4 (Cheng et al., 1995; Fukui et al., 1998).
Sometimes, signals with a very low intensity are detected
on the short arm end of chromosome 2 (Armstrong et
al., 1998). For 5S rDNA, FISH signals with a very low
intensity can detected on the long arms of chromosome
2 (Armstrong et al., 1998; Hasterok et al., 2001). Thus,
rDNA sites are found in only three of nine chromosome
pairs for B. oleracea. In B. rapa, another diploid species of
Brassica, rDNA sites are found in six of ten chromosome
pairs. Compared to B. oleracea, a more exact karyotyping
was performed based on rDNA sites in B. rapa (Koo et
al., 2004; Lim et al., 2005). Five chromosome pairs in B.
oleracea were identified with cDNA and rDNA probes by
Kamisugi et al. (1998), or with three repetitive sequences
by Armstrong et al. (1998). How to exactly identify nine
chromosome pairs of B. oleracea is a pending question,
new markers are obviously needed for karyotyping.
The Cot-1 DNA is enriched with highly and moderately
repetitive DNA sequences. In most eukaryote plant spe-
cies, repetitive sequences comprise a large proportion of
the genome (Flavell et al., 1974; Hake and Walbot, 1980;
MCCouch and Tanksley, 1991). Class I transposable
Karyotyping of Brassica oleracea L. based on Cot-1 and
ribosomal DNAs
Wen-Hui WEI
*, Su-Feng ZHANG
, Li-Jun WANG
, Xiao-Ming WU
, and Yun-Chun
College of Life Sciences, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang Henan 464000, People¡¦s Republic of China
Institute of Oil Crops, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Wuhan Hubei 430062, People¡¦s Republic of China
The Key Laboratory of MOE for Plant Developmental Biology, Wuhan University, Wuhan Hubei 430072, People¡¦s Re-
public of China
(Received June 29, 2006; Accepted April 16, 2007)
. To explore a simple, reliable, and effective method of karyotyping Brassica oleracea L., Cot-1
DNA was isolated from its genome, labeled as probe with a Biotin-Nick Translation Mix kit, and in situ hy-
bridized to mitotic spreads. Specific fluorescent bands appeared on each chromosome pair. 25S and 5S rDNAs
were labeled as probes with a DIG-Nick Translation Mix kit and Biotin-Nick Translation Mix kit, respectively,
and in situ hybridized to mitotic preparations. Signals could be detected on two chromosome pairs for 25S
rDNA, and on only one for 5S rDNA. Cot-1 DNA contains rDNA. The site identity of Cot-1 DNA and 25S
rDNA on the chromosome was determined by dual-colour fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). It showed
that the karyotyping technique based on a combination of rDNA and Cot-1 DNA chromosome markers is a
superior alternative. A more exact karyotype of B. oleracea has been developed based on rDNA locations and
Cot-1 DNA fluorescent bands.
Keywords: Brassica oleracea L.; Cot-1 DNA; Karyotyping; Ribosomal DNA.