Botanical Studies (2007) 48: 339-348.
Corresponding author: E-mail:
Mountain forest communities perform an array of
important ecosystem functions, including water and soil
conservation (Wang, 1991; Molles, 2002), the provision
of important animal and wildlife habitat, maintenance of
biological diversity (Wu, 1982; Sparks, 1995), and the
development of ecotourism (Cheng and Zhang, 2003).
In North China, most natural forests can only be found
in mountainous areas. The virgin forests of North China
occur only in the Lishan National Nature Reserve (LNNR),
Shanxi province (Jiang, 1986). The conservation of
mountain forest communities in this reserve is significant
and of wide interest (Liu, 1984; Fu and Zheng 1994;
Zhang et al., 1997; Zhang, 2003).
In China, the need for proper characterization of
natural forests is important in light of the mandates of
the National Conservation Project for Natural Forests of
1999 (State Forestry Administration, 1999) and recent
efforts to pursue ecosystem management, both of which
require the use of effective quantitative approaches to
ensure that management practices maintain the integrity
and biodiversity of forest ecosystems (Zhang, 2002).
Many studies of mountain forests have used multivariate
statistical techniques to characterize vegetation patterns
(Zhang, 1995; Zhang et al., 1997; Loreau et al., 2001;
Leps and Smilauer, 2003; Zhang and Chen, 2004), but
few studies have attempted to incorporate other vegetation
layers in the evaluation of vegetation patterns and
underlying environmental gradients using quantitative
methods (Mi and Zhang, 1995; Lyon and Sagers, 2002).
One approach to addressing the complexity of
mountain forests is functional analysis. Plant species can
be classified into functional groups based on a variety
of characteristics. Each functional group potentially will
partition the environmental gradient differently (Smith
and Huston, 1989; Austin, 1990; Dale, 1998; Lyon and
Sagers, 2002). Thus, spatial and temporal changes in
environmental resources will also affect functional groups.
Diversity and composition of plant functional groups in
mountain forests of the lishan Nature Reserve, North
* and Feng ZHANG
College of Life Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, P.R. China
Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100093, P.R. China
(Received October 12, 2006; Accepted February 16, 2007)
Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to characterize the composition and
distribution of forest vegetation within the Lishan National Nature Reserve (LNNR), Shanxi Province, China.
The LNNR is located at E111o05’43"-111o56’29", N35o29’07"-35o23’10", and is part of the Zhongtiao
mountain range. Forest vegetation was sampled from 58, 10 m × 20 m plots along an elevation gradient
from 1,400 to 2,100 m. Floristic and environmental data of different functional groups, such as trees, shrubs,
saplings and herbs, were analyzed using CCA; and the changes of species richness, diversity and evenness of
different functional groups were analyzed in relation to environmental variables. Overall, all the functional
groups of forest vegetation showed a statistically significant correlation with elevation and soil Cu. Responses
to other environmental gradients differed among the four groups of plants analyzed. Tree layer showed a
correlation with soil P, shrubs and herbs showed a correlation with soil organic matter and N, while saplings
showed a correlation with slope and aspect. Elevation was the most important variable in terms of variations
in species diversity. Species richness, evenness, and diversity of different functional groups showed a similar
responding model to changes in elevation, i.e. the maximum diversity occurring at intermediate elevations.
Of the functional groups analyzed, trees were most important in maintaining species evenness within
communities, while shrubs and herbs were significant in maintaining species richness within communities of
the LNNR.
Keywords: CCA; Functional groups; Ordination; Soil variables; Species diversity; Topographic factors;
Vegetation-environment relationship.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
The use of vertically stratified growth forms or vegetation
layers as a means of separating species functional groups
has a sound ecological and physiological basis (Grime,
1993; Box, 1996). However, information concerning
the differential responses of different forest layers to
environmental gradients is limited in the literature
(Pausas, 1994; Zhang, 2003; Lyon and Sagers, 2002).
The hypothesis of species diversity-elevation gradient has
been tested many times (e.g. Stevens, 1992; Dolezal and
Srutek, 2002), but information concerning the responses
of functional group species diversity to environmental
gradient is limited (Lomolino, 2001; Kessler, 2001;
Austrheim, 2002).
The LNNR was established in the 1970s to protect its
virgin forest communities. Vegetation within the reserve
is typical of warm temperate deciduous broadleaved
forest in China. Previous studies have examined the flora
(Liu, 1984), vertical distribution of vegetation (Zhang
et al., 1997), and plant resources (Liu, 1984; Fu and
Zheng, 1994) of the reserve. However, the relationships
between forest functional groups and environments have
not been studied. The objectives of this study were to
evaluate the roles of species functional groups in the
forest communities, determine if different functional
groups exhibit different responses to the same suite of
environmental variables, and determine the patterns of
species diversity in different functional groups.
Study area
The LNNR is located at E111o05’43"-111o56’29",
N35o29’07"-35o23’10", and is part of the Zhongtiao
mountain range in Southern Shanxi, China. Elevation
within the reserve varies from 1,000 to 2,358 m. The
reserve lies on the southern edge of the Loess Plateau
and is within a transitional area from a warm-temperate
zone to a subtropical zone (Wu, 1982). The climate of the
area is warm temperate and semi-humid, with continental
characteristics and controlled by seasonal winds.
Annual mean temperature is 13.3
C, the monthly mean
temperatures of January and July are -0.5
C and 27.5
respectively, and the annual accumulative temperature
in excess of 10
C is 2,100
C. Annual mean precipitation
varies from 667.6 mm to 900.0 mm in the mountain
regions, with 70% of annual precipitation during July and
September. The dominant soil types are drab (cinnamon)
soil, mountain drab soil, brown forest soil and mountain
meadow soil according to Chinese soil classification
system (Liu, 1992). The study area of Zhuweigou is the
main valley within the LNNR. Its elevation varies from
1,400 to 2,358 m. Most of the valley is forested, while
a small area close to the mountain tops is covered by
mountain shrub-lands and meadows. This study dealt with
all forests distributed from 1,400 to 2,100 m elevation.
The vegetation communities are mainly broad-leaved
deciduous forests (Zhang et al., 1997).
Vegetation sampling
We established 8 eight transects within Zhuweigou
valley at intervals of 100 m in altitude along an elevation
gradient from 1,400 to 2,100 m. These transects cut across
the valley and were oriented parallel to topographic
contours. Four to eight sites along each transect were
established randomly; the number of sites along each
transect was determined based on the transect length.
The plot size was 10 m × 20 m, based on the minimum
community area of 128 m
in this area (Mi and Zhang,
1995). A total of 58, 10 m × 20 m plots were sampled
during our survey in July, 2002.
We categorized plants as trees (>2 cm dbh, height
5-15 m), tree saplings (<2 cm dbh, height 2-5 m), shrubs
(height <2 m) and herbs (height <0.5 m). Correspondingly,
we segregated the vegetation into four a priori defined
functional groups: tree layer species, tree sapling species,
shrub layer species, and herb species. The criteria for
division into functional groups were the height layers of
plants; tree saplings and shrubs were separated because
saplings are generally much taller than shrubs and have
special roles in forest regeneration, and adult trees and
saplings for the same species may have different roles in
the forest (Grime, 1993; Loreau et al., 2001). The cover,
height, diameter at 1.3 m height (dbh), basal area, and
individual number for tree species were measured in each
10 m × 20 m plot. Three 4 m × 4 m and four 2 m × 2 m
subplots within each 10 m × 20 m plot were used to record
shrubs and herbs, respectively; the cover and height for
shrubs and tree saplings were measured in each 4 m × 4
m subplot, and that for herbs was measured in each 2 m ×
2 m subplot. We calculated the mean values of cover for
shrub, sapling and herb in the three 4 m × 4 m or four 2 m
× 2 m subplots, and the mean values of heights for species
in the subplots. The cover of plants was estimated visually,
and the heights were measured using tree-finder for trees
and saplings, and tape-ruler for shrubs and herbs. The db
h diameters and basal diameters of trees were measured
using calipers and were used to calculate stem and basal
environmental attributes
Each study plot was characterized by three physical
factors: elevation, slope, and aspect. The elevation for
each plot was measured by altimeter, while the slope and
aspect were measured by compass. The 8 classes of aspect
of 1 (337.6°-22.5°), 2 (22.6°-67.5°), 3 (292.6°-337.5°),
4 (67.6°-112.5°), 5 (247.6°-292.5°), 6 (112.6°-157.5°),
7 (202.6°-247.5°), 8 (157.6°-202.5°) were used in the
analysis (Zhang, 2004). We collected soil samples at 20
cm depth from five locations chosen randomly within each
10 m × 20 m plot using a soil cylindered core sampler. The
five samples were thoroughly mixed and one quarter of the
mixture was collected for laboratory chemical analysis.
Soil samples were dried at 70
C for over 48 h to a constant
weight and analyzed in terms of soil pH, conductivity,
organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, K, Cu,
ZHANG and ZHANG — Forest plant functional groups in Lishan Reserve
Mn, and Zn. These variables were selected because some,
such as N, P, K, and organic matter, are the most important
nutrient elements, while others, such as the micronutrient
elements Cu, Mn, and Zn, are deficient in soils of the
area (Liu, 1992). A 1:2.5 ratio of soil to distilled water
suspension was used to measure pH and conductivity using
a Whatman pH sensor meter and a conductivity meter,
respectively. Total nitrogen was estimated using Kjeldahl
extraction, and total phosphorus was measured via the
colorimetric method (molybdovanadate
method). Organic matter was measured using K
capacitance. The elements K, Cu, Mn, Zn were determined
using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Page,
Data analysis
We used the importance value (IV) of each species as
data in ordination analysis and the calculation of diversity
indices. The IV was calculated using the following
formulae (Zhang, 1995, 2004):
= Relative cover + Relative dominance + Relative
Tree sapling
Shrub or Herbs
Relative cover + Relative height
where the dominance refers to the sum of the basal areas
for each tree species within a plot; relative cover, relative
dominance and relative height refer to the percentages
of one species cover, dominance and mean height over
the sum of all species cover, dominance and mean height
within a plot respectively.
Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was
conducted on plant species-environmental variable
matrices using the software CANOCO 4.5 (ter Braak
and .milauer, 2002). The square root transformation
of environmental data was used, but no transformation
of species data (IVs) was applied in the analysis. To
determine if different functional groups exhibited
differential responses to the same suit of environmental
variables, separate CCA ordinations were performed on
the four functional groups, i.e. tree layer, sapling layer,
shrub layer and herb layer.
To determine the patterns of species diversity, we
employed three species diversity indices: species richness,
species diversity (diversity), and species evenness:
Species number (as a richness index):
= S.
Shannon-Wiener diversity index:
H ’ = -
ln P
Pielou evenness index:
E = (-
ln P
where P
is the relative importance value of species i,
and S is the number of species within a plot (Pielou, 1975;
Zhang, 1995; Tothmeresz, 1995). Calculation of species
diversity indices was performed for the four functional
Linear and non-linear (quadratic curves) regression
methods were used to analyze the relationships between
the CCA axes of the four functional groups, and between
species diversity indices and environmental variables. The
regression analyses were performed using SPSS (SPSS
Inc. 2000), and the regression diagrams were plotted using
Microsoft Excel.
Ordination analysis of functional groups
We performed CCA ordinations on trees, shrubs, tree
saplings and herbs respectively. In all CCA ordinations,
the Monte Carlo permutation test indicated that the
eigenvalues for the first four axes were all significant
(P<0.05; Ter Braak, 1986). The species-environment
correlations with the CCA axes for all functional groups
were significant (Table 1), however, the relationships
between species and environmental variables differed for
different plant groups (Figures 1-4, Table 1, Table 2).
Nine of the twelve environmental variables are
significantly correlated with tree species distribution
(Figure 1, Table 2). The dominant environmental variables
correlated with the first axis were soil Cu and elevation
(Figure 1, Table 2). Elevation, P and Mn showed a strong
correlation with the second axis, while slope and aspect
showed a correlation with the third axis. The plots at
high elevation that contain Betula albo-sinensis, Populus
davidiana, Salix pseudotangii, an d Pinus armandii are
located in the upper left quadrant of the CCA triplot
(Figure 1). Species that are characteristic of low-elevation
plots, such as Pinus tabulaeformis, Juglans cathayensis,
Table 1. Comparison of eigenvalues and species-environment correlations produced by CCA ordinations on the four functional
groups in the Lishan Nature Reserve, China.
Species-environment correlations
Axis 1 Axis 2 Axis 3 Axis 4
Axis 1 Axis 2 Axis 3 Axis 4
0.784 0.470 0.394 0.235
0.925 0.837 0.834 0.82
0.644 0.481 0.356 0.233
0.962 0.866 0.893 0.791
Tree sapling
0.838 0.602 0.506 0.440
0.946 0.841 0.798 0.810
0.535 0.371 0.323 0.282
0.928 0.858 0.843 0.829
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
Carpinus turczaninowii var. stipulata, Carpinus
turczaninowii, plot in the right-hand quadrants. Species
that prefer fertile soil and that occur in mid-elevation
plots, such as Acer davidii, Quercus liaotungensis, Acer
mono and Toxicodendron verniciflum , plot in the lower left
As with the CCA ordination of trees, shrubs showed
a strong correlation between the first axis and elevation
and soil Cu (Table 2, Figure 2). Soil organic matter, N and
pH were also important to the first axis. The dominant
environmental variables that correlate with the second
axis were P and N, while the dominant variables that
correlate with the third axis were slope and aspect. The
high-elevation plots contained Abelia biflora, Spiraea
pubescens, Philadelphus incanus and Lonicera chrysantha
plot in the upper left quadrant of the CCA triplot (Figure
2). Species characteristic of low-elevation plots, such
as Vitex negundo var. heterophylla and Rosa xantheana
plot in the upper right quadrant, while species that prefer
fertile soil and that occur in mid-elevation plots, such as
Philadelphus incanus, Forsythia suspensa and Sambucus
williamsii, plot in the lower quadrants.
For tree saplings, the dominant variable correlated
with the first axis was slope, while aspect and elevation
were also significantly correlated with the first axis
(Table 2, Figure 3). The dominant variables correlated
with the second and third axes were slope and elevation
respectively. Cu was also significantly correlated with the
first three axes. Saplings were unevenly distributed in the
study area; 18 plots do not have any saplings.
Herbaceous species showed strong correlations
between the first axis and elevation, Cu, organic matter
and N (Table 2, Figure 4), similar to the trees and shrubs
ordinations. Zn, pH and conductivity were also important
to the first axis. Zn, pH, and P showed a significant
correlation with the second axis, while aspect and slope
showed a strong correlation with the third axis. The
Figure 1. CCA ordination of 58 plots and 18 tree species (> 2
cm dbh) with 12 environmental variables in the Lishan Nature
Rese rve, China. Biplot vectors s hown represe nt the major
explanatory environmental variables. Ele: Elevation; Slo: slope;
Asp: aspect; Org: organic matter content; Cond: conductivity. ●
and regular font numbers represent plots, ○ and italic numbers
represent tree species. 1, Carpinus turczaninowii; 2, Carpinus
turczaninowii var. stipulata; 3, Ulmus lamellosa; 4, Acer davidii;
5, Sorbus pohuashanensis; 6, Quercus liaotungensis; 7, Juglans
cathayensis; 8, Betula platyphylla; 9, Betula albo-sinensis; 10,
Pinus armandii; 11, Pinus tabulaeformis; 12, Salix pseudotangii;
13, Populus davidiana; 14, Toxicodendron verniciflum; 15, Acer
mono; 16, Rhus chinensis; 17, Tilia mongolica; 18, Quercus
Figure 2. CCA ordination of 58 plots and 55 shrub s pecies
with 12 environmental variables in the Lishan Nature Reserve,
China. Biplot vectors shown represent the major explanatory
environmental variables. Ele: Elevation; Slo: slope; Asp: aspect;
Org: organic matter content; Cond: conductivity. ● and regular
font numbers represent plots, ○ and italic numbers repres ent
shrub species. 1, Staphylea holocarpa; 2, Swida alba; 3, Cerasus
polytricha; 4, Euodia rutaecarpa; 5, Crataegus kans uensis;
6, Cornus bretschneideri; 7 , Koelreuteria paniculata; 8,
Syringa reticulata var. mandshur ica; 9, Pyrus betulaefolia;
10, Malus honanens is; 11, Hy dr angea brets chneider i; 12,
Celastrus orbiculatus; 13, For sythia suspensa; 14, Lonicera
chrysantha; 15, Lonicera hispida; 16, Lonicera ferdinandii;
17, Lonicera microphylla; 18, Spiraea pubescens; 19, Spiraea
trilobata; 20, Vitex negundo var. heterophylla; 21, Sambucus
williamsii; 22, Abelia biflora; 23, Cotoneaster multiflorus; 24,
Rubus crataegifolius; 25, Lespedeza bicolor; 26, Schisandra
chinensis; 27, Cotoneaster acutifolius; 28, Sorbaria sorbifolia;
29, Philadelphus incanus ; 30, Acanthopanax gracilistylus ;
31, Acanthopanax senticosus; 32, Euonymus alatus; 33,
Euonymus nanoides; 34, Ribes mandshuricum; 35, Viburnum
betulifolium; 36, Viburnum schensianum; 37, Viburnum opulus
var. calv esc ens; 38, Smilax china; 39, Ros a xanthina; 40,
Rosa davurica; 41, Rosa bella; 42, Hydrangea bretschneideri;
43, Ber ber is amurensis ; 44, Syr inga microphylla; 45, Ribes
bruejense; 46, Pyrus betulaefolia; 47, Myr ipnois dioica; 48,
Daphne odora; 49, Sophora flavescens ; 50, Rhamnus davurica;
51, Elaegnus pungens; 52, Celastrus orbiculatus; 53, Elsholtzia
stauntoni; 54, Crataefus pinnatifida; 55, Diospyros lotus.
ZHANG and ZHANG — Forest plant functional groups in Lishan Reserve
high-elevation plots that contain species Thalictrum
squarrosum, Polygonum convolvulus, Cimicifuga foetida,
Dryopteris laeta and Maianthemum bifolium plot in the
left quadrants. Plots with N-rich soils were found in the
lower left quadrant, while plots with Zn-rich soils were
located in the upper left quadrants. The low-elevation
plots contained the species Patrinis jeterophylla, Carex
lanceolata, Phlomis umbrosa, Artemisia lavandulaefolia
and Dryopteris laeta plots were in the right quadrants;
their soils were rich in Cu with comparatively high pH.
Species diversity of functional groups
Elevation was one of the most significant variables that
correlate with vegetation and species functional groups
from the CCA ordination analyses (Table 2, Figures 1-4).
Therefore, we examined variations in species diversities
of functional groups along the elevation gradient (Figure
5). Species richness, diversity and evenness of the three
main functional groups, trees, shrubs and herbs, varied
throughout the study area (diversity of saplings was not
considered separately because saplings were not found in
more than 30% plots). Species richness of trees and herbs
Figure 3. CCA ordination of 58 plots and saplings of 20 tree
s pecies (< 2 cm dbh) with 12 environmental variables in the
Lishan Nature Reserve, China. Biplot vectors shown represent
the major explanatory environmental variables. Ele: Elevation;
S lo: s lope; Asp: aspect; Org: organic matter content; Cond:
conductivity. ● and regular font numbers represent plots, ○ and
italic numbers represent sapling species. 1, Pinus tabulaeformis;
2, Ulmus lamellose; 3, Koelreuter ia paniculata; 4, Juglans
cathayensis; 5, Cornus bre tschneider i; 6, Pinus armandii;
7, Carpinus turcz aninowii var. stipulata; 8, Toxicodendron
verniciflum; 9, Quercus liaotungensis; 10, Acer davidii; 11, Acer
mono; 12, Carpinus turczaninowii; 13, Ailanthus altiss ima;
14, Sorbus pohuashanensis; 15, Tilia mongolica; 16, Fraxinus
chinensis; 17, Populus davidiana; 18, Syringa reticulata var.
mandshurica; 19, Salix pseudotangii; 20, Swida alba.
Figure 4. CCA ordination of 58 plots and 85 herbaceous species
with 12 environmental variables in the Lishan Nature Reserve,
China. Biplot vectors shown represent the major explanatory
environmental variables. Ele: Elevation; Slo: slope; Asp: aspect;
Org: organic matter content; Cond: conductivity. ● and regular
font numbers represent plots, ○ and italic numbers represent herb
species. 1, Smilacina japonica; 2, Phlomis umbrosa; 3, Veratrum
nigrum; 4, P ar is ver ticillata; 5, Triosteum pinnatifidum; 6,
Astilbe chinensis; 7, Cacalia hastata; 8, Cystopteris fragilis; 9,
Dryopteris laeta; 10, Aquilegia viridiflora; 11, Vicia unijuga;
12, Patrinia heterophylla; 13, Dioscorea nipponica; 14,
Polygonatum odoratum; 15, Gal ium v erum; 16, Ar isae ma
erubescens; 17, Epimedium grandiflorum; 18 , Saus s urea
japonica var. alata; 19, Aconitum carmichaeli; 20, Aconitum
barbatum; 21, Ajuga ciliata; 22, Ligularia intermedia; 23, Viola
prionantha; 24, Viola varietata; 25, Viola biflora; 26, Artemisia
lavandulaefolia; 27, Artemisia argyi; 28, Artemisia brachyloba;
29, Pedicularis resupinata; 30, Thalictrum petaloideum;
31, Thalictrum squarrosum; 32, Achyr anthes bidentata; 33,
Rubia cordi folia; 34, Ser ratul a chinens is; 35, P impinella
thellungiana; 36, Hylotelephium verticillatum; 37, Polygonatum
involucratum; 38, Pertya sinensis; 39, Polygonum convolvulus;
40, Lamium album; 41, Carpesium cernuum; 42, Glycine soja;
43, Chrysosplenium pilosum; 44, Polygonatum verticillatum;
45, Lactuca tatarica; 46, Lonicera tragophylla; 47, Kalimeris
lautureana; 48, Her acleum hemsleyanum; 49, Maianthemum
bifolium; 50, Cimicifuga foetida; 51, Sedum aizoon; 52, Pyrrosia
lingua; 53, Les pedeza davurica; 54, Cardamne tangutorum;
55, Aster tataricus; 56 , Angelica dahurica; 5 7, Paeonia
obovata; 58, Convallar ia keiske i; 59, Hyperic um erec tum;
60, Cirsium teo; 61, Poa annua; 62, Arundinella hirta; 63,
Dendranthena lavandulifolium; 64, Polygonum viviparum; 65,
Cynanchum ascyrifolium; 66, Allium senescens; 67, Potentilla
chinensis; 68, Leontopodium leontopodioides; 69, Car ex
lanceolata var. subpeditormis; 70, Carex rigescens; 71, Carex
arnellii; 72, Viola yedoensis; 73, Iris tenuifolia; 74, Anemone
tomentosa; 75, Leibnitzia anandria; 76, Cleistogenes serotina;
77, Geum urbanum; 78, Stellaria media; 79, Dendranthema
cavandulifolium; 80, Vitis amurensis; 81, Ixeris sonchifolia; 82,
Duchesnea indica; 83, Akebia quinata; 84, Cacalia farfaraefolia;
85, Clematis macropetala.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
showed a significant correlation with elevation, but the
relationship between shrub richness and elevation was not
significant (Figure 5). Tree richness showed a quadratic
increase with increasing elevation and reached a maximum
value at 1,900-2,000 m. In contrast, herb richness
decreased with increasing elevation, and reached a lowest
value at 1,750-1,800 m, before it increased again at higher
elevations. The species richness rank of functional groups
is herbs > shrubs > trees (Figure 5).
The species heterogeneities (diversities) (Shannon-
Wiener index) of functional groups showed a distinct
correlation with elevation (Figure 5). Heterogeneities of
trees, shrubs and herbs all showed a quadratic curve: the
value increased at low elevations to a maximum value
before decreasing at high elevation. The diversity curve of
shrubs reached a maximum value at 1,850 m (Figure 5).
Similar to richness, the species diversity rank of functional
groups is herbs > shrubs > trees.
The relationship between species evenness of
functional groups and elevation is unimodal with a peak at
intermediate elevations (Figure 5). The evenness of trees,
shrubs and herbs reached maximum values at elevations of
1,850 m, 1,800 m and 1,900 m, respectively. The variation
of tree evenness was smaller than that of shrubs and herbs
in the study area. The species evenness rank of functional
groups is trees > shrubs > herbs, which is different to that
of species richness and diversity.
A variety of plant characteristics, including
morphology, physiology, reproductive, competitive
status or location in a successional sere could be used to
define functional groups (Grime, 1993; Zhang, 2005).
We separated forest plants into four functional layers,
trees, saplings, shrubs and herbs, based on their height,
which reflected importance of community structure
(Zhang, 1999; Lyon and Sagers, 2002). The heights
v ari ed fr om 5 m t o 1 5 m, 2 m to 5 m , and < 2 m f or
trees, saplings and shrubs respectively in LNNR, and the
heights of herbaceous species were usually below 0.5 m.
Correspondingly, the depth of their root system varied
greatly (Begon et al., 1990; Molles, 2002; Zhang, 2003).
Therefore, the responses of these functional layers to
environmental variables may differ and should be studied.
This work demonstrated the distinctive responses of
different functional groups to environmental gradients and
confirmed the necessity of this kind of study.
Forest vegetation and their functional groups in
the LNNR responded directly or indirectly to several
important variables, including elevation, soil Cu, soil
organic matter, soil N, slope and aspect. The responses of
woody vegetation to these gradients have been observed
in other studies (Nigh et al., 1985; Lyon and Sagers,
1998; Verburg and van Eijk-Bos, 2003; Chen et al., 2004),
however, these previous studies usually focused on the
distribution of canopy species within a forest. Lyon and
ZHANG and ZHANG — Forest plant functional groups in Lishan Reserve
Zhang et al., 1997) and therefore their effects on vegetation
and species were significant. These variables were more
significant to shrubs and herbs (Table 1-2, Figure 2 and
Figure 4), because these variables were richer in shallow
soil than in deep soil, and the root systems of shrubs and
herbs were shallower than those of trees (Nangendo et al.,
2002). Variations in slope were obvious, and its effects on
saplings were apparent because it affected the maintenance
and germination of seeds in soils. For instance, the number
of seeds of Quercus variabilis within soil decreases with
increasing slope in the Zhongtiao Mountains (Fu and
Zheng, 1994; Zhang, 2004). Steep slopes make it difficult
for seeds to stay at the soil surface, to move within the
soil, and to absorb sufficient water (Zhang et al., 1997).
These relationships must be considered when investigating
the regeneration of forest in the LNNR.
Although differences in response to environmental
gradients among functional groups were obvious, their
similarities were clear from the CCA ordination results.
Figure 6 shows the correlations of the first two CCA axes
of one functional group with that of the other. All the axes
show a significant correlation with other axes, similar
to other studies (Franklin et al., 2001; Lyon and Sagers,
2002; Nangendo et al., 2002). Different functional groups
Sagers (2002) investigated the responses of all trees and
shrubs to environmental gradients, and identified specific
relationships between environmental variables and woody
vegetation. A more detailed approach, incorporating all
species groups (trees, shrubs, saplings and herbs), reveals
some of the specific interactions between environment and
forest communities.
The differences in responses to environmental gradients
between functional groups were clear in the LNNR
forests. Elevation and soil Cu are dominant variables in
affecting trees, shrubs and herbs, whereas slope is most
important to tree saplings. In addition to elevation and
Cu, soil P is important to trees, while organic matter and
N are significant to shrubs and herbs. Herbs also show
close relationship to pH and Zn. The relationship between
elevation and vegetation in the LNNR has been noted in
previous studies (Liu, 1984; Fu and Zheng, 1994; Zhang
et al., 1997). The Cu content of soils of the LNNR is high
compared with other mountain areas, but Cu distribution
is uneven in the study area (Liu, 1992); some communities
were Cu-deficient. Therefore, Cu is significant to forest
communities in the LNNR (Wu, 1982). Organic matter, N
and P are basic nutrient resources for plants, however, their
concentrations vary markedly with elevation (Liu, 1984;
Figure 5. Variations of species diversity of functional groups along elevational gradient in the Lishan Nature Reserve, China.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 48, 2007
in a community share the same complex of environmental
variables, and therefore, it is easy to understand that they
are similar in their responses to environmental gradients.
This indicates that the functions and roles of species
groups in communities are closely related to each other
(Whitaker, 1967; Zhang, 2003; Nummelin and Zilihona,
2004). Although different plant groups show similar
patterns of species diversity in response to elevation, those
elevations with the maximum diversity values are different
from each plant group (Figure 5); this is due to interactions
between functional groups (Figure 5). The effects of trees
on the diversity of shrubs and herbs are significant because
tree canopies affect the distribution of resources such as
light, water-conditions and temperature available to shrubs
and herbs (Kessler, 2001; Zhang, 2003; Nummelin and
Zilihona, 2004). Among trees, shrubs and herbs, trees
were most important in maintaining species evenness
of communities, and shrubs and herbs were significant
in maintaining species richness of communities in the
LNNR (Zhang and Chen, 2004). All the functional groups
were important in maintaining species diversity (Loreau
et al., 2001; Verburg and van Eijk-Bos, 2003), because
species diversity is related to both species richness and
evenness (Zhang, 1995). To protect species diversity and
forests, the conservation of all functional layers should be
emphasized. Elevation gradient is one key variable that
affects the variation of species diversity in communities
and is frequently studied (Lyon and Sagers, 2002; Zhang,
2002). The patterns of species diversity of functional
groups along the elevation gradient were very similar; the
species richness, diversity and evenness of different plant
groups all show a significant correlation with elevation,
with most being unimodal, consistent with the hypothesis
of maximum diversity at intermediate elevations
(Lomolino, 2001; Zhang and Chen, 2004). One exception
was the richness of herbs, which had a minimum richness
at intermediate elevations.
The distribution patterns of vegetation and species
diversity are often correlated with patterns of resource
variation and resource gradients, which have been well
established in vegetation science (Whittaker, 1967; Austin,
1990; Zhang, 2002). Different plant functional groups
may have different resource-use strategies, physiologies,
and competitive abilities (Lyon and Sagers, 2002). In the
literature, many vegetation studies avoid complexity by
over-emphasizing a single type of plant group, typically
a group of canopy tree species (O’Neill et al., 1986). In
the present study, an analysis of all species, including
canopy trees, understory shrubs, saplings and herbs,
emphasized the importance of the structure of complex
forest ecosystems. The inclusion of different functional
groups in multivariate analysis provides more detailed
and comprehensive information on the spatial variation of
vegetation and species diversity and the response of plant
species to underlying gradients (Lyon and Sagers, 2002;
Zhang, 2004). Furthermore, vegetation functional group
analyses can be used in a management and conservation
context to identify vegetation and landscape characteristics
(Lyon and Sagers, 2002; Verburg and van Eijk-Bos, 2003).
Acknowledgment. We thank G.L. Zhang, Q. Li and
X.Y. Guo for their help with data collection. The study
was financial supported by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (Grant No 30070140) and the
Teachers’ Foundation of Education Ministry of China.
Figure 6. Relationships of the first two CCA ordination axes of one functional group with the other functional group in the Lishan
Nature Reserve, China.
ZHANG and ZHANG — Forest plant functional groups in Lishan Reserve
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