Botanical Studies (2008) 49: 235-241.
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Many leaf chimeras arise from mutations that disrupt
chl synthesis or accumulation and are phenotypically
detectable by their lighter green color. It is well
established that most chl in chloroplasts serve only as
antenna pigments in photosynthesis, capturing incident
photons and transferring the resulting excitation energy to
reaction centers, where a minor, photochemically active
chl fraction uses it to drive a charge separation process.
Thus, mutations that cause only loss of chl, even if to a
relatively large extent, should not necessarily result in the
leaf ¡¦s inability to carry on photosynthesis. However, it has
been reported that pronounced chl deficiency affects the
synthesis and/or assembly of other chloroplast components
with which the chl interacts in vivo (Henriques and Park,
1975; Cumming and Bonnet, 1983; Green et al., 1988;
Klein et al., 1988). This is the case, for instance, of the
chl b-less mutant of barley, which is not only deprived of
chl b, but also of several major chloroplast polypeptides
that act as scaffolds for the assembly of the chl a, b light-
harvesting complex in the thylakoid membrane (Henriques
and Park, 1975; Burke et al., 1979). Over the past two
decades, it has been shown that a block in pigment
biosynthesis, either of chl or car, causes the accumulation
of intermediates that act as signals regulating the
expression of nuclear-encoded plastid-destined gene
products (Kropat et al., 1997; Rodermel, 2001; Strand et
al., 2003; Nott et al., 2006; Reinbothe et al., 2006). As a
consequence, leaf chimeras with largely reduced pigment
content often possess additional chloroplast alterations and
show more or less extensive photosynthetic impairments.
The functional characterization of these pigment
chimeras, thus, frequently proves to be rather complex,
and attempts to identify the specific change(s) responsible
for the photosynthetic disturbance(s) turn out immensely
challenging (Sommerville, 1986).
We report here data on pigment content and certain
photosynthetic characteristics of mutated leaves from
Photosynthetic characteristics of light-sensitive,
chlorophyll-deficient leaves from sectorially chimeric
Fernando S. HENRIQUES*
Plant Biology Unit, Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal
(Received August 8, 2007; Accepted March 12, 2008)
Mutated leaves of sectorially chimeric stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L.) showed decreased
pigment content and reduced photosynthetic activity. Relative to their wild type siblings, the mutated leaves
were not only largely depleted in total chl and car, suggestive of a significant loss of photosynthetic units,
they also exhibited much higher chl a/b ra tios, indicative of a major reduc tion in the a ntenna size of the
remaining photosynthetic units. Light and electron microscopy confirmed a notable decrease in chloroplast
number in mutated leaves, and analysis of polypeptide composition revealed a large depletion of the
apoprotein of PSII antenna in these chloroplasts. The photosynthetic units present in mutated leaves showed
an intrinsic photochemical efficiency, measured as the variable to maximum fluorescence ratio of dark-adapted
leaves, only slightly lower than controls, and their concentration correlated strongly with the leaves¡¦s net
uptake capacity. It is concluded that mutated leaves of stinging nettle underwent a gradual chloroplast
loss during development, but the remaining organelles preserved much of their photosynthetic competence.
This chloroplast loss most likely arises from an accumulation of chl precursors that repress the synthesis of
photosynthetic essential proteins and act as photosensitizers for chloroplast degradation.
Keywords: Chimerism; Chlorophyll fluorescence; Chloroplast peptides; Photosynthetic net CO
Urtica dioica L.
Abbreviations: Car, Carotenoids; Chl, Chlorophyll; F
, F
, F
, Minimum, maximum and variable
fluorescence of dark-adapted leaves, respectively; LHC-II, Light-harvesting chl a,b-protein complex of
PSII; PQ, Plastoquinone; PSI, PSII, Photosystems I and II, respectively; PSU, Photosynthetic unit; Q
primary electron acceptor.