Botanical Studies (2008) 49: 301-309.
Corresponding author: Present address: Department of
Microbiology and Immunology, Taipei Medical University,
# 250 Wu-Hsing Street, Taipei 110, Taiwan. E-mail:; Tel: +886-2-27361661 ext. 3414;
FAX: +886-2-23778620.
Herbal remedies used in traditional folk medicines
provide an interesting and yet largely unexplored source
for the discovery and development of potential new drugs.
Moreover, traditional medicinal methods still play vital
roles in serving basic health needs in developing countries.
Therefore, it is of great interest to screen these plants in
order to validate their use in folk medicine while at the
same time seeking to reveal their active principles vis-a-
vis the isolation and characterization of their constituents.
Chinese herbal medicines (CHMs) are considered useful
for the treatment of a variety of human deficiencies. CHMs
are classified into many categories, and these include heat-
clearing, blood-regulating, Qi-regulating, drain-damping,
wind-damp-dispelling, and exterior releasing (Chongyun
et al., 2005).
The matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are
a family of zinc-dependent endopeptidases that play a
key role in the turnover of the extracellular matrix in skin
(Fisher et al., 1996). Aging and exposure to environmental
insults, such as ultra-violet (UV) irradiation, increase the
expression of MMPs (Fisher et al., 1998; Brenneisen et al.,
2002). Excessive MMP activity, which causes the collapse
of the meshwork in the extracellular matrix, produces UV
irradiation-like skin damage, such as wrinkling, a loss
of elasticity, and the dilation of surface micro-capillary
vessels (Bolognia, 1993). MMP-1, which belongs to
the subfamily of collagenases, is the key enzyme in the
The effect of Chinese herbal medicines on TNF-α
induced matrix metalloproteinase-1, -9 activities and
interleukin-8 secretion
Mei-Hsien LEE
, Yi-Yuan YANG
, Yu-Hui TSAI
, Yueh-Lun LEE
, Po-Yuan
, Kur-Ta CHENG
, and Sy-Jye LEU
Graduate Institute of Pharmacognosy, Taipei Medical University, Taipei 110, Taiwan
School of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology, Taipei Medical University, Taipei 110, Taiwan
Center for Reproductive Medicine and Sciences, Taipei Medical University Hospital, Taipei 110, Taiwan
Graduate Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology, Taipei Medical University, Taipei 110, Taiwan
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Taipei Medical University, Taipei 110, Taiwan
Applied Bioscience Division, Taiwan Sugar Research Institute, Tainan, Taiwan
Department of Biochemistry, Taipei Medical University, Taipei 110, Taiwan
(Received August 31, 2007; Accepted May 9, 2008)
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) play an important role in normal physiological functions
and pathological processes. They are involved in normal skin functions as well as in the aging, healing, em-
bryonic development, reproduction, and inflammatory responses of skin. Previous studies report that both
high MMP-1 and MMP-2 activities were found in the skin of patients with dermatitis, and large amounts of
MMP-9 have been reported to be accumulated in unhealed wounds. Interleukin-8 (IL-8), a C-X-C chemokine,
may mediate neutrophil recruitment and activation and is involved in various inflammatory skin diseases. In
this study, eleven Chinese herbal medicines were analyzed for their potential as anti-inflammatory agents us-
ing human fibroblast WS-1 cell lines. The results indicate MMP-1 and -9, but not MMP-2, were induced by
treatment in WS-1 cells. However, when WS-1 cells were pre-treated with eleven Chinese herbal
medicines before TNF-
stimulation, all these herbal medicines suppressed TNF-
-stimulated MMP-1 activity
in WS-1 cells as analyzed by casein zymography. In addition,
the suppression of MMP-9 activity
was also ob-
served when WS-1 cells were treated with either Paeonia suffruticosa, Scutellaria baicalensis, Saposhnikovia
divaricata, Dioscorea opposita, Rubus chingii, or Salvia miltiorrhiza. Of which, R. chingii significantly inhib-
ited IL-8 secretion induced by TNF-
treatment as well. These results revealed that some novel components
present in these Chinese herbal medicines may be used for the treatment of inflammatory responses in skin
Keywords: Chinese herbal medicines; MMP-1,-2,-9; IL-8.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 49, 2008
collagen turnover that is required for remodeling of the
dermal matrix. MMP-2, and -9, also known as gelatinases
A and B, are important in clearing collagen fragments
generated by collagenases. MMP proteolysis is regulated
by the actions of endogenous inhibitors such as the tissue
inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP), which is involved
in the binding of the active sites of both active and latent
MMPs, forming stable, but inactivated, enzyme-inhibitor
complexes (Kahari and Saarialho-Kere, 1997).
Interleukin-8 (IL-8), which belongs to the C-X-C sub-
family of chemokines, is a chemotactic attractant for both
neutrophiles and T cells. IL-8 and other chemokines can
activate or regulate the inflammatory activity of skin dis-
eases like atopic dermatitis (Kimata and Lindley, 1994;
Hatano et al., 1999; Nomura et al., 2003; Park et al., 2006),
psoriasis (Fukuoka et al., 1998b), and bullous pemphigoid
(Inaoki and Takehara, 1998). IL-8 is produced not only by
monocytes and lymphocytes, which are the major targets
of the chemotactic activity of this chemokine, but also by
epithelial cells, fibroblasts, keratinocytes, and endothelial
cells (Schroder, 1995; Noso et al., 1996; Fukuoka et al.,
1998a). IL-8 directly enhances MMP-2, -9 production on
the endothelial cells which regulate angiogenesis (Li et al.,
2003) and on the endometrial stromal cells which promote
tumor invasiveness (Mulayim et al., 2004).
To date, the relationship between these Chinese herbal
medicines and the MMP and IL-8 activities in human fi-
broblasts has been little investigated. In the present study,
we chose the CHMs usually used to dispel pathogenic
factors from the exterior of the body by diaphoresis, as
well as those used in febrile or inflammatory conditions
to invigorate blood circulation and for their tonic actions.
Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the ef-
fects of CHMs on the regulation of MMP-1, -2, -9 as well
as TIMP-1 activities and IL-8 secretion in TNF-
human fibroblast WS-1 cells.
The tested Chinese herbal medicines (Table 1) were
purchased from local medicinal markets in Taipei.
Their identities were authenticated by Professor Chang,
H.C. at the Bureau of Food and Drug Analysis, of the
Department of Health in Taiwan. After authentication, the
specimens were then deposited in the Graduate Institute
of Pharmacognosy, Taipei Medical University, Taipei,
Preparation of plant extracts
The dried leaves of the plants selected for this study
were pulverized and extracted using 95% ethanol twice.
After filtering, the combined filtrates were concentrated
under reduced pressure. The final residues were then
freeze-dried and stored in a closed container until use. We
calculated the yields of plant extracts using the following
Yield (%) = (mass of the extract/mass of the dried raw
plant material) × 100%.
Cell Culture
Human skin fibroblast WS-1 cells were obtained from
CCRC 6003, Hsinchu, Taiwan. The cells were maintained
in a 37°C, 5% CO
humidified incubator as monolayers in
75 cm
culture flasks. They were grown in Minimal Essen-
tial Medium (MEM, Eagle) with 2 mM L-glutamine, 0.1
mM non-essential amino acids, 10% inactivated fetal calf
serum, 50 U/mL penicillin and 50 μg/mL streptomycin.
We cultured the cells until confluence and harvested them
with a trypsin-EDTA solution. Subsequently, the WS-1
cells (1 × 10
cells/well in 0.5 mL medium) were distrib-
uted and cultured in 24-well plates. Samples of CHM (100
μg/mL) were added to the cultures and incubated at 37°C
for 48 h. After a 48-h incubation period, the medium was
removed, and a fresh serum-free medium with 10 ng/ml of
in combination with CHMs (100 μg/mL) was add-
ed for an additional 24-h period. Ultimately, the culture
supernatants were collected and frozen at -70°C
for further
analysis while the cells were harvested for MTT assay.
mTT assay for cell viability
Mitochondrial dehydrogenase activity, which reduces
3-(4,5-dimethyl-thiazol-2-yl)-2,5- diphenyl tetrazolium
bromide (MTT, Sigma, St. Louis, USA) in active mito-
chondria to purple formazan, was used to determine cell
survival in a colorimetric assay. Cell viability was calcu-
lated accordingly:
Cell viability = Absorbance (sample tested) / Absor-
bance (medium only) × 100�s
mmP activity by Zymography
Analyses of MMP-1 activity by casein zymography,
MMP-2 and -9 activities by gelatin zymography were as
described (Windsor, 2002) with minor modification. WS-1
cells were cultured and treated with eleven CHM (100 μg/
ml) separately for 48 h. After incubation, the culture me-
dia were replaced with a serum-free MEM containing 10
ng/ml of TNF-
and each of the CHMs for an additional
24 h. Five μg of total proteins in the cultured serum-free
media were subjected to SDS-PAGE analyses on 10%
gels containing casein (for MMP-1 activity) or gelatin
(for MMP-2 and -9 activity) substrate (1 mg/mL) under
non-reducing conditions. Recombinant MMP-9 (0.5 ng)
(Chemicon, Temecula, USA) were used as the standard
control. After electrophoresis, the gels were washed with
distilled water containing 2.5% Triton X-100 with gentle
shaking for 1 h. The gels were then incubated at 37°C for
18 h in a buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl [pH 7.5], 0.2 M NaCl,
5 mM CaCl
) and subsequently stained with Coomassie
Blue. Clear bands of protein degradation were visualized
by destaining in 30% methanol containing 10% glacial
acetic acid. We then scanned photographs of the gel with
an imaging densitometer system (Kodak 1D Image Analy-
sis System 3.5). The MMP activity was calculated from
LEE et al. — CHMs modulating TNF-
induced activities
the intensity value (area x intensity) for each band by Ko-
dak 1D Image Analysis Software and normalized with the
intensity value with the medium alone and multiplied by
For an inhibition percentage calculation, the band inten-
sity for the CHM treated group was normalized with the
treated group and shown as relative to the control
IL-8 and TImP-1 analysis by enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (eLISA)
The WS-1 cells were treated as described above.
Concentrations of IL-8 and TIMP-1 in the supernatants
were quantified using a commercially available duoset
ELISA development system (R&D Systems; Minneapolis,
MN). In principle, ELISA plates were coated with specific
mouse anti-human IL-8 antibody (4 μg/ml) or mouse
anti-human TIMP-1 antibody (2 μg/ml). Properly diluted
cell-free supernatants were then added to the wells in
duplicate and incubated for 2 h, after which time, the
secondary biotinylated goat anti-human IL-8 antibody (20
ng/ml) or goat anti-human TIMP-1 antibody (50 ng/ml)
were added. After washing to remove unbound reagent,
streptavidin-conjugated horseradish-peroxidase was added
and incubated for 20 min. After washing, a 1:1 solution of
and tetramethylbenzidine was added and developed
until the desired color was reached. The intensity of the
color was measured at 450 nm in an ELISA plate reader
(Emax, Molecular Device). The data was then calculated
according to a standard curve using a Softmax computer
program. The detecting sensitivity for IL-8 and TIMP-1
ranged from 31.25 to 2000 pg/ml.
Table 1. Ethnobatanical data of the selected Chinese herbal medicines.
Traditional uses (Xie and Huang, 1994)
1 Paeonia suffruticosa Andr. Ranunculaceae It is us ed to elim inat e hea t from the blood for
treatment of bleeding in high febrile conditions
Heat-clearing and
blood-cooling agent
2 Scutellaria baicalensis Gergi Labiatae It is used to eliminate heat in the lung for cough
with yellow thick phlegm, used for the treatment
of pyogenic infections of skin, hypertension, and
threatened abortion.
Heat-clearing and
damp-drying agent
3 Saposhinkovia divaricata
(Turcz.) Schischk
Umbelliferae It is used as diaphoretic for affection due to wind
and cold and rheumatic pain.
4 Dioscorea opposita Thunb Dioscoreaceae It is used to invigorate the functions of spleen and
stom ach for the treatment of poor appetite and
chronic diarrhea.
5 Rubus chingii Hu
Rosaceae It is us ed a s a n as tringent for the t re atm ent of
frequent micturition and seminal emission.
Astringent agent
6 Angelica sinensis Diels Umbelliferae It is used to nourish the blood and to invigorate the
blood circulation for the treatment of menstrual
Blood-nourishing agent
7 Angelica dahurica Benth Umbelliferae It is used in the treatment of affection due to
wind, cold, or dampness, as anodyne for frontal
headache, etc.
8 Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. Leguminosae It is used to invigorate the functions of the heart
and spleen for the treatme nt of s ymptom s due
to deficiency of vital energy of these viscera; as
antitoxicant for drug poisoning.
9 Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort. Umbelliferae It is used to invigorate blood circulation and
promote the flow of vital energy for the treatment
of abnormal menstruation, dysmenorrheal,
amenorrhea, and coronary heart diseases.
Blood-quickening and
stasis-dispelling agent
10 Astragalus membranaceus
Leguminosae It is used to replenish the vital energy and to stop
perspiration for the treatm ent of s ponta neous
perspiration, night sweat, prolapse of uterus and
11 Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge Labiatae It is used to promote blood circulation and
to remove blood stasis for the treatment of
dysmenorrheal, amenorrhea, abdominal mass es
due to stagnation of blood, carbuncles, and ulcers.
Blood-quickening and
stasis-dispelling agent
Botanical Studies, Vol. 49, 2008
Data Analysis
The data of each triplet test was presented as the mean
± standard error bar (SEM). The student’s t-test was used
to analyze the significance of differences between the non-
treated group control (medium alone) and the TNF-
-treated group and between the CHM-treated groups and
the TNF-
-treated group (relative to control). A P-value
of < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Chinese herbal medicines do not affect WS-1
cell viability
The MTT assay was performed to investigate whether
Chinese herbal medicines affect the growth of WS-1 cells.
The viabilities of human WS-1 cells at 100 μg/ml of these
CHM extracts were assayed by MTT. As shown in Figure
1, the cell viabilities after being treated with each of the
eleven CHM were above 80% at the examined concentra-
tion, indicating no significant toxic effects as compared to
the control (100%).
Chinese herbal medicines inhibit mmP-1 activity
To further investigate the potential anti-aging effects
of Chinese herbal medicines on WS-1 cells, the MMP-1
activity was analyzed by casein zymography. As shown
in Figure 2A, TNF-
significantly up-regulated MMP-1
activity (p < 0.001) as compared to the medium alone. All
the tested CHMs at 100 μg/ml concentration suppressed
the TNF-
- induced MMP-1 activity of WS1 cells to
a varying degree. The inhibitory effect on the MMP-1
activity was semi-quantified and expressed as shown in
Figure 2B. Among which, R. chingii exhibited the most
significant inhibitory activity (94.46 ± 4.73%, p < 0.001),
followed by S. miltiorrhiza (77.50 ± 4.28%, p < 0.001), A.
sinensis (57.58 ± 9.05%, p < 0.05), S. baicalensis (52.97 ±
5.61%, p < 0.001), S. divaricata (48.26 ± 7.31%, p < 0.05),
A. membranaceus (44.92 ± 10.57%, p < 0.05), A. dahurica
(42.76 ± 5.92%, p < 0.05), D. opposita (40.62 ± 8.78%,
p < 0.05), L. chuanxiong (32.37 ± 10.62%, p < 0.05) and
P. suffruticosa (30.39 ± 7.14%, p < 0.05). In contrast, G.
uralensis had a minimal effect (29.22 ± 10.23%, p < 0.05).
Figure 1. Effect of Chinese herbal medicines on WS-1 cell vi-
ability. WS-1 cells were cultured and treated with eleven CHMs
(100 μg/ml) separately for 48 h. After incubation, the culture
media were replaced with a serum-free MEM containing 10
ng/ml of TNF-
and each of the CHMs for an additional 24 h.
Cell viability was determined according to the MTT assay as de-
scribed in Materials and Methods. Results are expressed as mean
± standard error of three independent experiments.
Figure 2. Effect of Chinese herbal medicines on MMP-1 activ-
ity by casein zymography gel analysis. WS-1 cells were cultured
and treated with eleven CHMs (100 μg/ml) separately for 48 h.
After incubation, the culture media were replaced with a serum-
free MEM containing 10 ng/ml of TNF-
and each of the CHMs
for an additional 24 h. The supernatants were used for MMP-1
activity assay by casein zymography gel as described in Materi-
als and Methods. (A) Lanes 1-14 represent the results of mo-
lecular weight marker, medium alone without treatment, TNF-
treatment, and eleven CHM treatments, respectively; (B) The
MMP-1 activity was semi-quantified by densitometer and repre-
sented as its value of treated groups over that of TNF-
cells (relative to control). ++ represents p < 0.001 as compared
to medium alone (non-TNF-
treated cells); * and ** represent p
< 0.05 and < 0.001, respectively, as compared to TNF-
Values are expressed as mean ± standard error of six inde-
pendent experiments.
LEE et al. — CHMs modulating TNF-
induced activities
effect of Chinese herbal medicines
on mmP-2
and 9 activities
The MMP-9 and -2 activities were measured by gela-
tin zymography. As shown in lane three of Figure 3A,
the TNF-
treatment significantly increased MMP-9 (p <
0.05), but not MMP-2, activities as compared to the me-
dium alone.
Among the eleven Chinese herbal medicines
tested, six extracts showed different degrees of an inhibi-
tory effect on the MMP-9 activity of TNF-
cells, including R. chingii (59.23 ± 10.94%, p < 0.05), S.
baicalensis (56.83 ± 3.71%, p < 0.05), S. divaricata (51.96
± 10.67%, p < 0.05), S. miltiorrhiza (42.33 ± 10.35%, p
< 0.05), P. suffruticosa (28.93 ± 10.06%, p < 0.05), and
D. opposita (24.23 ± 7.69%, p < 0.05). These results are
shown in Figure 3B. However, only S. divaricata (52.11 ±
12.98%, p < 0.05) and R. chingii (50.30 ± 7.16%, p < 0.05)
showed a significant inhibitory effect on the MMP-2 activ -
ity of cells treated with TNF-
alone (Figure 3).
Effect of Chinese herbal medicines
on TNF-
induced TIMP-1 secretion
did not have a significant effect on the TIMP-1
production of WS-1 cells as shown in Figure 4. Among
the eleven samples tested, both A. dahurica and L. chuanx-
iong significantly increased TIMP-1 secretion by 1.29 fold
and 1.78 fold, respectively. While R. chingii showed sig-
nificant inhibition, P. suffruticosa-, S. baicalensis-, and S.
divaricata-treated cells showed an inhibitory trend in the
TIMP secretion.
Effect of Chinese herbal medicines
on TNF-
induced IL-8 secretion
IL-8 secretion was significantly enhanced in the TNF-
-stimulated WS-1 cells as compared to the control cells.
When treated with the eleven Chinese herbal medicines,
the TNF-
-induced IL-8 secretion was downregulated dra-
matically by 64.30 ± 7.25% (p < 0.05) in R. chingii-treated
cells. In contrast, a synergistic/additive stimulated effect
was detected in the groups treated with P. suffruticosa and
S. divaricata.
Recent evidence has indicated that chronological aging
and UV irradiation alter the signal transduction pathways
of human skin, promote MMPs expression, decrease pro-
collagen synthesis, and cause connective tissue damage
(Herrmann et al., 1993; Brenneisen et al., 1996; Chung et
al., 2001; Fisher et al., 2001; Kang et al., 2001; Brenneisen
et al., 2002; Chung et al., 2002; Rittie and Fisher, 2002;
Choi et al., 2007). These results indicate that the downreg-
ulation of MMPs activities could be beneficial to human
skin and have great commercial potential. MMP-1 is the
most abundant MMP produced in fibroblast cells. Studies
conducted by many laboratories indicated that collagen
synthesis becomes lower with increased age, but MMP-1
levels become higher in sun-protected human skin in vivo
(Varani et al., 2000; Moon et al., 2006). In this study, we
examined eleven CHMs and found
that all the tested sam-
ples have inhibitory effects on TNF-
-induced MMP-1 ac-
tivity of WS-1 cells. Notably, R. chingii exhibited a potent
inhibition of TNF-
-induced MMP-1, -2, and -9 activities.
In addition, the secretion of TIMP-1 and IL-8 induced by
treatment was also inhibited by R. chingii extract
using ELISA analysis. The inhibitory effect on TNF-
duced MMP-9 activity was also observed in the treatment
of R. chingii, S. baicalensis, S. divaricata, S. miltiorrhiza,
P. suffruticosa, and D. opposite as measured by gelatin
zymography. However, we were unable to detect any dif-
ference among the total MMP-9 protein expression in cells
treated with various tested Chinese herbal medicines by
ELISA analysis as observed by gelatin zymography meth-
od (data not shown). Nonetheless, our results indicate that
the inhibition of MMP activities by these tested CHMs
might be a potential strategy for the prevention and/or the
treatment of UV-induced skin damage.
Figure 3. Effect of Chinese herbal medicines on MMP-2 and -9
activities analyzed by gelatin zymography gel. WS-1 cells were
cultured and treated as described in Figure 2. The supernatants
were used to determine the MMP-2 and -9 activities by gelatin
zymography gel analysis. (A) Lanes 1-14 represent recombinant
MMP-9 (0.5 ng) treatment, medium alone without treatment,
treatment, and c ells treated with each of the eleven
CHMs, res pectively; (B) The MMP -2 and -9 activities were
semi-quantified by densitometer and represented as the values of
treated groups over that of TNF-
treated cells (relative to con-
trol). + represents p < 0.05 as compared to medium alone (non-
treated cells); * represents p < 0.05
as compared with the
levels of TNF-
-treated cells.
Values are expressed as mean ±
standard error of six independent experiments.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 49, 2008
Several studies have indicated that UV-irradiation in-
creases MMPs activities while the TIMP-1 synthesis is
not altered in cultured human fibroblast (Herrmann et al.,
1993; Brenneisen et al., 2000; Naru et al., 2005). Hence,
unbalanced synthesis of MMP and TIMPs may promote
proteolysis and lead to cutaneous photoaging. Our study
shows that TNF-
does not regulate TIMP-1 secretion of
WS-1 cells. A. dahurica and L. chuanxiong significantly
enhanced TIMP-1 expression which may contribute to
further inhibition of MMP-1 activities. This stimulatory
effect was not seen in WS-1 cells treated with the other
herbal medicines. Rubus chingii even showed a significant
inhibitory effect on TIMP-1 expression. Thus, A. dahurica
and L. chuanxiong might contribute to anti-aging effects
on the human skin fibroblast, and they might have poten-
tial as new ingredients in natural cosmetics.
We also evaluated the effects of CHMs on IL-8 produc-
tion by TNF-
-stimulated WS-1 cells. The IL-8 level was
significantly increased in the psoriatic patients compared
with the control (Okubo and Koga, 1998). The IL-8 was
expressed in the neutrophils of psoriasis (Duan et al.,
2001). TNF-
is well known to stimulate IL-8 produc-
tion by human dermal fibroblasts (NHDF) as reported by
Fukuoka et al. (Fukuoka et al., 1998a). Studies have also
demonstrated that IL-8 expression enhances angiogenic
activity through the induction of MMP-9 and subsequently
regulates the tumorigenesis and production of spontane-
ous metastases of human transitional cell carcinoma and
human prostate cancer (Inoue et al., 2000a; Inoue et al.,
2000b). Moreover, an anti-IL-8 antibody inhibits the
growth of bladder cancer xenografts via the downregula-
tion of MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression (Mian et al., 2003).
Among the Chinese herbal medicines tested in this study,
R. chingii significantly downregulated IL-8 secretion (Fig-
ure 4B). It is possible that R. chingii also inhibits MMP-2
and MMP-9 expression in WS-1 cells via the similar
mechanisms triggered by the anti-IL-8 antibody. Taken
together, these data suggest that R. chingii may inhibit the
migration of neutrophiles into skin lesions by reducing the
IL-8 autocrine and/or paracrine functions which are secret-
ed by dermal fibroblasts and keratinocytes. It is noted that
P. suffruticosa and S. divaricata promoted IL-8 secretion
significantly, but inhibited MMP-1 and 9 activities. These
results suggest that the IL-8 may modulate the MMPs’ ex-
pression indirectly. Furthermore, IL-8 secretion and MMP
activities may not be positively co-related due to the major
compounds interacting synergistically or antagonistically.
Rubus chingii has traditionally been used for the treat-
ment of frequent micturition, urorrhea, and seminal emis-
sion (Xie and Huang, 1994). In a recent literature, R.
chingii was reported to protect against tert-Bu hydroper-
oxide-induced oxidative damage in primary rat hepato-
cytes (Yau et al., 2002). It is also reported to decrease the
contents of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating
hormone (FSH) and prostaglandin E
as well as increase
the amount of LHRH secreted by the thymus gland and the
level of testosterone in blood (Chen et al., 1996). Rubus
chingii extract also showed an inhibitory effect on tyrosi-
nase activity in rats (Hwang and Lee, 2007). Traditionally,
S. divaricata has been used as a diaphoretic for effects
related to the wind and cold and for rheumatic pain as well
as a spasmolytic for tetanus (Xie and Huang, 1994). The
literature shows that S. divaricata exhibits anti-prolifera-
tive properties against several human tumor cell lines as
well as potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and protec-
tive properties on LPS-activated RAW 264.7 cells (Chang
et al., 2007; Tai and Cheung, 2007; Chang et al., 2007).
It also exhibited the effects of anti-fever and analgesia,
sedation, antibacterial effects, regulation of immunologi-
cal function, anticoagulation, and others (Gao, 2004). A.
Figure 4. Effect of Chinese herbal medicines on TIMP-1 and IL-8 secretion by ELISA. WS-1 cells were cultured and treated as de-
scribed above. The supernatants were used to assay the TIMP-1 (A) and IL-8 (B) secretion by ELISA as described in Materials and
Methods. The results are expressed as mean ± standard error of 3-5 independent experiments. ++ represents p < 0.001 as compared to
medium alone (non-TNF-
treated cells). * and ** represent p < 0.05 and < 0.001, respectively, as compared to TNF-
-treated cells.
LEE et al. — CHMs modulating TNF-
induced activities
dahurica inhibited cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression
(Ban and Ohuchi, 2003) and had the potential to modulate
cytochrome P450 activity (Ioannides, 2002; Saita, 2006).
Ligusticum chuanxiong was thought to activate the blood,
promote qi, expel wind and relieve pains (Zhang, 2005).
It was also used to treat cardiovascular and cerebrovascu-
lar diseases (Fang, 2006; Lim and Yong, 2004; Wang and
Ou-Yang, 2005; Wang et al., 2006). However, despite the
many medical applications that have been described, noth-
ing in the literature has previously investigated the effects
of R. chingii, S. divaricata, A. dahurica, and L. chuanxiong
on skin fibroblast cells. To the best of our knowledge, the
present study is the first to show the differential regulatory
effects of the extracts from R. chingii, S. divaricata, A. da-
hurica and L. chuanxiong on human fibroblast WS-1 cells.
These results may justify the search for active components
from these specimens, which may be used for treating the
inflammatory responses of skin cells.
Acknowledgments. This study was supported in part
by the National Science Council of Taiwan, Grant NSC
93-2314-B-038-049 (Dr. Leu SJ).
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tion by components in crude drugs. Ensho to Men’eki. 11:
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older woman. Clin. Geriatr. Med 9: 209-229.
Brenneisen, P., J. Oh, M. Wlaschek, J. Wenk, K. Briviba, C.
Hommel, G. Herrmann, H. Sies, and K. S charffetter-Ko-
chanek. 1996. Ultraviolet B wavelength dependence for the
regulation of two major matrix-metalloproteinases and their
inhibitor TIMP-1 in human dermal fibroblasts. Photochem.
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LEE et al. — CHMs modulating TNF-
induced activities