Botanical Studies (2008) 49: 385-391.
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The competitive performance of invasive species is
often habitat-dependent (Daehler, 2003). Some invasive
species possess higher tolerance to environmental stress
(e.g., excess cations, salinity, low temperature and
pollution), which can drive the species invasion into
new ranges (Uveges et al., 2002; Kercher and Zedler,
2004; Funk and Vitousek, 2007). Experiments have
shown that tolerance to drought (Cleverly et al., 1997),
flood (Newman et al., 1996), turbidity (Thomsen and
McGlathery, 2007), and low resources (Funk and Vitousek,
2007) allowed some invasive species to outperform natives
in a stressful environment.
An exotic plant species¡¦ ability to be highly competi-
tive is widely recognized as an important attribute in plant
invasion (Bakker and Wilson, 2001; Levine et al., 2003;
Vila and Weiner, 2004; Minchinton et al., 2006). When an
exotic species is introduced, competition for limited re-
sources is probably the first interaction that the species has
with native species in the recipient community. Studies
have shown that the magnitude and outcome of such inter-
actions may shift due to disturbance or other habitat modi-
fications (Petren and Case, 1998; D¡¦Antonio et al., 1999),
resources and fluctuations in their availability (Davis et
al., 2000; Davis and Pelsor, 2001), stressful conditions
(Claassen and Marler, 1998; Daehler, 2003), and adapta-
tion of the exotic species to its new habitat in relation to its
multiple introductions (Besnard et al., 2007; Broennimann
et al., 2007; Facon et al., 2008). Thus linking biotic inter-
actions such as competition to environmental changes may
be critical to our understanding of how and why an exotic
plant species is likely to invade successfully or expand its
Competitive interaction between the invasive Solidago
canadensis and native Kummerowia striata in lead
contaminated soil
Qian ZHANG, Ruyi YANG, Jianjun TANG, and Xin CHEN*
College of Life Sciences, Agroecology Institute, Zhejiang University, Zijingang Campus, Zijinhua Road, Hangzhou
310058, P.R. China
(Received January 30, 2008; Accepted June 18, 2008)
Higher tolerance to stressful environments may result in exotic plants being more competitive
than native ones, thus promoting plant invasion. We conducted a greenhouse experiment to test this hypoth-
esis by using invasive Solidago canadensis and native Kummerowia striata as model plant species under lead
contamination. Lead was applied as Pb(AC)
O in solution at three levels (0, 300 mg kg
and 600 mg
soil) to simulate control and two pollution sites on which S. canadensis was found. Invasive Solidago
canadensis, native Kummerowia striata, and their combination were grown under each Pb treatment. Under
monoculture no differences of biomass, nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P) contents in S. canadensis were found
among treatments, but the growth of native K. striata was significantly depressed at higher soil Pb concentra -
tion. When both species were mixed, elevated soil Pb concentrations significantly increased shoot biomass
ratio of S. canadensis to K. striata, implying that Pb enhanced the competition of S. canadensis over K. stri-
ata. Compared to monoculture, biomass and N and P contents of S. canadensis significantly increased under
mixture with K. striata in each Pb treatment. Under both monoculture and mixed culture, Pb concentrations
in shoots, roots, and rhizomes of S. canadensis increased with soil Pb content, but Pb concentrations in both
above- and below-ground tissues of S. canadensis were significantly lower in mixture than that in monoculture
under each Pb treatment. Both Pb treatments and mixture with native K. striata did not change biomass al-
location to shoot, root and rhizome of S. canadensis. Evidence from our experiment supported the hypothesis
that higher tolerance to Pb stress enabled the invasive S. canadensis to outperform the native K. striata and
may have promoted its rapid invasion in Pb contaminated soil.
Keywords: Heavy metal contaminated soil; Invasive Solidago canadensis; Native Kummerowia striata;
Monoculture; Mixture.