Botanical Studies (2008) 49: 393-404.
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As treated in The Genera of Araceae (Mayo et al.,
1997) the Schismatoglottideae comprised seven genera
(Schismatoglottis Zoll. & Moritzi, Piptospatha N.E. Br,
Hottarum Bogner & Nicolson, Bucephalandra Schott,
Phymatarum M. Hotta, Aridarum Ridley and Heteroari-
darum M. Hotta) with generic boundaries based on the
presence or absence of morphologies such as constricted
spathes, motile staminodes, thecae with horn-like or
needle-like structures, placentation and seed micropylar
The most recent species-level revision of the tribe (Hay
and Yuzammi, 2000; Bogner and Hay, 2000) although
recognizing numerous novel species reduced the number
of genera to five by synonymizing Hetroaridarum with
Aridarum (Bogner and Hay, 200) and Hottarum with
Piptospatha (Bogner and Hay, 2000; Hay and Yuzammi,
In dismantling Hottarum and the subsequent transfer-
ral of the constituent species into Piptospatha (most) and
Schismatoglottis (one) placement problems arose with two
species: H. sarikeense Bogner & M. Hotta and H. lucens
Bogner. Due to their unique inflorescences and infructes-
cences, especially spathe senescence and fruit dispersal
mechanics, placement in Schismatoglottis (H. sarikeense)
and Piptospatha (H. lucens) is at best weakly supported
and our subsequent observations of plants in the wild and
in cultivation, especially noting spathe senescence me-
chanics and anther function, morphologies that, by plotting
onto recent molecular phylogenetic results, to be published
elsewhere (Wong, in prep.), are now known to be of con-
siderable significance in the tribe, has confirmed the long-
held suspicion that neither species fits unreservedly into
any pre-existing genus and that both are best accommodat-
ed in new, separate, genera. These novel genera are hereby
described and the necessary new combinations made.
Schottarum P.C. Boyce & S.Y. Wong, gen. nov.
Herba rheophytica, foliorum petiolus in vaginum su-
pra in pertem liberam triangularis persistenti productus.
Pedunculus semierectus vel patens vel declinatus. Flores
unisexuales nudi. inflorescentia femina in toto spatham
adnate. Flores masculi fertiles ad apice acicularis post-
florescentia feminiis producens. Ovula pleura, orthotropa
ad basim loculi inserta. Spadicis quam pars superior pistil-
lodiis instructa. Spathae tubus in fructiferorum inaquilatera
infundibuliformis, persistens.
Typus: Schottarum sarikeense (Bogner & M. Hotta)
P.C. Boyce & S.Y. Wong, comb. nov.
Small rheophytic herbs. Stem usually condensed (very
rarely elongated and forming a decumbent to weakly
creeping rhizome). Leaves several together; petiole,
sheathing only at extreme base and thence with a coria-
ceous persistent ligular portion; blade very narrowly ellip-
tic, thinly but somewhat stiffly coriaceous, primary lateral
veins extremely fine abaxially (barely differentiated from
secondary venation in dry material; flush with but darker
than surrounding tissue in fresh state); secondary venation
faintly prominent adaxially, fine and dense; tertiary vena-
Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo VII:
Schottarum and Bakoa, two new genera from Sarawak,
Malaysian Borneo
Peter C. BOYCE
* and Sin Yeng WONG
Malesiana Tropicals, Level 5, Tun Jugah Tower, No. 18, Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Faculty of Resource Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, 94300 Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia
(Received November 27, 2007; Accepted May 30, 2008)
Schottarum P.C. Boyce & S.Y. Wong and Bakoa P.C. Boyce & S.Y. Wong are described as
new genera from Sarawak, each with one species: Schottarum sarikeense (Bogner & M. Hotta) P.C. Boyce &
S.Y. Wong based upon Schismatoglottis sarikeensis (Bogner & M. Hotta) Bogner & A. Hay and Bakoa lucens
(Bogner) P.C. Boyce & S.Y. Wong based upon Piptospatha lucens (Bogner) Bogner & A. Hay. Both species
were formerly placed in now-defunct Hottarum (= Piptospatha). A key to the genera and principle subgeneric
divisions of Tribe Schismatoglottideae in Borneo is presented. Both species are illustrated.
Keyword: Araceae; Borneo; Rheophytic; Schismatoglottideae.