Botanical Studies (2008) 49: 393-404.
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As treated in The Genera of Araceae (Mayo et al.,
1997) the Schismatoglottideae comprised seven genera
(Schismatoglottis Zoll. & Moritzi, Piptospatha N.E. Br,
Hottarum Bogner & Nicolson, Bucephalandra Schott,
Phymatarum M. Hotta, Aridarum Ridley and Heteroari-
darum M. Hotta) with generic boundaries based on the
presence or absence of morphologies such as constricted
spathes, motile staminodes, thecae with horn-like or
needle-like structures, placentation and seed micropylar
The most recent species-level revision of the tribe (Hay
and Yuzammi, 2000; Bogner and Hay, 2000) although
recognizing numerous novel species reduced the number
of genera to five by synonymizing Hetroaridarum with
Aridarum (Bogner and Hay, 200) and Hottarum with
Piptospatha (Bogner and Hay, 2000; Hay and Yuzammi,
In dismantling Hottarum and the subsequent transfer-
ral of the constituent species into Piptospatha (most) and
Schismatoglottis (one) placement problems arose with two
species: H. sarikeense Bogner & M. Hotta and H. lucens
Bogner. Due to their unique inflorescences and infructes-
cences, especially spathe senescence and fruit dispersal
mechanics, placement in Schismatoglottis (H. sarikeense)
and Piptospatha (H. lucens) is at best weakly supported
and our subsequent observations of plants in the wild and
in cultivation, especially noting spathe senescence me-
chanics and anther function, morphologies that, by plotting
onto recent molecular phylogenetic results, to be published
elsewhere (Wong, in prep.), are now known to be of con-
siderable significance in the tribe, has confirmed the long-
held suspicion that neither species fits unreservedly into
any pre-existing genus and that both are best accommodat-
ed in new, separate, genera. These novel genera are hereby
described and the necessary new combinations made.
Schottarum P.C. Boyce & S.Y. Wong, gen. nov.
Herba rheophytica, foliorum petiolus in vaginum su-
pra in pertem liberam triangularis persistenti productus.
Pedunculus semierectus vel patens vel declinatus. Flores
unisexuales nudi. inflorescentia femina in toto spatham
adnate. Flores masculi fertiles ad apice acicularis post-
florescentia feminiis producens. Ovula pleura, orthotropa
ad basim loculi inserta. Spadicis quam pars superior pistil-
lodiis instructa. Spathae tubus in fructiferorum inaquilatera
infundibuliformis, persistens.
Typus: Schottarum sarikeense (Bogner & M. Hotta)
P.C. Boyce & S.Y. Wong, comb. nov.
Small rheophytic herbs. Stem usually condensed (very
rarely elongated and forming a decumbent to weakly
creeping rhizome). Leaves several together; petiole,
sheathing only at extreme base and thence with a coria-
ceous persistent ligular portion; blade very narrowly ellip-
tic, thinly but somewhat stiffly coriaceous, primary lateral
veins extremely fine abaxially (barely differentiated from
secondary venation in dry material; flush with but darker
than surrounding tissue in fresh state); secondary venation
faintly prominent adaxially, fine and dense; tertiary vena-
Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo VII:
Schottarum and Bakoa, two new genera from Sarawak,
Malaysian Borneo
Peter C. BOYCE
* and Sin Yeng WONG
Malesiana Tropicals, Level 5, Tun Jugah Tower, No. 18, Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Faculty of Resource Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, 94300 Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia
(Received November 27, 2007; Accepted May 30, 2008)
Schottarum P.C. Boyce & S.Y. Wong and Bakoa P.C. Boyce & S.Y. Wong are described as
new genera from Sarawak, each with one species: Schottarum sarikeense (Bogner & M. Hotta) P.C. Boyce &
S.Y. Wong based upon Schismatoglottis sarikeensis (Bogner & M. Hotta) Bogner & A. Hay and Bakoa lucens
(Bogner) P.C. Boyce & S.Y. Wong based upon Piptospatha lucens (Bogner) Bogner & A. Hay. Both species
were formerly placed in now-defunct Hottarum (= Piptospatha). A key to the genera and principle subgeneric
divisions of Tribe Schismatoglottideae in Borneo is presented. Both species are illustrated.
Keyword: Araceae; Borneo; Rheophytic; Schismatoglottideae.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 49, 2008
tion obscure. Inflorescence solitary per shoot but plants
usually bearing several inflorescences in sequence from
separate but densely aggregated shoots; peduncle long,
stiffly arching-spreading. Spathe weakly nodding; lower
spathe narrowly ovoid, slightly down-curved, weakly
differentiated from the limb by a constriction but lower
and upper spathe differing in texture: lower spathe stiffly
coriaceous, spathe limb somewhat softly coriaceous; limb
marcescent from the margins inwards and downwards and
then, with the portion closest to the abscission layer still
fresh, the spathe limb shedding, ovate-lanceolate, spathe
slightly inflated and gaping during female anthesis, then
spreading during male anthesis, narrowed into a beaked
tip throughout. Spadix subcylindric; dorsal (in relation to
spathe) side of female zone adnate to the spathe; pistils
subglobose; stigma sessile, discoid; ovules orthotropous,
micropyle shortly beaked but not extended into an ap-
pendage; placentation basal; interpistillar staminodes
absent from among the pistils, confined to a row along the
spathe/spadix adnation and occasionally a scattered indi-
vidual amongst the two lowermost rows of pistils, sterile
interstice confined to about 2 irregular whorls of sterile
stamens at the base of the male zone; male zone rather
narrower than the female zone; stamens crowded, partially
to completely connate into groups of 2-3, truncate and flat-
topped at female anthesis with a transverse to oblique hya-
line ridge ending in an oblique disk, but at anthesis each
theca erecting this structure into a needle-like projection
terminating with a weakly peltate ovate-triangular flap;
occasionally a scattered pistillode among the stamens; ap-
pendix absent to bullet-shaped, when present comprised
on pistillodes, tapering and narrowly obtuse; distal-most
pistillodes often united to the top into curved or sinuous
groups. Fruiting spathe unequally funnel-form, the mar-
gins obliquely declined towards the convolution; fruiting
peduncle arching/declinate with lower spathe mouth held
laterally or slightly downwards with the convolution ven-
tral in respect to the peduncle; berry gibbous-cylindric to
ellipsoid-oblong,, with rather few seeds; seed ellipsoid, 1-2
mm long, 0.25-0.3 mm diam., very pale brown, minutely
scabrid, micropyle beaked but lacking a micropylar ap-
Distribution. Malesia: endemic to Sarawak in Sarikei
and Sri Aman Districts; at both localities it is scattered and
Habitat. Old secondary and fragments of primary low-
land riparian evergreen moist forest on shales. Schottarum
is rheophytic on vertical clay-loam riverbanks. 55-80 m
Notes. The unique combination of morphologies dis-
played by Schottarum is smooth thecae with a hyaline
ridge that becomes erect into a needle-like projection at
the onset of male anthesis, an unconstricted spathe, a spa-
dix frequently with distal pistillodes and seeds lacking a
micropylar appendage and carried on a basal placenta.
Schottarum is most remarkable for the needle-like struc-
tures, tipped with a weakly peltate ovate-triangular flap,
emerging from the thecae (one per theca) only at the onset
of male anthesis. Such a structure emerging in this man-
ner is unique in the family-in all other species such thecae
structures are present from well before the inflorescence
opens and are not topped with flap of any sort. Although
yet to be confirmed by direct observation we speculate
that these flap-like structures are associated with pollen
dispersal and that a pollen droplet forms on the surface of
the flap. The very slender nature of these needle-like struc-
tures recalls those of Phymatarum although in that genus
the structures are present well before the onset of female
anthesis; further the thecae of Phymatarum are notably
verrucate (uniquely so in the tribe) while those of Schotta-
rum are smooth. Schottarum shares basal placentation with
Phymatarum but the ovules and seeds of Schottarum lack
the characteristic micropylar appendage of Phymatarum.
Basal placentation also occurs in Piptospatha but seeds
of that genus also have a pronounced micropylar append-
age; Piptospatha differs from Phymatarum in having trun-
cate stamens lacking a needle-like process.
The spadix with distal pistillodes in Schottarum i s
unique for the tribe; in all other Schismatoglottideae an the
terminal part of the spadix, and an appendix, if present, is
comprised of staminodes. We ascribe the distal organs as
pistillodes based on observations of living plants where
the highly distinctive pink pistils are clearly homologous
with the structures forming the terminal part of the spadix
are quite different to the stipitate-clavate white staminodes
associated with the pistils and the interstice between the
male and female flower zones.
Schottarum spathe limb senescence mechanics is unu-
sual, although not unique, in the tribe by the spathe limb
marcescent from the margins inwards and downwards
and then, with the portion closest to the abscission layer
still fresh, the spathe is shed. Similar (but probably not
homologous) marginal marcescence occurs in the shoot-
architecturally quite different Schismatoglottis tecturata
(Schott) Engl. with only the margin marcescent and later
shedding while the greater portion of the spathe is persist-
ent, turning green and remaining more-or-less closed at
the orifice and then shedding by abscission at the insertion
of the peduncle by splitting and recurving basipetally at
maturation of the fruits.
The spathe during fruiting of Schottarum is pecu-
liar in that while it is almost certainly a splash-cup, the
margins of the persistent lowers margins do not form a
level rim but instead are obliquely declined towards the
convolutions such that we speculate that the fruits/seeds
are ejected forwards and away from the front of the cup
rather than upwards and out as is known to be the instance
in orthodox splash-cup dispersers, e.g., Aridarum. This
view is further reinforced by the fruiting peduncle being
arching/declinate thus presenting the lower spathe open-
ing laterally or downwards rather then the peduncle being
erect and the lower spathe held erect as is the situation in
Bucephalandra, Aridarum and the Piptospatha elongata
Group¡Xall orthodox splash-cup dispersers.
BOYCE and WONG ¡X Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo
Etymology. The generic name honours the Aus-
trian botanist and plantsman Heinrich Wilhelm Schott
(1794-1865), one of the founding fathers of Araceae
systematics, the first monographer of the family, and the
first botanist to make careful comparative studies of aroid
inflorescences, flowers and fruits by which he created the
basis of Araceae taxonomy for succeeding generations.
A notable aspect of Schott¡¦s work was the combination
of herbarium material, living plants and fieldwork in the
study of a largely tropical plant group at a time when such
a wide-ranging approach was most unusual.
Schottarum sarikeense (Bogner & M. Hotta) P.C. Boyce
& S.Y. Wong, comb. nov. Basionym: Hottarum sari-
keense Bogner & M. Hotta, Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat.,
B, Adansonia 5 (1983) 27, Pl. 1-3; Mayo et al., Genera
of Araceae (1997) 188, Pl. 51, F-J.¡XType: Malaysia,
Sarawak, Sarikei Division, near Sarikei, Sept. 1978, J.
Bogner 1553 Cult. Botanischer Garten Munchen (holo -
type: KYO; isotype: K, M, P, US). Figures 1 and 2
Synonym: Schismatoglottis sarikeensis (Bogner & M.
Hotta) A. Hay & Bogner, Telopea 9(1): 100 (2000).
Small rheophytic herbs up to c. 20 cm tall. Stem con-
densed (very rarely elongated and forming a decumbent
to weakly creeping rhizome), 0.5-1.2 cm diam.; roots aris-
ing adventitiously from the lower parts of an otherwise
erect stem (rarely arising along the length of a decumbent
rhizome) Leaves several together, spreading to arching;
petiole 6-12 cm long, slender, adaxially canaliculate es-
pecially in distal part, sheathing only at extreme base, the
wings extended into a coriaceous very narrowly triangular
persistent ligular portion 4-7 cm long, dark green tinged
red, drying brown; blade very narrowly elliptic, 10-14
cm long ¡Ñ 1-2.5 cm wide, thinly but somewhat stiffly
coriaceous, adaxially glossy dark green, paler abaxially,
the base cuneate, the apex acuminate to caudate for 1.5-3
cm; midrib abaxially prominent, adaxially flush to slightly
impressed with the lamina, with 5-6 extremely fine (barely
differentiated from secondary venation in dry material;
flush with but darker than surrounding tissue in fresh state)
primary lateral veins on each side, diverging at c. 45¢X;
secondary venation faintly prominent adaxially, fine and
dense; tertiary venation obscure. Inflorescence solitary
per shoot although plants usually bearing several inflores-
cences in sequence from separate but densely aggregated
shoots; peduncle 3-8 cm long, stiffly arching-spreading in
nature (where plants occur on vertical mud banks) but erect
in cultivated plants grown in pots. Spathe weakly nodding
by slight down-curving of lower part, 4-6 cm long; lower
spathe narrowly ovoid, slightly down-curved, deep green,
1.5-2 cm long, and in the main differentiated on colour and
texture (lower spathe stiffly coriaceous, spathe limb some-
what softly coriaceous) from the limb and weakly differ-
entiated by a constriction; limb pale to mid-pink or less
often white, caducous, ovate-lanceolate, spathe slightly
inflated and gaping during female anthesis, then spreading
during male anthesis, narrowed into a beaked tip through-
out, during late anthesis limb marcescent from the margins
inwards and downwards and then, with the portion closest
to the abscission layer still fresh, the spathe limb shedding.
Spadix subcylindric, 3-3.5 cm long; female zone 1-1.2 cm
long, dorsal (in relation to spathe) side of female zone ad-
nate to the spathe, c. 5 mm diam.; pistils gibbous-cylindric
to ellipsoid-oblong, c. 1 mm diam.; stigma sessile, discoid,
c. 1 mm diam. and slightly overtopping the ovary, papil-
late at anthesis, deep pink; interpistillar staminodes absent
from among the pistils, confined to a row along the spathe/
spadix adnation and occasionally a scattered individual
amongst the two lowermost rows of pistils, stipitate,
weakly clavate, slightly exceeding the pistils, white; sterile
interstice confined to about 2 irregular whorls of sterile
stamens at the base of the male zone, white; male zone
c. 1 cm long, rather narrower than the female zone, c. 3
mm diam.; stamens crowded, rather irregular in shape and
size, ellipsoid to dumbbell-shaped from above, c. 0.5 mm
across, partially to completely connate into groups of 2-3,
truncate and flat-topped at female anthesis but at anthesis
each theca extending a needle-like projection c. 2 mm long
and terminating with a weakly peltate ovate-triangular
flap through which pollen is extruded; occasionally a scat-
tered deep pink pistillode among the stamens; appendix
absent to bullet-shaped, basally isodiametric with top of
male zone, distally tapering and finally narrowly obtuse,
up to c. 0.5 cm long; pistillodes of appendix columnar, flat
topped, faintly impressed, c. 0.5 mm diam., often united
to the top into curved or sinuous groups, mid-deep pink -
very small inflorescences with spadix fertile to the apex
and pistillodes absent. Fruiting spathe unequally funnel-
form, c. 1.5-2 cm long, c. 1 cm wide across the mouth, the
margins obliquely declined towards the convolution; fruit-
ing peduncle arching/declinate with lower spathe mouth
held laterally or slightly downwards with the convolution
ventral in respect to the peduncle; berry gibbous-cylindric
to ellipsoid-oblong, 1-1.8 mm long, 1-1.5 mm diam., with
rather few seeds, mid-green with stigmatic remains dull
brown and just overtopping the ovary; seed ellipsoid, 1-2
mm long, 0.25-0.3 mm diam., very pale brown, minutely
scabrid, lacking a micropylar appendage.
Distribution. As for genus.
Habitat. As for genus.
Notes. The leaf venation is remarkable for the extreme
reduction of the primary venation so that it is almost not
differentiated from the secondary; indeed the primary
veins are virtually impossible to recognise in the dry plant.
The collection cited below from Sri Aman (P.C. Boyce
et al. AR-1161) is an interesting extension to the known
range of Schottarum. It was collected sterile and in leaf
form and general shoot architecture matches S. sarikeense
it has a stem forming a creeping rhizome producing stout
roots from the leaf bases; such a growth habit has not been
observed at the Sarikei populations of S. sarikeeense. but
on flowering in cultivation proved to be without doubt S.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 49, 2008
Figure 1. Schottarum sarikeense (Bogner & M. Hotta) P.C. Boyce & S.Y. Wong. A, Plant in habitat, Sarikei; B, Inflorescence at the
onset of male anthesis with the thecae horns erect; C, Side view of spathe showing the lower spathe (green); D, Inflorescence (spathe
artificially removed) showing spadix at female anthesis. Note that the needle-like structures are still flat against the thecae have yet to
become erect.
BOYCE and WONG ¡X Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo
Figure 2. Schottarum sarikeense (Bogner & M. Hotta) P.C. Boyce & S.Y. Wong. A, Inflorescence at the onset of male anthesis; note
the needle-like structures associated with the stamens and the distal pistillodes; B, Inflorescence at late male anthesis. Note the spathe
limb beginning to become marcescent; C & D, Persistent lower spathe at early fruit maturity. Note the margins obliquely declined to-
wards the convolution; E, Ovary at late developmental stage. Note the basal ovules with a short micropylar beak but no appendage.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 49, 2008
The Sarikei habitat of Schottarum is particularly rich in
aroids, notably Bucephalandra motleyana Schott, Homa-
lomena griffithii (Schott) Hook. f., H. vagans P.C. Boyce,
Rhaphidophora elliptifolia Merr., R. lobbii Schott, R. ty-
pha P.C. Boyce, Schismatoglottis conoidea Engl., S. erecta
M. Hotta, S. jelandii P.C. Boyce & S.Y. Wong, S. josefii
A. Hay, S. motleyana (Schott) Engl. and S. tecturata. At
Batang Ai (Sri Aman) common local associated aroids
include Homalomena hostiifolia Engl., H. humilis (Jack)
Hook. f., H. insignis N.E. Br., Podolasia stipitata N.E. Br.,
Pothos barberianus Schott, Rhaphidophora beccarii Engl.,
R. megasperma Engl., Schismatoglottis ciliata A. Hay,
S. clarae A. Hay, S. conoidea Engl., S. erecta M. Hotta,
S. jipomii P.C. Boyce & S.Y. Wong, S. josefii A. Hay, S.
tecturata, Scindapsus glaucescens (Engl. & K. Krause)
Alderw., S. longipes Engl. and S. pictus Hassk.
Other specimens examined. SARAWAK: Sri Aman Di-
vision, Lubok Antu, Batang Ai, Nanga Sumpa, Sungai Pe-
dali, 01¢X11¡¦58.9"; 112¢X03¡¦27.0", 7 April 2005, P.C. Boyce
et al. AR-1161 (SAR). Sarikei Division, near Sarikei, Sept.
1978, J. Bogner 1530 (K). Sarikei, Maradong, Sungai Ma-
tob, 01¢X52¡¦06.1"; 111¢X55¡¦30.7", 8 Dec 2005. P.C. Boyce,
Wong Sin Yeng et al. AR-1609 (SAR); ibid. AR-1615
Bakoa P.C. Boyce & S.Y. Wong, gen. nov.
Herba rheophytica, foliorum petiolus in vaginum su-
pra in pertem liberam triangularis marcescenti productus.
Pedunculus semierectus vel patens. Flores unisexuales
nudi. Spatha spadici usque ad medium parties inflorescen-
tia mascula adnata. Staminodiis non ad apicalem partem
spadicum limitatis sed etiam in latere spathae adverso
locum florum masculinorum explantibus et partem mascu-
linam a parte feminea spadicum disjungentibus. Spathae
fructiferorum persistens spathae tum omnino marcescens et
fructus spargens.
Typus: Bakoa lucens (Bogner) P.C. Boyce & S.Y.
Wong, comb. nov.
Small rheophytic herbs. Stem condensed. Leaves sever-
al to many together; petiole sheathing only at the extreme
base, thence extended into a very narrowly triangular
marcescent ligular portion; blade very narrowly elongate-
elliptic, rather coriaceous; midrib abaxially prominent with
4-6 very fine but well-differentiated (darker than surround-
ing tissue) primary lateral veins on each side, these hardly
differentiated in thickness from the secondary venation
and diverging at c. 30¢X; secondary veins adaxially more
or less obscure, abaxially fine and rather faint, running to
a thicker marginal vein; tertiary venation forming an in-
conspicuous tessellate reticulum abaxially. Inflorescence
solitary to three together on a single shoot; peduncle erect
to arching at anthesis with the spathe slightly down-turned
and the spathe opening ventral, declinate post anthesis
and during fruiting. Spathe weakly nodding; more or less
oblanceolate, hardly constricted, with a long apiculate tip.
Spadix adnate to the spathe in the lower 1/2-2/3; female
zone completely adnate to the spathe on the dorsal side;
ovary depressed globose and weakly angular, placenta-
tion basal, ovules orthotropous, long-beaked; stigma
sessile, narrower than the ovary, button-like, papillate;
interpistillar staminodes absent from the female zone;
sterile interstice somewhat thicker than the female zone,
dorsally adnate to the spathe, composed of large truncate
mostly irregularly polygonal staminodes, these also dis-
tributed up the dorsal side of the male zone to the spadix
apex; male zone subcylindric-ellipsoid, apically narrowly
acute and sterile, basally adnate to the spathe on the dorsal
side, mostly with only the ventral-most stamens (those
exposed by gaping spathe limb) fertile, sometimes more
extensively fertile, but always sterile on the dorsal side;
stamens crowded, truncate, dumbbell-shaped to irregularly
rectangular from above, often with the connective irregu-
larly broadened on one side; thecae each opening through
a conspicuous, broad-rimmed pore. Fruiting spathe per-
sistent, at fruit maturity very swiftly drying and thence by
reflexing of the spadix the spathe recurving and opening
basally and also tearing at the peduncle insertion to expose
the fruits, at the same time spathe limb remaining distally
convolute and still clasping the spadix appendix remains;
fruiting peduncle initially declinate, later twisting through
180¢X and becoming arching-erect; berry depressed globu-
lar; seed ellipsoid, micropyle blunt, testa slightly ribbed.
Distribution. Malesia: endemic to Borneo (Sarawak &
West Kalimantan)
Habitat. Lithophytic in forest, and rheophytic near
streams or waterfalls, c. 30 m alt.
Notes. The combination of a spadix more than half ad-
nate to the spathe, fertile male flowers mostly restricted
to a small zone coincidental with the area exposed by the
gaping spathe during anthesis, a fully persistent spathe
becoming wholly marcescent at fruiting and seeds with a
blunt micropyle borne on a basal placenta is unique in the
Post pollination the persistent spathe turns green and
thickens slightly while the peduncle becomes declinate,
holding the spathe with the free margins downwards; as
also occurs in Piptospatha grabowskii (Engl.) Engl. At
the onset of fruit maturity the peduncle of Bakoa twists
through 180¢X and once more becomes semi-erect, to bring
the spathe free margins to a dorsal position after which
the spathe dries and turns brown very swiftly and thence
by reflexing of the spadix the spathe recurves and opens,
tearing at the peduncle insertion to exposes the fruits while
at the same time spathe limb remains distally convolute
and clasps the remains of the spadix appendix. This is in
marked contrast to other species in the P. grabowskii group
in which at fruit maturity there is no peduncle movement
and the persistent spathe is shed while still in a fresh con-
dition seemingly to play little or no role on the dispersal
mechanics of the fruits. The fruiting mechanics of Bakoa
are unique in the tribe.
Reports that the seeds have a micropylar appendage are
erroneous. Dissection of several ripe and near-ripe fruits
demonstrates that the micropyle is blunt and the seeds are
BOYCE and WONG ¡X Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo
attached to a ring-like basal placenta by a short, dark funi-
Incidentally, our observations of the stamens is not in
accordance with those of Bogner and Hay (2000) who
stated that the "stamens are more similar to those of many
Schismatoglottis¡K, having large rims to the pores and a
generally narrow connective"; all material we have exam-
ined has a wide connective.
Etymology. Bakoa is named for Bako National Park,
Kuching Division. Established in 1957, Bako is Sarawak¡¦s
oldest national park and despite its comparative small size
is an extraordinarily beautiful and rich reserve of plants
and animals.
Bakoa lucens (Bogner) P.C. Boyce & S.Y. Wong, comb.
nov. Basionym: Hottarum lucens Bogner, Pl. Syst. Evol.
142 (1983) 49, fig. 1-3; Mayo et al., Genera of Araceae
(1997) 188, pl. 51, A-E.¡XType: Malaysia, Sarawak,
Kuching Division, Bako National Park, Sg. Tajor, 19
Sep 1978, J. Bogner 1439 (holotype: K; isotype: K,
US). Figures 3, 4 and 5
Synonym: Piptospatha lucens (Bogner) Bogner & A.
Hay, Telopea 9(1): 217 (2000).
Small rheophytic herbs to c. 30 cm tall. Stem con-
densed, with stiff roots 1-1.5 mm diam. adhering strongly
to rocks Leaves several to many together; petiole (5-)6-10
cm long, 0.2-0.3 cm diam., slightly flattened adaxially,
sheathing only at the extreme base, the wings extended
into a very narrowly triangular marcescent ligular portion
3.5-6.5 cm long drying dark brown; blade very narrowly
elliptic, slightly coriaceous, 8-22 cm long ¡Ñ 1-3 cm wide,
very shiny dark green adaxially, abaxially paler, the base
cuneate, the apex narrowly acute, slightly acuminate and
tubular-apiculate for 2-3 mm; midrib abaxially prominent
with 4-6 very fine primary but well-differentiated (darker
than surrounding tissue) lateral veins on each side, these
hardly differentiated in thickness from the secondary ve-
nation and diverging at c. 30¢X; secondary veins adaxially
more or less obscure when dry but conspicuous in liv-
ing material, abaxially fine and rather faint, running to a
thicker marginal vein; tertiary venation forming an incon-
spicuous tessellate reticulum abaxially. Inflorescence soli-
tary to three together on a single shoot; peduncle 4-8 cm
long, arching to semi-erect, green; spathe weakly down-
turned. Spathe 3.5-5 cm long, more or less oblanceolate,
hardly constricted, lower part green, limb white, apiculate
for 6-8 mm, apicule green. Spadix 2.5-4 cm long, adnate
to the spathe in the lower 2/3; female zone completely
adnate to the spathe on the dorsal side, c. 1 cm long, 0.4
cm diam.; ovary depressed globose and weakly angular,
1-1.5 mm diam., light green, placentation basal, ovules
long-beaked; stigma sessile, narrower than the ovary, c.
0.4 mm diam., button-like, papillate, whitish; interpistil-
lar staminodes absent from the female zone; sterile in-
terstice robust, 6-9 mm long, somewhat thicker than the
female zone, 5-7 mm diam., dorsally adnate to the spathe,
composed of large truncate mostly irregularly polygonal
staminodes 0.8-1.5 mm diam. and these also distributed up
the dorsal side of the male zone to the spadix apex; male
zone subcylindric-ellipsoid, to c. 2 cm long, apically nar-
rowly acute and sterile, basally adnate to the spathe on the
dorsal side, sometimes with only the ventral-most stamens
(those exposed by gaping spathe limb) fertile, or more
extensively fertile, but always sterile on the dorsal side;
stamens crowded, truncate, dumbbell-shaped to irregularly
rectangular from above, often with the connective irregu-
larly broadened on one side, 0.9-1.2 mm across; thecae
each opening through a conspicuous, broad-rimmed pore.
Fruiting spathe more or less persistent in entirety; berry
depressed globular, 2-2.5 mm diam.; seed ellipsoid, 1.2-1.5
mm long, micropyle blunt, testa slightly ribbed.
Distribution. Malesia: West Borneo (known only from
and Bako National Park, Sarawak and Sanggau in W Kali-
Habitat. Rheophytic near streams or waterfalls, 30-90
m asl. Elsener 184 reports that the habitat is lithophytic
under forest; in Sarawak the species is only known from
rheophytic ecology on hard sandstones in almost full sun.
Notes. The very glossy deep green leaf laminae are
striking; similarly lustrous leaves occur in rather few rheo-
phytic Schismatoglottideae, exceptions include Schisma-
toglottis roseospatha Bogner and Aridarum crassum S.Y.
Wong & P.C. Boyce.
Other specimens examined. SARAWAK: Kuching
Division, Bako National Park, Telok Tajor, mouth of Sg.
Tajor, Ashton S17945 (GH, K, L, SING); Bako National
Park, Telok Tajor, Purseglove P4944 (K, L, SING); Bako
National Park, Tajor waterfall, 01¢X43¡¦21.4"; 110¢X28¡¦15.1",
14 July 2007, P.C. Boyce & Wong Sin Yeng AR-2097
(SAR). KALIMANTAN: W Kalimantan, Sanggau, Elsener
184 (K, L).
Key to genera of Schismatoglottideae and
their principle subgeneric divisions in
Wings of leaf sheath fully or almost completely
attached to the petiole; seeds never with a micropylar
appendage ............................................Schismatoglottis
Wings of leaf sheath extended into a ligular portion;
seeds various ............................................................... 2
Spathe not constricted; plants glabrous ....................... 3
Spathe constricted or if not constricted then plant vari-
ously to coarsely hairy (Schismatoglottis barbata; S.
pyrrhias) ...................................................................... 9
Thecae of anther never with horn- or needle-like pro-
jections ........................................................................ 4
Thecae of anther each with a horn- or needle-like
projection, although sometimes developing only after
female anthesis ............................................................ 6
Spadix almost completely adnate to spathe; male flow-
ers mostly sterile with a narrow zone of fertile flowers
Botanical Studies, Vol. 49, 2008
Figure 3. Bakoa lucens (Bogner) P.C. Boyce & S.Y. Wong. A, Plants in habitat, Bako N.P.; B, Plant with inflorescence at the onset of
female anthesis. Note that spathe opening is facing downwards; C, Inflorescence at female anthesis. Note the spathe barely opens; D,
Inflorescence (spathe artificially removed). Note that the greater portion of the spadix is adnate to the spathe.
BOYCE and WONG ¡X Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo
Figure 4. Bakoa lucens (Bogner) P.C. Boyce & S.Y. Wong. A & B, Spadix just prior to male anthesis. Note that the fertile male flow-
ers occupy only a small portion of the spadix, roughly adjacent to the opening of the spathe limb; C, Plant with inflorescence at late
anthesis (white with green acuminate tip; spadix brown) and at fruit mid-maturation (spathe green and thickened); D, Infructescence c.
half way through fruit dispersal. Note that spathe reflexed and torn away from the peduncle but is distally still convolute and clasps the
spent spadix.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 49, 2008
adjacent to spathe opening; peduncle declinate during
fruit maturation but twisting to become semi-erect at
fruit maturity; spathe persistent into fruiting, at fruit
maturity swiftly drying, reflexing and opening basally
by tearing at peduncle insertion to expose fruits but
remaining distally convolute and there clasping spadix.
Seeds with micropyle blunt ................................. Bakoa
Spadix entirely free or only part of the female flower
zone adnate to spathe; male flowers all fertile; pedun-
cle erect (and then spathe limb caducous) or declinate
(and spathe persistent) throughout fruit dispersal;
spathe limb either caducous early in anthesis or per-
sistent until fruit maturity and then falling still fresh to
reveal entire spadix and ripe fruits. Seeds with a pro-
nounced, hooked, micropylar appendage
................................................................. Piptospatha 5
Spathe limb caducous early in anthesis (generally
between female and male anthesis); peduncle erect at
Figure 5. Bakoa lucens (Bogner) P.C. Boyce & S.Y. Wong. A, Dissected fruits showing ovules on a basal placenta. Note that blunt-
tipped micropyle; B, A single seed. Note that the dark, beak-like structure (uppermost) is the funicle. The micropyle is blunt. Phy-
matarum borneense M. Hotta; C, Ripe infructescence with one fruit opened and a single seed extracted to show the long, hooked,
micropylar appendage.
BOYCE and WONG ¡X Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo
fruit dispersal; fruiting spathe a funnel-form splash-
cup .....................................Piptospatha elongata group
Spathe limb persistent; peduncle declinate at fruit dis-
persal; fruiting spathe caducous prior to fruit dispersal,
not forming a splash-cup ...............................................
....................................... Piptospatha grabowskii group
Thecae with needle-like projection extending only after
female anthesis; projection tipped with a weakly pel-
tate ovate-triangular flap. Spadix with distal pistillodes
..................................................................... Schottarum
Thecae with a horn- or needle-like projection present
prior to female anthesis; projection pointed and never
with a terminal flap. Appendix, where present, com-
prised of staminodes.................................................... 7
Sterile interstice of spadix with flattened scale-like
staminodes; anthers not excavated ...... Bucephalandra
Sterile interstice absent or with truncate staminodes;
anthers nearly always with the top excavated (but not
in A. incavatum) ......................................... Aridarum 8
Thecae on each end of the anther (seen from above). ...
.............................................. Aridarum Sect. Aridarum
Thecae together on one side of the anther (seen from
............................. Aridarum Sect. Caulescentia
Thecae of anther without horn- or needle-like projec-
tions; ovules parietal; seeds without a micropylar ap-
pendage .......................................... Schismatoglottis 10
Thecae of anther each with horn- or needle-like projec-
tions; ovules basal; seeds with a long, hooked micro-
pylar appendage ....................................... Phymatarum
Stem pleionanthic
Stem hapaxanthic . .Schismatoglottis calyptrata group
Spathe limb mostly caducous ................................. 12
Spathe limb marcescent to crumbling and/or deliques-
cent ......................................................................... 13
Leaf sheath fully attached to petiole ...........................
............................... Schismatoglottis calyptrata group
Leaf sheath ligular
...................................................... .
............................... Schismatoglottis multiflora group
Petiole sheathing only at base; foliage leaves alternat-
ing with cataphylls .. Schismatoglottis tecturata group
Petiole usually sheathing for at least a third of its
length (rarely less); foliage leaves not alternating with
cataphylls.. .............................................................. 14
Spathe limb irregularly crumbling and breaking away
at or after male anthesis
..................................Schismatoglottis asperata group
Spathe limb clasping the spadix and more or less
marcescent after anthesis, finally falling with spent
parts of spadix ......................................................... 15
Leaf sheath wings persistent; inflorescence nodding;
male and female zones of spadix more or less con-
tiguous ........................ Schismatoglottis corneri group
Leaf sheath wings usually (but not always) decidu-
ous; inflorescence more or less erect; male and fe-
male zones separated by a conspicuous partly naked
interstice .................. Schismatoglottis rupestris group
Acknowledgements. The collaboration and support of the
Sarawak Forestry Department, the Forest Research Centre
(Kuching), notably L.C.J. Julaihi & Lucy Chong, and the
Sarawak Biodiversity Centre, in particular Dr. Rita Ma-
nurang and Dr. Charlie Yeo is gratefully acknowledged.
Thanks are due to Datuk Amar (Dr.) Leonard Linggi Tun
Jugah, Graeme Brown & Dr. Timothy Hatch of Malesi -
ana Tropicals Sdn Bhd for their support and funding of
fieldwork in Sarawak. The second author is grateful for
the support provided by Faculty of Resource Science
and Technology, UNIMAS. This study is funded by the
Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia by fundamental
research grant scheme No. FRGS/01(04)/609/2006(42)
under Sarawak Forestry Department Research Permit No.
NPW.907.4.2(I)-101 & Park Permit No. 58/20076
Bogner, J. and A. Hay. 2000. Schismatoglottideae in Malesia II ¡V
Aridarum, Bucephalandra, Phymatarum and Piptospatha.
Telopea 9(1): 183-194.
Hay, A. and Yuzammi. 2000. Schismatoglottideae in Malesia I ¡V
Schismatoglottis. Telopea 9(1): 1-178.
Mayo, S.J ., J. Bogner, and P.C. Boyce. 1997. The Genera of
Araceae. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, xi + 370 pp.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 49, 2008