Botanical Studies (2009) 50: 1-10.
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INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................... 1
HISTORY OF MACADAMIA DECLINE .............................................................................................................................. 2
Slow decline ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Quick decline
....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
DETERMINATION OF THE CAUSES OF DECLINE PROBLEMS ................................................................................... 3
Slow decline ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Quick decline
....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS OF SLOW AND QUICK DECLINE .......................................................................................... 6
Slow decline ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Quick decline
....................................................................................................................................................................... 6
INOCULUM SOURCES AND INITIAL INFECTION .......................................................................................................... 7
Slow decline ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Quick decline
....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
MODES OF DISEASE DEVELOPMENT RESULTING IN SLOW AND QUICK DECLINE ............................................ 8
Slow decline ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Quick decline
....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Decline caused by multiple infections
................................................................................................................................. 8
DISEASE MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................................................... 8
CURRENT STATUS AND FUTURE OUTLOOK ................................................................................................................. 8
............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Macadamia (Macadamia integrifolia Maiden & Betche)
is a beautiful, evergreen tree that usually attains a height of
Nature of slow and quick decline of macadamia trees
Wen-Hsiung KO*
Department of Plant Pathology, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan
(Received May 5, 2008; Accepted July 4, 2008)
Macadamia which is native to Australia has been grown in commercial scale in many counties
after its development into an economic crop in Hawaii in the 1930s. Tree decline is the most serious problem
in macadamia plantations. It consists of slow decline resulting from root rot caused by Kretzschmaria clavus
or Ganoderma lucidum and quick decline resulting from trunk decay caused by Nectria rugulosa, Xylaria
arbuscula, Phellinus gilvus, Phytophthora tropicalis, or Acremonium recifei. Inoculum sources and modes of
disease development differ due to difference in causal organisms. A diagnostic key for slow and quick decline
of macadamia trees is presented.
Keywords: Acremonium recifei; Ganoderma lucidum; Kretzschmaria clavus; Macadamia integrifolia; Nectria
rugulosa; Phellinus gilvus; Phytophthora tropicalis; Xylaria arbuscula; Quick decline; Slow decline.
20 m and a crown diameter of 13 m (Figure 1A). Its nuts
are renowned as being among world¡¦s most delicious. In
addition to the popularity of chocolate-covered macadamia
nuts, whole kernels of macadamia are sold as oil-roasted
or dry-roasted snack nuts while broken kernels are used
as an ingredient in ice cream, cookies, bread, cake, pie,
muffins, wafers, and fresh vegetable salads.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 50, 2009
Macadamia is native to subtropical eastern Australia
where many homeowners have planted it around their
homes for shade, as a source of nuts, and to enhance
the beauty of their properties. The University of Hawaii
developed its potential as an economic crop in the 1930s.
The number of macadamia farms increased steadily, and
macadamia nut has gradually become one of the highest
commodities by value in Hawaii. In 1989, a record
22,500 tons of nuts were harvested from approximately
22,300 acres in Hawaii for a record farm value of $44.9
million (Crop Knowledge Master, 2005). The Hawaiian
success encouraged other countries to grow macadamia
on a commercial scale in the 1950s, and since 1970, the
area under cultivation has increased rapidly, with large-
scale plantings in many countries including Australia,
South Africa, Guatemala, Kenya, Malawi, Costa Rica,
Brazil, Mexico, and China (Agroforestry Tree Database,
2006). In 1997, Australia overtook Hawaii to become the
world¡¦s largest producer of macadamia nuts. The country
harvested 34,000 tons of nuts in 1998 /1999 (USDA
Foreign Agricultural Service, 2002). Test planting of
macadamia trees in Taiwan commenced in the 1970s.
Even though conditions for growth and nut production
were very favorable, planting acreage has not increased
because of the threat of damage by typhoons. The brittle
wood and lack of clearly defined taproot make macadamia
trees particularly sensitive to damage and blow-down in
strong winds (Quinian and Wilk, 2005; Agroforestry Tree
Database, 2006).
Grafted seedlings are planted in commercial macadamia
orchards, and Hawaiian selections are the most important
cultivars planted in all macadamia-producing countries
(Allen, 1995). Grafted trees begin bearing in 5 years and
take about 10 years to reach maturity and maximum nut
yield. In Hawaii some trees over 60-years-old are still
producing. Macadamia racemes consist of small, white,
tasseled flowers growing on long spikes (Figure 1B). Fruits
are globose, consisting of a white edible kernel surrounded
by a hard seed coat covered with a thick fibrous pericarp
(Figure 1C).
Slow decline
Light brown discoloration and chlorosis of leaves on
some branches of trees followed by gradual defoliation
and development of dieback symptoms (Figure 2A) were
noticed in the 1960s in macadamia orchards near Hilo on
the island of Hawaii, the major macadamia-nut-producing
Figure 1. Macadamia trees (A), raceme (B), and immature nuts
F igure 2. Slow decline of macadamia caused by
Kretzschmaria clavus. A, a m acadamia tree showing charac-
teristic symptoms of leaf chlorosis, defoliation, and branch
dieba ck assoc iated wit h slow decli ne; B, c ross se ction of
a partially de cayed root with distinct black zone lines; C,
fruiting bodies of K. clavus produced on the surface of basal
KO ¡X Nature of slow and quick decline of macadamia trees
area in Hawaii (Ko et al., 1977). The decline was relatively
slow, it taking more than 10 years for the affected trees
to die. The decline occurred only on trees over 3 years
of age. The incidence and severity of macadamia decline
were positively correlated with tree age. In an orchard
surveyed, the percentage of trees with dieback symptoms
was 9% for those 6 years of age, and more than 80% for
those 25 years of age (Ko et al., 1977). Slow decline was
considered the most serious production problem in Hawaii
before the occurrence of quick decline in 1986. In 1988, a
slow decline of macadamia trees also was reported from
Taiwan (Ann and Ko, 1988).
Quick decline
In 1986, the foliage color of the entire canopy of some
macadamia trees in a large orchard at Keaau on the island
of Hawaii changed subtly from dark green to light green.
Within 2 to 3 months, the leaf color started to turn light
brown (Figure 3A), and within a month the whole canopy
turned brown and the tree died (Figure 3B). Some trees
adjacent to the affected ones began to show the same
progression of symptoms and the number of dead trees
increased rapidly (Figure 3C). Subsequently, quick decline
of macadamia trees also occurred in orchards located in
the northeastern and western sides of the island, and on the
island of Maui. It has become the most serious production
problem of macadamia in Hawaii. In 1998, about 5,000
trees were lost to macadamia quick decline. Responding to
a desperate need by the macadamia industry, the College
of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources of the
University of Hawaii formed a committee consisting of a
horticulturist, two entomologists, and a plant pathologist
to investigate the cause of the problem.
Slow decline
The problem of slow decline of macadamia trees
was originally considered due to a deficiency of certain
essential elements (Shigeura and Bullock, 1973).
Phytophthora cinnamomi Rand, which is widely
distributed on the island of Hawaii, has been reported to
cause macadamia trunk canker in Hawaii (Hine, 1961).
However, the disease is not of common occurrence and is
not associated with macadamia decline (Ko and Kunimoto,
Figure 3. Quick decline of m acadamia. A, a macadamia tree
showing color fading and browning of leaves before sudden
death; B, a macadamia tree that died suddenly as the result
quick decline; C, a macadamia orchard devastated by quick
Fig ure 4 . Correlation between severity of macadamia
decline a nd a mount of root decayed by Kretzschmaria cla-
Botanical Studies, Vol. 50, 2009
1976). At the University of Hawaii Experimental Farm,
a declining macadamia tree with a number of healthy
branches remaining toppled over, without any evidence of
damage from strong winds. Close examination of the tree
revealed that most of the large roots were discolored and
decayed (Figure 2B). Fruiting bodies of Kretzschmaria
clavus (Fr.) Sacc. were found on the surface of the
diseased trunk (Figure 2C) and roots. The same organism
was isolated from decayed tissue and from ascospores
obtained from the stromata of K. clavus. Pathogenicity
tests with this organism demonstrated that the decay
was caused by K. clavus (Ko et al., 1977) (Table 1). The
causal relationship between slow decline and K. clavus
was further supported by the positive correlation between
severity of macadamia decline and the amount of root
decayed by K. clavus (Ko et al., 1977) (Figure 4). In
Taiwan, the majority of macadamia trees showing slow
decline symptoms was caused by Ganoderma lucidum (W.
Curt. Ex Fr.) Karst. Only about 20% of declining trees was
caused by K. clavus (Ann and Ko, 1988).
Quick decline
Members of the investigation committee conducted
a very thorough multidisciplinary field investigation,
and as a result, rainfall, temperature, and other possible
stress factors such as herbicides, fertilization, and tree
crowding and shading were excluded as possible causes
of macadamia quick decline because none of them was
correlated with the incidence of decline (Oi et al., 1991).
Although a number of trees with quick recline symptoms
were infested with ambrosia beetles, they were regarded
as secondary pests attacking weakened trees (Oi et al.,
1991). Exposure of the whole root system of affected trees
also failed to reveal any abnormality of roots like those
observed on trees with slow decline symptoms. Upon
examination of trees at the original site of the quick decline
problem, fruiting bodies of Phellinus gilvus (Schw.) Pat.
(Figure 5A) and Xylaria arbuscula Sacc. (Figure 6A)
were observed on trunks of several trees showing various
stages of decline. These fungi were considered saprobes
and had been ignored previously. Saprobes, by definition,
cannot invade living trees. These trees were still alive.
The presence of fruiting bodies on living trees indicated
that these fungi had potentially established themselves
inside the trunks for a considerable length of time. When
the trunk area with P. gilvus fruiting bodies was cut with
a chainsaw, more than 90% of the cross section surface
was decayed and non-functional (Ko and Kunimoto, 1996)
(Figure 5B), suggesting that P. gilvus was associated with
the decline and impending death of this tree. Ability of
P. gilvus to cause quick decline on macadamia trees was
Figure 5. A, fruiting bodies of Phellinus gilvus produced on
the trunk of a macadam ia tree showing quick decline symp-
toms; B, cross section of diseased trunk showing white rot
caused by the pathogen.
Table 1. Caus al organis m s of s low and quick dec line of
macadamia trees.
Causal organism
Year first reported
as new host
Slow decline
Kretzschmaria clavus 1977 (Ko et al.)
Ganoderma lucidum 1988 (Ann and Ko)
Quick decline
Phytophthora tropicalis
1994 (Ko and Kunimoto) ¡Ð
Nectria rugulosa 1991 (Ko and Kunimoto) ¡Ï
Xylaria arbuscula 1991 (Ko and Kunimoto) ¡Ï
Phellinus gilvus
1996 (Ko and Kunimoto) ¡Ï
Acremonium recifei 1999 (Ko and Kunimoto) ¡Ï
Originally reported as Phytophthora capsici.
¡Ï ¡× yes; ¡Ð ¡× no.
KO ¡X Nature of slow and quick decline of macadamia trees
subsequently confirmed by fulfilling Koch¡¦s postulates in
pathogenicity tests (Ko and Kunimoto, 1996) (Table 1).
When the trunk of another declining tree with X. arbuscula
fruiting bodies was cut, it was observed that about 60% of
wood tissue and 100% of bark on the cross section surface
were decayed and non-functional (Ko and Kunimoto,
1991b) (Figure 6B), suggesting that X. arbuscula may be
the cause of decline of this tree. Ability of X. arbuscula
to cause quick decline was later confirmed by completing
Koch¡¦s postulates in subsequent pathogenicity tests (Ko
and Kunimoto, 1991b).
During the subsequent visits to various affected
orchards, fruiting bodies of Nectria rugulosa Pat. were
observed on trunks of many declining macadamia trees
(Figure 7) at several locations on the island of Hawaii and
at one location on the island of Maui (Ko and Kunimoto,
1991a). No visible fungal fruiting bodies were found on
some macadamia trees with quick decline symptoms.
A cross section of the trunk from these declining trees
showed the change of appearance on part of the cut
surface of bark tissue from moist, reddish brown to dry,
grayish brown, and wood tissue from whitish yellow to
grayish (Ko and Kunimoto, 1994; 1999). Isolation of
tissues revealed that the invasion by Acremonium recifei
(Leao & Lobo) Gams or Phytophthora capsici Leonian,
which was subsequently reclassified as Phytophthora
tropicalis Aragaki et Uchida (Aragaki and Uchida, 2001),
had already reached or was about to reach the trunk center
(Ko and Kunimoto, 1999) (Table 2). Pathogenicity tests
also confirmed the ability of each organism to cause quick
decline of macadamia trees (Ko and Kunimoto, 1994;
1999) (Table 1).
Figure 6. A, fruiting bodies of
Xylaria arbuscula produced on trunk
of a m acada mia tree showing quick
decline symptom s. B, cross section of
a diseased trunk showing characteris-
tic black lines.
F ig u re 7. Fruiting bodies of Nectria rugulosa produced on
t runk of a macadam ia t ree showing quick decline symptoms.
Figure 8. Bleeding on the trunk of a macadamia tree show-
ing quick decline symptoms caused by Phytophthora tropica-
Botanical Studies, Vol. 50, 2009
Phytoplasmas were once associated with a quick
decline of macadamia trees (Borth et al., 1994a; 1994b).
However, phytoplasma infection has never been reported
to cause zonal lesions in the wood tissue of trunks (Agrios,
2005) like those observed on declining macadamia trees
(Table 3). Using direct-PCR and ultrasensitive nested-
PCR assays, phytoplasmas were not detected in either
symptomless trees or trees with quick decline symptoms
(Lee and Ko, 1998), thus refuting the suggestion that
phytoplasmas may play a role in macadamia quick
decline. Subsequent tests by others also failed to detect
phytoplasmas in declining macadamia trees (Borth et al.,
Refer to Table 3 for a diagnostic key to identify slow
and quick decline and causal organisms.
Slow decline
Slow decline of macadamia trees may be recognized at
a distance by defoliated branches in the canopy of lighter
color (Figure 2A). When affected branches appear on
one side of the canopy, it is an indication of the position
where root decay occurs. The disease progresses very
slowly. More than 10 years after the appearance of
initial symptoms of leaf yellowing on a single branch,
a declining tree will remain alive with only one or two
twigs with green leaves on the lower part of the trunk. K.
clavus produces small, black, mushroom shaped stromata
on large exposed roots and the basal trunk of the affected
tree (Figure 2B). The wood of the diseased roots (Figure
2C) and trunk turns brown, shows distinct black lines
consisting of pigmented hyphae, and remains firm and
hard (Table 3). Ganoderma lucidum produces large brown
basidiocarps with stipe on the lower trunk or on the ground
above decaying roots. It is readily isolated from diseased
trees (Ann and Ko, 1988). The wood near fruiting bodies
turns soft and white (Table 3).
Quick decline
During the early stages of disease development, quick
decline of macadamia trees may be recognized by the
subtle loss of the dark green canopy color and a slight
browning of the whole tree (Figure 3A). The most striking
feature of quick decline is a dark brown tree among normal
green trees during the final stage of disease development
(Figure 3B).
Nectria rugulosa produces small reddish perithecia in
aggregates on the trunk of the affected tree (Figure 7). The
Table 3. Diagnostic key for slow and quick decline of macadamia trees and the causal organisms.
Symptom and Sign
Type of Decline and
Causal Organism
A. Yellowing and browning of leaves on some branches; death of trees takes more than 10 years¡K¡K¡K.....
Small mushroom-shaped carbonaceous stromata (2-5 mm in diameter) on exposed roots and lower
trunk; diseased woody tissue firm with distinct black line¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K.¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K.................
Large brown basidiocarps (4-10 cm in diameter) with stipe on lower trunk and ground above
decaying roots, wood near fruiting bodies soft and white¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K.¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K...
Slow Decline
Kretzschmaria clavus
Ganoderma lucidum
Color of leaves in whole canopy changes from dark green, to light green, to yellow and finally brown;
trees die within 2 to 3 months after leaves turn dark brown¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K..¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K...
Aggregates of small reddish perithecial (0.2-0.4 mm in diameter) on trunk; infected bark dry and
dead, infected wood grayish¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K..¡K¡K
Small club-shaped black perithecial stromata (5-8 ¡Ñ 2-3 mm) on trunk; infected bark dry and dead,
infected wood with distinct black lines¡K¡K......¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K..
Large dark yellowish brown basidiocarps (2-15 cm in diameter) on trunk; bark and wood near
fruiting bodies extensively decayed, whitish and soft¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K..¡K¡K...
Bleeding on trunk; under bleeding area bark blackish brown, wood grayish brown¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K
Neither fruiting bodies nor bleeding on trunk; infected area bark dry and dead, wood light brown¡K...
Quick Decline
Nectria rugulosa
Xylaria arbuscula
Phellinus gilvus
Phytophthora tropicalis
Acremonium recifei
Table 2. Isolation of Nectria rugulosa and Phytophthora
tropicalis from wood at various horizontal distances from the
bark (0 mm) in cross-section of trunks of declining macadamia
Distance from bark (mm)
Tissues with pathogen (%)
N. rugulosa P. tropicalis
Three to ten pieces of wood tiss ues taken at each distance
from a diseas ed tree were tested (Ko and Kunimoto, 1991a;
Data were average of three trees for each pathogen.
KO ¡X Nature of slow and quick decline of macadamia trees
bark of the diseased trunk is dry and dead, and the wood
becomes grayish (Table 3). Pathogenicity tests confirmed
this as a pathogen. Small club-shaped black perithecial
stromata are produced on the trunks of declining trees
infected with X. arbuscula (Figure 6). The bark of the
diseased trunk is dry and dead, and the wood turns brown
and shows distinct black lines like those caused by K.
clavus (Table 3). Both X. arbuscula and K. clavus belong
to the black-line producing Xylariaceae (Rogers, 1979).
Phellinus gilvus produces large, dark yellowish-brown
basidiocarps on the trunks of affected trees (Figure 5). The
diseased wood tissue turns brown, and eventually become
white and soft like wood affected by G. lucidum (Table 3).
Both fungi belong to white-rot producing Polyporaceae,
and both have bean confirmed as pathogens. P. tropicalis
causes bleeding on the trunk of a declining tree (Figure 8).
The bark of the diseased trunk becomes blackish brown,
and the wood tissue turns grayish brown (Table 3). Quick
decline caused by A. recifei shows no abnormality on the
trunk surface of affected tree. However, cross-sections of
the diseased trunk display dead dry black to light brown
wood tissue (Table 3). Pathogenicity tests of both P.
tropicalis and A. recifei reproduce these symptoms.
Slow decline
Most macadamia orchards on the island of Hawaii are
located near forests, and also were originally covered
with forest trees. The predominant tree species prior to
macadamia production were ohia (Metrosideros collina
subsp. polymorpha), melochia (Melochia indica) ,
trumpet tree (Cecropia peltata) and Hawaiian tree fern
(Cibotium glaucum). A survey conducted in the forest near
macadamia orchards revealed the presence of K. clavus
fruiting bodies on dead or diseased trunks of melochia
and trumpet tree. Isolates of K. clavus obtained from these
two tree species were capable of infecting macadamia
trees (Ko et al., 1986). Therefore, diseased tissues and
fruiting bodies incorporated into the soil during the
ground preparation for planting of macadamia trees were
considered the main source of primary inoculum for initial
infection in the new orchard. After establishment of an
infection site on root, the pathogen will begin to colonize
the root system and provide secondary inoculum for initial
infection of roots of adjacent healthy trees through root-
to-root contact (Ann et al., 2002). In the vicinity of Hilo
on the island of Hawaii, ascospores discharged from
fruiting bodies produced on exposed roots and trunk may
be carried by rainwater through the rocky and porous
volcanic soil to reach macadamia roots underground (Ko,
1982) and serve as another source of secondary inoculum
for an initial infection of roots.
Quick decline
Quick decline of macadamia trees results from trunk
infection by various pathogens (Table 3). Infection of
tree trunks by wood-decay organisms is usually through
wounds (Adaskaveg and Ogawa, 1990). On the island
of Hawaii, trunk infection of macadamia trees originates
about 60 cm above the ground (Ko and Kunimoto, 1991a,
1991b, 1996) (Figure 9). The infection site correlates
to injury caused by the mechanical shakers used by
larger growers to remove nuts from the trees, and/or by
flying small, sharp broken lava rocks during the clearing
of leaf debris with leaf blowers. The known inocula
for initial infection include basidiospores of P. gilvus,
ascospores, marconidia and microconidia of N. rugulosa
and X. arbuscula, conidia of A. recifei, and sporangia
and zoospores of P. tropicalis. Oospore production by P.
tropicalis rarely occurs in nature because the organism
is heterothallic (Ko, 1998; 2007). Phellinus gilvus has a
wide host range (Farr et al., 1989; Adaskaveg and Ogawa,
1990). Therefore, fruiting bodies produced on diseased
forest trees or cultivated trees may serve as the source
of basidiospores for initial infection by this pathogen.
The fruiting bodies produced on diseased trunks of
macadamia (Figure 5) may then become the secondary
inoculum source for infection of other macadamia trees.
P. tropicalis also causes raceme blight (Kunimoto et al.,
1976) and foliar blight (Aragaki and Uchida, 1980) in
macadamia. Sporangia produced on diseased racemes and
leaves, therefore, may serve as the main source of primary
inoculum for initial infection. It is not known if the
organism also produces sporangia on diseased trunks. The
sources of primary inoculum of X. arbuscula, N. rugulosa,
and A. recifei are still unknown. The fruiting bodies of X.
arbuscula (Figure 8) and N. rugulosa (Figure 7) produced
on diseased trunks may serve as the sources of inoculum
for infection of other macadamia trees. Whether secondary
inoculum of A. recifei is produced on the surface of
diseased trunks remains to be investigated.
Figu re 9. Area of t runk showing symptom s of infection by
Phellinus gilvus (re d dot) or Xylaria arbuscula (gre en dot)
on cross sections of macadamia trunks cut every 30-40 cm
starting from the soil line.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 50, 2009
Slow decline
The root system of macadamia trees appear to be
slightly resistant to K. clavus as destruction of root by this
pathogen progresses very slowly. When K. clavus infects
the macadamia root system, the affected trees with the
diseased roots appear healthy for several years. It usually
takes more than 5 years to cause approximately 10% root
decay and initiate foliar symptoms on a few branches (Ko
et al., 1977). Root decay reduces the amount of water and
mineral nutrients translocated from soil to leaves. As a
result, affected trees shed many leaves, and as the quantity
of roots decayed increases, the amount of leaves lost also
increases (Figure 4). Because the decay of macadamia
roots caused by K. clavus is relatively slow, usually more
than 10 years are required for the amount of root decay to
reach more than 80%, leading to severe crown dieback and
eventual death of the tree (Ko et al., 1977).
Quick decline
As the pathogen colonizes the woody tissues of the
trunk from the point of infection, the area of decay
expands vertically in both directions and horizontally
across the trunk. Apparently, the diseased trunk continues
to transport water and nutrients, providing an adequate
supply to the entire canopy before the final stage of the
disease development. By the time the first foliar symptoms
of slight browning of the entire canopy of quick decline
are visible, 90 to 100% of the bark and 58 to 97% of
the wood have been killed by the pathogens (Ko and
Kunimito, 1991a; 1991b; 1994; 1996; 1999). Therefore,
before the appearance of visible canopy symptoms, the
pathogen has already been in the bark and wood for an
undetermined period of time without causing a significant
adverse effect on transportation of water and nutrients.
When the majority of the vascular system is blocked by
infection of the pathogen, the onset of the decline resulting
in death of the tree will occur within a relatively short
period of time because a large amount of water is needed
to sustain the whole tree.
Decline caused by multiple infections
Although a single pathogen can cause a slow or quick
decline, depending on the position of initial infection,
infection of a macadamia tree in nature by two different
pathogens has also been observed. Our field survey
revealed the concurrent presence of fruiting bodies of
both N. rugulosa and X. arbuscula on some macadamia
trees with quick decline symptoms (Lee and Ko, 1998).
Isolation from diseased tissues of quick-declining
macadamia trees without visible fungal fruiting bodies
also showed the existence of P. tropicalis and A. recifei on
the same trees at one of the four locations surveyed (Ko
and Kunimoto, 1999). The mode of interaction between
two different pathogens on the same tree remains to be
investigated. If the infections do not occur on the same
side of the trunk, complete girdling and death of affected
trees may occur faster.
Because of the severity of the problem, various
fungicides and application methods have been tested
for controlling quick decline of macadamia trees in the
field. However, the results have not been satisfactory.
Ridomil 2E was used as a trunk spray and soil drench, and
Alliette was used as a trunk spray. Trees were treated at
3-month intervals. Although certain treatments appeared
to be effective in slowing the disease progress during the
24-month test period, browning of leaves and eventual
death of trees inevitably followed. Similar results were
obtained when Kocide and a systemic experimental
fungicide, WECO-42894, were applied as a trunk spray.
Injection of macadamia trees with Alliette also slowed the
death of trees for about 6 months, but by the 7th month
there was no difference in tree death between injected and
control trees (Wayne Nishijima, personal communication).
Currently, no resistant cultivars are available for control
of slow or quick decline of macadamia. Recommended
measures for disease management include removal of
diseased plants and orchard cultivation practices that
minimize tree wounding. Because of the presence of K.
clavus fruiting bodies on the dead and diseased trunks
of trees in the forest (Ko and Kunimoto, 1986), the stem
tissue of forest trees should be removed during the land
preparation for new plantings of macadamia. Macadamia
trees in the orchards infected with K. clavus should be
removed along with major roots. The surrounding area of
macadamia orchards should be free of dead tree branches
to avoid their colonization by K. clavus and production of
fruiting bodies on colonized branches (Ko, 1979) that may
serve as an inoculum source.
Racemes and leaves infected with P. tropicalis should
be cut and removed to reduce the primary inoculum of this
pathogen. Trunks of trees with quick decline symptoms
should be destroyed by burning to prevent spread of the
disease in the orchards by secondary inocula. Cultural
practices, including mechanical harvesting and leaf dearing
and chemical and mechanical methods of weed control,
which may cause wounds on trees, should be performed
with great caution to minimize injury to trunks.
Besides Hawaii, slow decline of macadamia trees also
has been reported from Taiwan (Ann and Ko, 1988). More
reports concerning the incidence of macadamia slow
decline induced by fungal root rot may come from other
countries in the future. Quick decline of macadamia is
not expected to be severe in other macadamia-growing
countries, unless a significant amount of trunk damage
KO ¡X Nature of slow and quick decline of macadamia trees
occurs as the result of inappropriate cultural practices.
A rapid method for screening macadamia seedlings
for resistance to K. clavus was developed in 1986 (Ko
and Kunimoto, 1986). However, a selective breeding and
screening program has not been implemented since then
due to lack of funds. In the future with funds available
cultivars resistant to K. clavus may be obtained through
a selection program and used as the root stock for control
of slow decline. Commercial cultivars of macadamia have
been shown to differ in susceptibility to A. recifei (Ko and
Kunimoto, 1999). All commercial cultivars of macadamia
should be tested for susceptibility to all known pathogens
associated with quick decline and trees with quick decline
symptoms should be diagnosed to determine the causal
agent. Extension agents can use this information to advise
growers on selection of cultivars for replanting in affected
Fungicides should also be tested for ability to prevent
wounded trunks from infection by the known quick
decline pathogens. Effective fungicides can then be tested
in the field to determine the feasibility of applying these
chemicals to a vulnerable area of the trunk following each
harmful cultural practice. Development of soil drenches
or soil fumigation prior to replanting to reduce the decline
incidence is also urgently needed.
Acknowledgments. The author thanks Jyh-Nong Tsai
and Hsiu-Fang Cheng for preparation of figures, and
the National Science Council of Taiwan for its financial
support (NSC 97-2321-B-005-007-MY3).
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Botanical Studies, Vol. 50, 2009