Botanical Studies (2009) 50: 101-106.
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The current circumscription of Polystichum Roth
(Dryopteridaceae) goes back to Ching¡¦s removal of
Cyrtogonellum Ching (1938) and Cyrtomidictyum Ching
(1940) from Polystichum and allies. Polystichum, o ne
of the ten largest genera of ferns (Little and Barrington,
2003), contains about 300 species (Barrington, 1995;
Kung et al., 2001) or slightly more than 225 species
(Fraser-Jenkins, 1991). This genus is nearly cosmopolitan,
but the species are most numerous in subtropical regions,
with the highest diversity clearly in Asia, especially in
southwestern China and adjacent regions (Kung et al.,
2001). Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae vol. 5(2)
documents 168 species for China (Kung et al., 2001), with
new species constantly being described (e.g. Jiang et al.,
2000; Wang and Wang, 2001, 2003; Zhang and He, 2009).
Polystichum was determined to be paraphyletic
in relation to Cyrtomidictyum Ching, Cyrtogonellum
Ching, and Cyrtomium C. Presl subser. Balansana Ching
& Shing (Little and Barrington, 2003; Li et al., 2004,
2008; Driscoll and Barrington, 2007; Lu et al., 2007).
The species of Polystichum sects. Crucifilix Tagawa,
Haplopolystichum Tagawa, Mastigopteris Tagawa,
Micropolystichum Daigobo, and Sphaenopolystichum
Ching ex W. M. Chu & Z. R. He (which we refer to as
Polystichum sect. Haplopolystichum sensu lato [s.l.]),
together with Cyrtogonellum, Cyrtomidictyum, and
Cyrtomium subser. Balansana, form a strongly supported
monophyletic clade based on chloroplast rbcL, rps4-
trnS, and trnL-F sequences (BCPC clade; Lu et al., 2007;
CCPC clade, Li et al., 2008). Based on morphology, these
relationships seem strange, but the synapomorphy of the
once-pinnate lamina or its modifications unites the species
of Polystichum sect. Haplopolystichum s.l. The detailed
relationships among the species of sect. Haplopolystichum
s.l. and among sect. Haplopolystichum s.l., Cyrtogonellum,
Cyrtomidictyum, and Cyrtomium subser. Balansana have
not yet been resolved and only about one-fifth of the
species were sampled in previous molecular studies (Little
and Barrington, 2003; Perrie et al., 2003; Li et al., 2004,
2008; Driscoll and Barrington, 2007; Lu et al., 2007).
Polystichum sect. Haplopolystichum s.l. contains c. 60
species, of which c. 90% are endemic to the limestone-
derived soil in lowland areas of southwestern China
(Kung et al., 2001). In this paper, we describe a new
species of this group of Polystichum, more exactly, of
sect. Haplopolystichum sensu stricto (s.s.; Daigobo, 1972),
found in 2007 in southern Guizhou Province, China.
Although it has been suggested that Cyrtomidictyum
should be expanded to include the whole monophyletic
BCPC (or CCPC) clade containing Polystichum sect.
Haplopolystichum s.l., Cyrtogonellum, Cyrtomidictyum,
Polystichum peishanii (sect. Haplopolystichum,
Dryopteridaceae): A new fern species from a limestone
area in Guizhou, China
Li-Bing ZHAnG
* and Hai HE
Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box 416, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041, P. R. China and
Missouri Botanical Garden, P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, Missouri 63166-0299, USA
Department of Biology, Chongqing Normal University, Shapingba, Chongqing 400047, P. R. China
(Received May 13, 2008; Accepted September 19, 2008)
Polystichum peishanii L.B. Zhang & H.He (sect. Haplopolystichum, Dryopteridaceae), from
Guizhou Province, China, characterized by large pinnae with acute apices and entire margins, a combination
of features not known in other species of Polystichum sect. Haplopolystichum, is described as new.
Polystichum peishanii is similar to P. guangxiense W.M. Chu & H.G. Zhou, but differs in having the lamina
contracted toward the base, the pinnae apically acute, chartaceous and much larger, and larger scales on the
stipe. Polystichum peishanii also resembles P. deltodon (Baker) Diels, but is distinguishable by its oblong-
triangular and much larger pinnae with entire margins. Polystichum peishanii is currently known from only
three localities in southern Guizhou Province, near the border with Guangxi, China.
Keywords: China; Dryopteridaceae; Guizhou; Limestone flora; new species; Polystichum peishanii; sect.
Haplopolystichum s.l.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 50, 2009
and Cyrtomium subser. Balansana (Little and Barrington,
2003), we assign our new species to Polystichum. Until
the relationships within this clade are well resolved with
good sampling, it is premature to revise the nomenclature
of Polystichum and its allies.
Polystichum peishanii L. B. Zhang & H. He, sp. nov.
¢w TyPE: CHInA. Guizhou Province: Libo Xian,
Weng¡¦ang Township, Dongduo Village, near Guangxi
Autonomous Region border, 25¢X13.12¡¦n, 107¢X59.26¡¦
E, alt. 777 m, broadleaved evergreen forest, stony soil
derived from limestone in a ravine, 16 Sep 2007, L. B.
Zhang, H. He, B. Xu & Y. Wang 457 (HoLoTyPE:
Figures 1, 2
Species affinis P. guangxiensi W. M. Ch u et H . G.
Zhou et P. deltodonti (Baker) Diels var. henryi Christ;
differt a P. guangxiensi lamina basin versus contracta
(in P. guangxiensi non contracta), pinnis apice acutis (in
P. guangxiensi rotundatis), majoribus (2.4-3.3 ¡Ñ 1.1-1.3
cm; in P. guangxiensi 1.7-2 ¡Ñ 0.6-0.8 cm), chartaceis (in
P. guangxiensi subcoriaceis), paleis stipitum majoribus
(c. 10 ¡Ñ 1.5-1.8 mm; in P. guangxiensi 5-6 ¡Ñ 1-1.5 mm);
a P. deltodonti pinnis oblongo-triangularis majoribus
(in P. deltodonti 0.8-2 ¡Ñ 0.4-1 cm), margine integris non
Plants perennial, evergreen, 36-75 cm tall. Rhizome
erect; scales lanceolate, dark brown. Fronds cespitose;
petiole 14-32 cm long, 1.5-2 mm in diam. at middle,
adaxially canaliculate, yellowish green; basal petiole
scales broadly lanceolate, c. 10 ¡Ñ 1.5-1.8 mm, chartaceous,
brown, margin obtusely toothed, apex acuminate, matte;
distal petiole scales similar but narrower and shorter
toward apex of stipe and base of rachis, differing in
size, narrowly lanceolate to subulate, chartaceous, dark
brown, margin shortly and sparsely ciliate, apex caudate
or acute, matte. Lamina lanceolate, simply pinnate, 22-43
¡Ñ 4.5-6.5 cm, base slightly contracted, apex caudate,
adaxially lustrous green when fresh; rachis c. 1.5 mm in
diam., without proliferating buds, adaxially canaliculate,
rachis scales subulate, dark brown. Pinnae 18-38 pairs,
two basal pairs 1.7-2.3 cm apart, alternate, attached at c.
80-degree angle to rachis, 2.4-3.3 ¡Ñ 1.1-1.3 cm, shortly
stalked, oblong-triangular, chartaceous, acroscopic base
auriculate, basiscopic base cuneate, margin entire, apex
acute, abaxially scaly, adaxially glabrous; microscales
present on abaxial surface, subulate, to 1 cm long; adaxial
midrib concave, abaxially raised; lateral veins free, once
dichotomous, c. 11 pairs from midrib per pinna, abaxially
raised and obvious, adaxially indistinct. Sori terminal
on veins of upper pinnae, 1-20 per fertile pinna, c. 1
mm distant from pinna margin, yellowish when young,
brown when old; indusia peltate, c. 1 mm in diam.,
membranaceous, yellowish brown, margin repand.
Additional specimens examined. CHINA. Guizhou
Province: Pingtang Xian,Tangbian Township, Dadaihe
Village, Sinkhole Group, 25¢X36.46¡¦ n, 106¢X49.04¡¦E, alt.
1,070 m, under broadleaved forest, in limestone crevices,
24 oct 2008, L. B. Zhang, H. He & C. B. Jiang 778 (CDBI,
CTC, Mo). Guizhou Province: Libo Xian, Dongtang
Township, Banzhai Village, Langgan to Limingguang
Pass, 25¢X12.98¡¦ n, 108¢X01.63¡¦ E, alt. 700 m, under
broadleaved forest, on limestone wall, 30 oct 2008, L. B.
Zhang, H. He & C. B. Jiang 875 (CDBI, CTC, HGAS,
Distribution. Polystichum peishanii is known only
from two counties, Libo Xian and Pingtang Xian, in
southern Guizhou, China (Figure 3) at around 700-1,070
m. only c. 50 individuals were found in three localities
(two in Libo Xian and one in Pingtang Xian) cited above
and the two farthest localities are separated by c. 120 km
(air line). The new species is likely to be found in other
places in Libo Xian and Pingtang Xian and in the adjacent
Guangxi Autonomous Region in China.
Ecology. Broadleaved evergreen forests dominated
b y Cyclobalanopsis glauca mixed with Celtis sinensis
and Zelkova serrata at 700-1,070 m, on basic black soil
derived from limestone in ravines. Associated plants
include Asparagus cochinchinensis, Carex sp., Centella
asiatica, Cyrtomium grossum and various seed plants.
Etymology. We name Polystichum peishanii in honor
of Professor Peishan Wang of the Guizhou Institute of
Biology, Guizhou Academy of Sciences, Guiyang, for his
long and dedicated study of the fern diversity of Guizhou,
China. He is the senior author of the Pteridophyte Flora
of Guizhou, which documents the 770 species of ferns and
lycophytes in the province (Wang and Wang, 2001).
Morphological notes. The discovery of P. peishanii
in southern Guizhou Province, on the bordering with
Guangxi Autonomous Region, is reminiscent of the
discovery of P. guangxiense, described from napo, western
Guangxi (Zhou et al., 1996), about 310 km southwest of
Libo, where P. peishanii was discovered. Indeed these
two species share more or less oblong pinnae with entire
margins and sori located close to the pinna margins. The
two species differ in the following ways: P. peishanii has
the lamina contracted toward the base, chartaceous pinnae,
acute apices, and larger scales on base of the stipe. The
lamina of P. guangxiense is not contracted toward the base,
the pinnae are smaller (1.7-2 ¡Ñ 0.6-0.8 cm), and nearly
coriaceous, with the apex obtuse; the scales at the base of
the stipe are also smaller (c. 5-6 ¡Ñ 1-1.5 mm).
Polystichum peishanii also resembles P. deltodon var.
deltodon in that both have the apex of the pinnae acute, but
the margins of the pinnae of P. peishanii are nearly entire,
while the pinna margins of P. deltodon var. deltodon are
toothed. notably, the margins of the pinnae of P. deltodon
var. henryi are nearly entire. Both P. deltodon var. deltodon
and var. henryi have triangular, much smaller pinnae
(1.7-2 ¡Ñ 0.6-0.8 cm) with the apex mucronate. neither P.
deltodon var. deltodon nor var. henryi occur in southern
Guizhou (Kung et al., 2001; Wang and Wang, 2001).
Polystichum peishanii
, new species from Guizhou, China
Figure 1. Polystichum peishanii. A, Frond; B, Pinna; C, Scale from base of stipe; D, Rachis scale; E, Microscales; F, Indusium (From
the holotype, L. B. Zhang, H. He, B. Xu & Y. Wang 457, Mo).
Botanical Studies, Vol. 50, 2009
Figu re 2. Polystichum peishanii. A, Dongduo Village among well preserved evergreen vegetation dominated by Cyclobalanopsis
glauca, under which the new species was found; B, Habitat, showing slightly contacted lamina base; C, Portion of stipe, showing
brown lanceolate scales; D, Portion of lamina, showing current year¡¦s yellowish sori; E, Portion of lamina, showing oblong-triangular
pinnae with previous year¡¦s brown sori; F, Portion of lamina, showing rachis scales; G, Portion of lamina, showing caudate apex.
Polystichum peishanii
, new species from Guizhou, China
I n Polystichum sect. Haplopolystichum s.s., there
are seven species in China with apically acute pinnae
that are attached at nearly right angles to the rachis and
mostly not reflexed towards the lamina base. The length
to width ratio of the pinnae is . 2. These seven species
are P. deltodon (including var. deltodon, var. henryi, and
var. cultripinnum W. M. Chu & Z. R. He), P. muscicola
Ching ex W. M. Chu & Z. R. He, P. nayongense P. S.
Wang & X. y. Wang, P. obliquum (D. Don) T. Moore, P.
paradeltodon L. L. Xiang, P. rupicola Ching ex W. M.
Chu, and P. peishanii. Polystichum deltodon occurs in
eastern, central and southwestern China, Taiwan, Japan,
Myanmar, and the Philippines; P. muscicola is in western
Sichuan and western Hubei; P. nayongense is in southern
and northern Sichuan, western Guizhou, and southeastern
yunnan; P. rupicola is in northwestern yunnan; P.
obliquum is in the Sino-Himalayan region from Jammu
and Kashmir eastward and in Taiwan, and P. paradeltodon
is in northwestern Guangxi, western Guizhou, and
yunnan (Kung et al., 2001). These seven species can be
distinguished by the following key:
Figu re 3. Geographical distribution of Polystichum peishanii
) in southern Guizhou Province, China.
Key to Polystichum obliquum and its allies
1. Margin of pinnae aristate.
Lamina less than 20 ¡Ñ 1.8 cm; pinnae ovate or ovate-oblong, less than 1 ¡Ñ 0.6 cm, nearly bilaterally symmetrical
........................................... ........................................................................................................................... P. muscicola
Lamina more than 25 ¡Ñ 2 cm; pinnae oblong or shortly falcate, middle pinnae more than 1.5 ¡Ñ 0.7 cm, obviously
bilaterally asymmetrical.
Pinnae oblong, apex mostly round or acute¡K..................¡K...............¡K¡K¡K¡K..... ................................. P. rupicola
Pinnae falcate, falcate-oblong, oblong or rarely nearly triangular, apex often acute.
Acroscopic margin of pinnae below middle of lamina repand or crenulate
............. P. deltodon var. cultripinnum
Acroscopic margin of pinnae serrate or biserrate.
Margin of pinnae regularly serrate and obviously aristate-spinose ............................................ P. nayongense
Margin of pinnae irregularly serrate or biserrate and shortly spinose ......................... P. deltodon var. deltodon
Margin of pinnae not aristate; or if so, pinnae rhombic-ovate.
Margin of pinnae entire; pinnae 2.4-3.3 ¡Ñ 1.1-1.3 cm
.................................................................................... P. peishanii
Margin of pinnae repand or slightly toothed; pinnae less than 2 ¡Ñ 1 cm.
Pinnae ovate, rhombic-ovate or rarely oblong, 7-15 pairs; sori between midrib and margin of pinnae ... P. obliquum
Pinnae oblong or falcate-oblong, 16-40 pairs; sori between midrib and margin or close to margin of pinnae.
Sori close to margin of pinnae; pinnae up to 40 pairs ..........................................................P. deltodon var. henryi
Sori between midrib and margin or slightly closer to margin of pinnae; pinnae fewer than 20 pairs ..................
........................................................................................................................................................P. paradeltodon
Acknowledgements. This project was partly supported
by funding from the open Laboratory of Biodiversity
Conservation and Ecology of the Chengdu Institute of
Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, to LBZ, the Flora
of China project, and a national Geographic Society grant
(#825407) to LBZ. Peishan Wang, yu Wang, Bo Xu, and
Chunbao Jiang helped with the field work. Yingbao Sun
prepared the basic line drawing. Helpful comments were
received from David Barrington, David Boufford, C. R.
Fraser-Jenkins, and an anonymous reviewer. The curators
of the herbaria at CDBI, CTC, and Mo are acknowledged
for allowing access to specimens.
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