Botanical Studies (2009) 50: 107-113.
Corresponding author: E-mail:; Tel:
Sinosenecio B. Nord. (Senecioneae-Asteraceae) is
a genus of ca. 38 species, all of which occur in China,
Indochina, and Korea (Jeffrey and Chen, 1984; Janovec
and Barkley, 1996; Chen, 1999; Liu, 2000; Zhang et al.,
2008), except for one species, S. newcombei (Greene)
J. P. Janovec & T. M. Barkley, disjunctly distributed in
the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada
(Janovec and Barkley, 1996). The genus is characterized
by usually palmately veined, petiolate leaves with the
lamina distinct from the petiole,
ecalyculate involucres, a
campanulate limb of the disc florets, the polarized or
pattern of the anther endothecial cell thickenings, and a
filament collar with uniformly sized cells (Nordenstam,
1978; Jeffrey and Chen, 1984). China, where 37 species
have been recorded (Chen, 1999; Liu, 2000;
Zhang et
al., 2008), is undoubtedly the most important center of
differentiation for the genus. It is noteworthy that most
species of Sinosenecio in China have a rather narrow
distribution, and thus, as pointed out by Jeffrey and Chen
(1984), discovery of new species is expected as botanical
exploration proceeds in this country.
For the first author¡¦s Ph.D. project on the systematics
and evolution of the genus Sinosenecio, we carried out
a botanical expedition throughout central and western
China from April to July, 2007. In northwestern Hunan,
in a valley near Mt. Ludong, Baojing Xian, we collected
plants similar to S. euosmus (Hand.-Mazz.) B. Nord. and S.
denticulatus J. Q. Liu, but which differed by having larger,
ovate-cordate, undivided leaves and basally expanded
but never auriculate petioles. We determined that they
represent an undescribed species, which is here described.
Sinosenecio baojingensis Y. Liu & Q. E. Yang, sp. nov.¡X
Baojing County, Mt. Ludong,
270 m, grassy places, 3 April 2007, Q. E. Yang, Qiong
Yuan & Ying Liu 554 (holotype, PE). «O¹t
Figures 1, 2
Species nova haec similis
Sinosenecioni euosmo
(Hand.-Mazz.) B. Nord. et S. denticulato J. Q. Liu caule
foliato, acheniis laevibus pappo praeditis, ab illo planta
multo altiore, 75-150 cm alta, foliorum laminis multo
majoribus, 12-20 cm longis, 10-18 cm latis, ab hoc planta
vulgo altiore, foliorum laminis multo majoribus, ab
ambobus foliis indivisis, ambitu ovato-cordatis, petiolis
tantum basi dilatatis, haud auriculatis differt.
rhizomatous, stolons absent. Stem solitary,
erect, 75-150 cm tall, ca. 15-20 mm in diam. at base,
Sinosenecio baojingensis (Asteraceae), a new species
from Hunan, China
Ying LIU
, Gong-Xi CHEN
, and Qin-Er YANG
State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
100093, China
College of Biology and Environmental Science, Jishou University, Hunan 416000, China
South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xingke Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 510650, China
(Received March 18, 2008; Accepted November 7, 2008)
Sinosenecio baojingensis Y. Liu & Q. E. Yang, a new species of Asteraceae from northwestern
Hunan, China, is described and illustrated. Its chromosome number (2n = 48) is reported here. The new
species is similar to S. euosmus and S. denticulatus in having leafy stems and smooth achenes bearing a
pappus. It differs from S. euosmus in its much taller stature (75-150 cm vs. 20-75 cm), the ovate-cordate
outline of its leaves (vs. ovate to broadly ovate), its denticulate (vs. crenate) margin, and its much larger size
(12-20 ¡Ñ 10-18 cm vs. 2-5 ¡Ñ 3-6 cm). From S. denticulatus it differs in its sometimes taller stature (75-150
cm vs. 35-140 cm), and ovate-cordate (vs. reniform) leaves, denticulate (vs. dentate) margin, and its larger
size (12-20 ¡Ñ 10-18 cm vs. 4-14 ¡Ñ 6-17 cm). From both it differs in having undivided (vs. more or less
lobed) leaves and basally expanded but never auriculate (vs. auriculate) petioles. A color plate, line drawings,
distribution map, light microscope (LM) photomicrographs of floral characters, and a key to aid in the
identification of S. baojingensis and its possible relatives are provided.
Keywords: Asteraceae; Chromosome number; Floral microcharacters; Senecioneae; Sinosenecio baojingensis.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 50, 2009
Figure 1. Sinosenecio baojingensis Y. Liu & Q. E. Yang. A, Habit; B, Phyllary; C, Ray floret; D, Disc floret; E, Stamen; F, Style-arms.
(All from Qin-er Yang et al. 554, PE).
et al. ¡X
Sinosenecio baojingensis
, a new species from China
Figure 2. Sinosenecio baojingensis Y. Liu & Q. E. Yang. A, Posture; B, Leaf; C, Inflorescence; D, Capitula; E, Florets. (All from Qin-
er Yang et al. 554, PE).
Botanical Studies, Vol. 50, 2009
simple, villous or lanate. Leaves radical and cauline.
Radical leaves petiolate; petioles 14-28 cm long, sparsely
lanate, base expanded; lamina ovate-cordate, 12-20
¡Ñ 10-18 cm, palmately veined, base cordate, margin
denticulate, apex acute, lower surface pale green or
whitish lanate, upper surface green and sparsely villous;
upper stem leaves smaller, with shorter petioles. Capitula
many, in apical compound corymbs; peduncles 1.5-4
cm long, sparsely villous. Involucres campanulate,
ecalyculate, 6-7 ¡Ñ 6-9 mm. Phyllaries ca. 13, uniseriate,
oblong-lanceolate, 6-7 ¡Ñ 1.5-2 mm, apex acuminate,
puberulous, herbaceous, green. Ray florets ca. 13; corolla
tube 3 mm long, glabrous; rays yellow, oblong-elliptic, ca.
8 mm ¡Ñ 3-4 mm, apically 3-denticulate, 4-7-veined. Disc
florets many; corolla 5 mm long, tube 3 mm long, limb
campanulate; lobes ovate-lanceolate. Anthers ca. 1.5 mm
long, base obtuse, appendages ovate-oblong. Style arms
ca. 1 mm long, apex truncate. Achenes cylindrical, 1.5 mm
long, smooth, glabrous. Pappus white, 3 mm long.
Additional specimens examined. CHINA. Hunan,
Baojing Xian, Mt. Ludong, in valley, 3 April 2007, Dai-
gui Zhang & Liang Xu 070403017 (JIU).
Etymology. The specific epithet ¡¥baojingensis¡¦ i s
derived from the type locality, Baojing County, Hunan
Province, China.
Phenology. Flowering from March to April; fruiting
Distribution, habitat and status. Sinosenecio
baojingensis is known from only one population
in a
valley in Baojing Xian, Hunan, China (Figure 3), growing
in deep grass near paddyfields on an open hillside at an
altitude of ca. 270 m. If this is truly the only population,
then according to the IUCN red list categories and
criteria, version 3.1 (IUCN, 2001), S. baojingensis should
be categorized as a critically endangered species (CR).
Because the site is within an area of human activity, the
most serious threat to the species¡¦ survival lies in the
potential habitat destruction through mining and farming.
Figu re 3. Distribution of Sinosenecio baojingens is
Hunan Province, China.
et al. ¡X
Sinosenecio baojingensis
, a new species from China
Floral micromorphological characters. To observe
anther endothecial cell thickenings and the filament collar
o f Sinosenecio baojingensis, we boiled the heads in
distilled water for 3 min, and then fixed them in Carnoy¡¦
s solution (glacial acetic acid : absolute ethanol = 1: 3).
Mature disc florets were removed from the fixed heads
and transferred to 70% ethanol for 30 min., then to 99%
ethanol for 1 h before they were immersed in 5% NaOH
for 24 h. The anther tissue was isolated from the florets
on the slide, flooded with 50% glycerol and a cover
slip was applied. Samples were then examined at 200¡Ñ
(filament collar) and 400¡Ñ (endothecial cell thickenings)
magnification by light microscopy and photographed.
The anther endothecial cell thickenings of Sinosenecio
baojingensis are polar and radial (Figure 4A), conforming
to the results reported previously that endothecial cell
thickenings are strictly polar, polar and radial or radial in
other species of the genus (Jeffrey and Chen, 1984). As
shown in Figure 4B, the new species has uniformly sized
cells in the filament collar, which is one of the diagnostic
features of the genus Sinosenecio (Nordenstam, 1978;
Jeffrey and Chen, 1984).
Chromosome cytology. For chromosome counts, root
tips were pretreated with 0.1% colchicine for 3 h before
being fixed in Carnoy solution (glacial acetic acid :
absolute ethanol = 1: 3), then macerated in a 1:1 mixture
of 45% acetic and 1 N HCl at 60¢XC for 4 min, stained and
squashed in Carbol fuchsin.
The chromosome number of Sinosenecio baojingensis
was determined to be 2n = 48 (Figure 5). Since the basic
number of the genus is x = 12 (Liu, 1999; Zhang et al,
2008), S. baojingensis is a tetraploid. The chromosome
number of one of its possible relatives, S. sungpanensis, is
2n = 48 (unpublished data).
Sinosenecio baojingensis can be readily referred to
section Phyllocaulon C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen subsection
Madarogyne C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen based on the
polar and radial pattern of the anther endothecial cell
thickenings, the presence of cauline leaves, and the
glabrous ovaries and achenes. As shown in Table 1, S.
baojingensis is similar to S. euosmus and S. denticulatus
within the subsection in having leafy stems and smooth
achenes bearing a pappus, but differs from the former in
its taller stature (75-150 cm vs. 20-75 cm), leaves ovate-
cordate in outline (vs. ovate to broadly ovate), margin
denticulate (vs. crenate), and much larger size (12-20
¡Ñ 10-18 cm vs. 2-5 ¡Ñ 3-6 cm). From S. denticulatus it
differs in having sometimes
taller stature (75-150 cm
vs. 35-140 cm),
leaves ovate-cordate in outline (vs.
reniform), margin denticulate (vs. dentate), and larger
size (12-20 ¡Ñ 10-18 cm vs. 4-14
6-17 cm). From both
it differs in having undivided (vs. more or less lobed)
leaves and basally expanded but never auriculate (vs.
auriculate) petioles. Sinosenecio baojingensis is also
somewhat similar to two additional species in subsection
Madarogyne, S. sungpanensis (Hand.-Mazz.) B. Nord. and
Figure 4. Endothecial cell thickenings (A) and filament collars (B) of Sinosenecio baojingens is . A. Predominantly polarized
thickenings; B, Uniformly sized cells. (All from Qin-er Yang et al. 554, PE).
Botanical Studies, Vol. 50, 2009
S. fangianus Y. L. Chen, in the basally expanded petioles,
leafy stems, and achenes bearing a pappus, but differs in
leaf shape (ovate-cordate, undivded vs. reniform, lobed),
and achene surface (smooth vs. papillate). The five species
mentioned above can be distinguished by features in the
following key.
Key to Sinosenecio baojingensis and its related
1. Base of petioles auriculate.
Leaves ovate to broadly ovate, margin shallowly to
deeply mucronulate-dentate .....................S. euosmus
Leaves reniform, margin rather regularly
mucronulate-denticulate ......................S. denticulatus
1. Base of petioles expanded but never auriculate.
Plants to 150 cm tall; leaves 12-20 ¡Ñ 10-18 cm,
ovate-cordate, undivided; achenes smooth ..............
...........................................................S. baojingensis
Plants less than 100 cm; leaves less than 7 ¡Ñ 7 cm,
reniform, lobed; achenes papillate.
Leaves shallowly 5-7-lobed; base of petioles
obviously expanded¡K¡K.......¡K¡KS. sungpanensis
Leaves palmately 7-9-fid; base of petioles slightly
expanded ¡K....................................¡K S. fangianus
Acknowledgments. We are very grateful to Dr. Bertil
Nordenstam and two other anonymous referees for their
invaluable comments on the manuscript. We thank Mr. Sun
Ying-bao for the drawing. This work was supported by the
National Natural Science of Foundation of China (Grant
no. 30770157), and the Knowledge Innovation Project of
the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZCX2-YW-415).
Chen, Y.L. 1999. Sinosenecio B. Nord. In Anonymous (ed.),
Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae 77(1). Science Press,
Beijing, pp. 101-141.
IUCN. 2001. IUCN Red list categories ad criteria, v.3.1. Gland/
Cambridge: IUCN Species Survival Commission.
Janovec, J.P. and T.M. Barkley. 1996. Sinosenecio newcombei
(Asteraceae: Senecioneae): a new combination for a North
American plant in an Asiatic genus. Novon 6: 265-267.
Jeffrey, C. and Y.L. Chen. 1984. Taxonomic studies on the tribe
Senecioneae (Compositae) in the eastern Asia. Kew Bull.
39: 205-446.
Liu, J.Q. 1999. Systematics of the Tribe Senecioneae Subtribe
Tuss ila gininae (As teraceae ) of the Eastern Asia. P h.D.
thesis, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Liu, J.Q. 2000. A new species of Sinosenecio B. Nord.
(Asteraceae, Senecioneae). Acta Phytotax. Sin. 38: 192-194.
Nordenstam, B. 1978. Taxonomic studies on the tribe
Senecioneae (Compositae). Opera Bot. 44: 1-84.
Zhang, D.G., Y. Liu, and Q.E. Yang. 2008. Sinosenecio
jishouensis (As teraceae), a new species from north-wes t
Hunan, China. Bot. Stud. 49: 287-294.
Figure 5. Interphase nuclei (A), mitotic prophase (B), and metaphase (C, 2n = 48) chromosomes of Sinosenecio baojingensis. (All
from Qin-er Yang et al. 554, PE).
et al. ¡X
Sinosenecio baojingensis
, a new species from China