Botanical Studies (2009) 50: 137-147.
Present address: Department of Plant Pathology and
Microbiology, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX
77840, USA.
Corresponding author: E-mail: Peter.Ueng@ars.usda.
gov;; Tel: +1-301-504-6308; Fax:
Length polymorphisms in the ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
genes are due to DNA fragment insertions, deletions,
duplications and the presence of group I introns. Group
I introns are one of the major class introns widespread
in mitochondria, chloroplasts and nuclear rDNA of
eukaryotes including fungi, algae, slime molds and plants,
and in eubacteria and protist (Turmel et al., 1991; Haugen
et al., 2005). Group I introns are also infrequently reported
in mitochondrial genomes of lower sea animals, viruses
and phages, and absent in prokaryotes including archaea
and bacteria (Lonergan and Gray, 1994; Beagley et al.,
Group I introns in small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU-
rDNA) of cereal Phaeosphaeria species
Chih-Li WANG
, Pi-Fang Linda CHANG
, Ying-Hong LIN
, Arkadiusz MALKUS
, Ling-Yan
and Peter P. UENG
Department of Plant Protection, Fengshan Tropical Horticultural Experiment Station, Agricultural Research Institute,
Kaohsiung 830, Taiwan
Department of Plant Pathology, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung 402, Taiwan
Department of Plant Pathology, Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, Radzikow, Poland
Inner Mongolia Agriculture University, College of Ecology and Environmental Science, Inner Mongolia
Molecular Plant Pathology Laboratory, Plant Science Institute, U.S. Department of Agriculture, ARS, Beltsville, MD
20705, USA
(Received May 14, 2008; Accepted November 20, 2008)
In a study of small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU-rRNA) gene sequences in cereal and a grass
Phaeosphaeria species, group I introns were found in 9 of 10 P. avenaria f. sp. avenaria (Paa) isolates from
oat (Avena sativa L.), 1 of 2 Phaeosphaeria sp. (P-rye) isolates (Sn48-1) from Polish rye (Secale cereale L.), 1
Phaeosphaeria sp. (P-dg) isolate (S-93-48) from dallis grass (Paspalum dilatatum Poir.) and both heterothallic
P. a. f. sp. triticea (Pat2) isolates (ATCC26370 and ATCC26377) from foxtail barley (Hordeum jubatum L.).
There were no group I introns in wheat- and barley-biotype P. nodorum (PN-w and PN-b), homothallic P.
a. f. sp. triticea (Pat1) and P. a . f. sp. triticea (Pat3) from the state of Washington. Based on the reference
16S rDNA nucleotide sequence of Escherichia coli (accession number J01695), the intron-inserted positions
of Pav.nS943, Pse.nS943, Ppa.nS1199 and Pho.nS1533 were determined to be at nt943, nt943, nt1199 and
nt1533, respectively. The sizes of the introns were 362 bp for Pav.nS943 (from Paa), 363 bp for Pse.nS943 (from
P-rye), 460 bp for Pho.nS1533 (from Pat2) and 383 bp for Ppa.nS1199 (P-dg). The intron-inserted position at
nt1533 found in SSU-rRNA of Pat2 pathogen was newly discovered. The phylogenetic relationships based on
aligned conserved secondary structure component sequences of group I introns showed that three introns from
cereal Phaeosphaeria species (Pav.nS943, Pse.nS943 and Pho.nS1533) were likely affiliated with subgroup
IC1 introns while Ppa.nS1199 intron from the dallis grass pathogen belonged to subgroup IE3.
Keywords: Introns; Phaeosphaeria; Phylogenetic relationships; Ribosomal RNA gene; Small subunit; Wheat.
1998; Nishida et al., 1998; Riipinen and Alatossava,
2004; Sandegren and Sjoberg, 2004; Fukami et al.,
2007; Stankovic et al., 2007). Some group I introns are
experimentally proven to act as mobile genetic elements
by reverse splicing and site-specific endonuclease
restriction (Lambowitz and Belfort, 1993; Saldanha et al.,
1993; Belfort and Perlman, 1995; Roman and Woodson,
1998; Haugen et al, 2005).
The insertion positions of group I introns in nuclear
SSU-rRNA gene were standardized by using 16S rDNA
nucleotide sequence of Escherichia coli (Accession
number J01695) as reference. Group I introns with the
same insertion positions are suggested to have evolved by
vertical transmission, along with the occasional loss and
horizontal transfer (Nikoh and Fukatsu, 2001; Feau et al.,
2007). In vertical transfer, the phylogenetic relationship
of introns inserted at the same position is expected to be
significantly congruent with the phylogeny of their hosts
(Nikoh and Fukatsu, 2001). When the phylogeny of group
I introns differ significantly from the host genomes, it is