Botanical Studies (2009) 50: 159-170.
Equal contribution to this work.
Corresponding author: E-mail:
tw, Phone: 886-2-27871172, Fax: 886-2-27827954 (Yaw-
Huei Lin); E-mail:, Phone:
886-7-5252000 ext. 3630, Fax: 886-7-5253630 (Hsien-Jung
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.)) is a gamopetalous
dicot and belongs to the order of Polemoniales and the
family Convolvulaceae (Sihachakr et al., 1997). It is an
important food crop in the tropics, and has been imported
into Taiwan since the 17
century. Storage roots and leaves
are the edible portions, and its nutritive constituents are
mainly starch, lipid and protein. It also contains plenty of
vitamin B complex, vitamin C, £]-carotenoids, multiple
minerals and high calcium (Yang et al., 1975; Hattori et
al., 1985). Several medicative effects of sweet potato have
been reported previously, including accelerated excretion
Molecular cloning and expression of a sweet potato
cysteine protease SPCP1 from senescent leaves
Hsien-Jung CHEN
*, Guan-Jhong HUANG
, Wei-Shan CHEN
, Cheng-Ting SU
, Wen-Chi
, and Yaw-Huei LIN
Department of Biological Sciences, National Sun Yat-sen University, 804 Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Graduate Institute of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences, China Medical University, 404 Taichung, Taiwan
Graduate Institute of Biotechnology, Chinese Culture University, 111 Taipei, Taiwan
Graduate Institute of Pharmacognosy Science, Taipei Medical University, 110 Taipei, Taiwan
Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica, Nankang, 115 Taipei, Taiwan
(Received August 18, 2008; Accepted November 19, 2008)
In this report a full-length cDNA, SPCP1, was isolated from senescent leaves of sweet potato
(Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam). SPCP1 contained 1020 nucleotides (339 amino acids) in the open reading frame,
and exhibited high amino acid sequence homologies (ca. 58% to 74%) with papain-like cysteine proteases
of Alnus glutinosa, Arabidopsis thaliana, Astragalus sinicus, Brassica napus, Daucus carota, Gossypium
hirsutum, Hordeum vulgare, Iris hollandica, Medicago truncatula, Nicotiana tabacum, Oryza sativa, Ricinus
communis, Trifolium repens. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR and Western blot hybridization showed that SPCP1
gene expression was enhanced significantly in natural senescent leaves and in dark-, ethephon-, and ABA-
induced senescent leaves, whereas, was almost not detected in mature green leaves, stems, and roots.
Initiation of chlorophyll degradation is earlier than the SPCP1 gene expression during leaf senescence. SPCP1
expression was also induced in sweet potato suspension cells treated with 1 mM ethephon. Evan blue staining
showed that suspension cells were not significantly affected by ethephon treatment up to 2 mM, however, most
of the cells died when treated with 10 mM ethephon. In conclusion, sweet potato SPCP1 is likely a functional,
senescence-associated gene and its expression levels were significantly enhanced at mRNA and protein levels
in natural and induced senescent leaves and suspension cells. The physiological role and function of SPCP1
were likely not in association with initiation of chlorophyll degradation and cell death during senescence.
Keywords: Cysteine protease; Ethephon; Leaf senescence; SPCP1; Sweet potato.
of toxins and carcinogens, trypsin inhibitor (Hou et al.,
2001) and antioxidant activity (Huang et al., 2007a and
2007b), inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme
activity (Hou et al., 2003; Huang et al., 2006), reduction of
hypertension in diabetic mice, and growth inhibition and
induction of apoptosis in NB4 promyelocytic leukemia
cells (Huang et al., 2007c).
Leaf is the main place of photosynthesis and acts as
a source of carbohydrate for sink nutrients in plants. Its
longevity and senescence thus affect the photosynthesis
efficiency and crop yield. Leaf senescence is influenced
by endogenous and exogenous factors, including plant
growth regulators, starvation, wound, and environmentsl
stresses (Yoshida, 2003; Lim et al., 2007). Leaf senescence
is the final stage of development and has been considered
as a type of programmed cell death (Lim et al., 2007).
During senescence, macromolecules are not only simply
degraded, but also recycled. The released small molecules
can be translocated from the senescent cells to young
leaves, developing seeds, or storage tissues (Buchanan-
Botanical Studies, Vol. 50, 2009
Wollaston, 1997; Quirino et al., 2000). Leaf cells undergo
highly coordinated changes in structure, metabolism,
and gene expression during senescence in a defined
order. Breakdown of chloroplast is the earliest and most
significant change in cell structure (Makino and Osmond,
1991). The carbon assimilation is metabolically replaced
by catabolism of chlorophyll and macromolecules such as
proteins, membrane lipids, and RNA (Lim et al., 2007).
During senescence, breakdown of leaf proteins by
proteases provides a large cellular nitrogen pool for
recycling (Makino and Osmond, 1991). In plants, it is
assumed that vacuole is the site involved in bulk protein
degradation by virtue of its resident proteases. Different
types of vacuoles have been reported in plants, including
storage vacuole, lytic central vacuole (Vierstra, 1996;
Marty, 1999), and small senescence-associated vacuoles
(Otegui et al., 2005). Protein storage vacuoles are often
found in seed tissues and accumulate storage proteins that
are remobilized and utilized as the main nutrient resource
for germination (Senyuk et al., 1998; Schlereth et al.,
2001). Most cells in vegetative tissues have a large lytic
central vacuole and many small senescence-associated
vacuoles, which contain a wide range of proteases in an
acidic environment (Otegui et al., 2005). Substrate proteins
must be transported and sequestered into this vacuole for
Recently, a group of papain-like cysteine proteases
have been isolated from various senescent tissues of
different species. In Arabidopsis and Brassica napus,
the orthologous genes, SAG12 and BnSAG12, were
demonstrated for their conservation across species from
gene structural comparisons and expression/regulation
studies (Noh and Amasino, 1999). In the nitrogen-fixing
symbiosis interaction of Alnus glutinosa and actiomycete
Frankia, a nodule-specific papain-like cysteine protease
AgNOD-CP1 with unknown function was identified and
isolated (Goetting-Minesky and Mullin, 1994). Gene
expression of the nodule-specific papain-like cysteine
proteases, such as AsNOD32 of Chinese milk vetch
(Astragalus sinicus) (Naito et al., 2000) and Tr-cp of white
clover (Trifolium repens) (Asp et al., 2006) were detected
in the senescing zone and correlated with the onset of
nodule senescence. In Arabidopsis, papain-like cysteine
protease SAG12 was mainly localized in senescence-
associated vacuoles (SAVs) of mesophyll and guard
cells of senescing leaves, and was not required either for
SAV formation or for progression of visual symptoms of
senescence (Otegui et al., 2005). SAG12 was expressed
in sugar-induced and nitrogen deprivation-induced
senescence (Gombert et al., 2006; Pourtau et al., 2006),
and correlated at the whole plant level with the sink/source
transition for nitrogen during both developmental and
nutrient sress-induced leaf senescence (Gombert et al.,
2006). In castor bean (Ricinus communis L.), a papain-
like cysteine protease with a C-terminal KDEL was
immunolocalized specifically in ricinosome, which was
organelles co-purified with glyoxysomes from germinating
Ricinus endosperm, a senescing tissue (Schmid et al.,
1998). The papain-like cysteine endoprotease has the
capacity to process the glyoxysomal malate dehydrogenase
precursor protein into the mature subunit in vitro (Gietl et
al., 1997). In tobacco, the senescence-associated vacuoles
contain soluble chloroplast stromal proteins, including
Rubisco and glutamine synthase, but lack the thylakoid
proteins, such as D1 protein, LHCII of the PSII reaction
center and PSII antenna. The Rubisco levels decrease
steadily in SAVs incubated at 30¢XC, and was completely
abolished by addition of protease inhibitors (Martinez et
al., 2008). These results indicate that SAVs are involved
in the degradation of the soluble photosynthetic proteins
of the chloroplast stroma during senescence of leaves.
Therefore, a possible role for these papain-like cysteine
proteases in association with the clevage and maturation of
proproteinases that are in turn involved in macromolecule
degradation and re-mobilization during leaf senescence
was suggested.
We have previously isolated several senescence-
associated cysteine proteases from sweet potato senescent
leaves in our laboratory (Chen et al., 2004; 2006; 2008).
We report here the cloning and characterization of another
cysteine protease, SPCP1, which exhibited high amino
acid sequence identities with plant vacuolar papain-like
cysteine proteases, including Alnus glutinosa AgNOD-
CP1, Astragalus sinicus AsNOD32, Trifolium repens
Tr-cp, Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica napus SAG12.
Plant materials
The storage roots of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.)
Lam) were grown in a growth chamber, and plantlets from
the storage roots were used as materials. Mature green
leaves near the top of stems were detached for experiments
of induced senescence by different treatment such as
dark, ethephon, and ABA. Leaves with differential level
of senescence were also used for experiments of tissue-
specific expression.
PCR-based subtractive hybridization and RACe
Molecular cloning of senescence-associated genes
basically followed the previous report of Chen et al.
(2000). Total RNAs were isolated individually from the
mature green leaves and senescing leaves of sweet potato
basically according to the method of Sambrook et al.
(1989). The mRNAs were purified with a purification kit
(Promega) and used for the differentially-expressed first
strand cDNA synthesis with a PCR-based subtractive
hybridization kit (Clontech) following the protocols
supplied by the manufacturer. The double-strand cDNAs
of senescing leaves were subtracted by that of mature
green leaves, then ligated to pGEM-T vector for E. coli
DH5£\ competent cell transformation. Recombinant
plasmids were isolated for DNA sequencing using an ABI
PRIZM 337 DNA Sequencer. Nucleotide sequence data
CHEN et al. ¡X Sweet potato cysteine protease SPCP1
were analyzed using the Genetics Computer Group (GCG)
programs. The RACE PCR method with the Marathon
cDNA amplification kit (Clontech) was used to isolate the
5¡¦ and 3¡¦ ends of the interested cDNAs according to the
protocols provided by the manufacturer.
Southern blot hybridization
Young (not expanded) leaves of sweet potato were
harvested and ground in liquid N
. The powder was
transferred to a centrifuge tube, mixed gently and
thoroughly with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide
(CTAB) buffer (2% CTAB, 1.4 mM NaCl, 20 mM ethyle
nediaminetetraacetate (EDTA), 0.2% £]-mercaptoethanol,
and 100 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0) in a 20:1 (v:w) ratio, and
kept at 60¢XC in a water bath for genomic DNA extraction
according to the method of Chen et al. (2000). The total
nucleic acid after precipitation with an equal volume of
isopropanol was re-dissolved in sterile water, digested
with restriction enzymes of EcoRI, HindIII or XbaI and
separated on a 0.8% agarose gel. After electrophoresis, the
DNA was transferred onto a Hybond-N
nylon membrane
(Amersham) following the protocol of Molecular Cloning
(Sambrook et al., 1989) for Southern blot hybridization.
Measurement of pigments
For quantitative analysis of pigment contents, the
mature green leaves (S0) and senescing leaves (S1 and S2)
of sweet potato were collected separately and extracted
with 80% acetone (pH 7.8) buffered with 2.5 mM sodium
phosphate according to the method of Chen et al. (2000).
The absorbance of extracts was measured at wavelengths
of 663.8 nm, 646.8 nm and 470 nm, respectively.
Quantitative values of pigments for aqueous 80% acetone
extracts were calculated from the absorbance data
according to the report of Lichtenthaler (1987). For dark-
induced senescence, detached mature green leaves were
placed on a wet paper towel containing 3 mM 2-(N-mor
pholino)ethanesulphonic acid (MES) buffer pH 7.0, then
kept at room temperature in the dark for 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12
days. For 1 mM ethephon or 100 £gM ABA treatments, the
detached mature green leaves were also placed on a wet
paper towel containing 3 mM MES (pH 7.0) plus different
plant growth regulator, then kept in the dark for 0, 1, 2
and 3 (for ethephon) or 5 (for ABA) days. Leaves were
individually collected for quantitative analysis of pigment
contents and also for semi-quantitative RT-PCR.
Semi-quantitative RT-PCR
Total RNA was isolated from (a) different tissues
including roots, stems, mature green leaves and senescing
leaves, and (b) dark-treated, 1 mM ethephon-treated, or
100 £gM ABA-treated mature green leaves of sweet potato.
The primer pairs (Y136-5¡¦: CACTTTACGGTTGTAAA
ATTAATGGAT) were used to amplify the full-length
SPCP1 cDNAs for semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis
according to the method of Jonson et al. (2000). The full-
length SPCP1 cDNA was also labelled with digoxigenin-
11-dUTP nucleotides as the probe for semi-quantitative
RT-PCR product detection using Southern blot
hybridization and CSPD substrate (Boehringer Mannheim)
as described previously.
Production of polyclonal antibody against
The full-length SPCP1 cDNA was used as templates to
amplify the PCR products encoding the putative mature
SPCP1 protein with primers (Y136-5¡¦M: GGTATTGA
ATATGAT). The amplified PCR products were purified
first and then cloned directly into PET32Xa/LIC vector
(Novagen) according to the protocols provided by the
supplier. After induction with 1 mM IPTG, the expressed
fusion proteins were extracted from cells with 8 M urea,
and purified with His-tag affinity column according
to the protocols from Novagen. The purified fusion
protein was digested with protease Xa factor to release
the expressed SPCP1 mature protein for N-terminal
amino acid sequencing and as an antigen for polyclonal
antibody production in rabbits. For N-terminal amino acid
sequence determination, the purified fusion proteins were
first digested with Xa factor, and then mixed with SDS
sample extraction buffer and boiled in a 100¢XC water bath
for 5 min. The samples were subjected to protein SDS-
PAGE in 12.5% gels, then, transferred onto Millipore
PVDF membranes. The band with molecular weight
corresponding to the expressed SPCP1 mature protein was
cut from PVDF membrane and used for N-terminal amino
acid determination. For polyclonal antibody production,
the purified fusion protein was first dgested with Xa factor,
and then performed a 12.5% SDS-PAGE. The band with
molecular weight corresponding to the expressed SPCP1
mature protein was cut from the 12.5% polyacylamide gel,
then, mixed with appropriate amount of pH 7.5 phosphate
buffer saline (PBS) containing 0.1% SDS. The eluted
proteins in PBS containing 0.1% SDS were precipitated
with acetone containing 10% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) at
-20¢XC for 2 h. After centrifugation at 13,000 xg for 20 min,
the pellet was washed with acetone twice, then, dried at
room temperature. The acetone powder was re-dissolved
in a small amount of PBS buffer containing 0.1% SDS and
used as antigens for subcutaneous injections (Taiwan Bio-
Pharm Inc.).
Western blot hybridization and activity staining
Polyclonal antibody obtained from rabbit antiserum
was utilized for Western blot hybridization to study the
gene expression of SPCP1 in different tissues, leaves with
various levels of senescence, and with dark or ethephon
treatments as described previously. For enzymatic
activity analysis, basically it follows the method reported
by Lee and Lin (1995). The crude protein extract from
S2 leaves was analyzed for protease activity in the
Botanical Studies, Vol. 50, 2009
presence or absence of inhibitor L-3-carboxy-2,3-trans-
epoxypropionyl-leucyl-amino (4-guanidino) butane
(E-64) in gelatin-containing polyacrylamide gel. About
0.5 g S2 senescent leaves were ground with mortar and
pestle in liquid N
and the powder was extracted with
extraction buffer containing 10 mM Tris-HCl and 1 mM
EDTA pH 6.8. The mixture was centrifuged at 13,000 xg,
4¢XC for 10 min, then, the supernatant was transferred to
a new centrifuge tube. The crude extract was mixed with
equal volume of 2x SDS buffer (4.6%) and stayed at 4¢XC
for overnight. After incubation, sample buffer without
SDS was added into the crude extract in the presence or
absence of E-64 inhibitor, and perform electrophoresis on
a 12.5% SDS-PAGE containing 0.4 to 1% gelatin. After
electrophoresis, the gel was washed twice with isopropanol
to replace SDS from gels, then, incubated in 100 mM Tris-
HCl buffer containing £]-mercaptoethanol with pH 6.0
at 37¢XC for 30 min to 1 h. After incubation, the gel was
stained with Coomassie Blue R250 staining dye to detect
the protease activity bands on gels.
Induction of SPCP1 in sweet potato cell
suspension culture
Fully-expanded mature green leaves of sweet potato
were collected and disinfected in 2% sodium hypochlorite
for about 10 min, then washed with sterile water for three
times. After disinfection, the leaves were cut into strips
and incubated on solid MS medium supplemented with
3% sucrose, 1 ppm 2,4-D, and B5 vitamins for callus
induction in a day/night cycle with 28¢XC day and 23¢XC
night, 16 h day and 8 h night. The induced calli were
routinely maintained and subcultured monthly on the
same medium. For cell suspension culture establishment,
calli about one month after subculture were transferred
into the same liquid medium and shaked on an orbital
shaker with 100 rpm. The cell suspension culture were
routinely maintained once a week in a 1:2 (v:v) ratio of
cell suspension to fresh medium at room temperature in
the dark. For growth curve determination, total about 30
mL of diluted cell suspension as described above was
filtered with Whatmann No. 4 filter paper at the intervals
of day 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18, respectively, and the cells
retained on the filter membrane were collected for fresh
weight determination. Ethephon, an ethylene-releasing
compound, can be catalyzed to release ethylene, HCl, and
in a 1:1:1 ratio after uptake into cells. Therefore,
treatment of 1 mM HCl plus 1 mM H
was used as
additional control. For ethephon treatment, about 10 mL of
diluted cell suspension was treated with 1 mM ethephon
or 1 mM HCL plus 1 mM phosphate, and harvested at
intervals (a) of day 0, 3 and 6, respectively, for fresh
weight measurement, and (b) of day 1, and 3, respectively,
for the induction of SPCP1 gene expression. The effect
of ethephon on cell viability was also assayed with evan
blue staining dye. Suspension cells were treated with 0,
1, 2, 10 mM ethephon, respectively, for three days. After
treatment, the cells were collected and stained with 0.25%
evan blue staining dye in PBS buffer at 25¢XC for 30 min,
then washed with PBS for 10 min before microscopic
Nucleotide and amino acid sequences of SPCP1
With PCR-based subtractive hybridization and RACE
PCR techniques, a full-length cDNA, SPCP1 (GenBank
accession no. AF242372), was cloned from senescent
leaves. There were 1020 nucleotides (339 amino
acids) in its open reading frame (Figure 1). GCG/fasta
comparison showed that SPCP1 exhibited high amino
acid sequence homologies (58% to 74%) with papain-
like cysteine proteases of Alnus glutinosa (AAA50755;
71%), Arabidopsis thaliana (AAK43946 and AAC49135;
58%), Astragalus sinicus (BAB13759; 71%), Brassica
napus (AAD53011; 59%), Daucus carota (BAD29955;
73%), Gossypium hirsutum (AAT34987; 74%), Hordeum
vulgare (CAB09697; 59%), Iris hollandica (AAR92154;
70%), Medicago truncatula (AAQ63885; 72%), Nicotiana
tabacum (AAW78660; 60%), Oryza sativa (CAD40112;
67%), Ricinus communis (AAC62396; 60%), Trifolium
repens (AAP32196; 73%).
From the alignment of SPCP1 putative catalytic domain
with other plant cysteine proteases, a conservation of the
catalytic residues within the domains was observed. The
F igure 1. Nucleotide and a mi no acid se que nces of sweet
potato putative cysteine protease S PC P1 isolated from senes-
cent leaves. ATG (underlined) and TGA (underl ined) re p-
resent the initiation and stop codons, respectively. The Gln
(Q), Cys (C), His (H) and Asn (N) printed in white on black
represe nt the conserved catalytic amino acid residues. T he
arrow (¡ô) represents the possible cleavage site of N-terminus
of the SPCP1-encoded protein precursor.
CHEN et al. ¡X Sweet potato cysteine protease SPCP1
Q139, C145, H282, and N303 amino acids of SPCP1
labelled with asterisks and printed in white on black were
identified as conserved catalytic residues (Figure 1).
Southern blot hybridization showed that there was about
six, six, and three bands detected for digestion with EcoRI,
HindIII, and XbaI, respectively, with SPCP1 probe (Figure
2). These data suggest that SPCP1 encodes a putative
cysteine protease, which may comprise multiple copy
number in sweet potato genome.
gene expression of SPCP1 is enhanced in
naturally senescent leaves
SPCP1 gene expression was significantly enhanced
during natural leaf senescence. The stages of leaf
senescence was divided into S0, S1 and S2 according
to the contents of cellular chlorophylls (a + b). S0 is the
mature green leaf and its chlorophylls (a + b) is assigned
as 100%. S1 and S2 are senescent leaves with 40% and
10% chlorophylls (a + b), respectively. The amplified
PCR products were remarkably increased at S1 and S2
senescent leaves, however, was almost not detected in S0
mature green leaves, root, and stem. A metallothionein-
like protein gene G14, which was isolated previously
from sweet potato leaves and exhibited constitutive
expression pattern in all tissues assayed (Chen et al.,
2003), was used as a control. No significant variation
of G14 gene expression level was found among tissues
and stages analyzed (Figure 3A). These data suggest
that SPCP1 is likely a senescence-associated gene and
exhibits an enhanced expression pattern during natural leaf
Figure 2. Southern blot hybridization of sweet potato SPCP1.
T he genomic DNA of sweet potato was digested with restric-
t ion enz ymes (EcoRI, HindIII, or XbaI) and detected with
the digoxigenin-labelled SPC P1 probe.
Fig ure 3. Te mporal and spatial gene expre ssion of sweet
potato S PCP1 detected with semi-qua ntitative RT-PCR and
Western blot. (A) RT-PCR products. The ampl ified SPC P1
RT-PCR produc ts were de te cte d wi th et hidi um bromide
st aining (Et Br stai ning) a nd non-radioactive digoxigeni n-
labelled SPCP1 cDNA probe. (B) Western blot. Western blot
was performed with the polyclonal antibody raised against
SPCP1. S0, S1, and S2 represented different senescent stages
(100%, 40%, and 10% chlorophylls (a + b), respectively) of
leaves. G14 , which encoded a m etallot hionein-li ke protein
and exhibited a constitutive expression pattern, was used as
a control. The experiments were performed three times and
a representative one was shown. (C) Activit y staining. The
crude protein extract from S2 leaves was analyzed for pro-
tease activity in the presence or absence of inhibitor E-64 in
gelatin-containing polyacrylamide gel.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 50, 2009
Western blot hybridization with polyclonal antibody
raised against SPCP1 showed that a band with a molecular
mass around 36 kDa was detected and its amount increased
remarkably at S2 stage (Figure 3B). The data are consistent
with the semi-quantitative RT-PCR results (Figure 3A) and
provide further evidence to support SPCP1 as a functional
gene. Protease activity staining with S2 senescent leaves
in gelatin-containing polyacrylamide gel showed that
an activity band with a molecular mass about 50 kDa
was detected and insensitive to inhibitor E-64 inhibition.
However, the activity band with a molecular mass around
36 kDa exhibited sensitivity to inhibitor E-64 inhibition
(Figure 3C). Cysteine proteases are in general sensitive
to E-64 protease inhibitor (Mitsuhashi et al., 2004),
however, proteases such as asparaginyl endopeptidase (an
atypical cysteine endopeptidase) has been reported with
insensitivity to inhibitor E-64 (Okamoto and Minamikawa,
1999). These data suggest the existence of cysteine
proteases with a molecular mass ca. 36 kDa.
SPCP1 gene expression is enhanced by dark,
ethephon, and ABA
Induction of SPCP1 gene expression was studied
with detached mature green leaves. For dark treatment,
contents of chlorophylls (a + b) decreased gradually and
the amount at day 12 was about one third that of day 0.
Gene expression of SPCP1 was not significantly increased
from day 0 to day 3; however, was remarkably enhanced
from day 6 till day 12. For G14, no significant variation
was found in dark treatment (Figure 4A). Western blot
hybridization also detected a band with molecular weight
around 36 kDa, which gradually increased from day 6 till
day 12 (Figure 4B).
For 1 mM ethephon treatment, loss of contents of
chlorophylls (a + b) from treated mature green leaves were
much faster than that of the untreated dark control and the
amount at day 3 was about one third that of day 0. The
semi-quantitative RT-PCR products of SPCP1 increased
from day 2 to day 3 in ethephon-treated samples, whereas,
no significant change of SPCP1 from the untreated dark
controls was observed. The increased amounts in ethephon
treated samples were much higher and faster than that of
the untreated dark controls from day 2 to day 3, and were
correlated with the rate of leaf senescence using changes
of pigment contents as a senescent indicator. For G14,
no significant variation was found in ethephon treatment
(Figure 5A). Western blot hybridization detected a band
with molecular mass around 36 kDa from day 2 till day 3
after ethephon treatment (Figure 5B), which is consistent
with the semi-quantitative RT-PCR results (Figure 5A).
Figure 4. Effects of dark treatment on S PCP1 gene expres-
sion in detached mature green leaves within a 12-day period.
(A) RT-PCR products. Changes of S PCP1 RT-PCR products
in dark-treated mature green leaves were detected with ethid-
ium bromide (EtBr) st aini ng and non-ra dioa ctive digoxi-
genin-labelled SPC P1 probe. G14, which encoded a metallo-
thionein-like protein and exhibited a constitutive expression
patte rn, wa s used as a c ontrol. D denotes dark t reatme nt.
(B) Western blot. Western blot was performed with the poly-
clonal antibody raised against SPCP1. The experiments were
performed three times and a representative one was shown.
F igur e 5. Effect of ethephon, an ethylene-releasing com-
pound, on S PCP1 gene expression in detached mature green
leaves within a 3-day period. (A) RT-PCR products. Changes
of SPC P1 RT-PCR products i n 1 m M ethephon-treated and
dark-treated mature green leaves were detected with ethid-
ium bromi de (Et Br) stai ning a nd non-ra dioact ive digoxi-
genin-labelled S PC P1 probe. G14 , which encoded a metallo-
thionein-like protein and exhibited a constitutive expression
pattern, was used as a control. E and D denote ethephon and
dark treatments, respectively. (B) Western blot. Western blot
was performed with the polyclonal a ntibody raised against
SPCP1. The experiments were performed three times and a
representative one was shown.
CHEN et al. ¡X Sweet potato cysteine protease SPCP1
For 100 £gM ABA treatment, loss of chlorophylls
(a + b) from treated mature green leaves were also faster
than that of the untreated dark control and the amount
at day 5 was about 22% that of day 0. SPCP1 gene
expression significantly increased from day 1 to day 5 in
ABA-treated samples compared to that of untreated dark
controls, and were correlated with leaf senescence. For
G14, no significant variation was found in ABA treatment
(Figure 6A). Western blot hybridization detected a band
with molecular mass around 36 kDa at day 3 after ABA
treatment (Figure 6B), which is consistent with the semi-
quantitative RT-PCR results (Figure 6A). These data, thus,
support SPCP1 as a functional, senescence-associated
gene, and its gene expression was enhanced in dark-,
ethephon-, ABA-induced senescent leaves.
SPCP1 was induced by ethephon in suspension
Sweet potato cell suspension were used to study
ethephon effects on cell growth and SPCP3 gene
expression. The growth curve of sweet potato suspension
cells was shown in Figure 7A. It took ca. 9 to 12 days
after subculture for suspension cells to reach the stationary
phase. For 1 mM ethephon treatment, cell growth was
repressed ca. 18% that of untreated control at day 3,
however, was not significantly different at day 6. For
F i gure 6 . E ffec t of ABA on SPCP1 gene expression in
de tac he d m ature gree n lea ve s wit hin a 5-da y period. (A)
RT-PCR products. Changes of SPC P1 RT-PCR products in
100 £gM ABA-treated and dark-treated m ature green leaves
were det ected wit h ethidium bromide (EtBr) staini ng and
non-radioactive digoxigenin-labelled SPCP1 probe. G14,
which encoded a metallothionein-like protein and exhibited
a constitut ive expression pattern, was used as a control. A
a nd D denote ABA a nd dark treat ments, re spectively; (B)
Wester n blot. We ste rn blot was performed with the poly-
clonal antibody raised against SPCP1. The experiments were
performed three times and a representative one was shown.
Figu re 7. The effects of 1 mM ethephon on cell growth and
induction of SPCP1 in suspe nsion culture. (A) The growth
cu rve of swee t pot ato suspe nsion cel ls wa s de te rmi ned
withi n a 18-day period of culture, and the fresh weight of
cells were measured at day 0, 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 after
subculture. (B) The effect of 1 m M ethephon on cell growth
in suspension culture. Control and 1 mM HCl + 1 mM H
denote untreated control and control treated with 1 mM HCl
+ 1 m M H
, respe ctively. (C) T he induction of SPCP1
by 1 mM ethephon in suspension cells. C and E denote the
control treated wit h 1 m M HCl + 1 mM H
and 1 mM
ethephon-t reated sample, respectively.
Botanical Studies, Vol. 50, 2009
control treated with 1 mM HCl and 1 mM H
, cell
growth was also slightly repressed ca. 8% that of untreated
control at day 3, and was almost the same at day 6 (Figure
7B). Western blot hybridization showed that SPCP1 was
significantly induced and enhanced to express by 1 mM
ethephon compared to control treated with 1 mM HCl and
1 mM H
at day 1 and day 3 (Figure 7C). Evan blue
staining showed that the nuclei of most cells were not
stained and was viable in untreated control, and treatments
with 1 mM or 2 mM ethephon. However, the nuclei of
most cells were stained blue and died in 10 mM ethephon
treatment. These results conclude that 1 mM ethephon
do not drastically cause cell death in cell suspension,
however, can induce SPCP1 gene expression in cell
suspension culture.
Sweet potato SPCP1 encoded a putative papain-like
cysteine protease, and its ORF contained 339 amino
acids (Figure 1). The predicted molecular mass was ca.
34 kDa. Western blot hybridization and protease activity
assay detected a band with molecular mass near 36 kDa
(Figure 3). The protease activity band was also sensitive to
inhibitor E-64. In carrot cell suspemsion culture, different
cysteine proteases with sequential development of protease
activities during somatic embryogenesis were observed
and exhibited sensitivity to E-64 protease inhibitor
(Mitsuhashi et al., 2004). These data provide evidence to
support the existence of a functional cysteine protease with
a molecular mass near 36 kDa for SPCP1 in sweet potato
senescent leaves.
Sweet potato SPCP1 gene expression was significantly
enhanced at mRNA and protein levels in natural and
induced senescent leaves (Figures 4, 5 and 6). Gene
expression of nodule-specific papain-like cysteine
proteases, such as AsNOD32 of Chinese milk vetch
(Astragalus sinicus) (Naito et al., 2000) and Tr-cp of
white clover (Trifolium repens) (Asp et al., 2006) were
detected in the senescing zone and correlated with the
onset of nodule senescence. In Arabidopsis, papain-like
cysteine protease SAG12 was detected mainly localized in
senescence-associated vacuoles of mesophyll and guard
cells of senescing leaves (Otegui et al., 2005). Our results
agree with these reports and support sweet potato SPCP1
a senescence-associated gene. In sweet potato, SPCP1
Figure 8. Evan blue staining of ethephon-treated sweet potato suspension cells. The suspension cells were t reated with 0, 1, 2,
and 10 m M ethephon, respectively, for 3 days, then were harvested and stained with Evan blue staining dye. (A), (B), (C), and
(D) denote 0, 1, 2, and 10 mM ethephon-treated samples, respectively.
CHEN et al. ¡X Sweet potato cysteine protease SPCP1
gene expression level could be induced by dark, ethephon,
and ABA (Figures 4, 5, and 6). Buchanan-Wollaston et
al. (2005) analyzed gene expression patterns and signal
transduction pathways of senescence in Arabidopsis
induced by different factors, including dark, starvation,
ethylene, ABA, salicylic acid, and jasmonic acid (JA).
Transcriptome analysis revealed that pathways such as
dark, ethylene, and JA are all required for expression of
many genes during developmental senescence. Genes
associated with essential metabolic processes such
as nitrogen degradation and mobilization can utilize
alternative pathways for induction (Buchanan-Wallaston
et al., 2005). These data provide a possible explanation
for the induction of sweet potato SPCP1 gene expression
by different factors such as development, dark, ABA, and
ethephon possibly due to or in association with multiple
signal transduction pathways.
In natural and induced senescent leaves, the chlorophyll
contents were used as a marker to indicate the senescence
levels. During senescence, cysteine protease SPCP1
expression was induced and enhanced. However, the time
o f SPCP1 expression was later than the initiation time
of chlorophyll degradation and decrease of chlorophyll
content (Figures 4, 5 and 6). Therefore, the possible
function of SPCP1 may not be directly in association with
the initiation of chlorophyll degradation. In Arabidopsis,
transgenic plants expressing SAG12-GFP fusion protein
under the control of SAG12 promoter demonstrated
that SAG12 was mainly localized in the senescence-
associated vacuoles of chloroplast-containing mesophyll
and guard cells in senescing leaves (Otegui et al., 2005).
In tobacco, the senescence-associated vacuoles contain
soluble chloroplast stromal proteins, including Rubisco
and glutamine synthase, but lack the thylakoid proteins,
such as D1 protein, LHCII of the PSII reaction center
and PSII antenna. The Rubisco levels decreased steadily
in senescence-associated vacuoles incubated at 30¢XC,
and was completely abolished by addition of protease
inhibitors (Martinez et al., 2008). Our results agree with
these reports and suggest that sweet potato SPCP1 may
not be directly in association with chlorophyll degradation
during leaf senescence.
In sweet potato, SPCP1 gene expression level is higher
in ethephon-induced senescent leaves (Figures 5 and
7C). The effect of ethephon as a senescence accelerator
is indirect. It is first decomposed into HCl, phosphate
and ethylene in a 1:1:1 ratio before the ethylene action.
In order to prevent the side effects caused by HCl and
phosphate, final concentrations of 1 mM HCl and 1 mM
phosphate were added to the medium as a control when
1 mM ethephon was used for treatment. No significant
effects of HCl and phosphate at the concentration applied
o n SPCP1 gene induction were concluded (Figures 5
and 7C). Leaf senescence is considered as a type of
programmed cell death (Lim et al., 2007). Leaf senescence
was induced by 1 mM ethephon treatment (Figure 5).
However, 1 mM ethephon treatment did repress cell
growth at the beginning, but did not cause significant cell
death in suspension cells (Figures 7 and 8). SPCP1 gene
expression was induced and enhanced drastically in both 1
mM ethephon-treated mature green leaves and suspension
cells. These data suggest that SPCP1 gene expression
may not be directly in association with programmed cell
death. In tobacco, different markers, such as senescence
marker (SAG12) and HR cell death markers (HIN1 and
HSR203J), were used to study the programmed cell death
(PCD) caused by incompatible pathogen interaction and
senescence. The HSR203J is upregulated during HR but
not during leaf senescence. However, Arabidopsis SAG12
gene expression is associated with leaf senescence but is
not detected in the HR PCD (Pontier et al., 1999). With
T-DNA insertion mutagenesis, a sag12-2 Arabidopsis
mutant was generated and used to study the correlation
of phenotypic effect and gene expression with wild type.
SAG12 gene expression was detected in wild type, but
not in sag12-2 mutant. However, absence of altered
senescence phenotype could be observed between wild
type and sag12-2 mutant (Otegui et al., 2005). These
results clearly demonstrated that SAG12 is not required for
the visual progression of leaf senescence, and support that
sweet potato SPCP1 may not be directly in association
with chlorophyll degradation and cell death during leaf
senescence. The dose of 1 mM ethephon treatment, which
caused leaf yellowing and final cell death in treated leaves,
however, did not induced significant cell death in treated
suspension cells (Figures 5, 7 and 8). The reason is not
clear. However, the variation of constituents between
(a) the medium for cell suspension culture (MS with 3%
sucrose, B5 vitamin, and 1 ppm 2,4-D) and (b) the buffer
for detached leaves (0.3 mM MES, pH 7.0) may partly
respond for the difference.
The possible physiological role and function of
SPCP1 in sweet potato senescent leaves are not clear.
I n Arabidopsis, SAG12 was expressed in nitrogen
deprivation-induced senescence, and correlated at
the whole plant level with the sink/source transition
for nitrogen during both developmental and nutrient
sress-induced leaf senescence (Gombert et al., 2006).
Senescence-associated vacuoles were involved in the
degradation of soluble chloroplast stroma proteins
in tobacco leaves (Martinez et al., 2008). In castor
bean (Ricinus communis L.), a papain-like cysteine
protease with a C-terminal KDEL was immunolocalized
specifically in ricinosome, which was organelles co-
purified with glyoxysomes from germinating Ricinus
endosperm, a senescing tissue (Schmid et al., 1998). The
papain-like cysteine endoprotease has the capacity to
process the glyoxysomal malate dehydrogenase precursor
protein into the mature subunit in vitro (Gietl e al., 1997).
These data suggest a possible role for these papain-
like cysteine proteases in association with the clevage
and maturation of proproteinases that are involved in
macromolecule degradation and re-mobilization during
leaf senescence. Whether sweet potato SPCP1 play a
role in association with macromolecule degradation and
remobilization as mentioned above await for further
Botanical Studies, Vol. 50, 2009
investigation. We conclude that sweet potato SPCP1 is
a functional senescence-associated gene with cysteine
protease activity. It is not directly in association with
chlorophyll degradation and programmed cell death during
leaf senescence.
Acknowledgment. The authors thank the financial
support (NSC95-2313-B-110-006-MY2) from the National
Science Council, Taiwan.
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