Botanical Studies (2009) 50: 217-227.
Corresponding author: E-mail:;
+886-2-33664640; +886-2-23697658.
Invasive species have been considered as major threats
to the ecosystems of national parks by altering the soil
nutrients, taking over territories, forming monocultures,
changing species compositions, etc (Rogers and
Leathwick, 1996; Wuerthner, 1996; Jesson et al., 2000;
Evans et al., 2001; Wolf et al., 2004). The way in which
invasive species get into these native habitats are rarely
discussed (Gelbard and Harrison, 2005; Foxcroft et al.,
2007, 2008). Human activity may be to blame (Larson
et al., 2001). We believe that the recreation function
of national parks brings people to appreciate natural
Patterns of plant invasions in the preserves and
recreation areas of Shei-Pa National Park in Taiwan
Shan-Huah WU
, J. K. TSAI
, H. T. SUN
, C. F.
, and Chyi-Rong
Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica, 128, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Taipei 115 Taiwan
Department Life Science, National Taiwan Normal University, 88 Sec. 4, Ting-Chow Rd., Taipei 116, Taiwan
Department Forestry, National Taiwan University, 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei 106, Taiwan
(Received June 25, 2008; Accepted November 27, 2008)
Nature preserves in the national parks are usually adjacent to the recreation areas, where
most of the tourists visit. Although permits are required and only few small trials are available to enter
the preserves, species naturalized in the neighboring recreation areas may hitchhike across the borders. To
estimate the differences of plant invasions in neighboring preserves and recreation areas experiencing different
intensity of anthropogenic activities, we employed Wuling district (alt. 1,800-3,860 m), Shei-Pa National Park
in Taiwan as our study site. Our hypotheses were: (1) the recreation areas harbor more naturalized species,
and plant invasion patterns are different in these areas under various land management strategies; (2) species
inhabiting the preserves could be found in the recreation areas as well; (3) naturalized species of temperate
origins are dominant due to the temperate weather in the mountains. Total of 230 quadrats in one meter square
quadrats were randomly selected along the roads and trails in both areas. Naturalized species, relative cover,
elevation, and naturalness degree were obtained and analyzed. The results showed that the naturalized species
in both areas were herbaceous, originating from tropical and temperate Americas and Europe. Naturalized
floras of these two areas were presented by analogous dominant families, Asteraceae and Poaceae, and
dominant species, Bromus catharticus and Trifolium repens. However, the number and coverage of naturalized
species, £\ diversity, elevation, and naturalness degree, suggested different patterns of plant invasions of these
two areas. Recreation areas accommodated significantly more naturalized species and higher coverage, and
elevation was responsible for distinct patterns of plant invasions. Both of the preserves and recreation areas
in Wuling provided suitable habitats for similar naturalized floras; however, relatively more species harbored
by the later implied a source and sink relationships between these two areas. Furthermore, environmental
factors that change with the elevation, such as temperature, topography, and native vegetation, may contribute
to different patterns of plant invasions presented by preserves and the recreation areas in the subtropical
Keywords: National park; Naturalized species; Nature preserve; Plant invasions; Recreation area; Shei-Pa
National Park.
wonders, but also increases chances of possible invasions,
since land use intensity has been contributive to plant
invasions in both recreation and protected areas of national
parks (Mckinney, 2002; Foxcroft et al., 2007). Although
the disturbance caused by visitors and transportation
infrastructures is mostly concentrated in the designated
recreation areas, these areas may serve as a base for
invaders to expand their territories into adjacent protected
areas, nature preserves, and cause problems (Wein et al.,
1992). Despite the endeavors scientists have devoted to
estimating plant invasions in national parks (Schwarz
and Wein, 1997; Jesson et al., 2000; Rowlands and Brian,
2001; Pauchard et al., 2003; Foxcroft et al., 2007, 2008),
patterns of plant invasions in neighboring recreation and
protected areas with different anthropogenic disturbances
are seldom reported.