Botanical Studies (2009) 50: 229-240.
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Asarum L., s.l., (Aristolochiaceae), contains about 90
species distributed in the north temperate zone, with the
center of diversity in eastern Asia (Huang et al., 2003).
Asarum is often split into several genera; Heterotropa
Morren & Decne., Hexastylis Raf., Asiasarum Maekawa,
Japonasarum Nakai, and Geotaenium Maekawa. The
study by Kelly (1998) supported recognition of two
subgenera, Asarum and Heterotropa, and that treatment is
adopted here (1998).
Most species of Asarum are low-growing, rhizomatous
herbs in shaded, moist, broadleaved forests. The floral
characteristics are diverse, but the extremely conservative
gross morphology of the species has resulted in confusion.
Floral characters are difficult to determine in dried
specimens. Since Hayata¡¦s (1915) pioneering work, the
treatments of Asarum in Taiwan have been incongruous,
with from 5 to 13 species being recognized (Lai, 1973;
Wu et al., 1974; Liu and Lai, 1976; Maekawa, 1978;
Cheng and Yang, 1983, 1988; Huang et al., 1995; Huang,
1996; Lu, 2001; Huang et al., 2003). Recently, Huang
et al. (1995) critically revised Asarum on the bases
Three new species of Asarum (section Heterotropa) from
Chang-Tse LU and Jenn-Che WANG*
Department of Life Science, National Taiwan Normal University, 88, Ting-Chow Rd., Sec 4, Wenshan, Taipei 11677,
(Received July 18, 2008; Accepted November 27, 2008)
Three new species of Asarum L. sect. Heterotropa: A. chatienshanianum C . T. Lu & J.
C. Wang, A. tawushanianum C. T. Lu & J. C. Wang, and A. villisepalum C. T. Lu & J. C. Wang, from
Taiwan are described and illustrated. The somatic chromosome number and micromorphology of pollen
grains of all of them were also examined. The somatic chromosome number in all three species is 2n=24.
The tectum of the pollen is rugulate-perforate with large supratectate warts in A. tawushanianum and A.
villisepalum but composed of perforated subunits in A. chateinshanianum. Asarum chatienshanianum and
A. villisepalum are similar to A. macranthum Hook f. in gross morphology, but differ in floral morphology.
Asarum chatienshanianum has greenish yellow flowers, a longer cylindrical calyx tube and the apex of the
styles is bilobed. Asarum villisepalum is distinguished by dark maroon flowers, the densely white villous
adaxial surface of the calyx lobes, and the internal surface of the calyx tube with 12 and 24 longitudinal
ridges on the upper and lower part respectively. Asarum tawushanianum resembles A. hypogynum Hayata,
but is distinguishable in having a short cylindrical calyx tube and smaller dark purple flowers. Descriptions,
illustration and a synoptic key are provided for comparison with other species of Asarum in Taiwan.
Keywords: Asarum; Aristolochiaceae; Chromosome number; Heterotropa; Pollen; Taiwan.
of morphology, pollen features, and karyotype. They
recognized six species, including two new species, A.
crassusepalum S. F. Huang, T. H. Hsieh & T. C. Huang
and A. taipingshanianum S. F. Huang, T. H. Hsieh & T.
C. Huang. They (Huang et al., 1995) treated several of
Hayata¡¦s species as synonyms of the very variable A.
macranthum Hook. f. within which three morphologically
distinguishable populations have been described. Most
recently, Asarum of Taiwan was revised again (Lu, 2001)
based on comparative morphology, palynology, cytology
and molecular evidence to elucidate the taxonomy and
phylogeny of the genus. The present paper describes three
new species that were overlooked or were previously
misidentified as A. macranthum. The morphological terms
used in this paper follow Sugawara (1987) and Huang et
al. (1995).
Materials used in this study were collected from the
field throughout Taiwan. Living material was cultivated
in the greenhouse, Department of Life Sciences,
National Taiwan Normal University. Most plants were
pressed and dried and the specimens are deposited in
the TNU Herbarium. Voucher specimens for pollen and
chromosome observations are also preserved at TNU.