Botanical Studies (2009) 50: 241-250.
Corresponding author: E-mail:
A total of 12 species of Begonia were recognized
by Chen (1993) in the Flora of Taiwan, 2
with one natural hybrid, B. ¡Ñbuimontana Yamamoto,
recognized from southern Taiwan (Peng and Chen, 1991).
Subsequently, a second natural hybrid, B. ¡Ñtaipeiensis C.-I
Peng, was recognized from northern Taiwan (Peng and
Sue, 2000; Peng and Chiang, 2000) and five additional
species ¡XB. bouffordii C.-I Peng, B. chuyunshanensis
C.-I Peng & Y. K. Chen, B. pinglinensis C.-I Peng, B.
tengchiana C.-I Peng & Y. K. Chen, and B. wutaiana C.-I
Peng & Y. K. Chen¡Xwere described (Peng et al., 2005).
In continuation of our systematic studies of Asian Begonia
(Fang et al., 2006; Ku et al., 2006; Peng et al., 2006a;
Peng et al., 2006b; Gu et al., 2007; Liu et al., 2007; Peng
et al., 2007; Ku et al., 2008; Peng et al., 2008a; Peng et
al., 2008b), we document here a third natural hybrid, B. ¡Ñ
chungii, from central Taiwan.
Specimens of Begonia ¡Ñchungii, B. longifolia and
B. palmata were collected from wild populations
and cultivated in the experimental greenhouse for
morphological comparison, SEM studies, and cytological
examination. Vouchers are deposited at HAST.
Chromosome preparations
Meiosis was observed in flower buds fixed in a 3:1
mixture of 95% ethanol and glacial acetic acid and
Begonia ¡Ñchungii (Begoniaceae), a new natural hybrid in
Ching-I PENG* and Shin-Ming KU
Herbarium (HAST), Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica, Nangang, Taipei 115, Taiwan
(Received September 25, 2008; Accepted March 4, 2009)
A new natural hybrid, Begonia ¡Ñchungii C.-I Peng & S. M. Ku, from central Taiwan, is
described and illustrated. Based on its morphology, geographical distribution, pollen stainability, seed set, and
cytology, and on experimental hybrids, we conclude that B. ¡Ñchungii is a natural hybrid between B. palmata D.
Don [sect. Platycentrum (Klotzsch) A. DC.] and B. longifolia Blume [sect. Sphenanthera (Hassk.) Warb.].
Key words: Begonia; Begonia ¡Ñchungii; Begonia longifolia; Begonia palmata;
Hybrids; Meiosis; Natural
hybridization; Taiwan; Taxonomy.
subsequently refrigerated. Prior to staining, the buds
were hydrolyzed for 10 minutes at 60¢XC in a 1:1 mixture
of concentrated HCl and 95% ethanol. They were then
squashed in FLP orcein (Jackson, 1973).
Cryo scanning electron microscopy
Fresh leaves of Begonia ¡Ñchungii, B. longifolia and
B. palmata were dissected and mounted on stubs. The
samples were frozen with liquid nitrogen slush, and then
transferred to a sample preparation chamber at -160¢XC.
After 5 min, when the temperature had risen to -130¢X
C, the samples were fractured and then etched for 10
min at -85¢XC. After coating at -130¢XC, the samples were
transferred to the SEM chamber and observed at -160¢XC
with a cryo scanning electron microscope (FEI Quanta 200
SEM/Quorum Cryo System PP2000TR FEI).
Begonia ¡Ñchungii
C.-I Peng & S. M. Ku, hybr. nov.¡X
TYPE: TAIWAN. Nantou County, Luku Township,
Sitou, National Taiwan University Experimental
Forest. Cryptomeria plantation by the Tahsuehchih
("University Pond"), 120¢X46¡¦57" E, 23¢X44¡¦23" N,
elev. ca. 1,200 m, 8 Mar 1994, Ching-I Peng 17962
(holotype: HAST, here designated; isotypes: A, E, MO,
TAIF, TNM). Áé¤ó¬î®ü´Å Figures 1, 2
Herba perennis. Caulis erectus, 50-80 cm altus. Folia
obliqua, ovata usque anguste ovata, 11-24 cm longa, 5-15
cm lata. Flores masculi: tepala 4; stamina 60-80. Flores
foeminei: tepala 5(-6), subaequalia; ovarium triloculare,
inaequaliter 3-alatum; placenta axialis; styli 3. Grana pol-
linis fere in toto abortiva. Ovarium abortivum. Chromoso-
matum numerus: 2n = 22. Hybrida naturalis e B. longfolia
Blume et B. palmata D. Don genita.