Botanical Studies (2009) 50: 251-259
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When examining the specimens of Aconitum L .
subgenus Lycoctonum (DC.) Peterm. (Ranunculaceae)
for the first author¡¦s Ph.D. project on the systematics and
evolution of this subgenus, a gathering, Shennongjia Plant
Expedition 22332 (PE), made from the Shennongjia Nature
Reserve, northwestern Hubei, China, caught our attention.
The two sheets of the gathering, both in fruit, had been
previously identified as A. kirinense Nakai var. australe
W. T. Wang. Upon closer examination, we found that
the plant was strikingly different from the three varieties
under A. kirinense, var. kirinense, var. australe, and var.
heterophyllum W. T. Wang, by the inflorescence axis and
the pedicels all densely golden villous with patent hairs.
In the three varieties of A. kirinense, the inflorescence
axis and pedicels are white strigose with curved hairs. In
July 2006, we made a field trip to the Shennongjia Nature
Reserve and successfully found a flowering population
of the plant under question. The population was found
to be similar to A. kirinense in having yellow flowers
and cylindrical helmets, but differs by the inflorescence
axis and pedicels densely golden villous with rough-
surfaced patent hairs, the helmet higher and narrower,
the spur of petals longer and obviously recurved or
Aconitum shennongjiaense (Ranunculaceae), a new
species from Hubei, China
and Qin-Er YANG
State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
100093, China
South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xingke Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 510650, China
(Received April 30, 2008; Accepted November 7, 2008)
Aconitum shennongjiaense Q. Gao & Q. E. Yang, a new species of the Ranunculaceae from
Shennongjia, northwestern Hubei, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to A.
kirinense Nakai in having yellow flowers and cylindrical helmets, but differs by the inflorescence axis and
the pedicels densely golden villous with rough-surfaced patent hairs, the helmet higher and narrower, the spur
of petals longer and obviously recurved or circinate, the ovary densely golden villous with rough-surfaced
ascending hairs, and the seeds brown, obovoid, transversely lamellate, not alate. The chromosome number
of the new species was counted to be 2n = 16, and the karyotype was formulated as 2n = 2 m + 6 sm + 8 st.
A color plate, line drawings, distribution map, and SEM microphotographs of the pubescence of pedicels, of
lateral sepals and of ovaries are given for the new species.
Keywords: Aconitum barbatum; Aconitum kirinense; Aconitum shennongjiaense; Aconitum wangyedianense;
Chromosome number; Karyotype; New species; Taxonomy.
circinate, the ovary densely golden villous with rough-
surfaced ascending hairs, and the seeds brown, obovoid,
transversely lamellate, not alate, and thus represents a
hitherto undescribed species.
Aconitum shennongjiaense Q. Gao & Q. E. Yang, sp.
nov.¡XTYPE: CHINA. Hubei Province, Shennongjia
Nature Reserve, elev. 1,650 m, on grassy slope along
evergreen broad-leaved forest margin in a ravine,
abundant, 29 July 2006, Qi Gao & Y. S Chen 62
(holotype: PE).
Figures 1-3
Aconitum shennongjiaense simile A. kirinensi Nakai
floribus flavis et casside cylindrica, sed a quo differt axe
inflorescentiae et pedicellis dense patenterque aureo-
villosis, villis superfacie scabridis, casside altiore et
angustiore, 2.0-2.5 cm longa, prope medium 2.6-3.6 mm
crassa, calcari petali 1.5-2-plo longiore quam labio,
distincte recurvato vel circinato, ovariis dense aureo-
villosis, villis ascendentibus, seminibus obovoideis,
transverse lamellatis exalatis.
Herbs perennial, ca. 2 m tall. Rhizomes slender,
fascicled and terete, up to ca. 11 cm long, 6-10 mm in
diameter. Stem erect and branched, densely golden villous
with rough-surfaced patent hairs. Basal leaves 2-4, and
proximal cauline leaves long petiolate; petiole 12-27
cm long, densely golden villous with rough-surfaced