Botanical Studies (2009) 50: 261-267.
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In May 2004, during a survey of the limestone flora
in SE Yunnan, China, we found three populations, each
containing 20-50 individuals, of an unusual plant of the
Acanthaceae, which we determined to be Pararuellia
Bremek. (Acanthaceae). Pararuellia is distinguished
from Ruellia by its terminal, dense spike, and Asiatic
distribution (Bremekamp and Nannenga-Bremekamp,
1948). Pararuellia contains about eight species in SE Asia,
Indochina, and Malaysia, and four in China (Tsui, 2002)
(P. alata H. P. Tsui, P. cavaleriei [H. Lev.] E. Hossain,
P. hainanensis C. Y. Wu & H. S. Lo, and P. delavayana
[Baill.] E. Hossain).
The region where this plant was found has high
temperature, little rain, and thin soil. The yearly averages
of rainfall are about 800 mm, and the yearly averages of
temperature are about 23.70¢X. The vegetation is dominated
by shrubs and grasses. Of the plants we found, two were
moved to the botanical garden of the Kunming Institute
of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The plants
flowered and fruited the following year, and there are now
more than 30 individuals in cultivation.
The unusual species appears to be rare and endemic to
the hot and dry valleys in SE Yunnan. Further examination
of some herbaria (KUN, PE) revealed a collection from
near Nansha, Yuanyang Xian, Yunnan, in 1973. The
locality is only one kilometer from the localities found in
2004. So far, the total area of distribution covers no more
than fifteen square kilometers along the Hong He (Red
River) Valley of SE Yunnan. If the species is as rare as
collections indicate, it is urgently in need of protection.
Pararuellia glomerata (Acanthaceae), a new species from
Yunnan, China
Wen-Hong CHEN
, Yu-Min SHUI
*, Yong-Kang SIMA
, Rong-Mei ZHANG
, and Zhi-Dan WEI
Kunming Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650204, P. R. China
Key Laboratory of Rare and Endangered Plants, Yunnan Forestry Academy, Kunming 650204, P. R. China
Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, P. R. China
(Received November 15, 2007; Accepted October 16, 2008)
Pararuellia glomerata Y. M. Shui & W. H. Chen is described and illustrated as new species
from Yunnan, China. It is similar to P. cavaleriei (H. Lev.) E. Hossain and Pararuellia delavayana (Baillon) E.
Hossain, but differs by its cylindric spike and dense imbricate homomorphic bracts. Pollen grains, seeds and
cross sections of the leaf epidermis are reported for this species of arid environments.
Keywords: Acanthaceae; China; Leaf cross section; Leaf epidermis; New species; Pararuellia glomerata;
Pollen; Seeds.
The plant is characterized by constricted internodes,
subrosulate leaves, a terminal dense spike with imbricate
flowers, ovules 5 or 6 per carpel, and 3-pored globose
pollen grains with alveolate exine. These characters clearly
place it in the genus Pararuellia. After consulting the
literature (Benoist, 1935; Tsui, 2002; Hu and Tsui, 2006)
and examining specimens, we determined these plants
to be a previously undescribed species, which we here
describe and illustrate.
Pararuellia glomerata Y. M. Shui & W. H. Chen, sp.
nov.¡XTYPE: China, Yunnan Province, Gejiu, 200 m,
30 Apr 2004, Y. M. Shui, W. H. Chen, M. D. Zhang
40746 (holotype: KUN; isotypes: IBSC, PE).
Figures 1, 3
Species nova spicis cylindratis et bracteis omnino
homomorphis imbricatis a congeneribus valde differt.
Perennial herbs. Stems 1-2 cm long; internodes 2-4,
constricted, 0.5-1.1 cm long, nodes adventitiously rooted
when touching ground, forming a new stem. Leaves
opposite, subrosulate; petiole 1.3-3.4 cm long, densely
hispid; blade oblanceolate, obovate-oblong or spatulate,
4-6.2 ¡Ñ 1.8-3.2 cm, base gradually narrowed and decurrent
into petiole, margin erose or crenate, apex round to acute,
abaxially densely hispid, adaxially slightly hispid, lateral
nerves 6-9 pairs, prominent on both surfaces. Spike
terminal, cylindrical, (0.6-)3.2-5.4 cm long, 0.8-1.1 cm in
diam., of numerous verticillate cymes; cyme contracted,
1- or 2-flowered.
Peduncle 0.7-5 cm long, densely hispid,
elongate to ca. 13 cm in fruit. Rachis (0.6-) 3.0-5.5 cm
long, densely hispid, nodes (3 or) 4-10, elongate to 7 cm
in fruit. Bracts numerous, homomorphic, distributed along
rachis, imbricate, ovate, or spatulate, 8-10 ¡Ñ 6-9 mm,
pinninerved, densely hispid, apex acute. Bracteoles linear-