Botanical Studies (2009) 50: 269-271.
Corresponding author: E-mail: phymatarum@googlemail.
Owing to a serious mistake in the protologue of
Schottarum P.C. Boyce & S.Y. Wong (Boyce and Wong,
2008), the type of the generic name [Hottarum sarikeense
M. Hotta & Bogner (¡Ý Schismatoglottis sarikeensis (M.
Hotta & Bogner) Bogner & A. Hay)] renders Schottarum
a generic taxonomic synonym of Schismatoglottis Zoll.
& Moritzi and thus our intended new genus Schottarum
requires a new name. We are here publishing Schottariella
as a replacement generic name for Schottarum. To avoid
confusion with Schismatoglottis sarikeensis we also
choose a new specific epithet.
Schottariella P.C. Boyce & S.Y. Wong, gen. nov.¡XTypus:
Schottariella mirifica P.C. Boyce & S.Y. Wong, sp. nov.
Herba rheophytica, foliorum petiolus in vaginum supra
in pertem liberam triangularis persistenti productus.
Pedunculus semierectus vel patens vel declinatus. Flores
unisexuales nudi. inflorescentia femina in toto spatham
adnate. Flores masculi fertiles ad apice acicularis post-
florescentia feminiis producens. Ovula pleura, orthotropa
ad basim loculi inserta. Spadicis quam pars superior
pistillodiis instructa. Spathae tubus in fructiferorum
inaquilatera infundibuliformis, persistens.
Small rheophytic herbs up to c. 20 cm tall. Stem
condensed (very rarely elongated and forming a
decumbent to weakly creeping rhizome), 0.5-1.2 cm
diam.; roots arising adventitiously from the lower parts
Schottariella mirifica P.C. Boyce & S.Y. Wong: a
new name for Schottarum sarikeense (Araceae:
Peter C. BOYCE
* and Sin Yeng WONG
BRT Research Associate, Forest Herbarium (BKF), The Office of Forest and Plant Conservation Research, National
Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department, 61 Phahonyothin Rd, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
Faculty of Resource Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, 94300 Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia
The recent publication of the new genus Schottarum (Araceae) from Sarawak, Malaysian
Borneo (Boyce and Wong, 2008), contains a serious typification error by which Schottarum is a taxonomic
synonym of Schismatoglottis and a new generic name is required for the taxon we described as Schottarum.
The names Schottariella and Schottariella mirifica are here published.
Keywords: Araceae; Erratum; New species; Schottariella mirifica; Schottarum sarikeense;
of an otherwise erect stem (rarely arising along the
length of a decumbent rhizome) Leaves several together,
spreading to arching; petiole 6-12 cm long, slender,
adaxially canaliculate especially in distal part, sheathing
only at extreme base, the wings extended into a coriaceous
very narrowly triangular persistent ligular portion 4-7
cm long, dark green tinged red, drying brown; blade
very narrowly elliptic, 10-14 cm long ¡Ñ 1-2.5 cm wide,
thinly but somewhat stiffly coriaceous, adaxially glossy
dark green, paler abaxially, the base cuneate, the apex
acuminate to caudate for 1.5-3 cm; midrib abaxially
prominent, adaxially flush to slightly impressed with the
lamina, with 5-6 extremely fine (barely differentiated
from secondary venation in dry material; flush with but
darker than surrounding tissue in fresh state) primary
lateral veins on each side, diverging at c. 45¢X; secondary
venation faintly prominent adaxially, fine and dense;
tertiary venation obscure. Inflorescence solitary per shoot
although plants usually bearing several inflorescences in
sequence from separate but densely aggregated shoots;
peduncle 3-8 cm long, stiffly arching-spreading in nature
(where plants occur on vertical mud banks) but erect in
cultivated plants grown in pots. Spathe weakly nodding
by slight down-curving of lower part, 4-6 cm long; lower
spathe narrowly ovoid, slightly down-curved, deep green,
1.5-2 cm long, and in the main differentiated on colour
and texture (lower spathe stiffly coriaceous, spathe limb
somewhat softly coriaceous) from the limb and weakly
differentiated by a constriction; limb pale to mid-pink
or less often white, caducous, ovate-lanceolate, spathe
slightly inflated and gaping during female anthesis, then
spreading during male anthesis, narrowed into a beaked
tip throughout, during late anthesis limb marcescent