Botanical Studies (2010) 51: 491-510.
Molecular evolution and positive Darwinian selection of the gymnosperm photosynthetic Rubisco enzyme
Da Cheng HAO1*, Jun MU1, and Pei Gen XIAO2
1Biotechnology Institute, College of Environment, Dalian Jiaotong University, Dalian 116028, P.R. China
22Institute of Medicinal Plant Development, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100193, P.R. China |
(Received August 27, 2009; Accepted February 9, 2010)
ABSTRACT. Although it was found that gymnosperm rbcL of three orders evolves under Darwinian positive selection, it is not clear whether rbcL in other gymnosperm lineages is also subject to positive selection. In this study, eleven gymnosperm groups, representing 393 species at various evolutionary levels, were used to illustrate the molecular adaptation and evolutionary dynamics of gene divergence in rbcLs. rbcL sequences were amplified from 21 Taxaceae and 10 Cephalotaxaceae species. rbcL sequences of other species were retrieved from GenBank. Selective influences were investigated using standard dN/dS ratio methods and more sensitive techniques investigating the amino acid property changes resulting from nonsynonymous replacements in a phylogenetic context. Analyses revealed the presence of positive selection in rbcLs of all gymnosperm groups. Twenty most often positively selected amino acid sites were characterized. In Taxaceae and Cephalotaxaceae, seven amino acid properties, equilibrium constant of ionization -COOH as the most significant, were found to be influenced by destabilizing positive selection. Some amino acid sites relating to these properties were found to be involved in active site, intradimer interaction, dimer-dimer interaction, and interactions with Rubisco small subunits. Moreover, removing amino acid sites that are under positive selection has significant effect on the bootstrap values of phylogenetic reconstruction. Our results suggest that the conservative rbcL evolves under positive selection in gymnosperm lineages. Several regions of rbcL have experienced molecular adaptation which fine-tunes photosynthetic Rubisco performance.
Keywords: Chloroplast rbcL; Gymnosperm; Maximum likelihood; Physicochemical evolution; Positive selection.
The rbcL gene is located in the large single-copy region of the chloroplast genome and encodes large subunits of ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco). The gene is roughly 1425 bp in length, corresponding to 475 amino acids. rbcL protein is characterized by a set of eight a helices and eight parallel p strands that "roll up" to form a barrel with the p strands on the inside. rbcL has been extensively used in determining evolutionary histories at various taxonomic levels (e.g., Muller et al., 2006; Hao et al., 2008), and recently it is recommended to be one of the most useful DNA barcoding markers in species identification (CBOL Plant Working Group, 2009). Moreover, how rbcL and small subunits form the functional Rubisco has been studied extensively, with the hope of manipulating this photosynthetic enzyme and increasing crop yield (Christin et al., 2008).
rbcL is often chosen for phylogenetic reconstructions and it has been sequenced in thousands of plant species. Surprisingly, despite rbcL's physiological importance and abundance of sequence data, rbcL is generally used
*Corresponding author: E-mail: hao@djtu.edu.cn. |
as strings of anonymous nucleotides, without regard to its functional evolution. Kapralov and Filatov (2007) searched for positive selection in rbcL sequences from green plants and other phototrophs. Positive selection was found, for the first time, to be present in rbcL of most analyzed land plants, but not in algae and cyanobacteria. Positively selected residues are located in regions important for dimer-dimer, intradimer, large subunit-small sub-unit and Rubisco-Rubisco activase interactions, and that some positively selected residues are close to the active site. Their results demonstrate that despite its conservative nature, rbcL gene evolves under positive selection in land plants. Christin et al. (2008) used phylogenetic analyses on a large data set of C3 and C4 monocots and found that the rbcL gene evolved under positive selection in independent C4 lineages. This confirms that selective pressures on Rubisco have been switched in C4 plants by the high CO2 environment prevailing in their photosynthetic cells. Eight rbcL codons evolving under positive selection in C4 clades were involved in parallel changes among the 23 independent monocot C4 lineages. The introgression of C4-like high-efficiency Rubisco would strongly enhance C3 crop yields in the future CO2-enriched atmosphere (Christin et al., 2008). Recently, rbcL positive selection was also de-
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tected among cryptic species in Conocephalum (Hepaticae, Bryophytes; Miwa et al., 2009) and the heterophyllous aquatic plant Potamogeton (Iida et al., 2009). However, little is known about rbcL evolution in gymnosperm. Relatively few gymnosperm species were analyzed for positive selection (Kapralov and Filatov, 2007) and there is no study addressing gymnosperm rbcL evolution at the protein level. To gain deeper insight into the evolutionary pattern of rbcL of divergent gymnosperm groups, we detect positive selection of rbcL in 11 gymnosperm groups at various evolutionary levels. Positive Darwinian selection amino acid site was found in all studied groups, using various likelihood-based methods. We identified positively selected residues in disparate regions of functional importance. The contrasting ecological conditions between gymnosperm and angiosperm as well as among different gymnosperm groups have imposed different selective pressures on Rubisco. The increased amino acid replacement in rbcL may reflect the continuous fine-tuning of Rubisco under varying ecological conditions.
erage standard deviation of split frequencies between the two runs dropped below 0.01. Analyses were run twice to check for consistency of results. We ran two simultaneous runs for 8x105 (protein) and 1.8x106 (nucleotide) generations, sampling trees every 100 (protein) and 500 (nucle-otide) generations, respectively. Topology and branch-length information were summarized in 50% majority rule consensus trees. The rbcL sequences of Podocarpus were used as the reference for the rooted tree reconstruction.
Molecular evolutionary analysis
Molecular adaptation tests on the rbcL codon sites and reconstruction of the ancestral rbcL sequences were performed using PAML 4.1 (Yang, 2007). The models used the nonsynonymous/synonymous substitution rate ratio (ro = dN/dS) as an indicator of selective pressure and allowed the ratio to vary among codon sites. We used five site-specific codon substitution models: null models for testing positive selection (M1A, M7, and M8A) and models allowing for positive selection (M2A and M8). The likelihood ratio test (LRT) was used to compare these alternative models. Cases in which M8 model fitted better with p < 0.05 in both M7-M8 and M8a-M8 comparisons were regarded as having positive selection.
Because Yang models are based on theoretical assumptions and ignore the empirical observation that distinct amino acids differ in their replacement rates, we also implemented MEC (Mechanistic Empirical Combination) model (Doron-Faigenboim and Pupko, 2007) that takes into account not only the transition-transversion bias and the nonsynonymous/synonymous ratio, but also the different amino acid replacement probabilities as specified in empirical amino acid matrices. Because the LRT is applicable only when two models are nested and thus is not suitable for comparing MEC and M8a models, the second-order AIC (AICc) was used for comparisons (Doron-Faigenboim and Pupko, 2007). Those sites that are most likely to be in the positive selection class (ro > 1) are identified as likely targets of selection.
Recent methods have investigated selection in protein-coding genes further by addressing the type of positive selection detected (directional or nondirectional, stabilizing or destabilizing), the purifying selection, and how the identified selection affects the overall structure and function of the protein. For detecting selection in amino acid sequences we can look at the magnitudes of property change of nonsynonymous residues across a phylogeny. Amino acid substitutions have a wide range of effects on a protein depending on the difference in physicochemi-cal properties and location in the protein structure. This approach provides further resolution to differentiating between types of selective pressures with the ability to detect positive and negative and stabilizing and destabilizing selection and offers insights into the structural and functional consequences of the identified residues under selection (McClellan et al., 2005). We used TreeSAAP v3.2
(Woolley et al., 2003) to test for selection on amino acid
Taxon sampling and data preparation
Sampling of Taxaceae and Cephalotaxaceae species, ge-nomic DNA extraction, PCR amplification of rbcL, cloning and DNA sequencing were performed as previously described (Hao et al., 2008). Primers used are: rbcf, 5'-GTCGGATTCAAAGCTGGTGTT-3' and rbcr, 5'-CCT-TCATTACGAGCTTGCACA-3', which amplify nearly full-length rbcL sequence. Thirty-one rbcL sequences were newly generated for this study. Other rbcL sequences (mostly full length) used in this study were extracted from NCBI GenBank and the species names and accession numbers as well as taxonomic information are given in Table S1. The obtained sequences were codon-aligned and edited using RevTrans (Wernersson and Pedersen, 2003; http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/RevTrans/) and Clustal W2. We analyzed 11 separate data sets (see below). Doubtful sequences (such as containing stop codons) were not included into analyses. All alignments are available upon request from the corresponding author.
Phylogenetic analyses
The best-fit model, JTT, for the amino acid alignment was determined using ProtTest 1.2.6 (Abascal et al., 2005). DNA data were analyzed with Modeltest 3.8 (Posada,
2006) to find the best model of evolution for the data. Employing the Akaike information criterion (AIC), the model with the lowest AIC score was chosen. Neighbor-joining (NJ) analysis was performed by MEGA4 (Tamura et al.,
2007) . Maximum likelihood (ML) analysis and bootstrapping were performed using RAxML BlackBox (Stamata-kis, 2008). The data sets were also analyzed with MrBayes 3.1.2 (Ronquist and Huelsenbeck, 2003). Two independent runs with one cold and three heated Markov chains each per analysis were performed simultaneously until the av-
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Table S1. Sampling design. List of 11 analyzed groups is provided including taxonomic information and GenBank accession numbers of rbcL sequences.
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Table S1. (Continuation)
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Table S1. (Continuation)
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Table S1. (Continuation)
New rbcL sequences (EF660704-660735) from this study are in bold type.
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properties within our Taxaceae + Cephalotaxaceae data set, for which we can use the species phylogeny resolved in our previous study (Hao et al., 2008). For each property examined, a range of possible 1-step changes as governed by the structure of the genetic code was determined and divided into 8 magnitude categories of equal range, with lower categories indicating more conservative changes and higher categories denoting more radical changes. In order to construct an expected distribution of amino acid property change, each of the 9-nt changes in every codon of every DNA sequence within the data set was evaluated, with each nonsynonymous change assigned to one of the magnitude categories for each property independently. These property changes were then summed across the data set, constructing a set of relative frequencies of change for each of the 8 magnitude categories to establish the null hypothesis under the assumption of neutral conditions (McClellan and McCracken, 2001). If distributions of observed changes fail to fit the expected distributions based on goodness-of-fit scores and z-scores, the null hypothesis of neutrality is rejected. We targeted sites identified to be under positive destabilizing selection, defined as selection for radical amino acid changes resulting in structural or functional shifts in local regions of the protein (McClellan et al., 2005). Positive destabilizing selection is defined as properties with significantly greater amino acid replacements than neutral expectations for magnitude categories 6, 7 and 8 (i.e., the three most radical property change categories). Thirty-one amino acid properties are evaluated across a phylogeny using a sliding window analysis. The results were used to identify regions in the rbcL protein that differ significantly from a nearly neutral model at p = 0.001. Finally, we identified the particular amino acid residues that contained positive destabilizing selection for each property. These residues might be of general importance to gymnosperm Rubisco function.
using all sites (including ones evolving under positive selection) with boostrap sums of trees reconstructed using only neutrally evolving sites. Phylogenetic trees were reconstructed in MEGA4 using NJ algorithm. Gaps were pair-wise deleted. We used 50% majority rule trees and subtracted 50% from each support value before summing up (Kapralov and Filatov, 2007). The subtraction was done to circumvent the bias in summing up bootstrap values of a consensus tree. Without this correction, a tree with two 51% groups would have higher support than one with one group of 100% support, and if support was decreased from 51% to 49%, the sum would be zero (due to a threshold of
Phylogenetic relationship of gymnosperm rbcL proteins
Premature stop codons were not found in all rbcL sequences used. Putative amino acid sequences from consensus sequences of cloned rbcL genes (21 Taxaceae, 10 Cephalotaxaceae, and one Podocarpus taxa) as well as amino acid sequences acquired from GenBank were subjected to a phylogenetic analysis, and a NJ tree generated by MEGA4 is shown in Figure S1. Bayesian analysis and ML method generated the virtually same topology that agrees well with the common view of the conifer topology and is shown in Figure 1. There are two well-supported sister clades, Cephalotaxus + Amentotaxus + Taxus and Torreeya + Austrotaxus + Pseudotaxus. Taxus (except T. floridana) is sister to Cephalotaxus + Amentotaxus. Within the latter, a Cephalotaxus subclade, in which T. floridana is included, is basal to other sequences, implying the unique evolutionary pattern of T. floridana compared to other Taxus. The rbcL of Amentotaxus is closer to those of C. koreana, C. harringtonia cv. fastigiata, and C. wil-soniana than to others. Within Taxus there are two sister clades: one consisting of T. baccata, T. cuspidata and their hybrid, and two North American Taxus, the other consisting of T. canadensis and Chinese endemic Taxus. Within clade Torreya + Austrotaxus + Pseudotaxus, Austrotaxus and Pseudotaxus are basal to the former. Torreya jackii is the first-branching species in Torreya clade, while Torreya californica is the second one. Torreya nucifera is closer to Torreya taxifolia than to Torreya fargesii. This gene tree is significantly different from both the phylogenetic tree inferred from nuclear ITS and one generated by the combined analysis of five chloroplast DNA markers (Hao et al., 2008). The topology of the rbcL tree may reflect, 1. cases where the same amino acid substitution occurred independently in more than one lineage, 2. cases of the retention of plesiomorphic characters, and 3. the possibility of incomplete lineage sorting.
Structural analysis of Rubisco
We use published spinach Rubisco protein structure (Taylor et al., 1996; Taylor and Andersson, 1997) for structural analysis. In this study, the numbering of Rubisco large subunit residues is based on the spinach sequence. Rubisco structural data files for spinach 1RBO (Taylor et al., 1996) and 1RCX (Taylor and Andersson, 1997) were obtained from the RCSB Protein Data Bank (http:〃www. rcsb.org/pdb). The locations and properties of individual amino acids in the Rubisco structure were analyzed using DeepView - Swiss-PdbViewer v.3.7 (Guex and Peitsch, 1997) and confirmed with LPC CSU (Sobolev et al., 1999).
Evaluation of effects of positive selection on phylogenetic reconstructions
Given that positive selection may result in homoplasy we tested whether the removal of codons evolving under positive selection will improve the phylogenetic resolution. We compared boostrap sums of trees reconstructed
Positive selection in gymnosperm rbcL
In order to test for the presence of positive selection acting on rbcL we used 403 rbcL sequences from 393 gym-
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nosperm species (Table S1). These sequences represent six orders and 12 families providing much wider coverage of the gymnosperm lineages than previous study (Kapralov and Filatov, 2007).
For the detection of positive selection we used nested maximum likelihood models allowing for variation in the ratio of non-synonymous to synonymous substitutions rates (dN/dS) across codons implemented in PAML. We performed two LRTs for the presence of codons under positive selection: M7-M8 and M8a- M8 comparisons. The M7 model assumes a discrete p distribution for dN/dS which is constrained between 0 and 1, implemented using ten classes taken in equal proportions. To test for the presence of codons with dN/dS > 1, M7 is compared to the M8 model, which is similar to the M7 model, but allows for an extra "eleventh" class with dN/dsS> 1. This test was significant for eight out of 11 analyzed groups (Table 1). With the Bonferroni correction (significance level = 0.05/11), this test was significant for seven groups. A more stringent test for positive selection compares model M8 with M8a, which is similar to the model M7, but allows for an extra class of codons with dN/dS = 1. This test was significant for the same eight groups (Table 1; five groups after the Bonferroni correction). In all cases both M7-M8 and M8a-M8 comparisons rejected models without positive selection in favor of M8 model assuming positive selection (Table 1; five groups after the Bonferroni correction). MEC model (Doron-Faigenboim and Pupko, 2007) takes into account not only the transition-transversion bias and the dN/dS ratio, but also the different amino acid replacement probabilities as specified in empirical amino acid matrices. Nine out of 11 groups was significant in MEC vs. M8a comparisons (Table 1), except Coniferales-2 (Cupressaceae) and -3 (Taxaceae + Cephalotaxaceae). In these nine groups, model MEC was best-fitting, as the log likelihood value was highest. Compared to M8a, MEC model had much higher log-likelihood value and much lower AICc score in each of these nine groups. Many of the M8 model identified sites (Figure S2) were also identified by MEC model. In two groups in which MEC vs. M8a comparison was negative but the other two types of comparisons were positive, model M8 was best-fitting (Table 1). Thus, we detected rbcL positive selection in all
Figure S1. Evolutionary relationships of 45 taxa of Taxaceae, Cephalotaxaceae, and outgroups. The evolutionary history was inferred using the NJ method. The optimal tree with the sum of branch length = 0.202 is shown. The tree is drawn to scale, with branch lengths in the same units as those of the evolutionary distances used to infer the phylogenetic tree. The evolutionary distances were computed using the JTT matrix-based method and are in the units of the number of amino acid substitutions per site. All positions containing alignment gaps and missing data were eliminated only in pairwise sequence comparisons (Pair-wise deletion option). There were a total of 450 positions in the final dataset. Bootstrap values are the percentage of 1000 trials in which a given node was present. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted in MEGA4.
Figure 1. Bayesian 50% majority rule consensus tree (8,000 trees sampled; burn-in = 2,000 trees) inferred from the Taxaceae and Cephalotaxaceae rbcL amino acid alignment under the JTT model. Bayesian PPs are given beside branches, before slash (/). ML BPs are given after slash. Branch lengths (scale bar, expected number of substitutions per site) are proportional to the mean of the PPs of the branch lengths of the sampled trees.
HAO et al. — Positive selection in gymnosperm chloroplast rbcL
Table 1. Likelihood ratio statistics and AICc scores for tests of positive selection.
M8 vs. M8a (df=1)
MEC vs. M8a
M8 vs. M7 (df=2)
–2ΔlnL = 2(lnLalternative hypothesis-lnLnull hypothesis),x2distribution.
AICc = -2 log L + 2p-
,L, likelihood, p, no. of free parameters, N, the sequence length. The smaller the AICc value, the better
N - p-1 ,
the model explains the data.
*No positively selected sites found in the protein. **Positive selection in the protein is NON-significant.
gymnosperm groups. It should be noted that, on one hand, there is risk of overestimating the number of positive selection because of multiple-comparison problem, and the correction of significance level might be necessary; on the other hand, using dN/dS as the sole method by which to detect positive selection is too conservative to detect single adaptive amino acid changes and is thus limited in scope. Interestingly, the highest proportion of cases with detected matK positive selection was in gymnosperm (60%), compared to monocot (21%) and other angiosperms (53.5%; Hao et al., 2009). These findings are in accordance with the observation of extensive genomic rearrangement of gymnosperm chloroplast genome (Hirao et al., 2008). Yet notwithstanding, Hirao et al. did not mention the association between rearrangements and positive selection. If positive selection is associated with rearrangements, positive selection of monocots should have higher frequency than that of other angiosperms because more rearrangements occurred in monocots than other angiosperms. Gymno-sperms and other plants coexist in many biomes as well as microhabitats, e.g., Gnetales and Podocarpaceae grow with angiosperms. The differential ecological and physiological conditions between gymnosperm and other plants that may have imposed differential selective pressures on Rubisco structure and function need to be further studied. The increased amino acid replacement in rbcL may reflect the continuous fine-tuning of Rubisco under varying ecological and physiological conditions.
Positive selection tests at protein level
Selection models that implement dN/dSratios as a criteria for detecting selection are generally not sensitive enough to detect subtle molecular adaptations (McClellan
et al., 2005). Actually, detecting positive selection using branch site specific and site prediction methods (like PAML) could often lead to false positive results (Nozawa et al., 2009). It is therefore necessary to employ alternative criteria for the detection of positive selection among sites within generally conservative protein-coding genes. The evolutionary constraints on the slowly evolving rbcL would preclude the obvious effects of positive selection by traditional criteria. However, if nonsynonymous substitutions are partitioned by the molecular-phenotypic effects of each, positive selection for radical amino acid changes that may have a slower rate but occur more frequently than expected by chance may be more easily detected.
Significant physicochemical amino acid changes among residues in Taxaceae + Cephalotaxaceae rbcL were identified by TreeSAAP, which compares the observed distribution of physicochemical changes inferred from a phylogenetic tree with an expected distribution based on the assumption of completely random amino acid replacement expected under the condition of selective neutrality. There are radical pK' (equilibrium constant of ionization -COOH, a chemical amino acid property) changes on 44 sites (z score > 3.09, p < 0.001, category 8), among which 20 sites have z score >4 (Table 3). Interestingly, sites 225, 226, and 255 that are involved in interaction with the small subunit and dimer-dimer interaction were also detected by ML-based models (Table 2). Nine sites (sites 22, 180187) were under category 8 positive destabilizing selection in two chemical amino acid properties, i.e., El (long-range non-bonded energy) and Hp (surrounding hydrophobicity). These sites are involved in intradimer interaction, dimer-dimer interaction, and interaction with the small subunit. In addition, sites under category 7 or 6 positive selection
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in Esm (short and medium-range non-bonded energy), Mw (molecular weight), H (hydropathy), and V (partial specific volume) are summarized in Table 3. Totally there are five chemical property changes, compared to only one structural property change and one other category change, during the last 66 myr since the origin of Taxaceae and Cephalotaxaceae (Hao et al., 2008). In contrast, Pc (coil tendencies), Ca (helical contact area), Pt (turn tendencies), and otc (power to be at the C-terminal) were found to undergo category 8 negative (purifying) destabilizing selection. These chemical and conformational amino acid
properties (Gromiha and Ponnuswamy, 1993) may well be important to the overall optimization of rbcL function in gymnosperm and have been periodically adjusted during cladogenesis to maximize the biochemical effect of the spatial relationships between a-helices/p-sheets/loops and the primary functional amino acid residues that influence the catalytic function of Rubisco.
Distribution of rbcL residues that are responsible for the positive selection
The average number of amino acids under selection
Table 2. Twenty most often positively selected rbcL residues in gymnosperm.
1Numbering of residues is after the spinach Rubisco sequence.
2Number of groups with detected signal of positive selection where the particular residue was shown under positive selection with Bayesian posterior probability larger than 0.95, when analyzed by the Bayes Empirical Bayes of PAML.
Group 1, Gnetales; 2, Ephedrales; 3, Coniferales-1 (Cupressaceae, Cupressus + Juniperus); 4, Coniferales-2 (Cupressaceae); 5, Co-niferales-3 (Taxaceae + Cephalotaxaceae); 6, Coniferales-4 (Pinaceae, Larix + Picea); 7, Coniferales-5 (Pinaceae, Abies + Tsuga); 8, Coniferales-6 (Pinaceae, Pinus); 9, Coniferales-7 (Podocarpaceae); 10, Coniferales-8 (Araucariaceae); 11, Cycadales.
3Subscriptions denote residues from I small subunit. Residues within the list of the twenty designated residues are boxed. 4Interactions in which the twenty selected residues and/or residues within 5 A of them are involved. AS, interactions with the active site; ID, intradimer interactions; DD, dimer-dimer interactions; RA, interface for interactions with Rubisco activase; SSU, interactions with small subunits; ND, not determined. |
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per group was 9.6 ± 5.1, e.g., the beta and oo model estimated that only 1.81% of rbcL sites of Taxaceae + Ce-phalotaxaceae have experienced strong positive selection (ωs = 3.06). In 11 groups with positive selection detected by M7-M8, M8a-M8 or M8a-MEC comparisons, 63 out of 476 Rubisco residues (Table S2) were found to be under positive selection. In all groups more than one residue was under selection. The distribution of residues identified was highly uneven: twenty most often selected residues are responsible for 59.4% of the cases of positive selection (Figure S2, Tables 2 and S2). Analyses of Rubisco tertiary structure revealed that some of the 20 most often selected residues are quite close to each other and most of them are involved in interactions between Rubisco large and small subunits, in interactions with Rubisco activase, dimer-dimer and intradimer interactions, as well as in interactions with the active site (Figure 2, Tables 2 and 3). The analyses of mutant Rubisco enzymes have shown that interface between large and small subunits contributes
to holoenzyme thermal stability, catalytic efficiency, and CO2/O2 specificity (Spreitzer et al., 2005; Karkehabadi et al., 2005). Rubisco activase is involved in the opening of the closed Rubisco form to release ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate and to produce the active enzyme (Ott et al.,found that among cold-responsive genes, the expression of Rubisco activase was down-regulated by the 3°C treat-ment in five cypress genotypes. On the other hand, there was evidence for the adaptive evolution of rbcL during diversification in temperature tolerance of hot spring cy-anobacteria (Miller, 2003). Way and Sage (2008) found that black spruce HT seedlings (grow at 30/22°C day/night temperatures) at 40°C might be limited by Rubisco capac-
Figure 2. Locations of the twenty most often positively selected Rubisco residues. The large subunit of spinach Rubisco is shown (chain L) with locations of the twenty most often positively selected Rubisco residues (Table 2) highlighted by pink circles. Visualization is made using the Cn3D viewer (http://www.ncbi. nlm.nih.gov/Structure/CN3D/cn3d.shtml).
Figure S2. Positively and negatively selected amino acid sites in Taxaceae + Cephalotaxaceae (group 5) detected by M8 model. Scale 1 represents the strongest positive selection and scale 7 represents the strongest negative (purifying) selection. Site 1 corresponds to amino acid site 11 of spinach rbcL protein.
Table 3. Amino acid properties under positive destabilizing selection identified from 31 amino acid properties in TreeSAAP.
1Numbering of residues is after the spinach Rubisco sequence. Residues under positive selection, detected by ML-based models, are boxed.
2Sites with z score > 4.0 in sliding window analysis are shown.
3ID, intradimer interactions; DD, dimer-dimer interactions; SSU, interactions with small subunits; C, chemical; S, structural; O, other.
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Table S2. RbcL residues under positive selection.
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Table S2. (Continuation)
Analyzed Group No
Residue No Amateur SurgeonStructural motif N groups where selected
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Group 1, Gnetales; 2, Ephedrales; 3, Coniferales-1 (Cupressaceae, Cupressus + Juniperus); 4, Coniferales-2 (Cupressaceae); 5, Coniferales-3 (Taxaceae + Cephalotaxaceae); 6, Coniferales-4 (Pinaceae, Larix + Picea); 7, Coniferales-5 (Pinaceae, Abies + Tsuga); 8, Coniferales-6 (Pinaceae, Pinus); 9, Coniferales-7 (Podocarpaceae); 10, Coniferales-8 (Araucariaceae); 11, Cycadales.
ity and acclimation, but not by heat lability of Rubisco activase. Moreover, C3 plants exhibit different Rubisco catalytic properties following the mean temperature that they encounter, i.e., C3 plants from cooler habitats having a Rubisco with a higher turn-over rate, like C4 plants (Sage, 2002). Taken together, Rubisco has evolved to improve performance in the environment that plants normally experience. There could be positive selection of gymnosperm (belonging to C3 plant) rbcL in response to various thermal conditions in the respective ecological niche.
Other selective pressures could have driven Rubisco molecular evolution in gymnosperm. For example, specificity factors of Rubisco of C3 plants vary according to
the environmental xericity, i.e., C3 plants from more arid habitats having a Rubisco with a higher CO2 specificity (Galmes et al., 2005). Detection of positive selection at the interfaces between chloroplast- and nuclear-encoded Rubisco subunits and between Rubisco and Rubisco acti-vase suggests that co-evolution of proteins in the Rubisco complex can be another driving force of adaptive evolution in rbcL.
We found site 225 of helix 2 is the most often positively selected rbcL residue in gymnosperm, while it is also one of the most often positively selected residues in angio-sperm (Kapralov and Filatov, 2007), although the exact reason is unknown. Loop 6 plays a major role in discrimi-
Table S3. Impact of sites evolving under positive selection on phylogenetic resolution: NJ method.
Bootstrap sum of NJ 50% majrule tree
Group No. of sequences - A, %
All codons Without codons evolving under positive selection
Botanical Studies, Vol. 51, 2010
nating between CO2 and O2 and functions as a flexible "flap" that closes over the active site once the substrates are bound (Satagopan and Spreitzer, 2004). In the present study, site 328 of loop 6 was found to be under positive selection in Coniferales-4 (Pinaceae, Larix + Picea) and Cycadales, which is less common than in angiosperm (Kapralov and Filatov, 2007). Mutation of site 328, by affecting the movement of loop 6, could alter the interaction with the six-carbon intermediates and thus change the CO2/O2 specificity of the Rubisco (Christin et al., 2008). More specifically, the effects of amino acid replacements in residue 449 were tested by directed mutagenesis in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: cystein 449 to ser-ine substitution showed an increased resistance to inacti-vation when Rubisco in the oxidized state (Marin-Navarro and Moreno, 2006). It is suggested that amino acids evolving under positive selection in rbcL are located in regions important for Rubisco activity and residues involved in dimer-dimer, intradimer, large subunit-small subunit and Rubisco-Rubisco activase interactions as well as ones close to the active site are the prime targets of positive selection in Rubisco (Table 2). It is apparent that gymno-sperm Rubisco share an interesting history and undoubtedly present a classic example of divergent evolution. The different gymnosperm Rubiscos found in nature, some of which must function in extreme or inhospitable environments, have made structural adaptations to allow catalysis to occur. Effects of the positively selected sites have to be depicted through structural analyses and these sites should be mutated, both alone and in combination. The Rubisco regions characterized by high density of residues evolving under positive selection and located relatively far away from the active site could be good candidates for muta-genic studies to reveal the broader picture of how gymno-sperm Rubisco functions.
found similar results (data not shown). Thus, taking into account the presence of positive selection in rbcL may improve phylogenetic reconstructions in the specific groups. rbcL datasets should be checked for positive selection, and if selection is found, whether deletion of sites evolving under positive selection would increase topological resolution/bootstrap support should be tested. Previously we found strong cytonuclear incongruence partially caused by positive selection in matK and rbcL in Taxaceae (Hao et al., 2008, 2009). This exemplifies the risk of reconstructing phylogenetic and phylogenomic relations solely from chloroplast data in groups with interspecific hybridization. Tests for the presence of positive selection and for the congruence between chloroplast and nuclear phylogenies are indispensable for correct inference of species phylogenetic and phylogenomic relationships.
Acknowledgements. This study is supported by the Education Department of Liaoning Province (2009A120), and Start-up research fund (2008-2010) of Dalian Jiaotong University. The authors are grateful to Ms. Yutian Liang (Dalian Jiaotong University) for her help in structural analysis of Rubisco.
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Botanical Studies, Vol. 51, 2010
郝大程1 穆軍1 肖培根2
2北京中國醫學科學院藥用植物研究所 |
究首次全面挖掘11個裸子植物類群, 393種植物的rbcL序列,分析基因歧異過程中的分子適應和進化 動力學。PCR 擴增 21種紅豆杉和 10種三尖杉的rbcL 序列。從GenBank 獲取其他種的rbcL 序列。除 了標準的dN/dS比值法,還將系統發育資訊與非同義替換引起的氨基酸物理化學性質變化聯繫起來, 提高了檢測正選擇位點的靈敏性。發現所有裸子植物類群的rbcLs的進化均受正選擇作用。重點研究了 20個最常見的正選擇位點的性質。發現在紅豆杉科和三尖杉科,有7個氨基酸性質受到正不穩定選擇 作用,其中以羧基端電離平衡常數最顯著。發現與這些物化性質有關的一些氨基酸位點與酶活性位點, 二聚體內互作,二聚體間互作,及與Rubisco小亞單位的互作均有關聯。移除正選擇氨基酸位元點對系 統發育重建的bootstrap值有顯著影響。本研究提示進化上保守的裸子植物rbcL確實經受正選擇作用。 rbcL蛋白的不同區域均經歷分子適應以便精確調整酶蛋白功效。 |
關鍵詞:葉綠體rbcL ;最大似然法;正選擇;裸子植物;物理化學進化。