Botanical Studies (2012) 53: 105-124.
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PARK et al. — Mudflat diatoms across Northeast Asia
Figure 2. Dendrogram by cluster analysis for the 77 Nanaura diatoms, where corresponding taxa are clearly identified to the species level. The value of the dissimilarity index (Squared Euclidian Distance) applied was 12, and Nanaura diatoms are divided into three
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Table 2. List of diatom taxa observed in Nanaura mudflat. Relative abundance, dimensional information and density of microstruc-tures were presented as well.
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Table 2. (Continued)
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Table 2. (Continued)
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Table 3. List of 77 diatom taxa clearly identified in Nanaura mudflat and their co-occurrence among 11 other benthic habitats from Northeast Asia, based on literature survey of 13 floristic reports of benthic diatoms (see Table 1). Environments of 12 areas (Nanaura plus 11 other habitats) were categorized, according to the salinity information provided by authors, into three groups viz. Marine, Brackish water, and Freshwater. Diatom taxa were listed in three groups (Group I; rarely reported taxa, Group II; mudflat taxa, Group III; brackish & fresh taxa) as the result of cluster anaylsis (+ indicates occurrence of corresponding taxa in a given area).
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Table 3. (Continued)
aA: Nanaura mudflat (this study), B: Gyeonggi Bay (Choi, 1988; Noh et al., 2001), C: Fujian coast (Jin et al., 1985; Jin et al., 1991), D: Isahaya Bay (Ohtsuka, 2005), E: Matsukawaura Lagoon (Nigorikawa and Hasegawa, 1999), F: Kase River Estuary (Yamakawa, 1994), G: Lake Kamo (Hasegawa and Nigorikawa, 1993), H: Nakdong River Estuary (Cho, 1988), I: Yungchun Dam Reservoir (Lee et al., 1992), J: Ina-gawa River (Houki, 1986), K: Hii River (Ohtsuka, 2002), L: Lake Biwa (Watanabe and Houki, 1988). bA country code to which a given area belongs was given in parenthesis, viz. (C): China, (J): Japan, and (K): Korea.
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Figure 3. Co-occurrence of Nan-aura diatoms in Songdo mudflat (Korea) and Fujian coast (China). Relative abundance (%) and diatom classification (centric, araphid, and raphid) are also provided.
Figure 4. SEM photos of Paralia sulcata (A, B) and Skeletonema grethae (C). Scale bar = 1 (im in A, B, 5 (im in C.
PARK et al. — Mudflat diatoms across Northeast Asia
their relative closeness within the Ariake ecosystem (ca. 50 km apart) and 2) their similar substratum of fine mud. The dominant Isahaya mudflat species apparently differed from those found in Nanaura mudflat; Haslea nipkowii was the most dominant (ca. 20% abundance) followed by Paralia sulcata (ca. 11%), Cyclotella litoralis (ca. 9%), and Nitzs-chia gyrosigma (ca. 8%) in Isahaya Bay (Ohtsuka, 2005). One possible cause would be the influence of freshwater
Figure 5. LM photos of Nanaura diatoms. A, Actinocyclus octonarius; B, A. octonarius var. tenellus; C, Actinoptychus senarius; D, Asteromphalus flabellatus; E, Aulacoseira granulata; F, Coscinodiscus ocmlus-iridis; G, C. radiatus; H, Cyclotella choctawhatcheeana; I, C. litoralis; J, C. radiosa; K, C. stelligera; L, C. striata; M, Cymatotheca weissflogii; N, Ditylum brightwellii; O, Eucampia zodiacus; P, Paralia sulcata; Q, Rhizosolenia imbricate; R, Skeletonema grethae; S, Thalassiosira allenii; T, T. bramaputrae; U, T. eccentric; V, T. eccentrica var. fasciculata; W, T. ferelineata. Scale bar = 10 (im in C-E, H-N, P, R-W, 15 (im in A, B, F, G, O, Q.
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discharge from several rivers including the Kase River on the Nanaura assemblages, which is supported by the fact that none of the freshwater species (viz. Group III-2) were reported in the Isahaya Bay (Table 3). Although 'Honmyo River' flows into Isahaya Bay, it may not be comparable to the Kase River, due to its small scale. Seasonality could be another reason for the different species composition,
considering the different sampling time in Isahaya (May) and Nanaura (October). Among brackish water habitats in Japan, the diatom flora in Matsukawaura Lagoon was the most similar to that of Nanaura mudflat, showing 20 species in common. The rather high number of concurrently occurred species found in Matsukawaura Lagoon could be attributed to the comparably high salinity (ca. 30%o).
Figure 6. LM photos of Nanaura diatoms. A, Thalassiosira lundiana; B, T. nordenskioeldii; C, T. oestrupii var. venrickae; D, T. pacifica; E, T. punctigera; F, T. tenera; G, Tryblioptychus cocconeiformis; H, Delphineis surirella; I, Neodelphineis pelagic; J, Rhaphoneis rhomboids; K, Thalassionema nitzschioides; L, M, N, Achnanthes longipes; O, P, A. cf. pseudogroenlandica; Q, A. sancti-paulii; R, Amphora richardiana; S, Cymbella turgidula; T, Diploneis aestuarii; U, D. cmbro; V, D. cf. smithii; W, D. weissflogii; X, Entomoneis alata; Y, Frustulia interposita; Z, F. vulgaris var. elliptica. Scale bar = 10 (im in A-D, F, G, H-T, V, W, Z, 15 (im in E, U, X, Y.
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octonarius var. tenellus, Actinoptychus senarius, Coscino-discus radiatus, Cyclotella litoralis, C. striata, Cymatotheca weissflogii, Delphineis surirella, Diploneis weissflogii, Entomoneis alata, Frustulia interposita, Giffenia cocco-neiformis, Paralia sulcata, Pleurosigma diverse-striatum, P. normanii, Surirella recedens, Thalassiosira eccentrica,
Figure 7. LM photos of Nanaura diatoms. A, Giffenia cocconeiformis; B, Gomphonema biceps'; C, Gyrosigma faciola var. globifera; D, G. diminutum; E, G. gibbyi; F, G. cf. macrum; G, G. cf. sterrenburgii; H, G. wansbeckii; I, G. sp.; J, Haslea sp.; K, Navicula acutiro-stris; L, N. flantanica; M, N. mannii; N, N. pavillardii; O, N. sp. 1.; P, N. sp. 2.; Q, Neidium affine; R, Nitzschia amphibia; S, N. gyrosigma; T, N. ligowskii; U, N. pellucida; V, N. sigma; W, N. sp.; X, Pinnularia cf. parvulissima; Y, Plagiotropispusilla. Scale bar = 10 um in A, B, J-R, T. W-Y, 15 um in C-I, S, U, V.
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Trachyneis aspera, Tryblionella granulata, T. hyalina, T. punctata, and Trybiloptychus cocconeifromis were common across Nanaura, Songdo, and Fujian, representing typical diatom taxa for Northeast Asia and accounting for
43.3% of the total. Among the above species, the dominant species (>5%) are Paralia sulcata (10.3%), Tryblionella granulata (8.8%), and Cyclotella striata (5.6%), collectively accounting for ca. 60% of total common species.
Figure 8. LM photos of Nanaura diatoms. A, Pleurosigma diverse-striatum; B, P. normanii; C, P. sterrenburgii; D, Psammodictyon panduriforme var. continua; E., P. roridum; F, Rhoicosphenia abbreviata; G, Staurophora salina; H, Surirella recedens; I, S. sp.; J, Trachyneis aspera; K, T. cf. formosa; L, Tryblinonella adducta; M, T. coarctata; N, T. cf. debilis; O, T. granulata; P, T. hyalina; Q, T. marginulata; R, T. punctata; S, T. salinarum. Scale bar = 10 (im in D, E-G, L-S, 15 (im in A, B, H-K, and 20 (im in C.
PARK et al. — Mudflat diatoms across Northeast Asia
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PARK et al. ― Mudflat diatoms across Northeast Asia
Botanical Studies, Vol. 53, 2012