Botanical Studies (2012) 53: 275-282.
A taxonomic study of Camellia brevistyla and C. tenuiflora (Theaceae) based on phenetic analyses
Mong-Huai SU1, Chang-Fu HSIEH2, Jenn-Che WANG3, and Chih-Hua TSOU4 *
1 Department of Forestry and Nature Conservation, Chinese Culture University, Taipei 111, Taiwan
2Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan 3Department of Life Science, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei 116, Taiwan 4Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica, Taipei 115, Taiwan (Received January 10, 2011; Accepted December 1, 2011)
ABSTRACT. Camellia brevistyla and C. tenuiflora, two ecologically and economically important species of Taiwan, have long been confused due to their morphological similarities. This paper aims to clarify their taxonomic relationship based on phenetic analyses of morphological data. We characterized the patterns of morphological variations of C. brevistyla and C. tenuiflora, along with C. hengchunensis and C. kissi, throughout their geographic ranges in Taiwan. The ordination plots obtained from non-linear principal analyses showed considerable overlap among the samples of C. brevistyla and C. tenuiflora, and none of the characters applied was able to distinguish the two species apart. Further assessment of morphological characters revealed considerable morphological variations across the entire geographic range. Pearson's correlation coefficients for the data suggested the occurrence of a continuum of morphological variation among the C. brevistyla-C. tenuiflora complex. It is concluded that C. brevistyla and C. tenuiflora belong to a single highly-variable species and the taxonomic treatment of C. tenuiflora as a synonym of C. brevistyla is supported.
Keywords: Camellia brevistyla; Camellia tenuiflora; Phenetics; Taiwan; Taxonomy.
Camellia are the largest and the type genus of Theaceae, with the number of species varying from 110 to 300 depending on different taxonomic treatments (Chang and Ren, 1998; Ming, 2000; Ming and Bartholomew, 2007). In Taiwan, 12 native species of Camellia were described in the second edition of the Flora of Taiwan (Hsieh et al., 1996). Thereafter, C. buisanensis Sasaki was moved to the genus Pyrenaria based on its morphological characters (Su et al., 2004) and C. kissi Wallich was newly recorded (Su et al., 2008). Among these Taiwanese Camellia species, the taxonomic ambiguity on the highly similar C. brevistyla (Hayata) Cohen-Stuart and C. tenuiflora (Hayata) Cohen-Stuart appears as one of the major taxonomic problems.
The type specimen of C. brevistyla was sourced from Arizan and Tozan, Chiayi County, south-central Taiwan (Hayata, 1908; in TAIF) and that of C. tenuiflora was from Wantan, Taipei County, northern Taiwan (Hayata, 1911; in TI) (Figure 1); but no comparison on the two taxa was provided in Hayata's publications. Due to their high similarities, the taxonomic treatments on C. brevistyla and C. tenuiflora have been controversial for a long time. Most studies accepted them as two independent species (see literature in Table 1), but Ming and Bartholomew (2007)
*Corresponding author: E-mail: chtsou@gate.sinica.edu.tw. |
merged them under the name of C. brevistyla. Several features on distinguishing C. brevistyla from C. tenuiflora were proposed, with leaf morphology and style number as key criteria (Table 1); however, serious problems occur while applying these criteria in the identification in the field. For example, the most dominant Camellia species in Chatienshan Nature Reserve (northern Taiwan) has been identified as C. brevistyla (Su and Wang, 1988; Lu et al., 1998) and C. tenuiflora (Tsoong and Chang, 1954; Hsieh et al., 1987). The same problem exists in the identification of the most dominant Camellia species in Hoping Logging Road in eastern Taiwan (e.g., C. brevistyla, S. Y. Lu 12703, TAIF; C. tenuiflora, M. F. Kao 260, TAIF; C. tenuiflora, J. C. Wang et al. 8620, TNU; Appendix 1).
Camellia brevistyla and C. tenuiflora are widely distributed in Taiwan based on specimens from various herbaria (Figure 1) and form important components in those broadleaved forests (Hsieh et al., 1987; Yang, 1997; Chen, 2005). These two species are also cultivated for oil production and horticultural purposes (Wang and Lin, 1990; Wang et al., 1994; Ming, 2000). Therefore, detailed taxonomic studies are essential not only for the identification of these species in the field, but also for the conservation and management of natural resources (Meiri and Mace, 2007). In this study, the taxonomic clarity of C. brevistyla and C. tenuiflora is addressed and the patterns of morphological variation of C. brevistyla
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and C. tenuiflora throughout their geographic ranges in Taiwan are characterized. Two native sibling species, C. hengchunensis Chang and C. kissi from the section Paracamellia (Ming, 2000; Vijayan et al., 2009) which C. brevistyla and C. tenuiflora belong to, are also compared. Many previous studies show that plants usually exhibit a morphological plasticity in response to environmental
conditions (Thompson, 1991; Ro9as et al., 1997) and that frequently causes taxonomic problems. Since C. brevistyla and C. tenuiflora are widely distributed, a test of the correlation between morphological variation and geographical location of the two taxa is also conducted in this study.
For scoring morphological characters, specimens deposited in the herbaria were examined (Appendix 1). Each collection was designated as an operational taxonomic unit (OTU). Duplicate specimens were treated as the same OTU. Scientific names given on the labels of specimens were tentatively used. A total of 149 specimens were examined, but those without sufficient measureable or label information were excluded from the data analyses. Finally, 74 specimens (OTUs), including 24 specimens of C. brevistyla, six of C. hengchunensis, four of C. kissi and 40 of C. tenuiflora, were included (Appendix 1). The specimens of C. brevistyla and C. tenuiflora represent their distribution range in Taiwan (Figure 1). Although type specimens of C. brevistyla and C. tenuiflora were not included in the study because they did not provide enough measurable traits, specimens from the type locality were used (e.g. C. brevistyla, M. H. Su 679 and 681, TAI; C. tenuiflora, P. F. Lu 7175, TNU; Appendix 1). The small sample sizes of C. hengchunensis and C. kissi were due to their limited distribution and small population sizes in Taiwan (Figure 1).
Characters analysis
Thirty-three characters were chosen on the basis of the variation mentioned in the literature and our own judgement: 12 leaf characters, 16 floral characters and five fruit characters (Tables 2-4). For each specimen, five mature and healthy-looking leaves were scored and averaged. The measurements of floral and fruit characters were averaged from one to three replicates, depending on the condition of the specimen.
Figure 1. Distribution of the populations of Camellia brevistyla and C. tenuiflora in Taiwan. Solid circle, C. brevistyla sampled. Open circle, C. brevistyla not sampled. Solid star, C. tenuiflora sampled. Open star, C. tenuiflora not sampled. Solid triangle, C. kissi. Open triangle, C. hengchunensis. Arrow marked with B, collection site of type specimen of C. brevistyla. Arrow marked with T, collection site of type specimen of C. tenuiflora. Data were sourced from HAST, PPI, TAI, TAIF, TNM, and TNU.
SU et al. ― Taxonomy of Camellia brevistyla and C. tenuiflora
Table 2. Loadings of the 12 leaf characters on the first three axes of non-linear principal component analysis (NLPCA). Eigenvalues, Cronbach's a, percentage and cumulated percentage of variance accounted for are given for each axis.
a = 0.88, Table 2). The second axis was close to the level of reliability of the first (Cronbach's a = 0.64) and explained a further 20.23% of the variance. The ordination plot based on the first two axes showed three distinct groups, designated as Gr1-1, Gr1-2 and Gr1-3 (Figure 2a). Gr1-1 was composed of C. kissi and Gr1-2 of C. hengchunensis, while Gr1-3 was a mixture of C. brevistyla and C. tenuiflora. The leaf characters with high loadings on the first axis were length, width, thickness, serration, midrib pubescence, secondary vein angle, petiole length and petiole pubescence (Table 2), which separated C. hengchunensis (Gr1-2) from the other three taxa. The characters that contributed most to the second axis were leaf length and apex shape (Table 2). Camellia kissi (Gr1-1) can be distinguished easily from the C. brevistyla-C. tenuiflora mixture (Gr1-3) along this axis.
The first three axes of NLPCA using floral characters explained less than half of the total variance (49.62%). The first axis was reliable (Cronbach's a=0.81, Table 3) but accounted for only 26.03% of the variance. The characters with high loadings on the first axis were petal length, petal width, sepal length, sepal width, style length and style pubescence (Table 3). However, variation of those characters was continuous and overlapped among OTUs from
Table 3. Loadings of the 16 floral characters on the first three axes of non-linear principal component analysis (NLPCA). Eigenvalues, Cronbach's a, percentage and cumulated percentage of variance accounted for are given for each axis.
Data analysis
To analyze the phenological features of the specimens, the data were rearranged into three combinations of leaf characters (74 OTUs x 12 characters), floral characters (48 OTUs x 16 characters) and fruit characters (34 OTUs x 5 characters).
To group the OTUs and assess the pattern of morphological variation, nonlinear principal components analysis (NLPCA, de Leeuw, 1982) was performed. To assess the reliability of each component (NLPCA axis), Cronbach's a (Cronbach, 1951) was computed and a value of 0.70 or greater was considered to indicate the reliability (Bland and Altman, 1997). To investigate the relationship between geographic location and morphological variation among specimens of C. brevistyla and C. tenuiflora, an analysis of the Pearson correlation was conducted. Each geographic locality, obtained from the specimen labels, was defined by longitude, latitude and altitude. Total morphological variation was represented by the OTU scores on the first two NLPCA axes. All analyses in this study were performed using SPSS software v11.0 (SPSS Inc.).
The first three NLPCA axes generated in the analysis based on leaf characters accounted for 71.8% of the total variance; the first axis accounted for 42.38% of the total variance and was highly reliable (Cronbach's
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Table 4. Loadings ot the five truit characters on the first three axes of non-linear principal component analysis (NLPCA). Eigenvalues, Cronbach's a, percentage and cumulated percentage of variance accounted for are given for each axis.
C. hengchunensis, C. kissi and the species complex of C. brevistyla and C. tenuiflora. No clear distinction could be found among the previously-recognized groups along the first axis (Figure 2b).
In NLPCA based on fruit characters (Table 4), the first axis accounted for nearly half of the total variance (46.59%) and was the only reliable axis (Cronbach's a =0.71). Three distinct groups, Gr2-1, Gr2-2 and Gr2-3, were recognized in the ordination plot based on the first two axes (Figure 2c). Gr2-1 was composed of C. kissi and Gr2-2 of C. hengchunensis, while Gr2-3 was a mixture of C. brevistyla and C. tenuiflora. Fruit shape, length, width and pedicel length were the most important for determining the scores of OTUs on the first axis, whereas fruit width, pedicel length and pubescence were the most important for determining the second axis (Table 4).
The test of correlations between geographic location and morphological variation among specimens of C. brevistyla and C. tenuiflora (Table 5) revealed that variation of leaf characters was significantly correlated with longitude (the first and second axes of NLPCA) and latitude (the second axis of NLPCA), but not correlated with altitude. Neither the test for floral characters nor that for fruit characters showed any significant correlation.
The phenetic analyses showed that samples of C. brevistyla and C. tenuiflora were mixed in a group in all the ordination plots. The morphological characters traditionally used to distinguish them apart include leaf shape, leaf apex shape, secondary vein prominence, style number and style length (Table 1). However, our analyses based on every single character and all kinds of combinations of multiple characters failed to show any discrete clusters within the C. brevistyla-C. tenuiflora complex.
Figure 2. Ordination plots of the first two axes of NLPCA based on leaf (a), floral (b) and fruit (c) characters. Open circle, Camellia brevistyla. Solid circle, C. tenuiflora. Solid star, C. hengchun-ensis. Solid triangle, C. kissi.
SU et al. ― Taxonomy of Camellia brevistyla and C. tenuiflora
Table 5. Pearson's correlation coefficients between geographic locations and scores of the first two NLPCA axes based on leaf, flower and fruit characters.
LG: longitude; LT: latitude; ALT: altitude. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 (*) or 0.01 (**) level using a 2-tailed test.
According to Keng (1950) and Hsieh et al. (1996), C. brevistyla has a style less than 1.5 mm long, whereas C. tenuiflora has a style longer than 2.5 mm; however, half (20/40) of the specimens examined have a style between 1.5 and 2.5 mm long. The four-styled feature was also used as a diagnostic character for C. brevistyla when the species was firstly described (Hayata, 1908); but in fact, the number of styles of the specimens scored in this study ranged from one to four: 28 out of 40 specimens with three styles, and only one specimen (A. T. Hsieh and M. T. Kao 2, Appendix 1) with four styles. A flower with three styles is a common character of species in section Paracamellia (Sealy, 1958); thus the four-styled state seems to be a rare case and unsuitable for distinguishing C. brevistyla from C. tenuiflora. The taxonomic importance of secondary vein prominence, which was emphasized in some literatures (Yamamoto and Mori, 1934; Liu and Lu, 1967) and adopted by some field investigators, displayed only a low loading in the NLPCA results (Table 2). Leaf shape and leaf apex shape displayed higher loadings on the second NLPCA axis; however, these characters are effective for the identification of C. kissi rather than for resolving the C. brevistyla-C. tenuiflora complex.
The correlation test showed that leaf variation in the C. brevistyla-C. tenuiflora complex is associated with geographic location (Table 5). Many studies have revealed such a relationship, which has been interpreted as a phenotypic response (adaptation) to the environmental gradient (Jonas and Geber, 1999; Santamaria et al., 2003; Herrera, 2005) and claimed to cause taxonomic confusions (Ellison et al., 2004). C. brevistyla was first described based on a specimen from Chiayi County (south-central Taiwan) and C. tenuiflora based on a specimen from Taipei County (near northern tip of Taiwan). Since type specimens of these two species were obtained from two extremes of the geographical range in Taiwan, our analyses suggest that it could be one of the reasons why C. brevistyla and C. tenuiflora have long been treated as two species. However, the patterns of morphological variations were found to be continuous along the geographical gradient. While the variation throughout the range of the complex has been considered, no proper delimitation of C. brevistyla and C. tenuiflora could be made.
Based on leaf and fruit characters, samples of C. hengchunensis and C. kissi were clearly separated from each other in the ordination plots, and both were also clearly distinct from the C. brevistyla-C. tenuiflora
complex. The results suggest that C. hengchunensis and C. kissi should be treated as distinct species, respectively, and thus are not in agreement with the view that C. hengchunensis should be reduced to a synonym of C. brevistyla (Ming and Bartholomew, 2007). Useful characters to identify C. hengchunensis are the glabrous midrib, acute or obtuse leaf apex, thick leaf blades, nearly entire margins, glabrous petioles, and oblong capsules. Camellia kissi can be identified by its caudate leaf apex, longer leaf blades (> 5.5 cm), villose midrib and pyriform capsules, as mentioned by Su et al. (2008).
In conclusion, the present phenetic study does not support the treatment of C. tenuiflora and C. brevistyla as two distinct species. The treatment of C. tenuiflora as a synonym of C. brevistyla as earlier proposed by Ming and Bartholomew (2007) is supported.
Acknowledgments. We thank the directors and crews of HAST, PPI, TAI, TAIF, TNM, and TNU for their helps while we were studying specimens there. Two reviewers are also acknowledged for providing helpful comments. This study was supported by grants NSC99-2321-B-034-001 from the National Science Council.
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SU et al. ― Taxonomy of Camellia brevistyla and C. tenuiflora
Appendix 1. List of voucher specimens used in the phenetic analyses. Counts of specimens collected in the same county are included in parentheses.
蘇夢淮1 謝長富2 王震哲3 鄒稚華4
2台灣大學生態學與演化生物學研究所 3台灣師範大學生命科學系 4中央研究院植物暨微生物學研究所 短柱山茶與細葉山茶是兩個在生態與經濟上都佔有重要地位的原生山茶屬植物,但因爲形態上的近
似度高而經常有難以區分的情況。本硏究旨在使用以形態特徵爲基礎的數値分類方法來探討兩者之間的 關係。我們測量了短柱山茶、細葉山茶、恆春山茶與落瓣油茶的標本,標本來源涵蓋了台灣全島。非線 性主成份分析結果指出,短柱山茶與細葉山茶形成一個無法分割的混合群,顯示兩者的形態變異極大且 有所重疊。對此混合群'進一歩以Pearson相關係數進行分析'發現其形態變異與地理位置呈現顯著相
山茶倂入短柱山茶之分類處理。 |