Botanical Studies (2012) 53: 415-420.
Amorphophallus natolii (Araceae), a new species from limestone on Palawan, Philippines
Wilbert L.A. HETTERSCHEID1*, Andreas WISTUBA2, Victor B. AMOROSO3, Melanie P.
1Von Gimborn Arboretum, Velperengh 13, 3941 BZ Doorn, The Netherlands
2Friedhofweg 4, 88437 Maselheim, Germany 3Central Mindanao University, Musuan, 8710, Bukidnon, Philippines
4College of Science, De La Salle University-Dasmarinas, City of Dasmarinas, Cavite, Philippines
5Biocentre Klein Flottbek & Botanical Garden, Ohnhorststrasse 18, 22609 Hamburg, Germany |
(Received December 5, 2011; Accepted June 28, 2012)
ABSTRACT. Amorphophallus natolii is described and illustrated as a new species from limestone hills near El Nido, Palawan island, Philippines. It differs most distinctly from other species of Amorphophallus with a densely hairy appendix by its much smaller size and dominant reddish pinkish colours of the spathe. A preliminary molecular analysis shows it to be in a basal position to a clade containing a few other species with similar appendices, to which it is also morphologically compared. It is certainly one of the most remarkable new discoveries in a genus containing ca. 200 species.
Keywords: Araceae; Amorphophallus natolii; Limestone flora; New species; Philippines; Palawan.
Other Amorphophallus species found on Palawan are A. declinatus Hett. (Taytay Bay: Hetterscheid, 1994), A. pala-wanensis Bogn. & Hett. (Underground River: Bogner and Hetterscheid, 1992) and A. salmoneus Hett. (Lagen Island: Hetterscheid, 1994), all are endemic.
Mr. Basil Natoli and his family roaming the area of the town of El Nido on the island of Palawan, Philippines, found a remarkable flowering Amorphophallus species occurring in very small humus pockets on a high limestone cliff above the town. The area lies on the west coast of Palwan and the town of El Nido which is bordered by a series of very steep limestone cliffs on top of which vegetation is found to grow in humus-rich deep cracks and shallow pockets. From photographs sent to three of the authors the Amorphophallus was recognized as a species new to science. Dried material collected by Andreas Wistuba was prepared for the CMUH herbarium (see below). Leaf parts were molecularly analysed by Cyrille Claudel, and compared to existing molecular information of Amorphophallus. From this a preliminary phylogenetic placement was made. The phylogeny of the Amorphophal-lus clade containing all species with hairs on the appendix was re-analysed based on RbcL and MatK in order to get a preliminary assessment of the homoplasy of this character. A key to the Amorphophallus species with hairs on the appendix is provided. The species description is based on the holotype specimen only. Additional statements on dimensions between brackets and in the discussion result from specimens seen on pictures only.
Amorphophallus natolii Hett., A.Wistuba, V.B.Amoroso, M. Medecilo & C.Claudel, spec. nov.—TYPE: PHILIPPINES. Palawan, above El Nido town, on limestone cliffs overlooking the town, in small pockets or deep cracks with organic detritus (humus), alt. 175450 m, 14 Dec 2010, V.B. Amoroso s.n. (holotype: Central Mindanao University Herbarium, nr. CMUH 00007678). Plate 1a-d.
Diagnosis: The new species differs from other species with densely hairy appendices (A. hirtus, A. longicomus and A. pilosus) by its pinkish spathe colour (variously greenish to purplish in the other species; it differs from A. hirtus and A. longicomus by the absence of a distinct constriction of the spathe between base and limb. From A. pilosus it differs in lacking hairlike staminodes in the female zone of the spadix and in having a subglobose tuber instead of a vertically elongate one. From A. longicomus it differs additionally in having a short style.
*Corresponding author: E-mail: hetter@xs4all.nl; +31318418187.
Description: Seasonally dormant tuberous geophyte. Tuber depressed globose, 3-8 cm in diam., 2.5-6 cm high, dark or mid brown, producing a few globose offsets, these loosely attached to the main tuber. Cataphylls uniformly
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Plate 1. 1a: Amorphophallus natolii: habit of spathe and spadix; 1b: Amorphophallus natolii: spathe and lower part of spadix in detail; 1c: Amorphophallus natolii: lower part of spadix, showing female (below) and male zone (above), the latter with a few hairlike stamin-odes; 1d: Amorphophallus natolii: female zone (detail) showing shape of the pistils. All photographs by Andreas Wistuba.
HETTERSCHEID et al. ― Amorphophallus natolii, a new species from limestone on Philippines
rich pinkish brown. Leaf solitary; petiole 25-50 cm long, 1.3-2 cm in diam., smooth, entirely rich deep red, or green with an initial pinkish-purplish hue, the latter later turning all green, the lower part with tiny whitish or greenish speckles; lamina ca 70 cm wide, rhachises narrowly winged distal from the lowermost branchings; leaflets lan國 ceolate, 4.5-15 cm long, 1.3-3.6 cm wide, narrowly acute-acuminate, upper surface dark green, lower surface pale green. Inflorescence solitary, developing shortly (but slowly) directly after leaf senescence; peduncle 8-30 cm long, ca. 8 mm in diam., pinkish red, grading upwards to dark olive green, or uniformly olive green; spathe elongate-triangular, 11-16 cm long, 3-10 cm wide, base convolute, base and limb not separated by a constriction, limb erect, base outside dark olive green or dark pinkish red, upwards grading to dark pinkish red or pale pink sometimes with a few whitish, orbicular spots, inside pinkish red with either a few, scattered, shallow warts or more densely set, thicker warts, limb erect, outside pale green or pale pink, to the sides flushed with reddish pink, with or without dark veins, inside white with ot without a pale greenish flush, slightly transparent, margin straight or slightly sinuous, slightly flushed pale pink, top acute. Spadix sessile, longer than spathe, 18-25 cm long; female zone cylindric, ca 1.6 cm long, 1.7 cm in diam., pistils adjacent, not congested; male zone cylindric or slightly obconical, ca 2.8 cm long, 1 cm in diam., stamens congested, with occasional hairlike staminodes in between; appendix elongate, thin, conical, 13.6-18.5 cm long, 0.9-1 cm in diam. at the base (excl. staminodes), gradually tapering to the acute tip, surface densely set with long, thin hair-like staminodes with swollen bases. Ovary depressed, orbicular in outline, 2 mm in diam., 1.3 mm high, bright pale green, unilocular, with an incomplete wall between the locules, ovules 1 or 2; style thick, 0.8-0.9 mm long, 1 mm in diam., bright pale green, bifurcating; stigma deeply or shallowly bi(-tri)lobed, elliptical or suborbicular in outline, 1 mm in diam., 0.3 mm thick, lobes hemispheric or conical, erect or diverging, sometimes of unequal length, minutely verruculate, whitish. Male flowers consisting of 3-4 stamens; stamens ca 1.5 mm long, filaments ca 0.9 mm long, fused, white; anthers ca 0.5 mm long, subrectangular in outline, 0.8-1.2 mm in diam., whitish, pinkish around the pores, connective broad, pores slit-like. Upper male flowers deformed and showing all transitional forms to the staminodes present on the appendix. Staminodes on appendix hair-like, 0.3-1.3 cm long, thin, perpedicular to the spadix axis, white, base swollen but less so in upper staminodes, to absent, elliptical in outline, verruculose, dirty pinkish or cream. Fruiting part elongate (seen only on pictures), berries crowded; berries orange red, top truncated, stigma persistent.
in Amorphophallus. Several species in Thailand, Vietnam and Laos, and on the island of Borneo, occur in similar conditions.
Taxonomic notes. Only three species of Amorphophal-lus are known to possess an erect, densely hairy, narrowly elongate conical appendix. These are A. hirtus N.E. Br. (Taiwan), A. longicomus Hett. & M.Serebryanyi (Vietnam), and A. pilosus Hett. (Vietnam). These three species carry the spathe and spadix on a very long peduncle, far outreaching the length of the spathe. In A. natolii, the peduncle may be shorter or equalling the spathe but may also be considerably longer (observations based on pictures only). Of these four species one (A. pilosus) has a massive, vertically elongate tuber, whereas A. longicomus, A. hirtus and A. natolii have a depressed globose tuber. In A. hirtus and A. pilosus, the style is short and this is shared with A. natolii, whereas A. longicomus has very long, slender styles. The colour of the adaxial surface of the spathe in A. natolii is near-unique in the entire genus, being a soft reddish pink to whitish pink. This colour is matched only by the abaxial surface of the spathe of A. bulbifer Roxb. (India), A. muelleri Bl. (N. India through Burma, Sumatra, Java to Timor), and A. xiei H. Li & Z.L. Dao (S. China), which are a phylogenetically closely-knit group of triploid species not closely related to any of the species discussed here, and A. cicatricifer Hett. (Thailand). The last species found in a similar basal position to the same clade as is A. natolii (see below). Both A. hirtus and A. longicomus share a strong constriction in the spathe between base and limb; this is lacking in both A. natolii and A. pilosus.
The molecular phylogeny of Amorphophallus is currently being reconstructed by Wilbert Hetterscheid and Cyrille Claudel (Claudel and Hetterscheid, in prep.). It was decided to insert a preliminary molecular phyloge-netic analysis using PAUP (Swofford, 2003), executed by Cyrille Claudel, to get some grip on the phylogenetic position of A. natolii, because of its hairy appendix, an otherwise quite rare character in Amorphophallus. Other species with hairs on the appendix, either densely or shal-lowly, or occasionally occurring in a species or consistently, are A. aberrans Hett., A. cirrifer Stapf, A. cruddasianus Prain ex Engl. , A. henryi N.E. Br., A. hirtus, A. kiusianus (Makino) Makino, A. lanuginosus Hett., A. laoticus Hett., A. longicomus, A. macrorhizus Craib, A. napiger Gagn. and A. pilosus. In a recent molecular analysis (Sedayu et al., 2010) some of these species (A. cirrifer, A. henryi, A. hirtus, A. lanuginosus and A. laoticus) were included and all turned out to be part of one clade called the Continental Asia I - clade.
Etymology. The species is named after Mr. Basil Natoli and his family, the original discoverers of the species.
The PAUP analysis was based on two markers (rbcL and matK) with available data of about 120 Amorphophal-lus species incl. all species mentioned above. The partial consensus tree shown here is pre-published from a paper in preparation (Claudel et al., in prep.) and is only meant
Ecology and distribution. Amorphophallus natolii is only known from the type locality. It grows in exposed conditions in small, exposed humus pockets or in deep cracks on a limestone hill. This is not a unique situation
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to illustrate the phylogenetic relationship of the species described here in relation to other species with hairlike sta-minodes on the appendix. Therefore only the Continental Asia-I clade is shown as this is the only clade containing species with hair-like staminodes on the appendix. The complete protocol and analysis of the entire genus will be published soon. The dataset of this analysis contained 3015 characters, of which 1491 characters were constant, 414 variable characters were parsimony-uninformative and 1110 were parsimony-informative. The settings used were as follows: gaps treated as "missing"; starting tree(s) obtained via stepwise addition; TBR; branches collapsed (creating polytomies) if maximum branch length is zero; trees unrooted.
The analysis reveals all species mentioned above with hairs on the appendix to belong to an expanded Continental Asia-I clade (relative to Sedayu et al., 2010) but A. natolii to be almost basal to it, A. hirtus being the actual basal species (see Figure 1). This preliminary result would indicate that the densely hairy appendix is a basal character of the Continental Asia-I clade whereas the species with a less densely hairy appendix and those with occasionally occurring hairs on the appendix, are in a more derived position. No further conclusions are made here as to the functionality of the staminodes. This will await a more robust analysis including more morphological characters optimized on the phylogeny of the entire genus.
Detailed observations by the first author clearly indicate the hairs to be derived from functional anthers and that they are to be regarded as staminodes. The appendix of Amorphophallus (and probably nearly all Araceae) is of staminal origin (the latter therefore being a huge syns-taminodium), and thus this is not a surprising observation. The allusion created by the hairs to mammal skin may be part of a pollinator deceit syndrome, well-known to other Amorphophallus species (Hetterscheid, in prep.) and the Mediterranean Helicodiceros muscivorus (L. f.) Engl. (Kite, 2000; Seymour et al., 2003; Angioy et al., 2004) Then again, it may also be a mechanism to keep pollinators from succesfully climbing out of the spathe via the spadix during female anthesis, in order to secure maximum pollination chances. The scent during female flowering is reminiscent of freshly cut wood (W. Suarez, Philippines, pers. comm., verified by Claudel). This is a new type of scent reported for the genus (Kite and Hetterscheid, 1997; Kite et al., 1998) and does not seem to support a cadaver-imitation syndrome.
Figure 1. The Continental Asia-I clade of Amorphophallus, showing in colour all species with hairs on the appendix. Solid arrows: the species with the appendix densely covered with staminodes. open arrow: the one species with always loosely set staminodes on the appendix (A. cirrifer). dotted branches: the species with occasionally staminodes on the appendix.
Hairlike staminodes developing on the appendix is known to occur in 13 species of Amorphophallus, incl. A. natolii. In 8 of these (A. aberrans, A. cruddasianus, A. henryi, A. kiusianus, A. lanuginosus, A. laoticus, A. macrorhizus and A. napiger) the staminodes are not always present or even rare. The key only works for specimens with staminodes and is based on inflorescences only.
1a: appendix densely set with hair-like staminodes.
HETTERSCHEID et al. ― Amorphophallus natolii, a new species from limestone on Philippines
2a: style short (ca. 1 mm long).
3a: spathe outside green with whitish spots, limb inside purple with white or pale purple spots, appendix and hairs dark brown, spathe constricted between base and limb, fruits blue. (Taiwan, endemic) .......................... A. hirtus
3b: spathe outside base uniformly pinkish red, limb uniformly whitish or with a pinkish hue, appendix off white, hair-like staminodes white, spathe not constricted, fruits red. (Philippines, Palwan, endemic) ...............A. natolii
2b: style distinct (2-4 mm long).
4a: female zone with numerous hair-like staminodes, tuber elongate. (Vietnam, endemic)......................... A. pilosus
4b: female zone without hair-like staminodes or a few at the top, tuber depressed globose. (Vietnam, endemic)......
.......................................................................................................................................................... A. longicomus
1b: appendix with scattered hair-like staminodes, or only a few near the base.
5a: male zone with a very dense clothing of hair-like staminodes. (C. Vietnam, endemic) ....................... A. lanuginosus
5b: male zone without hair-like staminodes or only few.
6a: style distinct, long (2-4 mm long).
7a: peduncle longer than spathe, spathe limb held erect, pressed against the appendix, appendix far outreaching the spathe, fruits yellowish or white, tuber vertically elongate, narrow. (Lao, endemic) ................. A. laoticus
7b: peduncle shorter than spathe, spathe limb held horizontal, fruits blue, tuber subglobose. (Taiwan, endemic) ............................................................................................................................................................. A. henryi
6b: style indistinct or short (0-1 mm long).
8a: spathe limb inside purple with white or pale purple spots, held oblique or horizontal.
9a: peduncle longer than spathe, appendix erect, female zone without hair-like staminodes. (Taiwan, eastern China & south Japan) ............................................................................................................... A. kiusianus
9b: peduncle shorter than spathe, appendix usually strongly horizontal, top often pointing upwards, surface always with scattered hairlike staminodes, female zone with numerous hair-like staminodes. (C. Thailand, endemic) .............................................................................................................................. A. cirrifer
8b: spathe limb inside uniformly purple or pale green, erect, tuber vertically elongate.
10a: female zone with numerous hairlike staminodes with bulbous bases. (C. and N. Thailand, endemic) ....
.................................................................................................................................................. A. aberrans
10b: female zone without staminodes.
11a: pistils crowded, outline prismatic, stigma shallowly or deeply lobed, spathe limb inside always pale green, tuber thick, not or rarely with a few branches.
12a: appendix base narrower than male zone. (N. Thailand, endemic) .................... A. macrorhizus
12b: appendix base as thick as or thicker than male zone. (N. Thailand, Burma) ... A. cruddasianus
11b: pistils more or less widely spaced, outline oval or suborbocular, stigma entire, spathe limb inside uniformly purple (rarely) or pale green, tuber very narrow, often branching. (Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam) ............................................................................................................................ A. napiger
Kite, G.C. and W.L.A. Hetterscheid. 1997. Inflorescence odours of Amorphophallus and Pseudodracontium (Araceae). Phy-tochemistry 46(1): 71-75.
Kite, G.C., W.L.A. Hetterscheid, M.J. Lewis, P.C. Boyce, J. Ollerton, E. Cocklin, A. Diaz, and M.J. Simmonds. 1998.
Inflorescence odours and pollinators of Arum and Amor-phophallus (Araceae). In S.J. Owens and P.J. Rudall (eds.), Reproductive Biology. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, pp.
Sedayu, A., M.C.M. Eurlings, B. Gravendeel, and W.L.A. Het-terscheid. 2010. Morphological character evolution of Amorphophallus (Araceae) based on a combined phylo-genetic analysis of trnL, rbcL and LEAFY second intron
sequences. Bot. Stud. 51: 473-490.
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Hetterscheid, W.L.A. 1994. Notes on the genus Amorphophallus (Araceae) - 2. New species from tropical Asia. Blumea 39:
Kite, G.C. 2000. Inflorescence odour of the foul-smelling Aroid Helicodiceros muscivorus. Kew Bull. 55: 237-240.
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Seymour, R.S., M. Gibernau, and K. Ito. 2003. Thermogenesis and respiration of inflorescences of the dead horse arum Helicodiceros muscivorus, a pseudothermoregulatory aroid associated with fly pollination. Funct. Ecol. 17: 886-894.
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菲律賓巴拉望島石灰岩天南星科新種魔芋:Amorphophallus natolii
Wilbert L.A. HETTERSCHEID1*, Andreas WISTUBA2, Victor B. AMOROSO3, Melanie P. MEDECILO4, and Cyrille CLAUDEL5
1Von Gimborn Arboretum, Velperengh 13 3941 BZ Doorn, The Netherlands
2Friedhofweg 4, 88437 Maselheim, Germany
3Central Mindanao University, Musuan, 8710 Bukidnon, Philippines
4College of Science, De La Salle University-Dasmarinas City of Dasmarinas, Cavite, Philippines
5Biocentre Klein Flottbek & Botanical Garden Ohnhorststrasse 18, 22609 Hamburg, Germany
本文報導菲律賓巴拉望島El Nido附近石灰岩山丘發現之新種魔芋一 Amorphophallus natolii '並加
於形狀甚小,且佛焰苞明顯為紅-粉紅色。初步的分子分析顯示此新種位於與數種其它具有類似的附屬 器同一支系的基部位置;本文對這些物種亦進行形態比較。可以說此新種為具有大約200種植物的魔芋 屬最重大發現之一。 |
關鍵詞:天南星科;Amorphophallus natolii ;新種;菲律賓;巴拉望島;石灰岩植物。